How to Pick the Right Slow Cooker for You (and How to Maintain It) (2024)

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By Betty Crocker Kitchens

How to Pick the Right Slow Cooker for You (and How to Maintain It) (1)

Not all slow cookers are created equal, but the experts in the Betty Crocker Test Kitchens know these machines inside and out and can tell you which ones are best.

As kitchen appliances go, the slow cooker is a relatively simple one. Essentially, it’s a Dutch oven that doesn’t need babysitting, which makes it a godsend on busy weeknights. Still, there are a few things you should know before you purchase one. Find out what features the Betty Crocker Kitchens experts recommend seeking out, plus learn how to take good care of your slow cooker once you get it home.

What to Look For When Shopping for a Slow Cooker

Whether you’re purchasing your first slow cooker or upgrading from an old one, here’s what you need to know to before you buy.

  • A 5- or 6-quart slow cooker is the most versatile option. It can be used for everything from dinners to meal prep and more. If you use your slow cooker a lot, you might find it worthwhile to buy both a large and small slow cooker, because the size of the slow cooker called for in a recipe does matter. (Wondering why this is? Find out in Betty’s 5 Slow-Cooker Commandments.)
  • A digital slow cooker with a Keep Warm setting helps prevent overcooking. When the food is done cooking, the machine automatically switches settings to keeps it warm until you’re ready to eat.
  • Oval is often a better choice than round. Oval slow cookers maximize surface area on the bottom of the insert, which means you can fit larger amounts of food (or bigger cuts) and cook them appropriately. If you cook chicken pieces stacked together in a tall, round 4-quart slow cooker, rather than in a single layer in an oval 6-quart slow cooker, it will take longer.
  • It’s nice to have two slow cookers for holidays and other entertaining. And if you’re going to have two, you might as well get different sizes for maximum flexibility. Small slow cookers are great for keeping party foods, like dips and co*cktail meatballs, warm.
  • Opt for a machine with a removable, dishwasher-safe, oven-safe, microwave-safe insert. Some slow cookers are all one piece, and don’t have an insert, which makes them hard to clean.

Cleaning Your Slow Cooker

If the thought of scrubbing your slow cooker makes you want to leave it in the cabinet, never fear. The key is to be proactive and avoid the mess in the first place. Here are three ways to do it:

  • Always coat the inside of your insert with cooking spray, unless your recipe advises against doing so. Life is short. Don’t spend it scrubbing unnecessary dishes.
  • Avoid messy sides by mixing ingredients in a bowl before adding them to the slow cooker. If you’ve made a mess on the sides of the slow cooker by stirring in ingredients or splashing, wipe the sides before turning on the slow cooker. Then you don’t have to scrub them later. It also looks nicer if you’re serving food straight from the slow cooker.
  • Soaking is your friend. And you don’t always have to soak with piping hot water. Egg-based and cheesy foods often release from the insert better after a soak in cold water. Just be sure to cool the insert before adding cold water. Bonus tip: The cold-water method is great for cleaning eggs off plates and skillets too.

How to Pick the Right Slow Cooker for You (and How to Maintain It) (2)

When to Say Goodbye

Nothing lasts forever, slow cookers included. Look out for these signs that it’s time to replace your slow cooker.

  • If food isn’t getting up to temperature or cooking through in an appropriate amount of time, it may be spending too long in the danger zone for bacteria growth (40° and 140°F), which means your slow cooker now poses a food safety risk—time for a new one!
  • If there are hot spots where food tends to stick and burn, it’s probably time to replace your slow cooker.
  • If the electrical cord is frayed, waste no time—you’ve got a fire hazard on your hands.

If you’re reading this, you don’t need us to tell you that slow cookers can be wonderful time-saving devices, but that’s not all. They can turn out absolutely delicious food, if you know what what they’re good at—find out the Best (and Worst) Foods to Cook in Your Slow Cooker.

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How to Pick the Right Slow Cooker for You (and How to Maintain It) (2024)


How to Pick the Right Slow Cooker for You (and How to Maintain It)? ›

Consider how much food you anticipate cooking for you and your family, the cupboard space required for storage, and bench space for usage. Round slow cookers tend to waste space. Rectangular cookers generally use space more efficiently when in storage.

How to choose the right Crockpot? ›

Consider how much food you anticipate cooking for you and your family, the cupboard space required for storage, and bench space for usage. Round slow cookers tend to waste space. Rectangular cookers generally use space more efficiently when in storage.

What is the difference between a slow cooker and a Crockpot? ›

A slow cooker and a Crockpot are the same thing, essentially. A slow cooker is an appliance of which there are lots of brands. Crockpot is one brand of slow cooker.

What is the #1 Crockpot? ›

Our Favorite Slow Cooker

We love the Cuisinart Cook Central 3-in-1 6-Quart Multi-Cooker for its roomy cooking surface and multifunctionality. Its settings let you brown, sauté, and even steam, all in one convenient appliance — making it the ultimate tool for one-pot cooking.

Which is better, a round or oval slow cooker? ›

Oval is often a better choice than round.

If you cook chicken pieces stacked together in a tall, round 4-quart slow cooker, rather than in a single layer in an oval 6-quart slow cooker, it will take longer.

What is the best size slow cooker to get? ›

If You Have a Larger Family or Love Leftovers: Buy a 5-Quart Slow Cooker. Whether your household includes three or four people, or you're a couple who actually loves leftovers, a 5-quart slow cooker is an ideal size for you. The moderate size accommodates everything from soups and stews to and chilis and casseroles.

What are the disadvantages of a slow cooker? ›

What are the disadvantages of a slow cooker? Slow cookers only apply heat to the bottom of the crock, which cuts down on their ability to reduce liquids and brown foods, and develop flavor the same way a Dutch oven or pressure cooker can.

Can you put raw meat in a Crockpot? ›

When cutting up ingredients for your meal, keep raw meat, poultry, and seafood separate from any food you plan to eat raw (for example, garnish or toppings like cheese, cilantro, or lemon zest). Use separate cutting boards, plates, and utensils. Large cuts of meat and poultry may be cooked safely in a slow cooker.

What is the best cut of meat to cook in a slow cooker? ›

Choose the right cut: Chuck roasts, short ribs, pork shoulders and lamb shanks (think fatty and tougher meats) become meltingly tender with the moist, low heat of a slow cooker. Leaner cuts like pork tenderloin tend to dry out. Likewise, dark meat chicken — thighs, drumsticks, etc.

Is it worth buying a slow cooker? ›

Cost-Effective. Slow cookers are a great way to stretch your food budget. You can buy cheaper cuts of meat and let the slow cooker work its magic, resulting in tender and flavourful meals that champion the underrated bits of an animal.

What is the best material for a slow cooker? ›

Stainless steel is the safest material for the insert in a slow cooker. For instance, 360 Cookware uses surgical grade stainless steel for the interior and exterior layers for a toxin-free cooking surface.

What is better than a Crockpot? ›

An Instant Pot is a countertop appliance that slow-cooks—and then some. It is a brand of multicooker, an appliance known for having lots of features, typically including slow cooking, pressure cooking, rice cooking, steaming, searing, fermenting, and more. In sum, multicookers do more than slow cookers.

Is 3 hours on high the same as 6 on low Crockpot? ›

Change cooking times depending on your schedule. One hour on HIGH generally equals two hours on LOW.

How do I figure out what size my Crockpot is? ›

How are slow cookers measured? Slow cookers are measured by quarts (4 cups in one quart) and usually range in size options from 1 quart to 10 quarts. Slow cookers will hold up to the stated quart amount, but they should not be filled with food right up to the brim.

What size Crockpot are most recipes for? ›

A standard slow cooker size is 6 to 7-quarts and most slow cooker recipes are geared towards this common pot size.

What is the difference between manual and programmable crockpots? ›

Programmable crock-pots offer additional convenience and versatility compared to manual models. They come with digital controls and built-in timers that allow you to set the cooking time and temperature precisely.

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