13 Ways You're Ruining Egg Salad - Tasting Table (2024)


13 Ways You're Ruining Egg Salad - Tasting Table (1)

Irina Taskova/Getty Images

ByLei Shishak/

Egg salad, in its most basic form, consists of cooked eggs, mayonnaise, and seasonings. Made with basic pantry staples, it's a savory, protein-packed dish that can be served any time of the year. Egg salad can be customized in various ways by using seasonings and add-ins — like fresh herbs and vegetables — to create different textures, flavors, and colors. It's an economical dish for which every home cook likely has a back-pocket recipe. And yet, the results of this simple dish can often turn out mediocre at best, leading to a runny, gloppy, tasteless mush.

There are many points in the egg salad-making process where things can take a wrong turn. Boiling the eggs can be tricky and messy, even for veteran cooks. Finding the right balance of seasonings can be an impossible feat. And the consistency of the salad can turn from thick to thin in a matter of seconds. But once you know what to avoid, you'll become the egg salad pro your friends turn to when craving this classic year-round dish. Read on to see how you may be ruining egg salad so you can steer clear of these pitfalls next time.

1. Using small eggs

13 Ways You're Ruining Egg Salad - Tasting Table (2)

Alex Desanshe/Shutterstock

Fun fact: The size of an egg yolk barely varies by egg size. This means, for the most part, that the size difference between small and large eggs is in the whites. But, you may be thinking, so what? Well, when it comes to egg salad, it makes a big difference whether you use small or large eggs.

Make large eggs your preferred egg size when making your next batch of egg salad because the higher proportion of whites to yolks will make for a better texture. If you use small eggs when making egg salad, the whites will get lost in the yolky dressing. As a result, your dish will lack the proper amount of bite, leaving you wondering whether it can be called egg salad at all.

Also, remember that most published egg salad recipes are developed with large eggs, so using a different size egg without adjusting the recipe may affect the dish's texture, flavor, and consistency.

2. Overcooking or undercooking the eggs

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Liudmila Chernetska/Getty Images

The first step when making egg salad is cooking the eggs. For many, this important step can be the most daunting part, because if the eggs aren't cooked to that perfect hard-boiled stage, you can be left with runny whites or dry, crumbly yolks — and neither makes for good egg salad.

The absolute best way to boil eggs involves a few key steps. First, start with tempered eggs that have lost some of their chill; this reduces the chance of shells cracking when they come into contact with boiling water. Next, carefully lower the eggs into a pot of boiling water and allow them to boil for a full 10 minutes. If the eggs are banging into each other (or the pot), you can reduce the heat slightly, but make sure the water remains at a boil. Then, immediately shock the eggs in ice water for at least five minutes before peeling.

Tried boiling eggs and are still unsatisfied with the results? Use an Instant Pot. This nifty kitchen appliance will help you make egg salad quicker than ever. This popular electric pressure cooker is one of the best ways to prepare hard-boiled eggs. Simply crack eggs into a greased cake pan and set the Instant Pot to pressure cook. The result is a hard-cooked egg loaf — sans shells — perfect for chopping up for egg salad. Pro tip: Line the cake pan with parchment to make removing the egg loaf even easier.

3. Not peeling the eggs properly

We've all been there — standing in our kitchens trying to peel boiled eggs that won't relent. Ultimately, we're left with sad-looking eggs pocked with craters, some with pieces of shell hanging on for dear life. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to make the peeling process easy, like Sunday morning.

We first suggest adding a splash of vinegar to the boiling water when cooking the eggs. The acid in vinegar dissolves some of the calcium carbonate found in the eggs' shells, softening them so they're easier to peel away. Our second suggestion is to use older eggs when making hard-boiled eggs. As eggs age, they contract, creating an air pocket away from the membrane, allowing the shells to come off cleaner and easier after cooking. Lastly, do not skip the ice bath. Shocking hard-boiled eggs in ice water immediately after cooking them will make the egg-peeling process less challenging. To remove the shells, remove a boiled egg from the ice bath and roll it on a hard surface to form cracks in the shell, then transfer it back to the ice bath and peel it under the water.

These are steps worth taking to make peeling eggs a breeze, so your egg salad can look and taste amazing. After all, there's nothing more alarming than chomping down on a sharp piece of shell while eating egg salad.

4. Using Miracle Whip

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Billy F Blume Jr/Shutterstock

Newsflash: Miracle Whip is not mayonnaise, and using it in egg salad will affect flavor and texture. While it contains ingredients similar to mayonnaise (like egg, oil, and vinegar), Miracle Whip does not meet the United States Department of Agriculture requirement of at least 65% vegetable oil by weight. Hence, Miracle Whip is labeled as "dressing" instead of "mayonnaise."

You should think twice about using Miracle Whip in egg salad. Some people prefer Miracle Whip's sweeter, spicier taste compared to mayonnaise, and that's just fine. But if you're using it because it has lower calories and fat content than mayonnaise, remember that Miracle Whip is sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, considered a primary cause of obesity in America. Also, since it doesn't have as much fat (and thick consistency) as mayonnaise, Miracle Whip will likely separate and break down over time, resulting in a soggy egg salad. And no one wants that.

There are other mayonnaise alternatives that work well in egg salad. Depending on your tastes, you can choose to make a full or partial substitution. Our favorites include Greek yogurt, sour cream, and cashew mayo.

5. Using too much mayonnaise

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New Africa/Shutterstock

Mayonnaise adds a wonderful richness, creaminess, and mild flavor to egg salad. But be careful not to overdo it on the mayonnaise when making egg salad, or the dish's flavor and texture will be off.

Deploying globs of mayonnaise into your egg salad can be profoundly unpleasant, as it will coat each piece of egg in a fatty, oily paste. Plus, the slightly sour, tangy, salty taste of mayonnaise will overpower the wonderful, savory flavor of the hard-boiled eggs that you've taken great care to prepare. To prevent a mayonnaise deluge from happening, we suggest making the dressing separately and then adding it to the eggs (and any add-ins) a little at a time.

If damage has already been done and you've managed to be too heavy-handed with the mayonnaise, all you need are some finely ground bread crumbs (i.e., not Panko). Sprinkle a small amount of the bread crumbs over your egg salad and fold them in to soak up some of the extra dressing.

6. Not seasoning properly

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Iryna Pohrebna/Shutterstock

Spices can elevate a dull, bland egg salad to extraordinary, andmany seasonings can be used to spice up egg salad. Let's start with an obvious one: salt. It's an essential seasoning in cooking, especially for egg-based dishes, as salt intensifies an egg's rich, savory flavor. While you're at it, sprinkle in some freshly ground black pepper for a pop of fruitiness and spice.

Perhaps you want a more complex flavor?Add Dijon mustard to your egg salad. This pungent condiment adds sweet, slightly sour acidity that compliments eggs well. For a hint of mustard flavor, use a tablespoon of Dijon for every eight eggs. If you are a Dijon fanatic, you could replace a significant amount of mayonnaise with it, making your egg salad a bit lighter and better for you.

If you're a fan of heat, try adding smoked paprika, curry powder, cayenne pepper, or hot sauce. There's no reason for egg salad to be drab. By adding simple pantry spices and condiments to egg salad, you can create a dish that will knock your socks off.

7. Rough-chopping the eggs

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Sergey Hramov/Shutterstock

When cutting eggs for egg salad, don't default to rough chopping. If you do, you'll get a mix of everything from large chunks of egg to tiny bits of mush. The big chunks are difficult to eat, and the tiny pieces blend in with the dressing, making them indistinguishable. Instead, aim for a cut that's a happy medium — not too big, not too small, just right.

There are several ways to properly chop hard-boiled eggs for egg salad. Some people swear by a potato masher to make egg salad easier. With its larger surface, a potato masher — especially one with a waffle design — is incredibly efficient and produces more uniform cuts. You can also use a chef's knife to dice the eggs into even, bite-sized pieces. We recommend dicing the eggs into ½-inch cubes (medium dice). Do not mince the eggs; you want them to be discernible from the dressing so their texture can be appreciated. If your knife skills aren't stellar, you can use a nifty egg slicer, but don't run an egg through it more than two times. Egg salad is so much more enjoyable to eat when the pieces of egg have a little heft.

8. Using too many add-ins

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Canan Asik/Shutterstock

We know how easy it is to overdo it when it comes to egg salad add-ins. After all, egg salad is a dish that screams for additions. Ingredients like chopped celery, bacon bits, and fresh herbs can add fantastic texture, flavor, and color to egg salad. But don't make the rookie mistake of tossing in too many extra ingredients.

The problem with using too many add-ins is that the eggs can get lost in the mix of other ingredients, turning what was once egg salad into just a salad. So, we recommend adding no more than one or two add-ins. One of our favorite add-ins to elevate egg salad is chopped onion. With its sharp aroma and crisp bite, onion adds delicious flavor. Just be aware that as onions ripen, they release liquid that can thin out your egg salad.

Pro tip: Chop your add-ins into small pieces so they don't distract from the eggs. For example, if you're using medium-dice eggs, use small-diced add-ins.

9. Excluding crunchy add-ins

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Mizina/Getty Images

There's nothing more boring than a one-dimensional egg salad made with only soft ingredients. Don't get us wrong, boiled eggs and mayonnaise are a delicious pair, but a truly satisfying egg salad has to have a crisp component that balances the softness of the dish. Chopping up crunchy add-ins for your egg salad may keep you in the kitchen longer than you care to be, but it's a step worth taking so your dish isn't a uniform consistency.

A crunchy element will add variation to your egg salad's mouthfeel, making it much more interesting and pleasant to eat. Our favorite crunchy additions include diced radish, chopped celery, diced dill pickles, pumpkin seeds, toasted pecans, and crumbled bacon. For optimal results, chop your add-ins into small-dice pieces so they don't overshadow the eggs. When you add one or two different crunchy elements to your egg salad, it will transform into a delightful, memorable dish you'll eat over and over again.

10. Not mashing the yolks with mayonnaise

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Fordeno/Getty Images

The secret to ultra-creamy egg salad is mashing some (or all) of the cooked yolks with the mayonnaise. It's worth doing because it adds richness and flavor to the dressing and a vibrant yellow color to your egg salad. The steps involve separating some of the cooked yolks from the whites, mashing the yolks with a fork to a powder-like consistency, and stirring in the mayonnaise until the dressing is smooth. Then add the chopped whites, seasonings, and any add-ins.

Another benefit of incorporating egg yolks into the mayonnaise is that the protein found in the yolks helps add structure and stabilize the dressing. In cooking, egg yolks are used to add body to both hot and cold sauces. The idea is the same here, and as a bonus, the eggs are already cooked to be safe to eat, so there's no need to reheat them. Incorporating some yolks into the mayonnaise dressing makes your egg salad incredibly rich, creamy, and so, so good.

11. Using dried herbs instead of fresh

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Dried herbs and fresh herbs are not created equal. Dried herbs have deeper, concentrated flavors than their fresh counterparts, and their astringent notes and rough texture can be unappetizing when used in egg salad. Dried bits of herbs floating in egg salad are not appealing to look at — or eat.

Opt for fresh herbs to make the best-tasting egg salad. Fresh herbs have mild flavors that complement the savory flavor of eggs and mayonnaise — and bright, vivid colors that are incredibly appealing. Just be sure your fresh herbs are dried well with a paper towel before using. You don't want to add any extra liquid that could make your egg salad watery. Wondering what kinds of fresh herbs go well? Chopped fresh dill, thyme, and parsley are popular choices. Or experiment using a mix of fresh herbs — we love the combination of tarragon, chives, and dill.

Sometimes substituting dried herbs for fresh herbs in your egg salad may be your only option. If this is the case, use one teaspoon of dried herbs for every tablespoon of fresh herbs. Pro tip: Rub the dried herbs between your fingers to release the oils and crush them into smaller pieces before adding them to your egg salad.

12. Serving it warm

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Stephaniefrey/Getty Images

With just a handful of ingredients and a short amount of time, you can whip up egg salad that's great in sandwiches or over a green salad. But if you don't plan ahead, all the effort you expend in making that yummy egg salad will go to waste if you serve it immediately. Why? A truly delicious, creamy egg salad must be chilled in the refrigerator and served cold for the ultimate melding of flavors and creamy consistency.

Despite what you may want to believe, if you hurriedly make a bowl of egg salad and stick it in the refrigerator, it will take quite a while to chill thoroughly. So here's a better idea: Cook the eggs a few hours ahead, then place them in the refrigerator after fully chilling them in the ice bath. Or, even better, cook the eggs the day before and refrigerate them overnight. This way, all your ingredients will already be cold, and you can serve the egg salad right after it is made.

13. Not serving it fresh

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Irina Taskova/Getty Images

Freshly made egg salad has a bright flavor, clean notes, and a savory aroma. Even so, it can sometimes be hard to tell when egg salad has passed its prime. But knowing what to look for is important because eating rotten eggs can lead to foodborne illnesses.

Leftover egg salad should be stored in an airtight container and will stay good in the refrigerator for three to four days. If serving buffet-style or at a picnic, keep the egg salad over ice, ideally checking that the dish maintains a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Generally, egg-based dishes should not be left out at room temperature for more than two hours — even less if it's a warm environment.

Our best advice? Use your senses. Start with the sniff test. If your egg salad has a sour smell or unpleasant aroma, that's a serious cause for concern. But remember that eggs naturally have a sulphuric scent, so you may still need to figure out if your egg salad is awash. So, look closely at the salad's appearance, inspecting for discoloration or mold growth. When it comes to spoiled food, we don't like to take any chances, so we usually err on the cautious side and toss it if there's any doubt.

13 Ways You're Ruining Egg Salad - Tasting Table (2024)


Why does my egg salad taste bad? ›

If your egg salad looks good but has a sour or bitter taste, it's best to throw it away. In some cases, you might notice small bubbles or fizzing when stirring the salad. These are telltale signs of microbial growth. Refrain from tasting the salad, and discard it immediately.

How to keep egg salad sandwiches from getting soggy? ›

To keep the texture of your egg salad sandwich intact, place two large (and dry) pieces of lettuce between the filling and the bread. The leaves will create a barrier that will keep your bread from soaking up the moisture of your egg salad filling, ensuring a dry and appetizing texture for longer periods of time.

Why does egg salad get runny? ›

What Makes Egg Salad Watery? Every ingredient that goes into egg salad has water in it. Salt and sugar in the dressing draw the water out of the ingredients as they sit, and they make your egg salad watery regardless of whether it's in the fridge or in a sandwich.

How does egg salad go bad? ›

If left longer, it can develop dark spots and mold. You might also see little bubbles or fizzing when stirring the salad; these are also surefire indicators of microbial growth. If your egg salad looks fine but tastes sour or bitter, you should also throw it away.

Why does my egg have a weird taste? ›

'Fishy' or other undesirable flavours may be produced by feeding: excessive amounts of low-grade fish meals or fish oils. some vegetables including onions, turnips and excessive amounts of cabbage. rapeseed.

What is the maximum cold holding for egg salad sandwiches? ›

The maximum cold-holding temperature for sliced egg salad sandwiches is 41°F (5°C). Egg salad is a very high-risk product. It contains eggs, mayonnaise, and some vegetables, making it very likely to be contaminated if unattended. Ideally, egg sandwiches must be consumed within three to five days of refrigeration.

What to eat with egg salad instead of bread? ›

Lettuce Wraps – This is how I serve my egg salad most often, pictured above! Just scoop the salad into some romaine or butter (bibb) lettuce leaves. They can be a little messy to eat, but not too bad if your leaves are large enough.

What do you put in eggs when you boil them to make them easier to peel? ›

According to our friends at Delish, adding a teaspoon of baking soda to your boiling pot of water will help the shell peel off seamlessly. Why? The alkaline in the baking soda will help your egg whites loosen up from the shell, making it easier to peel.

How long do you boil eggs? ›

A soft boiled egg is boiled for a shorter amount of time, typically 4-6 minutes, so that the yolk remains runny while the white is only partially set. A hard boiled egg is boiled for a longer amount of time, typically 10-12 minutes, so that both the yolk and white are fully cooked and solid.

How do you cut salt in egg salad? ›

eHow's rule of thumb is, "If your egg salad is twice as salty as you would like, the volume of the eggs you are cooking should be equal to the volume of your salty egg salad." If you don't mind a slightly lemony flavor, you could also add some extra lemon juice to balance out the saltiness, like this All Recipes salad ...

Why did my egg salad turn gray? ›

So, what's up with that icky discoloration? It turns out that hard boiled eggs can take on that greenish gray color around the outside of the yolk because of a chemical reaction between the iron in the yolk and sulfur, which is present in the white.

How to keep egg salad from getting watery overnight? ›

To prevent that, don't add the mayo until right before you serve it. Or you can add a very small amount of mashed potato to keep the texture thick and creamy. There are also things sometimes added to egg salad that might drain that are high in water content like tomato or cucumber.

Why is my egg salad so bland? ›

The simple reason may be that it's not seasoned enough. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste.

Why do my homemade salads taste bad? ›

The greens should be as dry as possible in order for the dressing or vinaigrette to adhere to them properly for even seasoning. Also, be sure to keep your ingredients in the fridge until you're ready to add them to the salad. Tepid or warm ingredients are the enemy of most good salads—the refreshing and crisp ones!

Why does my salad taste so bitter? ›

Too little water can also cause bitter lettuce. Those large, flat leaves need a large amount of water to remain full and sweet. Brown leaf edges are a sure sign that your lettuce is thirsty either from lack of water or root damage from close cultivation. Water regularly and well.

How to take saltiness out of egg salad? ›

eHow's rule of thumb is, "If your egg salad is twice as salty as you would like, the volume of the eggs you are cooking should be equal to the volume of your salty egg salad." If you don't mind a slightly lemony flavor, you could also add some extra lemon juice to balance out the saltiness, like this All Recipes salad ...

Can you taste when an egg is bad? ›

Probably not, but it probably won't taste very good, either. The real danger lies in the salmonella bacteria, which is not perceptible by taste, smell, or appearance. Here's the bad news: Salmonella is only detectable under a microscope, so the average person has no way to know if their egg is infected.

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