The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (2024)

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I learned how to make sourdough bread several years ago. That was such a great skill to learn! I started out with an Alaskan Sourdough Starter Culture to make my sourdough starter. I finally tweaked my own sourdough bread recipe for perfection.

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (1)

Why Sourdough Bread?

Did you know that commercial yeasts didn’t become available until about 1870? Did you ever wonder how bread was made before this time? People used to “catch” wild yeasts for bread baking.

This is a simple method of mixing equal parts of flour and water and feeding it every 12 hours until the mixture catches its own yeast and the yeast begins to reproduce. They knew it was ready when the sourdough was bubbling reliably, thus creating their starter.

Once one had a reliable sourdough starter they would maintain it constantly, sometimes throughout generations. Some of those starters still exist in the same families hundreds of years later. That’s pretty cool as far as I’m concerned.

Sourdough is a very traditional bread. Some of today’s sourdoughs are not “true” sourdoughs as they have yeast added to make them rise quickly.

Traditional Sourdough Bread

Making sourdough in a traditional method with long rise times gives the dough time to ferment anddo its job. The fermentation process causes the bread to be more digestible, more nutrient dense, and in my opinion, more filling.

The natural yeasts break down the gluten in the bread and many people with gluten intolerance can eat true sourdough without a problem. (Please do not take this as me telling you that you CAN eat sourdough if you have gluten issues. I’m just saying that some people have been able to eat sourdough even with gluten issues)

The fermentation also breaks down the sugars in the flour so they do not react so extremely with your blood sugar levels.

We have been enjoying this ever since I learned how to make sourdough bread. Ittastesso good and is so much healthier than breads baked with commercial yeasts. This has been a great option for our family.

I make my sourdough bread 1-2 times a week. I refrigerate my sourdough starter in between bread days so I do not have to feed it as often.

To prepare to make sourdough bread, I set my starter out to warm up and feed it 2-3 times (or 1-2 days) before I’m ready to bake with it. I have been using organic unbleached flour most of the time with my starter. Since I bought my Alaskan Sourdough Starter and it requires the white flour for feedings, that is what I use.

I have used fresh ground wheat with the starter for my bread but have found that it is a much stronger flavor and my family doesn’t particularly enjoy it. I will just stick with the white flour until I can work on making it milder with thewhole wheat.

Sourdough Bread Recipe

How to Make Sourdough Bread

(Note: I make 4 loaves at a time but this recipe could be halved for 2 loaves at a time)

Mix the sponge:

I start out by mixing up my sponge. I do this by mixing 2 cups of active starter, 3 cups of room temperature water, and 4-6 cups of flour in a very large glass bowl.

Since the moisture level of flour varies, sometimes it takes less flour than others to come to consistency. For the sponge, you want the starter to be loose but not watery. You do not want it to form into a dough yet. I stir this all together very well to be sure everything is incorporated.

Let stand covered in a warm, draft free place for 2-8 hours. I used to set it in a the oven (while it was off) but then I got a bread proofer for Christmas from my parents and I use now.

I usually stick to about 2 or so hours of letting the sponge set. When the sponge is ready it, should have expanded and be actively bubbling.

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (2)

Sponge after it is mixed ready to sit for several hours.

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (3)

Sponge bubbling and ready to mix into dough.

Mix dough together:

After the sponge is ready, I pour it into my mixer and add 2 tablespoons each of sea salt and demerara (raw cane) sugar. I let that mix in and then slowly add 4-6 cups of flour.

You have to just look for the proper texture, denseness, and feel of the dough when adding the flour. You want it to be slightly tacky but not stick to your finger or the bowl I allow this to knead in my mixer for 3-4 minutes.

First rise:

I oil the bowl (with olive oil or coconut oil) from the sponge and place my dough in the bowl, turning it to coat with oil. I allow this to stand loosely covered in my proofer for 1-2 hours until almost doubled in size.

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (4)

Sea salt and demerara sugar added to sponge in mixer

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (5)

Adding flour to sponge mixture

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (6)

Dough ready to rise

Shape into loaves:

Once my dough is close to double in size, it is now ready to be formed into loaves and placed in the oiled loaf pans. This time, I allow it to rise 1-2 hours or until dough is about 1 inch above (or 1 1/2 to 2 times the size) the bread pan at its peak.

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (7)

Dough risen and ready for pans

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (8)

Rising in pans

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (9)

Ready to bake

Bake loaves:

I bake it in a pre-heated 450° oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown on top. I found that in my oven I have to lower the rack to one level below the center rack in order to keep the tops of the loaves from cracking andgetting too brown like in the photo below.

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (10)

All ready to slice and slather in butter!

This may seem like quite the process but it really is simple. I just set my timer for each rise time and get other things done in between. I am so happy that we decided to start using sourdough all of the time. I hope you will try your own sourdough and share you progress with me!

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (11)

All ready for eating!

The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (12)

Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Yield: 4 loaves

Prep Time: 6 hours

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total Time: 6 hours 25 minutes

This is a simple and basic sourdough sandwich bread recipe. This bread is the perfect texture for sandwiches.


  • 2 Cups Active Sourdough Starter
  • 3 Cups Warm Water (around 115 degrees)
  • 10 Cups Flour Unbleached (Divided)
  • 2 tbsp Sea Salt
  • 2 tbsp Raw Sugar


  1. Mix Sourdough starter, water, and 6 cups of flour thoroughly in large bowl. Allow to sit for 2-8 hours until actively bubbling.
  2. Pour sponge into mixing bowl, add sea salt and sugar. Slowly knead in remaining 4 cups of flour and continue to knead for 3-4 minutes. Place dough in well oiled bowl, turn to coat dough with oil. Set aside to rise for 1-2 hours or until doubled in size.
  3. Form dough into 4 loaves and place in oiled loaf pans. Set to rise 1-2 hours until dough is about 1 inch above the pan sides or has increased by 1 1/2 to 2 times.
  4. Place in preheated 450º oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4 loavesServing Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 1374Total Fat: 4gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 3507mgCarbohydrates: 289gFiber: 12gSugar: 6gProtein: 39g

I am not a nutritional expert. This information is provided as a guideline.

Did you make this recipe?

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The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (16)

About Jenna

Hey, y’all! I’m Jenna, wife to my amazing husband, Derek, mom to 8 beautiful farm kids, homesteader, homemaker, homeschooler, and lover of Jesus. I enjoy all things farmy, family, crafting, old fashioned, and homemade.

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Reader Interactions


  1. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (17)Natalie @ Threads & Bobbins says

    These look gorgeous! I have never eaten sourdough bread before though I might be trying it now 🙂
    Thanks for linking up over at the Talented Tuesday Link Party!


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (18)Jenna says

      Thanks! It’s yummy. 🙂 You should try it sometime.

  2. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (19)michelle says

    We lived in Alaska for 6 years where sour dough is the national bread. Everything is made from sour dough. Best pizza I ever had was in Alaska made with a sour dough crust.


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (20)Jenna says

      That’s so cool! I am LOVING my Alaskan sourdough starter. 🙂

  3. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (21)allthatsjas says

    Nothing better than homemade bread. 🙂


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (22)Jenna says

      True! 🙂

    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (23)Sally says

      Jenna! It’s Sally, from the marriage retreat a couple years ago! I was on Pinterest, looking for large.barch sourdough sandwich bread, and I found you!!! Yay! I am going to feed my starter in about an hour from now (if the baby will let me!) and work in this bread tomorrow! You used a proofer, and it took a couple hours to double — since I have no proofer, I’m assuming it will take a lot longer for my dough to rise?.

    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (24)Jenna says

      Hi!! I’m so glad you found my recipe. Before I had a proofer, I would usually turn my oven on for 60-90 seconds and then turn it off. Just long enough to make it warm inside but not hot. The bread would proof in that in close the the same amount of time. i would check it at an hour and if it had cooled way down turn it on for 30-60 seconds again. I hope you enjoy it!

  4. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (25)Meaghan says

    This looks so good! I’m still nervous about yeast breads so this might be a little over my head but I’m definitely pinning for later!



    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (26)Jenna says

      You can do it! 🙂

  5. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (27)Karol says

    do you have to send away for the cultured yeast, or can you buy it here somewhere?


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (28)Karol says

      I mean for the sourdough bread…I know you can buy regular yeast…lol

    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (29)Jenna says

      I ordered mine online from Cultures For Health. I don’t know of any stores that carry it. 🙂

  6. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (31)Jen | The Easy Homestead says

    I can’t wait to make this. Sourdough bread is our favorite but I haven’t ventured into making it. Thanks for posting such a detailed post on how to make it.


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (32)Jenna says

      Please let me know how it turns out! 🙂

  7. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (33)Karol says

    Jenna, thanks I’m gonna go into the website and order some, we love Sour Dough bread and if I can make my own, that would be AWESOME!!


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (34)Jenna says

      That’s great! Let me know how it turns out. 🙂

  8. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (35)Mary Sadler says

    What is demerara sugar?


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (36)Jenna says

      Demerara sugar is just evaporated cane juice. We don’t use white sugar because it is processed with chemicals and all of the nutrients are stripped from it. 🙂

  9. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (37)Sydney @Tastefully Frugal says

    These look really good! I love making sandwiches on sourdough bread so I may have to try this so I don’t have to buy loaves anymore 🙂


  10. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (38)Annette Browning says

    I LOVE sour dough bread. My mother in law gave me a starter years ago and I made it all the time. Might be a good winter project 🙂


  11. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (39)Nicole @Little Blog on the Homestead says

    I got the yogurt starter from Cultures for Health! They’re great, I’ll have to check out the sourdough starter now too cause this bread looks YUMMY


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (40)Jenna says

      Thanks! I need help making yogurt. I haven’t been successful yet. 🙂

  12. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (41)Carl Patton says

    Got my starter in Death Valley, CA in 1973, have kept it going 41 yrs. use Sourdough Jack’s cookbook. Makes the best biscuits & English muffins.


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (42)Jenna says

      How neat! 🙂 I’ll have to check that book out. 🙂

  13. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (43)Nancy W says

    I love sourdough bread, I’m going to have to try your recipe! Thanks for sharing your post on the HomeAcre Hop. As one of the co-hosts I’m going to feature your post on my blog tomorrow! Hope you stop by and link up again! – Nancy


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (44)Jenna says

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  14. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (45)Judith says

    This is my 1st time doing sour dough. I was looking at the baking temperature is it a higher heat other than the normal 350 temp because of the use of the sour dough?


  15. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (46)Allison says

    Can I make this without a mixer? Do you use whole grain for the bread, or white for both starter and bread?


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (47)Jenna says

      Allison, Yes, you can make it without a mixer. Just knead it by hand. I use organic unbleached white flour. You can use whole wheat for the bread but my family doesn’t like it. lol 🙂

  16. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (48)Dorsie says

    The explanation with photos says to use 2 TBS each of sea salt and sugar, but the recipe lists salt at just 2 tsp. Is there a correction for this amount? I know bread dough can be dependent on salt and yeast ratio for a good rise. I used the Tbs because I was reading the how-to with pictures as I measured, and it sounded like a lot of salt! Thanks for any input!


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (49)Jenna says

      I’m sorry for the confusion, It should be 2 TB of each. 2 TB is for 4 whole loaves. 🙂 I edited the recipe to correct it.

  17. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (50)Debbie says

    Hi Jenna, I am so glad I found your recipe!! I made my starter in January of this year but haven’t done much with it except keep it alive lol. I will be making this recipe today & can’t wait to get started!!
    Thank you so much for sharing this.


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (51)Jenna says

      That’s great! I hope you enjoy it! 😃

  18. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (52)Debbie says

    HELP!! I have no idea what I did wrong but my bread hasn’t risen since I put the dough in the pans.


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (53)Jenna says

      Did you have them in a warm spot? Sometimes it takes a long time for them to rise.

  19. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (54)Monte says

    Can you make it more sour….for extra sourdough bread?


  20. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (55)Jessica says

    Thanks for the recipe! I’m so excited my first sourdough starter is on day five, this is taking forever lol. It’ll be worth it though, I can’t wait to see what it’ll taste like. Will I like homemade sourdough? Will my kid, my hubby? Food adventure time! xD I finally successfully made homemade yeast bread that rose up high for sandwiches and stuff, so I am feeling way more confident now.

    Please make a note for those of us that live high above sea level (I’m close to Canada, my city is on top of a small mountain) that the temperature needs to be reduced to 350 degrees and to watch the loaf like a hawk.

    Question: Would adding 1-2 tsps of cornstarch help *all* bread hold together better for sandwiches? Or should I knead it an extra time? Thanks!

    I have three loaves of non-sourdough bread atm. The first one is short maybe two inches high, but full of nooks, crannies, and insanely good flavor. I was sad it didn’t rise more. ;-; I tried another recipe and made two much higher loaves, but the flavor was less. The only difference between the recipes was the second one had almost double the yeast to use in it. So any idea how to get that same yummy flavor in the higher risen loaves? What makes the flavor of bread anyways? I’ll stop now. Yhanks in advance for any help! – Jess


  21. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (56)Jess says

    The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (57)
    Made this finally yesterday after babying my starter for 6 days. The bread tastes delicious. However it didn’t rise as much as it should have. The rise after the sponge was good, nice and bubbly. The next two didn’t rise much. What did I do wrong? Too much flour? Thanks for sharing.


  22. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (58)Allison says

    Hi, I just discovered your recipe and will be trying it today! Question, what size bread loaf pans do you use? And where did you get yours? 🙂


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (59)Jenna says

      Hi, I’m excited for you to try it! 🙂 My pans are traditional glass loaf pans that are 5″x9″. I actually prefer ones that are slightly smaller but most are that size.

  23. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (60)Sally says

    Jenna! It’s Sally, from the marriage retreat a couple years ago! I was on Pinterest, looking for large.barch sourdough sandwich bread, and I found you!!! Yay! I am going to feed my starter in about an hour from now (if the baby will let me!) and work in this bread tomorrow! You used a proofer, and it took a couple hours to double — since I have no proofer, I’m assuming it will take a lot longer for my dough to rise?.


  24. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (61)Marlene says

    I have baked regular yeast bread forvover 30 years and have always wanted to try sourdough. I finally got a starter to grow during this heat wave we are having. I now know why my starters always failed! Anyway, I like the simplicity of your recipe and will try. To stop the cracked loaves could you brush with oil or spray pam?


    • The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (62)Jenna says

      I brush with butter when they come out of the oven. 🙂

  25. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (63)Jami says

    The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (64)
    Thank you for the recipe! I have used this sourdough recipe weekly for sandwich bread. It is the perfect bread for sandwiches – it holds up to anything and has a great flavor.


  26. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (65)Larry Westfall says

    I have never tried making sourdough before but have made other types of bread – beer, banana, mango, and a few others. WIll have to give this a try.


  27. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (66)Dolly Khodair says

    Hi Jenna, I was wondering why this was such a large recipe but after reading a bit of your bio I understand….. he he
    Why is it that busy women seem to have so much time to do more? A mom to 8 farm kids, homesteader, homemaker, homeschooler and also helper on the web!!!!
    More power to you dear…. I will break down your recipe and try it, many thanks.
    Dolly Khodair


  28. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (67)Debbie says

    The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (68)
    Was totally disappointed, what did I do wrong? Did I not add enough flour, my dough was still sticky and I poured it into the pan, it did not form like in your pics. It raised wonderfully, doubled in size, filled the pans. It just was very dense and the taste was not what I remember from when I made sour dough bread years ago. It was not my started because I used a different recipe and made rolls and they were great. Any ideas or suggestions as to what I did wrong or what I could do differently. My husband described this as I had taken it to Sunday lunch with my grown kids “you know how you just want to keep eating another slice of sour dough bread, you don’t with this”. Please help.


  29. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (69)Jami says

    The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (70)
    Thank you for this awesome recipe! I have made this bread a dozen times or more and it is the best sourdough sandwich bread! Soft enough for my little ones to eat, yet it can be sliced really thin and hold up to any sandwich fillings. My family of 9 loves it. Question – have you tried this recipe with rye flour? Im thinking about trying a rye starter.


  30. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (71)Bonny says

    Can I use bread flour


  31. The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (72)Theresa says

    Was wondering if I could leave out the sugar?



  1. […] […]


  2. […] White Sourdough Bread by The Flip Flop Barnyard is made with a purchased Alaskan starter, but could certainly be made with a wild-caught starter, too. […]


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The BEST Sourdough Bread Recipe Around (2024)


What is the secret to good sourdough bread? ›

Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Making Sourdough
  • Use your sourdough starter at its peak. ...
  • Moisten the surface of the dough before baking for more rise. ...
  • Handle with care: be gentle with your dough. ...
  • Use sifted flour to make your sourdough less dense. ...
  • Soak your flour beforehand for a lighter loaf. ...
  • Just add water for softer sourdough.

What is the secret ingredient in sourdough bread? ›

In case you haven't succumbed to the sourdough craze yet, it's made with a 'sourdough starter' or 'mother', rather than with yeast. That's because a starter contains wild yeasts, which come from the environment. As long as you keep feeding the starter, its yeasts will keep fermenting.

What flour is best for sourdough bread? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour. Why do you need to use these two types of flour?

What is the ice cube trick with sourdough bread? ›

The purpose of the ice cubes. is to add more steam into your baking vessel. So the steam is critical. so that your dough has more time to expand. before your outer crust completely forms.

What makes sourdough bread taste better? ›

Cold Ferment: Cold fermenting your dough for longer periods of time can produce even more flavor as the dough ferments in the refrigerator at low temperatures. The longer your dough stays in the refrigerator, the more sour it has a chance to become.

How do you make sourdough bread rise higher? ›

First, use warm water and increase the water-to-flour ratio slightly. This will help the yeast to activate quicker and aid in rising more quickly. A 1:2:2 ratio or higher, even 1:4:4 ratio helps. Another tip is to add some sugar or honey to the dough, as this will also help the yeast become more active.

What ingredients should not be in sourdough bread? ›

Real sourdough bread does not contain additives like oil, milk, corn, and dough conditioners.

Why do you put vinegar in sourdough bread? ›

There are two main acids produced in a sourdough culture: lactic acid and acetic acid. Acetic acid, or vinegar, is the acid that gives sourdough much of its tang. Giving acetic acid-producing organisms optimal conditions to thrive and multiply will produce a more tangy finished product.

Why add honey to sourdough bread recipe? ›

it will make it a little sweeter and softer. Oils and honey are added to sandwich loaves for softness and a touch of sweet. The yeast of any bread loves the sugar, so it gets a nice rise.

What happens if I use all purpose flour instead of bread flour in sourdough? ›

Substituting all purpose flour in a sourdough recipe that specifically calls for bread flour is not always an even swap. You'll need to REDUCE the total amount of water first. All purpose flour absorbs less water than bread flour, which can make the dough too sticky to work with otherwise.

How to get a strong sourdough flavor? ›

If you really want a stronger flavor in your sourdough bread, adding a little citric acid to your dough will help. You can add ⅛ to ¼ of a teaspoon of citric acid to your sourdough. Do not use more than this amount because it will make your sourdough inedible.

What grain is best for sourdough? ›

Any flour containing starch is suitable for a sourdough starter, since it is the sugar that the microbes feed on. Glutenous flours, such as spelt, einkorn, rye, and wheat, tend to work best.

Why do you spray sourdough with water before baking? ›

Spraying water when putting the the dough in the oven helps keep the crust soft to allow maximum oven spring. Without the steam, the crust will harden, which results not as good of a rise. However if the steam is left in the oven your bread will not color well. - in Saint Francis, WI.

What is the poke method for sourdough bread? ›

With the “poke test” you put some flour on your finger and poke the dough. If it springs back immediately, it needs more time. If it slowly springs back about halfway it is ready to bake. If it does not spring back it is overproofing and should be bake right away.

Why put sourdough in fridge before baking? ›

In the fridge, the yeasts in the dough slow down, giving the natural bacteria more time to develop, creating more complex flavors in your bread. Therefor, dough proofed in the fridge will have a more complex flavor than dough that rises at a higher temperature.

What is the secret behind the sour of sourdough bread? ›

There are two main acids produced in a sourdough culture: lactic acid and acetic acid. Acetic acid, or vinegar, is the acid that gives sourdough much of its tang. Giving acetic acid-producing organisms optimal conditions to thrive and multiply will produce a more tangy finished product.

What are three top tips when making sourdough starter? ›

Over the years, I've found keeping the mixture warm at around 80°F (26°C), and high hydration (100% water to flour in baker's percentages) helps get things started. In addition, while not mandatory, using certain flour also helps increase the chances a starter will take hold quickly (see below).

How do you make sourdough bread lighter and fluffier? ›

#1 — Use a lighter flour.

Whole wheat flour (hard red) is the heaviest flour I know. Now, the hard white variety of whole wheat is lighter and sweeter, so that one thing could improve your bread. If you go with spelt or even einkorn, you will get even lighter results, in my experience.

Why not use a metal spoon with sourdough? ›

Never allow any form of metal such as a spoon or lid to come into direct contact with the stored, un-used sourdough starter as it will cause a chemical reaction that will contaminate and blacken the implement and eventually in time will kill (loose all activity) the starter and a blackish blue or pink liquid will ...

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.