How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (2024)

Updated: 9/25/2023 Original: 1/1/2020

If you are a baker you know how important it is to have quality vanilla extract in your pantry. This is why I always have a couple of jars of homemade vanilla extract in various stages in mine.

Making homemade vanilla extract requires patience as it takes time for that vanilla flavor to fully infuse into the alcohol. This is why having a few bottles brewing is such a good idea!

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Where Does Vanilla Come From?

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (1)

I was reminded that orchids are where vanilla beans come from on a visit to Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh.

You might be thinking of the beautiful orchid so many of us try to grow as a houseplant.

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (2)

But, vanilla beans come from a climbing orchid grown in tropical areas. When the flower on this plant blooms it is hand-pollinated. They have just one day to do this as the bloom dies quickly.

The vanilla pods slowly grow and are harvested after 6 – 9 months. They are dried to just the right moisture content and vacuum sealed or sealed in a glass jar and sold.

Each area or growing region processes the pods slightly differently which you can read about here.

Vanilla beans are grown close to the Equator.

The most common is Madagascar vanilla. (Madagascar is an island off Africa) It is typically a Grade A or “gourmet” bean that is used in cooking and gourmet extract is made from this bean. It is a bit more expensive than vanilla from other regions. It has a sweet, mild vanilla flavor and is probably the type you are most used to seeing.

Vanilla beans also come from Mexico, Uganda, Tahiti, and Indonesia. What is the difference? Well, like wine or the grapes used to make wine, the area the vanilla beans are grown, or terroir, contributes to the flavor and aroma of the vanilla.

  • Mexican Vanilla – Vanilla originated in Mexico. The beans grown here are described as sweet and a little spicy. I have not found Mexican vanilla beans to try yet, but I understand they are a treat and have a beautiful sweet flavor that pairs well with chocolate!
  • Tahitian Vanilla – This small tropical island grows a slightly different breed of vanilla, which has been cross-bred with two vanilla species to create this Tahitian vanilla. These beans have a sweet, floral vanilla and you can often find these beans in your local grocery store.
  • Indonesian Vanilla – The beans from Indonesia are mass-produced and usually a grade B bean. For making homemade vanilla extract, this is the type that is recommended. They may be a bit more brittle and dried out which makes them perfect for the long soaking in vodka or bourbon.

Vanilla beans can dry out quickly so when you are purchasing them, make sure they look moist and pliable, not dry and cracked, and plan on using them immediately.

How To Make Vanilla Extract

Making homemade vanilla extract is simple, it just takes 2 ingredients, the right equipment, and time – lots of it! Follow these step-by-step instructions for how I make a vanilla extract (based on my trial and error!) or watch the video at the end.

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (3)

Always start with a clean bottle (make sure it is clean and sterilized* before using it. See the quick tip below) I like these swing-top bottles the best. They are pretty and they make a nice gift too.

Step 1:

Measure the vanilla beans to make sure they will fit in the jar and the liquid covers them completely. If not, cut the bean in half.

Some people like to split the bean down the center to allow the vanilla “caviar” to escape into the extract.

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (4)

It might speed up the process slightly but it does leave some vanilla “specs” in the liquid and isn’t necessary.

If you prefer a “clear” extract, keep the beans whole, just know that it may take a little longer to get that full vanilla flavor.

Step 2:

Add the beans to the jar. The number of beans can vary slightly but I’ve found that 3 – 4 beans for an 8 oz. jar is a perfect ratio for me. Some people recommend going up to 5 for a more concentrated vanilla flavor, but I haven’t found that to be necessary. Play with it and find the ratio that is best for you.

Step 3:

Pour about 7 oz. of vodka (a decent quality vodka is fine – you don’t need the most expensive brand for this!) over the beans, ensuring the liquid completely covers the beans. Then seal it up and put it in a dark place for a couple of months at least.

Step 4:

Give the bottle a quick shake every few days at first and then once a week as it sits. Don’t worry if you miss a week or forget. The beans are still releasing vanilla into the liquid, but shaking it will distribute the flavor throughout the liquid and speed the time up a bit.

You’ll see it gradually turn to a beautiful brown color and when you open the top you should have a sweet vanilla scent. If it smells more like alcohol it may need a bit longer to “marinate.” 4 – 6 months is about how long you’ll need but, always give it the smell test before using it.

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (5)

Don’t throw those beans away when you are finished! Use them to make vanilla sugar or scrape the “caviar” that is left and add it to vanilla ice cream or mix it into the batter of your next baked good for an extra vanilla flavor.

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (6)

To sterilize the jar, run it through the dishwasher (as long as it is dishwasher safe) or place it in a pot of warm water, covering the jars, and bring the water to a boil. Allow it to boil for at least 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it cool slightly. Remove the jar from the water with tongs and place it on a clean towel to air dry.


While making vanilla extract is easy you may still have some questions about the process, how long it takes, and how best to store it. Here are a few questions I get asked a lot and my answers – based on my experience!

Should you Split the Vanilla Beans Before Soaking Them?

I think this is a personal preference. Splitting the bean allows more surface area of the bean and the vanilla “caviar” to be exposed to the liquid, potentially speeding up how quickly the extract is made. But if you have time and you prefer a clear extract, keeping them whole and letting them soak for 6 months or more still makes a delicious vanilla extract.

Can You Use Something Other Than Vodka to Make Vanilla Extract?

You can use vodka, bourbon, or another type of alcohol to make vanilla extract. Since vodka doesn’t have any flavor it makes a clean, pure extract. Bourbon will give it a smokey flavor, which may also be nice.

I’ve also heard of people using rum, but I haven’t tried that.

Do You Have to Use Alcohol to Make Vanilla Extract?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Standard of Identity for vanilla extract says that it should be not less than 35% ethyl alcohol by volume. An 80-proof vodka is 40% alcohol by volume, so this works.

So, yes, you need alcohol to make true vanilla extract. With that being said, you can make vanilla “like” extract without alcohol, by using a food-grade vegetable glycerin. A substitute for the alcohol.

What Type of Vanilla Bean is best for Making Vanilla Extract?

Vanilla beans come from different areas and have different grades assigned to them.
Grade A is called a “gourmet” bean. It is supposedly a softer bean that is easier to cut and extract the vanilla “caviar” from the inside to use in cooking.
Grade B is typically recommended for making homemade vanilla extract. These beans are supposed to be drier and perfect for long soaking in alcohol.

I’ve used both – and maybe I’ve been lucky but both beans were easy to cut open and use.

How Long Does it Take Before Your Vanilla Extract Is Ready to Use?

I’ve found it takes at least a few months before the extract is ready. 4- 6 months is ideal. Splitting the beans helps a little and shaking it periodically also helps.

How Can You Tell When Your Homemade Vanilla Extract Is Ready?

The liquid should be a dark brown color and it should have a sweet vanilla scent. If it still smells mostly like alcohol it probably needs some more time.

Does Vanilla Extract Expire?

No, vanilla extract does not expire but it might lose some flavor over time. Storing it properly, in a cool, dark place will help preserve its flavor.

What is the Best Way to Store Vanilla Extract?

Keep your extract in a cool, dark cabinet, away from light. If you have an amber-colored bottle to store it in this will help preserve its flavor.

Can You Use the Soaked Vanilla Beans Again?

Don’t throw those used vanilla beans away, you can use them for other things! Remove them from the extract and scrape the inside caviar out. Add this to granulated sugar and blend it to make vanilla sugar. Or mix a little it into ice cream, french toast, pancake mix or anywhere else you might like a burst of vanilla flavor. Just keep in mind a little goes a long way!


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Vanilla Beans :

You can find them in some larger grocery stores, although they are expensive to buy this way. Penzey’s Spices also carries them. This is also a bit of an expensive way to buy them, but if you just want a few beans to try this experiment, both are good options.

But honestly, the place I typically buy mine is through Amazon. I’ve been surprised at how fresh they are and the quality is excellent. Plus you can choose from a variety of package sizes.


I like these swing-type bottles to make my extract. They seal nicely and are easy to store. They are also easy to use when the vanilla is ready. And if you decide to give them as gifts, they are pretty and you can add a fancy label and pretty ribbon to them.

Final Thoughts

Making your own vanilla extract is super easy. I’m sure it’s not any less expensive making it myself, but there is something about knowing I’ll never run out! I always have a bottle or two “marinating” throughout the year.

A good tip is that when you open a new jar, get another one started right away so you’ll always have a fresh jar ready to go!

How to Make Your Own Vanilla Extract | Laura M. Ali, MS, RDN, LDN How to make your own homemade-vanilla-extract (2024)


What are the best vanilla beans for vanilla extract? ›

For classic vanilla flavor, stick strictly with Madagascar vanilla or Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans. If you have the choice between “Grade A” or “Grade B”, stick to the Grade B because they're cheaper (if not as pretty) and they work just as well for making extract.

Is making your own vanilla extract worth it? ›

You'll find that homemade vanilla is less expensive (store-bought vanilla extract can cost $4 an ounce) and more flavorful than store-bought, and it's so EASY to make! It never expires and you'll have plenty to use in cookies, cakes, scones, french toast, and more.

How long does homemade vanilla need to sit? ›

You only need 2 ingredients for homemade vanilla extract: vanilla beans and vodka. Let the vanilla beans infuse the vodka for as little as 8 weeks, but for optimal flavor, wait at least 6-12 months before using. Homemade vanilla is more cost efficient than store-bought options. You can try homemade vanilla sugar too.

How long will homemade vanilla extract last? ›

When stored properly, vanilla extract will keep indefinitely, but using it within five years will allow for best flavor and aroma. Do not refrigerate or freeze, even after opening. What is the shelf life of my vanilla beans? When stored properly, two years.

Is it OK to use Grade A vanilla beans for extract? ›

For shorter-timed stuff including culinary use, such as dinner or desserts, Grade A beans will be much the better option. Many also use Grade A beans from vanilla extract making since they are so much easier to work with, have a stronger aroma, and don't cost much more!

What is the best alcohol for making vanilla extract? ›

The FDA dictates that a pure vanilla extract needs to be at least 70 proof or 35% alcohol, and this makes Vodka an ideal choice for vanilla extraction.

How many times can I reuse my vanilla beans to make extract? ›

You can use vanilla beans for extract more than once, which makes them a gift that keeps on giving. Just know that the flavor will get weaker over time. Many recommend using them no more than four times.

What are the disadvantages of vanilla? ›

When taken by mouth: Vanilla is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in foods. However, some people are allergic to vanilla. It might also cause headache and sleep problems (insomnia), especially for people who manufacture vanilla extract.

Is homemade vanilla stronger? ›

To make your own vanilla extract, you'll need 6 whole vanilla pods and 8 oz. alcohol (70-proof or above). At 12.5% concentration, this homemade extract is slightly stronger than single-fold vanilla extract; use it wherever a more prominent vanilla flavor is desired.

Why is my homemade vanilla not dark? ›

My vanilla extract isn't getting dark. Why? Answer #1: Time. If your beans have only been soaking for a few weeks, just give them more time.

Can vanilla go rancid? ›

Does Real Vanilla Extract Expire? Pure vanilla extract—the kind made with real vanilla beans and at least 35 percent alcohol—has an indefinite shelf life. While safe, the flavor may deteriorate after a few years, especially if it's been stored improperly.

How many times can you refill homemade vanilla? ›

The great news about homemade vanilla extract is that you can continue to refill the bottle with vodka as you use it! One batch of beans should yield at least two batches of vanilla.

Is it cheaper to make or buy vanilla extract? ›

Not only is it cheaper, but the flavor is worlds apart from your average extract. Making your own vanilla extract is one of the easiest things you can do, and it can save you loads of money verses the stuff sold in stores.

Can bacteria grow in homemade vanilla extract? ›

Some people suggest sterilising the jar first but bacteria cannot grow in 40% alcohol so I didn't bother with this step. And because of the alcohol it will last for years. Give it a quick shake, then store in a dark place like the pantry for about 2 months. Keeping it out of the light helps keep the nutritional value.

Which is better, Madagascar or Tahitian vanilla beans? ›

Aroma of Tahitian vs Madagascan Vanilla Beans

Tahitian Vanilla or Vanilla Tahitensis, as it is scientifically named, is revered for having beautiful floral properties. Meanwhile, Madagascar, or Vanilla Planifolia, is the more widespread, classic vanilla scent recognized around the world.

What vanilla do professional bakers use? ›

Best for Baking: Nielsen-Massey Pure Vanilla Extract. Best for Using Raw: Singing Dog Pure Vanilla Extract. Best with Beans: Heilala Alcohol-Free Pure Vanilla with Seeds.

Which is better vanilla flavoring for vanilla extract? ›

Vanilla beans, paste, and extracts have more depth of flavor than imitation vanilla, but many of those flavor notes break down at the high temperatures used during baking. For this reason, imitation vanilla is preferred by some bakers for cookies and cakes.

Why is King Arthur vanilla so expensive? ›

The plant's vines take a few years to mature, so it takes time to increase the supply, and the spice is labor-intensive at every stage.

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