Compare latest petrol and diesel fuel prices (2024)


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    March 2024 fuel prices

    UK and overseas petrol and diesel prices - March 2024

    31 March 2024 - From April, the Fuel Price Report is suspended temporarily for improvements

    • Unleaded prices have risen, from 143.5 p/litre last month to 145.3 p/litre now
    • Diesel prices have gone upfrom 152.5 p/litre to 153.9 p/litre
    • The price difference between diesel and unleadedhas shrunk to 8.6 p/litre

    Compare latest petrol and diesel fuel prices (2)

    National and Regional


    Highest – London has recorded the highest price for unleaded at 146.7 p/litre.

    Lowest – Northern Ireland has recorded the lowest price for unleaded at 139.1 p/litre.


    Highest – London has recorded the highest diesel price at 154.8 p/litre.

    Lowest – Northern Ireland has the cheapest diesel at 148.1 p/litre.


    Supermarket prices for unleaded now average 142.2 p/litre. The gap between supermarket prices and the UK average for unleadedhas grown to 3.1 p/litre.

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    Related links
    • Car running costs
    • Mileage calculator
    • Car tax
    • Car buyer's guide
    • How to reduce air pollution
    • Depreciation
    • Wrong fuel advice

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  • Compare latest petrol and diesel fuel prices (2024)


    Compare latest petrol and diesel fuel prices? ›

    Demand is quite simply always higher for diesel fuel. Freighters, tractors, trains, forklifts, construction equipment—even container ships—all need diesel to run, and that demand is steady. But one barrel of crude oil only produces about 11-12 gallons of diesel, compared to 19-20 gallons of gasoline.

    Why is diesel fuel more expensive than gasoline now? ›

    Demand is quite simply always higher for diesel fuel. Freighters, tractors, trains, forklifts, construction equipment—even container ships—all need diesel to run, and that demand is steady. But one barrel of crude oil only produces about 11-12 gallons of diesel, compared to 19-20 gallons of gasoline.

    What is the price of diesel fuel per gallon in the US? ›

    US Retail Diesel Price is at a current level of 3.813, up from 3.769 last week and up from 3.801 one year ago. This is a change of 1.17% from last week and 0.32% from one year ago. The US Retail Diesel Price is the average price that retail consumers pay per gallon of diesel fuel.

    How much is a gallon of petrol in the US? ›

    Today's average price of gas in the U.S. is $3.51 per gallon, unchanged from yesterday, up $0.01 from last week and up $0.01 from last month.

    What state has the cheapest diesel fuel? ›

    Cheapest Diesel Price by State as of May 2024
    1. Oklahoma. Oklahoma has the cheapest average diesel price, landing at $3.357.
    2. Texas. Texas is a close second, with an average price of $3.452.
    3. South Dakota. Average diesel price: $3.475.
    4. Missouri. Average diesel price: $3.479.
    5. Colorado. ...
    6. Kansas. ...
    7. Arkansas. ...
    8. Mississippi.

    Is it cheaper to produce diesel or petrol? ›

    Gasoline is a more refined petroleum product than diesel; thus, the production cost of diesel reflects a reduced level of refinement. But why is diesel more expensive? Explore the factors that influence the cost of diesel.

    When did diesel become more expensive than gasoline? ›

    On-highway diesel fuel prices have been higher than regular-grade gasoline prices, on a dollar-per-gallon basis, almost continuously since September 2004.

    Does diesel gas last longer? ›

    Long lasting – Thanks to higher compression, the parts of a diesel engine suffer less wear and tear than a gas-powered engine. It isn't uncommon to hear of diesel engines making it to the 500,000 mile mark. Safer – Diesel fuel is less volatile and the vapor is not as explosive as gasoline.

    Where is the most expensive diesel in the US? ›

    Diesel Fuel Prices By State
    RankRegionAverage Diesel Price
    46 more rows

    How much is diesel per gallon in Texas? ›

    Austin-San Marcos
    Current Avg.$2.987$3.350
    Yesterday Avg.$3.000$3.365
    Week Ago Avg.$3.014$3.308
    Month Ago Avg.$3.260$3.478
    1 more row

    How much is a US gallon of petrol? ›

    US Retail Gas Price is at a current level of 3.595, up from 3.557 last week and down from 3.685 one year ago. This is a change of 1.07% from last week and -2.44% from one year ago. The US Retail Gas Price is the average price that retail consumers pay per gallon, for all grades and formulations.

    Which country has the highest petrol price? ›

    According to a survey conducted by Global Petrol Prices' website, as of April 2023, Hong Kong has the highest petrol price in the world, with an average price of USD 2.96 per litre (approx.

    What state has the highest fuel prices? ›

    Californians continue to pay the highest gas prices and endure some of the worst roads in the nation.”

    Why is diesel $2 a gallon more than gas? ›

    First, the cost to produce diesel was simply higher due to additional capital and ongoing operating costs. Many people believe that diesel should be cheaper because it is a “less refined” fuel, but the refining requirements increased in 2006. Some refiners chose not to immediately upgrade equipment to produce ULSD.

    What state has the highest diesel tax? ›

    The highest tax rate on diesel is $0.741 / gallon again from Pennsylvania.

    Where is the most expensive gas in the world? ›

    1 – Hong Kong: $14.60 per gallon of petrol

    Hong Kong ranks again at the top of the list with the highest petrol price on earth; one gallon purchased in the special administrative region costs $14.60. More than double the global average, this price is $3 more than the second most expensive country.

    Is diesel a byproduct of gasoline? ›

    Basics of Diesel Fuel

    Both diesel and gasoline start as crude oil. However, in the refinery, the distillers process the crude oil into lighter and heavier liquids. Gasoline comes from the lightest liquid. Diesel fuel comes from the second heaviest component.

    Is diesel worse for the environment? ›

    Diesel cars tend to have lower volumetric fuel consumption figures than comparable gasoline vehicles. However, the benefit in terms of CO2 emissions is significantly lower, as the combustion of 1 liter of diesel fuel releases approximately 13% more CO2 than for the same amount of gasoline fuel.

    What happens if you put diesel in a gas car? ›

    Just putting diesel fuel into a gasoline car is bad enough. Attempting to drive a vehicle with diesel in a gas engine will cause it to stall as soon as diesel reaches the intake system, potentially clogging the fuel lines and damaging the engine.

    Does diesel get better gas mileage? ›

    Better mileage – Improved fuel economy is a big selling point for diesel engines. Diesels can achieve 25-30% better mileage than a gas engine due to the higher efficiency of diesel fuel, while the direct fuel injection during the combustion process wastes little fuel.

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    Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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    Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.