9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (2024)

Protein is a macronutrient your body needs to build muscle, fight infections, produce hormones, and perform many more critical processes. Protein needs vary depending on factors like age, weight, and activity levels, but most active people probably need between 0.54-0.9 grams of protein per pound (1.2-2 grams per kilogram) per day to maintain muscle mass and support optimal health.

Certain foods, such as beans, chicken, eggs, and Greek yogurt, are packed with protein, while others, like fruits, are low in this essential nutrient. The protein content of fruit rarely climbs above 1% of total weight, but some fruits are higher in protein than others.

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (1)

Guava is a sweet and tangy-tasting tropical fruit packed with nutrients like vitamin C and fiber. It has one of the highest protein contents of all fruits, providing 4.21 grams (g) of protein per cup.

The same serving packs 376 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, which covers over 400% of your daily needs for this nutrient. Vitamin C is required for immune function and collagen synthesis and acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body, protecting against cellular damage that may otherwise lead to disease.

Try slicing fresh guava on yogurt or pairing guava with nuts for a protein-packed snack.

2. Avocado

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (2)

Unlike most fruits, avocados aren't sweet and are usually enjoyed in savory recipes. Another quality that sets avocados apart from other fruits is their higher protein content. One 201-gram avocado contains 4.01 grams of protein, making it one of the highest-protein fruits you can eat.

Avocados are also rich in fiber, vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium, and folate, making them an all-around nutritious choice.

Top salads, soups, and grain dishes with sliced or diced avocado for a boost of fiber and protein, or add mashed avocado to high-protein sandwiches for a nutritious alternative to traditional spreads like mayo and mustard.

Jackfruit are the largest edible fruits in the world, with some growing up to 110 pounds in weight.

These unique fruits are high in several nutrients, such as B vitamins,vitamin C, magnesium, andpotassium,and are rich in protective plant compounds like carotenoid antioxidants.They're also relatively high in protein for fruits, providing 2.84 grams of protein per cup.

Raw jackfruit has a sweet,pineapple-like flavor, while unripe jackfruit has a more mild taste. Ripe jackfruit can be combined with protein powder to make a protein-rich smoothie, while unripe jackfruit can be used as a plant-based meat alternative in dishes like tacos, soups, and curries.

4. Passion Fruit

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (4)

Passion fruits are tropical fruits that have an intense, sweet and tart flavor. Passion fruit can be enjoyed raw and is commonly used to make drinks, like juices and smoothies.

Passion fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, carotenoids, and polyphenol compounds, which can benefit overall health by protecting against cellular damage and reducing inflammation.

A 100-gram serving of fresh passion fruit contains 2.2 grams of protein, making it a good choice for those wanting to add protein-rich fruits to their diets.

Passion fruit is acidic, so it's best mixed with other ingredients to mellow its intense taste. Try adding passion fruit to protein shakes or smoothies and raw passion fruit to a snaking plate with high-protein ingredients like cheeses and nuts.

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (5)

A one-cup serving of raw blackberries provides two grams of protein, which is higher than what you'll find in most fruits. Blackberries are also rich in other nutrients, such as fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese.

Just one cup of blackberries contains 7.63 grams of fiber, which covers 28.5% of the Daily Value (DV). High-fiber foods benefit many aspects of health, including digestive health. Adding more fiber to your diet can support the growth of beneficial bacteria in your large intestines, strengthen the gut barrier, and keep bowel movements regular and comfortable.

Eating more fiber can also help reduce your risk of health conditions like heart disease, colon cancer, and diverticulitis (a digestive condition that occurs when small pouches along the walls of your intestine become infected or inflamed).

Blackberries can be enjoyed as a snack or added to high-protein dishes like yogurt parfaits.

6. Apricots

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (6)

Apricots are a type of stone fruit, which are fruits that contain a pit or stone in their center. The bright orange flesh of apricots has a sweet taste and is concentrated in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. For example, apricots are packed with beta-carotene, a carotenoid pigment that has powerful cellular-protective properties. Research shows that having high blood levels of carotenoids may help reduce the risk of developing several diseases, including breast cancer.

Apricots contain 2.31 grams of protein per cup, making them a high-protein fruit option. Apricots can be enjoyed fresh and are also delicious dried.

Dried apricots are much higher in protein than fresh apricots, providing 4.41 grams of protein per cup. Dried apricots have a chewy texture and sweet taste and are a popular ingredient in high-protein snack mixes, like trail mix. Like all dried fruit, they are higher in calories than fresh apricots and are sometimes sweetened with added sugar, which should be limited to promote optimal health.

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (7)

Pomegranate seeds, or arils, are surprisingly high in protein, providing 2.9 grams per cup. In addition to protein, pomegranate arils are exceptionally high in fiber, which is important for the health of the digestive system and heart, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as anthocyanins and organic acids.

Studies show that eating pomegranate arils and drinking pomegranate juice could benefit several aspects of health, such as improving cognitive function, reducing heart disease risk factors, and supporting post-exercise recovery.

Pomegranate arils are versatile and can be used as a nutrient-dense topping for salads, yogurt parfaits, grain bowls, and more. They can also be enjoyed on their own as a sweet and crunchy snack and paired with high-protein foods like cottage cheese.

8. Kiwi

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (8)

Kiwifruit, commonly known as kiwis, are small, oval-shaped fruits that have an impressive nutrition profile. Kiwis are high in a number of vitamins and minerals, including folate and vitamins C, E, and K. They're also higher in protein than many other fruits, containing just under two grams of protein per cup.

In addition to protein, vitamins, and minerals, kiwis provide a good source of fiber and can be a helpful snacking choice for those with constipation as they've been shown to be effective for softening stool and supporting regular bowel movements.

Kiwis are delicious on high-protein dishes like overnight oats and yogurt bowls. They can also be enjoyed as a snack alongside high-protein foods like cheeses, nuts, and seeds.

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (9)

Cherries are amongst the healthiest and tastiest fruits you can eat. Adding more cherries to your diet could benefit your overall health in several ways, including reducing heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, decreasing markers of oxidative stress, and improving blood sugar regulation.

Cherries are an excellent source of antioxidants like anthocyanins and also provide vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium. Though not as high in protein as other fruits on this list, a one-cup serving of sweet cherries packs a respectable 1.63 grams.

Cherries pair well with many ingredients and can be added to both sweet and savory recipes, like chia pudding and salads. For a nutritious high-protein dessert option, try making a high-protein Greek yogurt parfait by layering unsweetened Greek yogurt with sliced cherries, chia seeds, and almonds.

Tips for Consuming More Fruit and Protein

Though fruits aren't the most protein-rich foods, they can add a sweet and satisfying flavor to high-protein recipes and be paired with protein-rich foods for a filling snack.

Here are some ways to incorporate fruits into high-protein meals and snacks:

  • Make a high-protein snack plate by combining dried apricots, blackberries, and fresh cherries with cheddar cheese and mixed nuts
  • Top a green salad with roasted chicken, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, goat cheese, and pomegranate arils for a sweet and savory flavor
  • Add frozen blackberries and cherries to a smoothie made with unsweetened vanilla protein powder
  • Mix guava and sliced kiwi into Greek yogurt
  • Try out canned, unripe jackfruit in high-protein plant-based dishes like curries
  • Make a high-protein, antioxidant-rich yogurt bark by spreading Greek yogurt mixed with a sweetener of your choice on a sheet tray, topping it with pomegranate arils and dark chocolate chips, and freezing the mixture until firm

Fresh fruits are sweet, portable, and versatile, making fruit an excellent choice for boosting your protein intake.

Dried fruit, like dried apricots, is also a healthy choice that's shelf-stable. Choose unsweetened dried fruit products whenever possible.

Though most fruits are low in protein, a few types are higher in this nutrient than others. Guava, avocado, jackfruit, passionfruit, blackberries, apricots, pomegranate arils, kiwis, and cherries are among the highest protein fruits you can eat and may help you reach your daily protein needs.

Try combining these fruits with high-protein foods like Greek yogurt, cheese, and nuts, for a delicious way to boost your protein intake.

9 High-Protein Fruits To Add to Your Diet (2024)


What are the best high protein fruits? ›

Though most fruits are low in protein, a few types are higher in this nutrient than others. Guava, avocado, jackfruit, passionfruit, blackberries, apricots, pomegranate arils, kiwis, and cherries are among the highest protein fruits you can eat and may help you reach your daily protein needs.

Which fruit is the king of protein? ›

High protein fruits

Avocado and guava have some of the highest protein content of all fruits. Adding more fruit to your diet offers your body more than just a bump in protein. Fruits are a delicious way to get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber your body needs to stay healthy.

What are 7 foods rich in protein? ›

High protein foods
  • Salmon. Salmon is a fatty fish, meaning it is full of omega-3 fatty acids. ...
  • Chicken breast. Chicken breast is a lean source of protein. ...
  • Beef. Beef offers high amounts of protein per serving. ...
  • Tuna. Tuna is an excellent and widely available source of protein. ...
  • Bison. ...
  • Pork. ...
  • Turkey. ...
  • Halibut.

What 3 foods contain the highest amount of protein? ›

Foods that are highest in protein typically include lean meat, poultry, and seafood. But you can also get protein from eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, and soy products.

Which fruit contains max protein? ›

Guava. Guava is one of the most protein-rich fruits around. You'll get a whopping 4.2 grams of the stuff in every cup.

Is peanut butter high in protein? ›

They're rich in protein and healthy fat, and they're calorie-dense. Two tablespoons, or 32 grams, of peanut butter gives you 7.2 grams of protein. Peanut butter also contains: fiber.

Is banana high in protein? ›

Like most fruits, bananas are not a main source of fat or protein. They carry a much higher serving of carbohydrates, as compared to lean meat. When compared with other fruits, like berries, bananas are higher in energy (calories), which gives them a bad reputation of not being “good” for weight loss.

What protein is best for breakfast? ›

There are a variety of ways you can add protein to your breakfast; some of the best protein-rich breakfast ingredients are eggs, nuts, nut butter, beans, and cheese. Whether you're a savory food lover or you have a sweet tooth, there's a protein-rich breakfast option for you! U.S. Department of Agriculture.

How to get enough protein in a day? ›

Here are 15 easy ways to help you get more protein in your diet.
  1. Eat your protein first. ...
  2. Snack on cheese. ...
  3. Replace cereal with eggs. ...
  4. Top your food with chopped almonds. ...
  5. Choose Greek yogurt. ...
  6. Have a protein shake for breakfast. ...
  7. Include a high protein food with every meal. ...
  8. Choose leaner, slightly larger cuts of meat.
Dec 14, 2023

Which vegetable has the most protein? ›

Here are some options if you like veggies or just want to add more to your diet:
  • Green peas. Green peas are at the top of the list of the most protein-filled vegetables. ...
  • Spinach. ...
  • Collard greens. ...
  • Sweet corn. ...
  • Mustard greens. ...
  • Lima beans. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Broccoli.

Which food is 100% protein? ›

Complete List of High Protein Foods. Protein can come from both animal and plant sources. In general, foods such as beans, lentils, eggs, meats, poultry, nuts, seeds, seafood, soy products, dairy products, and whole grains are protein sources.

What is a high protein snack? ›

High-protein snacks include nuts like pistachios, lean meats and poultry like turkey or chicken, beans and legumes like chickpeas or edamame and dairy products such as greek yogurt or hard cheeses.

What are the symptoms of lack of protein? ›

Some signs and symptoms of protein deficiency include edema, hair loss, increased hunger, and more severe infections, among others. Protein is one of the body's main building blocks. It plays a key role in the structure and function of muscles, skin, enzymes, and hormones.

Are bananas high in protein? ›

Like most fruits, bananas are not a main source of fat or protein. They carry a much higher serving of carbohydrates, as compared to lean meat. When compared with other fruits, like berries, bananas are higher in energy (calories), which gives them a bad reputation of not being “good” for weight loss.

Which fruit or vegetable has the most protein? ›

Among the highest protein vegetables are chickpeas, corn, spinach, artichoke hearts, and edamame. To get all of the amino acids your body needs, aim to eat a variety of foods, such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables throughout the day.

Which fruit is protein for bodybuilding? ›

The best fruit for bodybuilding depends on many factors. Fruits like bananas, dates, and mangos are good sources of muscle-sparing carbs. Avocados provide healthy fats, and other fruits like watermelon and berries have vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols that help build lean mass in indirect ways.

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