List of Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians: According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, India has the highest percentage of vegetarians in the world, with 38% of the population identifying as vegetarian.Mexico is second, with about 19% of its population identifying as vegetarian. Brazil, Taiwan, Israel, Australia, Argentina, Finland, and Sweden are other countries with high vegetarian populations.

In this article, we are going to learn about the List of Countries with the Most Vegetarians in 2024.

Table of Content

  • List of Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians in 2024
  • 10. Austria
  • 9. Sweden
  • 8. Finland
  • 7. Argentina
  • 6. Australia
  • 5. Israel
  • 4. Taiwan
  • 3. Brazil
  • 2. Mexico
  • 1. India

List of Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians in 2024

Vegetarianism is the act of abstaining from eating meat and meat by-products.Some people choose to be vegetarian for dietary, health, or necessity reasons.In India, vegetarianism became popular after the introduction of Buddhism and Jainism, which emphasize non-violence in all life.In Israel, vegetarianism is credited to Judaism, which restricts the consumption of animals

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the list of the top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians in 2024 is given below.



Vegetarians (% of the population)































10. Austria

Austria is considered easy for vegetarians becausenearly 10% of the population are either vegetarian or vegan.Europe is one of the fastest-growing regions forveganism, and Austria is leading the way. Many restaurants will have at least one vegetarian dish, and some may have vegan options.

  • The local diet is heavy on meat and cheese, but the country has a widespread organic food movement.Vienna supermarkets have a surprising range of organic products.
  • According to a 2023 study, the vegan population in Austria has risen from 3% to 5% since 2021, with 7% of Gen Z respondents claiming to eat a purely plant-based diet.
  • Austria has also seen a 50% increase in sales of plant-based food in the last two years, and the vegan food industry is expected to be worth more than $30 billion by 2026.

9. Sweden

Around 12% of the population in Sweden are vegetarian and women form the majority of vegan or vegetarian Swedes. People are eating the lowest amount of meat since 1990.

  • The number of individuals interested in a plant-based diet increased from 27% in 2015 to around 35% in 2018.
  • There are wide range of vegan products from pre-packaged meals to plant-based foods. Vegan ingredients can also be seen in the skin care, cosmetic products.
  • Veganand vegetarian food and food products are easily available in the small grocery stores and supermarket.

8. Finland

An estimated 12% of the Finland population is vegetarian, it is an increase from 2.5% in 2016. Finland is considered one of the most vegetarian-friendly countries in the European Union.Many restaurants and cafes have vegetarian and vegan options, or are willing to create alternatives.

  • Finland has a growing number of people who identify as vegan or vegetarian, and a 2020 study found that meat consumption has dropped by 2% per capita, and grain consumption has increased by 3% per capita.
  • The increased interest in the vegan diet may be due to the replacement of meat and dairy products with oat-based products, and a more health conscious population looking for nutrient-rich foods.

7. Argentina

Argentina is known for its meat-based cuisine,but is becoming more accommodating to vegetarians, with more vegetarian restaurants and cafes across the continent. Various vegetarian options in the country are pizza, empanadas, Ñoquis, and Medialunas.

  • In 2023, it was estimated that 12% of Argentines are vegetarian which is an increase of three percentage points from the previous year.
  • Of the vegetarians, 777 (64.3%) are lacto-ovo-vegetarians, and 134 (11.3%) are vegans.
  • The Argentine Vegan Union (UVA) estimates that 52% of Argentina’s vegans and vegetarians are female, and nearly 40% are under 35 years old.

6. Australia

About2.5 million Australians, or 12.1% of the population, eat all or almost all vegetarian food.In addition, 6% of the population identifies as vegan.The number of people following plant-based diets has increased by about 50% in the last decade.

  • The numbers of vegans and vegetarians differ considerably across the nation.For example, in New South Wales and Victoria, 28% and 26% of the population identify as vegan or vegetarian, respectively.In South Australia, the number is 15%.
  • Australia is known for its love for meat, but has surprisingly become the world’s third fastest-growing plant-based market.
  • The country is home to iconic vegan fast food joints such as Lord of the Fries, which offer delicious meatless options like the Chicago dog and peanut butter shakes.
  • On annual basis “Vegetarian Week” is held from 1-7 October.

5. Israel

About 13%of Israel’s population is vegetarian, including 7.2% of men and 9.8% of women.Judaism is credited with vegetarianism in Israel, as it restricts the consumption of animals. Practicing Jews also acknowledge the principle of tza’ar ba’alei chayim, which prohibits causing unnecessary suffering to animals.

  • Tel Aviv is known as the vegan capital of the world, with 400 vegan and vegan-friendly kitchens.
  • In Israel the number of vegetarian has more than doubled since 2010, when only 2.6% of Israelis were either vegan or vegetarian.
  • Veganism is famous in the city of Tel Aviv, also known as the “vegan capital of the world“. Among Israel’s diverse Jewish populations, including among secular Jews and Orthodox Jews, interest in veganism and vegetarianism has grown.

4. Taiwan

More than 3 million Taiwanese people, or 13% of the population, eat vegetarian food. Taiwan has been recognized as a “vegetarian-friendly” environment by international media.

  • Taiwan has around 6,000 vegetarian restaurants, and vegetarian food can be found in meals served on the Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taiwan Railways Administration, major Taiwanese airlines, and highway stops.
  • The country’s food labeling laws for vegetarian food are the world’s strictest. Food items are often marked with a left-facing swastika sign.
  • The country’s culture is characterized by dietary variety, and Buddhism is deeply rooted in Taiwanese culture.All Mahayana Buddhists refrain from meat-eating.
  • The country celebrates “one day vegetarian every week” with local and national government support.

3. Brazil

According to WorldAtlas,in 2012 8%of Brazil’s population was vegetarian, this number has increased from to 14% in 2018. The country is also known for its diverse vegetarian cuisine, which includes cheese puffs, stews, and dishes made with fruits and vegetables.

  • According to Statista, the majority of vegetarians in Brazil live in Sao Paulo, with over 11,100 people.Rio de Janeiro has the second largest population of vegetarians, with more than 3,200 people.
  • Reasons Brazilians are vegetarian include;
    • Rising deforestation caused by meat industry
    • Animal right movement
    • Wide variety of fruits and vegetables are available
  • Brazil is also a hub for plant-based innovation, with organizations like Mercy For Animals supporting a cultural shift toward a plant-based lifestyle.

2. Mexico

As of July 2023,19%of Mexico’s population identifies as vegetarian, making it the second country with the highest percentage of vegetarians in the world.Mexico also has 15% flexitarians and 9% vegans. Mexican cuisine is based on vegetarian ingredients, including beans, squash, chocolate, corn, cactus, peanuts, chiles, chia, and amaranth.

  • Mexico has many vegetarian options, including vegetarian restaurants and street food.Most Mexican restaurants have a good mix of fresh, plant-based ingredients.
  • Mexico’s high vegetarian population is due to the rise in popularity of indigenous foods, and people are concerned with environmental issues or the cause of animal suffering.
  • 20% of Mexican consumers have reduced or eliminated their consumption of meat or animal products. These trends are most prevalent among young people.

1. India

According to the World Atlas, India has the highest rate of vegetarians in the world, with 38% of its population identifying as vegetarians.India also has one of the lowest meat consumption rates in the world. 18% are selective meat eaters, 9% are vegan, and 8% are pescatarian.

  • Factors that influence a person’s choice include inherited cultural habits, religion, community, caste, and location.
  • Vegetarianism can be traced back to the founding of Hinduism in 2300 B.C.
  • In addition to Hindu dietary restrictions, the following states in India have a higher percentage of vegetarians than others:
    • Rajasthan:74.9%
    • Haryana:69.25%
    • Punjab:66.75%
    • Gujarat:60.95%
  • Gujarat is known for its predominantly vegetarian population, which is due to its strong cultural and religious influence from Jainism, which advocates non-violence and vegetarianism.
  • Vegetarianism in the country is associated with Lacto-vegetarianism, where people eat dairy products but not eggs.
  • There arearound 1000 vegetarian restaurants inIndia excluding food stallsor marketplaces.

Summary – Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians

India has the highest percentage of vegetarians in the world, with an estimated 20–39% of its population identifying as vegetarian.Mexico is second, with about 19% of its population identifying as vegetarian, and Taiwan has a growing vegetarian movement, with an estimated 13–14% of its population identifying as vegetarian.Other countries with high percentages of vegetarians include: Israel, Australia, Argentina, Finland, Sweden, Austria.

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FAQs on Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians

Which country has highest number of vegetarians?

India has the highest number of vegetarians in the world, with around 38% of the population following a vegetarian diet.India also has the lowest meat consumption rate in the world.

Is there a country that is fully vegetarian?

No country is fully vegetarian, but some countries have a higher percentage of vegetarians than others.

Which is the worlds only vegetarian city?

Palitana, a small city in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat, India, is the world’s first vegetarian city.It’s also a major pilgrimage center for the Jain community.

What factors contribute to a country having a high percentage of vegetarians?

Cultural, religious, ethical, environmental, and health considerations can all influence the prevalence of vegetarianism in a country.

Are there any countries where vegetarianism is uncommon?

In countries with strong meat-eating traditions or where meat is a staple part of the diet, such as many Western nations, vegetarianism may be less common.

What country is the most vegetarian friendly?

The Seychellesis considered the most vegetarian-friendly country in the world because of its high number of vegetarian-friendly restaurants and low annual meat consumption.




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Most Non Vegetarians Countries - List of Top 10

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List of Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


List of Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians - GeeksforGeeks? ›

India is ranked top in the world with 38% of the total population being vegetarians. Vegetarianism in the region became popular after the introduction of Buddhism and Jainism which was around 6th Century BC.

Which country has the most number of vegetarians? ›

India is ranked top in the world with 38% of the total population being vegetarians. Vegetarianism in the region became popular after the introduction of Buddhism and Jainism which was around 6th Century BC.

Which country is #1 for vegans? ›

United Kingdom. Compared to all the countries in the world, the UK has the most vegans.

Why are so many Mexicans vegetarian? ›

Honoring Latino heritage

Before the Spaniards arrived, bringing meat and dairy from domesticated cattle, pigs, chicken, goats and sheep, Mexico's indigenous population ate a primarily plant-based diet.

Which country is 100% non-vegetarian? ›

Which Country is 100% Non Vegetarian? As per our findings, there's no country where 100% of the population is non-vegetarian. However, some countries have a higher consumption of meat because of cultural or religious factors, i.e., China, Brazil, and the USA, among others.

Which is the best country for vegetarians? ›

World's most vegetarian-friendly countries
  • India. India has a large vegetarian population due to religious and cultural factors, and this is also why vegetarian travellers don't find it difficult to travel around in India. ...
  • Israel. ...
  • Taiwan. ...
  • United Kingdom. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • Austria. ...
  • Switzerland. ...
  • Australia.
Oct 30, 2023

Which country has the most meat eaters? ›

Meat Consumption

Which countries eat the most meat? According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization data reported by website Our World in data, the United States and Australia are the top of the global meat-eating league with more than 120 kg consumed per capita in 2020.

What is the vegan capital of the world? ›

In fact, Tel Aviv is known as the vegan capital of the world with 400 vegan and vegan-friendly kitchens catering to Israel's veggie loving citizens.

What culture has the most vegetarian food? ›

India. Three of India's major religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism — teach the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence towards all beings. Because of this religious tradition, India has the highest percentage of vegetarians out of all the countries in the world.

What is the most vegetarian country in Europe? ›

According to a recent study conducted by the Eco Experts, Switzerland is the top country in Europe to be vegetarian. The study looked at the number of veggie-friendly restaurants available, the annual meat consumption and the price of meat by the kilogram.

How many US citizens are vegetarian? ›

Summary table
CountryVegetarians (% of population)Approx. no. of individuals
United Kingdom10%6,220,000
United States4.2%14,000,000
41 more rows

Why are Egyptians vegetarian? ›

Ancient Egyptians revered animals, believing them to be sacred beings with divine qualities. As a result, the consumption of animal products was limited, leading to a diet that was predominantly plant-based.

Why are so many Brazilians vegetarian? ›

The shift away from animal-based protein is mainly being driven by health concerns, experts say. Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease increased in Brazil in recent years as people adopted more sedentary lifestyles and junk food became increasingly cheap and accessible.

Which country don't eat beef? ›

Burmese Buddhists also have a taboo against eating beef, because they consider cows as an animal responsible for working in the fields with human beings. However, it is not strictly considered taboo in populated cities like Mandalay, Yangon etc.

Which country has the least vegetarians? ›

Most Non Vegetarians Countries – List of Top 10
  • Top 10 Countries with the Most Non-Vegetarians. ...
  • United States: A Nation of Meat Lovers. ...
  • Australia: The Land of Barbecues. ...
  • Argentina: The Beef Capital. ...
  • Brazil: Diverse Meat Consumption. ...
  • Canada: Meat in the North. ...
  • France: A Taste for Tradition. ...
  • South Korea: A Culinary Contrast.
Apr 19, 2024

Do Japanese eat non-veg? ›

Japanese cuisine is known for its heavy use of meat and fish, and even stocks and sauces usually have some ingredients containing meat. Vegetarianism and veganism are not as popular in Japan as it is in the West, so you'll find there's often some confusion as to what you can and can't eat.

What percentage of the US is vegetarian? ›

In the United States, roughly five percent of the population is vegetarian. This is about the same level as in other Western countries such as Germany. This does not include the number of pescetarians, who add fish to an otherwise vegetarian diet. About four percent of the U.S. population follows a vegan diet.

Where do the most vegetarians live in the US? ›

The top twenty cities for vegetarians and vegans based on the analysis are:
  • Portland, Oregon.
  • Los Angeles, California.
  • Orlando, Florida.
  • San Diego, California.
  • Phoenix, Arizona.
  • San Francisco, California.
  • Seattle, Washington.
  • Miami, Florida.
Oct 26, 2023

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