Cryptic Crossword Indicators and Abbreviations (2024)

I have been adding to this list as I find extra abbreviationsthat aren't in the list. Please email me via the address at thefoot of this page if you have suggestions for additions. Youcan see the complete history of changes to this list from theoriginal version to the current one on github.

# This list is a reformatted and slightly updated version of one# compiled by Ross Beresford and posted to rec.puzzles.crosswords in# 1992. That post can be found here:# # I'm maintaining this list in a git repository that can be found on# github:# # # Please let me know if you think something should be added to this list.# # Those words marked with * are generally only found in advanced cryptic# crosswords and those marked with + are regarded as unsound by some.# a: Austria a: I a: academician a: accepted a: ace a: acre a: active a: adult a: advanced a: afternoon a: aleph a: alpha a: alto a: amateur a: ampere a: an a: ane a: angstrom a: answer a: ante a: are a: articles a: associate a: atomic a: ay a: aye a: before a: blood group a: bomb a: effect a: examination a: fifty a: film a: first character a: first class a: first letter a: five hundred a: five thousand a: good a: high class a: it a: key + a: level a: midday a: note + a: one * a: paper a: per a: road a: strings a: string a: un a: unit a: violin string a: vitamin a: year aa: motoring organisation ab: able seaman ab: hand ab: rating ab: sailor ab: salt ab: seaman ab: tar abbe: priest (French) abe: Lincoln abel: first victim abel: murder victim abel: second child abel: third man able: can able: expert abo: native abs: brakes ac: account ac: accountant ac: aircraftsman ac: alternating current ac: before Christ ac: before food ac: bill ac: current aca: accountant acas: peacemakers acc: account acc: bill ace: card ace: champion ace: expert ace: one ace: pilot ace: service ace: winner act: decree act: performance actor: tree ad: Christian era ad: advertisem*nt ad: after date ad: before the day ad: contemporary ad: in the modern age ad: in the year of our Lord ad: modern times ad: notice ad: now ad: nowadays ad: our time ad: our era ad: period ad: present day ad: promotion ad: puff ad: era ad: this era ad: today adam: first character adam: first person adam: number one add: sum add: tot aden: port admin: management admin: running ado: business ado: difficulty ado: fuss ado: row ado: trouble ae: aged ae: poet aet: aged ag: silver aga: Muslim leader age: long time age: time age: mature age: period agent: spy agm: annual meeting agm: meeting agm: yearly meeting ai: ace ai: capital ai: first class ai: good ai: high class ai: main road ai: sloth aia: actuary ail: trouble ain: own (Scottish) air: appearance air: display air: song air: tune aire: river ait: island al: Alabama al: Alan al: Albania al: Albert al: Capone al: aluminium al: gangster al: one pound ala: Alabama ala: after the style of ala: in the style of ala: to the (French) ala: wings alas: Alaska alb: one pound alb: vestment ale: beer aleph: Hebrew letter ali: the greatest all: completely all: everybody all: everything alp: mountain alp: peak alph: river alpha: Greek letter alpha: beginning alpha: first character alpha: first letter am: America am: American am: I am am: admitting am: boasting am: half day am: hymns am: in the morning am: morning am: self-confessed amen: final word amen: last word amer: American ammo: missiles amos: bookmaker amp: one member an: I an: articles - English an: before an: if an: if (old word) an: one * an: un ana: tales ane: I ane: one ankh: life symbol anne: princess anon: now ans: answer ans: brief reply ans: collection ans: short answer ant: if it ant: if it (old word) ant: six-footer ant: social worker ant: soldier ant: worker ape: copy ape: primate aq: water ar: arab ar: army regulation ar: arrive ar: arrival ar: year of reign ara: academician ara: artist ara: painter arab: horse arc: curve argo: old ship aria: song arm: gun arm: limb arm: member arr: arrive arr: arrival art: contrivance art: craft art: cunning art: painting art: skill as: Anglo-Saxon as: ayes as: ays as: like as: one's as: specifically as: when ash: remains ash: tree asia: continent aside: one fifteen asis: existing state asp: snake ass: donkey ass: fool asti: wine ate: goddess ate: mischief athena: goddess ation: at one on atoll: bikini au: gold au: to the (French) auc: old way of dating (Ab Urbe Condita) aus: Australia aux: to the (French) av: bible av: lived so long ave: average ave: greeting ave: hail ave: road ave: way aver: average avon: county awn: beard ay: I ay: agreement ay: always ay: ever ay: yes aye: I aye: I say aye: agreement aye: always aye: ever aye: yes az: Azed az: scope, plenty of b: Bach b: barrel b: barrels b: bass b: Beethoven b: Belgium b: Brahms b: Britain b: British b: a follower b: bachelor b: baron b: bedbug b: bee b: bel b: beta b: beth b: bishop b: black b: blood group b: bloody b: book * b: born b: boron b: bowled b: boy b: breadth b: inferior b: key + b: magnetic flux b: note + b: paper b: second b: second class b: second letter b: soft b: three hundred b: three thousand b: vitamin ba: Bachelor of Arts ba: airline ba: bachelor ba: barium ba: degree ba: graduate ba: scholar bac: airline bacon: philosopher ban: curse ban: outlaw ban: prohibition bar: Inn bar: lawyers bar: prevent bar: save barb: horse bat: fly-by-night bb: bees bb: books bb: very black bc: ancient times bc: before Christ bc: period bd: beady bd: bound bd: cleric bd: theologian be: exist be: live bea: airline bear: speculator bed: in bed bee: buzzer bee: group of workers bee: six-footer bee: social worker bee: worker bef: Gort's men bef: Old Contemptibles bess: queen beta: Greek letter beth: Hebrew letter bi: double bi: two bi: vitamin bird: prison bis: two bis: twice bis: again bit: chewed bit: piece biz: business bk: book bl: British company bl: lawman bl: lawyer blue: Conservative bm: British Museum bm: doctor bn: baron bo: American man bo: man boa: snake board: directors bob: old shilling bot: fly larva bp: bishop br: Britain br: British br: British Rail br: bank rate br: branch br: bridge br: brig br: brother br: brown * br: lines br: landline br: railway br: railways br: trains br: transport bra: female support bra: female supporter bra: support bra: undergarment brass: money brat: child bren: gun brer: rabbit bridal: old wedding bro: brother bs: bees bst: summer time bst: summer bull: American policeman bull: gold bus: transport by: times c: Celsius c: centigrade c: Charles c: contralto c: Conservative c: Cuba c: about c: approximately c: approx c: around c: cape c: caput c: carbon c: caught c: cedi c: cent c: centime c: centi- c: century c: chapter c: circa c: cloudy c: club c: cold c: college c: complex number c: copyright c: coulomb c: electrical capacity c: hundred c: hundred thousand c: key + c: lot c: many c: note + c: roughly c: sea c: see c: speed of light c: spring c: tap c: vitamin ca: about ca: approx ca: accountant ca: approximately ca: calcium ca: roughly ca: cases cab: transport cade: conspirator cain: first murderer cain: killer cain: murderer cal: California cam: river can: able to + can: is able to + can: prison can: vessel cantuar: archbishop cap: chapter cap: international car: carat car: transport carnation: motor race cart: transport cat: jazz fan cato: censor cato: plotters' street cattle: neat cave: warning cb: Seabee (American) cc: county council cc: seas cc: small measure cc: small quantity cc: two hundred cd: diplomat cd: record cd: seedy ce: Church of England ce: church ce: engineers ce: this (French) cent: money cet: this (French) ch: China ch: Companion of Honour ch: Switzerland ch: award ch: central heating ch: champion ch: chapter ch: chief ch: child ch: church ch: companion ch: honour ch: order cha: tea chai: gypsy woman chair: president chal: gypsy char: daily che: guerrilla che: revolutionary cher: dear (French) chere: dear (French) chi: Greek letter ci: Channel Islands ci: hundred and one cia: secret service cia: spies cid: captain cid: chief cid: detectives cid: police cid: spanish hero cinc: commander cit: citation cl: chlorine cl: class cl: clause cl: gas cl: hundred and fifty co: Colombia co: business co: care of co: cobalt co: commander co: commanding officer co: company co: county co: firm co: gas co: carbon monoxide co: house co: objector co: officer cob: horse cod: fish cod: swimmer col: neck col: pass cole: old king colon: stop com: commander comb: hairdresser composer: scorer con: Conservative con: against con: party con: politician con: study con: swindle con: trick con: with cooler: prison core: decentralise corn: naval commander cos: lettuce cot: bed cot: house cow: lower cow: daisy cow: neat cr: credit cr: crown cr: king cs: Civil Service cs: Czechoslovakia cs: hundreds cs: seas ct: Connecticut ct: carat ct: caught ct: cent ct: centime ct: court ct: small weight ct: weight cu: copper cu: see you cue: queue cur: dog cure: priest (French) cutie: pretty girl cv: autobiography cy: see why d: penny d: density d: old penny d: Dee d: Democrat d: Deutsch d: Germany d: Schubert's works d: copper d: damn d: date d: daughter d: day d: dead d: died d: deci d: degree d: delete d: delta d: deserted d: deuterium d: diameter d: diamond d: differential operator d: director d: drag d: duke d: electrical flux d: five hundred d: four d: four thousand d: hundreds d: key + d: lot d: many + d: mark d: note + d: notice d: number d: strings d: string d: violin string d: vitamin da: American lawyer da: District Attorney da: agreement (Russian) da: dagger * da: lawman da: lawyer da: yes (Russian) da: outdated hairdo ("duck's arse") dab: expert dad: father dad: old man dail: Irish house dam: barrier dam: mother dam: restrain dame: lady dan: tribe das: articles - German das: the (German) dc: Washington dc: current dd: cleric dd: days dd: divine dd: doctor dd: doctor of divinity dd: theologian de: from (French) de: of (French) dean: good man dec: Christmas period dec: last month decanter: Tantalus' prisoner dee: river deed: indeed deed: legal document deep: in the main deep: main deep: sea deg: degree del: of the (Italian) dela: from the (French) dela: of the (French) demi: half den: retreat den: study den: office der: articles - German der: the (German) derby: horse race des: of the (French) det: detective dg: director general dg: chief executive di: double di: five hundred and one di: princess di: two (double) die: articles - German die: the (German) dime: 12.5 cents dior: designer dis: Hell dis: Pluto dis: underworld disc: circle disc: record disc: ring dish: pretty girl dit: named dit: reported dit: said (French) dit: say (French) diy: amateur's department dk: Denmark dm: mark do: the same do: same do: act do: cheat do: cook do: ditto do: note do: party do: work dodo: double act doh: note don: fellow don: nobleman don: put on don: university teacher down: county dr: debtor dr: dead reckoning dr: doctor dr: dram dr: drawer dr: healer drake: bowler dt: alcoholic state dt: psychotic state du: from the (French) du: of the (French) dutch: wife e: Asian e: Edward e: Elizabeth e: England e: English e: Spain e: boat e: bridge players e: direction e: earth e: east e: eastern e: eight e: eight thousand e: energy + e: epsilon e: eta e: five e: five thousand e: key + e: layer e: logarithm base e: low grade e: note + e: orient e: oriental e: point e: quarter e: string e: violin strings e: violin string e: two hundred and fifty e: two hundred and fifty thousand e: universal set e: vacant e: vitamin ea: East Africa ea: each ea: river * ea: running water ea: water ear: listener ear: organ ear: spike * ear: word processor earp: lawman eat: Tanzania ebor: archbishop ec: London district ec: city ec: Ecuador eccles: Cakesville ed: Edward ed: editor ed: journalist eden: garden eden: old Prime Minister eden: paradise edison: inventor edit: censor ee: ease eel: fish eel: swimmer eer: always eer: ever eer: invariably eg: for example eg: for instance egg: bomb egg: co*cktail egg: encourage eight: rowing boat ein: number one (German) el: American railway el: articles - Spanish el: measure el: printer's measure el: small measure el: the (Spanish) eld: old age eli: priest eli: prophet elia: writer ell: four feet ell: length ell: measure ely: city ely: see em: measure em: printer's measure em: small measure em: small square em: them eme: uncle en: measure en: printer's measure en: small measure eng: England eng: English eng: modern journalism ent: otorhinolaryngology entry: record eon: age eon: time ep: epistle ep: record er: co*ckney girl er: QE er: difficulty er: ever er: hesitation er: king er: monarch er: queen er: royal badge era: generation erasmus: old scholar ere: always ere: before ergo: so eric: gradually erie: lake err: blunder err: sin err: wander erse: Gaelic es: French art es: ease esp: sixth sense esp: telepathy est: is (French) et: Egypt et: alien et: and (French) et: exotic et: extraterrestrial et: film eta: Greek letter eta: estimated time of arrival eta: illegal army eta: terrorists ether: number eton: college eton: educational establishment eton: school etty: artist eur: continent eve: first lady eve: first mate eve: lady eve: woman ew: bridge partners ew: partnership ex: former ex: from ex: late ex: one time exe: river eye: I eye: spectator eye: looker eye: I say eye: seer eyot: island ezra: pound f: Fahrenheit f: France f: Friday f: clef f: farad f: farthing f: fathom f: fellow f: female f: feminine f: filly f: fine f: fluorine f: folio f: following f: foot f: force f: forte f: forty f: frequency f: gas f: hole f: key + f: loud f: noisy f: note + f: strong f: vitamin f: woman fa: football fa: note fah: note fal: river fare: China area (Far East) fast: firm fe: iron fed: American detective ff: folios ff: followings ff: fortissimo ff: very loud ff: very strong fia: actuary fig: small illustration fir: tree firm: business firm: company fist: duke fl: flourished fla: Florida flower: bloomer flu: illness fo: Foreign Office fo: folio fob: free on board foc: free of charge fol: folio fool: dessert foot: infantry for: free on rail force: police fore: warning four: rowing boat fr: French fr: father fr: fragment fr: franc fr: frequently ft: feet ft: foot ft: newspaper ft: measure fz: forced g: Gauss g: George g: Germany g: agent g: clef g: four hundred g: gamma g: gamut g: gee g: girl g: gram g: gramme g: grand g: gravity g: guinea g: gulf g: key + g: man g: midnight g: note + g: string g: strings g: suit g: thousand g: violin string g: violin strings g: weight g-man: American detective ga: Georgia gab: gift gad: tribe gael: Gaelic gal: girl gam: whales gar: fish gat: gun gate: old goat gb: Great Britain gb: our islands ge: earth gee: horse gee: little horse geiger: counter gel: jelly gen: Genesis gen: general gen: information gen: low down gent: fellow george: pilot gg: Gee-gee gg: horse gg: little horse gi: American soldier gi: doughboy gi: fighter gi: government issue gi: private gi: serving man gi: soldier gladiator: old fighter glc: capital authority gm: counter go: bargain go: energy go: in good condition go: ready go: success go: traffic signal go: work goc: general gotham: New York gp: doctor gr: Greece gr: Greek gr: King George gr: George gr: grain gr: grammar gr: gramme gr: grey gr: grouse gr: king gr: small weight gr: weight grant: general grass: informer grist: miller's corn grs: gunmen gs: general service gs: general staff gt: fast car gt: sports car gu: guinea gu: old fiddle gue: old fiddle h: Dirac's constant h: Hungary h: Planck's constant h: bomb h: gas h: hand h: hard h: heart h: height h: henry h: horse h: hospital h: hot h: hour h: house h: husband h: hydrant h: hydrogen h: tap h: two hundred h: two hundred thousand h: vitamin ha: half ditch ha: laugh ha: this year haha: ditch haha: laugh hair net: lock keeper ham: actor ham: poor actor han: Chinese dynasty hand: worker has: bears haw: hedge he: high explosive he: explosive he: His Excellency he: ambassador he: excellency he: gas he: governor he: helium he: legate he: male he: our man he: the man head: point hearth: hard ground hebe: goddess hebe: cup holder hehe: laugh hen: female hen: layer her: female her: the woman's her: woman herb: simple hf: half hg: Dad's army hg: mercury hh: very hard hh: the pope hi: greeting hi: hello hic: here in Rome hic: this (Latin) him: male hm: Her Majesty hm: His Majesty hm: king hm: queen ho: house hon: unpaid hou: 45 minutes hobo: tramp hock: prison hol: short break hp: hire purchase hp: never-never hr: hour hs: here is ht: high tension hun: German hun: barbarian i: Italy i: a i: an i: ane i: ay i: aye i: che i: electrical current i: eye i: first person i: imaginary number i: individual i: iodine i: iota i: island i: line i: lunchtime i: number one i: one i: single i: square root of -1 i: straight line i: un i: unit i: upright i: yours truly ia: Iowa iam: I am iam: admitting iam: afternoon iam: boasting iam: early morning iam: self-confessed ian: Scot ian: Scotsman ians: one answer ib: in the same place ib: same place ibid: in the same place ic: I see ic: hundred ic: in charge ic: ninety nine ice: diamond ice: diamonds ice: hard water iceni: old people id: I had id: I would id: fish id: genius id: identification id: instinct id: same id: that (Latin) ida: princess ide: fish idem: said ie: that is ie: that's if: condition if: provided if: providing ign: gin co*cktail ign: sling ii: eleven ii: eyes ii: two il: Israel il: articles - Italian il: one pound il: the (Italian) ilb: one pound ill: I shall ill: will ill: Illinois ill: badly ill: unwell im: I am im: admitting im: boasting im: self-confessed imp: little devil imp: mischevious child imp: one member impi: soldiers in: at home in: batting in: elected in: fashionable in: favoured in: in fashion in: not out in: playing in: trendy in: wearing ina: princess inch: island ind: India ine: oriental ing: gin co*cktail ing: sling inn: local insect: six-footer inst: this month intens: decimally io: cry of triumph io: joyful cry io: maiden io: ten io: triumphant cry ioc: dime (American) iom: Isle of Man iom: island iom: man ion: number one returning iota: Greek letter ious: credit notes ious: promises to pay ip: trivial sum ir: Iran ira: illegal army ira: terrorists ire: anger ire: rage irl: Ireland is: Iceland is: ayes is: ays is: eyes is: island is: one's isis: goddess isis: river isle: man ism: doctrine ism: theory iss: exists ist: first it: Italian it: sex appeal it: the thing iv: four iv: ivy iv: tea-time ive: I have ix: nine j: Jack j: Japan j: heat j: jay j: joule j: judge j: justice j: knave j: one j: pen j: square root of -1 ja: Jamaica ja: agreement (German) ja: yes (German) jack: sailor jack: salt jack: seaman je: I, being French je: In Paris, I jo: little woman jo: sweetheart job: bookmaker jock: Scot jock: Scotsman joe: American soldier jolly: Marine jug: prison k: black k: Kay k: Khmer Republic k: Kirkpatrick k: Koechel k: Mozart's works k: Scarlatti's works k: constant k: kappa k: kelvin k: kilo k: king k: knight k: monarch k: potassium k: thousand k: twenty k: twenty thousand k: two hundred and fifty k: vitamin ka: double * ka: genius * ka: individuality key: opener kg: cagey kine: cattle kine: neat kine: ox kish: graphite kl: kale km: kilometre kn: cayenne knee: bender ko: decisive blow ko: feller ko: kick off ko: knock out ko: stunner kr: krypton kt: knight kv: cave kv: beware kv: cavy ky: Kentucky l: Labour l: Liberal l: Luxembourg l: angle l: apprentice l: corner l: el l: elevated railway l: ell l: fifty l: fifty thousand l: half century l: hand l: inductance l: inexperienced driver l: lambda l: lake l: lambert l: large l: latin l: latitude l: league l: learner l: learning l: left l: length l: licentiate l: line l: lira l: lire l: litre l: live l: long l: lumen l: luminance l: many + l: money l: new driver l: novice l: number plate l: one pound l: overhead railway l: port l: pound l: pupil l: railway l: side l: sovereign l: student l: trainee l: tyro l: vitamin la: Los Angeles la: Louisiana la: articles - French la: articles - Italian la: articles - Spanish la: look * la: note la: the (French) la: the (Italian) la: the (Spanish) lab: Labour lab: laboratory lab: party lab: politician lab: science centre lac: aircraftsman lac: hundred thousand lah: note lakh: hundred thousand lam: beat lam: pound lambda: Greek letter lamed: Hebrew letter lar: Libya lar: God lar: housekeeper laud: archbishop lay: song lb: one pound lb: pound le: articles - French le: the (French) lea: field lear: king lee: general leg: limb leg: member leg: on leg: support lei: flowers lei: wreath * lely: artist lent: advanced les: articles - French les: the French let: allow let: allowed let: hindrance let: permit let: permitted let: service let: with a tenant lewis: gun ley: field lh: left hand li: fifty one lib: Liberal lib: book lib: party lib: politician limn: old paint line: shipping company ling: fish ling: heather ling: swimmer lips: mouthpiece lips: speakers lis: flower lit: drunk lit: loaded lit: settled ll: ells ll: els ll: fifty pounds ll: fifty-fifty lner: old railway lo: look lo: see loch: lake log: maths function log: record loo: office los: articles - Spanish loser: fabulous hare lot: large amount loti: first item in sale lower: cow lowing: neat sound lp: long playing lp: record ls: ells ls: els lso: orchestra lt: Lieutenant lt: officer lt: subaltern lud: old king lum: chimney (Scottish) lv: meal ticket m: Bond's boss m: French man m: Malta m: Monday m: em m: lot m: maiden m: maiden over m: male m: man m: many + m: money m: mare m: mark m: married m: masculine m: mass m: master m: measure m: medium m: member m: meso- m: meta- m: meter m: metre m: midday m: mile m: modulus m: monsieur m: month m: moon m: motorway m: mu m: noon m: roof m: small square m: spymaster m: thousand m: vitamin ma: Master of Arts ma: academic ma: degree ma: educated man ma: graduate ma: master ma: mother ma: old woman ma: scholar mab: fairy queen mab: queen mac: Scot mac: Scotsman main: deep main: sea mal: bad French mam: mother man: cove man: Friday man: fellow man: fighter man: hand man: husband man: island man: piece man: soldier man: worker manifesto: show-ring mass: Massachusetts mass: service maxim: gun may: can mayo: tree ring mb: doctor mb: mark of the beast mb: 666 mc: master of ceremonies mc: medal md: doctor md: one thousand five hundred me: first person me: note me: number one mel: honey men: people men: soldiers ment: intended ment: meant ment: on purpose ment: understood mer: sea (French) met: New York opera met: police mg: magnesium mi: main road mi: motorway mi: note mig: aeroplane mill: economist min: half minute min: thirty seconds min: minister ming: Chinese dynasty ming: china mini: car miss: Mississippi mm: French men mm: ems mm: medal mn: Merchant Navy mo: Missouri mo: doctor mo: half minute mo: month mo: second mo: short time mo: time mo: way of working mog: cat mon: Monday mon: Scot mon: Scotsman moo: low moo: neat sound mos: months moses: lawgiver mot: car test mot: test moth: fly-by-night mp: fairly quiet mp: member mp: member of parliament mp: military police mp: mounted police mp: mountie mp: mounties mp: policeman mp: politician mp: representative mph: rate mph: speed mps: chemist mr: mister ms: ems ms: handwriting ms: manuscript ms: paper ms: text ms: writing mss: manuscripts mss: papers mt: hill mt: mountain mtb: torpedo boat mu: Greek character mu: Greek letter mum: mother mum: quiet mum: silence mur: wall (French) mutt: dog my: gracious me n: Avogadro's number n: Norway n: born n: bridge players n: direction n: en n: gas n: half an em n: indefinite number n: knight n: midday n: name n: national n: nationalist n: neper n: neuter n: neutral n: new n: newton n: ninety n: ninety thousand n: nitrogen n: noon n: north n: northern n: note n: noun n: nu n: number n: point n: pole + n: quarter n: unfavourable aspect n: unknown number n: unlimited number na: North America na: no (Scottish) na: not (Scottish) na: sodium nae: no (Scottish) nae: not (Scottish) nag: horse nag: little horse nat: born nation: people nation: race national: horse race nb: nota bene nb: note nco: non-commissioned officer nco: sergeant nd: North Dakota nd: no date nd: not dated ne: Durham area ne: Humberside ne: Tyneside ne: born ne: bridge opponents ne: gas ne: neon ne: north-east ne: not ne: not (old word) ne: quarter neat: cattle neat: ox ned: donkey ned: little horse nee: born nemo: submariner ness: head ness: loch ness: point net: capture net: fabric net: pure ney: Marshal ney: soldier ney: painter ng: no good ni: Northern Ireland ni: Ulster ni: nickel nib: writer nick: prison nie: close (old word) nie: close nie: near (old word) nie: near nil: love nil: nothing nim: game nitre: chemical nitre: fertiliser nj: New Jersey nl: not clear nl: not far nl: not permitted nn: ens no: New Orleans no: indefinite number no: not out no: number no: play (Japanese) no: refusal noh: play (Japanese) noi: leading noi: no one noi: number one non: no (French) nose: informer np: North Pole np: pole ns: bridge partners ns: ens ns: not specific ns: partnership nt: Holy Writ nt: New Testament nt: Northern Territories nt: book nt: books nt: good book nt: part of Bible nt: preservationists nt: scriptures nu: Greek character nu: Greek letter nu: name unknown nu: unidentified num: miners number: anaesthetic nun: bluetit nurse: shark nus: dawn nus: students' union nus: students nut: teachers nv: envy nw: Merseyside nw: bridge opponents nw: north-west nw: quarter ny: Gotham ny: New York o: Ohio o: around o: aught o: bald patch o: ball o: blob o: blood group o: cavity o: cipher o: circle o: circuit o: circular letter o: dial o: disc o: duck o: egg o: eleven o: eleven thousand o: empty o: examination o: full moon o: gas o: globe o: gulf o: hole o: hollow o: hoop o: loop o: love o: naught o: nil o: no o: nothing o: nought o: oh o: omicron o: opening o: orb o: ortho- o: ought o: owe o: oxygen o: pellet o: ring o: round o: spangle o: zero oaks: horse race oates: conspirator ob: old boy ob: Russian river obe: award obe: honour obe: order obi: witchcraft obit: dead obit: died obit: final message obit: last word oc: commander oc: officer commanding od: supposed force odo: bishop oe: old English oe: old Etonian offa: old king og: ogee og: own goal og: soccer blunder oic: officer in charge ok: acceptable ok: all right ok: approval ok: authorisation ok: correct ok: fine ok: okay old man: captain ole: cry of delight om: award om: honour om: order omega: Greek letter omega: final letter omega: final word omega: last letter omitting: skipping on: about on: acting on: being broadcast on: leg on: on the menu on: operating on: performing on: playing on: drinking one: lunchtime one: undivided oo: castle oo: duck's eggs oo: ohs oo: owes oo: spectacles oom: Dutch uncle op: operation op: opposite op: opus op: out of print op: work optic: seer opus: work or: alternative or: alternatively or: before * or: gold or: yellow or: non-commissioned officers (other ranks) or: men or: soldiers oral: examination oral: test ord: no way ord: ring road orion: hunter orpheus: classical musician ort: bit ort: fragment os: Ordinary Seaman os: big os: bone os: large letters os: ohs os: old style os: outsize os: owes os: sailor os: very large ost: east (German) ot: Holy Writ ot: Old Testament ot: book ot: books ot: good book ot: occupational therapy ot: part of Bible ot: scriptures ou: Open University oui: agreement (French) oui: yes (French) ouija: Franco-German agreement ous: nothing to America ouse: river out: away out: not at home out: unfashionable our: 45 minutes over: maiden ox: bull ox: neat oxonian: dark blue oy: oh, why oz: ounce oz: small weight oz: weight oz: wizard place p: Celt p: Kelt p: Portugal p: copper p: four hundred p: four hundred thousand p: page p: park p: parking p: participle p: pawn p: pea p: pedal p: pee p: peg p: penny p: phosphorous p: pi p: piano p: pint p: poise p: power p: president p: prince p: quiet p: small change p: soft p: softly p: vitamin pa: Panama pa: father pa: old man pan: god par: standard para: Brazilian para: airborne soldier parent: source part: leave pas: dance pas: step pate: head pawn: piece pawn: chess piece pawnbroker: uncle pb: lead pc: copper pc: policeman pe: Peru pe: gym pe: physical education pe: training peg: tee pen: author pen: enclosure pen: prison pen: writer per: by per: for each per: through pet: cherished pet: favourite pg: paying guest ph: local phi: Greek letter pi: Greek character pi: Greek letter pi: confusion * pi: good pi: relationship pi: religious pi: upright pier: mole pin: number pit: Hell pitt: old Prime Minister pl: Poland pla: mountain retreat play: the thing pla: port authority plato: philosopher plo: illegal army plo: terrorists plot: garden pm: Prime Minister pm: afternoon pm: half day pm: in the afternoon po: Italian flower po: Italian banker po: Post Office po: order po: airman po: palladium po: pole po: river polo: Merchant of Venice poly: college pony: twenty five pounds pony: twenty-five pounds pop: father pop: old man port: left port: wine pp: pages pp: peas pp: pees pp: pianissimo pp: very quiet pp: soft pp: sofly pr: Puerto Rico pr: Romans pr: Roman people pr: electoral system pr: image building pr: pair pr: president pr: price pr: priest pr: prince pr: public relations pr: two pra: academician pra: artist pra: painter pres: president prison: bird pro: expert pro: for pro: public relations officer prof: academic provos: terrorists prox: next month ps: footnote ps: peas ps: pees ps: postscript ps: second thoughts pt: part pt: physical training pt: pint pt: platinum pt: point pt: post town pt: stop pt: training pub: local pv: peavy q: Celt q: Kelt q: Quebec q: Queensland q: boat q: cue q: electrical charge q: farthing q: five hundred q: five hundred thousand q: koppa q: ninety q: ninety thousand q: quality q: queen q: query q: question q: queue q: quintal q: rational numbers qp: kewpie qp: doll qt: cutie qt: quart qt: quiet qu: quart qu: queen qua: as quad: prison que: what (French) qui: who (French) r: rabbi r: Reaumur r: Regina r: Republican r: Rex r: Romania r: Romeo r: are r: arithmetic r: castle r: eighty r: eighty thousand r: hand r: king r: monarch r: month r: queen r: radius r: rain r: rand r: rare r: reading r: real numbers r: recipe r: rector r: resistance r: rho r: right r: river r: road r: rontgen unit r: rook r: royal r: run r: side r: take * r: writing ra: Royal Academician ra: Royal Academy ra: Royal Artillery ra: academician ra: academy ra: artillery ra: artist ra: big guns ra: gunmen ra: gunner ra: gunners ra: painter ra: soldiers ra: sun ra: sun god ra: god rab: Butler rac: motoring organisation race: people rada: academy raf: fliers raf: service rage: fashion rain: waterfall ram: butter ram: music school ram: sheep ram: memory ran: managed ran: smuggled ras: head ras: prince rat: art nouveau rat: desert fighter rat: desert rat: deserter rat: scab rat: strikebreaker rate: speed rc: Roman Catholic rc: church rd: little way rd: road rd: way re: Royal Engineer re: Royal Engineers re: about re: again re: concerning re: engineer re: engineers re: note re: over re: religious education re: sapper re: sappers re: soldiers re: touching re: troops rebecca: Welsh riots rec: recipe rec: take red: anarchist red: bloody red: cent * red: communist red: leftist red: revolutionary red: socialist red: former squadron regan: princess regan: wicked sister reine: French queen rel: relative reme: engineers rene: French man rep: agent rep: salesman rep: traveller rep: cloth res: old thing resh: Hebrew letter ret: soak rete: network rev: priest rev: vicar rex: cat rg: argy rg: argy-bargy rh: right hand ri: Rhode Island ri: king emperor ria: drowned valley rib: wife rid: clear rid: free ring: circle rio: port rip: final message rip: last word rip: corn river: banker river: flower river: runner rly: lines rly: landline rly: railway rly: transport rly: way rm: Marine rm: Royal Marine rm: Royal Marines rm: jolly rm: old Irish magistrate rm: resident magistrate rm: service rma: Sandhurst rms: mailboat rn: Navy rn: Royal Navy rn: fleet rn: sailors rn: service ro: right hand roc: fabulous bird rock: diamond rod: fast car rod: pole rod: sports car roi: French king roi: king (French) rom: gypsy rom: memory rom: Romans rom: traveller rope: twenty feet rose: flower rosinante: poor horse rot: corruption rot: decay rot: rubbish row: line rr: Right Reverend rr: Rolls Royce rr: ars rr: bishop rr: car rsm: non-commissioned officer rsm: warrant officer rt: arty rt: right ru: football ru: rugby ruc: Irish police rue: street (French) run: manage run: smuggle rur: Capek's play rv: bible ry: landline ry: lines ry: line ry: little way ry: rail ry: railway ry: transport ry: way s: Bach's works s: God's s: Sabbath s: Saturday s: Schmieder s: Sweden s: as s: bend s: bob s: bridge players s: direction s: dollar s: es s: ess s: has s: his s: is s: largesse s: old Bob s: old shilling s: paragon s: part of collar s: point s: pole + s: quarter s: saint s: second s: seven s: seven thousand s: shilling s: side s: siemens s: sister s: small s: snow s: society s: son s: sons s: soprano s: southern s: south s: space s: spade s: square s: stokes s: succeeded s: sulphur s: sun s: us sa: South Africa sa: South America sa: essay sa: it sa: sex appeal sa: without date sad: blue sailor: able seaman saint: paragon salt: able seaman sam: uncle sas: soldiers sat: Saturday satin: dressmaker sc: namely sc: self-contained sc: small capitals sc: specifically sc: that is sc: viz scot: fine scot: tax scr: scruple sculptor: blockbuster sd: South Dakota sd: without a day fixed sdp: nationalists se: Home Counties se: London Area se: bridge opponents se: quarter se: south-east sea: deep sea: main sec: dry sec: second sec: short time sec: time see: look seed: children semi: half semi: house sen: nurse sent: ecstatic set: group set: put set: ready seth: fourth man sgt: non-commissioned officer sgt: sergeant sh: hush sh: quiet sh: silence sh: used sh: second-hand scrip: shares she: woman she: the woman she: female she: lady she: novel sherpa: mountaineer si: South Island si: agreement (Spanish) si: note si: silicon si: yes (Italian) si: yes (Spanish) sib: relation sic: thus side: team silk: dressmaker sin: err sin: evil sin: without sin: wrong sine: maths function sine: without sir: knight sir: gentleman sis: sister sly: tinker sm: French king sm: French queen sm: king (French) sm: non-commissioned officer smith: economist sn: Essen sn: partnership sn: tin so: ergo so: note so: therefore so: thus so: well soh: note sol: note sol: sun-god som: county some: approx some: approximately son: issue sop: soprano sos: appeal sp: South Pole sp: childless sp: odds sp: pole sp: species sp: starting price sp: without children spa: spring spire: Oxford dreamer spy: agent spy: mole square: unfashionable sr: old railway sr: senior srn: nurse ss: German soldier ss: Sunday School ss: liner ss: saints ss: ship ss: steamship st: good man st: hush st: little way st: paragon st: road st: saint st: silence st: stokes st: stone st: street st: stumped st: thoroughfare st: way st: weight stag: speculator sten: gun stet: don't change it stir: prison stop: traffic signal sts: saints sty: filthy place stye: eyesore su: Soviet Union sub: U-boat sub: stand-in sub: substitute sub: warship sun: newspaper supra: over sure: certain sw: Cornwall sw: Devon sw: bridge opponents sw: quarter sw: south-west swift: screecher swiss roll: jammed cylinder sx: Essex t: Thailand t: Tuesday t: bandage t: bar t: bone t: cart t: cloth t: cross t: crossed t: half dry t: hundred and sixty t: hundred and sixty thousand t: junction t: model + t: peg t: perfect letter t: plate t: rail t: shirt t: short time t: square t: tau t: te t: tea t: tee t: tenor t: tense t: tesla t: the t: time t: ton t: tonne t: tritium t: Troy ta: Territorial Army ta: army ta: cheers ta: reserves ta: soldiers ta: terriers ta: territorials ta: thank you ta: thanks ta: volunteers tab: label tace: silence tag: label tail: dog tal: chess grandmaster tan: beat tan: brown tan: bark tan: maths function tar: able seaman tar: art nouveau tar: sailor tar: salt tar: seaman tat: rubbish tata: Tosti's song tata: goodbye tate: gallery tau: cross tay: river tb: torpedo boat td: medal te: Lawrence te: note tea: leaves tec: detective tec: busy ted: Edward ted: Heath tee: peg teen: old injury tees: river teg: young sheep tell: archer temp: secretary ten: PM's address tene: old injury tent: wine ter: three ter: triple ter: thrice test: educational journal test: examination test: match tet: offensive teth: Hebrew letter the: article the: articles - English ti: note tic: note tic: spasm tic: twitching tid: three times a day tier: row time: father times: daily timon: misanthrope tin: can tin: cash tin: money tin: vessel tiny: small tion: empty container tit: bird tit: inferior horse tit: poor horse tnt: big banger tnt: explosive to: tax officer to: will tod: fox todo: commotion toe: extremity toe: member tom: big bell tom: cat tome: book ton: fashion ton: fashionable people ton: hundred ton: large amount ton: weight tonne: weight tor: hell tor: hill tor: mountain tor: point tor: prominence tory: Conservative tory: party tory: politician tp: teepee tr: Turkey tr: transaction tr: translation tram: transport tree: actor tres: very (French) tri: three tri: triple tri: thrice troy: ancient city troy: old city try: attempt try: essay ts: teas ts: tees tt: abstaining tt: dry tt: on the wagon tt: race tt: teas tt: tees tt: teetotal tt: teetotaller tt: thank you tu: tradesmen tum: corporation tuck: friar twelve: eec two: company u: Conservative u: Uruguay u: Utah u: about turn u: acceptable u: bend u: boat u: educational establishment u: ewe u: film u: for all to see u: high class u: on view to all u: posh u: socially acceptable u: suitable for children u: superior u: trap u: tube u: turn u: union u: Unionist u: universal u: university u: upper class u: uppish u: upsilon u: uranium u: yew u: you uc: you see uff: fighters uk: United Kingdom uk: this country uk: this island ule: rubber ult: last month um: doubt um: hesitation un: United Nations un: international un: number one (French) un: one un: one (Dialect) un: peacekeepers una: number one (Italian) unco: very (Scottish) une: number one (French) uno: international organisation uno: number one (Italian) up: at university up: excited up: in court up: mounted up: riding up: superior uq: you queue ur: ancient city ur: hesitation ur: old city ur: primitive ur: you are ure: river uru: Uruguay us: America us: American us: as above us: ewes us: no good us: transatlantic us: undersecretary us: use us: useless us: unservicable us: yews us: you and me usa: America use: application use: custom use: employ use: employment use: practice use: practise ussr: Soviet Union ut: note ute: half minute uu: ewes uu: use uu: yews ux: wife v: Vatican v: against v: agent v: bomb v: day v: five v: look v: neck v: neckline v: notch v: opposing v: see v: sign v: vanadium v: vee v: velocity v: verb v: verse v: versus v: very v: victory v: vide v: volt v: volume v: win va: Virginia vad: nurse vale: farewell vale: goodbye vat: tax vau: Hebrew letter vb: verb ve: victory ven: ecclesiastical title (venerable) ven: archdeacon ver: rev up very: light vet: surgeon vg: for example vi: half dozen vi: six vis: power vis: force via: old way vid: see vid: tanner vid: sixpence vide: look vide: see vin: French wine vip: big noise vip: tanner vip: sixpence vir: man vir: Roman vis: viscount vj: victory vo: left hand vol: book vol: volume vy: various years w: Wednesday w: Welsh w: William w: bridge players w: direction w: point w: quarter w: tungsten w: watt w: weak w: week w: west w: western w: whole numbers w: wicket w: width w: wife w: woman ward: disadvantage ward: drawback washington: young feller we: partnership we: you and I wee: little wee: minor wee: small who: doctor wi: Mayfair wi: West Indies wi: Westminster winner: fabulous tortoise wise: youth leaders wist: knew wist: knew (old word) women: monstrous regiment woof: bark wt: small weight wt: weight x: Christ x: PM's address x: Xmas x: across x: body x: chi x: chromosome x: cross x: draw x: ex x: Exe x: film x: illiterate's signature x: kiss x: particle x: ray x: sign of love x: sign of the times x: spot marked x: ten x: ten thousand x: thousand x: times x: unknown x: vitamin x: vote x: wrong sign x: xi xc: ninety xi: eleven xi: side xi: team xl: excel xl: extra large xv: side xv: team y: alloy y: chromosome y: level y: measure y: moth y: one hundred and fifty y: one hundred and fifty thousand y: track y: unknown y: why y: yard y: year y: yen y: young y: yttrium yard: detectives yd: measure ye: the (old word) ye: the ye: you (old word) ye: you yea: agreement yew: tree you: solver yr: year yr: your ys: wise ys: youth leaders yt: that yt: that (old word) yu: jade yule: you will, say yy: wise z: Zambia z: bar z: bend z: cedilla z: final letter z: integers z: izzard z: last character z: last letter z: omega z: seven z: seven thousand z: sound of sleep z: unknown z: zed z: zee z: zero z: zeta zo: cross * zr: Zaire zz: snoring zz: sound of snoring
Cryptic Crossword Indicators and Abbreviations (2024)
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Article information

Author: Nathanial Hackett

Last Updated:

Views: 5648

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.