A Comprehensive Guide: Is Sourdough Bread Healthy or Just a Trend? - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2more

A Comprehensive Guide: Is Sourdough Bread Healthy or Just a Trend? - PharmEasy Blog (1) Medically reviewed byDr. Nikita Toshi

A Comprehensive Guide: Is Sourdough Bread Healthy or Just a Trend? - PharmEasy Blog (2)Last updated: Apr 30, 2024

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Table of Contents

Key Highlights:

  • Sourdough bread is one of the oldest and most nutritious forms of bread, with origins tracing back to ancient Egypt.
  • Its unique fermentation process unlocks nutrients and breaks down antinutrients, making it easy to digest and packed with beneficial compounds.
  • Sourdough bread may positively support weight management and promote improved gut health.
  • It’s possible to create your own sourdough starter and bake sourdough bread at home.
  • Despite its health benefits, sourdough bread may not be suitable for everyone due to potential drawbacks.


Did you know sourdough bread is ancient? It’s true! It’s far from a passing fad. Starting our deep dive into this tasty and healthy bread, you’ll find its inclusion in your diet isn’t just about flavour.

In this post, we’ll look at what makes sourdough special. Why is it healthier than regular bread? How can you make your own? We’ll cover these and more.

A Comprehensive Guide: Is Sourdough Bread Healthy or Just a Trend? - PharmEasy Blog (3)

Did you know?

  • Sourdough bread fermentation can improve nutrient bioaccessibility and reduce the glycemic index of bread. source: NCBI
  • Sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index compared to other types of bread, making it a better option for blood sugar control. source: NCBI
  • The lactic acid bacteria in sourdough bread can help improve the body’s immune response. source: NCBI
  • Consuming sourdough bread may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. source: NCBI

Understanding Sourdough

Bread has been with us since time began. Sourdough is one of the first kinds. Its mix of flavor and nutrition is one of a kind. Isn’t that amazing?

What is Sourdough Bread?

What’s unique about sourdough bread? An old baking method, dating back from around 1500 B.C, in ancient Egypt. Unlike modern loaves that use baker’s yeast to rise, sourdough uses wild yeast and “good” bacteria from flour. This combo, named ‘sourdough starter’, gives a special tangy taste.

Ingredients in Sourdough Bread

The base of sourdough bread is simple – flour, water, and salt. These, with the naturally found bacteria and yeast, become the sourdough starter. The fermentation imparts sourdough its distinct, tasty texture.

Nutritional Profile of Sourdough Bread

Let’s get a closer look at the nutritional powerhouse that is sourdough bread.

How Nutritious is Sourdough?

Though its recipe is simple, sourdough bread packs a healthy punch. Fermentation increases the level of good nutrients in sourdough. These include key minerals like iron and magnesium, already present in grains.

Comparison with Regular Bread

Nutrition-wise, sourdough and other breads may seem similar. However, sourdough has an edge. Its extended fermenting process reduces phytate content, letting your body take in more nutrients.

  • Next, let’s look at a table comparing Sourdough Bread and regular bread:
FeatureSourdough BreadRegular Bread
Key IngredientsFlour, water, salt, naturally occurring yeasts & bacteriaFlour, water, salt, commercially available yeasts
Nutrient ContentRich in beneficial nutrientsNutrient content varies by type
Phytate ContentLower, thanks to extended fermentationHigher, less nutrient absorption
Potential Health BenefitsEasy digestion, enhanced nutrient absorption, possible weight managementDepends on type and manufacturing process

Based on what I have seen, consuming sourdough bread may have a positive impact on LDL cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that individuals who incorporated sourdough bread into their diet experienced a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol compared to their initial levels.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread

Sourdough isn’t just known for its taste. Let’s look at how it benefits our health.

1. Sourdough for Digestion

Do you have digestion issues like IBS? Sourdough bread might be your new best friend! With lower FODMAP content, sourdough may lessen tummy trouble linked with IBS.

2. Low Phytate Content and its Benefits

Grains contain phytate, an antinutrient. It can block our body from absorbing essential minerals like iron and zinc. The slow fermenting process of sourdough lowers its phytate content. This helps our body absorb these nutrients better.

3. Increased Phytochemicals

Sourdough’s fermentation also ups its phytochemical content. These plant compounds are high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can boost our health.

4. Impact on Blood Sugar

With its lower glycemic index, thanks to the lactic acid bacteria, sourdough can be a good choice for people with diabetes. But remember, your full diet matters more than any one food in managing blood sugar levels.

  • Up next, let’s look at a snapshot of Sourdough’s health benefits:
Health benefitsExplanation
Improved digestionLower FODMAP content could reduce symptoms of IBS
Enhanced nutrient absorptionReduction in phytate content facilitates mineral absorption
Antioxidant activityIncreased phytochemical content contributes to overall health
Blood sugarLower glycemic index may help regulate blood sugar levels

Making Sourdough Bread at Home

Do you want to enjoy these health benefits? Just bake a loaf! Here’s how to make your own sourdough.

Preparation stageDescription
Creating the StarterMix equal parts flour and water; let it ferment
Preparing the DoughCombine starter with flour, water, and salt
Proofing & RisingLet the dough rest, rise, and shape it into a loaf
BakingBake until golden; let it cool before slicing
ExperimentingTry different flours or add-ins for varied flavors

Over the years, I have observed that consuming sourdough type of whole-grain wheat bread may have a positive impact on glucose levels in individuals with hyperglycaemia. A study found that hyperglycaemic subjects experienced a significantly lower increase in glucose levels after consuming sourdough whole-grain wheat bread compared to refined wheat bread.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Sourdough’s Benefits

Sourdough offers a world of flavors and health benefits. But, how different is the store-bought stuff from homemade? And, how does sourdough help weight loss or cater to unique stomach conditions? Let’s find out.

1. Packaged vs. Homemade Sourdough

Sure, store-bought sourdough is convenient. But look at the ingredients. Genuine sourdough should only contain water, flour, salt, and natural yeasts and bacteria. Some brands might use yeast and acids to mimic the tangy taste and to speed up baking. So, for real sourdough and all its rewards, you might prefer baking it yourself. Or buy from a bakery that respects the traditional methods.

2. Sourdough Bread for Weight Loss

In a balanced diet, sourdough may support your efforts to lose or manage weight. Its complex carbs and high fiber can make you feel fuller longer.

3. Benefits of Sourdough for People with IBS

Sourdough has fewer FODMAPs compared to other bread. This might be helpful for people with IBS. It can mean fewer symptoms like bloating and tummy trouble. But remember, each person’s response can vary. If needed, please reach out to a healthcare provider.

  • Now, have a look at some other aspects of Sourdough Bread:
Packaged vs HomemadeVerify ingredient list; opt for traditional varieties or homemade bread
Weight Loss ContributionCan aid weight loss efforts when consumed as part of a balanced diet
Benefits for IBS SufferersLower FODMAP content could minimize IBS-related gastrointestinal discomfort

Possible Drawbacks of Sourdough Bread

Like all foods, sourdough isn’t for everyone. It’s smart to know its potential downsides.

Gluten presenceNot suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity
Taste preferenceTangy flavor may not suit all palates
Dietary diversityShould be consumed as part of a varied, balanced diet


Trying sourdough can lead you to a world of health perks and tasty bites. From aiding digestion to boosting nutrient intake, adding it to your diet can be rewarding. Making your own at home can be an enjoyable venture.

Of course, please remember not all “sourdough” on the shelf is created equal. Trust artisanal bakeries that stick to tradition. Or try baking it yourself! As always, balance and moderation matter most for your health and diet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the healthiest bread to eat?

Can we deem one bread the healthiest? No. Each kind brings unique nutrition. Many tout whole grain and sprouted grain bread for their nutritional content. But sourdough bread, made with whole grains, is also nourishing.

Can you eat sourdough bread every day?

Its carbs can fuel you. Plus, its digestive features may boost gut health. Having a variety of food options can boost the nutrient profile of your diet instead of repeating the same recipes. Try adding traditional chapatis and other steamed food to your diet.

Is sourdough healthier for you than regular bread?

What gives sourdough its health edge over regular bread? The power lies in fermentation! It boosts nutrient availability, eases digestion, and helps keep blood sugar normal. But flour type and personal diet need to play a big role.

Is sourdough bread good for weight loss?

Yes, it may help in your weight management journey. It’s complex carbs and high fibre content can leave you feeling full and limit snacking.

Is white sourdough bread healthy?

Is white sourdough bread a healthy choice? It carries essential nutrients and is a viable choice. But note that it has less fibre than the whole grain kind.


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A Comprehensive Guide: Is Sourdough Bread Healthy or Just a Trend? - PharmEasy Blog (2024)


Is sourdough bread actually healthy? ›

Sourdough bread is also an excellent source of antioxidants. Studies have shown that antioxidants like the peptides found in sourdough can lower the risk for certain types of cancer, signs of aging, or chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the healthiest sourdough bread? ›

10 Healthiest Sourdough Breads on Grocery Shelves, According to Dietitians
  • Pepperidge Farm.
  • Trader Joe's.
  • La Brea Bakery.
  • Whole Foods Market.
  • Amazon.
  • Nature's Promise.
  • Rudi's.
  • Simple Kneads.
Mar 6, 2024

Is sourdough bread inflammatory? ›

The best bread to reduce gut inflammation is bread made from whole grains. Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet.

Is sourdough bread good for you Consumer Reports? ›

Sourdough's Health Benefits

Sourdough's long fermentation and rising time leads to changes in the bread that don't occur in conventional yeast-leavened bread. These changes may have health benefits for some people, especially those with certain digestive issues.

Is it okay to eat sourdough bread every day? ›

The type of flour used — all-purpose, whole wheat, rye — can affect the nutritional content of sourdough bread, says Wee. But generally speaking, sourdough bread is a healthy option and can be eaten regularly as part of a nutritious, balanced diet.

What are the pros and cons of sourdough bread? ›

Sourdough bread is a great alternative to conventional bread. It's richer in nutrients, less likely to spike your blood sugar, and generally easier to digest. Just remember that sourdough fermentation doesn't degrade gluten completely.

Is grocery store sourdough real sourdough? ›

Despite the fact that traditional sourdough ingredients are flour, water, and salt, many store-bought versions include added yeast, ascorbic acid, vinegar, and oil. So, although many grocery stores may carry bread labeled “sourdough”, more often than not they are in fact fake sourdough.

Does Panera use real sourdough? ›

Much like Panera's lackluster rewards program, Panera's sourdough is similarly disappointing -- it isn't real sourdough. Sourdough is the oldest enduring type of bread.

Is sourdough bread good or bad carbs? ›

Sourdough has made a comeback—and for good reason. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid. It may help improve digestion, lower chronic disease risk and even promote healthy aging.

What are the side effects of sourdough bread? ›

The most common reaction to fermented foods is a temporary increase in gas and bloating. This is the result of excess gas being produced after probiotics kill harmful gut bacteria and fungi. Probiotics secrete antiomicrobial peptides that kill harmful pathogenic organisms like Salmonella and E. Coli.

Is sourdough bread bad for your gut? ›

Overall, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that eating sourdough bread can have a number of beneficial effects on gut health. If you are looking for a way to improve your gut health, sourdough bread may be a good option to consider.

What is the healthiest bread to eat? ›

Next time you're at the store, look for the following options to find a healthy bread you like.
  • Wholegrain bread. Wholegrain bread is minimally processed and made with flour from fully intact grains. ...
  • Multigrain bread. ...
  • Dark rye bread. ...
  • Authentic sourdough bread. ...
  • Flaxseed, or linseed, bread. ...
  • Ezekiel, or sprouted grain, bread.
Mar 19, 2024

What is considered a good sourdough bread? ›

The inside of the bread should be bubbly and chewy and the bread should have a slightly tangy taste. Real sourdough bread does not contain additives like oil, milk, corn, and dough conditioners. It is made with whole grains and is generally more expensive than regular bread.

What is the healthiest flour for sourdough bread? ›

Compared to whole wheat flour, rye flour is said to be the most nutrient- and amylase-dense option for a sourdough starter. Overall, it has a lower gluten protein content than wheat flour, which means it produces slack, sticky, and dense doughs.

What is the best way to eat sourdough bread? ›

What to Eat With Sourdough Bread?
  1. Stuffing. Stuffing goes with many meals. ...
  2. Roasted with Chicken. Everybody loves a classic roast chicken. ...
  3. French Toast. The texture of sourdough combined with the egg mixture creates the ideal base for French toast. ...
  4. Use it as a Bread Bowl. ...
  5. Avocado Toast. ...
  6. Bread Pudding. ...
  7. Bruschetta.
Dec 30, 2021

Is sourdough bread healthy to lose weight? ›

With its lower calorie count and potential benefits for blood sugar regulation, sourdough bread offers a delicious and healthier alternative to regular bread. Remember, moderation and portion control are key to achieving your weight loss goals.

Is sourdough the least fattening bread? ›

If you're watching your calorie intake, sourdough bread can be a smart choice. Compared to some other bread varieties, sourdough generally has a lower calorie count. How many calories in a slice of sourdough bread? A typical slice of sourdough bread contains around 120-140 calories.

Is sourdough bread or rice healthier? ›

However, rice does contain more protein, vitamins, and minerals compared to bread. If you're looking for a healthier alternative to white bread and rice, try opting for multigrain bread, sourdough bread, rye bread, and brown rice. All of these options contain more nutrients than traditional bread and rice choices.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.