NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (2024)

May 16, 2024

Table of Contents

  • Product Information
  • Product Usage Instructions
  • Powered Suction is the Key
  • Instructions for Use
  • Troubleshooting – Problems and Solutions
  • Cleaning and Drying Instructions
  • Changing the Batteries
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Exploded View
    • References
    • Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
    • Download This Manual (PDF format)

NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (1)NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle

Product Information


  • Powered suction technology
  • Flushes out allergens, mucus, bacteria, and viruses
  • Requires two AA batteries (pre-installed)

Product Usage Instructions

Setting Up Your Nose Cleaner

All you have to do is attach the Nasal Dock by pressing it into the MechanicalModule (Fig. 1). The Nose Cleaner comes completely assembled except for theNasal Dock, and the two AA batteries are pre-installed.

Instructions for Use

  1. Fill the Upper Tank to the Fill Line with warm water (Fig. 2). See page 6 for important information about water.
  2. Place a new SaltPod capsule in the Crushing Chamber, foil-side down (Fig. 3). The device will only work with a new, unused SaltPod capsule in the crushing chamber.
  3. Close the Lid firmly until you hear it click shut and do not reopen it (Fig. 4). No peeking!
  4. Gently shake the device for a second or two to mix the SaltPod’s saline concentrate with the water in the Upper Tank.
  5. Run a little water over the Nose Pillows to make them easier to slip into your nostrils.
  6. Arrows on the Nasal Dock indicate the direction of flow (Fig. 5). The rinse goes into your nose through one Nose Pillow and nostril, and comes out of your nose through the other.
  7. Locate the Power Button (see Exploded View on page 8), and firmly push the button all the way in. The pump will start and the Drain Valve will open, causing saline to flow from the Upper Tank into one nostril, around the back of the nose, and out the other nostril into the Lower Tank. The first few times do this in front of a mirror and over a sink. Don’t worry, you’ll be a pro in no time!

Nose Pillow Usage

Insert the Nose Pillows into your nostrils and center them. Do not block thepillow tips against the nasal walls. The pillows should be snug but not tootight. The flexible pillow stems can be bent to obtain a centered, comfortablefit (Fig. 6). It’s essential to keep the Nose Pillow tips centered andunblocked.

Press the pillows into your nose firmly enough to create a seal. Once thecycle starts, back off a little. This will increase the flow. If you press toohard and one of the pillow tips gets blocked against the nasal wall, thesuction will decrease or stop, and you may experience slow flow or no flow atall. Try backing off a little and wiggling the nose pillows around in yournostrils to improve the seal.

Keep your head level, look forward, stand up straight, and do not bend over(Fig. 7). Breathe normally through your mouth.


Q: Can I use the Nose Cleaner if I have a complete sinus blockage?

A: Yes, 100% sinus blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can helprelieve even the most stuffed-up sinus condition. If you are completelycongested and can’t breathe through your nose at all, refer to TroubleshootingTip #5 on page

Powered Suction is the Key

NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (2)

Setting Up Your Nose Cleaner Is Super Easy!
All you have to do is attach the Nasal Dock by pressing it into the MechanicalModule (Fig. 1). The Nose Cleaner comes completely assembled except for theNasal Dock, and the two AA batteries are pre-installed.

Instructions for Use

  1. Fill the Upper Tank to the Fill Line with warm water (Fig. 2). See page 6 for important information about water.

  2. Place a new SaltPod capsule in the Crushing Chamber, foil-side down (Fig. 3). The device will only work with a new, unused SaltPod capsule in the crushing chamber.

  3. Close the Lid firmly until you hear it click shut, and do not reopen it (Fig. 4). No peeking!

  4. Gently shake the device for a second or two to mix the SaltPod’s saline concentrate with the water in the Upper Tank

  5. Run a little water over the Nose Pillows to make them easier to slip into your nostrils.

  6. Arrows on the Nasal Dock indicate the direction of flow (Fig. 5). The rinse goes into your nose through one Nose Pillow and nostril, and comes out of your nose through the other.

  7. Locate the Power Button (see Exploded View on page 8), and firmly push the button all the way in. The pump will start and the Drain Valve will open, causing saline to flow from the
    Upper Tank into one nostril, around the back of the nose, andout the othernostril into the Lower Tank. The first few times, do this in front of a mirrorand over a sink. Don’t worry, you’l be a pro in no time!

  8. The 3 P’s guarantee your success with Naväge: Positioning : Insert the Nose Pillows into your nostrils and center them. Do not block the pillow tips against the nasal
    walls. The pillows should be in snug, but not too snug. The flexible pillowstems can be bent to obtain a centered,comfortable fit (Fig. 6). It’sessential to keep the Nose Pillow tips centered and unblocked.
    Pressure: Press the pillows into your nose firmly enough to create aseal. Once the cycle starts, back off a little. This will increase the flow.If you are pressing too hard and one of the pillow tips gets blocked againstthe nasal wall, then the suction will decrease or stop, and you may get waterdown your throat, slow flow, or no flow at all. That’s why you should trybacking off a little. Wiggling the nose pillows around inyour nostrils canalso help improve the seal Posture : Relax… Keep your head level, lookforward, stand up straight, and do not bend over (Fig. 7). Breathe normallythrough your mouthNAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (3)

  9. Nasal irrigation is safe and effective, and because it is natural and drug-free, you can do it as often as you wish. To get the hang of it quickly, we recommend using your Naväge several times in a row when you’re first learning.

  10. Standard Nose Pillows fit the vast majority of Naväge users. However, if you are among those for whom the Standard Pillows aren’t quite right, Small and Extra-Large Nose Pillows are available at

  11. A Naväge cycle can last from 10 to 60 seconds depending on how congested you are, and on your personal anatomy. Most cycles last from 15 to 30 seconds. When the Upper Tank is empty, the cycle is complete.

  12. 100% sinus blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinus condition. If you are completely congested and can’t breathe through your nose at all, see Troubleshooting Tip #5 on page 5.

  13. When you’re finished, release the Power Button and remove the Nose Pillows from your nostrils. Most users will have a little saline left in their nose. Tilt your head forward and gently blow your nose.

  14. Twist off the Lower Tank and empty it. Clean your device according to the instructions on page 5.

Troubleshooting – Problems and Solutions

  1. Yikes, I’m getting water down my throat! The key to success with Naväge is to make your nasal cavity into a closed system that is separate from the oral cavity. That’s what makes it possible for the rinse to go in one nostril, out the other, and not down your throat. It’s the result of closing the soft palate. For most new users this happens naturally without thinkingabout it. If you do run into trouble, some helpful tips follow, or just give our awesome customer service team a call. They are daily Naväge users themselves and can be reached at 800-203-6400.

    • Relax – no one has ever drowned doing nasal irrigation! The more relaxed you are, the easier it is. Nasal irrigation is safe and effective, and it is practiced every day by tens of millions all over the world including nearly 4 million Naväge users. For some new users there’s a learning curve, but be assured that you’ll master it, too. Best of all, just like riding a bicycle, once you’ve got it, you’ve got it forever!
    • The Nose Pillows should be in snug, but not too snug. Press the pillows in firmly to create a seal. Once the cycle starts, back off a little to increase the flow. Don’t block the tips againstthe inside walls of your nose. Less pressure usually results in more flow.
    • Reverse the direction of flow. Rotate the Nasal Dock 180 degrees and the saline will then flow in the opposite direction. This can make a huge difference, so you should try irrigating both ways (Fig. 8).
    • Breathe normally through your mouth.
    • Press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth and sing or say “sung”, holding the “ng” sound. This will help close the soft palate, block off the throat, and separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity!
    • Again, if you’re in that small group for whom there is a learning curve, don’t give up! There are countless online reviews like this one: “Absolutely love this. Once you get the hang of it, it works better than anything I have ever bought! So hang in there, it’s worth it!” Persistence pays
  2. The Power Button won’t push in – Tips for New Users.
    For the Power Button to work, a new Naväge SaltPod capsule must be placed inthe Crushing Chamber foil-side down and the Lid clicked shut. The device onlyworks when loaded with a genuine, unused SaltPod. This is an important safetyfeature to avoid the stinging and discomfort that can be caused by runningunsalted water through your nose. It is also convenient and eliminates themess of measuring and mixing. This is critical: If you reopen the Lid, thePower Button will no longer work with that particular SaltPod, even if you re-close the Lid. The Power Button will be locked out and it won’t be possible topush it in. No peeking!

  3. The Power Button won’t push in – Tips for Experienced Users.
    This is especially important if you haven’t used your Nose Cleaner for awhile. Rinse the device with hot water for at least 30 seconds in the threeplaces marked A, B, and C (Fig. 9). This will melt salt crystal buildup thatcan interfere with device operation. Time it – 30 seconds is the magic numberand it’s longer than you think! After rinsing, lift the Drain Pull (C) toverify that it is not stuck.

  4. The button pushes in all the way but the pump doesn’t start.
    Visually reconfirm that the batteries are installed in the right direction.Fresh AA batteries should last at least 3 to 4 months of twice daily use.

  5. My nose is blocked and I can’t breathe through either nostril.
    For nasal irrigation to work, there must be room in the nose for the rinse togo in one nostril and come out the other. 100% blockage is rare, and nasalirrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinus condition. If youare extremely congested, space is limited in the nasal cavity and irrigatingwill be slow at first. You may need to start and stop a few times to loosenthe mucus and break up the congestion. We suggest the following tips whenyou’re really stuffed up: a. Irrigate for about 10 seconds; b. Gently blowyour nose; c. Rotate the Nasal Dock 180° to reverse the flow, and irrigate inthe opposite direction for 10 seconds; d. Gently blow your nose and relax fora couple of minutes; e. Rotate the Nasal Dock 180° again; f. Repeat until therinse begins to flow into the bottom tank. This repeated “back and forth”motion will help reduce congestion and allow the rinse to flow from onenostril to the other. Persistence pays!

  6. Still need help? Support videos and troubleshooting tips are available at You can also email us at [emailprotected] or call 800-203-6400 during normal business hours. Our customer

Cleaning and Drying Instructions

  • The Naväge Nose Cleaner is neither dishwasher nor microwave safe. Exposing the tanks to high heat can warp them and prevent their sealing to the mechanical module. Running the Nose Cleaner through a dishwasher or microwave voids the warranty.
  • Upper and Lower Tanks : Detach and hand-wash with liquid soap.
  • Mechanical Module: Wipe the underside of the white Mechanical Module with a cloth dampened with liquid soap. The Mechanical Module is not waterproof. Do not immerse or rinse the underside with running water, as this can force water into the battery compartment and cause corrosion.
  • Drain Pipes, Nose Pillows, and Nasal Dock : Use the included Scrubber to thoroughly clean the inside surfaces of these parts. To clean the Drain Pipes, put a drop of liquid soap on the Scrubber and insert it as shown in Figures 10 and 11. To rinse, lift the Drain Pull (C in Fig. 9 above) and run hot water through the opening. To clean the Nose Pillows and Nasal Docks, detach them and follow the same cleaning steps.
  • Crushing Chamber Lid : See Fig. 9 and rinse areas A and B with hot water for 30 secondsto melt any salt crystals.
  • Let your Nose Cleaner dry completely between uses: separate the Tanks, Nasal Dock, and Nose Pillows from the Mech Module, and place them in the Countertop Caddy (available at after each use. This also helps prevent filmy buildups.
  • Deep cleaning: Spray parts with an anti-bacterial spray. Let sit 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly, but do not rinse underside of Mechanical Module.
  • The Naväge Custom Cleaning Kit with special cleaning tools is available at

Changing the Batteries

  • Fresh batteries will provide enough power for at least 4 months of twice daily use. If you notice that the motor is running at a lower pitch, or if there is less suction than you’re used to, it’s probably time for new batteries.
  • To change the batteries, unscrew the Battery Door with a Phillips-head screwdriver (Fig. 12). Use your fingernail or the screwdriver to gently pry up the door (Fig. 13). Insert two, new AA batteries, and screw the Battery Door on tightly.

NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (4)


  • Use only as indicated in these instructions or as directed by your physician. If you experience pain during use, stop immediately.
  • Side effects from saline nasal irrigation are generally minor and resolve in a short period of time. These include nasal burning, local irritation or pain, ear discomfort, ear fullness or popping, and nose bleeds. Side effects can often be avoided or reduced by making small changes in use. Go to the FAQs on or call the Naväge Customer Support Team at 800-203-6400 for help.
  • About Water: The US FDA advises using filtered, distilled, or previously boiled water for nasal irrigation. The US Centers for Disease Control provides detailed information about boiling, filtering, and disinfecting water for nasal irrigation at
  • Most people prefer to use warm water. Do not overheat the water. It should be lukewarm to the touch and not hotter than about 90° F or 32° C.
  • Rinsing your nasal passages with plain, unsalted water will cause stinging and considerable discomfort.
  • Consult your physician before use if you recently had ear or nose surgery.
  • Do not use if your nasal passages are 100% blocked and you cannot breathe through either nostril. 100% blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinuscondition. See Troubleshooting Tip #5 on page 5 for more details.
  • Do not use if you have an ear infection or if your ears are blocked.
  • Microwaving the Naväge Nose Cleaner or its accessories can be dangerous and voids the warranty.
  • Consult your physician if you are using the Naväge Nose Cleaner to relieve congestion due to a nasal illness and there is no improvement after use; or if your symptoms persist or worsen; or if you have a persistently thick, yellow, or green discharge; or if skin at the base of the nostrils becomes raw or crusted.
  • Terminate use if no saline appears in the lower tank after 60 seconds.
  • Do not use continuously for longer than three minutes.
  • To prevent cross infection between users, the Nasal Dock and Nose Pillows should not be shared. For households that would like to share the same Nose Cleaner, individual Nose Pillow-Nasal Dock Combos are available on
  • Not for use by children under 12 years old.
  • Clean the Nose Pillows and device after each use according to the cleaning instructions.
  • Using the product with illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs except when prescribed by a physician, is prohibited, may damage the device, voids the warranty, and may cause serious injury.
  • Every individual is unique and experiences will vary. This product may not be right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What actually happens during nasal irrigation?
Saline exits the Upper Tank, enters one nostril, and flows to the back of thenose where there is a gap between the rear edge of the nasal septum and theback wall of the nasal cavity. The rinse flows through the gap and makes aU-turn, returning to the front of the nose where it exits through the secondnostril. Along the way it cleans and moisturizes the nasal passages, helpingto flush out allergens, mucus, bacteria, and viruses. In short, in onenostril, around the back of the nose, and out the other nostril.
How is the Naväge system different from other nasal irrigators?
Powered suction is the key, and Naväge is the world’s only nose cleaner withpowered suction. It pulls saline through the nose while other devices such asthe neti pot and nasal squeeze bottle push. It’s like the difference between avacuum cleaner and a broom. As a result, there’s nothing as neat andconvenient as Naväge!
What’s in a Naväge SaltPod® capsule?
Naväge SaltPod capsules contain salt and water. There are no drugs. The saltis pharmaceutical grade containing 99.99% sodium chloride with zero additivesand fillers. (For comparison, table salt is about 98% sodium chloride and 2%additives, including iodine, sodium aluminosilicate, magnesium carbonate, andother fillers.) The water is purified with carbon filtration, deionization,ultra-violet (UV) sterilization, and a sub-micron finishing filter. The resultis super-pure H2O. Naväge aromatic SaltPod capsules such as Eucalyptus, add apure essential oil to enhance the Naväge experience.
How often should I irrigate?
Naväge is completely drug-free and designed for purity, safety, andconvenience so you can irrigate as often as you wish. We suggest you useNaväge twice a day, morning and evening, but doctors advise that it’s safetouse more frequently. Find out what’s best for you. Use it regularly for acouple of weeks and judge for yourself!
I leak saline, sometimes hours after I irrigate! What’s happening?
Sometimes during an irrigation cycle a small amount of saline can flow intoone of the two maxillary sinus cavities, remain there, and flow out later.This can be annoying and even embarrassing, but it is completely harmless. Toavoid it, try this: After completing a cycle, bend over at the waist and bringyour chin to your chest. First, turn your head to the left and look up overyour left shoulder. Then turn your head to the right and look up over yourright shoulder. If there’s any residual saline, this usually lets it flow out.Gently blow your nose.
Naväge Nose Cleaner Warranty
The Naväge Nose Cleaner is covered by a one-year parts and labor warranty. Wewill replace any product that malfunctions due to a manufacturing defectwithin a year of purchase. For service, email[emailprotected], or call800-203-6400. Please note that theNaväge Nose Cleaner is not water-proof. The warranty does not cover damagecaused by:

  • Using the Nose Cleaner without a genuine, unused Naväge SaltPod capsule
  • The use of harmful additives such as tea tree oil that can cause irreparable damage to plastic
  • Submerging the Mechanical Module in water • Not fully tightening the screws on the battery door
  • Placing the Nose Cleaner in a dishwasher • Product abuse, dropping, and other accidents

Disposal and Recycling
Please recycle. Naväge SaltPod capsules are made from HDPE, recycling code #2.The SaltPod packaging is made from recycled PET (RPET). The Naväge system iscompletely BPA-free.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
The Naväge Nose Cleaner complies with the applicable electromagneticcompatibility requirements (EMC) according to IEC60601-1-2 for residential,commercial, and light industry environments. Details are available
Find Out for Yourself

Use Naväge Twice-A-Day for two weeks, and experience what good nasal hygieneand improved nose-breathing can do for you!

Exploded View

NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (5)

RhinoSystems, Inc. is the manufacturer of the Naväge Nose Cleaner and SaltPod®Capsules. RhinoSystems is registered with the United States Food and DrugAdministration (USFDA), and the Naväge Nose Cleaner is approved by the USFDAfor sale in the United States. Naväge SaltPods are licensed by Health Canada’sNatural Health Product Directorate, Natural Product License Number 80035721.RhinoSystems is committed to continually improving our products throughongoing research and development. We strive to maintain the highest quality ineverything we do. The Naväge Nose Cleaner is designed in the USA and made inChina. SaltPod capsules are made in our own Brooklyn, Ohio facility. NoseCleaners and SaltPods are made in facilities certified to comply with ISO13485:2016, the international quality standard f or medical devicemanufacturing

Don’t forget the SaltPod!
Sensitive tissue lines the inside of the nose. Exposing it to water with toomuch or too little salt will cause stinging and considerable discomfort. Toavoid this, the Power Button only works with a new SaltPod capsule in theCrushing Chamber. That way you get just the right amount of salt every singletime. If you reopen the Lid after loading a SaltPod capsule, the device won’tstart. That’s why Doc Rhino says


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NAVAGE Nasal Care Starter Bundle Owner’s Manual (2024)


Can I use bottled water in my Naväge? ›

Always use water that is distilled, micro filtered (through 0.2 microns), commercially bottled (freshly opened) or previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, used promptly.

Can your nose be too clogged for Naväge? ›

For effective nasal irrigation, there must be room in the nose for the rinse to go in one nostril and out the other. If you are extremely congested, space is limited in the nasal cavity and irrigating will be slow at first. You may need to start and stop a few times to loosen the mucus and break up the congestion.

Can you use room temperature water in navage? ›

For your safety, only use water that is distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), or previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, used promptly, for nasal irrigation. Most people prefer to use warm water. Do not overheat the water.

What bottled water is best for nasal rinse? ›

What Types of Water Are Safe to Use? Distilled or sterile water, which you can buy in stores. The label will state “distilled” or “sterile.” Boiled and cooled tap water — boiled for 3 to 5 minutes, then cooled until it is lukewarm.

What are the negatives of Naväge? ›

Bacteria concerns when water used in the device is not filtered, distilled or previously boiled. Bacteria and/or virus concerns when nasal irrigation devices are not properly cleaned after use.

Do doctors recommend Naväge? ›

Often referred to as 'Nature's Decongestant', the Naväge nasal hygiene system is promoted by doctors who specialize in the field. According to Dr. Howard Levine, “Nasal irrigation is clinically proven to relieve sinus congestion safely and effectively without drugs.

Why do I feel more congested after a sinus rinse? ›

Your congestion can feel worse after a sinus rinse if you use only water rather than the saline solution. It can cause swelling in the nasal passages, making symptoms worse. Water from the neti pot can get stuck in your sinuses if you don't tilt your head correctly.

Why won't my sinus rinse come out of the other nostril? ›

"What if the fluid doesn't come out my other nostril when I rinse? Yes, it is possible to get water stuck in your sinuses from a sinus rinse. This can happen if your sinuses are swollen or if your head is not tilted properly. If you feel like water is stuck, keep your head upright for a while and try blowing your nose.

How do I stop Naväge from going down my throat? ›

Once the cycle is initiated, back off a little. This will decrease the pressure and increase the flow. If one of the pillow tips is blocked against the nasal wall, suction will decrease or stop, and you may get water down your throat, slow flow, or no flow at all. That's why you want to back off the pressure a little.

Does Naväge get rid of phlegm? ›

Absolutely! Yes, the Naväge will remove mucus! Enthusiastic Naväge users with a wide variety of sinus issues including excess mucus have reported finding relief and excellent results using Naväge.

Is it okay to use tap water in Naväge? ›

New User Water Tip

It should be lukewarm to the touch and not hotter than about 85°– 90°F (29°– 32°C). WARNING: DO NOT USE TAP WATER UNLESS STERILIZED BY BOILING.

Can you overuse Naväge? ›

You can use the Naväge Nose Cleaner as often as you wish! We suggest you use Naväge twice a day, just like brushing your teeth. However, Naväge is completely natural and drug-free, and health professionals agree that it's safe to use as often as needed or wanted.

Do you do both nostrils with Naväge? ›

One side of the nasal cavity is cleaned as the rinse flows into it; the other side as the rinse flows out of it. The beauty of Naväge is that it's so easy to change the direction of flow, either from left-to-right, or from right-to-left.

Navage Nasal Care | Troubleshooting - Naväge ...Navage Nasal Care ›

Having problems with your Navage Nose Cleaner? Here are some troubleshooting tips that address the most common problems encountered with saline nasal irrigation...
Designed with your nose in mind. Naväge helps relieve nasal congestion and stuffiness by washing and moisturizing the nasal cavity with a pressure-controlled st...

Can I use bottled water instead of distilled water for sinus rinse? ›

Background: Nasal saline irrigations are a valuable, widely used adjunct for the management of chronic rhinosinusitis. Due to potential concerns regarding infection, patients are commonly recommended to use distilled, bottled, or boiled tap water when mixing these solutions.

Is all bottled water distilled? ›

Bottled water usually undergoes filtration processes rather than distillation because it contains essential minerals that affect the taste and nutritional value of the water. Distilled water, on the other hand, is entirely pure H20 because distillation removes all of its impurities, including minerals.

Is bottled water filtered water? ›

Is Bottled Water Purified? Companies purify bottled water before packaging it if they collect it from groundwater or a municipal water supply. However, companies typically package water without purifying it if they package mineral water or collect it from a natural spring.

Can you do a nasal flush with a water bottle? ›

Some people use a device called a neti pot to help deliver the salt water to the nasal cavities, but you can also use squeeze bottles or bulb syringes. A sinus flush is generally safe.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.