New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 07/07/1979 (2024)

New Jersey nightly news. With Sean repeat. That evening in the news tonight Governor Byrne meets with President Carter and reports that the president may be considering major changes in energy policies. There are some changes in the gas allocation rules but they won't help New Jersey too much. In sports tonight Bill Perry has winning soccer and an important sports soapbox derby races. A high level meeting in Washington brought politicians and citizens to Camp David to discuss the nation's direction on energy. Governor Byrne was among the group that met with President Carter. The president is being reported will make some major changes in U.S. energy policy including some high level personnel changes. The governor has complained about the way the Department of Energy is being run and recommended that the president do something about his energy secretary. Governor Burns said the governors were brought in to discuss energy problems in general even though he and other Northeast governors are asking for help in getting more gasoline and heating oil allocated to their states. The governor flew to Louisville

Kentucky early today to attend the National Governors Conference. And after he arrived he told us by phone that the president told the governors that he the president would be taking more direct control of the energy crisis. But nothing was said directly that would help New Jersey's immediate problem. Greater personal control of energy the same thing and our Question of the president which is that that is going to be every day that they get out of a shorter Monday than they were really last on Saturday. But there are a series of the president. It's about home heating oil which was a good critic on the eyes of some of the guests around. The governor said he stayed up till midnight with the president to discuss what he called the domestic

agenda. New Jersey Nightly News has learned that the federal Department of Energy has proposed some additional gas allocation rules supposedly in response to complaints from officials in New Jersey and other states that they're not getting enough gas. But Phelps Hawkins reports that the changes won't do much for New Jersey. That's got the New Jersey gas retailers association hopping mad. It was completely dishonest it was a charade. New Jersey is being raped again and more importantly the neighborhood dealer is being discriminated against and if this continues the lines may look short now but as soon as things get tight the lines will get longer for a report that he spent hours on the phone with the people of Stuart Eizenstat President Carter's advisor on domestic affairs. And Jack was a special assistant to the president based on those conversations everything looked great. Gerry Ferraro along with Governor Byrne and Joel Jacobson got personal assurances from the White House people of more gas for New Jersey but there is little more than rumors coming out of Camp

David right now and that's where the White House people are this morning a Department of Energy spokesman in Washington told me that he had no idea what was being decided by the president and his staff if anything. But he did admit that the proposed new changes in the gas allocation rules are minor and it will only bring a little more gas to New Jersey in that respect than Jerry Ferrara is right. But the spokesman said the changes are included in a Notice of Intent. Published in the Federal Register. And that means much of the reason for making the proposal is to encourage comments on it from state and other federal agencies. An interesting side note the spokesman said the Energy Department conducted a national survey last week to find out where the gas lines are worth the survey found that four areas in Maryland Virginia Washington D.C. and Louisiana are considerably worse off than New Jersey. All this is a small consolation for Jerry Ferrara and the 3000 gas stations he represents.

He wants some major changes. So I said just remark that he made last week sort of a headline he said we can't do anything to oil companies now trying to tank is around in mid ocean and divide them someplace else I think the American public should know that if he wants the moral equivalent of war let us be told that. But in the short term what can be done. Change the whole department energy and maybe if necessary the White House because right now they are not doing a damn thing. In Union City vote for. Some gas stations are open today and lines are short. The Triple-A estimate estimates that 50 percent of the stations in the shore areas will be open tomorrow. Even more than that we're open today. Limits along major roadways have been raised and the odd even system seems to be working for now. And there are words of reassurance from state energy commissioner Joel Jacobson. Jacobson says he does not believe that New Jersey's gas pumps will run dry at the end of this month. He also refuted those prophets of doom who predict serious shortages of home heating oil this winter. The

state energy chief told an assembly committee he was very optimistic about New Jersey's fuel supplies and he said that optimism was based on statistics and not guesswork. Of course for all of us on those long gas lines statistics sometimes seem to miss the point and from covering the gas crisis over the past several weeks Hawkins has found that not just motorists have gotten a little nervous at times. Sandy if there is one constant in the current gas crisis it's that long lines come from panic buying by motorists. But one state energy official admitted to me yesterday that the energy panic too if it felt that the best thing about that is three weeks ago when the Earth Institute and the department became exempt from the system instead of telling people that it didn't make any difference whether they were exempt or not everybody had to stand in line. Now people are back on the road. Gas is available but everybody other than Joel

Jacobson is saying that the lines will be back at the end of this month. Then it'll be up to the motorists. This is felt Hawkins. And the Baltimore Canyon continues to offer little promise as a source of fuel. Exxon reports that its third exploratory well about 100 miles off Atlantic City has come up dry. And that's the 14th dry hole reported in more than 15 months of drilling off the mid-Atlantic coast. There have been three major strikes of natural gas and oil in the Baltimore Canyon area. And Exxon says it's going to keep looking for more. Exxon officials plan to move a rig 28 miles to the northwest. The new haul will be on the geological formation known as the great salt dome once thought to hold the greatest chance for a major oil and natural gas strike. General Motors is moving the production of its 1980 Cadillac Seville from Detroit to London. The switch could affect the jobs of more than 12 hundred Michigan auto workers but it could also mean more jobs for their New Jersey counterparts. The linden plant is already producing

several front wheel drive models. The new Seville is also front wheel drive. So GM says the move only makes sense. The toll collectors strike on the Garden State Parkway is over tonight. Late this afternoon by a vote of 2 to 1 union members said yes to a tentative contract agreement reached last night with the state. And Diana London reports that collectors went on strike last Tuesday didn't have much of an effect. Supervisors and clerks filled in for them and traffic through the toll booth as was reported normal the toll collectors walked off the job saying the $7 and 12 cents an hour they make wasn't enough. But last night they got more and strike leaders they said they had no doubt union members would pass the tentative agreement that was reached at this point we're dealing a little bit of reality I guess and my membership has been out of work we've made our point very clear. I didn't get a substantial hourly increase with two very fine bonuses for the two year pack and I think our men are going to

be happy. The basic collectors of 150 the 50 cent an hour raise and $100 bonus the second year. Including the bonus the package means almost an 8 percent increase for each of the next two years. A figure union leaders say their members could live with. Today on the Garden State Parkway. No it hasn't been during the strike. It's for union members some working 16 and 20 hour shifts so they'll be glad when toll collectors are back on the job at midnight tonight. In Union London. 70 nurses dietitians and maintenance workers are out on strike at the end Intermediate Care Center and the end of her nursing home the staff walked off the job on Friday after contract talks failed. The workers want more money and better benefits. A spokesman for the Center and the nursing home said patients are being cared for by a nonunion nursing staff. In

Vineland a hearing has been scheduled in the case of that 20 year old Jewish Defense League member who was allegedly raped by two men one a leader of the Ku Klux Klan the other the Nazi party. The young JDL activist said she was lured to a violent hotel room where she was handcuffed great and threatened with torture. The attack reportedly followed the men's discovery that she had been spying on them. And the woman identified only as Annette says she had infiltrated the Klan and Nazi groups to gain information about their members and their activities charged with rape aggravated assault and threatening to kill her Edwin Reynolds head of the New Jersey clan and John Duffy a Nazi leader from Wilmington Delaware. Reynolds has been released on $25000 bail. He's being held in the Cumberland County Jail. Their hearing is scheduled for Thursday in Vineland. The Ocean County jail today reported its second inmate suicide in just one week. Officials say they found 23 year old Daniel Bolton dead in his cell last night. They say he used a

blanket to hang himself. Bolton was facing charges in the 1978 strangling death of his 9 year old stepson. He had already pleaded no defense. Last Saturday Luis Rivera was also found hanged in his cell. That death too has been termed a suicide. Doctors at New York's Montefiore Hospital say they are hopeful in the case of an 18 year old Cranford man whose hand was mutilated by a firecracker. Daniel Gallagher was rushed to Montefiore yesterday after a three inch M 80 firecracker exploded in his hand. A team of surgeons worked 13 hours to save that hand but they say it will take at least a week to determine if the operation was indeed a success. Well it's not surprising the shore is actually crowded in some spots today. New Jersey beaches report a lot of sunshine and people. In Asbury Park one police sergeant said it's like a normal summer day in Seaside Park. End Point Pleasant. The crowd started arriving last night and today business men are breathing a warm sigh of relief. Summer is finally here

and the weather is moving away from the Autumn coolness we felt all week. Temperatures warmed up into the 80s today and the forecast calls for more of the same. First tonight we'll have clear skies and temperatures dropping into the upper 50s and mid 60s 60s. A bit cooler in South Jersey but it's still warmer than the record lows we had earlier in the week. Tomorrow we can expect more sunny skies with normal seasonable temperatures will be in the low to mid 80s in North and South Jersey a bit cooler at the shore for vacationers. The forecast looks promising right through Monday with the pleasant temperatures continuing and partly cloudy skies. I think we could do you actually.

Did you than the bloody guy. I mean there's something I want something I didn't write to us. I want to jump. Out. But the glittering prizes tonight at 9:00 on New Jersey Public Television. Will Perry's here and I think he's going to talk about tennis now right Sanjay thank you. At Wimbledon today Bjorn Borg won his fourth consecutive men's singles title blog Beat Roscoe tanner in a very tough five set match Billy Jean King joined Borg as a history maker King teaming with Martina Navratilova won the women's doubles it was Wimbledon title number 20 in a row for Billie Jean an all time record. Borg meanwhile is the first man in modern times to win four straight singles titles in men's doubles New Jersey's Peter Fleming serving here teamed with New York's John McEnroe to win the title. Yesterday last year Peter and

McEnroe played Wimbledon doubles for the first time as a team. They went to the finals before losing so this year they take the doubles championship 4 6 6 4 6 2 6 2 over Brian Godfrey and Raul Ramirez Fleming of course is from Chatham borough. The American Soccer League New Jersey Americans because of 1 3 to 1 last night at Rutgers stadium a crowd of 6000 and 63 the largest to see the Americans this season at home turned out New Jersey last in the Eastern Division when Eddie for Monny took over jumped two notches into fourth place with the win in the top three make the playoffs strange goal this made it one to nothing a Cleveland player. Headed it into his own goal here it is again one to nothing Americans in the 17th minute crazy New Jersey made it Suter nothing more conventionally courtesy of Alex Pringle off the free kick. A free kick situation like it was with a good listen to.

It with the rest of space people but I just did. Pringles goal unassisted in the 28 minute made nothing but came back with the goal Mendez unassisted off a free kick in the 39 half time but in the second half the New Jersey Americans putting the pressure on keeping the pressure on and they wind up with the unassisted 69 maybe three to one and that was the final one so the Americans are 2 1 and 1 since he took over and you know what. You talk to the Americans players about. You hear a lot of the same things I think you get a little respect from the. System and the plentiful system and the way is organized and help the problem areas and work with the lads and I think everybody respects in that area and

everybody has a good coach and also a good man. He makes you work harder. Yes he does and he brings out the best in everybody. I respect an organization and now it looks like Ramadi has the Americans on their way to the NFL playoffs baseball today and that's our hapless San Diego 11 the Mets 3 Yankees leading Oakland 5 2 in the fifth and the Phillies play the Giants tonight a nationally sanctioned soapbox derby race was held in Princeton today it's a first and only for New Jersey other areas have annually had soapbox races as qualifiers to the nationals but it's been years since New Jersey had such a race. Derby director Fred Blaker has the background number of years ago the major sponsor soapbox derby in the country stopped running and sponsoring the Derby and it's taken a number of years to get the guts of this big to start when this race last year that kids kind of got into this.

How much fun it is the kids and ourselves that's where we started from eight months ago. This is our first year. It's been super good because. Before we get to that here's some more background it's been 20 years since a sanctioned national soapbox derby race has been held in New Jersey 23 kids were entered today and the winner goes on to the national soapbox derby finals in Akron Ohio next month there will be some 100 and 50 contestants in Akron. Today's entrants are from 10 to 12 years old boys and girls. The young racers have to keep within national standards of training. Soapbox Derby kids from Akron which include working parts of the car such as axle steering mechanism and cables the size of the cars must meet specifications. What makes a good car. Right not to have. You have got to go fast.

Well the car wasn't fast enough. First prize went to Georgetown 11 years old from Mercer ville and George goes on to Akron in the Nationals August 11 second place John Cougar 11 year old from Trenton and third place from Princeton Junction. My misspent youth but I never rode in the soap box derby. And you sanction track and field meet is wrapping up right now as we speak in Elizabeth seven new associations from New Jersey to Maine were represented the top two finishers in each of the events qualify to go to the National Junior Olympics in Lincoln Nebraska that's on August 11th and 12th. Our information very spotty is that meat is wrapping up we have heard that the New Jersey Association kids are doing well and we hope to have more information on this directly for you tomorrow night. That's all sports for now Sandy. Thank you Bill. Well the assembly is talking about legislation that could put to rest the fears of two religious communities in New Jersey. Ocean Grove and Mount Tabor. The bill sponsored by Assemblyman Dean Gallo would allow the two communities to continue operating

as religious associations. Gallo says the bill is a direct reaction to the state Supreme Court decision stating that the governments of the communities were illegal because they merge church and state. The Assembly vote on the bill is scheduled for Monday and Gallo says he expects it to pass easily. Have you ever had the urge to pick up and get away from it all. So did Cathy. He's a 5 year old monkey who last week left the security of a three squares a day for the wilds of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. But life apparently wasn't too much fun. And today he's back at the Humane Society's compound in Lacey Township. He didn't even wait to be captured. In fact a motorist reports he was driving near the compound when Kathy jumped out of the woods into his car window and onto his back. The driver said that was just like a baby. That Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Jersey Public Television.

Has a lot of talk in Washington about what the Carter administration plans to do about the fuel crisis. So far it's still just talk no action. But most members of Congress are not in a position to take any action including the members of New Jersey's delegation. Michael Dash has news of their activities with his weekly Congress watch. You know they're already calling it a do nothing Congress and this week they literally did nothing. Congress is in recess in school that means it's time for schoolchildren to release their cooped up energy. In Washington it's a total lack of energy about anything including energy. While New Jerseyans ended the week with a flurry of energy activity most everyone in Washington is waiting for President Carter to come down from the mountaintop to give his mysterious energy message. And then we'll hear the reactions. So it's a good time now to look ahead to some New Jersey issues that await the return of the delegation to the Capitol. We're awaiting the return of the army to make the next move on Fort Dix for a long

time we've been hearing that basic training is going to be taken away from it leaving the area in an economic foxhole. But New Jersey has asked for an environmental impact statement and the army will decide maybe next week on whether to go ahead with it. Now you've heard about that story about how many Americans it takes to screw in a lightbulb. It takes for one to screw in the bulb and three to write the environmental impact statement. And if the Army does have to come up with such a report it means a lot of work and time. Eight to 18 months and that will delay the foredeck to Doomsday this is an even more. That's what New Jersey wants. Less than a month ago we heard the deputy secretary of defense tell us that Fort Jackson South Carolina is his choice. The issue is not cannot do its job and do it well. The issue is you have one too many. I'm the leader in my own mind that the right thing to do is to close the Army Training Center in Jackson.

Not only are these senators and congressmen waiting on that environmental statement they're waiting for a congressional study to review the costs of the move. We may hear more about all this next week. So stay tune and keep your antenna trained on the communications subcommittee of the Senate. Senators Goldwater of Arizona and Hollings of South Carolina have written to the Federal Communications Commission on behalf of New Jersey. They're members of the committee rewriting the nation's communication laws and they want to know what it would take to get a VHF commercial TV station in the state. New Jersey Senator Bradley and Williams may use that subcommittee to amend the law to force the FCC to do just that. The FCC chairman when questioned by the senators didn't hold out much hope. What can be done now is really easy. The. Very fact The New Jersey's geography is not going to be eliminated

and Senator Williams told me we're not expecting any miracles. But they say there's progress on the TV issue because of the interest of Goldwater and Hollings support seems to be picking up or saving some of those doomed Amtrak lines Congressman James Florio of South Jersey has succeeded in getting the Carter administration to consider a formula that would save at least a couple of the railroad lines that the Carter Administration is proposing to cut. We'll be watching for that one. And whatever light there may be at the end of the railroad tunnel as Congress goes back into session and maybe even back to work that's Congress watch. I'm Michael Cassio. Congress and the Carter administration are desperately searching for a real solution to the current energy crisis. One answer that the president is now considering is development of a synthetic fuel. And several bills in Congress would do that as well. Charles Bennett reports on what that means and how it could be done. You can't put coal in a gas tank. For that matter we're not likely to have nuclear

powered or solar powered cars any too soon either. That's really the heart of the problem. We don't just have an energy crisis we have a liquid energy crisis. Oil can be used for a lot more different things and most of it substitutes. But take heart because we do apparently have an option. The technology for making synthetic crude oil is old and well established the chief ingredient is coal. So if it's so easy why aren't we making it in huge quantities right now. Mainly because it's expensive and it takes a lot of water about 500 gallons two tons of water for each ton of coal. But synthetic fuel could conceivably rescue us from the grip of Arab domination. And we aren't the first people to think of it. Canada which has lots of real oil is nevertheless embarking on a big synthetic fuel program and South Africa which is a political and economic outcast already uses synthetic gasoline in large quantities and with 500 years worth of coal in the US we could do the same. Environmentalists are troubled by the

idea because it would involve stripping so much land and using millions of gallons of water in the arid West where the coal is. But Professor probs dean of MIT who is a water use expert says there is enough groundwater which usually isn't taken into account. He wants to see the government promote a giant synthetic fuel industry. More than 100 plants that would lead us from the Arabs both water and land he says could be reclaimed in the Wyoming. For example you can mine 100000 tons of coal in about an acre of land 100 acres of land. Were you would mine 10 million tons of coal in a year from that hundred acres so that a hundred acres of land would supply one percent of the energy needs for the grazing land for two to four cattle because the price of Arab oil is rising so quickly. Synthetic Fuels are almost competitive in price right now say the experts and the price of foreign oil can only go up one of the many synthetic fuel bills now and

Congress is expected to pass soon a bill to help private industry meaning the oil companies develop the technology. And 10 or 15 years from now maybe you will be able in a sense to put coal in your gas tank. This is Charles Bennett in Boston. Once again our top stories. Governor Byrne met with President Carter last night. It's reported the president will be making major changes in the country's energy policy including some changes and high level personnel. The governor told us the president would be taking a more direct role in the energy crisis but nothing that would help New Jersey's immediate problems. Also today the toll collector strike on the Garden State Parkway is over. The toll collectors voted late this afternoon to accept a tentative contract agreement reached with the state last night. And the beautiful summer weather we're having will stay with us through tomorrow and we'll enjoy another sunny and warm day. And that's been Jersey Nightly News SATURDAY EDITION. I'm Sandra King. Bill Perry and I wish you a very pleasant evening.

New Jersey and I could do it as a joint presentation of New Jersey Public Television and any TV 13. On Saturday and Sunday. The program is broadcast at 6 p.m. both on New Jersey public television and on Channel 13. Portions of the record.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 07/07/1979 (2024)
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