Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (2024)


Field Marshal

47 Badges

Jan 23, 2017
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  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (48)
  • Mar 16, 2023
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  • #1

Anyone else finding that if you auto-complete a ship it will really favour archeotechs? Even if your minor relic income is tiny? I realised that some of my ships were taking ages to build despite the fact I was flush with alloys. A quick check showed they had one of the archeotech armours (whether it was put there by me clicking auto-complete and not realising, or from auto-update once I researched it I'm not sure). I only had one minor relic deposit so didn't have the hundreds needed to complete the ships.

I'm not sure what the answer is here because ignoring the techs might not be great, but it seems a bit too keen to generate ship designs that can't be afforded. Perhaps the ship designer could get some automation checkboxes like planets.

  • 9Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (49)





19 Badges

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  • Mar 16, 2023
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  • #2

Faced the same. Due to archeotech, I can only build one licor every six months. Although the storage of alloys is already full. Therefore, you will have to abandon archeotechnologies in ships and try to work with a ship designer - this is very inconvenient and sad.

Also, the Galactic Guardian fleet does not allow building ships without archeotech at all (or I may not know how).

Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (69)


Dyson Cloud Technician

14 Badges

Jan 25, 2018
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  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (80)
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  • Mar 16, 2023
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  • #3

I did notice that when I tried an archeotech only run, it didn't try to upgrade me to things like Gauss Cannons.

Maybe if you're already running archeotech, it'll stay that way despite your research unless you decide otherwise, but if you're using regular tech, it'll focus on your regular upgrades.

Might be worth a bug report, just to draw attention to it. Those ships are expensive unless you're prepared to deal with the cost.


Field Marshal

49 Badges

Mar 22, 2014
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  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (134)
  • Mar 16, 2023
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  • #4

with the AP the archeotech are simply better than the other weapons . thats why autodesign will favor them over the rest .

autodesign ignore your income of special resources , it is only interest in IF you have an a income of the special resource .

i guess is time to have auto-design filters for resource use . i mean, i know you can always design the ship yourself. but with the addition of cloacking and this new tech , we kinda need the possibility to tell the autodesign to not use some components\resource .

  • 5
  • 1Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (135)



Field Marshal

47 Badges

Jan 23, 2017
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  • Mar 16, 2023
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  • #5

Verx90 said:

i guess is time to have auto-design filters for resource use . i mean, i know you can always design the ship yourself. but with the addition of cloacking and this new tech , we kinda need the possibility to tell the autodesign to not use some components\resource .

Yeah a checkbox list for the strategic resources would be really helpful.

  • 4Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (184)
  • 1




27 Badges

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  • Mar 16, 2023
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  • #6

Yeah, this has been a major issue for me, too. I've never been one to manually design ships so we need either an improvement on how the game's auto ship designer picks things, or a better way to supplement your minor artifact income. Hard to build a competitive fleet with such a low monthly amount.

  • 2Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (213)




82 Badges

Feb 11, 2012
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  • Apr 30, 2023
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  • #7

yeah its frustrating actually. I have about 3K stored, with an income of 37 right now. I can't upgrade 1 fleet of 100K because we need 8000 or more in MA resource. income of 37 is impressive this playthrough, but it takes ages to get a fleet up to pair.

A few strategies I did to try and workaround this (but dev's if you read this, please make the checkbox options to filter how auto designs):

1. Simply avoid all Ancient research in a strategic way. Maybe only research a specific kind of weapon, only used on a specific kind of ship, such as a battleship arch type weapon. If you do something like Armour, you risk every ship getting that upgrade, and can compound the usage of that resource. Having to upgrade some ships is key here.

2. research partially any of the ancient research and switch research before you finish it. That way they always show up if you want to research it. This way you can postpone, but never lose track of what you you can use. So when the time is needed, you can research from the list and strategically do your upgrades.

3. save doing the research until you have done other weapons. Keep the auto-design on, until you peaked at your ship designs. Then turn off Auto-designs. Then research the tech. MANUALLY, create your designs/modify existing with ancient tech. This way you can select them in the fleet design and have maybe a few with ancient tech and the rest normal.

I hope this makes sense, and helps someone. Maybe there is a mod out there that can modify this, where auto-design ignores these techs or makes that toggle.


Field Marshal

28 Badges

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  • Apr 30, 2023
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  • #8

IIRC the archaeotech weapons were intended to be used in an "elite fleet" -- not found on every ship in your navy.

So maybe the answer is to have a toggle on each fleet which says Archaeotech OK / no use normal stuff for this fleet.

The AIs will make one fleet with the toggle set True, and the player can do something more intelligent by hand.


Into the Future

128 Badges

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  • Apr 30, 2023
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  • #9

Protus said:

I hope this makes sense, and helps someone. Maybe there is a mod out there that can modify this, where auto-design ignores these techs or makes that toggle.

Paradox is fixing this for the next release.

Auto-design will only use archaeo components if you take the archaeo ascension perk. Otherwise, it pretends those components don't exist.

  • 2Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (345)
  • 1




82 Badges

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  • May 1, 2023
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  • #10

ZomgK3tchup said:

Paradox is fixing this for the next release.

Auto-design will only use archaeo components if you take the archaeo ascension perk. Otherwise, it pretends those components don't exist.

Thank you for the heads up.


Field Marshal

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  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (419)
  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (420)
  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (421)
  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (422)
  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (423)
  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (424)
  • Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (425)
  • May 1, 2023
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  • #11

ZomgK3tchup said:

Auto-design will only use archaeo components if you take the archaeo ascension perk. Otherwise, it pretends those components don't exist.

That's still kinda horrible, but whatever.

Maybe there'll be a flag I can set to always ignore those components, even if I take the AP.

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Ship designer auto-complete and archeotechs (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.