Rothman Orthopaedic Institute - Patient Portal (2024)

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function(cmp){if(cmp.validate){cmp.validate();}}} }, {xtype: 'textfield', maxLength: 100, maxLength: 100, enforceMaxLength: true, minLength: 0, selectOnFocus: true, autoCorrect: false, fieldLabel: 'Dynamic Field 2', label: 'Dynamic Field 2', hidden: true, labelSeparator: ' ', required: false, labelWrap: true, labelAlign: 'placeholder', errorTarget: 'under', clearable: false, requiredMessage: 'Dynamic Field 2 is required', autoComplete: 'off', name: 'DynamicField2', margin: '', id: 'formSearchPayment_DynamicField2', listeners: {action: submitOnEnter,blur: function(cmp){if(cmp.validate){cmp.validate();}}} }, {xtype: 'textfield', maxLength: 100, maxLength: 100, enforceMaxLength: true, minLength: 0, selectOnFocus: true, autoCorrect: false, fieldLabel: 'Dynamic Field 3', label: 'Dynamic Field 3', hidden: true, labelSeparator: ' ', required: false, labelWrap: true, labelAlign: 'placeholder', errorTarget: 'under', clearable: false, requiredMessage: 'Dynamic Field 3 is required', autoComplete: 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Pay Here', cls: 'donthaveinformation', scrollable: null, id: 'formSearchPayment_container_1' }] }] }] }, {xtype: 'container', cls: 'im-top-background-floated-form-template-subcontent', scrollable: null, id: 'container_15', items: [ {xtype: 'container', scrollable: null, id: 'container_16', items: [ {xtype: 'container', html: '', cls: 'im-slim-iframe-container', scrollable: null, id: 'container_17', listeners: {painted: function(){var id =;var div = document.getElementById(id)var iFrameArray = div.getElementsByTagName('iframe');if(iFrameArray && iFrameArray.length==1){var iFrame = iFrameArray[0];{iFrame.width= Ext.Viewport.getWindowWidth();iFrame.height= 375; }}}} }, {xtype: 'container', html: '', cls: 'im-slim-iframe-container im-quick-pay-optimized-landing-subcontent-second', scrollable: null, id: 'container_18', listeners: {painted: function(){var id =;var div = document.getElementById(id)var iFrameArray = div.getElementsByTagName('iframe');if(iFrameArray && iFrameArray.length==1){var iFrame = iFrameArray[0];{iFrame.width= Ext.Viewport.getWindowWidth();iFrame.height= 374; }}}} }] }] }] }] }] }, {xtype: 'spacer', flex: 1, id: 'spacer_2' }, {xtype: 'container', layout: {type: 'hbox'}, hidden: false, cls: 'x-panel-footer im-powered-by', scrollable: null, id: 'container_19', items: [ {xtype: 'spacer', id: 'spacer_3' }, {xtype: 'container', maxWidth: 1272, layout: {type: 'hbox'}, cls: 'largeTwelveColumn mediumTwelveColumn ', scrollable: null, id: 'NavPageQuickPayProviderLanding_container_2', items: [ {xtype: 'container', name: 'poweredbylogo', cls: 'hidden hiddenxs hiddensm', scrollable: null, id: 'NavPageQuickPayProviderLanding_poweredbylogo' }, {xtype: 'container', cls: 'copyrightContainer hiddenxs hiddensm', scrollable: null, id: 'NavPageQuickPayProviderLanding_container_3', items: [ {xtype: 'spacer', cls: 'hiddenmd hiddenlg', id: 'NavPageQuickPayProviderLanding_spacer_2' }, {xtype: 'label', html: '© 2024 InstaMed. 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Inactivity Alert

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Rothman Orthopaedic Institute - Patient Portal (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.