The Most Iconic Pie in Every State (2024)

Home Recipes Cooking Style Baking

ByHazel Wheaton

Taste of Home's Editorial Process

Updated: Feb. 06, 2024

    What flavor of pie is your state known for? Did we get it right?


    Americans sure do love pie! In all 50 states, bakers have created their own classics—rich regional history expressed in a delicious dessert. So, which pie recipe is tops in each state?


    Alaska: Blueberry Rhubarb Pie

    Rhubarb and berries are big in Alaska because they grow there! In the early 20th century, Henry Clark—the Rhubarb King of Alaska—offered Gold Rush-ers a rare taste of fresh produce. Choose any berry you like—Alaska is home to nearly 50 varieties (most of which are edible).

    Get Our Recipe for Blueberry Rhubarb Country Tart


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    Arizona: Lemon Pie

    Spanish settlers brought citrus to Arizona in the 18th century; today, Arizona is one of only four citrus-producing states and is second only to California in lemon production.

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    Rocky Road Freezer Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Colorado: Rocky Road Pie

    We picked Rocky Road for the mighty Rockies! Legend has it, ice-cream maker William Dreyer used his wife’s sewing scissors to cut marshmallows to size for the original batch of ice cream.

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    Mama Arnold's Honey Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Connecticut: Honey Pie

    History’s first recorded pie recipe was for a rye-crusted goat cheese and honey pie, published by the Romans. Today, honey pie’s flavor depends on the honey used, and Connecticut produces delicious honey. Use local honey, and your pie will have the flavor of your region—wherever that may be!

    Get Our Recipe for Mama Arnold’s Honey Pie


    Florida: Key Lime Pie

    The Florida Keys gave the Key lime its name, but a hurricane wiped out the orchards in 1926. Nevertheless, the famous pie is still closely identified with the Sunshine State. Legend has it, the first Key lime pie was made on a boat, from just Key lime juice, egg yolks and sweetened condensed milk.

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    Double Peanut Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Georgia: Peanut Pie

    Despite its peachy nickname, Georgia’s state crop is actually peanuts. There are thousands of peanut farmers in Georgia, but former president Jimmy Carter is probably the most famous. (Psst: President Thomas Jefferson farmed peanuts, too!)

    Get Our Recipe for Double Peanut Pie

    These peanut butter desserts are for serious fans ONLY!


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    Idaho: Huckleberry Pie

    The fiercest pie fight might be between Idaho and Montana—both claim huckleberry as their own. It makes sense: The delicious berry has never been domesticated, must be harvested by hand, and only grows in northern Idaho and Montana.

    Get Our Recipe for Huckleberry Cheese Pie


    Sugar Cream Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Indiana: Sugar Cream Pie

    The Sugar Cream Pie is also known as the Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie, in case anyone was confused over just who it belongs to! This pie traces its origins to the Indiana Amish and Shaker communities in the 1800s, and it was named the official state pie in 2009.

    Get Our Recipe for Sugar Cream Pie


    Iowa: Sour Cream Raisin Pie

    If you’re from Iowa, you’ll definitely know this pie. It’s a classic of straight-from-Grandma’s-kitchen cooking, with generations of cooks reading from the same tattered recipe card. Soak the raisins so they’re plump and juicy, fold them into a tangy and sweet custard filling. Delicious!


    Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Kentucky: Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie

    This luscious mix of nuts, bourbon and chocolate is traditional eating on Kentuky Derby Day—but you can’t call it a Derby Pie. The name is trademarked by Kern’s Kitchen, home of the official Derby Pie. Some restaurants get cute, though, with names like “Derby Dessert” or “Not Derby Pie.”

    Get Our Recipe for Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Pie

    Put these Kentucky classics on your Derby buffet, too.


    Louisiana: Blackberry Pie

    People have eaten blackberries for 2,500 years—we have scientific proof from a prehistoric find in Denmark—and the succulent berries are found all over the world. In Louisiana, “Pick Your Own” farms bustle from mid-May through the end of July.

    Get Our Recipe for Fresh Blackberry Pie


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    Maine: Blueberry Pie

    Maine is justifiably proud of its wild (lowbush) blueberries, which are smaller, brighter and have a more intense flavor than commercial (highbush) kinds. Maine has more than 60,000 acres of the blueberries, which grow on creeping bushes, and blueberry pie was named the official state dessert in 2011.

    Get Our Recipe for Heavenly Blueberry Tart


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    Maryland: White Potato Pie

    Who says sweet potatoes are the only potatoes for pie? Not the folks in Maryland! Geo. W. Arnold, on West Fayette Street, Baltimore, was advertising Potato Puddings (baked in a crust, so yes, pie) back in 1856. Marylanders have been making this special treat at least that long.

    Get Our Recipe for Mom-Mom’s White Potato Pie


    Massachusetts: Apple Pie with Cheddar Crust

    Other states may have claim to apple pie, but the Bay State gets a special shout out because of the special spin New Englanders put on their apple pie. New England apple pie must have cheddar—either slices on top, on the side or baked into the crust. If you liked this recipe, then you should try apple pie with cheese.

    Get Our Recipe for Browned Butter Apple Pie with Cheddar Crust


    Michigan: Cherry Pie

    Traverse City, Michigan, is known nationally as “The Cherry Capital of the World,” while Eau Claire, Michigan is known as “The Cherry Pit Spitting Capital of the World.” There are more than 3.5 million tart cherry trees in Michigan. Every year, each tree can produce enough cherries for 28 pies.

    Get Our Recipe for Cherry Pie

    Another food Minnesotans love? Hotdish.


    Mississippi Mud Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Mississippi: Mississippi Mud Pie

    Named after the muddy, rich ground along the banks of the Mississippi River, the Mississippi Mud pie comes in various forms—but all of them include chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate!

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    Butterscotch Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Missouri: Butterscotch Pie

    A staple from the Heartland, Butterscotch Pie is another in the family of custardy, pudding-y pie. In fact, many modern cooks skip to the finish and use a packet of butterscotch pudding. The custard for this pie is made from scratch, and is topped with the thing every butterscotch pie must have: meringue!

    Get Our Recipe for Butterscotch Pie


    Nevada: Chocolate Cream Pie

    Nevada is home to Las Vegas, famously known as Sin City. And is there any pie more sinfully delicious than chocolate cream? You can make it with instant pudding, sure, but if you make the custard from scratch, as in this one, it’s simply heavenly.

    Get Our Recipe for Chocolate Cream Pie

    If you’re a chocoholic, you’ll want these chocolate recipes, too.


    New Hampshire: Maple Syrup Pie

    New Hampshire produces close to 90,000 gallons of maple syrup annually; how better to celebrate it than with this decadent pie? Use bold syrup (either dark amber or Grade B syrup—you’re not looking for a delicate maple taste) and be sure to let the pie cool completely so it sets!

    Get Our Recipe for Maple Syrup Pie


    New Jersey: Green Tomato Pie

    There are two types of green tomatoes, for which New Jersey is famous: those that are green when ripe and unripe red tomatoes. Both can be used in baking. Ripe green tomatoes will often have vertical stripes or other color variations, will feel soft when pressed, and will taste much like a red tomato. Yum!

    Get Our Recipe for Green Tomato Pie


    Ruby Grape Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    New York: Grape Pie

    The Finger Lakes region of upstate New York is considered the grape capital of the world. An estimated 20,000 grape pies are sold during the annual Grape Festival, which has been held in Naples, New York, since 1961.

    Get Our Recipe for Ruby Grape Pie


    North Carolina: Sweet Potato Pie

    In the South, sweet potato pie beats pumpkin hands down—and the people of North Carolina get to claim the sweet potato pie because they produce up to 60 percent of the nation’s crop. In 2016, the Tar Heel State farmed 95,000 acres of sweet potatoes—more than the next three producers combined.

    Get Our Recipe for Harvest Sweet Potato Pie


    Flaky Bumbleberry Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    North Dakota: Bumbleberry Pie

    No, you’re not confused. Bumbleberry isn’t a real berry—but it is a real pie! It’s a jumble of some combination of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries or raspberries, plus apples and rhubarb. Canada claims bumbleberry pie as a native invention, but North Dakotans, right across the border, have adopted it.

    Get Our Recipe for Flaky Bumbleberry Pie


    Ohio: Buckeye Pie

    Even though the nuts of the buckeye tree are poisonous, that hasn’t stopped Ohio (the Buckeye State) from going buckeye mad. The buckeye pie is made of chocolate and peanut butter fillings, artfully layered to imitate the appearance of the nut—or the namesake candy.

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    Easy Fresh Strawberry Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Oklahoma: Strawberry Pie

    The strawberry, the official state fruit of Oklahoma, is the only fruit that wears its seeds on the outside. Botanists consider each seed on a strawberry to be its own separate fruit; what you’re eating is actually the stem. Each strawberry has an average of 200 seeds. Who knew?

    Get Our Recipe for Fresh Strawberry Pie


    Oregon: Marionberry Pie

    Oregon is known for Pinot Noir wine, but they call their marionberries “the Cabernet of blackberries.” Oregon produces 30 million pounds of them every year, but they’re not widely available outside the region. You can use blackberries for this pie until you get your hands on the real thing.

    Get Our Recipe for Oregon’s Best Marionberry Pie


    Pennsylvania: Shoofly Pie

    Shoofly pie comes two different ways: Dry-bottom pie is cake-like; wet-bottom has a gooey custard underneath the cakey surface. Depending on whom you ask, this pie gets its name from the flies that were “shooed” away as it cooled, or from a 19th century touring celebrity, Shoofly the Boxing Mule.

    Get Our Recipe for Shoofly Pie

    Feast on these Pennsylvania Dutch recipes, too.


    Rhode Island: Coconut Custard Pie

    Rhode Island’s connection with coconuts dates back to 19th century, when whaling vessels brought them back from the tropics after voyages that could last up to three years. With custard pie already a favorite in New England, cooks quickly incorporated the exotic new food.

    Get Our Recipe for Coconut Custard Pie


    Persimmon Squash Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    South Carolina: Persimmon Pie

    In the early 19th century, South Carolina persimmons were served dried, or made into beer. The native fruit is quite astringent, and needs to be fully ripe before achieving its sweet, aromatic flavor. Many Southerners say a persimmon can’t be picked—it’s not ripe until it falls off the tree.

    Get Our Recipe for Persimmon Squash Pie


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    South Dakota: Kuchen

    While not technically pie, kuchen can’t be separated from South Dakota. According to the state’s Legislative Manual (yes, they legislated kuchen), the official state dessert is “a sweet dough crust filled with custard, which is served plain or studded with fruit…” Sounds enough like a pie to us!

    Get Our Recipe for Rich Fruit Kuchens


    Southern Bourbon Pecan Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Tennessee: Bourbon Pecan Pie

    What makes a Tennessee pecan pie different from a regular pecan pie? The answer’s easy—bourbon! A pie like this is where the sweet wood, vanilla and caramel flavors of bourbon (as opposed to the peaty edge of Tennessee whisky, which by law must be charcoal-filtered) scores big.

    Get Our Recipe for Southern Bourbon Pecan Pie


    Texas Pecan Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Texas: Pecan Pie

    Why does Texas get pecan pie? Well, Texans really love pecans. The official state tree, state nut, and state dessert—all pecan. And because official state anything isn’t big enough for the Lone Star State, San Saba, Texas is the “Pecan Capital of the World.” Yes, Texas gets it.

    Get Our Recipe for Texas Pecan Pie


    Utah: Rhubarb Cherry Pie

    Because it thrives even in cold climates, rhubarb is a favorite in cooler states (remember Alaska’s pie?)—and it grows abundantly in northern Utah. Because rhubarb is so tart, it’s usually either cooked with a whole lot of sugar or a sweet fruit—here, Utah’s state fruit, the cherry, does the honors.

    Get Our Recipe for Rhubarb Cherry Pie


    Vermont Maple Oatmeal Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Vermont: Maple Pie

    No surprise what represents Vermont: The state leads the country in maple syrup production, tripling over the last decade to 1.8 million gallons per year. But the boom actually pales next to the 9 million gallons produced annually in the 1860s, when maple sugar was cheaper than cane sugar.

    Get Our Recipe for Maple Oatmeal Pie

    Do you know these 10 surprising facts about maple syrup?


    Peanut Butter Cream Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Virginia: Peanut Butter Pie

    If you’re snacking on “peanuts and Cracker Jack” at a baseball game, those peanuts are sure to be Virginia peanuts. Now grown in other states as well, the Virginia peanut is the largest of all peanut types. They’re also commonly used in all-natural peanut butter.

    Get Our Recipe for Peanut Butter Cream Pie


    Washington: Apple Pie

    Washington is the nation’s apple powerhouse, with more than 175,000 acres of orchards producing 125 million boxes—or 2.5 million tons—of apples every year. It takes between 35,000 and 45,000 pickers to harvest the crop during peak season: Apples are picked by hand, rather than machinery.

    Get Our Recipe for Washington State Apple Pie


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    West Virginia: Golden Delicious Apple Pie

    Now forget about Washington, the Mountain State is the official home of the Golden Delicious apple—it was first grown by Andrew H. Mullins in Clay County, in 1912. No relation to the Red Delicious, it is the mama apple for Galas, Ambrosias, Pink Ladies, Mutsus and Jonagolds.

    Get Our Recipe for Golden Apple Pie


    Citrus Cranberry Pie Recipe photo by Taste of Home

    Wisconsin: Cranberry Pie

    Originally called the “crane berry” (because its blossom looks like a sandhill crane), the official state fruit of Wisconsin was first harvested there in 1860; the oldest bed still active was planted 140 years ago. The Badger State now produces nearly 60 percent of the nation’s cranberries.

    Get Our Recipe for Citrus Cranberry Pie


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    Wyoming: Rhubarb Pie

    Wyoming is another northern, cold-weather state that welcomed the hardy, tangy vegetable (did you think it was a fruit? Many people do!) and made it a staple for desserts. When buying rhubarb for a pie, look for medium to thick stalks; they’re the most tender.

    Get Our Recipe for Sour Cream Rhubarb Pie

    What’s a diner without pie? Here are the best diners in every state.

    Originally Published: August 18, 2020

    The Most Iconic Pie in Every State (2024)


    The Most Iconic Pie in Every State? ›

    New Jersey

    What is the #1 pie in the US? ›

    Apple. When you think about quintessential America, you can't help but imagine a warm, crumbly apple pie accompanied by a scoop of cold vanilla bean ice cream. If apples and pie are a great combo, then apple pie and ice cream are even better, as nothing can defeat that incredible flavor.

    What is Ohio's pie in 50 pies in 50 states? ›

    Ohio is known as the buckeye state so I had to oblige. The pie is a buckeye pie with a chocolate graham cracker crust, crunchy and creamy peanut butter filling topped with chocolate shell and buck eyes made from a recipe given to me by Meredith's grandma.

    What is the most famous pie in the world? ›

    Apple Pie. What it is: Somehow both quintessentially English and American, this may be the most famous pie of all. In Britain it goes back to the 1300s, and the earliest recipe includes figs and raisins. Modern recipes tend to consist of apples, sugar, butter and cinnamon encased in shortcrust pastry.

    What pie is Florida known for? ›

    While key lime pie—which was named the official pie of Florida in 2006—is easily found in restaurants throughout the Florida Keys, the same cannot be said of the tart key limes.

    What pie is Alabama known for? ›

    Alabama: Buttermilk Pie

    This custardlike pie is the South's answer to creme brulee. It's popular in many regions below the Mason-Dixon Line, but some of the best versions are found in the kitchens of Alabama.

    What pie is Tennessee known for? ›

    One of our favorite Tennessee desserts is the chess pie, a true Southern classic. Made with just eggs, butter, and sugar, with the addition of cornmeal and vinegar, this pie was the sweet born out of necessity and scarcity.

    What is the least popular pie in the United States? ›

    The least popular types of pies were salted caramel, gooseberry, blueberry and peach, all being the most popular in only one state each.

    What is the state pie of Texas? ›

    Why is pecan pie famous in Texas? Texas pecan pie has been a tradition for more than 100 years, and the pie was officially named the state dessert in 2013. Along with Georgia and New Mexico, Texas is one of the nation's top three pecan-producing states. Not surprisingly, pecan is also the state nut and tree of Texas.

    What pie is Texas famous for? ›

    Texas Declares “Pecan Pie” the Official State Pie.

    What pie is famous in Pennsylvania? ›

    Pennsylvania Dutch Country's best known and most loved comfort food - the whoopie pie! Whoopie pies originated in Lancaster County and are one of Pennsylvania Dutch Country's best known and most loved comfort foods for locals and visitors alike.

    What pie is Oregon known for? ›

    March 14 is Pi Day, and while there's a pie for every palate, Oregon is best known for one in particular: Marionberry. There are so many reasons we in the Northwest should be proud of our pie.

    What state eats the most pie? ›

    Which states order the most pie?
    • Nebraska: 487% more pie orders.
    • Rhode Island: 416% more pie orders.
    • Kansas: 361% more pie orders.
    • Nevada: 264% more pie orders.
    • New Mexico: 261% more pie orders.
    • Arizona: 246% more pie orders.
    • Indiana: 173% more pie orders.
    • Missouri: 145% more pie orders.
    Mar 7, 2019

    What is the most sold pie in the US? ›

    The clear winner for the United States as a whole was (not surprisingly) apple pie with more than 27% of sales going to the traditional flavor.

    What is the king of pies? ›

    Steak & Stilton - King of Pies - The incredible flavour of best british beef, sauteed in beef dripping, simmered in a rich beef gravy and combined with creamy fresh stilton cheese before being added to our hand made, buttery, shortcrust pastry. Gold Medal England's Best Pie.

    What is the most popular American pie? ›

    The most popular variety in the US is probably apple pie à la mode, invented in Minnesota in 1885, and served with a scoop of ice cream on top. Regardless of the regional varieties and endless debates, apple pie is an American dessert like no other, best paired with a sweet Riesling wine.

    What pie is popular in Texas? ›

    While pumpkin pie gives pecan pie a run for its money at Thanksgiving, and apple pie, blueberry pie, key lime pie, and other flavors all have their fans in Texas, pecan pie is the No. 1 pie in the state.

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    Author: Greg O'Connell

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    Name: Greg O'Connell

    Birthday: 1992-01-10

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    Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.