One Meal a Day Diet: Definition, Benefits, and How To (2024)

Blog Nutrition One Meal a Day Diet: Definition, Benefits, and How To

By Eve Chalicha

Updated on March 12, 2024

One Meal a Day Diet: Definition, Benefits, and How To (1)

Reviewed by Kristen Fleming, RD

Kristen Fleming holds a Master of Science in Nutrition. Over her 8 years of experience in dietetics, she has made significant contributions in clinical, community, and editorial settings. With 2 years as a clinical dietitian in an inpatient setting, 2 years in community health education, and 4 years of editorial experience focusing on nutrition and health-related content, Kristen's expertise is multifaceted.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) comes in many variations; some will have you eat all of your daily calories within a specific window, while others will have you fast for a certain number of hours and then eat normally. Others have you fasting on alternate days, while some will have you restrict your calorie intake for two days a week.

One of the more popular versions of IF is known as the “One Meal a Day” (OMAD) diet, which is exactly what it sounds like – eating just one meal a day.

At first, the concept of only eating one meal a day may seem extreme and potentially unhealthy. However, proponents of the OMAD diet claim that it can offer numerous benefits beyond just weight loss.

What Is OMAD Diet?

The One Meal a Day diet is a type of intermittent fasting where an individual consumes all of their daily calories in one sitting, typically within a one-hour window. This means that for the rest of the day they are in a state of fasting and do not consume any additional calories.

Although this may seem restrictive, and it is, proponents of the OMAD diet argue that it is more natural for humans to eat one large meal a day rather than several smaller meals throughout the day. They believe that our ancestors followed this eating pattern and that our bodies are designed to function optimally with this type of eating.

There are several reasons why people may choose to follow the OMAD diet, including:

  • Weight Loss: By limiting the number of calories consumed in a day, the OMAD diet can lead to weight loss. The body will start burning stored fat for energy during the fasting period (4).
  • Simplicity: With only one meal to plan and prepare, the OMAD diet offers a simple approach to eating. Busy people sometimes find this easier to adhere to compared to traditional diets that require multiple meals and snacks throughout the day.
  • Time-Saving: With only one meal to eat, followers of the OMAD diet may save time on meal planning, cooking, and cleaning up.
  • Health Benefits: Many people who follow the OMAD diet report perceived improvements in their overall health. This can include improved digestion, increased energy levels, better sleep, and improved mental clarity.
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What Are The Rules of OMAD?

The OMAD diet does not have any set rules, but there are some general guidelines that most people follow:

  • One-Hour Window: The typical eating window for the OMAD diet is one hour. All of your daily calories should be consumed within a 60-minute period.
  • No Snacking: While fasting on the OMAD diet, snacking is not allowed. This means that in between your one meal, you should only consume water or other non-caloric beverages.
  • No Calorie Counting: Unlike other diets, the OMAD diet does not require you to count calories or restrict your food choices. However, choose nutrient-dense foods during your one meal to be sure that you are meeting as much of your body’s nutritional needs as possible.
  • Nutrient-Dense Meal: Since you are only consuming one meal a day, make sure that it is nutrient-dense and provides as many of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs as possible in one meal.
  • Mindful Eating: Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness signals while following the OMAD diet. This means eating slowly and stopping when you feel satisfied, not overly full (10).
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water when following the OMAD diet. Not only will it help with weight loss, but it can also prevent dehydration during the fasting period.
  • Zero-Calorie Beverages: During the fasting period, zero-calorie beverages such as water, unsweetened black coffee, and unsweetened tea or herbal tea are allowed. Any caloric beverages, like sugary drinks or milk, should be consumed during the one hour eating window.
  • Gradual Transition: If you are new to intermittent fasting, gradually transition from short fasts to the OMAD diet instead of jumping straight into it. This can help your body adjust and may prevent some potential negative side effects.
  • Gentle Exercise: Make sure you are not overexerting yourself with exercise. Gentle forms of physical activity like walking or yoga are recommended during the fasting period.
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Can You Lose Weight By Eating One Meal a Day?

Eating one meal a day is a sure way to limit your caloric intake, which can aid in weight loss. It’s physically impossible to consume an excessive number of calories in one sitting, so the OMAD diet naturally limits your calorie intake.

However, the quality of your one meal is crucial for weight loss. Just because you are eating only one meal does not mean you can ignore the nutritional content of your meal. To see weight loss results and hopefully avoid nutrient deficiencies, it is essential to choose nutrient-dense foods with a balanced macronutrient profile.

Your best bet is to fill up on the following nutrient-dense foods:

  • Protein: Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass and promoting satiety (3), especially when consuming only one meal a day. Choose lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes.
  • Fiber: A high-fiber diet can promote weight loss by keeping you feeling full and regulating blood sugar levels (12). Fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Healthy Fats: Despite what some may think, healthy fats are crucial for a well-rounded diet. They can help promote satiety and provide necessary nutrients (6). Choose sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil or other vegetable oils.
  • Whole Grains: Whole grains provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They can help keep you full and regulate blood sugar levels (7). Choose more whole grain options like quinoa, brown rice, oats, or whole wheat bread.

Read more: 7-Day Weight Loss Low-Carb Diet: Choose High-Protein, High-Fiber, or Ultra-Low-Carb

How Much Weight Will I Lose If I Eat One Meal a Day?

You may lose anywhere between 0.5-2 pounds per week if you consistently consume fewer calories than your body burns. This estimate is based on a daily calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories, which is considered a safe and sustainable rate of weight loss.

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However, the amount of weight you lose will depend on several factors such as age, sex, current weight, and activity level, as well as individual genetic differences.

  • Age: As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, making weight loss more challenging (5).
  • Sex: Men typically have a higher muscle mass than women, which can increase their metabolic rate and result in faster weight loss (9).
  • Current Weight: The more you weigh, the more calories your body needs to maintain its current weight. Therefore, those with a higher starting weight may see more significant weight loss in the beginning.
  • Activity Level: Those who are more active burn more calories, which can increase the rate of weight loss (9). However, it’s important to listen to your body and not overexert yourself while following the OMAD diet.

We discuss these concepts in more detail in our guide: How to Lose 50 lb In 2 Months

What Should I Eat for One Meal a Day?

Your meal should consist of a balance of all essential macronutrients- protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. It should also include plenty of nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

Here is an example of a well-rounded OMAD meal:

  • Grilled chicken breast with quinoa and roasted vegetables (carbohydrates/protein/healthy fats)
  • Side salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and balsamic vinaigrette (fiber/healthy fats)
  • Fresh fruit for dessert (carbohydrates/fiber/vitamins)

Here’s another example for those following a vegetarian or plant-based diet:

  • Tofu stir-fry with mixed vegetables and brown rice (protein/carbohydrates/healthy fats)
  • Side of roasted chickpeas (fiber/protein/healthy fats)
  • Fresh berries for dessert (carbohydrates/fiber/vitamins)

Yet another example for those following a low-carb or keto diet:

  • Grilled salmon with steamed broccoli and cauliflower rice (protein/fiber/healthy fats)
  • Side salad with spinach, avocado, and olive oil dressing (fiber/healthy fats)
  • Small serving of berries for dessert (carbohydrates/fiber/vitamins)
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During your one hour of eating, you may include beverages that aren’t necessarily zero-calorie, such as a glass of milk, a piece of fruit juice, or a sweetened coffee drink. However, it’s important to keep these beverages in moderation and prioritize nutrient-dense foods for your one meal.

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What Food Should I Avoid During OMAD?

While there are no specific foods that are off-limits on the OMAD diet, it is crucial to prioritize nutrient-dense options and limit highly processed, high-calorie foods, which provide little to no nutritional value (13).

Here are some foods to avoid or limit while following the OMAD diet:

  • Processed snacks and junk food: Chips, cookies, candy, and other highly processed snacks should be limited as they are high in calories and low in nutrients.
  • Sugary beverages: Soda, energy drinks, and sweetened coffee drinks can quickly add up in calories and provide little nutritional value.
  • Fast food: While it may be tempting to grab a quick meal from a fast-food restaurant during your one hour of eating, these meals are often high in calories and unhealthy fats.
  • Alcohol: While a glass of wine or beer can fit within your calorie limit, it’s important to remember that alcohol provides empty calories and little nutritional value. It can also make you want to eat more and may make it more challenging to stick to your one meal a day.

By avoiding or limiting these foods and prioritizing nutrient-dense options, you are more likely to see weight loss results while following the OMAD diet.

Check out this 30 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss that incorporates the OMAD diet for more meal ideas and tips on how to successfully follow this eating pattern.

Can OMAD Be Harmful?

You may experience intense hunger, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating while following this eating pattern. Your body is not used to going without food for prolonged periods, and it takes time to adapt. Over time, it becomes easier to stick to the OMAD diet, and hunger pangs tend to lessen.

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Some people shouldn’t follow the OMAD diet, including (11):

  • Individuals with a history of disordered eating: The strict nature of this eating pattern can trigger unhealthy behaviors in those with a history of disordered eating.
  • Children and adolescents: They are still growing and have high energy and nutrient needs that cannot be met with one meal a day. Dieting and/or food restriction is also not recommended in general as it can foster an unhealthy relationship with food that lasts a lifetime.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women: These individuals have increased calorie and nutrient needs and should not restrict their intake to one meal a day.
  • Those with certain medical conditions: It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting the OMAD diet if you have any medical conditions that may be affected by extreme calorie restriction, or if you are taking any medications.
  • Athletes or highly active individuals: Those with high energy demands may struggle to meet their body’s needs with only one meal a day.
  • Anyone who doesn’t feel well: If you experience severe or prolonged side effects, reconsider this eating pattern and consult with a healthcare professional.

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  • Who Should Avoid OMAD?

Individuals with a history of disordered eating, children and adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with certain medical conditions, athletes or highly active individuals, and anyone who doesn’t feel well should avoid the OMAD diet. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting this eating pattern if you fall into one of these categories.

  • How Many Calories Should I Eat on OMAD?

OMAD isn’t a calorie-strict diet, as its focus is more on the timing of meals rather than specific calorie amounts. Rather than counting calories, it’s important to prioritize nutrient-dense and whole foods during your one hour of eating.

That said, a nutritious, filling meal is likely to contain anywhere from 1000-1500 calories, and you may add a snack or small treat within your one hour.

  • How Can I Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed While Following OMAD?

Transitioning to the OMAD diet can be challenging, but there are some tips to make it more manageable:

  • Start slowly: If you’re new to intermittent fasting or extreme calorie restriction, consider starting with a 16:8 fasting ratio before transitioning to OMAD.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help combat hunger pangs and stay hydrated.
  • Plan your meal in advance: Having a nutritious, well-rounded meal planned for your one hour of eating can make it easier to stick to the OMAD diet.
  • Seek support: Joining an online community or finding an accountability partner can provide motivation and support while following the OMAD diet.

It’s important to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or experiencing severe side effects, it may be necessary to reconsider this eating pattern and consult with a healthcare professional. It’s always important to prioritize your physical and mental well-being above any specific diet or eating pattern.

  • What Happens If You Only Eat Once a Day for a Month?

If you only eat once a day for a month, you are likely to lose weight due to the calorie restriction (1). Some people also claim that they notice improvements in your energy levels, digestion, and overall health. You may also:

  • Make better food choices – By limiting your eating window, you may become more conscious of the foods you choose to eat during that time and prioritize nutrient-dense options.
  • Improve insulin sensitivity – This can lead to better blood sugar control and potentially reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (8).
  • Reduce inflammation – Many people report improved joint pain, skin conditions, and other inflammatory issues while following OMAD or other intermittent fasting regimens.
  • Improve mental clarity – Some people claim to experience improved focus and concentration while following the OMAD diet.

Our 1 Month Workout Plan to Get Ripped has a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises to complement the OMAD diet for optimal weight loss results.

The Bottom Line

One meal a day (OMAD) is an extreme form of intermittent fasting that involves eating all your daily calories in one sitting within a specific time frame.

While it may lead to weight loss and other potential health benefits, it’s not suitable for everyone. It’s crucial to prioritize nutrient-dense foods, avoid or limit ultra processed options, and listen to your body while following the OMAD diet.

If you’re considering trying this eating pattern, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional and prioritize your overall well-being. That said, make sure to carefully evaluate if OMAD is the right fit for you before starting this eating pattern.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circ*mstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

One Meal a Day Diet: Definition, Benefits, and How To (2024)


One Meal a Day Diet: Definition, Benefits, and How To? ›

The OMAD diet is an extreme intermittent fasting method that restricts your eating periods to only one hour per day. Some evidence suggests that prolonged periods of not eating might result in weight loss. Still, experts say that this type of intermittent fasting may result in fatigue and severe hunger.

How do you do the one meal a day diet? ›

The rules are simple: "Advocates suggest 4 ones: 1 meal, 1 plate, 1 beverage and 1 hour," says Lisa Andrews, M. Ed., RD, LD, owner or Sound Bites Nutrition. In other words, eat one plate of food, drink one beverage and do it within one hour of the day.

Can you lose weight by eating one meal a day? ›

Study participants who tried eating one meal a day ended up with less total body fat. This particular group of people didn't experience significant weight loss. That said, intermittent fasting in general has proven to be an effective weight-loss method. The typical weight loss is 7 to 11 pounds over 10 weeks.

Can eating one meal a day be beneficial? ›

The one-meal-a-day diet (OMAD) — also known as 23:1 intermittent fasting — may help people lose weight and body fat. However, eating one meal a day can lead to hunger and cravings and may not be suitable for everyone. When following this diet, a person will eat only one meal a day. This is usually dinner.

What are the rules for OMAD? ›

What is the OMAD diet?
  • 23 hours of fasting, one hour for eating. There's one hour per day for eating and the remaining 23 hours are calorie-free.
  • A consistent eating schedule. Eat your one meal in the same one-hour time block every day.
  • Drink whenever (as long as it's calorie-free.) ...
  • What you eat is up to you.
Nov 22, 2022

What is an example of a one meal a day meal? ›

The one meal a day (OMAD) diet is, simply put, fasting from food for 23 hours a day and eating whatever you'd like for one meal. That meal can range from a double cheeseburger and fries to a more healthful salad loaded with greens, roasted veggies, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.

What is the best time to eat during OMAD? ›

In general, these involve abstaining from calories for 18-23 hours a day, and then eating freely within the remaining time. The eating window can occur at any point of the day, but most people choose to eat between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. OMAD And 20:4 Intermittent Fasting is most often used for Fat Loss.

What happens if you eat one meal a day for a month? ›

Eating one meal a day may be a popular way to lose weight, but it's likely not a good idea for overall health. Limiting intake to one meal per day can also lead to disordered eating tendencies, affect a person's social life, and be extremely difficult for most people to stick to.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

What is the fasting schedule for OMAD? ›

One Meal a Day (OMAD) Intermittent Fasting

Schedule: Fasting for 23 hours, followed by 1 hour of eating a very large meal. The 1-hour eating window should be within the same 4-hour time frame each day. Rules: You are encouraged to eat as many calories as you normally would during a day in your 1-hour eating window.

What are the rules for water fasting? ›

During a water fast, you are not allowed to eat or drink anything besides water. Most people drink two to three liters of water per day during a water fast. The water fast lasts for 24–72 hours. You should not water fast for longer than this without medical supervision because of health risks.

What not to do on OMAD? ›

You are indeed free to eat whatever you want in your eating window, but remember that it should not contain junk food. Even the OMAD diet recommends making healthy food choices.

Can I drink coffee on an OMAD diet? ›

The one meal eaten on the OMAD diet is usually consumed around dinner time, says Amaral. “You fast all day for up to 22 to 23 hours,” notes Ella Davar, a registered dietitian and health counselor based in New York City. However, non-calorie beverages such as water and coffee are allowed throughout the day, she adds.

Why am I gaining weight on OMAD? ›

The kinds of foods you're eating for your OMAD can make or break your appetite. High carbohydrate foods and processed junk foods make you feel hungry even when you've eaten enough. They also take much longer for your body to burn through, which means it takes longer for you to get back into fat burning mode.

How do I start my diet on day one? ›

7 Ways to Get Your Diet off to a Good Start
  1. Follow a Healthy Eating Plan.
  2. Take Baby Steps.
  3. Set Realistic Goals.
  4. Reward, Don't Punish.
  5. Get a Buddy.
  6. Track Your Meals.
  7. Add Exercise.

What does eating one meal a day do to your metabolism? ›

Conclusion: A single meal per day in the evening lowers body weight and adapts metabolic flexibility during exercise via increased fat oxidation whereas physical performance was not affected.

How much weight can I lose with OMAD in a month? ›

However, studies suggest that people who follow the OMAD diet can lose an average of 4-8 pounds (1.8-3.6 kg) in a month. Some individuals may even lose more, while others may lose less or not see any weight loss at all.

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