Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (2024)

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2.Awakening VS Succession

3.Skill Builds

4.Protected Skills

5.Locked Skills

6.Hotbar Skills

7.Core Skills

8.Skill Enhancement (Rabam) Skills

9.Skill Add-ons





14.Artifacts and Lightstones

15.Useful Links/Credits


Class guides are a rough explanation of the class, designed to give you an idea of the class and what you should be aiming for. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play style!

I highly recommend looking at as many different sources as possible. The class discords are a great place to start, most have their own guides and resources as well as plenty of skilled players willing to help with questions.

The Sorceress class was one of the ‘original’ 4 classes in Black Desert. She is a dark magic user with a mixture of mid-range to melee skills. The Sorceress class uses an Amulet as their primary weapon and Talisman as their secondary weapon. At level 56, Sorceress unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Scythe. The Sorceress class uses mostly melee range spins and slashes with her Scythe, as well as some ranged abilities and massive AoEs.

Sorceress is strong in 1v1 and 1vx situations because of her many iframe abilities making her difficult to catch. She is able to kite whilst staying protected and look for engages when it favours her. Sorceress is one of the harder classes to master. You need to be able to manage cooldowns and your stamina effectively. Getting caught or messing up your skills in PvP can result in a very quick and painful death.

Awakening VS Succession

Sorceress Succession and Awakening can be unlocked after level 56 after speaking to the Black Spirit and completing the Awakening and Succession quests under the suggestions tab.

  • The Awakening will unlock a completely new skill tree, which will be your primary skills from now on. The skills in the pre-awakening are mostly utility skills, and your main damage dealers will be your Awakening skills.
  • The Succession skill kit enhances your amulet skills instead and only has a few awakening skills.

Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa. For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats on the awakening weapon, such as Human/Species Damage and Accuracy.

Both Succession and Awakening are pretty good and equal at the moment for PVE, with Succession usually slightly better. However, it really comes down to the grind spot. I would try out both specs and go with which playstyle you prefer.

Skill Builds

Since the skill point update in late 2022, you can obtain all skills for approximately 1,000 skill points. Focus on your main skills first, then level the passives. The Weight Training skill should be leveled last since it only gives you weight limit increase.

[Click to Show/Hide] Sorceress Awakening Build - 1005 Skill Points

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Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (1)

[Click to Show/Hide] Sorceress Succession Build - 1002 Skill Points

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Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (2)

Protected Skills

It is important to read through your skills to understand which skills have protection and crowd control effects. Read through your skills carefully to get familiar with what each skill does. You can also filter the different effects in the Skill Window (K).

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (3)Super armor (SA)
    • This means you cannot be crowd controlled while this effect is active (except grab/grapple), but you will still take damage from any attacks
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (4)Forward guard (FG)
    • This means you will block damage and crowd control effects coming from the front direction of your character. The block can be broken if you take enough damage and you will see a blue shield with a number, indicating the % left of the block.
    • Some classes have an “S block”. This means you will automatically use Forward Guard when moving backward with “S”.
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (5)Invincible (I-frame)
    • This means that you will not take damage and cannot be crowd controlled from any direction for the duration of the effect

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (6)

Locked Skills

To lock a skill, press the lock icon on the top of each skill icon in the skill window (K).

These are the skills I recommend locking to help prevent messing up combos during PVP.

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (7)Evasion
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (8)Bloody Contract
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (9)Shadow Kick
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (10)Rushing Crow

Hotbar Skills

These are the minimum skills I recommend putting on your hotbar.

Dark Trade, Absolute: Darkness Released, Shard Explosion, Flow: Soul Reaper, Shadow Leap, Shadow Kick, Dark Tendrils, Rushing Crow, Shadow Hellfire

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (11)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (12)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (13)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (14)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (15)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (16)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (17)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (18)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (19)

You may also want to put more skills on your hotbar and cooldown slots to keep track of them. For more information about how to do this, check out our Edit UI and Settings Guide.

Core Skills

Core skills are a way of upgrading 1 skill from your awakening skill kit.

Core skills are usually down to preference but most players choose between Grim Reaper’s Judgment for PVP or Dead Hunt for PVE.

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (20)Core: Dead Hunt: Forward Guard while using the skill.
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (21)Core: Violation: Forward Guard while using the skill
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (22)Core: Grim Reaper’s Judgment: Super Armor while using the skill.
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (23)Core: Turn-back Slash: Super Armor while using the skill
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (24)Core: Cartian’s Nightmare: Stiffness on 1st good hit.
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (25)Core: Swirling Darkness: Floating on 1st good hit.

Skill Enhancement (Rabam) Skills

Skill Enhancement skills can be obtained in the Skill Window (K) under the “Skill Enhancement” tab at the top. At levels 56, 57, and 58, you will have 2 different options to choose between. These skills have no skill points cost, but you have to have other skills leveled up to be able to take them.

Level 56 – [SHIFT + X]

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (26)Shadow Ignition – Requires [Bloody Calamity] and [Shadow Eruption IV]
    • (Preferred Choice}
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (27)Crow Nightmare – Requires [Bloody Calamity] and [Rushing Crow II]

Shadow Ignition is simply the better choice out of the two due to the high damage and low cooldown, combined with the fact the skill has air smash. It can often be used immediately after an iframe to catch players out or in a combo after skills with a float CC.

Level 57 – [SHIFT + Z]

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (28)Engulfing Shadow – Requires [Crow Flare III] and [Midnight Stinger II]
    • (Preferred Choice)
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (29)Abyssal Blow Requires [Crow Flare III] and [Abyssal Flame III]

Engulfing Shadow is usually the preferred choice out of the two.It is a gap closer with super armor and also has good damage. Abyssal Blow is a mid-range skill with a front guard. The skill also heals you for a decent amount.

Level 58 – [Quickslot Only]

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (30)Shadow Hellfire Requires [Shadow Eruption IV] and [Ultimate: Dark Flame]
    • (Preferred Choice)
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (31)Shadow Wave Requires [Shadow Eruption IV] and [Black Wave IV]

I would recommend Shadow Hellfire. The skill has a forward guard and is a movement skill. It is used for protected damage.

Skill Add-ons

Below are some examples of PVE skill add-ons you can take.

If you would like example skill add-ons for other scenarios, please refer to the Class Discord and its resources.

I recommend experimenting with your add-ons and figuring out what is best for you because it really depends on your personal preference and how you play your class. If you’re simply not sure what to take then you can blindly follow the examples below and they will still be effective.

You can also check our Skill Add-on guide for a complete list of Skill Add-ons.

Awakening PVE Add-ons (Credit: Chayu)

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (32)

Dead Hunt I

Back Attack Damage +3% for 5 sec
Critical Hit Damage +3% for 5 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (33)

Soul Harvest

Attack/Casting Speed +7% for 7 sec
Critical Hit Rate +20% for 7 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (34)

Grim Reaper’s Judgment I

Critical Hit Rate +20% for 7 sec
All DP -15 for 10 sec for target

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (35)

Swirling Darkness I

All Accuracy +4% for 7 sec
All Evasion -4% for 10 sec for target

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (36)

Violation I

Extra AP Against Monsters +20 for 7 sec
All DP -15 for 10 sec for target

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (37)

Flow: Soul Reaper

All DP +15 for 7 sec
Attack/Casting Speed +7% for 7 sec
Succession PVE Add-ons:

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (38)

Beak Kick I

Critical Hit Damage +3% for 5 sec

Critical Hit Rate +20% for 7 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (39)

Black Wave I

Back Attack Damage +3% for 5 sec
Critical Hit Damage +3% for 5 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (40)

Shadow Eruption I

Extra AP Against Monsters +20 for 7 sec
Attack/Casting Speed +7% for 7 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (41)

Abyssal Flame I

Extra AP Against Monsters +20 for 7 sec
Attack/Casting Speed +7% for 7 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (42)

Prime: Turn-back Slash

All DP +15 for 7 sec
Critical Hit Rate +20% for 7 sec

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (43)

Prime: Violation

All Accuracy Rate +4% for 7 sec
All DP -15 for 10 sec for target


Mainhand WeaponDetails
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (44)
Tuvala Amulet
Tuvala Weapons are obtained through Season Servers and are the best starting weapons. If you are a new or returning player, I would recommend creating a Season Character.
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (45)
Kzarka Amulet
Kzarka is a boss weapon that you will upgrade your Tuvala weapon into. It is a great weapon for PVX.
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (46)
Offin Tett Amulet
Offin Tett is a boss weapon alternative. Most players tend to pick Kzarka. The difference is that Offin has slightly more AP which can help you reach the higher AP brackets more easily, in return, you lose accuracy, which can be fine on certain classes that don’t rely on accuracy too much. If you are unsure of which weapon to go for, just go with Kzarka.
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (47)
Blackstar Amulet

Blackstar is the best in slot PVE weapon. Godr-Ayed weapons are an alternative to Blackstar weapons, with the same stats but a different enhancing method.

You can swap from a PEN Kzarka to a TET Blackstar and it will still perform better in PVE due to the additional monster damage. The monster damage applies to both your pre-awakening and awakening skills, even though it is a main-hand weapon. Unlike boss weapons, you cannot put caphras into this weapon, but it has a higher base AP. PEN Blackstars are also the hardest weapons to enhance.


Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (48)

Tuvala Scythe

Tuvala Weapons are obtained through Season Servers and are the best starting weapons. If you are a new or returning player, I would recommend creating a Season Character.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (49)

Dandelion Scythe

Dandelion is a boss weapon which you will upgrade your Tuvala weapon into. It is a great weapon for PVX.

You can also enhance this weapon with a Garmoth’s Heart to make it a Fiery weapon and unlock extra Crystal slots.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (50)

Blackstar Scythe

Blackstar is the best in slot PVE weapon. Godr-Ayed weapons are an alternative to Blackstar weapons, with the same stats but a different enhancing method.

Like the main-hand Blackstar weapon, the awakening Blackstar has additional monster damage. However, it has less monster damage than the main-hand, so usually players prioritize getting the main-hand one first, or may choose to only use the main-hand Blackstar weapon.
Unlike boss weapons, you cannot put caphras into this weapon, but it has a higher base AP. PEN Blackstars are also the hardest weapons to enhance.

Offhand WeaponDetails

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (51)

Tuvala Talisman

Tuvala Weapons are obtained through Season Servers and are the best starting weapons. If you are a new or returning player, I would recommend creating a Season Character.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (52)

Rhik Talisman

The Rhik Talisman is the Sorc evasion offhand. It is used in Evasion builds when you want more DP.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (53)

Kutum Talisman

Kutum is the offhand weapon you should get first and should swap your Tuvala offhand for.

The Kutum weapons have a mixture of AP and DP with additional monster damage. This makes them great for PVE and they are also good in PVP when running hybrid evasion builds on certain classes.

You can also enhance this weapon with a Garmoth’s Heart to make it a Fiery weapon with extra stats.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (54)

Nouver Talisman

Nouver is your PVP offhand. It is considered the best in slot for PVP in most classes due to its high AP.

You can also enhance this weapon with a Garmoth’s Heart to make it a Fiery weapon with extra stats.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (55)

Blackstar Talisman

Blackstar offhands are another choice for PVE. Godr-Ayed weapons are an alternative to Blackstar weapons, with the same stats but a different enhancing method.

However, when you compare a PEN Blackstar offhand with a PEN Kutum (Caphras 20), there is very little difference between the two. Blackstars are known to be the hardest weapons in the game to enhance, and obtaining a PEN Kutum with caphras level 20 is much more obtainable, for this reason, it is not recommended to go with a Blackstar offhand at the moment and would be an endgame goal for very few players.


For your armor, you will make a choice between Damage Reduction or Evasion gear. I recommend reading our guide about the two different DP stats if you want to learn what the two different stats do.

Generally, you are recommended to build Damage Reduction on Sorceress. Evasion is viable on Sorc and you can switch to Evasion when you reach high gearscore if you want to swap offensive for more defense.


Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (56)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (57)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (58)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (59)

Tuvala Set

  • Tuvala Helmet
  • Tuvala Armor
  • Tuvala Gloves
  • Tuvala Shoes

Tuvala Armors are obtained through Season Servers and are the best starting armors. If you are a new or returning player, I would recommend creating a Season Character.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (60)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (61)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (62)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (63)

Boss Set (Damage Reduction)

  • Griffon Helmet
  • Red Nose Armor
  • Bheg’s Gloves
  • Urugon’s Shoes

This boss set is the most popular boss set to go for after graduating from Season. This set is focuses on Damage Reduction, which is viable on all classes.

Classes which should always pick damage reduction:

  • Warrior, Ranger, Berserker, Tamer, Valkyrie, Wizard, Witch, Dark Knight, Archer, Guardian, Nova, Drakania, Woosa

This is because these classes either have bad base evasion or have shields that scale well with Damage Reduction.

** Choosing the Red Nose Armor is recommended instead of Dim Tree to save you silver later on, since it requires far fewer caphras to get to caphras level 10.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (64)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (65)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (66)Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (67)

Boss Set (Evasion)

  • Griffon Helmet
  • Red Nose Armor
  • Leebur’s Gloves
  • Muskan’s Shoes

This boss set is the evasion build boss set. If you are unsure of which to pick, the general answer is to just go with the Damage Reduction set.

Evasion is only considered good on certain classes:

  • Striker, Mystic, Hashashin, Shai

and can be considered viable on other classes in return for less damage:

  • Sorceress, Musa, Maehwa, Ninja, Kunoichi, Lahn, Sage, Corsair, Maegu

** Choosing the Red Nose Armor is recommended instead of Dim Tree to save you silver later on, since it requires far fewer caphras to get to caphras level 10.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (68)

Fallen God Armor

Fallen God Armor is the best in slot armor piece.

It will eventually replace your Red Nose armor. To make the Fallen God Armor, you will need a Flame of Despair and a PEN Red Nose or Dim Tree Armor with level 10 caphras. This is why it is recommended to go with Red Nose, since it costs fewer caphras to get to caphras level 10.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (69)

Labreska Helmet

Labreska Helmet is the best in slot helmet piece. It will eventually replace your Giath/Griffon helmet. To make the Labreska helmet you will need a Flame of Frost and a PEN Giath or Griffon Helmet with level 10 caphras. Both of these helmets require the same amount of caphras to get to level 10.


There are various different accessories in the game. At first, just focus on using the accessories that give you the highest AP in each slot.

There are also “free” accessories that all new players should get:

AccessoryHow to obtain
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (70)Tuvala Accessories

Tuvala accessories are starter accessories obtained from the Season Server.

Try to push up your accessories to PEN if possible, but if you don’t have much time to play Season, then focus on your Weapons and Armor first.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (71)PEN Capotia Necklace

You can obtain a FREE PEN Capotia Accessory from the Season Servers Special Reward.

For your first season, it is recommended to get the PEN Capotia Necklace because it gives the most AP. You then want to create another Season character in the next season to get the PEN Capotia Belt, and finally the PEN Capotia Ring or Earring.

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (72)PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian

You can obtain a PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian by completing Jetina’s PEN Accessory quests.

These are daily quests that take a minimum of 45 days to complete. Every new and returning player should complete these as early as possible for a highly discounted PEN accessory.

Common Starter PVE accessories:

  • TET Black Distortion Earrings
  • TET Basilisk’s Belt (or PEN Capotia Belt)
  • TET Ring of Crescent Guardian
  • TET Ogre Ring/Laytenn’s Necklace (or PEN Capotia Necklace).
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (73) PEN Tuvala Necklace

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (74) PEN Capotia Necklace

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (75) PEN Tungrad Necklace

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (76) PEN Ogre Ring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (77) PEN Laytenn’s Necklace

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (78) PEN Tuvala Ring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (79) PEN Capotia Ring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (80)PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (81)PEN Tungrad Ring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (82)PEN Eye of the Ruins Ring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (83) PEN Tuvala Belt

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (84) PEN Capotia Belt

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (85)PEN Basilisk Belt

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (86)PEN Valtarra Eclipsed Belt

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (87)PEN Tungrad Belt

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (88) PEN Tuvala Earring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (89) PEN Capotia Earring

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (90)TET Black Distortion Earring


Below is an example starter Crystal build for PVE. Some of the crystals are expensive. You can obtain the Rebellious Crystal by completing the main story questline. For more example crystal builds, including an end-game PVE crystal build, and PVP Crystal builds, check our Crystal Preset Guide.

  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (91)Ah’krad Crystal x2
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (92)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (93)Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine x2
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (94)Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x2
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (95)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x2
  • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (96)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2
  • Max HP +350
  • All AP +34
  • All Accuracy +6
  • Extra Damage to Monsters +20
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Knockdown/Bound Resistance +50%
  • Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +10%
  • Critical Hit Level +4
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • Skill EXP +10%

This is an example PVP Build for Sorcs using Damage Reduction Armors and going full Human Damage (glass cannon). For more example crystal builds, check our Crystal Preset Guide or the Class Discord.

    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (97)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Olucas x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (98)Red Spirit Crystal x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (99)Crystal of Elkarr x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (100)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (101)JIN: Magic Crystal – Viper x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (102)Red Battlefield Crystal: Viper x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (103)Red Battlefield Crystal: Carmae x2
    • Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (104)Ancient Spirit’s Crystal – Swiftness x1
  • All accuracy +70
  • Ignore All Resistance +20%
  • Max HP +200
  • All AP +14
  • Extra Damage to Humans +56
  • All Damage Reduction -4
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • Attack, Casting Speed +2%
  • Attack Speed +6
  • Casting Speed +4
  • Critical Hit +2
  • Movement Speed +2

Artifacts and Lightstones

There are few different viable choices for both Artifacts and Lightstone combos. Sorceress is the “Magic Damage” type so you want to go for Magic Accuracy and Magic Damage for offensive artifacts.

For PVE Lighstones there are a few different options to min-max. For certain spots, you may want to use Species damage combos (eg. The Wild: Demihumans, The Wild: Kamaslyvia, The Wild: Humans). Species damage combos perform better if you are reaching the monster AP caps at a certain zone.

A more generic PVE combo is listed below that is recommended for your class and will work at any spot.

You can also find more information about Artifacts and Lightstones, and how to obtain them, in our guide. We also have a list of Best in slot Artifacts and Lightstones.

Artifacts for PVE:

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (105)Marsh’s Artifact – Extra AP Against Monsters

  • (Extra Damage to Monsters +6)

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (106)Lesha’s Artifact – Monster Damage Reduction

  • (Monster Damage Reduction +9)

Artifacts for PVP:

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (107)Marsh’s Artifact – Magic AP

  • (Magic AP +4)

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (108)Marsh’s Artifact – Magic Accuracy

  • (Magic Accuracy +8)
PVE Lightstone Combo
[Vicious Shadows]
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (109)Fire: Predation
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (110)Fire: Predation
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (111)Fire: Shadows
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (112) Fire: Strike
Total Combo Effects:
Monster AP +13
Back Attack Damage +6%
Critical Damage +3%
PVP Lightstone Combo
[Target Openings]
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (113)Fire: Rage
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (114)Fire: Marked
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (115)Wind: Lungs
Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (116) Fire: Strike
Total Combo Effects:
All AP +10
All Accuracy +16
Maximum Stamina +100
Critical Damage +6%

Useful Links/Credits

I highly recommend checking out the Sorceress Class Discord for resources about your class. The class discords always have the most up-to-date information and tons of experienced players that can help with questions or gearing advice. I would like to give a shoutout to the Moderator and Helpful Roles in the Sorceress discord for all their hard work gathering resources. You can find some of their own guides below. I honestly cannot recommend enough to join the discord.

Useful links to check out:

PVP Montage Videos:

Credits Disclaimer: Since there are now 26 BDO classes, it is impossible for me to keep class guides fully maintained. My main class is Ranger and I don’t claim to be the best in any class. Therefore, I use resources and recommendations from the Class discords since (as all other players would agree) this is the best source. I also ask for advice from friends who are more experienced in the class. Where possible, I credit specific players for information such as Add-ons, and combos. However, sometimes there is no player mentioned as the original sharer. If there are any issues with credit or you would like certain information removed/changed, please reach out to me!

Sorceress Class Guide - BDFoundry (2024)


Does Maegu use Magic AP? ›

Maegu can also use magic to summon a clone of herself, confusing her enemies, as she swaps positions with her double. While Awakening Maegu is a melee class that uses 2 Foxtail fans. She has fast and agile skills, with a graceful and dance-like style.

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The Musa is a melee class that relies on high speed and fast reactions to stay ahead of the enemy. With incredible mobility and a specialty for AoE-focused attacks, the Musa excels in small-scale PvP.

What is the weapon of the awakened sorceress? ›

Awakened Sorceress wields a massive two-handed scythe, but she doesn't use it as a melee weapon. Rather, this only furthers the ways in which she deceives her enemies. She can fade in and out of the darkness to attack unsuspecting enemies, or teleport to create an opening.

What is the sorceress class in black desert? ›

Sorceress is an elusive class that uses Amulet and Talisman to wield dark magic. She deceives and confuses her enemies by closing the gap quickly to deal a powerful blow, and dodges just when the situation starts to look bad. This gives her great survivability while also constantly disrupting her enemies.

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Maegu, who struck a deal with a revered fox spirit, is a master of the Jwado School, who turns the world red with her spirit magic. Maegu channels various spells through the Fox Spirit Charm. She can tackle enemies from long distances, and spread a dazzling display of Fox Spirit Charms around them.

What is magic AP? ›

Magic AP (originally Magic Points) is used to learn spells from espers. Each Magic AP gives a certain percentage of a spell to a character that has an esper equipped. After reaching 100%, they learn the spell permanently.

What is the best weapon for a sorceress? ›

Heart of the Oak (Mace/Staff base, Ko+Vex+Pul+Thul) HOTO is amongst the best sorceress weapons. While you have multiple Orb choices to boost your damage, none of them have defensive qualities such as HOTO's huge boost for all resistances.

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Sorcerer Stats

Investing in strength has no effect for the Sorcerer whatsoever, do not invest in this unless gear requires it. This is in line with the role of Spellcaster. Intelligence is the primary Sorceress stat. It increases Skill Damage, this scales at 10 points invested to 1% additional damage.

What is the best early sorcerer weapon? ›

The first weapon available for the Sorcerer vocation, Grievous Horns is a powerful archistaff well-suited to an offensive spellcaster. This is literally a must-have weapon for any Arisen wanting to become a Sorcerer, as it's a pre-requisite for even unlocking the vocation.

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A Class is the role and playstyle of a player character. In Black Desert, classes are gender locked and race locked.

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The main difference between a Wizard and a Witch is that Wizard is more aggressive with burst damage and has a grab, whilst the Witch class has a buffing block and is played more defensively with higher range and more sustain DPS.

What is the main weapon of the sorceress? ›

The Sorceress is a Hero whose weapon is Chain Lightning. Chain Lightning attacks as multiple streaks of lightning. When a streak hits an enemy, it jumps to another nearby enemy that isn't already hit.

What weapon does a sorcerer use? ›

The Sorcerer's default weapon proficiencies are Daggers, Quarterstaffs, and Light Crossbows. Unlock armor, equipping a non-proficient weapon, doesn't remove the ability to cast spells. This becomes important later on, but realize most Sorcerer will use a Quarterstaff throughout the entirety of the game.

What is Drakania Awakening weapon called? ›

At level 56, Drakania unlocks her awakening and succession skills, as well as a new awakening weapon, which is the Trion spears. Upon acquiring the Trion, Awakening Drakania can now unfurl her Dragon wings and begin her flight of destruction.

What is the weapon of the Guardian Awakening? ›

The awakened Guardian now wields the jordun. Within it rests the Holy Flame, Ynix, said to have the power to consume the gods.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.