Schedule of Application Fees (2024)

Start Preamble

Federal Communications Commission.

Final rule.

In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) revises its Schedule of Application Fees to adjust for increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Effective March 2, 2023.

Start Further Info

Roland Helvajian, Office of Managing Director at (202) 418-0444.

End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information

This is a summary of the Commission's Order, FCC 22-94, MD Docket No. 20-270, adopted on December 15, 2022 and released on December 16, 2022. Based on the CPI, there is an increase of 11.6 percent in application fees. The full text of this document is available for public Start Printed Page 6170 inspection by downloading the text from the Commission's website at​Daily_​Releases/​Daily_​Business/​2017/​db0906/​FCC-17-111A1.pdf.

I. Administrative Matters

A. Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

1. No final regulatory flexibility analysis is required pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 604(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.

B. Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis

2. This document does not contain new or modified information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. In addition, therefore, it does not contain any new or modified information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4).

C. Congressional Review Act

3. The Commission has determined, and the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, concurs that these rules are non-major under the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 804(2). The Commission will send a copy of this Report and Order to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A).

II. Order

4. By this Order, the Commission makes rule changes to Part 1 of the Commission's rules, and adjusts its Schedule of Application Fees, 47 CFR 1.1102 et seq., as listed in the Final Rules at the end of this document, to adjust its fees for processing applications and other filings. Section 8(b)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Communications Act or Act), requires the Commission, in every even-numbered year, to adjust the schedule of application fees to reflect increases or decreases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), rounded to the nearest $5 increment. However, pursuant to section 8(b)(2) of the Act, the Commission may not adjust an application fee if: (1) in the case of a fee the current amount of which is less than $200, the adjustment would result in a change in the current amount of less than $10 or (2) in the case of a fee the current amount of which is $200 or more, the adjustment would result in a change in the current amount of less than 5 percent.

5. In December 2020, pursuant to authority established by the RAY BAUM'S Act, the Commission adopted a new application fee schedule that significantly updated the Commission's previous fee schedule in both types of applications and other processes covered by the fee requirement and also in the fee amounts. The application fees for the Office of Engineering and Technology and the Media Bureau became effective on July 15, 2021, for the Enforcement Bureau, the Wireline Competition Bureau, and the International Bureau on December 15, 2021, and for the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau on April 19, 2022. Pursuant to section 8(b) of the Act, we are required to adjust the application fee schedule this year. Thus, this Order adjusts the application fees to reflect the net change in the CPI of 11.6 percent, an increase of 30.958 index points calculated from 267.054 to 298.012. The adjustments comply with the requirements set forth in section 8(b) of the Act.

6. Procedural Matters. The methodology and timing of adjustments to application fees are prescribed by statute at 47 U.S.C. 158(b). Because our action implementing the statute under section 8(b) leaves us no discretion, prior notice and comment is unnecessary pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B). Additionally, no final regulatory flexibility analysis is required pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 604(a) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. Further, this document does not contain new or modified information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), Public Law 104-13. In addition, therefore, it does not contain any new or modified information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public Law 107-198, see44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4).

7. Additionally, the Commission has determined, and the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, concurs, that this rule is non-major under the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 804(2). The Commission will send a copy of this Order to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) and section 9a(b) of the Act. Notification of the fee adjustments made in this Order will also be published in the Federal Register .

8. Electronic Payments. As a reminder, filers are required to submit payments electronically in accordance with the procedures set forth on the Commission's website,​licensing-databases/​fees/​application-processing-fees. Payments can be made through the Commission Registration System (CORES), accessible at​cores/​ To file applications, tariffs, and petitions, parties should utilize, as applicable, the Commission's Electronic Tariff Filing System (ETFS) for tariffs, which can be found at​etfs/​etfsHome.action, or the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), which can be found at​ecfs/​upload/​display. Petitions filed in hard copy format should be submitted according to the procedures set forth on the web page of the Commission's Office of the Secretary, accessible at​seretary.

III. Ordering Clauses

9. Accordingly, it is ordered, that, pursuant to sections 1, 4(i), 4(j), and 8 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), and 158, the rule changes specified herein are adopted and the Schedule of Application Fees, 47 CFR 1.1102 et seq., is amended as set forth in the Final Rules at the end of this document.

10. It is further ordered that the rule changes and adjustments to the Schedule of Application Fees made herein shall become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register .

11. It is further ordered that the Office of the Managing Director, Performance Evaluation and Records Management, shall send a copy of this Order in a report to be sent to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A), and section 9a(b) of the Act.

Start Signature

Federal Communications Commission.

Marlene Dortch,


End Signature

Final Rules

For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Federal Communications Commission amends 47 CFR part 1 as follows:

Start Part

End Part Start Amendment Part

1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:

End Amendment Part Start Authority

Authority: 47 U.S.C. chs. 2, 5, 9, 13; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note, unless otherwise noted.

End Authority Start Amendment Part

2. Amend § 1.1102 by adding introductory text, revising Table 1 to Start Printed Page 6171 paragraph (b), and Table 3 to paragraph (d) to read as follows:

End Amendment Part

§ 1.1102

Schedule of charges for applications and other filings in the wireless telecommunications services.

Some of the wireless application fees below have a regulatory fee component that must be paid at the time of a new or a renewal of a wireless application. Please refer to the Wireless Filing Guide for payment type codes at​licensing-databases/​fees/​application-processing-fees.

* * * * *

(b) * * *

Table 1 to Paragraph ( b )

Site-based license applicationsNew fee
New license, major modification$105.
Extension Requests$50.
Special temporary authority$150.
Assignment/transfer of control, initial call sign$50.
Assignment/transfer of control, each subsequent call sign, fee capped at 10 total call signs per application$35.
Site-based license applications New fee Rule waivers associated with applications for assignment/transfer of control, per transaction, assessed on the lead application$425.
Rule waivers associated with applications for assignment/transfer of control, per transaction, assessed on the lead application$425.
Rule waiver not associated with an application for assignment/transfer of control$425.
Spectrum leasing$35.
Maritime, Aviation, Microwave, Land Mobile, and Rural RadioPlease refer to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide for Information on the payment of an associated regulatory fee.

* * * * *

(d) * * *

Table 3 to Paragraph ( d )

Geographic-based license applicationsNew fee
New License (other than Auctioned Licenses), Major Modification$340.
New License (Auctioned Licenses, Post-Auction Consolidated Long-Form and Short-Form Fee) (per application; NOT per call sign)$3,545.
Minor Modification$225.
Construction Notification/Extensions$325.
Special Temporary Authority$375.
Assignment/Transfer of Control, initial call sign$215.
Assignment/Transfer of Control, subsequent call sign$35.
Spectrum Leasing$185.
Rule waivers associated with applications for assignment/transfer of control, per transaction, assessed on the lead application$425.
Rule waiver not associated with an application for assignment/transfer of control$425.
Designated Entity Licensee Reportable Eligibility Event$50.
Maritime, Microwave, Land Mobile, 218-219 MHzPlease refer to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Fee Filing Guide for information on the payment of an associated regulatory fee.

Start Amendment Part

3. Revise §§ 1.1103 through 1.1107 to read as follows:

End Amendment Part

§ 1.1103

Schedule of charges for equipment approval, experimental radio services (or service).

Table 1 to § 1.1103

Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
Assignment of Grantee CodeEAG$35.00
New Station AuthorizationEAE140.00
Modification of AuthorizationEAE140.00
Renewal of Station AuthorizationEAE140.00
Assignment of License or Transfer of ControlEAE140.00
Special Temporary AuthorityEAE140.00
Confidentiality RequestEAD50.00

Start Printed Page 6172

§ 1.1104

Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for media services.

Table 1 to § 1.1104

Full power commercial and class A television stations
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMVT$4,755/application (if no Auction).
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMVS$5,395/application (if Auction, include Post-Auction, Consolidated Long & Short Form Fee).
Minor Modification, Construction PermitMPT$1,490/application & 159.
New LicenseMJT$425/application.
License RenewalMGT$370/application.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 314 & 159 (long form)MPU$1,390/station.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 316 & 159 (short form)MDT$450/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 315 & 159 (long form)MPU$1,390/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 316 & 159 (short form)MDT$450/station.
Call SignMBT$190/application.
Special Temporary AuthorityMPV$300/application.
Petition for Rulemaking for New Community of LicenseMRT$3,790/petition.
Biennial Ownership Report (Full Power TV Stations Only)MAT$95/station.

Table 2 to § 1.1104

Commercial AM radio stations
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMUR$4,440/application.
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMVR$5,085/application.
Minor Modification, Construction PermitMVU$720/application.
New LicenseMMR$425/application.
AM Directional AntennaMOR$1,405/application.
License RenewalMGR$365/application.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 314 & 159 (long form)MPR$1,120/station.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 316 & 159 (short form)MDR$475/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 315 & 159 (long form)MPR$1,120/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 316 & 159 (short form)MDR$475/station.
Call SignMBR$190/application.
Special Temporary AuthorityMVV$325/application.
Biennial Ownership ReportMAR$95/station.

Table 3 to § 1.1104

Commercial FM radio stations
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMTR$3,675/application, if no Auction.
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMVW$4,290/application, if Auction, include Consolidated Long and Short Form Fee.
Minor Modification, Construction PermitMVX$1,410/application.
New LicenseMHR$260/application.
FM Directional AntennaMLR$705/application.
License RenewalMGR$365/application.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 314 & 159 (long form)MPR$1,120/station.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 316 & 159 (short form)MDR$475/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 315 & 159 (long form)MPR$1,120/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 316 & 159 (short form)MDR$475/station.
Start Printed Page 6173
Call SignMBR$190/application.
Special Temporary AuthorityMVY$235/application.
Petition for Rulemaking for New Community of LicenseMRR$3,550/petition.
Biennial Ownership ReportMAR$95/station.

Table 4 to § 1.1104

FM translators
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMOF$785/application, if no Auction.
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMVZ$1,430/application, if Auction, include Consolidated Long and Short Form Fee.
Minor Modification, Construction PermitMWA$235/application.
New LicenseMEF$200/application.
FM Translator/Booster License RenewalMAF$195/application.
FM Translator/Booster Spec. Temp. Auth.MWB$190/application.
FM Translator License Assignment (2100 Schedule 345 & 159, 314 & 159, 316 & 159)MDF$325/station.
FM Translator Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 345 & 159, 315 & 159, 316 & 159)MDF$325/station.
FM Booster, New or Major Change, Construction PermitMOF$785/station.
FM Booster, New LicenseMEF$200/application.
FM Booster, Special Temporary AuthorityMWB$190/application.

Table 5 to § 1.1104

Section 310 ( b )(4) Foreign Ownership Petition
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
Foreign Ownership Petition (separate and additional fee required for underlying application, if any)MWC$2,775/application.

Table 6 to § 1.1104

TV translators and LPTV stations
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMOL$865/application, if no Auction.
New or Major Change, Construction PermitMOK$1,505/application, if Auction, include Consolidated Long and Short Form Fee.
New LicenseMEL$240/application.
License RenewalMAL$160/application.
Special Temporary AuthorityMGL$300/application.
License Assignment (2100 Schedule 345 & 159, 314 & 159, 316 & 159)MDL$375/station.
Transfer of Control (2100 Schedule 345 & 159, 315 & 159, 316 & 159)MDL$375/station.
Call SignMBT$190/application.

Table 7 to § 1.1104

Cable television and cars license services
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
Cable TV & CARS New LicenseTIC$500
Cable TV & CARS License, Modification (Major)TID385
Cable TV & CARS License, Modification (Minor)TIE50
Cable TV & CARS License, RenewalTIF290
Cable TV & CARS License, AssignmentTIG405
Cable TV & CARS License, Transfer of ControlTIH520
Cable TV & CARS License, Special Temporary AuthorityTGC250
Cable TV, Special Relief PetitionTQC1,800
Start Printed Page 6174
Cable TV & CARS License, Registration StatementTAC115
Cable TV & MVPD, Aeronautical Frequency NotificationTAB100

§ 1.1105

Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the wireline competition services.

Table 1 to § 1.1105

Wireline competition services
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
Domestic 214 Applications—Part 63, Transfers of ControlCDU$1,375
Domestic 214 Applications—Special Temporary AuthorityCDV755
Domestic 214 Applications—Part 63 Discontinuances (Non-Standard Review) (Technology Transition Filings Subject to Section 63.71 (f) (2) (i) or Not Subject to Streamlined Automatic Grant, and Filings From Dominant Carriers Subject to 60-Day Automatic GrantCDW1,375
Domestic 214 Applications—Part 63 Discontinuances (Standard Streamlined Review) (All Other Domestic 214 Discontinuance Filings)CDX375
VoIP NumberingCDY1,485
Standard Tariff FilingCQK1,040
Complex Tariff Filing (annual access charge tariffs, new or restructured rate plans) (Large—all price cap LECs and entities involving more than 100 LECs)CQL7,300
Complex Tariff Filing (annual access charge tariffs, new or restructured rate plans) (Small—other entities)CQM3,650
Application for Special Permission for Waiver of Tariff RulesCQN420
Waiver of Accounting RulesCQP4,925
Universal Service Fund Auction (combined long-form and short-form fee, paid only by winning bidder)CQQ3,310

§ 1.1106

Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the enforcement services.

Table 1 to § 1.1106

Enforcement services
Type of applicationPayment type codeFee amount
Formal ComplaintCIZ$605
Pole Attachment ComplainTPC605
Petitions Regarding Law Enforcement Assistance Capability under CALEACLEA7,750

§ 1.1107

Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the international services.

International Services

Payment type codeNew fee
Table 1 to § 1.1107
Cable Landing License, per Application:
New License, Cable Landing License Application, E-filed via MyIBFSCXT$4,280.
Assignment/Transfer of Control, Submarine Cable Landing—Assignment of License or Transfer of Control, E-filed via MyIBFSCUT$1,375.
Start Printed Page 6175
Pro Forma Assignment/Transfer of Control, Submarine Cable Landing—Assignment of License or Transfer of Control, E-filed via MyIBFSDAA$445.
Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification, Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification (FCN), E-filed via MyIBFSDAB$550.
Modification, Submarine Cable Landing—Modification of License, E-filed via MyIBFSDAC$1,375.
Special Temporary Authority, Submarine Cable Landing—Request for Special Temporary Authority, E-filed via MyIBFSDAE$755.
Table 2 to § 1.1107
International Section 214 Authorization, per Application:
New Authorization, International Section 214 Application, E-filed via MyIBFSDAG$875.
Assignment/Transfer of Control, International Section 214 Authorizations For Assignment Or Transfer of Control, E-filed via MyIBFSCUT$1,375.
Pro forma Assignment/Transfer of Control, International Section 214 Authorizations For Assignment Or Transfer of Control, E-filed via MyIBFSDAA$445.
Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification, Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification (FCN), E-filed via MyIBFSDAB$550.
Modification, International Section 214—Modification of Authorization, E-filed via MyIBFSDAH$755.
Special Temporary Authority, International Section 214 Special Temporary Authority Application, E-filed via MyIBFSDAE$755.
Discontinuance of servicesDAJ$375.
Table 3 to § 1.1107
Section 310(b) Foreign Ownership, per Application:
Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Section 310(b) Petition for Declaratory Ruling, E-filed via MyIBFSDAK$2,775.
Table 4 to § 1.1107
Recognized Operating Agency per Application:
Application for ROA Status, Recognized Operating Agency Filing, E-filed via MyIBFSDAL$1,280.
Table 5 to § 1.1107
Data Network Identification Code (DNIC), per Application:
New DNIC, Data Network Identification Code Filing, E-filed via MyIBFSDAM$875.
Table 6 to § 1.1107
International Signaling Point Code (ISPC), per Application:
New ISPC, International Signalling Point Code Filing, E-filed via MyIBFSDAN$875.
Transfer of ControlDAP$755.
Table 7 to § 1.1107
Satellite Earth Station Applications:
Fixed or Temporary Fixed Transmit or Transmit/Receive Earth Stations, per Call Sign:
Start Printed Page 6176
Initial application, single siteBAX$400.
Initial application, multiple sitesBAY$7,270.
Receive Only Earth Stations License or Registration, per Call Sign or Registration:
Initial application or registration, single siteCMO$195.
Initial application or registration, multiple sites, per systemCMP$520.
Initial application for Blanket Earth Stations, per Call SignCMQ$400.
Mobile Earth Stations Applications, per Call Sign:
Initial Application for Blanket Authorization, per system, per Call SignBGB$910.
Amendments to Earth Station Applications or Registrations per Call Sign:
Single SiteBGC$480.
Multiple SitesBGD$705.
Earth Stations, Other Applications:
Applications for Modification of Earth Station Licenses or Registrations, per Call SignBGE$610.
Assignment or Transfer of Control of Earth Station Licenses or Registrations, per Call SignBGF$830 (first call sign).
BGG$445 (for each additional call sign).
Pro Forma Assignment or Transfer of Control of Earth Station Licenses or Registrations, per TransactionBHA$445.
Earth Stations, Special Temporary Authority, per Call SignBHD *$220.
Table 8 to § 1.1107
Earth Station Renewals of Licenses, per Call Sign:
Single SiteBHB$130.
Multiple SitesBHC$160.
Earth Station Requests for U.S. Market Access for Non-U.S. Licensed Space StationsSee Space Stations.
Table 9 to § 1.1107
Satellite Space Station Applications
Space Stations, Geostationary Orbit:
Application for Authority to Construct, Deploy, and Operate, per satelliteBNY$3,965.
Application for Authority to Operate, per satelliteBNZ$3,965.
Space Stations, Non-Geostationary Orbit:
Application for Authority to Construct, Deploy, and Operate, per system of technically identical satellites, per Call SignCLW$16,795.
Application for Authority to Operate, per system of technically identical satellites, per Call SignCLY$16,795.
Space Stations, Petition for Declaratory Ruling for Foreign-Licensed Space Station to Access the U.S. Market:
Geostationary Orbit, per Call SignFAB$3,965.
Non-Geostationary Orbit, per Call SignFAC$16,795.
Small Satellites, per Call SignFAD$2,425.
Space Stations, Small Satellites, or Small Spacecraft:
Application to Construct, Deploy, and Operate, per Call SignFAE$2,425.
Other Applications for Space Stations:
Space Stations, Amendments, per Call SignFAF$1,810.
Space Stations, Modifications, per Call Signfa*g$2,785.
Space Stations, Assignment or Transfer of Control, per Call SignFAH$830 (first call sign).
FAJ$445 (for each additional call sign).
Space Stations, Pro Forma Assignment or Transfer of Control, per transactionFAK$445.
Space Stations, Special Temporary Authority, per Call SignFAL$1,600.
Unified Space Station and Earth Station Initial Application, Amendment, and Modification:
Unified Space Station and Earth Station Initial Application, Amendment, and ModificationFCC Form 312 with Schedules B & SApplicable Space Station Fee + Applicable Earth Station Fee.
Start Printed Page 6177
Table 10 to § 1.1107
International Broadcast Stations (IBS) Applications:
New Construction PermitMSN$4,475.
Construction Permit ModificationFAN$4,475.
New LicenseMNN$1,010.
License RenewalMFN$255.
Frequency AssignmentMAN$90.
Transfer of ControlMCN$665.
Special Temporary AuthorityMGN$440.
Table 11 to § 1.1107
Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations under Section 325(c) Applications:
New LicenseMBU$400.
License ModificationMBV$205.
License RenewalMBW$175.
Special Temporary Authority, Written RequestMBX$175.
Transfer of Control, Written RequestMBY$290.

End Supplemental Information

[FR Doc. 2023-01470 Filed 1-30-23; 8:45 am]


Schedule of Application Fees (2024)


What is the meaning of schedule of fees? ›

Schedule of Fees means a list of fees that must be paid for performance of certain administrative functions.

What is a fee schedule for? ›

A fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by Medicare to pay doctors or other providers/suppliers. This comprehensive listing of fee maximums is used to reimburse a physician and/or other providers on a fee-for-service basis.

What is the application processing fee? ›

Application Processing Fee means a non-refundable fee required at the time application submission.

What are the new USCIS fees for 2024? ›

Effect on naturalization

As the new fee rule “bundles” the former biometric services fee together with the Form N-400 fee, the cost for filing the Form N-400 on paper will increase from $725 to $760. If applicants file online, the new filing costs will essentially be reduced to $710.

What is meant by schedule of costs? ›

What is a Schedule of Costs? A schedule of costs for a summary assessment is a document that provides a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred in a legal case. It is prepared for the purpose of assessing and determining the amount of costs to be awarded to the successful party.

What are the three types of fees? ›

Understanding the Three Fee Types and How They Are Applied
  • Amortizing Fees. Amortizing fees, also known as deferred fees, are applied when the loan is originally opened. ...
  • Miscellaneous Fees. Miscellaneous fees are applied after a loan is opened when certain actions take place on the account. ...
  • Maintenance Fees (P/I Fee)
Jan 23, 2020

What is a scheduling fee? ›

Scheduling Fees means the charge of Buyer to Seller for scheduling Test Energy and Incremental Energy, which shall equal $1.00 per MWh.

Is a fee schedule a contract? ›

Your printed fee schedule (or letter) is a contract with the employer, whether it's signed or not. (Note: There are a few states that require a signed agreement and we recommend that every agreement be signed by both parties).

What is a schedule of expenses? ›

Information about the Department's outputs and the expenses and revenues that are reliably attributable to those outputs is set out in the Output Schedule of Expenses and Revenues. The Schedule of Expenses by Function and Object is not a required part of the College's basic financial statements.

Why do you have to pay application fees? ›

Although some colleges still accept traditional applications and others encourage or prefer online applications, someone in an admissions office needs to read through and process all applications. That takes time, and colleges generally charge application fees to help offset administrative costs involved.

What is the meaning of application fee to be paid? ›

Application Fee means a fee of a specific amount, set by the Board, due upon submitting an application, and including any late payment penalties or interest for failure to pay according to the requirements defined in the document.

Who pays processing fee? ›

Credit card processing fees are paid by the vendor, not by the cardholder. Businesses can pay credit card processing fees to the buyer's credit card issuer, to their credit card network and to the payment processor company. On average, credit card processing fees can range between 1.5% and 3.5%.

How much is the application fee for citizenship in 2024? ›

Submit $760 if filing by paper, or $710 if filing online.

How much are USCIS filing fees? ›

U.S. Citizenship (Form N-400):
Immigration BenefitForm(s)Current Fee (April 1, 2024)
Naturalization (Citizenship)N-400$760
K-1 Fiancé VisaI-129F$675
CR-1 / IR-1 Spousal VisaI-130$675
Removal of ConditionsI-751$750
5 more rows

How much is the fee for filing I-130? ›

Form I-130 Summary

The I-130 filing costs $625 for online filing and $675 for paper filing, as of September 2024. If you are sponsoring more than one immediate family member, you will need to file a separate I-130 application for each and pay separate filing fees.

What is the meaning of schedule of expenses? ›

Expenditure schedule means a schedule estimating the amounts of Project Costs falling due and payable and other expenditures expected to be incurred in the period from the date of this Agreement until the Termination Date, and the amounts and timing of each Utilisation that the Borrower estimates to make under the ...

What is a schedule of rates fees or price? ›

A schedule of rates is a document that sets out the rates charged for various items of work by a contractor. The schedule can be used as the basis for pricing a contract and can be used to compare the prices charged by different contractors. The schedule may also be used to calculate the cost of a project.

What is schedule charges? ›

Schedule of Charges means the payment amounts by procedure or service type which are payable to a Practitioner for Services rendered by a Practitioner to a Participant pursuant to the Group Agreements.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 6268

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.