Pine Needle Tea 101: Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses (2024)

Last Updated: March 20, 2023

Imagine a pleasant walk in a pine forest – the deep, rich smell of pine needles in the clear crisp air, the sound of birds and insects, and the all-encompassing peace around you.

Drinking pine needle tea feels similar to a refreshing walk in the woods.

Not only will it relax you and transport you to a green, lush forest, but pine needle tea offers many benefits as it is packed with nutrients! This tea is unparalleled in protecting your respiratory system in the challenging times of respiratory virus pandemics.

So, what are all the powerful pine needle tea benefits, as well as its properties and uses?

Pine Needle Nutrition Properties

#1 – Antioxidants, Vitamin C & A in Pine Needle Tea

Pine Needle Teabenefits include giving your immune system a much-needed boost throughout any time of the year.

Back in the day, sailors used to drink pine needle tea to protect from scurvy. Pine needles are bursting withvitamin C, with 4 to 5 times more vitamin C than a glass of orange juice!

This tea is also rich in powerfulantioxidants. Antioxidants help our body combat outside stress and fight free radicals, which prevents damage of our cells.

Astudy observed very important pine needles antioxidant benefits. It was noted that pine needle tea may inhibitleukemiacell growth and protect people againstDNA damage.

Aside from being full of vitamin C, pine needles are an excellent source ofvitamin A. Vitamin A is important for your eyesight, bone health, and also helps build your body’s defense system.

A combination of pine needles vitamin C and A is used for treating acne. In fact, pine needles tea is excellent for the skin – giving you a shiny complexion,strongnails, andstrongsmoothhair.

Clearly, the all-natural pine needle nutrition benefits are abundant, so you wouldn’t want to miss out on a cuppa!

#2 – Suramin in Pine Needle Tea

Suramin is naturally found in pine needles.

As a matter of fact,pine needles are the best natural source of suramin. Here’s why.

One of the benefits of using whole herbs instead of isolated substances is that a herb is much more complex mix of chemistry that has just the right amount of different substances. They reinforce each other and work together towards a more potent effect than all the substances would work individually.

Suramin as medication is used to treat African sleeping sickness and river blindness. Pine needles represent asuramin natural alternative, so no great need to wonder where to get suramin.

No medical research confirms this yet, but people have been using suramin for autism and asa powerful antiviral. Studies on this have just recently started and they look promising.

Suramin is also noted tohelp the body through post-medical procedures, both more complex surgeries, but also simple ones.

Suramin pine needles benefits are believed to beparticularly helpful for blood clots and protecting your DNA and RNA, while antioxidants in pine needles help protect your heart, brain, liver, and other organs.


#3 – Shikimic Acid in Pine Needles

The primary use of shikimic acid is for industrialized synthesis of antivirals to fight influenza. Famous antiviral medications are known to contain shikimic acid.

Research has shown that shikimic acid is abundantly found in pine needles and can be easily extracted from them with water.

Another pine needle shikimic acid benefit is helping thin the blood and thus preventing blood clots and thrombus formation, as another research has shown.

Pine Needles Health Benefits

Pine Needle Tea – #1 Respiratory Health Safeguard

What is pine needle tea good for?

There are quite a few powerfulpine needle teahealth benefits.

Historically, Native Americans usedpine needle tea as anexpectorantanddecongestant– to expel mucus and phlegm, thuseliminating bacteria and other pathogens in the lungs.

If you have asore throator feel acoldcoming on, reach for some delicious pine needle tea.

If you are in need of a natural expectorant – whether due to acommon cold, flu, a hard-to-shake cough, or another mucus-related illness – pine needle tea is a must-have herbal medicine. As we’ve mentioned, pine needles shikimic acid is used to produce industralized influenza medications. Why not take the natural way with herbal tea?

Breathing in the fragrant steam before you drink your pine needle tea, or making yourself a steam inhalation will greatly help your sinuses, throat, and lungs both short and long term.


Pine Needle Tea Helps Your Workout

If you’re wondering what are some more benefits of pine needle tea, one studyon pine needles may surprise you.

It suggests that sipping pine needle tea after exercising is a great choice!

If you want toprevent your muscles from getting sore and would like to increase your workout effects and endurance, make sure you drink pine needle tea after your workout.

Pine Needle Tea – A Natural Mood Booster & Brain Protector

The smell of pine needles gives us an instant boost of joy and peace, so it is a wonderful mood booster.

Antioxidants and vitamin C naturally found in pine needleshelp our brain function properly and protect it from oxidative stress, damage, and degeneration.

One of the most important pine needle tea health benefits is help in improving your cognitive functions, preventing and fighting any brain damage that may come with age.

Here we’ve highlighted a few, but you can find some more pine needle tea health benefits if you scroll down our product page here.

So, how do you make and use best pine needle tea?

Pine Needle Tea 101: Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses (2)

Pine Needles Uses

You might now be wondering – wow, all of those benefits from a cup of pine needle tea?!

Actually, pine needles have many more health benefits and the best part is – they’re delicious and have many uses and ways of preparation.

Let’s have a look at all the pine needle uses and best pine needle tea recipe.

Pine Needle Tea Recipe and How To Take

How to make pine needle tea? It is really as simple as 1-2-3.

  1. Put a teaspoon of pine needles into a 200ml cup of boiled water.
  2. Cover it and let it steep for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain and drink a cup 2-3 times per day.

Apart from all the pine needle tea medicinal benefits you’ll enjoy, the house will smell lovely, the tea will be tasty, and you will feel a momentarily transfer to a green, peaceful forest.

But rejuvenating pine needle tea effects don’t stop there!

You can use this tea to wash your face or use it with a cotton pad as a face toner. Your skin will be grateful and you will notice a gradual improvement in your complexion.

Pine needle tea is a great natural remedy for acne and skin problems overall.


Pine Needle Steam Inhalation

For anycongestion problems, pine needles steam inhalation is a natural solution. Here’s how to make and use it:

  1. Make a stronger batch of tea (1L to 4-5 spoons of pine needles).
  2. Put the lid on and leave it to cool for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Put a towel over your head and lean over the pot so you can trap the steam.
  4. Breathe in deeply and feel yourairways clearing.
  5. Enjoy the clear and foresty scent of pine!

Pine Needle Bath

A wonderful relaxing way to enjoy pine needles is to make a pine needle bath. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Make a strong batch of tea (1L to 5-6 spoons of pine needles).
  2. Add it to your bath water.
  3. Light some candles, play some nice music, and enjoy the rich smell of pines as it melts away your stress and worries!

Your skin will glow as it will geta boost of the vitamin C and A and all the other powerful pine needle nutrients.

Pine needles bath will alsorecharge your energy and give you a mood boost.

But the pampering spa experience doesn’t stop there with pine!

Pine Needle Incense

A beautiful way to get a bit of that pine forest aroma to your house is to use pine needles as incense.

Whether you are missing the days of roaming around in the wild, or you would simply like to cleanse the air of pathogens, putting some pine needles on a charcoal will do the trick:

  1. You can put pine needles on the same charcoal you would use to burn frankincense, alone or combined.
  2. Combine this with frankincense or make your own herbal mix – Sage,Rosemary, Rose, LavenderandMugwort are a good combination to burn along.

Pine Needle Honey

Putting pine needles in honey will result in adelicious syrup for fighting cough and naturally boosting immunity!

Here’s a simple pine needle recipe with honey:

  1. Cover your pine needles in honey.
  2. Stir to get all the air out.
  3. Close it and leave for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally.
  4. After this time, strain them.
  5. Enjoy your pine needle honey in tea, coffee, or with bread and butter.

Pine Needle Vinegar

Repeat the same process as with pine needle honey, only using apple cider vinegar.

You will get a yummy addition to your kitchen! Add it to salads or drink a spoonful in the morning – excellent way to boost your immunity and aid your digestion.


Pine Needle Liquid Extract (Tincture) and How To Take

A more practical alternative to pine needle tea is pine needle extract or tincture.

Whether you want to take pine needle tea or tincture depends on your lifestyle, but the two have completely the same health benefits.

Tinctures are certainly more practical and great if you’re on the go or are a fan of smoothies, but if you enjoy tea parties and inhaling your fresh pine tea, you should go ahead with pine needle tea instead of tincture.

Pine Needle Extract Dosage

Put 20-30 drops of Pine Needle Extract/Tincture in a bit of water or juice and take it 3 times a day before meals.

Pine Needle Tea Dangers & Side Effects

Unlike pine needle benefits, there are few confirmed cases or studies on pine needle side effects. You can have too much of it, though, so it’s important to follow the recommended daily dosage.

Although pine tea is generally considered safe, among the reported adverse effects could be those from the pine species to avoid, such as Pinus ponderosa, as well as a coniferous sister species Yew.

These can be toxic at worst and may cause mouth irritation, inflamed skin, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, and nausea.

If you ever experience any of these effects, discontinue use immediately and speak to a health professional. Don’t ever risk your health and buy tea only from reliable sources.

Pine Needles and Pregnancy

If you’re an expecting mother, we advise not to take pine needle tea. It might cause complications during both pregnancy and breastfeeding periods and potentially affect milk supply.

There are other medicinal herbs you may want to consider during pregnancy, such as Raspberry Leaf Tea which strengthens the uterine wall, and even so during second and third trimesters.

Pine Needle Tea: Where To Buy?

Where to buy the best pine needle tea?

You should never play with your health. Be careful when picking your source of medicinal herbs due to potential side-effects and dangers, and especially so with pine tea.

Our Pinus Sylvestris tea has been traditionally used for centuries and is as trusted now as it has been throughout history.

We always advise you consult with your health practitioner before taking any herbs or making any changes to your fitness and nutrition. Each and everyone’s body and medical history are different, so the effects could be, too.



Pine needle tea is packed with powerful antioxidants, vitamins like C and A, shikimic acid, and polyphenols that can boost your immunity, reduce inflammation, improve eyesight and energy, and protect your respiratory health. It also helps boost mood, relieve congestion, and fight off flu, cold, and viruses.

Yes, you can drink this tea every day, but be careful not to consume too much. Follow the recommended dosage and start slowly and with lower dosage to monitor how your body reacts to it.

The most important pine needle tea nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin A, antioxidants, shikimic acid, and suramin.

Pregnant women should avoid drinking pine needle tea, as well as people who may be allergic to pine. Anyone who has an adverse reaction after consuming pine needle tea should discontinue its use and talk to their health practitioner.

Pine needle tea may help soothe anxiety and stress through its pleasant foresty scent, its herbaceous taste, and its mood-boosting properties.

Shikimic acid, a key element in industrialized antiviral medicines, is abundant in pine needles and can be extracted from pine needle tea. Studies show shikimic acid found in pine needles can help prevent blood clots and thrombus.

Yes, pine needle tea is anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, tannins, as well as vitamins A and C. This may help relieve arthritis and inflammation.

Yes, some research suggest pine needles contain active ingredients that lower blood sugar and can be used in diabetes prevention and treatment, as well as for weight management.

While most pines are safe for consumption, there are species that are toxic and should be avoided, like: Ponderosa Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Common Juniper, Norfolk Pine (Australian Pine), Monterey Pine, Loblolly Pine, and a coniferous sister species Yew.

No. One of the pine needle tea benefits is that it is a caffeine-free herbal tea and is a perfect alternative to your morning coffee!

Pine needle tea taste is pleasantly citrusy, herbaceous, and minty. Depending on preferences, for some people it can be bitter, but you can always add a sweetener or honey to it for a perfect mild and subtle taste!


Take a Deep Breath and Enjoy the Evergreen!

Knowing all of the potent pine needle nutrients we’ve discussed in this article, it is no wonder that our ancestors used pine needles for centuries as a herbal medicine that helped them plenty in their daily lives.

This evergreen plant giant is priceless for the health of our home, both our own bodily home and our amazing planet that needs all our love – and truly gives it back.

Pine Needle Tea 101: Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses (2024)


Pine Needle Tea 101: Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses? ›

It is rich in vitamin C (5 times the concentration of vitamin C found in lemons) and can bring relief to conditions such as heart disease, varicose veins, skin complaints and fatigue. Vitamin C is also an immune system booster which means that pine needle tea can help to fight illness and infections.

What does pine needle tea do for the body? ›

It is rich in vitamin C (5 times the concentration of vitamin C found in lemons) and can bring relief to conditions such as heart disease, varicose veins, skin complaints and fatigue. Vitamin C is also an immune system booster which means that pine needle tea can help to fight illness and infections.

How many cups of pine needle tea can you drink a day? ›

Pine Needle Tea Recipe and How To Take

Cover it and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink a cup 2-3 times per day.

Is pine needle tea good for the liver? ›

Anti-oxidative activities are a well known feature of phenolic compounds. The pine needle has many phenolic compounds such as pinene 28 . Thus, PNE can affect liver regeneration through reducing the oxidative stress created by the liver regeneration process.

Is pine needle tea good for the lungs? ›

The healing effect of pine is particularly popular for respiratory problems such as a stuck cough, bronchitis, sore throat or hoarseness.

Who should not drink pine needle tea? ›

While most people can safely consume the tea, if you have pine allergies you should avoid drinking pine needle tea because it could result in skin rashes, respiratory issues, nausea or diarrhea. If you're new to pine needle tea, it's best to start with small amounts to see how your body reacts.

Does pine needle tea raise blood pressure? ›

The product can effectively reduce blood pressure and blood lipid, also can treat some complications, and has good effect for prevention and treatment of high blood pressure.

Does pine needle tea help kidneys? ›

The pine needle tea has effects of benefiting liver and nourishing kidney, and improving eyesight and relaxing bowel and is suitable for hypertension patients.

How long do you boil pine needles for tea? ›

Some pines, like lodgepole, ponderosa, and common yew, are toxic.
  1. Step 1: Identify your pine! ...
  2. Step 2: Collect a handful of needles.
  3. Step 3: Cut needles to a smaller size. ...
  4. Step 4: Add to water and bring to a boil.
  5. Step 5: Remove from heat and steep for 10-20 minutes.
  6. Step 6: Strain.
  7. Step 7: Enjoy!

Does pine needle tea interact with medications? ›

Talk to your doctor first if you plan on regularly adding pine needle tea to your diet — especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Natural remedies can interfere with prescription medications and supplements. Your doctor is the best person to determine whether pine needle tea is safe for you.

Which pine needle tea is best? ›

Eastern White Pine is our favorite and makes a fragrant, woodsy tea that is full of vitamin C, so it's wonderful to have during illness or to support overall health anytime. The white pine (pinus strobus) is easy to recognize with it's long (approximately 3 to 5 inch) needles in clusters, or fascicles, of five.

What does pine do for the body? ›

Pine is used for upper and lower respiratory tract swelling (inflammation), stuffy nose, hoarseness, common cold, cough or bronchitis, fevers, tendency towards infection, and blood pressure problems. Some people apply pine directly to the skin for mild muscle pain and nerve pain.

Which tea cleans the liver? ›

Probably the best-known herbal tea for liver health is milk thistle. This herb has been used for centuries to treat liver disease, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. Milk thistle contains anti-inflammatory compounds, including silymarin.

Which tea is best for lung repair? ›

Mullein leaf tea is one of our favourites for supporting the lungs and respiratory tract. This tall hedgerow plant has been used to treat lung issues and other respiratory problems for millennia.

What's the best herb to clean your lungs? ›

Mullein is a supreme, safe, and profound respiratory tonic. It helps open the lungs, eases spasms, tightness, and cough, and soothes irritation and dryness. This common weed can be wildcrafted or seeded in the garden. Mullein prefers sunny, open, disturbed soil in lawns, meadows, and gardens.

What tea is good for shortness of breath? ›

Research suggests that ginger tea, green tea, black tea, eucalyptus tea, fennel tea, and licorice tea may reduce inflammation, relax your respiratory muscles, and boost your breathing, among other benefits.

Does pine needle tea help you lose weight? ›

Research has also found that sipping on pine needle tea after a workout may help with endurance, prevent sore muscles, and speed up recovery. It may even help with weight loss as shown in another study that found pine needle tea may be beneficial in slowing weight gain and reducing visceral fat.

What did Native Americans use pine needles for? ›

American Indians have used pine needle tea for its healing properties. Pioneers reportedly drank pine needle tea after a long boat ride to replenish their vitamin C. Pine needle tea has 4-5 times more vitamin C than orange juice or a lemon. It is also a good source of vitamin A and is an expectorant (thins mucous).

Does pine needle tea help with anxiety? ›

In keeping with its aroma benefits, a cup of pine needle tea is used in complementary treatments to remedy all sorts of anxiety, fatigue and emotional concerns.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.