Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (2024)

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (1)

Table of Contents

A guide for the Neurotrauma mod that covers every symptom, cause, treatment and procedure that you might encounter while playing

Remember to always wear a helmet!

Grasping how the human body functions – or malfunctions – can take some time.

This guide aims to provide crucial information for aspiring medical doctors until they have gathered enough experience.

Doctors should always keep a medical scanner on their person – you won’t know exactly what’s causing all the symptoms of your patient unless you scan them (or you have extensive knowledge)!

First aid kits for expeditions

should contain the following (more suitable items are on the left):

  • Plastiseal or bandages
  • Sutures
  • At least one tourniquet
  • Blood packs (preferably O-), ringer’s solution, saline or adrenaline
  • Calyxanide
  • Antiparalyzant

It is recommended to also bring the following on an expedition:

  • A fully decked out surgery kit -> 13: Surgical procedures and you
  • An endovascular balloon
  • A medical stent

These items may save a patients life if they suffer catastrophical un-clampable bleedings of the neck or aorta that require immediate surgery.

First aid kits for accidents inside the submarine

should contain the following (more suitable items are on the left):

  • Plastiseal or bandages
  • Sutures
  • At least one tourniquet
  • Blood packs (preferably O-), ringer’s solution, saline or adrenaline
  • A defibrillator
  • An autopulse

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (2)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
  1. Opioid
  2. Scalpel
  3. Endovascular balloon
  4. Medical stent
  5. Suture
  1. Opioid
  2. Scalpel
  3. Endovascular balloon
  4. Medical stent
  5. Suture

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (3)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (4)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Fire extinguisher, water or any diving suitSee burnDepends on how long the patient was burning

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (5)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (6)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
CPR or defibrillatorCPR or defibrillatorA sign of something worse

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (7)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
CPRCPRA sign of something worse

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (8)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Removal from unsafe environmentTreating underlying causesA sign of something worse

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (9)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Intravenous fluidsSurgeryA sign of something worse

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (10)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Plastiseal or bandageBone surgerySurvivable

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (11)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Bandage or plastisealBandage or plastiseal, antibiotic ointment in severe casesCommon source of infection

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (12)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
SutureSuturePotential source of infection

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (13)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Plastiseal or bandageWhacking it with a wrench

(consider administering opiates first)
A painful annoyance

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (14)

First aidTreatmentPrognosis
Bandage, plastisealTweezer surgeryWon’t go away without first aid or treatment

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (15)

In the chart above you can find a symptom you might have or might be curious about and visit the corresponding chapter of this guide.

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (16)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneMannitol (takes a long time)The main antagonist. Caused by low oxygen flow to the brain. Certain death if oxygen starvation is prolonged.Hypoxemia, strokeUnconsciousness, respiratory arrest, death

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (17)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneSurgeryStroke should be treated as soon as possible to minimize risk of death.HypertensionNeurotrauma, coma, seizures, pain, headache

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (18)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneAuto CPR and a lot of timeThe underlying causes should be treated ASAP, or else the patient might go into persistent vegetative state.Cardiac arrest, stroke, acidosisCardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, unconsciousness

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (19)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Intravenous fluidsSurgeryVomiting blood is caused by dangerous amounts of internal bleeding.Internal bleedingBloodloss

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (20)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Removal from unsafe environmentTreating causesCould be life-threatening depending on the causeStroke, acidosis, alkalosis, radiation sicknessMuscle spasms

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (21)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
Removal from unsafe environmentTreating causesDepends on the cause. Causes all mental symptoms to become invisible.Hypotension, being below 0 health, coma, neurotrauma

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (22)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating causesDepends on the causeKidney failure, alcohol intoxication

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (23)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating causesDepends on the causeKidney failure, alcohol intoxication, radiation sickness

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (24)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating causesDepends on the causebloodloss, acidosis, stroke, hypoxemia, hypotension

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (25)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating causesDepends on the cause of hypotensionHypotension

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (26)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating causesDepends on the causeAcidosis, hypotension, hypoxemia, sepsis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (27)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating causesDepends on the cause of hypotensionHypotension

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (28)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NaloxoneNaloxoneVariesSubstance abuse, withdrawal

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (29)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
CPR, defibrillatorTreating underlying causesUsually manageable.Bloodloss, hypotension, hypertension, hypoxemia, comaHypoxemia, coma

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (30)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTime, treating the causeWorryingHypertensionHeart damage, cardiac arrest, pain, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (31)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneSurgerySurvivable, grim if left for too longTraumaHypotension, shortness of breath, weakness, cough, lightheadedness

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (32)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTime, heart transplantSurvivable, grim if progressed to heart failureHeart attack, sepsis, antibiotics, radiation sicknessHypoxemia, hypotension, heart failure, cardiac arrest, shortness of breath, leg swelling

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (33)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivablealkalosis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (34)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivable, potentially beneficialSepsis, pneumothorax, bloodloss, hypotension, acidosisHypertension, counters hypoxemia

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (35)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
CPRTreating underlying causesUsually manageable.Cerebral hypoxia, hypoxemia, opiate overdoseLow oxygen

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (36)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTime, lung transplantSurvivable, grim if progressed to lung failureSepsis, antibiotics, radiation sickness, smokingHypoxemia, lung failure, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (37)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTime, lung transplantSurvivable, grim if progressed to lung failureRadiation sicknessHypoxemia, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (38)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NeedleDrainage during surgerySurvivable, grim if progressed far enoughTrauma, untreated rib fractureHypotension, hypoxemia, shortness of breath, tachycardia, hyperventilation, chest pain

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (39)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesGrimAdministering an incompatible blood type

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (40)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivableLung damage, heart damage, cardiac tamponade

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (41)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivableSedation, opiate overdoseHypoxemia, acidosis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (42)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivableHeart attack, heart failure, hypoxemia, lung injury, pneumothorax, cardiac tamponadeHypoxemia

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (43)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivable, potentially beneficialHypoxemia, hypotension, pneumothorax, sepsisAlkalosis, counters hypoxemia

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Administering compatible blood types against bloodloss until symptoms stopAdministering compatible blood types against bloodloss until symptoms stopLife-threatening.Administering incompatible blood typeBloodloss, widespread organ damage

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (45)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneAntibioticsLife-threatening.Infected wounds, gangreneSeizures, fever, widespread organ damage, hyperventilation, confusion, tachycardia, hypotension, gangrene

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (46)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Compatible blood packsTime, compatible blood packsDepends on severityBleeding, internal bleedingHypoxemia, tachycardia, headache, weakness, pale skin, cardiac arrest

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causesDepends on severityOxygen deprivation, bloodloss, cardiac arrest, heart damage, hypotension, hypoventilation, shortness of breath, lung injuryHyperventilation, shortness of breath, neurotrauma, confusion, headache, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, organ damage

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (48)Blood pressure that is lower than 70%

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Intravenous fluids, adrenalineTreating underlying causesDepends on severityPneumothorax, sepsis, heart injury, bloodloss, administering incompatible bloodtypeTachycardia, hypoxemia, pale skin, hyperventilation, lightheadedness, blurred vision, kidney damage, cardiac arrest, unconsciousness

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (49)Blood pressure that is higher than 130%

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Drawing bloodTreating underlying causesDeadly if severeExcessive intravenous injection, liver damage, adrenalineTachycardia, leg swelling, heart attack, stroke

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivableSaline, hypoventilationTachycardia, headache, weakness, confusion, nausea, seizures, coma

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Saline + drawing bloodTreating underlying causesSurvivableHyperventilationSweating, palpitation, seizures

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesSurvivableBloodloss, hypotension

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (53)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneCore decompression surgeryDebilitatingExcessive bone damageSpontaneous fractures everywhere in the body

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Bandage, plastiseal, opioidsOsteoynthetic surgeryImpairingTrauma, failing to correct a dislocationPain, in rib fractures: pneumothorax, in neck fractures: paralysis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (55)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTreating underlying causes or Osteoynthetic surgerySurvivableKidney failureBone death if severe enough

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (56)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Bandage, plastiseal, opioidsWhacking it with a wrenchImpairingTrauma, fallingPain, Fractures if improperly handled

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (57)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTime, liver transplantSurvivable, grim if progressed to liver failureSepsis, antibiotics, radiation sickness, alcohol abuseLiver failure, abdominal discomfort, leg swelling, bloating, jaundice, hypertension, nausea

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessLiver damage

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (59)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessLiver damage

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTime, kidney transplantSurvivable, worrying if progressed to kidney failureSepsis, antibiotics, radiation sickness, hypotension, hypertensionkidney failure, nausea, vomiting, leg swelling, bone damage

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (61)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
  1. Opioid
  2. Scalpel
  3. Endovascular balloon
  4. Medical stent
  5. Suture
Survival very unlikelyExtreme bleedingMassive bloodloss

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Intravenous fluidsSurgeryDepends on severityTrauma, radiation sicknessBloodloss

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessLiver damage

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessAddiction, heart attack

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessSepsis, radiation induced lung injury

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
TourniquetSurgeryWorryingExtreme bleeding, traumatic amputationMassive bloodloss

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneSurgical amputationDepends on severityCutoff bloodflow due to tourniquet or balloon, sepsisSepsis

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessLiver damage, kidney damage, heart failure, hypertension

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (69)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessCardiac tamponade, bloodloss, acidosis

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (70)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Fire extinguisher, water or any diving suitBandaging badly burnt bodypartsDepends on how long the patient was burningFiresMassive burns

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (71)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
Ointment or antiseptic, bandagesOintment or antiseptic, bandagesWorryingUntended wounds or burnsSepsis, necrosis, inflammation

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (72)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused byCauses
NoneTweezer surgerySurvivableGetting shotInflammation, arterial cuts if very severe

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
OpioidsTreating underlying causesPhysically harmlessOrgan damage, dislocations, fractures

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First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesBeneficial (aids in fighting infection)infected wounds, foreign bodies

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (75)

First aidTreatmentPrognosisCaused by
NoneTreating underlying causesHarmlessSeizures

To perform surgery, you will at the very least need a surgery kit.

Packing a surgery kit

A surgery kit stores all the essential tools and instruments needed for surgery neatly in one place.

Surgery kits should contain the following:

  • Opioids or anesthetics (propofol, fentanyl, morphine or opium)
  • Scalpel
  • Hemostat
  • Skin retractors
  • Sutures
  • Blood packs (preferably O-), ringer’s solution, saline or adrenaline

Packing a bone surgery kit

If you are working with bones, there might be some additional tools you need.

Bone surgery kits should contain the following:

  • Surgical drill
  • Surgical saw
  • Osteosynthesis implants
  • Spinal cord implants

The standard surgery procedure is a sequence of steps that a surgeon follows to initiate surgery.

A suture can be used at any point during the surgery to terminate the process. You should always operate at an operating table, if possible. Regular beds can be used as an alternative in a pinch.

In case emergency surgery is required on the field (as is the case with carotid artery bleedings or aortic ruptures), dragging the patient all the way back to the submarine would waste precious seconds and do more harm than good. You will have to operate without a table.

Anesthesia is required for surgery to begin. Administer an opioid of your choice or propofol to the patient.

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Use a scalpel on the body part that you wish to perform surgery on.

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Use a hemostat on the body part that you incised.

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Use a skin retractor on the body part that you incised.

You are now ready for more specialized applications such as osteosynthesis, amputation or organ procurement and transplantation.

This procedure will heal fractures and bone damage.

First, perform the standard surgery procedure.

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (79)

Use a surgical drill on the fractured bone.

Use osteosythesis implants on the affected bone. The fracture is now healed.

This procedure will extract organs from still-living humans and optionally transplant a new one.

First, perform the standard surgery procedure on the torso.

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (80)

Use one of the specialized organ procurement scalpels on the torso. You should receive the patients organ(s). If their organ damage was too high then the organ(s) will be destroyed instead.

Put the replacement organ inside the patient.

This procedure will amputate one of the patients limbs.

First, perform the standard surgery procedure on the limb you wish to amputate.

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (81)

Use the surgical saw on the affected limb. Ending the surgery now will cause the limb to amputated.

Use the severed limb on the now sawed bone. The amputation should now be reverted.

This procedure will heal bone death.

It is best advised to first transplant a fresh kidney to the patient so the bone death doesn’t return post-surgery.

To successfully reverse bone death, you will need to perform osteosynthetic surgery on every bodypart in a relatively small amount of time. Bringing dead bones back to the living is no small feat. You should make sure to bring extra osteosynthesis implants in case something goes wrong.

Health scanner

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (82)

Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorScanning for underlying causes of symptomsEssential

Medical container

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Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorCan store medical equipment and doesn’t require a hand to carryVery important


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorOpen wounds, bleeding, terminates surgeriesEssential

Bandage, plastiseal, antibiotic glue

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (85)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (86)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (87)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorOpen wounds, burns, prevents infection; bandage and plastiseal stabilize dislocations and fractures for later treatmentEssential


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Using empty blood packs on patientsBloodlossEssential

Saline, Ringer’s solution

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (89)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorLow blood pressureImportant

Opioids (opium, morphine, fentanyl)

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (90)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (91)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (92)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorPain, required for surgeryEssential

Antibiotic ointment

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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorBurns, infected woundsImportant


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorBleeding arteries. Surgery should follow as soon as possible to avoid gangrene.Very important


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
FabricatorCardiac arrestImportant


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
FabricatorCardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, low oxygenVery important


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorNeurotrauma, requires stabilized blood pressure and oxygenVery important

Body bag

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Obtained byUseImportance
Medical fabricatorAllows for faster transportation of bodies – deceased or aliveNiche

Stasis bag

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Obtained byUseImportance
Medical fabricatorTemporarily halts most biological processes, allowing for transport to further treatment. It is recommended to keep a defibrillator ready when it’s time to take off the bag.Very important


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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorPneumothorax. This is only a first aid measure.Important

Hematology analyzer and collection cartridge

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (101)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (102)

Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorDetermining blood typeNon-essential

Antiseptic spray and antiseptic

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (103)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (104)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
FabricatorInfected woundsImportant

I ran out of characters in the previous section so here’s the continuation.


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Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorInitiating surgeryEssential


Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (106)

Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorStopping bloodloss from surgeryEssential

Skin retractors

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Obtained byUseImportance


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Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorRemoving tissue or objects from the body during surgeryImportant

Surgical drill

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Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorPreparing bones for implants during surgeryImportant

Surgical saw

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Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorAmputating limbs during surgeryNiche

Organ procurement scalpels

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (111)

Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorRemoving organs during surgery. There’s four types: heart, lungs, liver and kidneysNiche


Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (112)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorPneumothorax. Retracted skin is required.Important

Osteosynthetic implants

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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
FabricatorFractures. Drilled bones are required.Very important

Spinal cord implants

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Obtained byTreatment forImportance
FabricatorParalysis. Surgery is required.Niche

Endovascular balloon and medical stent

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (115)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (116)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Medical fabricatorAortic rupture. Retracted skin is not required. See the first aid section for details.Important

Refrigerated containers

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (117)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (118)

Obtained byUseImportance
FabricatorStoring organs and limbsVery important

Organ transplants

Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (119)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (120)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (121)Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (122)

Obtained byTreatment forImportance
Organ procurement surgery, station shopsOrgan damage, organ failure, requires surgeryVery important

Written by Mannatu

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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Barotrauma – The official Exhaustive Neurotrauma Guide (2024)


What is neurotrauma barotrauma? ›

March 2023) Barotrauma is physical damage to body tissues caused by a difference in pressure between a gas space inside, or in contact with, the body and the surrounding gas or liquid.

How to treat dislocation barotrauma? ›

Management and Treatment

Ear injury barotrauma: Your provider may prescribe decongestants. If you ruptured your eardrum, you might need surgery called tympanoplasty to patch your torn eardrum. Pulmonary barotrauma: Treatment depends on your situation. In most instances, you'll need oxygen therapy and bed rest.

What is an item in barotrauma? ›

Items are pieces of equipment that can be picked up and used in Barotrauma. Most of them can be purchased from the in-game shop in exchange for Marks; a currency earned by completing Missions. Some Items can be used with only one hand, while others require both. For a list of Item Identifiers, see Item IDs.

Where does barotrauma take place? ›

Barotrauma is a side scrolling game that takes place in the distant future, on a submarine traversing the inhospitable oceans of Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.

How to fix pneumothorax neurotrauma? ›

Treatment of tension pneumothorax requires the use of immediate decompression (needle thoracostomy) and/or rapid placement of a chest tube.

Can you get banned in Barotrauma? ›

Barotrauma server admins have a wide range of commands at their disposal, including the ability to kick and ban players from the server.

What is the hardest enemy in Barotrauma? ›

They can stun people for 5 seconds, which can have drastic consequences during an attack. Endworms cannot be inflicted with bleeding, adding to their incredible resilience. As the Endworm is the most dangerous creature in Barotrauma, players are advised to kill it at all costs.

How to enable cheats Barotrauma? ›

First off open the console by pressing F3, then type 'enablecheats'. Afterwards you can use a variety of commands to give yourself skills, experience, items or money.

Which part of the body can be damaged by barotrauma? ›

This causes potential blockage of circulation at distant sites or interferes with normal organ function. Barotrauma can cause sinus injury, ear injury, facial injury, tooth injury, an acute abdomen, pneumothorax, pulmonary hemorrhage, and subcutaneous emphysema.

Where in the body can you get a barotrauma? ›

If the eustachian tube is blocked, the air pressure in the middle ear is different than the pressure on the outside of the eardrum. This can cause barotrauma. Many people have barotrauma at some time. The problem often occurs with altitude changes, such as flying, scuba diving, or driving in the mountains.

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This compression and expansion can cause pain and damage to tissue. Barotrauma most often affects the ears. However, barotrauma affecting the lungs (pulmonary barotrauma) is the most serious.

Is barotrauma life-threatening? ›

Pulmonary barotrauma is a potentially life-threatening complication in patients on mechanical ventilation. It is important to recognize and quickly act to prevent barotrauma for prolonged periods as this may lead to significant morbidity and mortality in patients intubated in the intensive care unit.

What is the most severe form of barotrauma? ›

Pulmonary barotrauma on the ascent is the most serious and potentially life-threatening. Breathing gas at depth during SCUBA causes the in gas in the lungs to be at a higher pressure than the atmospheric pressure.

What is the medical term barotrauma? ›

Barotrauma means injury to your body because of changes in barometric (air) or water pressure. One common type happens to your ear. A change in altitude may cause your ears to hurt.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.