How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (2024)

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (1)

The holiday season is laden with opportunities for online retailers, as shoppers attempt to find perfect presents for their loved ones. Merchants strive to entice customers into e-stores by providing a large assortment and lucrative deals. In such a case, discounts play a pivotal role when it comes to making a purchasing decision.

As one of the most flexible and feature-rich e-commerce platforms, Magento gives web stores an excellent chance to launch special promotions for their visitors, such as discount campaigns. Aitoc has prepared this tutorial to help you to easilyset up discounts and activate coupon codes in your Magento storeduring the festive season. Keep on reading to learn all the tips.

Setting Up Individual Discounts

The default Magento functionality allows store admins to apply discounts to individual products. Log in to your store’s back-end first. To set up such a discount in Magento 2, go to Products > Catalog, select the required item and click ‘Edit’.

One the product page, scroll down to the price and hit ‘Advanced Pricing’.

A new pop-up window will open. Use it to set up a discount for the item. Enter a new price in the ’Special Price’ field and specify the period when the discount will be active.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (2)

Click the ‘Done’ button on the pop-up and then hit ‘Save’.

Here is how the product page looks before you apply the discount:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (3)

And check out the page’s look when the discount is applied:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (4)

In Magento 1, navigate to Catalog > Manage Products to access the product list and choose the to-be-discounted item. On the product page, go to the ‘Prices’ tab to configure special pricing.

You can also take advantage of tier pricing by offering your clients a discount if they purchase the same product in bulk.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (5)

Category and product pages will display the ‘as low as’ option to indicate the available discount.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (6)

Here is the front-end view:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (7)

You can also indicate Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP).

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (8)

MSRP along with a discounted price will give shoppers a hint that your offer is more attractive than in other stores.

Configuring Cart Price and Catalog Price Rules

Leverage Magento’s built-in shopping cart price and catalog price rule features to set up discounts for multiple products. The platform supports a variety of promotional and sale scenarios that can assist you in increasing your revenue during the holidays or any other time of the year.

There is an essential difference between these rules. When you apply a Catalog Price rule, the customer sees the discounted price right on the store page. And when you set up a Cart Price rule, the discount is displayed at theshopping cart and checkout stages.

1. Catalog Price Rules

Rule Information

Access the admin panel, go to Promotions > Catalog Price Rules in a Magento 1 store or navigate to Marketing > Promotions > Catalog Price Rule in a Magento 2 installation.

You’ll see the list ofall available cart rules. Hit the ‘Add new rule’ button to create a new rule.

Add all the necessary details about the rule in the ‘Rule Information’ section in Magento 2 or in the ‘Rule Information’ tab in Magento 1. Write the new rule’s name in the ‘Rule Name’ field and fill out the ‘Description’ field. The rule description is optional, as only admins can see it. Choose ‘Active’ in the status’ dropdown field to activate the rule.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (9)

In the ‘Websites’ field, select the websites under your Magento installation where you want to enable the discount. Assign customer groups that will take advantage of the offer. Set up the dates (e.g., from 11/14/2017 to 12/29/2017 )

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (10)


Now you can configure conditions of the rule in the ‘Conditions’ section (Magento 2) or the ‘Conditions’ tab (Magento 1).

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (11)

Use the dropdown field to select the required conditions. For instance, you can set up manufacturer-specific conditions (e.g., ‘ManufacturerisAcer).


Proceed to the ‘Actions’ section/tab to configure rule’s actions by setting up a discount amount.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (12)

That’s it! Click the ‘Save’ or ‘Save and Apply’ button to finish.

2. Cart Price Rules

Rule Information

The applied cart rule looks as follows in Magento 1:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (13)

In the admin panel, go to Promotions > Cart Price Rules (Magento 1) or to Marketing > Promotions > Catalog Price Rule (in Magento 2) to access the list of available cart rules.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (14)

Hit the ‘Add New Rule’ button to set up a new rule.In ‘Rule Information’ section/tab, add info about the rule: its name and description.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (15)

Then activate the rule, assign websites and customer groups to it, and select dates. The process is pretty similar to the catalog price rule creation. The key difference is that here you can set up coupons for your customers. We’ll discuss all the coupon-related issues in our next tutorial.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (16)

Rule Conditions

Once you’re done with the rule info, configure rule conditions.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (17)

You can do that by selecting relevant options in dropdown fields and entering data manually (e.g. figures) when needed.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (18)


Set up actions for the cart rule. Here is the ‘Actions’ tab in a Magento 1 installation:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (19)

The ‘Actions’ section looks a little bit different in Magento 2:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (20)


You can add custom labels to cart rules. They will be shown on the checkout page in the front-end.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (21)

You can add labels in multiple languages, thus delighting you International customers.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (22)

Click the ‘Save’ button to make the newly created cart rule operational.

Activating Coupon Codes

It's no surprise that coupons are a proven way of grabbing shoppers’ attention and enticing them to make a purchase. The statistics show that coupon code users spend 24% more than regular shoppers. Besides, modern customers recognize the substantial impact of coupons on their purchasing decisions.We’ve prepared a detailed guide to help Magento users properly set up their coupon codes.

Configuring Coupon Settings

To configure default coupon settings, Magento 2 store admins need to access the admin panel and navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration. On the Configuration page, head over to Customers > Promotions.

If you have a Magento 1 installation, go to System > Configuration > Customers > Promotions.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (23)

You can manage the settings by entering necessary figures, choosing different options and/or using system values. Click ‘Save Config’ to save the changes.

Creating New Coupons in Magento

To embark on the coupon marketing, you need to access the Cart Price Rules page and create a new rule or edit the existing one.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (24)

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (25)

Select the ‘Specific Coupon’ option on the Cart Rule Page to enable coupons for the given rule.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (26)

You can set a specific code for the rule or use the auto-generation functionality to produce different codes. Make sure to identify would-be-available uses per coupon and per customer.

Choose the promotion’s dates, add required conditions and actions, and hit the ‘Save and Continue Edit’ button to continue.

To use the auto-generation option, proceed to the ‘Manage Coupon Codes’ section and configure coupon settings. Enter the required coupon quantity, its length and format, specify the code prefix and suffix, and set the number of characters between dashes. Once you are done, click the ‘Generate’ button to create coupons.

In a few seconds, you will see the table with the coupon codes at the bottom of the page. That’s it! Now you can export the codes to CSV and Excel XML file formats if you need.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (27)

Use the table to learn whether customers used coupons and for how many times they applied each coupon.

Applying a Coupon Code

This is how the order summary on the checkout page looks like before the coupon is applied.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (28)

To activate the coupon code, shoppers must copy and paste it into the specified field and hit the ‘Apply Discount’ button.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (29)

Once the client puts the code into use, the order summary changes as follows:

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (30)

Getting Report Usage Data

The default Magento functionality allows store admins to access all the necessary coupon usage statistics from a single location by navigating to Reports > Sales > Coupons in the admin panel.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (31)

Choose required filters on the Coupons Report page and hit the ‘Show Report’ button to access the coupon usage data.

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (32)

You can export the report to CSV and Excel XML file formats.


The festive season is the perfect time for online stores to boost their sales and gain loyal customers. Use our tutorial to create great discount campaigns and increase your revenue. With Magento’s functionality in hand, you will easily outperform your competitors in the new holiday season. Good luck!

How to Set Up Discounts in Magento (2024)


How do I add discounts to Magento Products? ›

In Magento 1, navigate to Catalog > Manage Products to access the product list and choose the to-be-discounted item. On the product page, go to the 'Prices' tab to configure special pricing. You can also take advantage of tier pricing by offering your clients a discount if they purchase the same product in bulk.

How do I create a discount code in Magento? ›

How to Create Coupon Code in Magento 2?
  1. Navigate to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules and press the Add New Rule button.
  2. Set the Name for the rule and add the Description.
  3. Activate the rule and select the Websites the coupon code will apply on.
  4. Specify the Customer Groups a coupon will work for.

How do you set discount amount in Magento 2? ›

How to Add Custom Discount in Magento 2
  1. 4 steps to add custom discount in Magento 2. Step 1: Enter a total in the file sale.xml. ...
  2. Step 1: Enter a total in the sale.xml file. ...
  3. Step 2: Set the value of discount. ...
  4. Step 3: Show the custom discount information in the layout file. ...
  5. Step 4: View model knockout.

How to set special price in Magento 2 programmatically? ›

Using getSpecialPriceByProId($proId) function with pass product ID as Parameter, you can get the product's special price by product id. If you are looking to a get special price of the product by product SKU, you'll require to call getSpecialPriceByProSku($proSku) function with pass product SKU as a parameter.

How do I add a discount code to my website? ›

  1. In the store management area, go to Discounts and click Add discount.
  2. Specify the discount code.
  3. (Optional) Specify the discount name; it's for your personal use – clients won't see this name.
  4. Specify the discount amount in percent.
  5. Specify whether the discount applies to all products or specific product categories.

How to display percentage discount in Magento 2 product details page? ›

To show discount % on product detail page add below code where you want. This will show discount % either applied with Catalog Price rule or added Special price. For example to show % near stock status add code in below template : Theme/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/type/default. phtml.

How do you set a discount? ›

Follow these steps:
  1. Convert the percentage to a decimal. ...
  2. Multiply the original price by the decimal. ...
  3. Subtract the discount from the original price. ...
  4. Round the original price. ...
  5. Find 10% of the rounded number. ...
  6. Account for 5% ...
  7. Add the 5% ...
  8. Calculate the sale price.
Sep 27, 2023

How to set price in Magento 2? ›

4 Steps to Set Up Price Scope in Magento 2
  1. Step 1: Navigate to Configuration. Go to the Magento Admin sidebar. ...
  2. Step 2: Find Catalog Settings. In the Configuration menu on the left side, find and click on Catalog. ...
  3. Step 3: Adjust Catalog Price Scope. Look for Price and click on it. ...
  4. Step 4: Save Your Settings.

How to display product price in Magento 2? ›

The Basics. By default, prices are shared globally on your Magento instance. It means that if you have multiple stores (websites) the same price is displayed in all of them. To change that navigate to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Price and change the Catalog Price Scope to Website.

How to use less in Magento 2? ›

To set this mode you need to navigate in magento admin under (Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer) Frontend Development workflow and then set Client-side LESS compilation mode and then click on button Save Config. Client-side LESS compilation mode works same in both (developer and production) mode.

How to add table rates in Magento 2? ›

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to setup Table Rates Shipping Method in Magento 2.
  1. In Magento 2 admin area, navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
  2. Under Sales, select Shipping Methods.
  3. You will see all the available shipping methods. Expand the Table Rates to see a bunch of options.
Jun 6, 2024

How many types of prices are there in Magento 2? ›

Magento 2 offers various prices, including base price, special price, tier price, and group price. Each type caters to different sales strategies on the product page, enhancing flexibility in pricing options.

How to format price in Magento 2? ›

Method To Get Formatted Price With Currency In Magento 2:
  1. use Magento\Framework\Pricing\Helper\Data.
  2. protected $priceHelper;
  3. public function __construct(Data $priceHelper)
  4. $this->priceHelper = $priceHelper;
  5. public function getFormattedPrice($price)
  6. return $this->priceHelper->currency($price, true, false);

How to get special prices in Magento 2? ›

Configuring Special Prices for Configurable Products
  1. Step 1: Navigate to Your Configurable Product. Log in to your Magento 2 Admin Panel. ...
  2. Step 2: Access the Configurations. ...
  3. Step 3: Set Special Prices for Individual Variations. ...
  4. Step 4: Repeat for Other Variations. ...
  5. Step 5: Save and Reindex.

How do you add a discount to something? ›

How do I calculate the final price given discount?
  1. Take the original price.
  2. Multiply it by the discount percentage and divide the result by 100.
  3. Subtract the result from the original price.
  4. That's your final price. Enjoy your savings!
Jul 30, 2024

How to create a promotion in Magento? ›

Expand the cart price rules tab. Select the promotions tab and click the Add New Rule button. You can set conditions for your promotion rules (like specific products or customer groups). Choose the actions for your promotion, like discount percentage or fixed price.

How to add price in Magento 2? ›

Setting Up Tier Prices in Magento 2
  1. Navigate to the Product Catalog: Go to 'Catalog' and then 'Products'. ...
  2. Locate the Price Section: In the product edit page, find the 'Advanced Pricing' link under the 'Price' tab. ...
  3. Configure Customer Group Prices: Assign prices to specific customer groups.

How to get special price in Magento 2? ›

Configuring Special Prices for Configurable Products
  1. Step 1: Navigate to Your Configurable Product. Log in to your Magento 2 Admin Panel. ...
  2. Step 2: Access the Configurations. ...
  3. Step 3: Set Special Prices for Individual Variations. ...
  4. Step 4: Repeat for Other Variations. ...
  5. Step 5: Save and Reindex.

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