Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)

Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, and harvesting crops on the farm, and also the care of farm animals. It's one of the main income sources for the game, and provides most of the ingredients for cooking.


  • 1 Farming Skill
    • 1.1 Effect of Coopmaster and Shepherd on Animal Product Quality Frequency
      • 1.1.1 Complete Formula
    • 1.2 Crop Quality Frequency
      • 1.2.1 Normal soil
      • 1.2.2 Soil with Basic Fertilizer
      • 1.2.3 Soil with Quality Fertilizer
      • 1.2.4 Soil with Deluxe Fertilizer
      • 1.2.5 Complete Formula
  • 2 Experience Points
  • 3 Food
  • 4 Crops
  • 5 References
  • 6 History

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (1) Farming Skill

The farming skill level can be viewed in the skill tab of the pause menu. Each level grants +1 proficiency to the Hoe and Watering Can, which reduces the energy cost of using the tools. Higher farming skill also increases the chance to obtain quality crops.

To level up farming skill requires experience points, which are gained by harvesting crops, petting farm animals, milking cows or goats, shearing sheep, picking up animal products inside a coop, or reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars.

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Crafting Recipes:Crafting Recipes:Crafting / Cooking Recipes:Crafting Recipes:Choose a Profession:
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (2) Scarecrow

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (3) Basic Fertilizer

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (4) Mayonnaise Machine

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (5) Stone Fence

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (6) Sprinkler

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (7) Bee House

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (8) Speed-Gro

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (9) Farmer's Lunch

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (10) Preserves Jar

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (11) Basic Retaining Soil

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (12) Iron Fence

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (13) Rancher

Animal products worth 20% more.

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (14) Tiller

Crops worth 10% more.

(Bonus applies to all Vegetables and Flowers, plus any Fruit that has not been foraged)

Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10
Crafting Recipes:Crafting Recipes:Crafting Recipes:Crafting Recipes:Rancher:Tiller:

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (15) Cheese Press

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (16) Hardwood Fence

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (17) Quality Sprinkler

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (18) Loom

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (19) Quality Retaining Soil

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (20) Oil Maker

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (21) Keg

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (22) Deluxe Speed-Gro

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (23) Seed Maker

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (24) Iridium Sprinkler

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (25) Quality Fertilizer

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (26) Coopmaster

Befriend coop animals quicker. Incubation time (for Incubator, Ostrich Incubator, and Slime Incubator) cut in half.

(Also improves coop product quality, see details here)

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (27) Artisan

Artisan goods (wine, cheese, oil, etc.) worth 40% more.

(Note that oil does not actually benefit from the Artisan Profession)

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (28) Shepherd

Befriend barn animals quicker. Sheep produce wool faster.

(Also improves barn product quality, see details here)

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (29) Agriculturist

All crops grow 10% faster.

Effect of Coopmaster and Shepherd on Animal Product Quality Frequency

On top of the ability in the skill description of befriending the relevant animal type faster (+30 friendship when petted instead of the base +15) and either halving incubation time or increasing wool production from sheep, the Coopmaster and Shepherd professions have a hidden benefit that isn't stated anywhere in the game. They each add 0.333 to the score used to calculate product quality for the animal type relevant to the skill. This results in substantially higher rates of iridium quality products. To illustrate, below is a table showing average frequency of iridium, gold and silver products with and without the Shepherd/Coopmaster professions for an animal with max friendship (1000, ie. 5 hearts) and max mood (255):

Profession% Iridium quality% Gold quality% Silver qualityAverage price (% of base price)
No (or other) Profession56.665%24.556%18.779%173.638%
Coopmaster or Shepherd73.315%19.564%7.121%184.877%

Complete Formula

The game normally calculates animal product quality using a score for each animal with the following formula: ((Friendship/1000) - (1 - (Mood/225)) (interestingly, the game doesn't factor in daily luck in this calculation)

For example, an animal with 1000 Friendship and 255 Mood (max friendship and mood) would be calculated thus:

=((1000/1000) - (1 - (255/225))

=1 - (1 - 1.1333...)

=1 + 0.1333...


The game will begin checking what quality to create by first seeing if the whole score is above 0.95. If it is, the score divided by 2 will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If the score divided by 2 is greater than the random number, the item will be Iridium quality. If the score is below 0.95 or the check fails, the score divided by 2 will then be compared against a random number between 0-1. If the score divided by 2 is greater than the random number, the item will be Gold quality. If that check also fails, the whole score will then be compared against a random number between 0-1. If it is greater than the random number, the item will be Silver quality. Finally, if that check also fails, the item will be normal quality (though in the example above, the score is higher than 1, so a check for silver quality will always succeed if the two prior fail).

(Note that the 0.333 bonus to the score by the Coopmaster and Shepherd professions is applied to the whole score, not the halved score.)

Since the score is above 1 and the odds of normal quality produce can be ignored, the odds in this example without the bonus 0.333 can be calculated as:

1.1333 / 2 = 0.56665 = 56.665% iridium

(1 - 0.56665) × (1.1333 / 2) = 0.24556 = 24.556% gold

1 - 0.56665 - 0.24556 = 0.18779 = 18.779% silver

Since iridium products are worth 2× base price, gold products are worth 1.5× base price, and silver products are worth 1.25× base price, we can then calculate the percentage of base price in profits this results in:

=(0.56665 × 2) + (0.24556 × 1.5) + (0.18779 × 1.25)

= 1.13330 + 0.36834 + 0.23474

= 1.73638 = 173.638%

Crop Quality Frequency

Quality is determined when the crop is harvested, and not when it is planted. For crops that produce multiples at harvest (i.e., Coffee Bean, Blueberry, Cranberries), Basic and Quality fertilizers affect only the first crop produced.

First the game tests if the crop gets gold quality, if it doesn't it tries again with silver quality. If both fail the crop is normal quality. Quality is also dependent on the use of Fertilizer.

The basic formula for finding a gold quality crop (not including fertilizer) is 1% + 2% per farming level. The basic formula for finding a silver quality crop is 2% + 4% per level, though the game must first fail to award a gold quality crop before it will check to award a silver quality crop, so the chances for a silver quality are slightly reduced. The tables below show the probabilities of harvesting each quality of crop. Note that it is possible to reach Farming level 11-14 with buffs from Food.

Normal soil

Farming level% Regular quality% Silver quality% Gold qualityAverage price

Soil with Basic Fertilizer

Farming level% Regular quality% Silver quality% Gold qualityAverage price

Soil with Quality Fertilizer

Farming level% Regular quality% Silver quality% Gold qualityAverage price

Soil with Deluxe Fertilizer

Normal quality crops cannot be produced when using Deluxe Fertilizer.

Farming level% Silver quality% Gold quality% Iridium QualityAverage price

Complete Formula

The probability that a crop's quality increases is linear with respect to your farming level and the soil fertilizer quality (0 for normal soil, 1 for Basic Fertilizer, 2 for Quality Fertilizer, and 3 for Deluxe Fertilizer). That is, the probability increases the same amount with each level for the same fertilizer quality, and with each fertilizer quality for the same farming level.

The formulas used in the game's code are as follows [1]:

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (30) Gold0.2 * (farming level / 10) + 0.2 * (fertilizer level) * ((farming level + 2) / 12) + 0.01
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (31) Silver2 * chance for gold quality (capped at 75%)
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (32) Iridiumchance for gold quality / 2

Additionally, if the fertilizer is deluxe or better, then silver is the guaranteed minimum quality, and iridium is made possible.

The game checks each formula in the order iridium, gold, and silver. Note the probability calculation must take that into account: for instance on a soil without deluxe fertilizer, silver quality can be selected only if gold has not been chosen, and then the global chance for silver is equal to (1 - chance for gold quality) * (minimum between (0.75) and (2 * chance for gold quality)).

Experience Points

The amount of experience gained from harvesting crops varies from crop to crop, with more expensive crops giving more experience upon harvest. Crops with multiple harvests give experience for every harvest. Crops that yield multiple produce per harvest, such as blueberry, cranberry, or potato, only reward experience for the first product and do not offer any extra experience for the multiples.

Petting a farm animal, milking a cow or goat, shearing a sheep, or picking up an animal product inside a coop gives 5 experience points each. (Picking up Truffles gives Foraging experience rather than Farming experience.)

250 Farming XP is gained for reading a copy of the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars.

To level up farming from level 0 to 1, it takes 13 parsnips, or 8 potatoes, or 5 cauliflowers. From level 0 to 2, it takes about 48 parsnips, or 28 potatoes, or 17 cauliflowers.

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (33) Coffee Bean4
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (34) Tulip7
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (35) Unmilled Rice7
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (36) Carrot8
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (37) Parsnip8
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (38) Green Bean9
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (39) Blue Jazz10
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (40) Garlic12
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (41) Potato14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (42) Kale17
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (43) Strawberry18
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (44) Cauliflower23
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (45) Rhubarb26
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (46) Ancient Fruit38
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (47) Cactus Fruit14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (48) Coffee Bean4
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (49) Hops6
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (50) Wheat6
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (51) Hot Pepper9
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (52) Blueberry10
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (53) Corn10
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (54) Tomato12
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (55) Sunflower14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (56) Radish15
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (57) Summer Spangle15
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (58) Summer Squash9
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (59) Poppy20
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (60) Melon27
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (61) Red Cabbage28
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (62) Starfruit43
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (63) Ancient Fruit38
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (64) Cactus Fruit14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (65) Taro Root16
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (66) Pineapple30
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (67) Wheat6
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (68) Corn10
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (69) Eggplant12
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (70) Broccoli13
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (71) Bok Choy14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (72) Cranberries14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (73) Grape14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (74) Sunflower14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (75) Beet16
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (76) Amaranth21
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (77) Artichoke22
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (78) Yam22
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (79) Fairy Rose29
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (80) Pumpkin31
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (81) Ancient Fruit38
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (82) Sweet Gem Berry64
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (83) Cactus Fruit14
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (84) Powdermelon12

The experience points awarded are calculated using the formula XP=||16 × ln(0.018 × PRICE + 1)|| where PRICE is the base sell price of the crop (listed in ObjectInformation.xnb). High quality crops grant the same amount of XP as normal-quality crops.

Harvesting forage plants grown from Wild Seeds grants 3 Farming experience points and 2 Foraging experience points per plant.

Experience level is increased immediately upon harvesting, but the "level up" window doesn't appear until after going to sleep.

LvlTotal Lifetime Parsnips HarvestedExperience


Certain cooked dishes will temporarily increase farming level. Qi Seasoning can be applied to further increase the stat buff for dishes cooked by the player.

ImageNameDescriptionIngredientsEnergy/ HealthBuff(s)Buff DurationRecipe Source(s)Sell Price

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (85)

Complete BreakfastYou'll feel ready to take on the world!Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (86) Fried Egg(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (87) Milk(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (88) Hashbrowns(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (89) Pancakes(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (90) 200
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (91) 90
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (92) Farming(+2)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (93) Max Energy(+50)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (94) 7m
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (95)The Queen of Sauce
21 Spring, Year 2
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (96)350g

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (97)

HashbrownsCrispy and golden-brown!Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (98) Potato(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (99) Oil(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (100) 90
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (101) 40
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (102) Farming(+1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (103) 5m 35s
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (104)The Queen of Sauce
14 Spring, Year 2

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (105) Stardrop Saloon for Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (106)50g

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (107)120g

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (108)

Pepper PoppersSpicy breaded peppers filled with cheese.Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (109) Hot Pepper(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (110) Cheese(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (111) 130
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (112) 58
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (113) Farming(+2)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (114) Speed(+1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (115) 7m

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (116) Shane(Mail - 3+ Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (117))

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (118)200g

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (119)

Tom Kha SoupThese flavors are incredible!Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (120) Coconut(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (121) Shrimp(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (122) Common Mushroom(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (123) 175
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (124) 78
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (125) Farming(+2)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (126) Max Energy(+30)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (127) 7m

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (128) Sandy(Mail - 7+ Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (129))

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (130)250g

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (131)

Farmer's LunchThis'll keep you going.Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (132) Omelet(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (133) Parsnip(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (134) 200
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (135) 90
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (136) Farming(+3)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (137) 5m 35s

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (138) Farming Level 3

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (139)150g

Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (140)

Maple BarIt's a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze.Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (141) Maple Syrup(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (142) Sugar(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (143) Wheat Flour(1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (144) 225
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (145) 101
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (146) Farming(+1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (147) Fishing(+1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (148) Mining(+1)Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (149) 16m 47s
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (150)The Queen of Sauce
14 Summer, Year 2
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (151)300g


SpringBlue JazzCarrotCauliflowerCoffee BeanGarlicGreen BeanKaleParsnipPotatoRhubarbStrawberryTulipUnmilled Rice
SummerBlueberryCoffee BeanCornHopsHot PepperMelonPoppyRadishRed CabbageStarfruitSummer SpangleSummer SquashSunflowerTomatoWheat
FallAmaranthArtichokeBeetBok ChoyBroccoliCornCranberriesEggplantFairy RoseGrapePumpkinSunflowerWheatYam
SpecialAncient FruitCactus FruitPineappleQi FruitSweet Gem BerryTaro RootTea Leaves


  1. See Crop::harvest in the game code.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Adjusted Rancher bonus to 20%, up from 10%, Artisan now increases the value of Artisan Goods by 40%, down from 50%.
  • 1.2.26: Farming level now affects crop yield prior to level 10.
  • 1.3.27: Fixed bug that prevented farming XP being granted when harvesting with Scythe.
  • 1.6: Farming Experience can now be gained by reading the Stardew Valley Almanac or Book Of Stars.
Skills & Stats
StatsAttackCrit. ChanceCrit. PowerDefenseImmunityLuckMagnetismSpeedWeight
Farming - Stardew Valley Wiki (2024)


What is the most profitable crop overall Stardew Valley? ›

Best Overall Crop

Ancient Fruit is the most valuable crop you can grow in Stardew Valley. This special crop requires a little extra effort and attention to grow, but they are worth crazy money and are well worth the trouble!

How to level up farming quickly in Stardew Valley? ›

Farming experience can be gained by planting, growing, and harvesting fruits and vegetables, and taking care of animals. Five XP is earned by petting, milking, or shearing farm animals and collecting animal produce inside a coop or barn.

What is the hardest starting farm in Stardew Valley? ›

1 The Beach Farm

Stardew Valley's update 1.5 brought players the aesthetically pleasing Beach Farm layout. It isn't a map for first-timers, however, as it comes with extra difficulties and challenges that only seasoned players can handle.

What is the best farm layout for Stardew Valley? ›

- 4 corners is probably best for new players, and many would argue best in general because its not that much less space than default but has 'decent' hardwood/quarry and the actual layout is pretty smart. - For late game maximum yield, default map has the most usable space. - a lot of people really like forest.

What is the most productive farm in Stardew Valley? ›

Cauliflower stands out as one of the most lucrative Spring crops available in Stardew Valley, providing players with substantial profits and diverse usage options. Taking a substantial 12 days to reach full maturity, Cauliflower requires patience, but the rewards are well worth the wait.

What is the most valuable farm crop? ›

Dubbed "red gold", saffron's high market value makes it arguably the most profitable agricultural crop. Though it requires careful cultivation, the potential profits per acre are unmatched, highlighting its viability for small farms looking to maximize their earnings.

Does ancient fruit keep producing? ›

The seeds take 28 days to mature and continue to produce 1 Ancient Fruit every 8 days.

What is the biggest money maker in Stardew Valley? ›

You can sell a single Iridium quality Sweet Gem Berry for 6,000g, making it the highest value crop in Stardew Valley.

How do you get rich fast in Stardew Valley? ›

How to Make Money Quickly & Efficiently in Stardew Valley
  1. Plan Your First Year.
  2. Collect Forageables.
  3. Grow Mixed Seeds.
  4. Fulfill Help Wanted Ads.
  5. Go Fishing.
  6. Check Garbage Cans.
  7. Grow the Best Crops.
  8. Make Artisan Goods.

What is the easiest farm in Stardew Valley? ›

Standard Farm

If this is your first time opening up Stardew Valley and you are trying to figure out what the game entails, then this one may be for you! This farm plot is the perfect map to start on for its design to help give you the most space to learn the mechanics of farming as well as raising animals.

Is it better to be an artisan or agriculturist? ›

Empires have been built off of the Artisan Profession, and it's an extremely popular choice among players. The other choice at Level 10 is Agriculturist. This skill causes crops to grow 10% faster. This is nice, but it can be done with fertilizer, making Artisan the better choice.

What is the best Stardew Valley farm ever? ›

The Best Farm Type By Far In Stardew Valley

For seasoned players and those who are just starting out, the choice is clear. The Four Corners Farm is the best farm available in Stardew Valley. Divided into four sections, this farm type offers Stardew Valley players a variety of landscapes and resources.

What is the longest Stardew Valley farm? ›

Few, however, are as serious about it as violetswan76, who recently revealed that they've been running the one farm in Stardew for nearly 100 in-game years. Over on the Stardew Valley subreddit, the player shares images of their farm, which is currently in its 98th year.

What is the most profitable thing in Stardew Valley? ›

Raisins, Caviar, and Fairy Rose Honey are top-profit Artisan Goods players should focus on producing. Truffle Oil, Starfruit Jelly, Iridium-Quality Ancient Fruit, and Starfruit Wine are highly profitable choices.

How do you get the perfect farm in Stardew Valley? ›

Keeping all crops in their own categories/sections around the farm will help with both style and substance. Players can use fences or even paths as a means of making clean lines of separation.

What are the most profitable methods in Stardew Valley? ›

Overall, Fall crops are some of the best ways to make money fast in Stardew Valley. Starfruit is another big earner, coming in second only to the Sweet Gem Berry as the highest-selling fruit in Stardew Valley. Artisans can turn starfruit into incredibly expensive wine, and then potentially sell it for around 6300 gold.

What is the best item to farm in Stardew Valley? ›

Stardew Valley offers a diverse range of highly profitable crops, such as strawberries, starfruit, and ancient fruit, that can yield substantial returns.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.