National Center for Home Food Preservation - National Center for Home Food Preservation (2024)


Stiff Jams or Jellies

Stiff jams or jellies may result from

  • overcooking,
  • adding too much pectin,
  • using too little fruit and/or juice, or.
  • using too little sugar or too much under-ripe fruit in recipes where purchased pectin is not added (i.e., long-boil or no-pectin added recipes). In the case of too little sugar, excessive cooking to concentrate the sugar to the jellying point is required. Too much under-ripe fruit can result in too much pectin.

Always follow the manufacturer's directions for ingredients and precise cooking times found in the packages of commercial pectins. When making jelly or jam without adding purchased pectin, be sure to follow directions for determining doneness or the jellying point. See: Making jam without added pectinand Making jelly without added pectin.

Trying to remake a stiff jam or jelly for long-term storage is not expected to result in a quality product and is not recommended.

Suggested Uses for Stiff Jams or Jellies:

If a stiff jam or jelly was processed as recommended in a boiling water canner and the lid is vacuum sealed, the jar can be stored at room temperature like other jam or jelly. (Many homemade jams and jellies will keep with good quality up to one year. The quality loss may be quicker in light-colored and/or reduced-sugar products and it may be desirable to use these within 6-8 months.)

Hard-gelled preserves can be used as meat glazes. Warm the jam or jelly and spread it onto any type of meat during and after cooking. Discard any leftover jam or jelly glaze that came into contact with any meat that has not been fully cooked or utensils that came into contact with meat that has not been fully cooked.

Stiff jams or jellies can also be warmed for use as pancake or ice cream syrups.

Stiff jams or jellies can be thinned with water or fruit juice. They may or may not form a gel again once they are re-heated, as over-cooking of pectin can reduce or destroy its ability to form the gel structure. You will need to experiment with how much liquid is needed to thin your jam or jelly. It is best to work with only 2 to 3 half-pint jars at most at one time. Try four tablespoons (¼ cup) of liquid for each 8-ounce jar. Over very low heat, melt the stiff jam or jelly in the added liquid, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. When it is all in solution, raise the heat to medium and bring the mixture to a full boil, continuing to stir constantly. Remove from heat and quickly skim foam off jelly if necessary. Fill clean, dry containers for refrigerator storage. It is not recommended to re-process the remade jam or jelly in a canner and store it at room temperature. Jellies and jams thinned in this manner may or may not actually gel, but are likely to provide a mixture that that may spread more easily than the stiff product.

This document was prepared by the National Center for Home Food Preservation, July 2004.

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Can Splenda® (sucralose) be used in preserving food?

Granular Splenda® does not provide preservative properties like sugar.

Canning Fruits: Whereas we do not have published research work with using sucralose in the canning of fruits at home available to us, it is possible to use it for sweetening the water used to cover fruits when canning. The texture and color preserving aspects of a sugar syrup will not be provided. The result would be like canning in water except for the additional sweetness contributed by the Splenda®. The USDA fruit canning directions do allow for canning in water (i.e., without a sugar syrup), as there is adequate preservation for safety from the heat of proper canning. Some people do notice an aftertaste in other products and canned fruits, and it is possible some little changes in natural flavors may occur over storage time, since sugar can mask some of these. For people used to sucralose sweetening and flavors, the aftertaste may not be an issue. Based on some of our experiences in canning peaches and pickled foods, we suggest you start seeing what you like by trying less than a full substitution for the sugar in canning syrups. For example, if you use a medium sugar syrup that is 5-/14 cups water to 2-1/4 cups sugar, try 1 to 1-1/4 cups Splenda® the first time. You can always sweeten more when you serve the finished product if it is not quite sweet enough; then you can increase the canning liquid amount the next time you can.

Preserves and Pickled Fruits: In other cases, where sugar is important, like some preserves or pickled fruits, it is not recommended that substitution of Splenda® be used for sugar if the product is to be canned for shelf stability. Splenda® cannot be used in several traditional Southern preserves we have on this website or in the University of Georgia Extension publications. These are whole or uniform pieces of fruit in a very thick sugar syrup, usually made with figs, peaches or pears. (These preserves are not jam or pectin gel products.) Sugar is required for the preservation of these syrupy fruit preserves as published, with very short boiling water canner processes. Without that heavy amount of sugar, these products become fruit pieces canned in water or lighter sugar syrups, and the usual (and longer) fruit canning process times and preparation directions would need to be used.

Jams and Jellies, or Fruit Spreads: You could use Splenda® as the optional sweetener in a jam or jelly made with a no-sugar needed pectin, such as Mrs. Wages™ Lite Home Jell® Fruit Pectin, Ball® No-Sugar Needed Pectin or Sure-Jell® for Less or No-Sugar-Needed Recipes. With these low-methoxyl pectins, no sugar is required at all. Sugar substitutes can be added as desired simply for flavor. The package inserts with these pectins give instructions on when to add the sugar substitutes (usually after all the cooking, right before filling the jars). Do not try to substitute Splenda® for the required sugar in recipes calling for “regular” liquid and powdered pectins.

And do not try to substitute Splenda® in long-boil or no-pectin-added jams and jellies intended for room temperature storage as a canned product. You might get some thickened fruit spreads with just fruit and Splenda®, but they may not have enough water control for processing like a gelled, high sugar-containing jam or jelly. They might require longer processing to avoid spoilage at room temperature. If you want to experiment with making these kind of fruit spreads we recommend freezing or refrigeration for storage.

We have developed three recipes using Splenda® and they are on our website, They are quick pickled sweet cucumber slices, pickled beets and pickled cantaloupe. They are under the How do I....Pickle category, as well as National Center factsheets,

There is also a Peach-Pineapple Reduced Sugar Fruit Spread from the USDAComplete Guide to Home Canningthat does not require added sugar. Some other fruit substitutions are provided in the text. The suggested sugar for sweetening can be left out, or you can add some Splenda® as desired for sweetness. The process time is longer than regular jams and jellies, and is like that for a fruit puree.

How can I become a Master Food Preserver?

“Master” volunteer programs that are connected to the Cooperative Extension System, such as Master Food Preservers and Master Gardeners, are currently state- or county-managed programs affiliated with the land grant universities and the Cooperative Extension Service in the state. In exchange for extensive education, the master volunteer returns contributions to the local Extension office, such as answering phone calls, developing and hosting exhibits, judging at competitions, etc. There are liabilities involved in someone conducting even volunteer work in the name of a state university; therefore, the guidelines and management procedures will vary among states. At this time, the National Center is not in a position to help individuals meet state guidelines for credentials and the title of Master Food Preserver.

If you would like to find out if your state offers this opportunity to become a Master Food Preserver, contact your local Extension Office (usually listed in local government pages of the phone book under Cooperative Extension Service, Ag Extension Office and/or 4-H Office). You could also contact someone at the state university to either ask your questions or let them know of your interest. These contacts can be found on a website managed by USDA:

Most states do not sell their Master Food Preserver curricula or notebooks to the general public. If someone wants information on preserving, they have other publications available with the actual recommendations and procedures. This website from the National Center is full of “How To” information for various types of food preservation. We will eventually have tutorials and a correspondence type course on line for self-study.

Is it necessary to thaw meat or fish before cooking?

No, meat and fish can be cooked from the frozen state if extra cooking time is allowed. The amount of time will depend on the size and shape of the cut. Large frozen roasts can take as much as 11/2 times as long to cook as unfrozen cuts of the same weight and shape. Small roasts and thin cuts such as steaks and chops require less time.

Can meat and poultry be thawed in the conventional oven?

No, meat and poultry should never be thawed in the conventional oven or at room temperature. There is greater danger of bacterial growth and food spoilage for food thawed at room temperature. Thaw meat and poultry in the refrigerator in the original wrappings. To speed thawing, loosen the wrapping. To keep other foods safe, put the thawing meat and poultry in a pan on the bottom shelf. For a quicker method, immerse meat or poultry in a watertight bag into cold water. Thaw until it is pliable. Meat and poultry can also be thawed quickly and safely in the microwave oven, followed by immediate cooking, either in the microwave oven or by some other method. Because microwave ovens vary, check your manufacturer's instructions for information on how to safely thaw in your microwave oven. Frozen meat and poultry can also be cooked without thawing.

What is blanching?

Heating or scalding the vegetables in boiling water or steam for a short period of time.

Is it recommended to blanch vegetables before freezing?

Yes. Blanching slows or stops the action of enzymes which cause loss of flavor, color and texture. Blanching cleanses the surface of dirt and organisms, brightens the color and helps retard loss of vitamins. Blanching also wilts or softens vegetables and makes them easier to pack.

Is it safe to freeze fruits without sugar?

Yes; sugar is not used as a preservative but only to maintain flavor, color and texture.

Can artificial sweeteners be used in place of sugar for freezing fruits?

Sugar substitutes can be used in place of sugar. Labels on the products give the equivalents to a standard amount of sugar. Follow the directions to determine the amount of sweetener needed. Artificial sweeteners give a sweet flavor but do not furnish beneficial effects of sugar, like thickness of syrup and color protection.

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The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has now published a 6th edition of its popular book, So Easy To Preserve. The book was reviewed and updated in 2020. Chapters in the 388-page book include Preserving Food, Canning, Pickled Products, Sweet Spreads and Syrups, Freezing and Drying.

National Center for Home Food Preservation - National Center for Home Food Preservation (2024)


What is a short answer to food preservation? ›

Food preservation can be defined as the process of treating and handling food in such a way as to stop or greatly slow down spoilage and prevent foodborne illness while maintaining nutritional value, texture and flavour. From: Food Spoilage Microorganisms, 2006.

What is food preservation pdf? ›

Food preservation is an action or method of designed to maintain foods at a desired level of quality. A number of new preservation techniques are being developed to satisfy current demands of economic preservation and consumer satisfaction in safety, nutritional and sensory aspects (Potter and Hotchkiss, 1995).

What are the 5 methods of food preservation? ›

Among the oldest methods of preservation are drying, refrigeration, and fermentation. Modern methods include canning, pasteurization, freezing, irradiation, and the addition of chemicals. Advances in packaging materials have played an important role in modern food preservation.

What are 10 preserved foods and examples? ›

Fruits: jams, jellies, dried fruit, canned, bottled, freeze dried, frozen, pickled. Vegetables: dried, pickled, frozen, bottled, canned, freeze dried. Meats: pepperoni, salami, ham, bacon, jerky, pickled meat or fish, smoked fish, smoked hock, salted anchovies in oil, canned sardines, canned tuna etc etc.

What is the preservation answer? ›

Preservation refers to the techniques and the principles that must be followed to preserve food from getting spoilt or decayed. The spoilage is caused due to micro-organisms like bacteria, yeast or moulds and to prevent the spoilage of food, preservatives are added.

What are the three types of food storage? ›

Food storage typically appears in three types: dry, refrigerated, and frozen. Compare each of these types of food storage to understand their applications and conditions in the food industry.

What is the healthiest way to preserve food? ›

The 5 best ways to preserve food
  • Freeze. The colder a food is, the slower its rate of deterioration. ...
  • Heat. Boiling or blanching food at high temperatures destroys all enzyme activity and almost all microorganisms. ...
  • Use strong concentrations. ...
  • Exclude air. ...
  • Remove moisture.

How to preserve food without a fridge? ›

— Drying: Dehydrating fruits, vegetables, and herbs can make them last longer. You can use a dehydrator or even an oven. 4. Cool, Dark Places: Some foods, like tomatoes, avocados, and certain fruits, can be stored at room temperature as long as they are kept in a cool, dark place.

How to preserve food in jars? ›

The mechanics behind canning are fairly simple. You fill a clean jar with prepared food, apply the flat lid and the threaded ring to the jar, and submerge the filled jar in boiling water for a prescribed amount of time. (Times vary widely, depending on what you're canning.)

How to use vinegar to preserve food? ›

This occurs when preserving in vinegar because the pH of the vinegar is inferior to 4.6: this gives the foods the characteristic sour flavor and allows for the elimination of most bacteria. To preserve using this method, boil the vegetables in plenty of salted water and vinegar (in proportion water-vinegar of 1-1).

What foods can you not preserve? ›

butter, milk (all kinds), cheese, cream (all kinds), yoghurt, eggs, tofu, soy, etc. Also any recipe that use one or more of these ingredients, such as mayonnaise, caramel, pudding, cream soups, cream vegetables, refried beans, nut butter (all kinds), pesto, chocolate (all kinds) etc.

What foods preserve the longest? ›

13 Surprising Foods With Unusually Long Shelf Lives
  1. Salt // Forever. ...
  2. Honey // Thousands of Years (Possibly Longer) ...
  3. Worcestershire Sauce // Indefinitely. ...
  4. Hard Liquor // Nearly Forever - Unopened* ...
  5. Canned Beans // 30+ years. ...
  6. Ramen Noodles // 10+ years. ...
  7. Flour // 5-8 years. ...
  8. Dried Pasta // 5-8 years.

What is short term food preservation? ›

Refrigerating food is one of the simplest ways of keeping it safe to eat and preserving it. The low temperature in our fridges slows down bacterial growth and reduces spoilage. Chilled food can remain safe for a few days or weeks, depending on what it is.

What is food preservation in one sentence? ›

“Food preservation is the technique to prevent food spoilage, food poisoning, and microbial contamination in food.”

What is preservation short? ›

: the activity or process of keeping something valued alive, intact, or free from damage or decay.

What is food preservation for kids? ›

Food preservation is the procedure by which food is treated and handled to stop or slow down food spoilage, loss of quality, edibility, or nutritional value and thus allow for longer food storage.

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