How to Start a Charcoal Grill | Charbroil® (2024)

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There’s nothing quite like the taste of food grilled over charcoal. However, firing up a charcoal grill can be a challenge and there are definitely some things you need to know. But it’s really not that tricky to get a charcoal grill started once you know how. And it’s totally worth it.

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Our guide to starting your charcoal grill will give you a couple different techniques for lighting your charcoal fast. You’ll learn what it takes to keep your charcoal hot for searing, how to maintain low temps for slow cooking and keep the fire burning for hours. We’ll answer your most frequently asked questions and link you to the products that make charcoal grilling a whole lot easier.

Keeping your grill clean and your grates well-oiled delivers the best tasting food and prevents it from sticking. It will also make your grill last longer and prevent grease fires. So, before you get started,clean your grill thoroughly. Remove any ash or grease left behind from the last time you grilled and wipe down the grate(s) with fresh cooking oil.

Clean your grill grates with agrill brushbefore and after use. Scrub the interior monthly and detail the interior and exterior at least every season.


There are lots of different types of charcoal and it can be confusing. While the charcoal you use doesn’t really impact the flavor, it does affect the heat produced and how long the coals stay hot. But when it comes right down to it, charcoal is available in two basic forms; lump charcoal and briquettes.

Lump charcoal, a favorite among grilling purists, has a more natural composition. It’s usually made from cherry, coconut shells, mesquite and tamarind. Because it’s not compressed like briquettes, it tends to burn hotter and faster. It’s also less ashy. It’s difficult to layer lump charcoal evenly, so grillers tend to use lump charcoal for low and slow BBQ, like pork, ribs and brisket.

Briquettes are made primarily of sawdust, with binding ingredients added to form their pillow shape. The uniform size of briquettes gives you a standard unit of fuel, making it easier to regulate a more precise fire. Briquettes burn a little less hot than lump charcoal and experts tend to use briquettes for foods that require less cooking time, like steak or fish.

One way to get some of the benefits of lump charcoal without the drawbacks is to build a mixed fire: some briquettes and some lump. This will help you get a hotter fire for searing and still maintain more consistent heat for longer-cooking times.

The charcoal you choose primarily impacts the intensity and evenness of your heat. Whichever type you decide on, use a quality charcoal, like ourcentercut lump charcoal. It burns cleanly and is uniform in size and quality for dependable results every time.

HOT TIP:The size and shape of your grill will determine the amount of charcoal you’ll use. Check your owner’s manual to see what is recommended.


When working with charcoal,the basic ruleis the more coal you use, the hotter your fire. A good rule of thumb is about 30 briquettes for smaller or portable grills and 50 to 75 briquettes for larger barrel and Kettleman grills. You’ll need more charcoal on cold, windy or rainy days.

You do not need very much charcoal when you’re cooking food like burgers, hot dogs and brats that are better cooked at moderate heat. A single layer of coals across the bottom will work well. When you’re searing steak, you need a hotter fire. You want to at least double the amount of charcoal, stacking it 2 to 3 high.

To keep temps low for slow cooking and smoking, use less coals and monitor the temperature. To maintain temp and keep the fire burning for a long cook, add coals, maybe 5 at a time every 30 minutes. If you’re having trouble keeping your grill’s temperature above 200°F, throw a couple extra coals onto the fire.


Adding wood chips to your fire is a quick and easy way to switch up your recipes, infusing meat, fish and veggies with a variety of natural wood smoke flavors.Learn moreabout how to smoke meat on a charcoal grill.


The best way to arrange your charcoal depends on the shape of your grill and whether you want to grill with direct or indirect heat. You can create the effect of direct or indirect heat by setting up two “zones” on your charcoal grill. Basically, direct heat is on the lit side, while indirect heat is on the unlit side.


The direct heat grilling method is best for steaks, chops, hamburgers, kabobs, vegetables and food that cooks quickly. There is basically one way to arrange the coals when cooking with direct heat. Charcoal is spread evenly across the charcoal grate for even heat distribution. Once the coals are lit, close the lid and preheat for 20 to 30 minutes.


Indirect heat is a great way to get the oven effect for roasting whole birds, fish, large cuts of meat and other foods that are best cooked slowly. You can set up indirect cooking zones for slow cooking or smoking and to grill foods at different temperatures. You can also use the warming rack as your indirect zone.

Once they’re hot, usetongs to reposition coals to create indirect heat zones. Then position the cooking grate over the coals and preheat for 20 to 30 minutes. Close the lid and open the vent. You’ll place your food on the area of the grate with no coals under it.

HOT TIP:A light, high heat oil on your food will help brown your food evenly and keep it from sticking to the cooking grate.


For round grills, like theKettleman™, you can arrange coals around the outer edge of the charcoal grate, leaving no coals in the center.


With round,rectangularandbarrel-shapedgrills, you can simply put your coals on one half of the grill and leave the other side without coals.


Or you can use aCharcoal Managerto set up your coals for a slow burn with 3 to 7 hours of heat.

Lighting charcoal can be a daunting task, especially for new charcoal grillers. The first step is knowing how to light the coals. Here are a few different ways to start your charcoal that will get you grilling in no time.


Ready to have your mind blown? You don’t actually need lighter fluid to light your charcoal. And there are a couple of really good reasons to skip the lighter fluid. Chief among them are fire hazard and fumes. Lighter fluid fumes can affect the smell and taste of your food. In addition, charcoal lighter fluid is made of either petroleum (mineral spirits) or alcohol (ethanol and methanol) which are regulated and even restricted in some areas because they have the potential of causing photochemical smog.

If it just doesn’t seem right to light your grill without lighter fluid, all we ask is that you don’t go crazy. The most you should use is 1/4 cup of fluid per pound of charcoal. Allow the lighter fluid to soak in for 30 seconds before lighting. And NEVER douse a burning fire with lighter fluid.


One of the easiest ways to recycle newspaper is to use it as a fire starter for your charcoal grill. Insert rolled up newspaper underneath closely-packed charcoal in several different spots. Light the newspaper with a fireplace match or lighter. Add newspaper to the fire until it’s well-lit.

While there are several effective methods to light charcoal, using special equipment can make the job easier. Here are a couple of tools that make lighting charcoal faster and easier.


Loading charcoal into acharcoal chimneyorcharcoal starterkeeps the charcoal packed together with space between lumps or briquettes for easy ignition. You can place balled-up newspaper on the charcoal grate and set the chimney starter on top of the newspaper. Light the newspaper through holes in the bottom of the starter. The coals will be ready to cook when they’re ashy, about 15 minutes. When they’re ready, pour the charcoal onto the bottom grill grate and spread it out with a long-handled grill tool like aspatulaortongs.


An electric charcoal starter is a device with a handle on one end and a metal loop (the heating element) on the other. Plug in the charcoal starter, using an outdoor-rated extension cord. Load one layer of charcoal close together, near the center of the grill. Place the heating element of theelectric charcoal starteronto the center of the pile. Lay a second layer of charcoal on top of the heating element and the surrounding coals. When the charcoal is well-lit, remove the charcoal starter.

Electric starters ignite coals a little more slowly than an open flame, but when you start your grill with an electric charcoal starter, you won’t need lighter fluid, newspapers, matches or lighters.


Use your tongs to keep the coals together. You don’t want them so well packed that they can't get air, but you also don't want them separated.

HOT TIP:Cooking temperatures on a charcoal grill are controlled by opening and closing the vents. Opening the vents feeds the fire, raising the temperature. Closing the vents deprives the fire of oxygen, lowering the temperature.


Keep the top and bottom vents open to get the hottest temperature. The more air you get to the fire, the hotter it will cook.


Empty the ash frequently. Ash takes up space for air and will smother the coals as it builds up.


Add coals regularly to keep your grill burning hot. Don't wait until you're almost out of briquettes to add more. Instead, add 5-10 pieces of charcoal when you have roughly half of your charcoals remaining, usually every 30 minutes or so.

HOT TIP:Wearing gloves while lighting charcoal will help protect your hands from the intense heat.


The lid should be open while you arrange and light your charcoal. Once the coals are well-lit, close the lid. Most charcoal grills are hotter right after lighting. The heat then tapers off.


As we said above, fire needs oxygen to burn. So, open the lid, lid vent and vents on the bottom of the grill to let in air to fuel the flames. This will help oxygen reach the coals once they’re lit so they can burn hotter. Once they’re fully lit, you can adjust the vent opening to control the cooking temperature.


The key to lighting charcoal fast is arranging the charcoal close enough together to spread the fire to adjacent coals and leave enough space between coals for air flow to feed the fire with oxygen. Another factor that affects fast lighting is using old charcoal or charcoal that’s been exposed to wet weather— always use fresh charcoal.


Since fire needs oxygen to burn, one way to make charcoal start faster is to increase the air flow. You can use a hair dryer or other device that blows air to fan the flames.


For optimum results, give your grill enough time to preheat, generally around 20 to 30 minutes for the briquettes to be ready.


The coals are ready when at least 2/3 of the outer surface turns white and the inside glows red/orange. Once they turn to ash, they will continue to put out heat for a while.

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How to Start a Charcoal Grill | Charbroil® (2024)


How to Start a Charcoal Grill | Charbroil®? ›

You fill the top of the chimney with your charcoal of choice and then ignite kindling under the chimney to get the coals heating from the bottom up. Using this method, your charcoal is typically ready to go in 10-15 minutes, or about the same amount of time it takes you to preheat your oven.

What's the proper way to start a charcoal grill? ›

You fill the top of the chimney with your charcoal of choice and then ignite kindling under the chimney to get the coals heating from the bottom up. Using this method, your charcoal is typically ready to go in 10-15 minutes, or about the same amount of time it takes you to preheat your oven.

Do you leave lid open when starting charcoal grill? ›

Yes. It is best to leave the lid open when you are starting your charcoal kettle grill. This ensures that you have the best airflow to provide fuel for your fire and get you grilling as fast as possible.

How do you activate a charcoal grill? ›

If you don't have a chimney starter, layer charcoal over newspaper and ignite with a long lighter. Once the charcoal turns grayish-white, you're ready to start grilling.

How long to let charcoal burn before cooking? ›

Allow the charcoal to burn for approximately 15-20 minutes until it develops a layer of gray ash on the surface. This indicates that the coals are ready for cooking, as they have reached a consistent high temperature.

Do you open or close the vents on a charcoal grill? ›

To reduce the temperature: Close the vents on your grill to reduce the flow of oxygen. To increase the temperature: Open up the vents fully to allow more oxygen in to increase the flames.

How to know if charcoal is ready? ›

When the coals are mostly covered in ash they're ready to use. Grab your tongs or use a long-handled, metal spatula to spread out the coals. Now you're ready to cook! Make sure your clothing doesn't touch the grate, and always move your hand away from the heat before you feel discomfort.

Should you ignite a grill with the lid open or closed? ›

Open the Lid

An explosion or severe flare-up can occur if too much gas builds up in the chamber just before igniting the grill.

Why does charcoal go out when I put the lid on? ›

The problem with grills with lids is that if you close the lid too early, before the charcoal burns evenly, then the charcoal might lose temperature and extinguish. To make a fire, you need fuel, a heat source and oxygen.

Do all coals need to be white? ›

You want to wait until at least 2/3rds of the charcoal lump has turned white and the charcoal has stopped smoking. You can use a charcoal grill tool to move the charcoal around so that it is evenly dispersed throughout the basin for even heating.

Why wont my charcoal grill start? ›

An ash buildup in the grill can stop it lighting because fire requires oxygen and that's the reason why a lack of ventilation is also a problem. Be sure to light the grill with the vents fully open to feed the fire – they can be adjusted later to create the correct temperature for what you're grilling.

What is the best way to activate charcoal? ›

Cook the charcoal for another 3 hours to activate it.

Return your charcoal to the (cleaned) metal pot and put it back on a fire. The fire will need to be hot enough to boil water for the charcoal to activate. After cooking for 3 hours at this temperature, the charcoal will be activated.

Do I close the lid after lighting charcoal? ›

After lighting the grill, cover it with the lid and let the charcoal heat up for at least 15 minutes.

How to cook on a charcoal grill for beginners? ›

Light your charcoal (with a chimney starter, hopefully, though many start out using lighter fluid), move the briquettes or lumps to cook directly or indirectly, add your food and close the grill. Open if you need to take the temperature or flip anything over, or if you need to add fuel for longer cooks.

When to put the lid on a charcoal grill? ›

Thin pork chops, shrimp, and burgers tend to cook quickly. Leaving the grill lid up will slow the cooking process by reducing the temperature around the meat. For thicker cuts, you want to close the lid to keep the temperature high and even.

Do you put the lid up or down on a charcoal grill? ›

If you have a charcoal burning grill, then you want to keep the lid closed while you cook. The purpose of the charcoal is to emit heat that will circulate within and around the meat or vegetables that you cook.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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