Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes - Amplitude Marketing (2024)

Last Updated: April 28, 2022

Whether it’s a brand promotion, video, news update or even a meme, visual content rules the social media landscape. What has become so important is effectively conveying your brand on social media through images and video.

In this quick-scroll world of social media, the visual face of your brand is often times the first thing your audience sees and possibly the one thing they remember. It’s hard to cut and paste an image and reuse it across all of your social networks unless you have a tool like Landscape.

Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes - Amplitude Marketing (1)

Sprout Social’s very own tool is free to use to resize, crop and scale social media image sizes. And along with our resizing tool, we’ve provided all the specific dimensions and a few quick tips to help you decide which image best fits each position.

Before we get into it, here are some additional resources:

Easily manage multimedia content with Sprout

Sprout’s Asset Library simplifies publishing and asset management by providing you with a centralized location to store images, videos and text.

Quickly create, organize, edit and publish assets directly from the Asset Library to deliver on-brand, visually engaging posts for any connected social network.

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Social Media Image Sizes Per Network

These links will make it easier for you to navigate to the specific social media image sizes per network:

Facebook Image Sizes

With 1.18 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the world’s largest social network. One bad image choice could spell the difference in attracting and engaging with this huge user base and being completely ignored.

One thing to remember when choosing your photos is that there is a difference between how things will display on your personal timeline and how things will display in a user’s newsfeed. Make sure that you are choosing dimensions based on where you want the majority of viewers to see your image.

Learn more about Facebook image sizes

Get specs and tips for implementing the best visual content on Facebook with these guides:

Profile Picture: 180 x 180 (Displays 170 x 170 on Desktop)

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Say cheese: this is going to be the photo representing you or your brand on Facebook. This is the square photo that appears on your timeline layered over your cover photo. Your profile picture will also appear when you post to other walls, comment on posts or when your profile is searched.

Image Guidelines

  • Must be at least 180 x 180 pixels.
  • Photo will appear on page as 170 x 170 pixels on desktop and 128 x 128 on smartphones.
  • Profile pictures are located 16 pixels from the left and 176 pixels from the top of your cover photo on desktop.
  • Profile pictures are located 24 pixels from the left, 24 pixels from the bottom and 196 pixels from the top of your cover photo on smartphones.
  • Photo thumbnail will appear throughout Facebook at 32 x 32 pixels.

Business Page Profile Picture: 180 x 180 (Displays 170 x 170 on Desktop)

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Facebook recently changed its Profile image for Business Pages to appear to the left side of the screen. The new look helps Facebook Business Pages stand out among personal accounts. However, the dimensions are the same, but the photo appears on the page slightly different.

Image Guidelines

  • Must be at least 180 x 180 pixels.
  • Photo will appear on page as 170 x 170 pixels on desktop, 128 x 128 on smartphones, and 36 x 36 on most feature phones.
  • Photo thumbnail will appear throughout Facebook at 32 x 32 pixels.
  • Business Page images will be cropped to fit a square.

Cover Photo: 820 x 312

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Your Facebook cover photo will only appear on your Facebook timeline, but it is a lot bigger than the profile picture, which gives you more freedom to choose something creative. Where your profile picture might be a good choice for a picture of you, or a brand logo, use this space to post something that speaks more toward you as an individual or as a brand.

Image Guidelines

  • Appear on page at 820 x 312 pixels. Anything less will be stretched.
  • Minimum size of 400 x 150 pixels.
  • Displays at 820 x 312 pixels on desktop and 640 x 360 pixels on smartphones.
  • For best results, upload an sRGB JPG file less than 100 KB.
  • Images with a logo or text may be best asa PNG file.
  • Business Page dimensions are exactly the same as personal accounts.

Shared Image: 1,200 x630

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A shared image is one of the most common forms of sharing on Facebook. These images will always appear on your timeline, and ideally they will show up in most of your followers’ News Feeds — though with the decrease in organic reach, it’s unlikely that everyone will see your post. The more people engage with your post, the more likely it is that the rest of your followers and their followers will see that activity.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended upload size of 1,200 x 630pixels.
  • Will appear in feed at a max width of 470 pixels (will scale to a max of 1:1).
  • Will appear on page at a max width of 504 pixels (will scale to a max of 1:1).

Shared Link: 1200 x 628

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Another great tool in your Facebook belt is the ability to share a link. It’s very similar to posting a shared image, but it gives you even more fields to work with. You can choose to create a shared link with a small square image to the left and text on the right, or with a larger rectangular image on top with text underneath.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended upload size of 1,200 x 628 pixels.
  • Square Photo: Minimum 154 x 154px in feed.
  • Square Photo: Minimum 116 x 116 on page.
  • Rectangular Photo: Minimum 470 x 246 pixels in feed.
  • Rectangular Photo: Minimum 484 x 252 on page.
  • Facebook will scale photos under the minimum dimensions. For better results, increase image resolution at the same scale as the minimum size.

Event Image: 1920 x 1005 (Recommended)

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Facebook Events help capturethe attention of users and cut throughthe noise on Facebook. Reminders are sent to your audience and having a good space with an even better image is important. Make sure you have the right dimensions down for a Facebook Event cover photo.

Image Guidelines

  • Facebook will scale down to minimum dimensions: 470 × 174.
  • Shows in feed: 470 × 174.

Fundraiser image: 800 x 300 (recommended)

Facebook has added the ability to create a fundraiser for charitable organizations or personal causes. The cover photo for these fundraisers slightly varies from a typical Facebook cover photo, with a minimum size of400 x 150.The best experience across many display types will come from a higher resolution image, though.

Looking for Facebook ad sizes?

Facebook ad formatting can be even more complex than organic posts, so for more guidelines, check out our complete guide to every Facebook ad size!

Find more information on the image sizes for Facebook, visit the Facebook Help Center.

Twitter Image Sizes

Don’t let itslogo fool you–Twitter is not just for the birds. In fact, with 313 million monthly active users, Twitter is one of the social media networks that your customers will most often use to discuss your brand. And recently, Twitter made some big changes to its overall layout.

Profile Photo: 400 x 400 (Displays 200 x 200)

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Your Twitter profile photo is the main image that represents you or your brand across the network. It’s going to be seen across the site in a number of places by a number of people so make sure it’s of the highest quality. Here’s the places your profile photo will be visible on the site.

  • On Your Page: The largest display of your profile picture is on your homepage and can be viewed by your followers as well as individuals who stumble upon your page.
  • In-Stream: A smaller version of your profile picture appears in a follower’s Twitter stream every time you Tweet. It also appears in the stream of your followers’ followers every time you’re Retweeted.
  • Who to Follow: Your profile picture is also going to appear next to a link to your page in the “Who to follow” box. This is located directly to the right of your twitter stream. Choose a recognizable image here.

Image Guidelines

  • Square Image recommended 400 x 400 pixels.
  • Maximum file size 5 MB.
  • Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.

Header Photo: 1,500 x 500

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Your header photo is the image that spans the top of your Twitter profile page. It’s quite a bit larger than your profile photo so make sure to save it at the highest resolution possible. Because you have more room to be creative with this picture and it will likely be the first thing your visitors see, make it something captivating.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended 1,500 x 500 pixels.
  • Maximum file size of 5 MB.
  • Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.

In-Stream Photos and Shared Links

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Twitter users can attach photos to any of their Tweets. Depending on whether you’re attaching one photo, multiple, or sharing a link, the way photos crop and display in stream will vary slightly.

Fortunately, in 2021, Twitter made waves with #Twittercropisgone, eliminating the sometimes-unfavorable automated cropping for vertical images that had often become the subject of memes and in-jokes among users of the platform. Extremely wide or tall images with unusual dimensions may still get cropped, but for most images in standard 4:3 or 16:9 dimensions (or close to them), you won’t have to worry as much about centering subjects around automated cropping.

no bird too tall, no crop too short

introducing bigger and better images on iOS and Android, now available to everyone

— Twitter (@Twitter) May 5, 2021

The following are some best practices to get an optimal result, and you can also preview the end result in Sprout’s Compose window before you publish.

Recommended sizes for images by types of Tweets:

  • Image from a Tweet with shared link: 1200 x 628 pixels
  • Tweet sharing a single image: 1200 x 675 pixels (recommended, but most images with standard aspect ratios will not be cropped)
  • Tweet sharing two images: 700 x 800 pixels (both images)
  • Tweet sharing three images:
    • Left image: 700 x 800 pixels
    • Right images: 1200 x 686 pixels
  • Tweet sharing four images: 1200 x 600 pixels (per image)
    • Four is the maximum number of images available on one Tweet
  • Recommended aspect ratio is 16:9.
  • Can edit images if tweeting from Twitter iOS or Android app.
  • Maximum file size of 5 MB for photos, and 5 MB for animated GIFs on mobile and 15 MB on web.

Find more information on in-stream photos at the Twitter Help Center.

Instagram Image Sizes

Instagram is one of the most popular photo-sharing social networks. It’s the best place to showcase your visual creativity, even down to making a compelling grid out of the way your photos’ thumbnails display in sequence.

Profile Picture: 110 x 110

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Instagram is based on visuals, which should be an indication of how important it is to follow these image size guidelines. Ensure your profile image is recognizable so users can find you even easier through search or explore.

Image Guidelines

  • Appear on your profile at 110 x 110 pixels.
  • Square photo: make sure to maintain an aspect ratio of 1:1.

Photo Thumbnails: 161 x 161

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When someone goes to your page, they’ll be presented with all of your content arranged in rows of thumbnails. These smaller renditions of your images and videos will expand when clicked and include a place for people to comment.

Image Guidelines

  • The thumbnails will appear on the page at 161 x 161 pixels.
  • Square photo: make sure to maintain an aspect ratio of 1:1 ratio.

Photo Size: 1080 x 1080

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Instagram is all about the images and videos presented in your followers’ feed. In fact, Instagram higher resolution photos when taken from the native application. If you decided to upload a photo or video from any other device, the resolution will be much lower.

Image Guidelines

  • The size of Instagram images has been increased to 1080 x 1080 pixels.
  • Instagram still scales these photos down to 612 x 612 pixels.
  • Appear in feed at 510 x 510 pixels.
  • Square or rectangle photos: make sure to maintain an aspect ratio between 1:1 or 1.91:1.
  • For portrait (4:5) photos, recommended dimensions are 1080 x 1350 pixels.

Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920

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With more than 300 million daily users, Instagram Stories are a popular source of visuals on the app. There are both video and image options available to publish. And while this feature is meant to be ephemeral, it’s possible to upload your own content.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended resolution is 1080 x 1920.
  • Minimum resolution is 600 x 1067.
  • Aspect ratio is 9:16.

For those looking for more info on Instagram ad sizes, including video specs, check out this guide!

TikTok Image Sizes

With 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok has grown considerably over the last few years, seeing a 45% growth compared to 2020. With nearly half its users under the age of 30, TikTok is becoming the social platform for younger target audiences.

Profile Image: 200 x 200 (Recommended)

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All TikTok users have the option to upload a profile image to their accounts. This is the perfect opportunity for businesses to showcase their personalities through branding or to highlight a specific campaign.

Image Guidelines

  • Minimum 200 x 200 pixels
  • Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG

Looking for more TikTok specs? Our Always-Up-To-Date Video Specs guide can answer those questions.

LinkedIn Image Sizes

With 467 million registered users, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. Where other social networks may be good drivers of traffic and customers, LinkedIn is a great place for you to source great employees and to connect with other industry leaders.

Personal Profile Image: 300 x 300 (Recommended)

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LinkedIn started using a new layout for personal profiles and kept the box logo with company pages (more on that below). However, the personal profile dimensions for LinkedIn is very straightforward. This is the main image that represents you on your personal profile. So anytime someone takes a look at your profile for some quick info, this is the prominent image that represents you. It’s important to get the size right.

Image Guidelines

  • Minimum 300 x 300 pixels
  • Maximum file size 10MB.
  • Image types include: JPG, GIF or PNG.

Personal BackgroundImage: 1584 x 396

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LinkedIn’s background image is a newer feature for your personal profile. It’s a little bit trickier to find something that really fits that space well, but if you get it right, your profile will look great.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended 1584 x 396 pixels.
  • Maximum size of 4MB.
  • Image types include: JPG, PNG or GIF.

Company Logo Image: 300 x 300

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One of the two brand logos that you should be uploading to LinkedIn is the standard company logo. This is the bigger of the two and is going to show up right next to your brand name on your LinkedIn homepage. This image also appears in the “Companies you may want to follow” section. The more enticing the photo, the more likely you’ll gain followers.

  • Recommended 300 x 300 pixels.
  • Minimum 300 x 300 pixels.
  • Maximum 4MB (Square layout).
  • Image types include: PNG, JPG or GIF.

Company Cover Image: 1128 x 191 (recommended)

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Unlike the personal background image, the company or standard business background image covers the entire top of the page. The image appears much larger than the personal dimensions, giving businesses a bit more space.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended size 1128 x 191.
  • Maximum file size of 4MB.
  • Image types include: PNG, JPG or GIF.

Shared Image or Link: 1200 x 627 (Recommended)

Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes - Amplitude Marketing (20)

This size works for LinkedIn posts that share a photo or a link with image to a blog post or article to your company page’s feed.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended size for images or links: 1200 x 627 pixels based on mobile scaling
  • Image types include: JPNG, JPG or GIF.

Life Tab – Main Image & Company Photos

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The life tab on LinkedIn company pages lets you provide a more in-depth look at the day to day experience of your company’s employees. Currently, the two types of images you can upload here are the main image, which serves as a hero and highlight to your page, and the horizontal scrolling gallery of other company photos beneath.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended size for main image: 1128 x 376
  • Recommended size for company photos: 900 x 600
  • Image types include: JPNG, JPG or GIF.
  • The life tab only appears on the mobile app, and not the mobile web version of LinkedIn, so exact display sizes will vary by device. Upload the recommended size for the best experience.

Find more information in the Linkedin Help Center.

Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes - Amplitude Marketing (22)

Pinterest Image Sizes

Pinterest can be an amazing social tool for driving referral traffic to your site. This is mostly due to the fact that 90% of Pinterest pages are external links.

So it’s very important for you to make sure you’re optimizing your Pinterest page regularly and using proper image sizes for your boards and pins.

Profile Picture: 165 x 165

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When setting up your Pinterest account you have the option to do so using Facebook, Twitter or email. If you choose Facebook or Twitter, Pinterest will pull in the profile image that you have set there.

If you’re using email, or would prefer to use a different photo, you can do that too: just upload a square photograph (the larger the better) and Pinterest will resize it to fit. Like other social sites your profile picture on Pinterest should be something closely tied to you or your brand.

Image Guidelines

  • Recommended size: 165 x 165 pixels
  • Maximum 10 MB.
  • Image types include: JPG and PNG for profile pictures.

Pin Sizes

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When adding a pin to your board, it’s important to remember that Pinterest puts a limit on the width of the image but not the length. This gives you the opportunity to add a photo that’s square or one that will scale to be even taller. Just remember to make sure you’re creating large images because they add more value, not just because you can.

Image Guidelines

  • It’s recommended to use an image aspect ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5
  • Expanded pins have a minimum width 600 pixels, so to maintain aspect ratio, 900 px is the recommended height.

Board Display

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Creating boards is one of the most important things that you can do on Pinterest. It’s important to make sure you’re using an image that fits the size criteria perfectly. Not only is it important to choose a photo that is enticing to your audience, it’s important to choose one that’s relevant to that particular board.

Image Guidelines

  • 222 x 150 pixels (large thumbnail)
  • 55 x 55 (smaller thumbnail)

Find more information in the Pinterest Help Center.

YouTube Image Sizes

YouTube has more than1 billion unique users every month and is available on hundreds of millions of devices. More than1 million brands have already realized that YouTube is a great opportunity to reach their fan-base.

Channel Profile Image: 800 x 800

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YouTube allows you to select different profile image borders, but the dimensions stay the same. Ensure your YouTube has a profile image set up before you select your border.

Image Guidelines:

  • Recommended 800 x 800 pixels.
  • Image types: JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG.

Channel Cover Photo: 2,048 x 1,152

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Spice up your YouTube channel with some “channel art.” When users click through your YouTube videos to your channel, some appealing images could entice them to stay on your page longer and watch more of your videos.

Image Guidelines:

  • Recommended 2560 x 1440 pixels.
  • Safe area for mobile and web (without text and logo cropping) 1546 x 423 pixels.
  • Maximum file size: 4MB.
  • Image types: JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG.

Across Different Devices

There are a lot of different platforms and devices that users can stream YouTube on so it’s important that you review your creative across devices and confirm that the most important parts of your image, such as text or logos, are displaying legibly in the ‘safe zone’ noted above.

Find more information in the YouTube Help Center.

Video Uploads: 1280 x 720 (Minimum HD)

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Uploading your content to YouTube is the one of the most importantparts of establishing your presence on the site. Videos can tell viewers something about you as a person, or it could show off something that your business might offer.

Video Guidelines

  • Videos must maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio. Smaller videos such as 4:3 will be pillarboxed to fit.

For more on the specifics of YouTube video optimization, or to size video on any other social network, check out our complete guide to social media video specs.

Google My Business Image Sizes

Google My Business has become an essential platform for businesses with local, brick-and-mortar presences to gain visibility and conduct their review management strategy.

Types of Images for Google My Business:

  • Logo: Your recognizable logo image. May not be available for all types of businesses–see Google guidelines for more detail.
  • Cover photo:A photo of your business that will typically be the first one shown. Choose a photo that gives the best overall representation of your place of business for this photo.
  • Business photo:You can use your other business photos to highlight different elements of your business or offices and help show off what local visiting customers should look for when they stop by.

For all three types of images, Google’s official guidelines recommend the below specs for the best appearance on the platform.

Image Guidelines:

  • Recommended resolution: 720 x 720 pixels
  • Minimum resolution:250 x 250 pixels
  • File size maximum: 5 MB
  • Format: JPG or PNG.

The post Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes appeared first on Sprout Social.

Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes - Amplitude Marketing (2024)


Always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes - Amplitude Marketing? ›

- Vertical image ads: 1080 x 1350 pixels; a 4:5 aspect ratio. - Facebook stories ads: Best size is 1080 x 1920 pixels; 9:16 aspect ratio. - Video ads: 1080 x 1080 pixels; with an aspect ratio of 1:1 (desktop and mobile) and 4:5 (only for mobile).

What size should images be for social media ads? ›

- Vertical image ads: 1080 x 1350 pixels; a 4:5 aspect ratio. - Facebook stories ads: Best size is 1080 x 1920 pixels; 9:16 aspect ratio. - Video ads: 1080 x 1080 pixels; with an aspect ratio of 1:1 (desktop and mobile) and 4:5 (only for mobile).

Why is it important to get social media image sizes right? ›

However, it's important you get your social media sizes right on every platform to ensure your image or videos are correctly conveyed to your audience. Following social media size guidelines stops your social content from appearing blurry, cut off, or otherwise unviewable.

What size should images be for social sharing? ›

Facebook Image Size: 1200 x 628 pixels. Twitter Image Size: 900 x 450 pixels. Instagram Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels. LinkedIn Size: 1350 x 440 pixels.

What size are social media images 2024? ›

Aspect ratio: landscape (1.91:1), square (1:1), vertical (4:5) Recommended image size: Width of 1080 pixels, height between 566 and 1350 pixels (depending on whether the image is landscape or portrait)

What is the size and resolution of an image? ›

This is how much space it will take up on your computer. Image Size is the dimension - length and width - of an image in digital format. This can be measured in pixels (px), the format we use, or inches etc. Image Resolution, or dpi, is the amount of dots per square inch of an image when it is printed.

What is the size of an ad image? ›

The best size for a Facebook ad is an image resolution of at least 1080 by 1080 pixels. Images should be 600 by 600 pixels and up to 30 megabytes in size; videos should be 120 by 120 pixels and up to four gigabytes in size.

Does bigger image size mean better quality? ›

When it comes to digital images, bigger numbers mean better quality. A higher dpi and larger dimensions give you greater opportunities to enlarge your images and keep them looking crisp and in focus.

Do you need to resize images for social media? ›

Each social platform has its own optimal dimensions for images. If you post images that fall outside of those dimensions, it can result in the social platform cropping or resizing your image in a way that you didn't intend.

Why does image size matter? ›

File size is also key to why image size matters in web design. Each time a new visitor reaches your website, the data that forms the images and text needs to be downloaded from the internet and onto the viewer's screen. This means the larger the file size, the longer the loading will take.

What image type is best for social media? ›

Both PNG and JPEG formats are widely used on websites and social media platforms. As mentioned earlier, PNG is great for logos, banners, and illustrations that need a transparent background. However, JPEG is a good format to use for all sorts of images on social media platforms or websites.

What is the best size for images? ›

Image Size Specifications - What is the proper size for an image?
  • 1/3 width images: At least 480px wide for the highest quality. ...
  • 1/4 width images: At least 360px wide for the highest quality. ...
  • Small icons/logos: At least 100px wide.
  • Gallery images: Any size is fine! ...
  • REMEMBER: These pixel dimensions ARE NOT EXACT.
Apr 17, 2024

What is the best aspect ratio for social media? ›

Popular Aspect Ratios. Among the most popular social media sites, the most common ratio shapes are 16:9, 4:3, and 1:1. Aspect ratios are critical for web content, because different images require various shapes for different uses, e.g., desktop vs. mobile or blog vs. Facebook.

What size is the OG image for social media? ›

Choose the right size: The recommended image size for Open Graph meta tags is 1200 x 630 pixels. These dimensions fit within the display parameters of most social media platforms, ensuring your image displays without being cropped. If you download and inspect the sample tag below, you'll see it is 1200 x 630.

What is the size of a Facebook image? ›

The Facebook recommended image size for sharing images and sharing links with an image is 1,200 x 630 pixels. Whether you're sharing landscape, portrait, or square images, Facebook will resize it to 500 pixels wide and scale the height accordingly.

What is the best image size for Instagram ads? ›

Instagram Story Ad Specs

The recommended image dimensions for Instagram Stories ads are 1080 x 1920 pixels. This size is perfect for full-screen vertical photos that fill up the entire screen of a mobile device, providing an immersive experience for the viewer.

What size image is best for Facebook ads? ›

Recommended Facebook ad image size: The best size for a Facebook ad is at least 1080 x 1080 pixels, but it's best to use the highest resolution that meets the ratio requirements since there is no maximum resolution. Recommended Facebook ad aspect ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1.

What is the aspect ratio for social media ads? ›

Video Ad Specs
  • Aspect ratio: 4:5 is recommended, but other ratios between 1.91:1 and 9:16 are accepted.
  • Max resolution: None, upload the highest resolution video available.
  • Min resolution: 1080 x 1080.
  • Max file size: 4GB.
  • Video length: 1 second to 60 minutes.
  • Recommended file type: . mp4, . mov, or . gif.

What is the best image format for advertising? ›

How to choose the best static file format for display ads. If you want to go for a static display ad, we recommend choosing either the JPG or PNG file format. Generally, JPG files are smaller than PNGs, and advertising networks usually have size restrictions.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.