Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (2024)

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    Gusto Brunt Posts: 12,351

    Forum Member


    18/11/13 - 00:46 in Advice #1

    Apparently one guy lost a stone in two weeks.

    I don't understand it though. How many cup-a-soups should you have daily - they're around 135 calories per sachet.

    Perhaps a few slices of bread with them might help.

    What do you know? Thanks. Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (2)

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      xp95 Posts: 2,439

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      18/11/13 - 01:06 #2

      Don't do it is my advice as it can cause problems later on.


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      [Deleted User] Posts: 1,118

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      18/11/13 - 01:14 #3

      you would probably be starving, bored and full of e numbers and god knows what
      in fact why not just eat a few kit kats every day they are low in calories

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      Gusto Brunt Posts: 12,351

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      18/11/13 - 01:15 #4

      xp95 wrote: »

      Don't do it is my advice as it can cause problems later on.

      Thanks for replying.

      By my calculations, you'd need at least 12 cup-a-soups a day.:eek:

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      Mint Posts: 2,192

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      18/11/13 - 01:19 #5

      Try soup with bread followed by fruit as a main meal instead.

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      BMR Posts: 4,351

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      18/11/13 - 01:20 #6

      Sounds like a very bad idea to me. You need a balanced diet and cuppa soups ain't going to give you that!

      Why do you want to lose weight? Has a doctor advised you to?


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      Gusto Brunt Posts: 12,351

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      18/11/13 - 01:24 #7

      BMR wrote: »

      Sounds like a very bad idea to me. You need a balanced diet and cuppa soups ain't going to give you that!

      Why do you want to lose weight? Has a doctor advised you to?

      I'm not gonna do the diet myself. I was just intrigued by this guy losing a stone in 14 days.


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      Gusto Brunt Posts: 12,351

      Forum Member


      18/11/13 - 01:25 #8

      Mint wrote: »

      Try soup with bread followed by fruit as a main meal instead.

      Sounds a good idea. But not cup-a-soups. More thick vegetable soup. Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (10)

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      pugamo Posts: 18,039

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      18/11/13 - 01:28 #9

      Gusto Brunt wrote: »

      Sounds a good idea. But not cup-a-soups. More thick vegetable soup. Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (12)

      Yeah that's what I was thinking. 2 weeks eating only home made vegetable based soup would probably do most of us the world of good. I don't trust cup a soups, they're not even soup, they're just powder....not nice stuff.

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      [Deleted User] Posts: 1,346

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      18/11/13 - 03:21 #10

      A stone lost in two weeks is rather extreme. I bet the weight wont stay off. You are best losing it slowly, 1-2lbs per week.

      Like all other extreme diets, this one sounds absurd.

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      anne_666 Posts: 72,891

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      18/11/13 - 03:27 #11

      Not a healthy rate to lose wight and completely lacking in so many vital elements. Malnutrition is not good!. It is more or less guaranteed that the weight will be quickly piled back on. Cuppa soup is basically a ghastly cup full of chemicals. Home made soup as part of a balanced diet yes.

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      Gordie1 Posts: 6,993

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      18/11/13 - 03:28 #12

      You can lose weight easily by eating sensibly and being more active.

      Ive lost 3 out of the 6 stone i need to lose, i just dont eat all the crap i used to, and cut portion sizes down.

      Homemade soups are great, cheap and healthy, steamed chicken or fish with steamed veg is very good.

      Just make a tiny bit, rather than a pot full.

      Always have apples in the fridge, skimmed milk and cornflakes, i can eat as much as i want of that as a snack.

      I cant imagine lasting more than a couple of days eating only cup-a-soups.

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      [Deleted User] Posts: 348

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      18/11/13 - 05:02 #13

      Don't be so silly. You will lose mainly water weight and muscle mass. You will gain it all back.

      Not to mention, cup-a-soup is full of sugar, chemicals and sh*te. They are actually bad for you.

      Instead - try having some homemade soup in between your other meals to keep you from snacking. I have 2 bowls of homemade lentil soup between my meals a day and it stops me snacking on carbs and junk.

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      [Deleted User] Posts: 1,941

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      18/11/13 - 12:08 #14

      Gordie1 wrote: »

      You can lose weight easily by eating sensibly and being more active.

      Ive lost 3 out of the 6 stone i need to lose, i just dont eat all the crap i used to, and cut portion sizes down.

      Homemade soups are great, cheap and healthy, steamed chicken or fish with steamed veg is very good.

      Just make a tiny bit, rather than a pot full.

      Always have apples in the fridge, skimmed milk and cornflakes, i can eat as much as i want of that as a snack.

      I cant imagine lasting more than a couple of days eating only cup-a-soups.

      The guy that did this diet is more than likely a moron, as only a moron would even consider filling their body will additives and all that sodium to lose weight. However, in relation to the post above, people think healthy eating needs to be bland, i.e.steaming everything, it doesn't! One of the quickest ways to fall off the wagon is through boredom, and who wouldn't get bored of steamed protein and veg? Don't be afraid of using healthy marinades and stir frying, variety will keep you eating healthily much longer.

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      Gusto Brunt Posts: 12,351

      Forum Member


      18/11/13 - 12:25 #15

      You're talking as if cup-a-soup is a Class A drug. :eek:

      Surely if they're that bad, they wouldn't be sold, and deaths would be caused because of them.

      I do think consuming 12 cup-a-soups a day is extreme and not very good, but I do think you're all over-reacting a bit. Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (19)

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      [Deleted User] Posts: 1,941

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      18/11/13 - 12:52 #16

      Gusto Brunt wrote: »

      You're talking as if cup-a-soup is a Class A drug. :eek:

      Surely if they're that bad, they wouldn't be sold, and deaths would be caused because of them.

      I do think consuming 12 cup-a-soups a day is extreme and not very good, but I do think you're all over-reacting a bit. Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (21)

      It's not sold as a complete diet and lifestyle package is it? Which is what your 'friend' seems to be treating it as, and which is what's so stupid about it. Where is the 'friend' getting all of his other nutrients from? Oh, and having too much salt in your diet, which these soups contain in excess, is dangerous.

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      Gordie1 Posts: 6,993

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      19/11/13 - 00:59 #17

      Darcy_ wrote: »

      The guy that did this diet is more than likely a moron, as only a moron would even consider filling their body will additives and all that sodium to lose weight. However, in relation to the post above, people think healthy eating needs to be bland, i.e.steaming everything, it doesn't! One of the quickest ways to fall off the wagon is through boredom, and who wouldn't get bored of steamed protein and veg? Don't be afraid of using healthy marinades and stir frying, variety will keep you eating healthily much longer.

      I said steamed veg because i love steamed food, i think it comes out perfect and tastes amazing, however i do fry, grill and bake veg.
      I prefer steamed:D

      Curry is healthy as well IMO, curry powder, Garlic, a bit of olive oil, onion, turkey and rice.

      Theres very few things i dont eat due to losing weight, i just make it with less oil, fat.

      In fact i dont look at calories, all i look at is fat, if all the ingredients have nearly no fat, i scoff it down, hence loads of apples and corn flakes with skimmed milk.:D

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      topcat3 Posts: 3,115

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      19/11/13 - 06:25 #18

      My friend once did a real soup diet. I Think it was normal breakfast homemade veg soup/lentil soup for lunch and tea. She did lose weight

      I don't know if cup a soups have any real nutritional value?

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      [Deleted User] Posts: 32,379

      Forum Member


      19/11/13 - 08:38 #19

      topcat3 wrote: »

      My friend once did a real soup diet. I Think it was normal breakfast homemade veg soup/lentil soup for lunch and tea. She did lose weight

      I don't know if cup a soups have any real nutritional value?

      I did something like that years ago. You could eat as much soup as you wanted and had alternate meals at night with only vegetables or chicken.

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      jpm1234 Posts: 117

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      19/11/13 - 12:03 #20

      LoopyDog wrote: »

      A stone lost in two weeks is rather extreme. I bet the weight wont stay off. You are best losing it slowly, 1-2lbs per week.

      Like all other extreme diets, this one sounds absurd.

      This is good advice. I have lost over 4 stone over the last 2 years. Funnily enough I have a cup of soup for lunch everyday but have a decent meal after work. On top of that I also swim and cycle. I am happy if I have lost a pound or two.

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      Sigurd Posts: 26,610

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      19/11/13 - 13:57 #21

      Just as a matter of interest, here are the ingredients for a Batchelors Chicken Noodle Cup a Soup:

      Ingredients as served (greatest first): Water, Noodles (10%) (Durum Wheat Semolina, Salt), Chicken (4.6%), Leek (2.9%), Maltodextrin, Flavour Enhancers (Monosodium Glutamate, Disodium 5'-Ribonucleotides), Maize Starch, Potato Starch, Yeast Extract (contains Barley), Salt, Parsley, Natural Flavourings, Turmeric.

      Not much nutrition there. Since each portion provides just 95 calories, yes, you'd lose weight if you consumed only a few of them per day and little else, but you'd certainly feel very hungry and perhaps also a bit ill and constipated. I don't think there's any magical ingredient in cup a soups that induces weight loss, and the so-called "cup-a-soup diet" is just another of the cranky low calorie diets that people come up with from time to time.

      I see that the Batchelors Chicken and Leek cup a soup contains just 1.3% of chicken and 5.4% of leek. Perhaps it should be renamed as Batchelors Very Little Leek and Next to No Chicken Cup a Soup? I wonder what sort of chicken they use anyway?

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      Abriel Posts: 8,525

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      19/11/13 - 17:54 #22

      I'd have thought the salt would be a major issue. I know whenver i have one cup a soup I have to have about a pint of water afterwards

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      shmisk Posts: 7,963

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      19/11/13 - 19:34 #23

      Abriel wrote: »

      I'd have thought the salt would be a major issue. I know whenver i have one cup a soup I have to have about a pint of water afterwards

      I would have said that kind of level of salt would lead to water retention as well

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    Anyone know about the cup-a-soup diet? (2024)


    Can you lose weight on a Cup-a-Soup diet? ›

    Eating soup may help increase satiety and help you stay full, which might allow you to eat less overall. 1 While this may lead to weight loss, there is no evidence that a soup-only diet could effectively support long-term weight management.

    How much weight can you lose on a soup diet in 2 weeks? ›

    The Cabbage Soup Diet is a short-term weight loss diet. Proponents of the diet say that it can help you lose up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in a single week, but many health experts warn that the diet does not promote health and wellness, and results are unsustainable.

    Does the soup diet work? ›

    As most soup diets are only designed to last for 5 to 10 days, they aren't sustainable weight loss solutions. Furthermore, the severe and rapid reduction in calories and weight can slow your metabolism, making it even harder to maintain your weight loss.

    What is the 1 week soup only diet? ›

    Over the last few years, "souping" has gained popularity as a way to eat clean, lose weight and get healthy. The idea behind a soup cleanse is that you eat only vegetable soups for a certain number of days, and afterward—poof—you're magically slimmer and healthier.

    Is soup good for losing belly fat? ›

    While no soup alone can magically melt away belly fat, certain soups can be a healthy addition to your diet as part of a balanced and calorie-controlled meal plan. A classic choice, vegetable soup is low in calories and rich in fiber.

    What's the best diet to lose weight fast? ›

    Low-Calorie Diet (LCD)

    These diets usually allow about 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day for women and 1,200 to 1,600 calories a day for men. An LCD is a better choice than a VLCD for most people who want to lose weight quickly.

    Why am I not losing weight on a soup diet? ›

    Opting for Creamy Soup All the Time

    But unfortunately, this type of soup contains a hefty dose of fat. This means that you're more likely to gain weight than lose some if you're always choosing to eat creamy soup. These soups are mostly made with a roux—composed of equal parts of butter and all-purpose flour.

    What is the Dolly Parton diet? ›

    You may have heard of something called the Dolly Parton Diet — which consists of eating cabbage soup (yes, cabbage soup!) as your main meals along with fruit and vegetables.

    How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

    To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

    How much weight will I lose if I only eat soup? ›

    If you normally eat about 2,500 calories per day, it would only take you four to five days to lose 1 lb. However, if you opted for a creamy clam chowder at 450 calories per serving, the loss would take longer. Another challenge is avoiding bread and crackers along with your soup.

    Is cabbage soup good for you to lose weight? ›

    There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the cabbage soup diet is safe or effective for weight loss. No health authorities recommend following the diet. Proponents of the cabbage soup diet also encourage people not to exercise while following it.

    What is the one food Dr. Kellyann says to eat? ›

    Kellyann Petrucci, a naturopathic physician and nutrition consultant, popularized the 21-day bone broth diet regimen. The bone broth diet plan is a meal plan that alternates between a Paleo diet five days a week followed by two days of fasting and drinking a lot of bone broth every day.

    Can you lose weight just eating soup and salad? ›

    Therefore, attempting to try out a diet that only boasts of depending on soups and salads can not just devoid you of other nutrients you may need to lose weight, but also make you more prone to experiencing deficiencies. Remember, soups and salads alone do not make a healthy choice.

    Can you lose more than 10 pounds on the cabbage soup diet? ›

    Fans claim you can drop 10 pounds or more in a week. Some people use it to kick-start their weight loss plan, or to trim a few pounds for a special event. But before you stock up on cabbage, know that this crash diet won't help you in the long run, and it doesn't give your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

    Can you eat cup of soup everyday? ›

    Along with a high saturated fat content, soup can come with an overload of sodium, as well. The American Heart Association recommends the average person consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, but an ordinary can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup already has 890 milligrams of sodium per serving.

    Can you lose weight eating soup twice a day? ›

    If you're enjoying yourself, having soup up to twice a day can be beneficial. One of Dr. Rolls' studies found that folks asked to eat two servings of soup a day as meals or snacks lost about two times more weight than those asked to eat equal-calorie servings of other foods.

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