Star-Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)




[ DESIONERS Rod ney Thompso n, Patrick [ PRODUCTION MANAOER ] CyndaCallaway
Stutzman , JD Wiker

[ ADDITIONAL. DESION 1 Gary Astleford, T. Rob Brow n [ ORAPHI C DESIONER 1 Soe Hemmi

~--------------------~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J

[ DEVEL.OPER ) Rodney Thompson 1 Jefferson Dunlap

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[ ART DIRECTOR 1 Blake Beasley
~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J

1ORAPHIC PRODUCTION Christopher Tardiff
-S-P-E-C--I A-L-.I-ST--------------

EDITORS Gary M. Sarli, Brad ley Will

Gonzalo Flores

o 1[ L.UCAS L.ICENSINO EDITOR Frank Parisi Steve Argyle, Drew Baker, Zoltan Bo ros &
Gabor Sziksza i, Miguel Coimbra , Micha el
D Dubisch, Steve Ellis, Gonzalo Flores, Ran dy
Ga llegos , Jonathan Hill, Jason Juta , Lucasfilm
(I) Ltd., Ron Lem en, War ren Mahy, Walte r O'Neil,
Pau l Shi pper, Brian Snod dy, Mark Tedin , Ch ris
o Trevas, Francis Tsa i, Ben Wootten

fJl 1 Ch ristopher Perkins


[ MANAOINO EDITOR ) Christopher Perkins [ IMAOINO TECHN I CIAN 1 Carmen Cheung

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[~_D__I R_E_C_T_O_R__O_P_ R_ P_ O__R_&_ D__--,) Bill Siavicsek [ CARTOORAPHERS ) Christopher West


[ PL.AYTESTERS Adam Colby, Jeff Cain, Oscar S. Cisneros, Andrew Finch, 1[ SPECIAL. THAN K S Leland Chee
Eli sa Jaeger, Matt Sernett, Stephen Radney-Macfarland

Some rule s mecha nic s are based on the Sta r Wa rs Rolepla ying Game Saga Edi tio n Core Rul eboo k by Ch ris t op her Pe rkins, Owen K.C. Ste phens, and Rodney Thompson, t he origina l Dun geo ns Et Dra gons!!> rul es created by E. Gary Gyga x and Dave
Arn eso n, and the 3rd Ed itio n Dungeons Et Dragons game design ed by Jo nat ha n Twe et. Monte Coo k, Sk ip Wil lia ms, Rich ard Bake r. and Peter Adkison.

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[ INTROOUCTION 4 S40K Phoenix Hawk- class I [ CHAPTER IX: THE ..JEDI 120 J

CHAPTERIV: Light Pinnace . ....... . . .84 The Jedi Order ......... . ... .121
Scurrg H- 6 Prototyp e Influentia l Figures. .. . .... . . .126
[ CHAPTeR I: SPECIES. 8 If THE FORCE .48 Jedi Vehicles and Starships.... 137
Bomber . . .... . . . ....... 85

Species Characteristics. .. . . ... . 9 The Force duri ng lCHAP1ERVII: CL.ONE WARS
Dugs . . . .. .10 the Clone Wars .. ..... . . .49 DeclineoftheJedi .. .. ........ 87 If CHAPTERX:
Force Powers .. ... . . .. .. . . . · .50 I THE
Gen'Da i .. .. . .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. 11 REPUBL.IC. 1
Force Ta lents .. . .. .. ... . . . · .53
Iktotchi . .. .... .. ..... .... · . 12 14 0
Force Techn iques. ..... . . . ... .54
Ka leesh. .. . ..... . . . . .. .. . ... 12 Force Secrets...... . . ., .. . ... 55 Rampan t Corruption .... .• ... .89 '-----------,J
'II . Organ ization .. ............. 142
.Kaminoans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Force-Using Trad itions . . .. . . . .55 The Republic High Command .. 145
.Kerkoidens .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 VI alns . .. . ..... . ......... . .89 Personnel ......... . ....... .147
The Bando Gora . ........ . . .55
Nautolans . . ... ..... . . ... .. . 15 Militarization . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. 91 ~nflu~~tia~ Figdures .. . ........ 155
The Believers. ... . . . ... . . . · .56
Nelvaanians .. ... . .. .... . . . .. 16 Large -Scale Conflict . . . . . .... .92
The Korunnai. .. . ... .. .. .. . .56 Squads. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . ..... 93

Vurks . . .. . . . . . . ... . .... .. . .. 17 Mass Combat.. . .. .. ...... 95 epu IC rol s ............. 160

lCHAPTER II: HEROIC CHAPTER V EQUIPMENT Starting Mass Battles . . . . .. . .101 Republic Vehicles. . . . .. .• . .162
Repub lic Starships .. .. ... ... .170

Heroes of the Clone Wars. .. . · .19 Melee Weapons .. . . . . ... . .... 59 (I104 CHAPTERXI: THE Z
Ranged Weapons. .. .. . . . ... 60 -I
Jed i .......... . ... . . . . . . . . · .21 CONFEDERACY 174
.Armo r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 (IJ
Nobles. . .. . ..... . . .... . . . ... 22 Ca to Neimoidia ............. 106 ~--------------(
Equ ipmen t ... .. . .. . ... . ... · .65 . h. Organ ization ......... . .. . .. 176 Z
Scoundrels . ....... ....... ... 23 Ch rls top SiS .... . . . ..•. . .... 106 Th S . 0 'd -I
Droids .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. 66 Geonosis ......... .. .. ..... 107 e eparatlst ro l Army .... 178 Ol
Scouts. . . .. ... .. .. ... · .24
I[ CHAPTER VI: STARSHIPS 74 Glee Anse lm... . ...... .. .... 107 Personnel . .. . .. . ... . ....... 181
.Soldiers .. .... . . . . . . . . . , . . .25 Iktotc h .......... .. .... . ... 108 Influential Figures .. . .. .. .. .. 183
Space Tran sports ... . . .. . .... .75 Kalee ...... ... ............. 108 C f d D 'd
Skills ... ... .. . .. . .. ...... ... 27 Bar/oz- class Freighter .... ... 75
Feats. . ..... ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .28 G9 Rigger ...... . . . .... .. .76 on e eracy ro l s. .. .. ..... 188
Followers . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... ... 32 GS-100 Salvage Sh ip. . . ... . .78
KR-TB Doomtreader. ., .. . . . .78 Kamino ..... .. . . .. . .. .. ... .109 Confederacy Vehicl es . . .. . ... 198

'd ' Confederacy Starsh ips ......203
Kerk01 la.. . ...... .. . ... ... 110
IfMalastare .... . • . . • . . .. . .. . . 110
IIMustafar......• . . . . . . . ..... 110

Muunilinst ..... . . . . .. . ... . . 111 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , J

New Talents. . . , . . . . . .. . . · .39 Pursuer-class Nelvaan ...... . .. . . . .. . ... . 111 Mercenary Factions. . . . . .... .213
Enforcement Ship .. . .... 79
Prestige Classes . .. .. . .. ... 42 Polis Massa . . . ... . . . .. . . . .. 112 Influential Figu res ..... . .. . . .214
Droid Commander ... .... .. .42 Se ltiss-2 Caravel . . . .. . .... .80
Mi litary Engineer. ..... . . . . .44 Sembla .... . ... . .. . .. . .... . 112 Veh icles and Starsh ips ....... 219
Starfigh ters ....... . .... ... . .81
Vanguard ... ..... . .. .. 46 Skako ........ . .. .......... 113 Beasts .....................221
Dagger-class Starfighter . . .. .81
Dianoga-class Teth ........ . ....... ... . . 113

Assau lt Starfighter . . .. .. 82 Toydaria .. ........ . . .. . .... 114 ApPENDIX 222

Utapau ... . ............... 114

Freefall- class Sta rf igh ter .... 82 Planetary Updates ........... 115

MorningStar Assaul t

Starflghter ....... .... . .83


The Clone Wars might be the greatest, most far-reaching conflict the galaxy The heroes of a Clone Wars campaign can have options regarding their alle-

has seen-at least in recorded history. Even during the Jedi Civi l War, many gia nce and are far more li ke ly to side with one faction or another, at least

worlds escape the conflict entirely. However, when the Separatists withdraw ta ngentia lly, giving them a stake in th e Clone Wars as a whole. For example,

from the Republic, they create a schism that divides the galaxy into two fac- the heroes might choose to support the Republic as official members of the

tions. As a result, worlds that wou ld have remained neutral are forced into Republic military or other Republic agency, such as the Judicial Department or

either the Republic camp or the Separatist camp because of the imperative the Jed i Order. Or they might be cit izens doing their part to ensure th e Repub-

to declare allegiance to one of the two competing governments . In the Clone lic's success. The heroes might be mercenaries, privateers, or free traders who

Wars, any world that attempts to maintain neutrality is crushed between the volunteer to help transport undercover Republic agents behind Confederacy

Republic and the Confederacy as they compete for that wor ld's resources. lines. Heroes might even be clone troopers or members of the Republic Navy,

Whether aligned with the Republic or the Confederacy, many planets- putting them right in the middle of the ga laxy-spanning conflict.

especially those with significant manufacturing resources -bec ome vital to Conversely, the heroes might choose to ally themselves with the Sepa-

the war effort simply by being ab le to produce ships, weapons, and equip- ratists, seeing the Republic as the faction in the wrong. These heroes might

ment. On some worlds, mil itarization is harsher than on others. For example, be mercenaries, smugglers, or even Jedi who have left the Order, conv in ced

the shipbu ilding facilities of Utapau, which had previously manufactured that the Confederacy represents the galaxy's best chance for freedom. Alter-

Z natively, the heroes might ally with one of the va riou s trade organizations,
domestic planetary defender starfigh ters, are forced to produce Mank- working as corpora te troubleshoote rs or freelance agents hired by the Trade
Federation, the Te chno Union, or the Retail Caucus to deal with Republic
-i vim-814 lig ht interceptors and Pora x-38 starfighters for the Confederacy. disruptions of supply lines or sed itious elements on Confederate worlds . The
Other worlds are practically enslaved to meet the demands of their military heroes might not support questionab le Confederacy tactics (such as those
Doco masters, and the natural resources of entire planets are consumed in a matter employed by the sinister military leaders, like General Grievous and General
of months to keep the fight going. Loathsoml. but they might yet believe that even with such leadership the
Even remote worlds feel the sting of the Clone Wars. Remote Tatooine-
-i where the Republic has had no presence -i s embroiled in the war as the


Confederacy attempts to tr ick Jabba the Hutt into influencing the other Hutt Confederacy is a better alternative than the Republic.

clans to al low the Separatists to use the the ir shipping lanes . The Techno The heroes might be on the fr inges of society, try ing to get along in the

Union sets up a top-secret research facility on snow - covered Nelvaan, where galaxy despite the raging Clone Wars. Even neutra l heroes are likely unable to

the natives have lived in isolated peace for most of their history. No matter avoid the conflict of the war, and their allegiance might hinge on who attacks

how far ou t on the Outer Rim or how deep in the Deep Core the planet is, them fi rst. These heroes can try to play both sides of t he conflict agai nst

the Clone Wars affect it. each other, but this is a precarious path to walk. After all, one faction might

get word that the heroes are work ing with the other, and when this hap-

pens, the situation ca n quickly go bad. Fringe heroes with the best intentions

WHAT You NEED TO PLAY might find themselves sta ri ng down the fu ll military might of the Republic
if they misplay their cards. By the same token, heroes who attempt to stay
As with any Star Wars game supplement, you need the Saga Edition core neutral also have the opportunity to experience life on both sides of the war,
rulebook to make full use of the information in The Clone Wars Campaign opening options for a Gamemaster who wants to have the heroes work with
Guide. This book also uses material from other supplements, including the Confederacy in one adventure and the Republic in the next.
Starships of the Galaxy and Threa ts of the Galaxy, but those supplements

are not essential. Also be sure to visit the official Star Wars Roleplaying

Game website at www.wiza for the latest updates and

official errata .


The Clone Wars encompass a complicated serie s of battles and skirm ishes Without strong military leadersh ip, the Confederacy is on the brink of co l- .Z,
with a comp lex history covering approximately three years. Below are some lapse. The Jedi suspect that Pal patine has no intention of giving up his power
major events in the Clone Wars. Gamemasters can use these events as guide- after the Clone Wars end. After a confrontation leaves Mace Windu dead D
posts when creating Clone Wars adventures. Th ey se rve as good markers for and Anakin Skywalker as the new apprentice of Darth Sidious, clone forces 0
the major events during this turbulent time. throughout the galaxy respond to Order 66, turning on t heir Jedi generals
and slaughtering the noble defenders of the Republic. With the Jedi Order,
THE BATTLE OF NASOO wiped out, Skywalker, no w nam ed Darth Vader travels to Mustafar, murders
Though the Battle of Naboo is little more than a skirmish between the Trade the remaining leaders of the Confederacy, and brings the Clone Wars to its 0z
Federation and the planetary defense force s of the planet Naboo, it is the true end .
precursor to the Clone Wars, which beg in ten years later. The repercussions l
of this battle echo through the Clone Wars and beyond. After the Battle of THE CLONE WARS
Naboo, Palpatine is elected to the post of Supreme Chancellor, allowing him Many of the starships, vehicles, and characters from this book are drawn c:(J
to manipu late the Republic into the Clone Wars. Meanwhile, the Trade Fed- from The Clone Wars animated series. Throughout the book, you can find
eration is rebuffed and joins with the other trade organizations to form the descriptions and rules information from The Clone Wars series, as well TI
alliance that eventual ly becomes the Confederacy of Ind ependen t Systems. as still images from and art based on episodes of the animated series.
Lastly, the Battle of Naboo leads to Anakin Skywalker becoming the Padawan Additionally, many of the chapter sta rt images from this book contain IlD
of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a course of events that shakes the entire galaxy. art from The Clone Wars series in the hopes that they inspire players and
Gamemasters to create adventures and campaigns that follow theme s !TIl
THE BATTLE OF OEONOSIS presented in the show.
The first true battle of t he Clone Wars, the Ba ttle of Geonosis introduces If'
the Grand Army of the Republic and unleashes the clone troopers upon the "THE SHROUD OF @
galaxy. On th is desolate planet the first shots of the galactic conflict are THE DARK SlOE HAS ~
fired , and the full extent of Count Dooku 's betrayal be comes evident to the IlD
Jedi. Many Jedi die on Geonosis, but just as many are thrust into the com- PAL. BN. BEOUN.
mand of clone forces, setting a precedent that draws the Jedi out into the TH!S CLONE WAR »@
galaxy as military leaders.
After three years of struggling against t he Confederacy, the Jedi strike a VODA @
major blow agai nst the Separatists with the death of Cou nt Dooku. In the
process of rescuing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the flagship of the
Separatist f leet, Anakin Skywalker dispa t ches t he Sith apprentice, and the
Republic wins a signi ficant vic to ry. A sho rt time later, Obi-Wan Kenob i ends
General Grievous's reign of terror during the sieg e of Utapau . In a short time,
the Jedi eliminate two of the Confederacy's powerful leaders, and the tide
shifts heavi ly in favo r of the Republic.


YOUN G MID DL E Dugs are an arboreal species from the Republic world of Malastare. They are

SPECIES CHILD ADULT ADU LT AGE OLD VENERABLE strong and agile for their size, and climb and j ump exceptionally well . Dugs

Dug 1-9 10-1 4 15-44 45-59 60-74 75+ unwillingly share their homeworld with the Gran, who establish trade co lonies
Gen'Dai 1-9 10- 200 201-999 1,000- 2,000- 4,000+ on Ma lastare in 8,000 BBY. The Dugs fight a long, intense war against t he
Gran. Eventually the Repub lic intervenes and sides with the Gran, negotiating

1,999 3,999 a truce that essentially demilitarizes the Dugs.

Iktotchi 1-13 14- 18 19-44 45-70 71-89 90+ In response to their marginalization, the Dugs develop a culture based, in
Kaleesh 1-9 10-24 25-40 41-55 56-79 80+ large part, on self-pity. They are se lf-congratu latory to a fault, and every Dug
Kaminoan 1-6 7- 10 11-39 40-59 60-79 80+ claims at least one celebrated hero or martyr in his family tree. Beads, worn on
their ear f ins, represent the se purported patriots and their stories of heroism .

Kerkoiden 1- 11 12-18 19-45 46-70 71 - 90 91+ To question the legitimacy of a Dug's collection of martyr beads is a grave

Nautolan 1-9 10- 14 15-40 41-54 55-69 70+ insult that can be retracted only by the death of the offending party.
Nelvaanian 1-7 8-20 21-30 31-45 46- 64 65+ Persona lity: The Dugs' reputation for violence and bullying is well-
Vurk 1- 6 7-14 15-30 31-49 50 - 69 70+
deserved. As a species, they are adversaria l, preferring to solve problems
through intimidation and hostile acts. They consider themse lves to be

n beleaguered warriors, underdogs who must fight against the rest of the
I universe for what is rightfully theirs. Despite their best efforts, the Dugs
TABLE 1-3: AVERAOE are continually mired in defeat. They tend to be xenophobic, and this fear of
) outsiders often manifests as blatant bigotry.

'll HEIOHT AND WEIOHT Physica l Description : Dugs are vaguely humanoid, in that they possess a


Dug, male 1m 35 kg torso, t wo legs, and two arms. The positions of their limbs are reversed, how-
Dug, female 1m 30 kg ever, so that they use their upper limbs for walking and their lower limbs to
Gen'Dai, male or femal e 2.5 m 145 kg man ipulate objects. They have brown skin, floppy ear flaps, and large mouths
filled with broad , flat teeth . Male dugs possess a f lap of skin

Iktotchi, ma le or female 1.8 m 80 kg on their th roats that can be inflated and used to produce

Kaleesh, male 1.8 m 80 kg mating calls during the appro priate season.
Kaleesh, female 1.6 m 75 kg Homeworld: Malastare.
Languages : Dug.

Kaminoan, male 2.7 m 70 kg Example Names : Drodwa, Flugello, Flugo ,

Kaminoan, female 2.1 m 65 kg Gorlok, Langro Dis, Luvagwa, Pugwis, Rewulga,
Kerkoiden, male or female 1.4 m 55 kg Sebulba, Sioor.
Nautolan, male or female 1.B m 75 kg
Adventurers: Dugs are drawn to occupations
that involve skull duggery and vio lence, and they

Nelvaanian, male 2m 130 kg make exceptional scoundrels, scouts , and

Nelvaanian, female 1.5 m 50 kg sold iers. Dug nobles are rare, and the ty pical
Vurk, male 2.1 m 90 kg Dug does not possess the mental acu ity or
Vurk , female 1.9 m 85 kg patience requi red to become a Jed i.

Duo SPECIES TRAITS Physical Oescription: Superficia lly, Gen'Oai appear to be a humanoid n
race . Th eir skin color ranges from light red to deep purple, and their eyes
Dugs share the following specie s t raits: vary from bright red to dull ye llow-o range. A mand iblelike protrusion extends I
Ability Modifiers : +2 Oexterity, -2 Charisma. Ougs possess excellent from each of their cheekbones. The Gen'Oai are large, typically stand ing over
two meters ta ll . )
reflexes and hand-eye coordination, but they rarely think befo re they act
and are known for their crude demeanor. Homeworld: Unknown. 11
Languages: Gen'Oai. -l
Small Size: As Sma ll creatures, Ougs gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Example Names: Ou rge, Grozm, Kranth, Lu'urn .
Defense and a +5 size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and Adventurers: The most commo n character class for Gen'Dai heroes is (1J
carrying limits are th ree-quarters of those of Medium characters. the scout, followed by the sold ier. A few Gen' Oai use their veritable immor-
ta lity to amass wealth and influence as nobles, an d only a handful become II
Speed : Dug base speed is 6 squares . scoundre ls. No Gen'Oai are known to have become Jedi.
Athletic : A Du g can reroll any Climb or Jump check, but the result of the ( ]J J
rero ll must be accepted, even if it is worse . In addition , a Dug can take 10 on OEN'OAI SPECIES TRAIT S
Climb and Jump checks even when distracted or threate ned. Gen'Oai share the following species traits : (lj)
Automati c Languages: Dug.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Constitution, -2 Wisdom , -2 Chari sma. Gen'Oai 'ill
O EN'DAI are incredibly res istant to damage, but their lo ng life spans cause them to
be mental ly unstable. (jj)
The Gen'Dai benefit from extremely long life spans. Accounts of Gen 'D ai living (Q)
tobe over four thousand standard years old are common. They are a hardy spe- Large Size: As Large creatures, Gen'Dai take a - 1 size penalty to t heir
ci es, thanks in part to their unique physiology. The Gen'Oai have no centralized Reflex Oefen se, a -5 size penalty on Stealth checks, and gain a +5 size bonu s 1il
vital organs, and their elaborate nervous and vascular systems allow them to to thei r damage threshold . Their lifting and ca rrying limits are double those
act quickly and withstand wound s that would kill nearly any other creature. of Medium characters. (lj)

The Gen'Dai are intergalactic nomads, constantl y traversing the ga laxy. Speed: Gen'Oai base speed is 8 squares.
The location of their homeworld has been lost to t ime. Even those Gen'Oai Gen'Oai Surge : Whenever a Gen'Dai takes its second wind, it reg ain s 5
who claim to have lived for several mi lle nnia cannot, or do not. reveal its hit points every round at the end of its turn until killed , until the end of t he
location . encounter, or until reaching one-half hit points (whichever comes first) .
Hibernation: A Gen'Dai can enter a state similar to a hibernation trance.
Personality: With few exceptions, the Gen'Oai are an introspective and A Gen 'O ai can use the Force Trance app lication of t he Use the Force skill
peaceful species. Because of th eir extraordinari ly long life spans, they are untrained (and even if not Force - sensitive) and can remai n in the trance
indefin ite ly. A Gen'Dai in such a state ceases to age, an d need s no food ,
slow in their decision-making processes. water, or air un t il it emerges from hibernation.
They con sider the long-term conse- Mental Instability: As they age, Gen'Oai begin to lose touch with reality.
quences of their actions, and do For each age category a Gen'Oai advances past Adult, it takes an additional
not jump to conclusions with - loss of - 1 Wisdom . Gen'Dai characte rs never gain increased Wisdom due to
out adequate evidence. age, though they can increase th eir Wisdom scores as thei r character level
As they age, they begin increases.
to lose their grip on the ir Regeneration: A Gen'Dai can regrow lost body parts - including sig nifi-
mental faculties. Th eir per- cant portion s of its physical structu re and individua l lim bs- in 1d1 0 minutes.
so nal ities becom e increas- At the end of that time, al l persistent pe nalties associated with the loss of
ingly disjointed, and the ir one or more limbs are removed.
penchant for introspect ion Resilient Physiology: Because of their unique physio logy, the Gen'Oai
causes them to suffer from can shrug off the effect of wounds that wou ld be fatal to any other spe -
dep re ss ion , psychosis, and cies. Because of this, a Gen'Dai's damage threshold is doubled after adding
other form s of insanity. bonuses for feats or size when determi ning whether the Gen'Oai is ki lled by
an attack (bu t not for any other purpose) .
Automatic Languages: Basic and Gen' Oai.


Hailing from the Expansion region Iktotch i share the following species traits:

world of Iktotchon and its Ability Modifiers: +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Though they are a

moon, Iktotch, the Iktotchi hardy species, the Iktotchi are a quiet and introspective people and have

are a race of precog- trouble forming friendships .

nitive humanoids. All Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Iktotchi have no special bonuses or

Iktotchi possess this penalties due to their size.

precognitive ability, Speed: Iktotchi base speed is 6 squares.

which manifests as Natural Armor: Iktotchi have tough skin that provides a +1 natural

vivid dreams, visions, armor bonus to their Reflex Defense. A natural armor bonus stacks with an

or waking dreams. Few armor bonus.

Iktotchi have control of Limited Precognition: Iktotchi are gifted with limited precognition and

how or when their precog- are subjected to prophetic dreams. Once per encounter, as a reaction, an

nition manifests or of what Iktotchi can grant itself or any vehicle the Iktotchi pilots a +2 species bonus

it reveals to them. As a spe- to Reflex Defense against any single attack.

cies, they know of the Republic's Expert Pilot: An Iktotchi can reroll any Pilot check, but the result of the

coming long before their world is reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.
visited, and they are prepared to
n Automatic Languages: Basic and Iktotchese.

'lI welcome the guests that would KALEESH
usher them into a vast galactic


J:) society. Iktotchi are famed for their prowess as pilots, and attribute their The Kaleesh are a nomadic species with a tribal culture. They are spiritual

success at the helm to nearly imperceptible precognitive inclinations. beings who worship their ancestors as deities, and they consider their ances-

Because of their visions, Iktotchi are aware of the bloodshed that heralds tral burial grounds to be sacred lands. The Kaleesh believe that anyone who

the coming of the Clone Wars. Many of the era's prominent diplomats are dies in honorable service to his people becomes a god upon death.

Iktotchi who seek to avert the impending violence. The Kaleesh come to momentary prominence in the galaxy when they

Personality: Iktotchi are a deeply emotional species. Despite their sensi- fight off an invasion by an alien species known as the Huk. Having already

tive qualities, their culture dictates that they must hide their feelings behind subjugated and exploited the natural resources of

a veneer of quiet stoicism. Though they respect the nature of diversity in several worlds, the Huk capture millions

the galaxy, the Iktotchi have a hard time forming lasting friendships with of Kaleesh and sell them into slavery.

members of other species because of the Iktotchi's occasional impatience However, the Huk invasion of Kalee is

with species who lack their precognitive gifts and because of other species' short lived. Under the leadership of a

overt suspicion of the Iktotchi's precognition. hero who eventually comes to be known

Physical Description: The Iktotchi are a humanoid species with large, as Grievous, the Kaleesh repel the Huk.

downward-curving horns. Females have smaller horns than the males. Their They doggedly pursue their enemies

skin is thick, tan, and hairless, weather beaten by Iktotchon's fierce winds. into space, and the Huk are completely

Their eye color ranges from yellow to orange . overcome by the Kaleesh. The hunters

Homeworld: Iktotchon. become the hunted. The Huk request

Languages: Iktotchese. assistance from the Republic, and

Example Names: Arctan Meeso, Daedar Xiese, Liiren Baelar, Niira Korl, through a number of underhanded

Saesee Tiin, Seer Varree. dealings, they receive it. As a

Adventurers: Iktotchi who journey out into the galaxy become nobles, result, the Republic subjects

scouts, or soldiers. A small number excel as scoundrels by using their spe- the Kaleesh to severe eco-

cies' reputation for clairvoyance to run scams and rackets, despite a strong nomic sanctions, and the

cultural prohibition against using their visions to generate a profit. Because Kaleesh are marginalized by

of their precognitive talents, there have been several notable Iktotchi Jedi, galactic society.

such as Saesee Tiin.

Personality: Kaleesh are a warlike species, but they reserve their ire for KAMINOANS
those who provoke them. They are protective of their territory-especially
the ir ancient burial grounds. Kaleesh hold their families and tribes in high The watery planet of Kamino is home to a species of cloners known as
esteem, and do anything to protect them . These sentiments sometimes extend Kaminoans. These tall aliens are the result of generations of selective
to non-Kaleesh who prove themselves to be trustworthy companions, but breeding and genetic modification that began when their world suffered a
such a distinction is rare . Honor and sacrifice at the expense of oneself are drastic change in climate. These restrictive breeding programs have made
high ly valued qualities in their society. Kaminoans an extremely adaptable species. Apart from gender, Kaminoans
have little variation, and to the untrained eye they all look the same. Subtle
Physical Description: The Kaleesh are tall, reptilian humanoids. Their variations have been introduced into their genetic codes, however, allowing
scaly skin varies from deep red to dull yellow. Their black hair is worn in long for diversity within a strict set of parameters.
braids or tied up in a queue or topknot.
The economy of Kamino is based on cloning for profit, but not every
The long faces of the Kaleesh are framed on either side by two sharp Kaminoan is a cloner by trade. The majority of Kaminoans support their com-
tusks that extend outward from their jawbones, and their nostrils are two munities with various skills and specialized abilities . They strive to perform
long slits that stretch toward their yellow eyes. However, few non-Ka leesh their work flawlessly, and seek perfection. Because Kaminoans are moderately
have seen the faces of these enigmatic aliens, for they wear masks made xenophobic and rarely venture away from their homeworld, they are a rare
from the skulls of some of Kalee's most vicious predators. The Kaleesh are sight in other parts of the galaxy.
also distingu ished by their hands, which each feature four long fingers, two
of which are ful ly opposable. Personality: Kaminoans see themselves as superior to other forms of life.
They harbor a private intolerance for imperfection, but they are, nonetheless,
Homeworld: Kalee. polite to outsiders. To a Kaminoan, any species that seeks self improvement is
Languages: Kaleesh. worthy of respect, but those who do not are obviously inferior and deserve their
Example Names: Qymaen jai Sheela I, Ronderu lij Kummar, Bentilais san inevitable decline. This attitude is reflected in their cloning processes, where
Sk'ar. entire crops of clones might be eliminated due to a single, subtle flaw.
Adventurers: The Kaleesh excel in the roles of scout and soldier. Given
their inherent sense of hono r and dignity, they also make excellent nobles Physical Description: Kaminoans are tall and gaunt, with pale skin,
but rare ly take on the role of a scoundrel. Although no Kaleesh Jedi are three-fingered hands, and long necks. Their faces are small and dominated
known, Kaleesh spiritual traditions view Force sensitivity as a boon granted by a pair of large, black eyes. Every male Kaminoan has a finlike crest on the
by their ancestors. top of his head, but female Kaminoans have none.

Kaleesh share the following species traits: Languages: Kaminoan.
Example Names: Aya Lim, Lama Su,
Ability Modifiers: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Maru Lan, Tau Shel, Taga Sai, Seva Ke,
Charisma. Taun We.
Adventurers: Because they are
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Kaleesh have no special bonuses or genetically designed, Kaminoans
pena lties due to their size. are bred to fulfill a specific role
or niche . They make excellent
Speed: Kaleesh base speed is 6 squares. nobles, scouts, and soldiers.
Conditional Bonus Feat: Kaleesh are a nomadic people who have learned Scoundrels, though rare, are
to live off the land. A Kaleesh with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus not unheard of. Kaminoans are
(Survival) as a bonus feat. not bred with Force sensitivity,
Darkvision: Because of the thermoreceptor glands next to their eyes, though anomalies are possible.
Kaleesh ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness. Kaminoan Jedi are essentially
However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness. nonexistent.
Driven: Kaleesh are focused individuals who maintain sight of their goals
even under adverse conditions. Because of th is single-minded drive, they gain
a +5 species bonus to Will Defense against mind-affecting effects.
Persistent: A Kaleesh can reroll any Endurance check, but the result of
the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Kaleesh.


Kaminoans share the following species traits : Kerkoidens have shifted

Ability Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, - 2 Wisdom. many of their cunning

Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Kaminoans have no special bonuses predatory instincts over to

or penalties due to their size. the social arena, becom-

Speed: Kaminoan base speed is 6 squares. ing savvy politicians on

Conditional Bonus Feat: Kaminoans are expert cloners and possess a galactic scale . Most

remarkably knowledge about the physiologies of species across the galaxy. Kerkoidens are pushy if

A Kaminoan with Treat Injury as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (Treat Injury) not outright aggressive.

as a bonus feat. They are regard every-

Resistant: Scientific refinements to their genetic code make Kaminoans one with suspicion, and

resistant to poisons, disease, radiation, and other hazards that target their expect deception from

physio logy. Kaminoans gain a +2 species bonus to Fortitude Defense. their political and social

Automatic Languages: Basic and Kaminoan. rivals . Additionally, many

Kerkoidens would like to

KERKOIDENS believe that their people

A smaller species from the Expansion Region, the Kerkoidens are aggressive are more evolved and
and cunning beings who often have someth ing to prove. Excellent traders,
o sophisticated than their
heritage suggests, leading
I them to be both elitist and

)- ski lled politicians, and creative mi litary commanders, Kerkoidens are known

-i as formidable opponents, a reputation they prove is well-earned during the arrogant at times.
Physical Description:
II Clone Wars.

Xenobiologists from the University of Sanbra believe that the Kerkoiden Kerkoidens are hunched beings with rough skin that ranges in hue from green

species descended from quadruped predators that hunt on the savannahs to dark blue. Their bodies stil l show signs of predator physiology, namely their

and in the jungles of Kerkoidia. Much of the Kerkoiden physiology seems to long claws and jutting teeth. Kerkoidens have tall, slender heads with long

support this claim, including their hunched posture, long snout, claws, and snouts and narrow eyes.

jutting teeth . Additionally, Kerkoiden aggression seems to be consistent with Homeworld: The Kerkoiden species hails from Kerkoidia, a world covered

the predatory instincts of their ancestors, lending credence to this theory in tall, grassy savannahs and thick swamps in the Expansion Region, specifi -

of Kerkoiden evolution. cally in the Kira Sector just off of the Harrin Trade Corridor.

The Kerkoiden species as a whole has fought to evolve beyond their Languages: Kerkoidens speak Kerkoidese and Basic.

predatory ancestry and prove to the galaxy that they are sophisticated and Example Names: Dram Bothren, Var Cashral, Ph eel Hoshar, Whorm

civilized . Many Kerkoiden nobles pride themselves on superior breeding Loathsom.

and also on being refined and sophisticated enough to rub elbows with the Adventurers: Kerkoiden adventurers gravitate toward classes where

galaxy's elite on Coruscant. Of course, this also leads to elitism among the they can freely exhibit their aggressiveness or demonstrate their sophisti-

Kerkoidens, which does the species no favors on the galactic scene. cation. Soldiers are common. Kerkoidens also make excellent nobles, using

"UNLESS YOU CAL.L. their wisdo m and cunning to talk circles around their opponents. Kerkoiden
scoundrels take pleasure in throwing a proverbial hydrospanner into their

OFF YOUR TROOPS opponents' plans, sowing discord and shattering enemy organization.
Kerkoidens who learn to temper their aggression with wisdom might also
RIGHT NOW, I WILL. become Jed i.






K SRKCJIDEN SPECIES TRAITS Adventurers: Nautolans o
Kerkoidens share the following sp ecies traits: crave adventure and are
as likely to be nobles or I
Ability Modifiers: -2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom . Though less hardy than scoundrels as they are to
other species, Kerkoidens are devious and cunning. be scouts or soldiers. There )
have also been several
Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Kerkoidens have no special bonuses notable Nau tolan Jedi. 1)
or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Kerkoiden base speed is 6 squares. SPECIES
Predator's Heritage: Despite their stature, Kerkoidens are descended TRAITS I~
from predatory beings. Kerkoidens gain a +2 species bonus on damage Nau tolans share the follow -
rolls against a target that has been damaged since the beginning of the ing species traits:
Kerkoiden's last turn .
Social Cunning: Kerkoidens may use their Wisdom modifier in the place Ability Modifiers: +2
of their Charisma modifier for determining their ski ll bonus on Decep tion Constitution, -2 Intelli-
and Persuasion . gence, -2 Wisdom .
Automatic Languages: Basic and Kerkoidese.
Medium Size: As
N AUTOL..ANS Medium creatures, Nau-
tolans have no special
Nautolans are one of the sentient species native to the planet Glee Anselm. bonuses or penalties due to
Their language, Nautila, evolved underwater and is heavily tied to pheromones. their size.
Out of water, Nautila loses much of its meaning. As a result, Nautolans learn
another language, typically either Basic or Anselmian, the language of the Speed: Nautolan base speed is 6 squares. They have a swim speed of 4
Anselmi people, who are native to Glee Anselm's land masses. squares.

Even though they are aquatic, Nautolans have little difficulty living in Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Nautolans cannot drown
climates that would be uncomfortable for other amphibians. They are a in water.
hardy species, due in part to the extra cartilage that supports their skeletal
structures. Given their aquatic orig ins, they are excellent swimmers. Expert Swimmer: A Nautolan can reroll any Swim check, but the result
of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition, a Nauto lan can
Personality: Nautolans are loyal and steadfast companions. They wear take 10 on Swim checks even when distracted or threatened .
their moods on their proverbial sleeves, expressing both joy and despair with
equal zeal. Though polite and civilized under most circ*mstances, Nautolans Low-Light Vision: Nautolans ignore concealment (but not total conceal-
tend to reflect the moods of others around them. The tendrils on their heads ment) from darkness.
sense the pheromones released by others. This can inadvertently affect a
Nautolan's disposition-for better or for worse. Despite their peaceful nature, Natural Damage Reduction: The rubbery hide of a Nautolan provides
Nautolans are not above defending themselves. DR 2.

Physical Description: Nautolans have thick green skin that is covered Pheromonal Sensor: A Nautolan can reroll any Perception check made
in dark, mottled spots. Their large, black eyes allow them to see well in dim to sense deception or sense influence, but the result of the reroll must be
light. Each Nautolan's head is crowned by long, tentaclelike tendrils, which accepted, even if it is worse. If underwater, the Nautol an can take the better
the Nautolan decorates with leather bands, metal rings, or beaded ties. of the two rolls instead.

Homeworld: Glee Anselm. Automatic Languages: Basic and Nautila.
Languages: Nautila .
Example Names: Hiskar Dorset, Kit Fisto, Ploss Niklos, Renko Losa,
Rin Mako, Setel Yast.

NELVAANIANS Physical Description: The Nelvaanians are a humanoid species with
pronounced canine characteristics. They have blue-green fur, large teeth In
Nelvaanians, also referred to as Nelvaans, a pronounced muzzle, and two pointy, independently movable ears. A thick
are a species of tribal humanoids from
the planet Nelvaan. They are a prim itive mane of black hair on their heads extends down the napes of their necks,
species, using only crude technology. and this tends to whiten with age.
Male Nelvaanians are responsible for
hunting game and protecting the tr ibe, After the experiments of the Techno Union, nearly all Ne lva anian
while females are responsible for the day- males are transformed into hulking monstrosities due to intensive genetic
to - day affairs of their tribe, which includes manipu lation. This genetic trait persists in males born after the Clone Wars,
raising cubs. though females are not subject to the mutation.

At the top of the Nelvaanian tr ibe Homeworld: Nelvaan.
is the chief, who rules with the help Languages: Nelvaanese.
of his mate and a shaman. A tribal Example Names: Harvos, Orvos, Tuzes-Adaz.
chief is not chosen by trial, nor is he Adventurers: Nelvaanians are ra rely encountered away from Nel-
vaan, but those who are become soldiers and scouts.

elected to his position. Instead, the NELVAANIAN SPECIES

chief's ascension is determined by the TRAITS

fJ grace of the "Great Mother" and is Nelvaanians share the following species traits:
Ability Modifiers: -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom.
»I established through a show of mutual Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Nelvaanians have no special
admiration and respect among the

-I entire tribe. Religion and spirituality
(IJ bonuses or penalties due to their size .
II are the center of Nelvaanian society.
Speed: Nelvaanian base speed is 6 squares.
Elders are revered, as are mothers of
Low-Light Vision: Nelvaanians ignore concealment (but not total
all ages.
concealment) from darkness.
During the Clone Wars, male Nel-
Primitive: Nelvaanians do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles,
vaanians are abducted by the Techno
or heavy weapons) as starting feats at 1st level, even if their class normally
Union and subjected to extensive physiological and genetic manipulation in
grants them. ..
an attempt to create a race of mutant warriors. The experiments are partially
Scent: Nelvaan ians have a keen sense of smell. At close range (Within
successful, turning the males of the species into monstrous versions of their
10 squares). Ne lvaanians ignore concealment and cover for the purposes
former selves. However, the experiments are stopped by Anakin Skywalker,
of Perception checks, and they take no penalty from poor visibility when
and the modified Nelvaanians reunite with their tr ibes.
Personality: Nelvaanians are closely tied by the bonds of family and
Shadow Swiftness: If a Nelvaanian begins its turn with concealment from
kinsh ip. They are superstitious, attributing magical powers to most technol-
a target or with the target unaware of it, the Ne lvaan ian does not provoke
ogy, which they distrust. Nevertheless, they are honorable and faithful once
attacks of opportunity when moving through the target's threatened space
their trust is earned. Genetically mod ified male Nelvaanians are somewhat
until the end of the Nelvaanian's turn.
less astute than their female counterparts, and this extends to their social
Automatic Languages: Nelvaanese.
graces, as well.





VURKS Physical Description: Vurks are tall, reptilian amphibians with leathery
gray-green skin. Their eyes are dark and set deep in their faces. A long crest
Vurks are an amphibious extends up and back from a Vurk's skull. A Vurk has two long , thick fingers
species from the planet and an opposable thumb on each hand.
Sembla. Their way of life
is based on a nomadic life- Homeworld: Sembla.
style, as large fam il y units Languages: Semblan.
move en masse across Sem- Example Names: Coleman Trebor, Sweitt Concorkill.
bla's watery surface. They Adventurers: Vurks who leave their homeworld tend toward the path
transition easi ly from the of the scout or soldier. A handful of Vurk nob les make their way to the
depths of Semb la's warm sta rs as diplomats, but given the species' ingrained integrity, few Vurk are
seas to the heights of its scoundrels.
rocky, volcanic archipelagos.
Vurk families rarely stop in VURK SPECIES TRAITS
anyone spot for more than
afortnight at a time. Vurks share the following species traits :

When two or more Vurk Ability Modifiers: -2 Dexterit y, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma.
clans meet during the ir
constant migration, the Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Vurks have no special bonuses or
families of these clans stop
and hold a mutua l feast. penalties due to their size.
Tests of strength, speed,
and wits are commonplace, Speed: Vurk base speed is 6 squares. Vurk have a swim speed of 4 o
as are arranged marriages
and commerce. Young males squares. I
are married off by their parents and leave to be with their wives and their
new families. Male Vurks who fail to marry before reaching adulthood remain Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Vurks cannot drown ~
bachelors for the rest of their lives.
in water. 11
Originally considered a primitive species by galactic survey teams, Vurks -1
are intelligent and philosophically advanced. From birth, they are taught to Expert Swimmer: A Vurk can reroll any Swim check, but the result of
honor personal integrity, individual freedom, and honesty. Because of these (1l
tenets, Vurks make excellent diplomats and negotiators.
. Personality: Known for their even tempers, compassion, and personal II
mtegrlty, Vurks abhor lying. They take their duties, whether to family, fr iends,
or nation, seriously. Because of this, others consider them somewhat blunt the rerall must be accepted , even if it is worse. In addition , a Vurk can take
and stern.
10 on Swim checks even when distracted or threatened .

Placid: Vurks oafredarenngoewr.nOedncfeorpethreeinr caobuilnittyert,oarsema afrienecaalcmtioann,dacVoullerkctcead~
even in the face

remove one fear effect currently affecting it.

Nomads: As nomads, Vurks are accustomed to moving around, even

through dangerous places. A Vurk can reroll any Survival check, but the

result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse.

Automatic Languages: Basic and Semblan.





A hero in a Clone Wars campaign can come from almost any world in the Star A key facet of galactic culture that leads to the eruption of the Clone Wars

Wars saga, and chances are his or her life has been affected by the war in is rampant corruption. Politicians, nobles, businessmen, and other wealthy

some way. Few worlds escape the galactic conflict, so even primitive planets and powerful beings disregard their responsibility to those less fortunate

can become critical battlefields in the Clone Wars. Your hero might be from an and put their own desires and greed above the needs of those who rely on

obscure, out-of-the-way planet like Nelvaan, drawn into the war after Anakin them. Corruption in the Senate allows Senator Palpatine to maneuver his

Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi liberate the Nelvaanians from the oppression way into the position of Supreme Chancellor, and the greed of the member

of the Techno Union. Or your hero might be a noble from Commenor, run- organizations of the Confederacy allows Darth Sidious and Count Dooku to

ning away from a life of wealth and luxury to join in the war effort for the manipulate them into starting a galaxy-spann ing war. Heroes of th is era

Separatists. With special permission from your Gamemaster, you might even have likely been exposed to corruption. Jed i witness the fall of Count Dooku,

be able to playa member of a species that has not yet entered the ga laxy at nobles have brushes with power-hungry peers, and soldiers are thrown into

large, such as Ewoks or the Chiss, if your hero's unique history includes an chaos by the carelessness with wh ich politicians commit lives to battle. Many

explanation of how the conflicts of the Clone Wars cause you to leave your heroes in a Clone Wars campaign have been put on their path as a result of

home planet well before the rest of the galaxy even knows it exists. In a Clone the corruption of others.

Wars campaign, planet of origin is rarely a hindrance for a character becoming

high ly involved in the conflict, as the battles of the Clone Wars stretch from "YOUR L..IOHTSABERS
the densely populated Core Worlds all the way to the Outer Rim.

1) The Clone Wars are waning years for the Jedi Order. Not only do their


[IJ numbers shrink leading up to the confl ict, but ma ny Jedi Generals are killed


= in skirmishes on distant battlefields. Ultim ately, the Jed i Order is nearly -[3 NERAL RIEV US
completely wiped out by Order 66, but even before that point, many Jed i

sense that their organization is on the decline. This affects not only the

Jedi themselves but also those who rely on the Jedi for peace and justice. HIOH-PROFILE VILLAINS

With the Jedi drawn away to fight in the Clone Wars, planets that rely on The Clone Wars allow for the ascension of powerful villains into the limelight.

the Jedi to settle disputes and protect them from predatory neighbors are The Separatists, denounced by the Republic as greed-driven traitors, have

now exposed to danger and unrest. Your hero might be a native of an Outer some of the most visible and eclectic villains in the entire Star Wars saga.

Rim world that relies on local Jedi for protection from pirates; with the Jedi Count Dooku is a well-known Jedi traitor; General Grievous is a reputedly bril-

engaged in the Clone Wars, the pirates ravage your homeworld, leaving you liant military leader whose visage intimidates his enemies; General Lo athsom

to find your way in the galaxy with no home to return to. Likewise, your is a vicious brute, Asajj Ventress an aspiring Sith, and Durge an immortal

hero could be a mercenary who serves alongside a Jedi general who, like bounty hunter. Even Darth Maul, whose involvement in the lead-up to the

Jedi Master Kota, prefers not to work wi th clone troops; when the Jedi falls Clone Wa rs ends nearly ten years before the outbreak of wa r, works closely

in battle, yo ur hero sudden ly finds himsel f without an employer. These are alongside leaders of the Trade Federation. Your hero might have a history

the kinds of heroes that might arise as a result of the changing status of the involving one of these high-profile Separatists, even if the Gamemaster

Jedi during the Clone Wars. chooses not to integrate that vi llain into your campaign. Your hero might be

a Kaleesh who fought alongside General Grievous on Kalee, but now your

hero resents Grievous for his role in the devastation of your planet. Similarly,

your world might have been blasted from orbit by Separatist vessels under

the command of General Loathsom, or the bounty hunter Durge might have

killed or captured a member of your immediate family. Tying your hero's

history to one of these highly visible villains is an excellent way to help your

hero feel more like a part of the Clone Wars campaign .


Anecessity of warfare is the increased militarization of the galaxy. The best
example is the Republic government, which has no standing military prior to I
the Clone Wars. To sta nd against the forces of the Confederacy, the Republic
militarizes quickly (with the he lp of the Kaminoan cloners and the military ~
hardware provided by Rothana Heavy Engineering) . Individual worlds that
pledge their support to the Republic find themselves the beneficiaries of this 1;1
militarization, but many also have their infrastructure commandeered for
the increased production requirements of the war effort. Separatist worlds ITJ
spend la rge amounts of credits pumping out new sta rships, walkers, tanks,
and battle droids, buying them from other member worlds or mass-producin g II
materiel for their own use. As a result, even once-peaceful worlds have their
industries converted to military use, including agriculture (clone troopers =
must be fed). medical (injured soldiers need healing to keep fighting). and
manufacturing (producing the weapons and veh icles of war). You r scoundrel
hero might have established herself as a smuggler of fine antiquities, but
finds that her services are required for legally shipping supplies to the front
lines. Or your sco ut hero might have been a big game hunter who traveled the
Outer Rim in search of the next big hunt, but thanks to a massive increase
in military influence, finds herself recruited as a guide for Republic troops
through the deep j ungles of Fe lucia.

-..JEDI Establishing your Jedi hero's role in the Clone Wars is an important part
of creating your character. Jedi who follow the Guardian path, and any Jedi
During the Clone Wars, the Jedi are not just the defenders of peace and jus- that use their powers to enhance their combat prowess, are likely to seek out
tice but also the military leaders of the Republic. The Jedi are placed at the an active role in the war effort. This might mean leading clone troopers into
head of clone armies, and they wade into battle on distant worlds alongside battle, working with elite Republic commandos, or leading a starfighter corps
the rest of the Grand Army of the Republi c. For Jedi heroes in a Clone Wars into Separa tist space. Jed i who follow the Consula r path join the Republi c
campaig n, this means being sent on military assignments, even for Padawan s. as healers and diplomats. Some Jedi join up with Republic Mobile Surgical
Your Jedi hero might be out in the galaxy on a dangerous mission entrusted Un its (RMSUs). provid ing Force-assisted healing for those injured in battl e.
to you by the Jedi Council, or you might be accompanying your Master to an Other Jedi act as liaisons between the Republic and the civ il ian populations
important planet to defend it against Separatist attacks. Though the Jedi are of disputed worlds, providing humanitarian assistance or merely serving in a
allied with the Republic, some Jedi, such as Quinlan Vos, go undercover to diplomatic capacity. Jedi who fol low the path of the Sentinel put their skills
infiltrate the Confederacy; such Jedi would likely keep their allegiances and in stea lth, subte rfuge , and investigation to good use as undercover agents,
powers a secret, as the powerful Force-u sers among the Separatists would spie s, and saboteurs. These Jedi act beh ind enemy lines, infiltrating Separatist
be able to detect both their deception and, likely, their subterfuge. forces or causing chaos and havoc for the Confederacy.

The following talents are intended for use with the Jedi class.
The Clone Wars can be difficult for nobles. Those nobles who are members of

New Jedi Consular Talents nob le houses or corporations on disputed worlds might find their resources

The following new talents belong to the Jedi Consular talent tree (see page dra ined by one faction or another, and others' homes and livelihoods are

39 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the comp letely destroyed when conflict comes to their home planet. Though

Jedi class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the Jedi nobles can fill their traditional role , the Clone Wars provide opportunities for

Consular talent tree can choose from these talents as well. nobles to see what life is like for most citizens of the galaxy. When a battle

Consular's Vita lity: Jedi during the Clone Wars learn to call upon the between the Separatists and the Republic literally destroys everything they

Force not only for their own strength but also to aid the clone troopers and know and love, many nobles turn to a life among the stars, using their skills

other allies under their command. Once per round as a swift action , you gran t and knowledge to their advantage. With nothing left to lose, some nobles

one ally within 12 squares of you (and in your line of sight) bonus hit po ints flee their homeworlds, seeking a haven safer and farther from the war, only

equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier. These bonus hit points last until the to find themselves drawn back in.

beginning of your next turn (at which point any remaining bonus hit points By the same token, many nobles find their own place in the war. Those

are lostl, and any damage dealt to that ally comes out of bonus hit points nobles whose wealth ties them to the various commercial institutions that

first. You take a -5 penalty on all Use the Force checks until the beg inning make up the Confederacy f ind it in their best interests to contribute to the

of your next turn. war effort. Nob les serve as officers aboard Separatist starships or lead

n Improved Consular's Vitality: Whenever you damage a target with a ground troops into battle. Other nobles are not so eager to throw their sup-

»I successfu l lightsaber attack, you may use the Consular's Vital ity talent as port in with the Separatists, despite their financial ties, and instead turn

1) a free action instead of a swift action until the start of your next turn. their back on the Confederacy to support the Republic. Those nobles who do
not become military officers (on one side of the conflict or the other) might
fight to protect their interests or to expand their influence and profit from
= New Jedi Guardian Talents the chaos of war. Many nobles find themselves on worlds occupied by the
The following new talents belong to the Jedi Guardian talent tree (see page
factions they do not support, and to survive they put on a friendly face for
40 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the
their new maste rs while secretly working against them from within. Even
Jedi class. Any character who can normal ly choose talents from the Jedi
though these nobles might be branded as traitors or collaborators, they know
Guardian talent tree can choose from these talents as well.
in their hearts where their true loyalties lie.
Exposing Strike: When you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a target,

you can spend a Force Point to make that target flat-footed until the end NEW NOBLE TALENTS
of your next turn. The following new talents are intended for use with the noble class.

Guardian Strike: Whenever you use a lightsaber to deal damage to a

target, that target takes a -2 penalty on attack ro lls against any target othe r Collaborator Talent Tree
than you until the beginning of your next turn .
Some nobles learn to work both sides of the conflict in war and can manipu-

New Jedi Sentinel Talents late the ir enem ies into believing they are allies.
Double Agen t : When you roll Initiative at the beginning of combat,
The following new talents belong to the Jedi Sentinel talent tree (see page
40 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the also ro ll a Deception check, comparing the result to the Will Defense of all
Jedi class. Any character who can norma lly choose talents from the Jedi enemies in line of sight. If your Deception check is successful, that target
Sentinel talent tree can choose from these talents as well. cannot attack you and does not believe you to be an enemy (though they do
not consider you an ally) while this effect is active. If you attack or otherwise
Sentinel 's Observa t ion: If you have concealment against a target, you obviously harm or hinder a target under the effect of this talent, or one of
gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus on attack rolls against that target. that target's allies, this effect ends .

Unseen Eyes: Whenever you use the Force Haze talent, allies hidden by This is a mind-affecting effect.
the haze can reroll any Perception check, keeping the better result. Addition-

ally, allies hidden by the haze gain +2 on all damage rolls against foes that

are unaware of them.

Prerequisites: Clear Mind, Force Haze.

Enemy Tactics: Whenever an enemy within 12 squares of you and in Protector Actions: You and your followers have learned to work together n
your line of sight receives an insight or morale bonus fro m any source, you to great effect, ensuring that you remain safe wh ile allowing them to do their »I
can also gain that bonus, subject to all the same limitations as the bonus duty. You can use any of the following actions on your turn .
provided to that enemy. • Bodyguard: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged attack 1)

Feed Information: As a swift actio n, you can grant one enemy a + 1 against a target within range. Until the end of your next turn , if that .;
bonus on its next attack roll made before the beginning of your next turn. target damages you with an attack or a Force power, as a reaction you
Additional ly, unti l the beginning of your next turn, you can designate one can choose to redirect the attack or Force power to an adjacent follower; l'l
ally who receives a +2 bonus on its next attack roll. the attack or Force power is resolved against that ally as normal. :0
• Diversion Attack: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged
Friendly Fire: If you are engaged in melee combat with an adjacent attack ag ainst a target with in rang e. If that target attacks you or one of =
enemy an d are the target of a ranged attack that misses you , compare the yo ur allies before the beginning of your next turn, you can move one of
attack roll to the Reflex Defense of one adjacent enemy ; if the attack equals your followers up to its spee d directly toward that target.
or exceeds the target' s Reflex Defense, that enemy becomes the new target • The Best Defense: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged
of the attack, wh ich is resolved as normal. attack against a target within range. For each of your followers armed
with a ranged weapon and having li ne of sight to the target, that target
Prerequisite: Enemy Tactics. takes a - 1 penalty on attack roll s until the beginning of your next turn.
Protection: As a standard action, you can designate one ally and make Prerequisite: Inspire Loyalty.
a Persuasion check, compa ring the result against the Will Defense of all
enemies in your line of sight who can hear and understand you. If your check SCOUNDREL.S
result equals or exceeds a target's Will Defense, that target cannot attack
the ally you designated until the beginning of your next turn. The scoun dre l flourishes during the Clone Wars, because the shifting lines of
Prerequisite: Double Agent. battle and utter chaos create an environment in which she can thrive. With
both the Republic and the Separatists engaged in a lo ng, drawn-out war,
Loyal Protector Talent Tree resources used to keep the peace and enforce the law are instead diverted
As a result of your station, occupation, or even just your natural Charisma, you to enhance military assets. Though planetary police forces and the Sector
can attract one or more fa ithful fol lowers who protect you from harm . Rangers continue to enforce the law, they f ind themselves without the ships,
personnel, and credits necessary to do their jobs, letting scoundrels get away
Inspire Loyalty: You gain a single follower. Choose either the aggres- with more than before. Smugglers, pirates, and black marketeers take the
sive, defensive, or utility fol lo we r template for your follower, generating the opportunity to expand their influence during the Clone Wars, extending their
follower's statistics based on the rules on page 32. This follower gains one operations into new systems and sectors where they previously had littl e
Armor Proficiency feat of your choice and becomes trained in the Perception influence. A scoundrel character can seek to take advantage of the havoc
skill . The follower must meet the prerequisites for the Armor Proficiency wreaked upon the galaxy by war, looking to make credits while the attention
feat you select. of the Republic is elsewhere.

You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one Alternatively, many scoundrels find themselves drawn into the Clone Wars,
additional follower (maximum of 3 followers). find ing more legitimate employmen t as a result of increased need. Many
sm ugglers cease to transport contraband and instead become legitimate
Undying Loyalty: Each of your followers gains the Toughne ss fe at. shippers of weapons and supp lies, giving up a life of crime thanks to the
Prerequisite: Inspire Loyalty. generous contracts handed out to independent trade rs by both the Republic
Punishing Protection: As a reaction to you being damaged by an attack and the Con federacy. Bo th sides of the conflict seek out pirates, offering
or a Force power, one of your followers can make an immediate melee or them commissions to act as privateers t hat prey only on the members of the
ranged attack again st the target that attacked you. Until the beginning opposing faction. Though mostly the domain of the Separatists, bounty hunt-
of you r next turn, any time you are damaged by an attack or Force power, ers and assassins find themselves on the payrolls of factions involved in the
another one of your followers can attack that attacking target. This ability war, serving as mercenaries, bodyguards, and leaders. Any scoundrels whose
can be used once per encounter. skil ls allow them to work well with others can surely find a place alongside
Prerequisites: Inspire Loyalty, base attack bonus +5. one of the factions in the Clone Wars, because both sides of the conflict
engage in tactics fa r outside the realm of proper mi litary protocol.


The following new talents are intended for use with the scoundrel class. The Clone Wars send agents of both the Republic and the Confederacy

New Misfortune Talent to far-flung worlds in search of resources to exploit. Many rely on local
guides to keep them from getting lost in the unfamiliar wilderness, and
The following new talent belongs to the Misfortune talent tree (see page scout heroes become entangled in the conflict in such a way. The RepUbliC
46 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl, which is available to members of the and the Confederacy hire scout heroes either as guides or trackers, but also
scoundrel class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the sometimes as advanced scouts, bounty hunters, and even assassins. Thanks
Misfortune talent tree can choose this talent as well. to the expansive nature of the Clone Wars, major conflicts take place on
undeveloped, wild worlds where the skills of a scout are extremely valuable.
Stymie: Once per round, as a swift action, you can designate a target Without scouts, both the Republic and the Separatists would have a more
within 12 squares of you and in your line of sight as the target of this talent. difficult time finding their way across planets like Felucia and Saleucami,
Until the beginning of your turn, you can cause that target to take a -5 both of which see significant activity during the Clone Wars.
penalty on all checks made with a single skill. You must have line of sight
to your target to make use of this talent, and declare which skill is to be Moreover, scouts find themselves thrust into the Clone Wars against
penalized at the time this talent is activated. their wi ll simply by living on out-of-the-way worlds that become hot spots
for military activity. Though actual conscriptions are rare, many scouts are
This is a mind-affecting effect.

Opportunist Talent Tree scooped up by occupying forces and pressed into service. Though the occu-

n Profiteers, gunrunners, and privateers can use the chaos of war to make a piers pay these scouts, they have little choice in accepting the job. Other

~ tidy profit, and you are no exception. Your talents allow you to make the
-I best of a bad situation, keep your pockets filled with credits, and keep you

(lJ alive long enough to spend them.


= Advantageous Opening: When an enemy or ally in your line of sight rolls
a natural 1 on an attack roll, you can make a melee or ranged attack against

a single target within range .

Retribution: When a target moves one of your allies in your line of sight

down the condition track by any means, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your

attack rolls against that target until the end of your next turn.

Slip By: When you damage a target, until the beginning of your next turn,

you can move through that target's space. Moving through the target's space

might still provoke attacks of opportunity as normal, and you must end your

movement in a legal space .

Thrive on Chaos: When an enemy or ally within 20 squares of you is

reduced to 0 hit points, you gain bonus hit points equal to 5 + one-half

your character level. Damage is subtracted from bonus hit points first, and

any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. Bonus

hit points do not stack.

Prerequisite: Advantageous Opening.

Vindication: When an enemy you have damaged is reduced to 0 hit points

or moved to the bottom of the condition track, your next attack made before

the end of the encounter deals +1 die of damage.

Prerequisite: Retribution.

scouts willingly join one faction or the other, and many of the Republic's • Sweep the Area: As a standa rd action, you can make a melee or ranged n
and Separatists' best scouts do not officially join either faction until the war
comes to their home planets. Regardless of how the hero is drawn into the attack against a target in range . For each of your fol lo wers armed with I
conflict, scou ts have skills that are hot commodities during the Clone Wars. a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, you and each of
As a result, scouts see working for one faction or another during the Clone your followers gains a +1 circ*mstance on Perception checks until the )
Wars as a way to make some easy credits and also improve their standing end of your next turn.
with the winni ng faction . 11
Prerequisite: Reconnaissance Team Leader. -l
Surveillance Talent Tree (IJ
The following new talents are intended for use with the scout class.
You have mastered the art of surveillance, transforming the information you D
Reconnaissance Talent Tree gather with scouting into a distinct advantage on the battlefield.
You have lea rned to work in concert with a team to provide the best recon- Advanced Intel: If you are not surprised at the beginning of combat,
naissance an d cover as much ground as possibl e. you can use the Spotter talent as a free action on your first turn, including
during the surprise round.
Reconnaissance Team Leader: You gain a single follower. Choose either
the aggressive, defensive, or utility follower temp late for your follower, Prerequisite: Spotter.
generating the follower's statistics using the rules on page 32. This follower
gains the Skill Training feat for the Perception and Stealth skills. Additionally, Hidden Eyes: If you have concealment from a target, you gain a +5
whenever you use the Stealth skill, all your followers can also make Stealth circ*mstance bonus on all Perception checks made against that target.
checks as a part of the same action if they are ab le to.
Hunt the Hunter: When you use a standard action to actively look for
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one hidden enemies (as per the Notice Ta rgets application of the Perception skill).
additional follower (maximum of three followers). you can make a single melee or ranged attack against anyone enemy you
notice with your Perception check.
Close-Combat Assault: Each of your followers gains the Poin t Blank
Shot feat. Seek and Destroy : If you make a charge attack against a target that
is unaware of you , that target cannot make a Perception check to notice
Prerequisite: Reconnaissance Team Leader. you until after the attack is resolved, even if you move away from cover or
concea lment.
Get Into Position: As a move action, you can cause one of your followers
to move up to his or her speed +2 squares. Prerequisite: Hidden Eyes.

Prerequisites: Reconnaissance Team Leader, base attack bonus +5. Spotter: As a move action , you ca n make a Perception chec k with a DC
equal to 10 + the CL of a single target enemy in your line of sight. If you
Reconnaissance Actions: You and your reconnai ssa nce team have succeed on the check, you and all your allies that can hear and understand
learned to work tog ether as a cohes ive unit and have an established set you gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against that target until the end
of tactics, which you have practiced to perfection. You can use any of the of you r next turn.
following actions on your turn.
• Forward Scouting: As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged
The Clone Wars are a sold ier's dream. With two major fact ions struggl ing
attack against a target in range. For each of your followers armed with for control of the ga laxy, soldiers find themselves in high demand on both
a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, you can grant sides of the battlefield. Professional soldiers, including members of planetary
one ally a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls against your target until the militias, lend their expertise to the Republic or the Separatists. Some become
beginning of your next turn. Th us, if you have multiple armed followers mercenaries, acting as bl asters-for-hire for the highest bidd er. Others f ight
with li ne of sight to the target, you can grant the +2 bonus to mUltiple out of idealism, standing by their principles as they support the Republic
allies. or secede with the Confederacy. The Clone Wars present a straightfo rward
conflict between two forces of relatively equal power, and t he tou ghness
• Group Sniping : As a standard action, you can make a melee or ranged and cunning of sold iers can tip the sca les of an y given battle.

attack against a target in range . For each of your fo llowers armed with Soldiers are everywhere during the Clone Wars. The clone s and droids
a ranged weapon who has line of sight to your target, you and each of fighting on either side have sol diers among them (and players might choose
your fo llowers gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to Stealth check s until to create heroic clone or droid characters). Pilots and vehicle operators in
the end of your next turn. the Clone Wars are soldiers, as are gunners manning artillery stations. Most

soldiers specialize in a particular field during the Clone Wars, providing a Phalanx: Whenever you provide soft cover to an ally within 3 squares,

specific service as a member of infantry units, starfighter corps, or armor you are considered to be providing improved cover.

units. Heroic soldiers are usually more than rank-and-file troopers during the Prerequisite: Watch Your Back.

Clone Wars; many are officers (even low-level captains and lieutenants) com- Stick Together: You can spend a move action to act ivate this ta lent.

manding larger groups of soldiers, and some are elite special forces soldiers- Until the beginning of your next turn, if an all y moves you can immediately

expected to be more talented and more deadly than other soldiers. move up to your speed as a move action, provided you end you r movement

within 3 squares of that ally.

NEW SOLDIER TALENTS Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms.

The following new talents are intended for use with the soldier class. Watch Your Back: If you are adjacent to at least one ally, enemies gain

no benefit from flanking you or any adjacent allies.

New Brawler Talent

The following new talents belong to the Brawler talent tree (see page 52 of Squad Leader Talent Tree

the Saga Edition core rulebook), which is available to mem bers of the soldier You are a capable military leader who can issue orders to a squad of sold iers

class. Any character who can normally choose talents from the Brawler talent with poise and efficiency.

tree can choose from these talents as well. Commanding Officer: You gain a single follower. Choose either the

Bayonet Master: When you take a full attack action, you can treat a aggressive, defensive, or utility follower template for your follower, generat-

n ranged weapon with a bayonet as a double melee weapon. You can attack ing the follower's statistics using the rules on page 32. Thi s follower gains

I with the bayonet and club a target with your ranged weapon (as with the one Armor Proficiency feat of you r choice and Weapon Proficiency (rifles),

) Gun Club talent), ignoring the normal penalties for attacking with both ends in addition to those provided by the follower templates. The follower must

1) of a double weapon. meet the prerequisites for the Armor Proficiency feat you select.
You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do, you gain one
D Prerequisite: Gun Club.

= Unrelenting Assault: You launch yourself at your foe, attacking with additional fol lower (maximum of three followers).
weapons, limbs, and anything else available. Whenever you miss with a melee Coordinated Tactics: Each of your followers gains the Coordinated Attack

attack or the attack is negated, you still deal your Strength bonus in damage feat (see page 83 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' provided he meets the

to the target (minimum 1) or 2 x your Strength bonus if you attack with a prerequisite. If your follower later meets the prerequisite for the feat, he

weapon you are wei lding two-handed. gains the feat at that time.

Prerequisite: Melee Smash. Prerequisite: Commanding Officer.

Fire at Will: As a full-round action, you and one of your followers can

New Commando Talent make a ranged attack against one target (each) in line of sight. You each

Th e following new ta lent belongs to the Commando talent tree (see page take a -5 penalty to your attack rolls.

52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook)' which is available to members of Prerequisites: Commanding Officer, base attack bonus +5.

the soldier class. Any character who can normally choose talents fro m the Squad Actions: You and your squad have learned to work together as

Commando talent tree can choose this talent as well. a team, and have an established set of tactics that you have practiced to

Keep Them at Bay: When you use the aid another action to suppress perfection. You can use any of the following actions on your turn.

an enemy, that enemy takes a -5 penalty on its next attack instead of the • Autafire Barrage: As a standard action, you can make an autofire attack

normal -2 penalty. Only 1 character may gain the benefits of this talent against legal target spaces. For each of your followers who is armed

against a given target at a time. with a ranged weapon set on autofire and has line of sight to the area

targeted by your autofire, you can designate one additional square as

Trooper Talent Tree targeted by your autofire (that square must be adjacent to your original

In war, soldiers stand side by side against deadly foes, and you have learned target area).

how to keep yourself and your comrades alive in battle. • Open Fire: As a standard action, make a ranged attack against a sing le

Comrades in Arms: Whenever you are within 3 squares of an ally, you target. For each of your followers who is armed with a ranged weapon

gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus on all melee and ranged attack rolls. and has line of sig ht to the target, add +2 to your damage roll on a

Focused Targeting: When you damage a target with a melee or ranged successful hit.

attack, all allies within 3 squares gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against

that target until the beginning of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Comrades in Arms.

• Painted Target: As a standard action, make a ranged attack against a KNOWLEDOE (TACTICS)
single target. You gain a competence bonus on your attack roll equal to Heroes in a Clone Wars campaign often find themselves on the field of
the number of your followers who are armed with a ranged weapon and battle, and only the quick minds of military leaders can ensure that the
have line of sight to the target. Thus, if you have three armed followers heroes survive or even emerge victor ious. The fo ll owing new applica tion s
with line of sight to the target, you gain a +3 competence bonus on of the Knowledge (tactics) skill can be used in any era but are particularly
your attack roll. relevant to the Clone Wars.
Prerequisite: Commanding Officer.
Anticipate Enemy Strategy (Trained Only): A good tactician can antici-
S KIL.LS pate her enemy's movements and strateg ies, and th en plan acco rdingly. As
a move action, a character trained in Knowledge (tactics) can designate a
Skills in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition cover a broad range of target in her line of sight and make a Knowledge (tactics) check to anticipate
uses under their general titles . Below are new specific uses for some of the the enemy's next move. The DC for the check is equal to the target's Will
skills in the game. However, a skill could apply in situations even when specific Defense, or 10 + the target' s CL if t he target does not have a Will Defe nse
rules are not provided in the skill description. It is up to the Gamemaster to (as is the case for vehicles without unique pilots).
determine when a skill is applicable, or if an ability check is more suitable.
If successful, you gain special insight into the target's strategy and
can anticipate its next move. You learn what actions the target is likely to n
take on its next turn based on the current circ*mstances; if circ*mstances
change, the ta rge t's actions might change as well, though typical ly unless I
the situation changes drastically you should have a good idea of the target's l>
likely next action. The Gamemaster is the final arbiter of just how much
information you gain through the use of this skill . Typi cally this does not 1]
include information on the use of talents or fe ats, but it should provide
information on whether the target is going to attack, who the target intends -i
to attack, where the target might move to , or any other specia l strategies 1Il
the target might employ.
Battlefield Tactics (Trained Only) : If yo u are the commander in a unit
during mass combat, you can use your tactical knowledge to grant extra ::
standard actions to other characters in your unit (see "Mass Combat" on page
95). The base check DC for this applicat ion of the skil l is 20, and it requires
three swift actio ns made on consecutive round s to activate.

The battlefields of the Clone Wars are confusing, hazardous places where
danger can rise from anywhere to strike without warning. Scouts and other
forward units are cri tica l to t he su ccess of a fa ction during a battle. The
following new application of t he Perception skill can be used in any era bu t
is particularly relevant to the Clone Wars.

Long-Range Spotter (Trained Only; requires electrobinoculars):
Though anyone can use electro binocula rs to see objects at a distance, those
trained in the Perception skill can glean particul arly useful insights from
their long-range observation. You can aid another on an attack roll (see
page 151 of the Saga Edit ion core rulebook) made by an ally or all ied veh icle
by making a DC 10 Perception check instead of an attack roll. You must be
able to see the target of the attack t hrough th e electrobinoculars, and you r
target must be at least 50 squares (character scale) from both you and the
ally you aid. Your ally must be able to hear and understand you to use th is
application of the Perception skill.

SURVIVAL. While the target ally is in a Force trance, it can go ten times as long as
Since many of the battles of the Clone Wars take place on worlds hostile to normal without air, food, or water (see the Endurance skill on page 66 of
Humans and other species, it should come as no surprise that the Survival the Saga Edition core rulebook). Unwilling targets cannot be placed in a
skill is used extensively during this era. The following new application of Force trance.
the Survival skill can be used in any era but is particularly relevant to the
Clone Wars. FEATS

Create Defensive Position (Trained Only): A character trained in the The new feats presented here are availab le in any era. Some feats are
Survival skill can make camp in a defensible position, digging trenches or especially appropriate for Clone Wars campaigns and should contribute to
otherwise preparing the encampment to defend against an attack. When character concepts commonly found in this time.
you stop to rest (even in urban or otherwise civilized environments), you can
take 10 minutes to prepare the place where you and your allies are resting ANOINTED HUNTER
as a defensive position. At the end of the 10 minutes, if you succeed on a You have been anointed as a hunter for your tribe and possess skills few
DC 20 Su rvival check, you prepare an area no bigger than 20x20 squares other Nelvaanians do.
as a defensive position . While you and your allies sleep within that area,
you take no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets. Furthermore, all Prerequisite: Nelvaanian species.
creatures take a - 5 penalty on Stealth checks made within the prepared area. Benefit: If you end your move at least 2 squares from where you started,
Lastly, you and all allies gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Reflex Defense you gain a +1 competence bonus on attacks made with thrown weapons
while within the area. If you and your allies abandon the defensive position, until the end of your turn.
the effect ends.
Special: Sleeping or unconscious characters take a -10 penalty on You have learned to use the angle and distance between you and your target
Perception checks. to devastating effect.

USE THE FORCE Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used.
The Jedi generals of the Clone Wars do not all lead clones into battle; many Benefit: When you make an attack with a burst or splash weapon against
serve in auxi liary capacity, such as the Jedi healers who serve in Repub lic a target at greater than point blank range, you can affect two additional
Mobile Surgical Units. The following new application of the Use the Force skill squares adjacent to the normal burst or sp lash area.
can be used in any era but is particularly relevant to the Clone Wars.
Move Light Object (Trained Only): You can use this application of the When you combine fire with an ally, your barrage can have devastating
skill to catch and move a t hrown weapon, such as grenades, that lands within results on the attacker.
your reach. The object can weigh no more than 5 kg. You must ready an action
to catch the object on your turn, before the object is thrown. Moving the Prerequisites: Coordinated Attack, base attack bonus +5.
object requires a Use the Force check, with a DC equal to the attack roll of Benefit: When you aid an ally's attack, for every 3 points that the ally's
the thrown weapon. If you succeed on this check, you catch the object with attack roll beats the target's Reflex Defense, the attack deals + 1 die of
the Force and can immediate ly move the object up to 6 squares away from damage. The maximum number of bonus damage dice the attack receives is
you; otherwise, resolve the attack as normal. If the object you caught is an equal to the number of allies with this feat that aided on the attack roll or
explosive, such as a grenade, it explodes at the end of its movement. You +5 dice, whichever is lower.
can use the object caught as a projectile weapon, as normal.
Place Other in Force Trance (Trained Only): As a full-round action, you You can repair droids quickly.
can place an adjacent willing ally that you touch into a Force trance with
a DC 15 Use the Force check. In this state, the target ally rests as though Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
in a deep coma and is considered helpless. Each hour the target remains in Benefit: You can perform repairs on a droid in 10 minutes.
the trance, the target regains a number of hit points equal to its character Normal: Repairing a droid typically takes 1 hour (see the Mechanics skill,
level. You can bring an adjacent ally you touch out of a Force trance as a page 70 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
swift action, but the target cannot otherwise come out of the Force trance
on his or her own. If the target remains in the Force trance for 4 consecutive
hours, the target emerges from the trance ful ly rested (as though the target
had rested for 8 hours).

You have learned to target the de licate parts of your droid opponents, taking Some of the feats in this chapter may be selected as bonus feats by
advantag e of their mechanical frailties. certain classes. Each class may add the following feats to their relevant
bonus feat list.
Prerequisite: Proficient with weapon used.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against droid enemies, or Class Bonus Feats
+4 if you are using a weapon that deals ion damage.
Jedi Unstoppable Force, Unwavering Resolve, Wary Defender
EX PERIENCED MEDIC Noble Experienced Medic, Leader of Droids, Unwavering Resolve,
You have spent so much time on the battlefield that patching up wounded Wary Defender
allies has become second nature to you . Scoundrel Droid Hunter, Droidcraft, Expert Droid Repair,
Overwhelming Attack
Prerequisite: Trained in Treat Injury. Scout Droid Hunter, Droidcraft, Expert Droid Repair,
Benefit: You can perform surgery (see page 74 of the Saga Edition core Flash and Clear
rulebook) on a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence bonus (min i- Soldier Artillery Shot, Coordinated Barrage, Droid Hunter,
mum 2) simultaneously. You make Treat Injury checks for each individual Experienced Medic, Flash and Clear, Flood of Fire, Grand Army
creature as norma l. of the Republic Training, Gunnery Specialist, Overwhelming
Attack, Separatist Military Training, Trench Warrior,
Unstoppable Force, Wary Defender n

You can repair multip le droids simultaneously.
Prerequisite: Trained in the Mechanics skill.
Benefit: You can repair a number of droids equal to you r Intelligence bonus '0
simultaneously. You make Mechanics checks for each droid as normal. -I

You can use the smoke, noise, lig ht, and confusion caused by your grenade
attacks to move unseen near your foes. D

Benefit: When you damage a target with a burst or splash weapon , you =
gain concealment against that target until the beginning of your next turn.

You fill the air with weapon fire, keeping your opponents from escaping
the barrage.

Pre requisite: Proficient with wea pon used.
Benefit: When you make an area attack with a weapon set on autofire,
all targets in the area lose all dodge or deflection bonuses to Reflex Defense
against the autofire attack.


Move 2 or more squares and gain a +1 bonus on attacks with thrown
weapons until the end of your turn.
You increase the efficacy of your burst and splash weapon attacks .
Allow an ally to deal more damage when you aid his attack.

Repair a droid in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour
Dea l +2 damage to droid enemies, or +4 when using an ion weapon.
Perform surgery on multiple creatures simultaneously.
Repair multiple droids simultaneously
Gain concealment against a target you damage with a burst or splash wea pon.
Ignore enemies' dodge and deflection bonuses to Reflex Defense when ma king
area attacks with a weapon set on autofire.
Apply your armor's equipment bonus to your Will Defense.

Re ro ll an attack made with a vehicle weapon.
Gain one temporary Force Point when targeted by an ally's Force power
or Force talent.
Allied droids benefit from your beneficial mind-affecting effects.
Any attempt to negate your attack takes a - 5 penalty on the attack roll
or skill check.
Add half your Dark Side Score to Use the Force checks to resist detection.
Gain a +1 bonus on an attack roll while adjacent to an ally.
When using a weapon set on autofire, you can reduce the area to 1 square.
When you have cover against a enemy's ranged attacks, gain a +1 bonus
on attack rol ls against that enemy.
Gain a +5 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense against any effect
requiring a Use t he Force check.
Gain a +5 bonus to Will Defense against Deception and Persuasion checks.
Gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will Defense wh il e fight ing defensivel y.

RE PUBL.IC TRAINING You know how to get your attacks past enemy defenses, making sure they
You have received basic training from the Grand Army of the Republic and strike true .
know how to turn even bulky armor into an asset.
Benefit: You must spend two swift actions in the same round to activate
Prerequisite : Proficient with armor worn. th is feat. If your target attempts to use a ta lent, feat, or other ability to
Benefit: If you wear armor that provides an equipment bonus to your negate your attack (such as Block, Deflect, or Vehicular Combatl. the target
Fortitude Defens e, you also apply the armor's equipment bonus to your Wi ll takes a -5 penalty to any attack rolls or skill checks it makes to negate the
Defe nse. attack. This effect applies to the next attack you make before the end of
the same round.
You are right at home in the gunner's seat and use heavy artillery to great PAL.L. OF THE DARK SIDE
effect. You are adept at hiding yourself from Force-users, thanks to the haze of
the dark side.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus + 1.
Benefit: Whi le you are the gunner of a vehicle, you are considered Prerequisite: Dark Side Score 1+.
proficient with vehicle weapons. Additionally, once per encounter, you can Benefit : You can add one-half your Dark Side Score (minimum 1) to any
reroll an attack roll made with a vehicle weapon, though you must keep the Use the Force checks made to resist attempts to detect you with the Sense
second result, even if it is worse. You can declare this reroll after you learn Force application of the Use the Force skil l.
the result of the attack rol l, but before damage is reso lved.
Special: Taking this feat satisfies the prerequ isites for the Starship Tactics SEPARATIST MIL.ITARY TRAINING
feat (page 20 of Starshipsafthe Galaxy); however, unless you are trained in You have rece ived extensive training from the military of the Confederacy
the Pilot skill and have the Veh icular Combat feat, you may only take [gunner] of Independent Systems and are fam il iar with its practices.
maneuvers when you select starship maneuvers for Starship Tacti cs .
Benefit: While you are adjacent to at least one of your al lies, gain a + 1
.J EDI FAMIL.IARITY ci rcu mstance bonus on anyone attack roll you make on your turn .
You have worked alongside Jedi or other Force-users and have developed
an excellent rapport. SPRAY SHOT
You can fire a short burst at an enemy while protecting nearby allies from
Benefit: Once per encounter, when you are targeted or affected by a erran t shots.
Force power or Force talent originating from an ally, you gain one temporary
Force Point, which must be spent before the end of the encounter or it goes Benefit: When you have a weapon set on autofire, you can reduce the
away. If the Force power or Force talent damages you or moves you down area targeted by your autofire attack to 1 square.
the conditio n track, you do not gain the benefit of this feat.
L EADER OF DROIDS You have experience fighting in the trenches, and you know how to use cover
You are experienced in leading dro ids, and you know how to direct them to your attack advantage.
Benefit: When you are adjacent to a wall or object that provides you
Benefit: Whenever you provide a beneficial, mind-affecting effect to with cover from your target's ranged attacks, you gain a +1 circ*mstance
your allies, you may select from among these allies a number of droids equal bonus on your attack rolls against that target.
to your Intell ig ence modifier (minimum 1). The droids you designate ignore
their mind-affecting immunity with regards to this effect, provided they are UNSTOPPABL.E FORCE
willing to ignore this immunity. Your constant exposure to Force-users has taught you methods of physically
resisting their effect on you in battle.

Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Fortitude Defense and Will
Defense against any attack or effect requiring a Use the Force check.


~ are tied directly to the hero who spe nt talents and feats to gain them. How-
ever, followers go on adventures with you and provide assistance, both in
n UNWAVERING RESOLVE combat and in noncombat encounters, and otherwise function as members
You are not easily swayed by the words of others, and can see through of your party. Foll owers are considered your allies, as well as the allies of
I deceptions thanks to your keen mind. your party members.

) Prerequ is ite: Trained in Perception. In a Clone Wars campaign, followers give the heroes an opportunity to
1] Benefit: You gain a +5 insight bonus to Will Defense against Deception lead troops into battle, command a crack squad of Republic Commandos,
and Persuasion checks. contro l a group of mercenaries hired to do reconna issance, or re tain a retinue
-i of gua rds fitting for a noble of stature. Though they serve the same functions
WARY DEFENDER as nonheroic allies, they are different in that their actions are typically under
(I) Even in the heat of battle you can bolster yourself against nearly anything the direct control of one of the heroes. A Jedi hero might lead clone trooper
that comes your way. followers into battle, while a noble might have a team of loyal protectors
D and decoys accompanying her as she travels the galaxy. These followers are
Benefi t : When you use the fight defensively action (see page 152 of not just mindless, faceless drones who obey the hero's every bidding, but
= the Saga Edition core rulebookl, you gain a +2 competence bonus to your they do represent the many background characters that assist heroes in one
Fortitude Defen se and Will Defense until the beginning of your next turn . way or another throughout the Star Wars saga.
For an individual hero, the pre se nce of followers repre sents a significant
~ part of that character's development: leadersh ip. When a hero takes a talent
liiJ that grants fol lowers, that hero has become a leader to a single follower
or small group of NPCs . Gamemasters that allow heroes to take follower-
/] granting talents should encourage these heroes to act as good leaders should,
@ taking care of their followers, ensuring they are healthy and prepared, and
watching out for their emotional and physical we lfare.
Each individual Gamemaster can determine how much or how little time
SJ they devote to fleshing out the personalities and mannerisms of a hero's
followers. For some, assigning a name to the follower is enough, but some
»/] Gamemasters might wish to flesh out the followers as thoroughly as they
wou ld major NPCs for a campaign. Gamemasters should also consult with
~ their players to determine how much detail they would like for their follow-
® ers. For example, a hero leading a squa d of clone troopers as followers might
not care about his fol lowers' thoughts and motivations, and Gamemasters
FOLLOWERS should be aware of how much attention their players want paid to followers'
persona Iity detai Is.
Followers are nonheroic characters that act as your allies and agents during
adventures. Unlike other NPC allies, followers are obtained through talents HUMAN FOLLOWERS
and augmented by ab ilities of your choosing. A player that se lects follower- Since Human species tra its grant a bonus feat and a bonus trained ski ll,
granting ta lents can choose the role, function , and abilities of those fo llowers Human fol lowers gain no species bonus from the standard follower
through further talent selection. Unlike a crime lord's minions, followers do ge neration system. Instead, Human fo llowers can choose one item from
not gain skills or feats as they advance in level, and many of their statistics any tem pl ate (ot her th an t heir own fol lower te mplate) and app ly that to
the follower's statistics instead. For example, a Human follower with the
aggressive temp late could choose to gain the bonus to Reflex Defense
from the defensive follower template, or a Human uti lity follower could
choose t he +2 bonus to Con stitut ion f ro m the agg ressive fol lowe r.

FOLLOWER STATISTICS Skills: Followers do not gain trained skills, though their untrained skill fl
A follower's statistics are determined by your heroic level, so when you modifiers are calculated as normal (one-half level + the relevant ability score I
take a talent that grants you a follower, you need not worry about building modifier). Some templates and talents allow followers to become trained
a character completely from scratch. Similarly, as you gain levels, the fol- in certain skills. Followers do not gain bonus trained skills for having a high :I>
lower's statistics improve, helping your followers stay active as your campaign Intelligence. 1)
progresses. When you gain a follower, you can build a full stat block for that
follower by using the gu idelines presented below. Possessions: All followers have starting credits equal to the starting -l
credits for your first class. 11l
Level: Your followers are considered to be the same level as your hero. lJ
Followers are considered non heroic characters but gain none of the benefits OROID FOLLOWERS
of the non heroic class (see page 277 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Unlike the various alien species of the Star Wars universe, droids do not =
share a basic set of traits that can be used to quickly build a character.
Species: When you receive a follower, you can select the follower's Heroes in a Clone Wars campaign with droid followers are likely to be mem-
species, applying that species' traits to the statistics of the follower. Your bers of the Confederacy (or at least working with the Separatists). Rather
followers never gain bonus feats from their species traits. that restrict droid followers to a single model of droid, all droid followers
use some of the same basic rules to cover their game mechanics, leaving
Initiative: Followers do not make Initiative checks. They act on the hero's the specifics of droid model and appearance up to the Gamemaster. The
turn, as the hero must spend actions to activate them. droids might be super battle droids, droid commandos, or IG-100 bodyguard
droids depending on the needs and desires of the individual hero.
Destiny and Force Points: Followers do not receive Destiny Points or
Force Points, nor do they have destinies. Any effect that would give a fol- However, droid followers come with some pitfalls that nondroid fol-
lower a Force Point, use a follower's Force Point. or otherwise interact with lowers do not. It is much easier to upgrade the combat capabilities of a
the follower's Force Points and Destiny Points have no effect. droid follower simply by purchasing equipment for it, such as hardened
systems or personal shields. Gamemasters should be careful when
Dark Side Score: Followers have Dark Side Scores (though they begin allowing PCs to take droid followers, as they can quickly become more
with no score). which increase as they commit acts that would warrant an powerful than their nondroid counterparts. Gamemasters must carefully
increase normally. consider the repercussions of giving heroes too free a hand in modifying
their droid followers.
Languages: A follower speaks its native languages, plus it has at least
one language in common with you (usually Basic). Use "the following species traits when creating a droid follower:
Ability Scores: Droid followers may choose to apply a +2 bonus to
Defenses: A follower has a Reflex Defense, Fortitude Defense, and Will any ability score of their choice (except Constitution) .
Defense equal to 10 + the relevant ability score modifier + your heroic level. Size: Droid followers should be Medium size. Gamemasters that wish to
Some talents and effects allow you to increase these defenses, and the basic allow droid followers of different sizes can do so, but must make adjustments
follower templates can also include bonuses for individual defenses. Any bonus to statistics and locomotion speed based on the size of the follower.
to Reflex Defense from armor does not stack with the bonus from your heroic Speed: Droid fo llowers can begin with walking locomotion or tracked
level. If the follower is wearing armor, use the higher of the two bonuses. locomotion, each of wh ich confers a speed of 6 squares.
Droid Traits: Droid followers have all of the droid traits and droid
Hit Points: A follower has a number of hit points equal to 10 + your immunities. They follow all of the same rules as droids, as outlined on
heroic level. pages 187-188 of the Saga Edition core rulebook. All droid followers are
considered to be fourth-degree droids, though Gamemasters are free to
Damage Threshold: A follower's damage threshold is calculated as normal allow a different droid degree. Gamemasters should keep in mind, how-
(see page 146 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). ever, that droids of other degrees typically have limitations placed on the
actions they can take (specifically with regards to combat).
Base Attack Bonus: A follower's template determines its base attack Starting Equipment: Droid followers begin with a heuristic processor,
bonus. Aggressive followers use the soldier base attack progression (see 2 arm appendages, and a locomotion system. They gain normal start-
page 51 of the Saga Edition core rulebookl. while defensive and utility fol- ing credits as per the follower ru les, but these credits must be spent on
lowers use the scoundrel base attack progression (see page 45 of the Saga nondroid equipment or the following droid accessories: appendages,
Edition core rulebook). communications devices, internal storage, sensors, or translator units.

Grapple: A follower's grapple bonus is calculated as normal (see page
153 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Ability Scores: A follower's ability scores are all equal to 10, except as
noted under each template.

Talents and Feats: Followers do not gain talents or feats unless specified
by the follower's template or talents taken by your hero. This means they do
not gain bonus feats from their species, even if they normally would ga in one.
Exception: All followers gain the Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) feat.


When you gain a follower, you must choose one of three templates for your Utility followers are typically skilled in several areas, allowing them to

follower: the aggressive follower. the defensive follower, or the utility follower. contribute to a variety of situations where sk ill checks are called for. Utility

These follower templates provide unique ski ll s and other mechan ica l benefits followers might be demolitions experts, slicers, saboteurs, or any number of

for your fo llowers that not only increase their usefulness but also prevent other professions that rely on ski ll s to excel.

all your followers from having identical statistics (if you choose different Defenses: A utility fo llower gains a +2 bonus to Will Defense.

templates for each follower). Base Attack Bonus: A utility follower uses the scoundrel class's base

When you gain a follower, choose one template and apply the mechanical attack bonus progression (see page 45 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

modifications indicated in that template to the statist ics of yo ur follower. Ability Scores: A utility follo wer gains a +2 bonus to Intelligence or

Once chosen, a follower's template cannot be changed. Charisma (your choice).

The Aggressive Follower Skills: Utility followers are trained in one ski ll of your choice (except
Use the Force) .

Aggressive followers are focused on attacks and depleting enemy resources. Feats: Utility followers gain either the Armor Proficiency (light) feat

They are somewhat tougher than other followers because they put themselves or the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) feat (your choice at time of follower

in harm's way more often and are more likely to attack an enemy target. creation) .

Defenses: An aggressive fo ll ower gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude

n Defense.

I Base Attack Bonus: An aggressive follower uses the so ldier class's base

~ attack bonus progression (see page 51 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
-I Ability Scores: An aggressive follower gains a +2 bonus to Strength or

(1J Constitution (your choice).


= Trained Skills: Aggressive fo llowers are trained in Endurance.

Feats: Aggressive followers gain the Weapon Proficiency (pi stols) feat.

The Defensive Follower

Defensive followers specialize in protecting themselves from damage and,
sim ilarly, holding a defensive position. Defen sive followers make excellent
support fighters, laying down suppression fire or helping to hold a corridor
against an invading force .

Defenses: A defensive follower gains a +2 bonus to Reflex Defense.
Base Attack Bonus: A defensive follower uses the scoundrel class's base
attack bonus progression (see page 45 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
Ability Scores: A defensive follower gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity or
Wisdom (your cho ice).
Trained Skills: Defensive followers are trained in Endurance.
Feats: Defensive followers gain the Armor Proficiency (light) feat.

OAMMA-3S3 "TRENCH" Unlike normal NPCs, followers have a limited array of actions that they can
The following stat block represents a sam ple follower for a level 7 soldier who perform on any given round. They depend on you, the hero, to direct them.
has taken the Commanding Officer talent. Since the soldier is a member of
the Republic, he decides that his follower is a special clone trooper assigned Followers act on your initiative count and take actions based on the
to follow his orders in preparation for life as a member of a commando squad. actions you choose to give them. Below is a summary of actions your fol-
Wanting his fo llower to be more survivable, the hero chooses the defensive lowers can take (along with the action cost to you). both in character-scale
follower template. Since the clone trooper is Human, the soldier also decides combat and in veh icle an d starship combat.
that his follower should take the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) feat from the
aggressive followe r template's feats section. The clone trooper, designated You must have line of sight to your follower or be in communications with
Gamma-383 by the Grand Army of the Republic, is nicknamed "Trench" due your follower to be able to use any of the actions below. Other talents related
to his penchant for hunkering down and holding a threatened position for to followers might have their own action or range requirements, as well.
long periods of time.
Standard Actions
Gamma-383 "Trench" CL 2 You can give up your standard action to let one of your followers take a stan-
dard action of its own. On any round in which an individual follower does not
Medium Human defensive follower 7 take a standard action (that is, if you do not grant that follower a standard
action from the list below or from a talent-granted ability). that follower is
Init acts on hero's Initiative; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5 considered to be fighting defensively as their standard action .

Languages Basic As a standard action, you can cause one of your followers to take one of n
the following actions:
Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19). Fort 19, Will 17 I
Attack: The follower makes a melee or ranged attack aga inst a legal
hp 17; Threshold 19 target. Followers can use weapons set on different settings-such as autofire )
or stun-as normal.
Speed 6 squares 11
Aid Another: The follower uses the aid another action as normal. -l
Melee unarmed +5 (1d4) Charge: The follower makes a charge attack against a legal target.
Fight Defensively: The follower takes the fight defensively action as {lJ
normal (it can still make attacks of opportunity).
Retrieve a Concealed Item: The follower retrieves an item concealed D
with the Stealth skill from his person .
Use Special Ability: If you have a talent that allows one of your followers =
to use a specia l ability as a sta ndard action, it can do so.
Ranged blaster rifle +6 (3dB) or
Move Actions
Ranged blaster pistol +6 (3d6) or As a move action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following
Ranged frag grenade +6 (4d6)
Draw or Holster a Weapon: When you use a move action to draw or
Base Atk +5; Grp +5 holster a weapon, each of your followers can do the same. You can also use
the action to let one or more of your followers draw or holster a weapon,
Atk Options autofire (blaster rifle) even if you do not.

Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Manipulate an Item: Each of your followers can pick up an item, load a
weapon, open or close a door, or move a heavy object.
Special Qualities follower qualities
Move With You: When you take a move action to move, stand up, or
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Weapon Proficiency (pi stols, withdraw, each of your followers can move up to their speed, stand up, or
withdraw as normal. You can also use the action to let one or more of your
rifles, simple weapons) followers perform these actions, even if you do not.

Skills Endurance +B
Possessions clone trooper armor, blaster rifle, blaster pistol, 2 frag


Swift Actions Full-Round Actions

As a swift action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following As a full-round action, you can allow your followers to take the following

actions: action:

Activate an Item: When you use a swift action to act ivate an item, each Run: When you take a full-round act ion to run, each of your followers

of your followers can do the same. You can use the action to let one or more can run up to their normal run speed. You can also use the act ion to let one

of your followers activate an item, even if you do not. or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

Drop an Item: When you use a sw ift action to drop an item, each of your

followers can do the same. You can use the action to let one or more of your FOLLOWERS IN VEHICLES

followers drop an item, even if you do not. Followers can pilot or act as gunners in vehicles just like any other NPC

Fall Prone: When you use a swift action to fall prone, each of your fol- al ly. However, they operate under the same action restrict ion s as they do

lowers can do the same. You can use the action to let one or more of your in character-scale combat. A fo llower can take on any role on a starship,

followers fall prone, even if you do not. including pilot, but the follower must abide by the same restrictions of that

Recover: When you use three swift actions to recover in the same role that any other character would have. For example, follower pilots must

round or on consecutive rounds, each of your followers can do the same. still spend a move action piloting the ir ships.

You can use the actions to let one or more of your followers recover, even

if you do not. Standard Actions

oI Switch Weapon Mode: When you use a swift action to switch weapon You can give up your standard actions to let one of your fol lowers take a

mode, each of your followers can do the same. You can use the action to let standard action of its own. On any round in which an individual follower in

~ one or more of your followers switch weapon mode, even if you do not. the pilot's role does not take a standard action (that is, if you do not grant
that follower a standard action from the li st below or from a ta lent-granted

III ability), that follower is considered to be f igh ting defensively as their standard

= SHARING ACTIONS action, though normal penalties to the attacks of gunners still apply.

Players and Gamemasters may wonder why followers, unlike all other As a standard action, you can cause one of you r followers to take one of

NPCs in the galaxy, do not have a full suite of actions each round . The the following actions:

primary reason is to prevent a single hero who takes the follower talents Attack: The fol lower makes a melee or ranged attack aga in st a legal

from gaining a longer turn than the other players, and also to keep the target, including an attack with a vehicle weapon .

hero from unbalancing encounters due to the added firepower. Standard Aid Another: The follower uses the aid another action as normal. The

assumptions about round length and CL are affected by adding NPCs normal rules for the aid another vehicle action still apply.

to the mix, and having each follower act in concert with its controller Attack Run: The fo llower can make an attack run against a legal target,

reduces the amount of extra work a Gamemaster must put into designing provided that follower is the pilot of the vehicle. Followers acting as gunners

encounters. Therefore, each follower talent tree features at least one cannot coordinate their attacks with this attack run, since they require a

talent that allows the hero and the follower to act in concert. standard action to ready or make attacks.

In terms of an in-universe explanation for this discrepancy, a hero Dogfight: The follower initiates or participates in a dogfight. When

needs to direct his followers, and doing so requires more than just shout- engaged in a dogfight, your fol lower can attack or disengage as normal.

ing orders; he needs to assess the situation, determine the best course of Follow all the normal rules for dogfighting. Followers can initiate a dogfight

action, and effectively communicate instructions to his followers. When as an attack of opportunity as normal, but this counts as your one attack of

your turn comes up and your followers take no actions, they aren't just opportunity for the round (see "Attacks of Opportunity" below).

sitting there idle-they are taking cover, assessing the situation, and Fight Defensively: The follower takes the f ight defensively action as

preparing to execute the plans you set forth for them. normal; it can stil l make attacks of opportunity. Your fo llower must be the

pilot of the vehicle to take this action.

Use Special Ability: If you have a ta lent that allows one of your followers

to use a special ability as a standard action, the follower can do so.

Like a normal hero , fo ll owers that threaten can make attacks of opportun ity
As a move action, you can cause your followers to take one of the fo llow- as no rmal. However, any attack of opportunity made by a follower counts as I
ing actions: an attack of opport unity made by you.
Move Vehi cl e With Yo u: When you take a move action to move your EQUIPPING A FOL.L.OWER
vehicle, each of your followers can move a vehicle th ey pilot up to their Followers gain starting credits and can use those credits to pu rchase equip- 'D
vehicle's speed. You can also use t he action to let one or more of your fol- ment. A hero can provide equipment to his followers, though their limited -i
lowers perform this action, even if you do not. number of armor and weapon proficiencies keeps followers from becoming l1l
walking arsenals. Followers must abide by the normal rules for carrying II
Swift Actions capacity and encumbrance, though they are otherwise unrestricted in t he
kinds or amounts of equ ipment they can use. =
As a swift action, you can allow your followers to take one of the following
When a fo ll ower is red uced to 0 hit poi nts by an attack that exceeds its
Full Stop: When you take a swift action to bring a vehicle to a full stop, damage threshold, it dies. However, you can spe nd a Force Poi nt to prevent
one or more of your followers piloting a veh icle can take the full stop action the fo llower from dying just as you would prevent yourself from dying from
as well. You can also use the action to let one or more of your followers a similar wound. An attack that reduces a fo llower to 0 hit points but does
perform this action , eve n if you do not. not exceed t he fo llower's damage threshold ca uses t he follower to go uncon-
scious (apply the normal rules for unconsciousness, death, and dying).
Increase Vehicle Speed: When yo u take a swift action to increase vehicle
speed, one or more of your followers piloting a vehicle can take the increase If a follower dies, you do not lose the benefits of the talent that granted
vehicle speed action as well. You can also use the action to let one or more you the follower. You can recruit another follower to replace a dead one,
of your followers perform this action, even if you do not. abiding by the normal rules for gaining a follower at that point. Recruiting a
new follower usual ly re quires 8 hours of searching and rec ruitment, though
Raise or Lower Shields: When you take a swift action to raise or lower Gamemasters can shorte n or lengthen th is amount of time based on the
shields, one or more of your followers acting as system operator can raise or circ*mstances . However, Gamemasters should be careful not to delay this
lower shields on their vehicles as well. You can also use the action to let one recruitment for too long , because until the hero ga ins a replacement follower,
or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not. that hero is at a disadva ntage.

Recharge Sh ields : When you spend 3 swift actions in the same round or FOL.L.OWERS AND DARK SIDE
on consecutive rounds to recharge shields, you can also let one or more of SCORES
yourfoll owers acting as system ope rator make a DC 20 Mechanics check to A good leader is responsible for the actions of those who follow him,
increase their vehicles' shield rating by 5, up to the vehicle's normal maximum . and when it comes to the lure of the dark side, heroes with followers are
You can also use the action to let one or more of yo ur fol lo wers pe rform t his no exceptions. If you comm and on e of your follo wers to commit an act
action, even if you do not. t hat would normally increas e one' s Dark Side Score, you increase th e
Dark Side Score of both you and your follower. If a follo wer's Dark Side
Reroute Powe r: Whenever you spend 3 swift actions in the same round Score equal s its Wisdom score, it becomes an NPC under Gamemaster
or on consecutive rounds to reroute power, you can also let one or more of control (as any hero normally would), but you can recruit a new follower
your fol lowers acting as engineer make a DC 20 Mechanics check to move as though yours had died.
thei r veh icles + 1 step on the condition track. You can also use the action to
let one or more of your followers perform this action, even if you do not.

Full-Round Actions

As a full-round action, you can allow your fo llowers to take the following

All-Out Movement : When you take a fu ll-round action to move your
vehicle using the all-out movement action, each of your fol lowers can take
the all -out movement act ion for vehicles they pilot as we ll. You can also use
the acti on to let one or more of your fo ll owers perform th is ac ti on, even if
you do not.

Close-Quarters Fighter : Whenever you occupy the same square as your Rapid Reload: You can retrieve a stored energy cell and reload your

target or are adjacent to your target, you gain a +1 circ umstance bonus to weapon as a single sw ift action.

you r melee attack ro lls against that target. Shoulder to Shoulder: Whenever yo u begin your turn adjacent to an ally,

Ignore Armor: Once per encou nter, when you make a melee attack, you gain a number of bonu s hit points equal to your heroic level. Damage is

you can ignore any armor or equipment bonuses granted by yo ur target's subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining

armor. at the en d of the encounter go away. Bonus hit points from va riou s sources

Improved Stunning Strike: W hen you damage an opponent with a melee do not stack.

attack that moves the target down the condition track, the target cannot take Strength in Numbers: If you are within 10 squares of an ally, you ca n

any action requiring a standard or full - round action on its next turn. add +2 to your DR.

Prerequisite: Stunning Strike. Weapon Shift: If you use a ranged weapon as a melee weapon (as

Whirling Death : You twirl your weapon around you in a blur, creat ing a with the Gun Club talent), you gain a +2 bonus to melee attack ro lls with

circle of death around you. Any enemy target that begins its turn adjacent that weapon.

to you takes damage equal to your Strength bonus. You must be wielding a Prerequisite: Gun Club .

melee weapon to use this talent.

Prerequisites: Melee Smash, Unrelenting Assault. FORCE ADEPT TALENTS

Th e following new talents are intended for use with the Force Adept prestige

n Republic Commando Talent Tree class (see page 212 of the Saga Edition core rulebookJ.
You have demonstrated that you are a highly sk ill ed and capable sol di er for
the Republic and work well in a commando squad. New Force Item Talents

oj Ambush: When you successfully hit an opponent that has not yet acted Th e following talents expand the Force Item talent tree (see page 214 of the

l) in combat, you deal +2 dice of damage with the attack. Saga Edition core rulebookJ.

Higher Yield : Once per encounter, you can choose to deal +1 die of Focused Force Talisman: When you create a Force talisman (see page

damage with a sing le grenade or other explosive. 214 of the Saga Edi tion core rulebook), you can select a sing le Force power

Prerequisite: Trained in t he Demolitions ski ll. from yo ur Force su ite. Whenever you are wearing this talisman and activate

the selected Force power, you can spend a Force Point to immediately regain

that spe nt power, adding it to you r Force su ite.

Prereq uisite: Force Talisman .

Greater Focused Force Talisman : As Fo cused Force Talisman (see above),

except tha t a Force Point spent to immediately recover the selected power does

not co unt against the "one per turn" restri ction on spending Force Points.

Prerequisites: Force Tal isman , Focused Force Talism an.











RC-1Z07 "SEV"

GUN SLINGER TALENT Jedi Healer Talent Tree n
The followin g new talent is intended for use with the Gunslinger prestige
class (see page 216 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). You have focused your natural ability with the Force to heal the sick and I
New Gunslinger Talents )
Force Treatment: You can make a Use the Force check in the place of a
The following talent expands the Gunslinger talent tree (see page 216 of the Treat Injury check. You are considered trained in the Treat Injury skill. If you 11
Saga Edition core rulebook) . are entitled to a Treat Injury check reroll, you can reroll your Use the Force -i
check instead (subject to the same circ*mstances and limitations). !l1
Blind Shot: You ignore the penalties on your ranged attack rol ls when a II
target has concealment or total concealment. Healing Boost: When healing somebody through vital transfer, the
amount of damage healed increases by 1 point per your class level.
The follow ing new talents and talent trees are intended for use with the Jedi Prerequisite: Vital transfer.
Knight prestige class (see page 217 of the Saga Edition core rulebook). Improved Healing Boost: When healing somebody through vital transfer,
the amount of damage healed increases by 2 points per your class level.
Jedi Archivist Talent Tree Prerequisites: Healing Boost, vital transfer.
Soothe: When using vital transfer to heal somebody, you can move the
You have dedicated your life as a Jedi to preserving knowledge and applying target +1 step on the condition track instead of healing damage. When doing
it in times when it is needed. so, you move -1 step on the condition track in exchange.
Prerequisite: Vital transfer.
Direct: As a standard action, you can return one spent Force power to
th e Force suite of any ally within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight.
The Force power must have been spent by the ally you designate.

Impart Knowledge: You can aid another on the Knowledge checks of
any ally within 6 squares of you as a reaction for Knowledge skills you are
trained in .

Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor.
Insight of the Force: You can make a Use the Force check in place of a
Knowledge check for any Knowledge skill you are not trained in . You are con-
sidered trained in that Knowledge skill for the purposes of using this talent.
If you are entitled to a Knowledge check reroll, you can reroll your Use the
Force check instead (subject to the same circ*mstances and limitations).
Master Advisor: When you use the Skilled Advisor talent (see page 40 of
th eSaga Edition core rulebookJ. the ally you aid gains one temporary Force
Point at the end of her next turn. If the Force Point is not spent before the
end of the encounter, it is lost.
Prerequisite: Skilled Advisor.
Scholarly Knowledge: As a swift action, you can reroll a Knowledge check
and keep the better of the two results. This can be used with any Knowledge
skill yo u are trained in.


OFFICER TALENTS Droid commanders are ea sy to spot on the battlefield. They bear command

The following new talents are intended for use with the officer prestige class colors and are positioned within the ranks to receive maximum protection

(see page 20 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) . from the enemy. Although they might be easy to find, they are rarely easy

to eliminate. Because these droids are pri zed by their superiors, they are

New Military Tactics Talents augmented and improved to increase the likelihood of their survival and

The following new talents expand the Military Tactics talent tree (see page continued service to their masters. Better weapons, armor, and equipment

221 of the Saga Edition core rulebook) . in addition to upgraded systems make the droid commander a formidable

Exploit Weakness: When you use the Assault Tactics talent (see page 221 foe on its own . Its ability to effectively lead troops on the battlefield make

of the Saga Edition core ruleboo k) on an enemy, the target takes a cumulative the droid commander and its squad a force to be reckoned with.

-1 penalty to Reflex Defense each tim e it is damaged by one of your allies

(maximum -5). This penalty applie s until the end of your next turn. TABLE 3-2:

Prerequisite: Assault Ta ctic s. THE DROIOCO.MMANOER _ _ _ _,..,&

Grand Leader : As a swift action, once per encounter, you can grant bonus

hit points equal to 5 + one-half your character level to all allies within 20 BASE ATTACK

squares of you and in your line of sight. Damage is subtracted f rom the bonus LEVEL BONUS CLASS FEATURES
Defense bonuses, talent
hit points fi rst, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter 1st +1 Networked mind (1 droid ally)
2nd +2 Talent
o go away. Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not stack. Networked mind (2 droid allies)
Uncanny Defense : Once per day, you can add one-half your officer class Talent
level to all your defenses for one round . You must declare that you are using 3rd +3
-I this talent at the beginning of your turn. The benefits last until the begin-
4th +4

11 ning of your next turn. 5th +5

PRESTIGE CLASSES 6th +6 Networked mind (3 droid allies)
7th +7 Talent
The following new prestige classes are available during the Rise of the Empire 8th +8 Networked mind (4 droid allies)
era, particularly during the Clone Wars.

TABL..E 3-1: 9th +9 Talent
10th +10 Networked mind (5 droid allies)


Droid commander Leader specializing in droid troops COMMANDERS IN STAR WARS
Military engineer Tech specialist focusing on military hardware OLR-4, OOM-9, OOM-14.

Vanguard Advanced scout who pinpoints enemy forces REQUIREMENTS
To qualify to become a droid commander, a character must fulfill the fol-
OROID COMMANDER lowing criteria.

All armies need an established hierarchy to ensure that objectives are Minimum Level: 7th.
achieved successfully. Even battle droids, with their network connection to Trained Skills: Knowledge (tactics), Use Computer.
a central command computer, must sometimes have specific movements Talents: At least one tal ent from the Leadership talent tree (see page 44
dictated to them by a separate droid designated as a field commander. The of the Saga Edition core rulebook) or the Commando talent tree (see page
droid commander, through the course of its career as a soldier for its orga- 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
nization, proves itself through its actions and is promoted to lead others of Special: Droids only.
its kind to support the unit's mission and the organization's cause.


Droid commanders have the following game statistics. I

Hit Points ~

At each level, droid commanders gain 1d10 hit points. 11

Force Points -{

Droid commanders gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their (1J
character level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level in this class.

The following are features of the droid commander prestige class.

Defense Bonuses

At 1st level, you gain a +2 class bonus to your Reflex Defense, Fortitude
Defense, and Will Defense.


At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, and so on). the droid commander
selects a talent. The talent can be selected from the Droid Commander talent
tree (presented below)' the Inspiration talent tree (see page 43 of the Saga
Edition core rulebook). or the Leadership talent tree (see page 44 of the Saga
Edition core rulebook). The droid commander must meet the prerequisites (if
any) of the chosen talent. No talent can be selected more than once unless
expressly indicated.

You have learned the quirks and intricacies of commanding droids, and you
can get the most out of even the least sophisticated basic programming.

Automated Strike: As a swift act ion, you can make a DC 15 Knowledge
(tactics) check . If successful, all droid allies able to hear and understand
you gain the benefits of the Double Attack feat for one weapon group with
which you are proficient until the end of your next turn.

Prerequisite: Double Attack with the chosen weapon.

Droid Defense: As a standard action, you can transmit tactical infor-
mation to all droid al li es that can hear and understand you, granting them
a bonus equa l to your Intelligence modifier to one of their defenses (your
cho ice) until the beginning of your next turn.

Droid Mettle: As a swift action once per turn, you can designate a single
droid ally within your line of sight. That droid ally ga in s bonus hit points equal
to 10 + your class level.

Prerequisites: Droid Defense.

Expanded Sensors: If you or any of your droid allies has line of sight to
and is aware of a target, all droid allies that can hear and understand you
are also considered to have line of sight (but not necessarily line of effect)
to that target.

Inspire Competence: As a swift action once per turn, you can grant one The military engineer can be deployed virtually anywhere within the

droid ally within your lin e of sight a competence bonus on its next attack military organization, but is often found near the front lines as part of a

roll made before the start of your next turn equal to half your class level. squad requiring technical support.

Additionally, any droid designated as the target of your Networked Mind class

feature is cons id ered to have a heuristic processor whenever it is beneficial, TABL.E 3-3:
even if it does not actually have a heuristic processor.
Prerequisite: Expanded Sensors.

Maintain Focus: As a swift action once per turn, you can grant all BASE ATTACK

droid allies within your line of sight the ability to take the Recover action LEVEL BONUS CLASS FEATURES
as two swift actions (instead of as three swift actions) until the start of 1st +0 Defense bonuses, talent
your next turn . 2nd +1 Field-created weapon +1

Overclocked Troops: You push the limits of the droids under your com-

mand. You can spend a sw ift action once per turn to allow each of your net- 3rd +2 Talent

worked allies (see the Networked Mind class feature below) to immed iately 4th +3 Field -created weapon +2
move up to their speed. 5th +3 Talent

Prerequisite: Droid Defense.

n Reinforced Commands: When you use an ability that grants a droid ally 6th +4 Field-created weapon +3
a morale or insight bonus, increase the va lue of that bonus by 1. 7th +5 Talent
I +6 Field-created weapon +4
~ +6 Talent
Prerequisite: Droid Defense. 8th
D Networked Mind 9th

You can designate a number of your droid allies equal to one-half your class 10th +7 Fiel d-created weapon +5

level as being networked with you. A networked droid ally can receive ben-

eficial mind-affecting effects from you . Once you designate a droid ally as EXAMPL.ES OF MIL.ITARY
the recipient of this benefit, you cannot change the droid beneficiary until ENOINEERS IN STAR WARS
afte r the end of the encounter, and designating a droid to benefit from this Bao-Dur, Raith Sienar, Wat Tambor
class feature is a free action. Additiona lly, you are considered to have line

of sight to a networked droid ally as long as both you and the ally have an REQUIREMENTS
active comlink (if the comlinks are subject to communications jamm ing, you To qualify to become a military engineer, a character must fulfill the fol-
lose this benefit). lowing criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +7.

MILITARY ENGINEER Trained Skills: Mechanics, Use Computer.

The platoon's transport has broken down . The radio is not working . Two of

the sold iers' rifles have jammed. The enemy is closing in. Who is going to fix GAME RUL.E INFORMATION

everything in time? Thi s is when the military engineer steps in. The military Mil itary engineers have the following game statistics .

engineer is a tech specia list who focu ses her energy on making repairs in

the field and keeping the group's hardware running until they make it back Hit Points

to base. At each level, military engineers gain 1d8 hit points + their Constitution

Although the military engineer is likely to be part of a combat unit, she modifier.

feels more comfortable with tools in her hands while lying under a vehicle or

digging through a droid's internal components than firing a blaster. Her skills Force Points

are honed so that she can rapidly perform repairs and adjustments during Military engineers gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half

highly stressful si tuation s-even while under fire. In fact, military engineers their character level, rounded down , every time they gain a new level in

thrive on stress and look for such opportunities. this class.

The following are features of the military engineer prestige class.
Defense Bonuses
At 1st level, you gain a +2 class bonus to your Reflex, Fortitude, and Will
Defenses. .1;1

Talents (IJ

At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd , 5th, and so on), you select a tal ent. D
The talent can be selected from the Military Engineer talent tree (presented
below) or the Outlaw Tech talent tree (see page 16 of Starshipsofthe Galaxy).
You must meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talent. No talent can
be selected more than once unless exp ressly indicated.

You have become skilled at using and manipulating technology on the
battlefield. In fact , your fellow soldiers rely on your technical expertise in
the heat of battle.

Breach Cover: When you fire or throw a weapon with a burst or splash
radius at a target with cover, you ignore that cover.

Breaching Explosive: You ignore the damage threshold of doors and
wa lls when using mines and fixed (non-grenade) explosives.

Droid Expert: When you repair a droid, you repair 1 additional hit point
for each point by which your Mechanics check beats the base DC of 20.

Prerequisite: Repairs on the Fly.
Prepared Explosive: When you use a mine or other fixed (non-grenade)
explosive, you can choose to have the blast radius of the explosive become
difficult terrain after the explosive has detonated . Alternately, if you plant
a mine or fixed explosive in an area of difficult terrain , you can have
the explosive deal no damage and instead turn the difficult terra in into
normal terrain.
Problem Solver: As a swift action once per turn, you can designate a
single vehicle within your line of sight whose pilot can hear and understand
you. That pilot's vehicle ignores difficult terrain until the start of your next
turn, and the pilot gains a +5 insight bonus on all Pilot checks made to avoid
hazards and coll isions until the start of your next turn.
Quick Modifications: When you create a field-created weapon (as per
the class feature), you can choose one weapon modification from the Tech
Special ist feat (see page 21 of Starships afthe Galaxy) to apply to the created
weapon at the time of creation.
Prerequisites: Repairs on the Fly, Tech Specialist feat.
Repairs on the Fly: You can use the Repair application of the Mechanics
skill to repair a droid or object as a standard action. You can gain the benefits
of this talent only once per day per droid, object, or vehicle repaired .

Sabotage Device: As a swift action, you can sabotage any object or TABLE 3 - 4 : THE VANGU :A:;;~R~D:-_---..I

weapon that is powered by an energy cell so that it becomes a grenade. The BASE ATTACK CLASS FEATURES
object or weapon is then considered to be a frag mentation grenade in all ways, LEVEL BONUS Defense bonuses, talent
but it can be turned back into its original form with another swift action . 1st +1

Tech Savant: As a standard action, you can increase the speed of one

adjacent droid or vehicle you occupy by 1 square (app lied to any method of 2nd +2 Surprise attack +1
locomotion) until the end of your next turn. 3rd +3 Talent
4th +4 Surprise attack +2
Prerequisite: Trained in the Knowledge (technology) skill.

Vehicular Boost: As a standard action, you can make a DC 15 Mechanics

check to grant one vehicle you occupy a number of bonus hit points equa l to 5th +5 Talent

5 x your class leve l. Damage is subtracted from the bonus his poin ts f irst, 6th +6 Surprise attack +3
and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. 7th +7 Talent
Bonus hit points from multiple sources do not stack. 8th +8 Surprise attack +4

Field-Created Weapon 9th +9 Talent

You are able to scavenge parts from other technological objects and use 10th +10 Surprise attack +5

o them to build a limited-use personal-sized weapon . The item you create EXAMPLES OF VANGUARDS
has only a limited life span , and the parts used to build it are rendered
useless afterward. IN STAR WARS
-t As a standard action, you make a Mechanics check (DC 20) to create a 91st Reconnaissance Corps clone troopers, Aleenan scouts, Antarian Rangers,

D melee or ranged weapon of your choice. The base value of the weapon can Neyo (CC-826), Rebel Pl ex Troopers.

be no more than 600 credits x your class level . Additiona ll y, the weapon

grants you (and only you) an equipment bonus on attack rolls equal to REQUIREMENTS

one-half your class level. You can use this abi lity on ly once per encounter, To qualify to become a vanguard, a character must fulfill the following

and at the end of the encounter the weapon is destroyed. If the weapon criteria.

requires an energy cell to operate, yo u create one (at no additional cost) Minimum Level: 7th.

for the weapon at the time you create the weapon. You may only create Trained Skills: Perception, Stealth.

weapons you are proficient with . Talents: Any two talents from the Camouflage talent tree (see page 49

of the Saga Edition core rulebook) or the Commando talent tree (see page

VANGUARD 52 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).

Fighting an effective war and taking out the enemy is necessary if your army GAME RULE INFORMATION
is to li ve to fight another day. But you must find the enemy first, and those Vanguards have the fo llowing game statistics.
sensor results can be a little deceptive at times. Send out the vanguard to
track them down. Hit Points

The vanguard, simply put, is an advance scout who specia li zes in locating At each level, vanguards gain ldl0 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

the enemy and relaying its position to his al lies. With the stealth and sharp Force Points
senses required to achieve his goal, he specializes in locating and observing
the enemy's movements, all the while obscuring his presence from them . If Vanguards gain a number of Force Points equal to 6 + one-half their character
the situation arises, he might try to take a few of the enemy down before level, rounded down, every time they gain a new level in this class.

retreating back to friendly territory, but his prim ary purpose is to serve as CLASS FEATURES
his group's eyes and ears. The fo ll owing are features of the Vanguard prestige class.

Vanguards are typically attached to mil itary units near the front lines.

They operate best in sma ll groups as individuals. In either case, the vanguard Defense Bonuses
excels at sneaking in close to hostile forces, stealing away the knowledge of
their location, and watching them fall to the might of his al lies. At 1st level, you ga in a +4 class bonus to your Fortitude Defen se and a +2
class bonus to your Reflex Defense.

Talents n

At every odd-numbered level (1st, 3rd, 5th, and so on), you select a ta lent. I
Th e talent ca n be se lected from the Awareness talent tree (see page 49 of
the Saga Edition core rulebook), the Survivor talent tree (se e page 50 of th e ~
Saga Edition core rulebook)' or the Vanguard talent tree (presented below).
You mu st meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talen t. No talent can 1)
be selected more than once unless expressly indicated .
As an expert in the art of scouting enemy formations, you are a valuable asset D
to any mi litary force. You r abil ity to see what lies ahead on the battlefield
is uncanny.

Enhanced Vision: When acti ve ly looking for hidden enem ies, you can
make a Perception check as a swift action instead of a standard action .

Impenetrable Cover: Whenever you have cover against a target, you gain
DR equa l to your class level against that target until the sta rt of yo ur next turn,
provided you still have cover from the target at the time the attack is made.

Prerequisites: Maximize Cover.

Invisible Attacker: If your target is unaware of you , your ranged attacks
deal +1 die of damage against that target.

Prerequisite: Maximize Cover.

Mark the Target: Whenever you damage a target with a non-area ranged
attack, you may designate one al ly with in your line of sight as a swift action.
Your target is considered f lat-footed aga inst that all y's first attack made
before the start of yo ur next tu rn .

Maximize Cover : When an opponent uses the aim action to negate your
cover, you ca n make a Stealth check opposed by t he attacker's Initiative
check. If successful, you retain your cover bonus.

Shellshock: Whenever yo u damage a target that is unaware of you with
an area attack, that target is conside red flat-footed until the start of your
next t urn .

Prerequisite: Soften the Target.

Soften the Target: Whenever you damage a target with a ranged attack,
you may desig nate one ally with in yo ur line of sight as a swift action. Th e all y
you designate ignores the target's damage reduction and SR (if any) until
the st art of yo ur next turn .

Triangulate: If you and at least one other all y have line of sight to and
are aware of a target, yo u and alli es that ca n hear and understand you can
rero ll one ranged attack roll against that target, accepting the second result
even if it is worse. You and your allies can only gain the benefit of t his talent
once per encounter.

Prerequisite: Enhanced Vision .

Surprise Attack

Whenever you attack a target that is unaware of you or otherwise denied its
Dexterity bonus to Refle x Defense, you gain a bonus on your first attack roll
in a round against tha t target equa l to one-ha lf your class level.

Star-Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.