The Paleo Diet — A Beginner's Guide + Meal Plan (2024)

The paleo diet includes whole, unprocessed foods like vegetables, nuts, seeds, and meat. It may benefit your overall health and reduce your risk for some health conditions, including obesity.

The paleo diet is designed to resemble what human hunter-gatherer ancestors ate thousands of years ago.

Although it’s impossible to know exactly what human ancestors ate in different parts of the world, researchers believe their diets consisted of whole foods.

By following a diet of whole foods and leading physically active lives, hunter-gatherers presumably had much lower rates of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

This diet may lead to significant weight loss (without calorie counting) and major improvements in health.

Anthropologists also speculate that the paleo diet influenced anatomic and physiologic changes in humans, including increased brain size and reduced gastrointestinal tract size (1).

This article is a basic introduction to the paleo diet, providing a simple meal plan and other essential information.

A paleo diet meal plan

Paleolithic humans thrived on various diets, depending on what was available at the time and where in the world they lived.

Some ate a low carb diet high in animal foods, while others followed a high carb diet with lots of plants (1).

Some even ate insects, but fortunately, this delicacy is not included in today’s modern interpretation of the paleo diet.

The paleo diet plan includes (2):

  • unprocessed meats
  • fish
  • eggs
  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • herbs
  • spices
  • nutritious fats and oils

Foods to avoid typically include (2):

  • processed foods
  • added sugar
  • soft drinks
  • artificial sweeteners

Foods to limit include (2):

  • grains
  • most dairy products
  • legumes

However, it’s important to consider the above as general guidelines, not something written in stone. You can adapt all of this to your own personal needs and preferences.


Paleolithic humans’ diets varied depending on availability and location. The basic concept of the paleo diet is to eat whole foods and avoid processed foods.

Foods to avoid on the paleo diet

The paleo diet discourages the consumption of certain foods, including:

  • Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup: soft drinks, fruit juices, table sugar, candy, pastries, ice cream, and many others
  • Grains: bread, pasta, wheat, cereal, spelt, rye, barley, etc.
  • Legumes: beans, lentils, and many more
  • Dairy: most dairy, especially low fat dairy (some versions of paleo do include full-fat dairy like butter and cheese)
  • Some vegetable oils: soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, and others
  • Artificial sweeteners: aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates, saccharin, acesulfame potassium (use natural sweeteners instead)
  • Highly processed foods: everything labeled “diet” or “low fat” or that has many additives, including artificial meal replacements

A simple guideline for the paleo diet is, if it looks like it was made in a factory, avoid it.

To avoid these ingredients, you must read ingredient lists and nutrition labels, even on foods labeled as “health foods.”


Foods to avoid on the paleo diet include processed foods and ingredients, like sugar, bread, certain vegetable oils, and artificial sweeteners.

Foods to eat on the paleo diet

You can eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods on the paleo diet. This includes:

  • Meat: Beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork, and others
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, haddock, shrimp, shellfish, etc (choose wild-caught if you can)
  • Eggs: may be free-range, pastured, or omega-3 enriched
  • Vegetables: broccoli, kale, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries, and more.
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, turnips, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and more
  • Healthy fats and oils: extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and others
  • Salt and spices: sea salt, garlic, turmeric, rosemary, etc.

Many people prefer grass-fed meats, pastured eggs, and organic produce while following a paleo diet. However, this is not required.


Eat whole, unprocessed foods like meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruits, potatoes, nuts, healthy fats, and spices while on the paleo diet. If possible, choose grass-fed and organic products.

Modified paleo diets

There are now several different versions of the paleo diet. Some allow more modern foods, such as grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains like rice.

Today, many people think of paleo as a template to base your diet on, not necessarily a strict set of rules you must follow.


You can also use the paleo diet as a starting point, adding in a few other healthy foods like grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains.

Sensible indulgences

While following a paleo diet, the below foods and beverages below are perfectly fine in small amounts:

  • Wine: Quality red wine is not only part of the paleo diet, but it is high in antioxidants, polyphenols, and beneficial nutrients (3, 4).
  • Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is very high in antioxidants and important minerals like magnesium and iron. Choose a product with 70% or higher cocoa content (3, 5, 6).

When following the paleo diet, you can indulge in small amounts of red wine and dark chocolate from time to time.

What to drink on the paleo diet

When it comes to hydration, water should be your go-to beverage.

The following drinks aren’t strictly paleo but are typically accepted as beverages you can consume as part of the diet (3):

  • Tea: Tea, especially green tea, is very healthy and loaded with antioxidants and various beneficial compounds (7).
  • Coffee: Coffee is very high in antioxidants as well. Studies show that it has many health benefits (8).

Make water your drink of choice when following the paleo diet. Many people also drink tea and coffee.

While there are many benefits to the paleo diet, there are also some drawbacks.

For example, the paleo diet eliminates several food groups that are highly nutritious, including legumes, dairy, and gluten-containing grains.

Legumes are rich in fiber, protein, and various micronutrients, including iron, zinc, and copper, while dairy products have essential nutrients like calcium, which is important for bone health (9, 10).

Eliminating these food groups can put individuals following a paleo diet at risk of developing nutrient deficiencies.

In addition, legumes are one of the primary protein sources in the vegan and vegetarian diet, which may make the paleo diet unrealistic for vegans and vegetarians (11).

The paleo diet includes foods high in fiber, like vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Since foods high in fiber can have a laxative effect, a person transitioning from a low fiber diet to a paleo diet could experience gastric distress, such as bloating, as a result (12, 13).

It’s important to recognize that there’s no one “right” way to eat for everyone, so while the paleo diet may work for people you know, it may not be best for you.

You may want to talk with a doctor or nutritionist before starting a paleo diet.


The paleo diet eliminates several food groups that are highly nutritious and may cause bloating in some people. You can ask a doctor if the paleo diet is right for you.

This sample menu contains a balanced amount of paleo-friendly foods.

By all means, adjust this menu based on your own preferences.


  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables fried in olive oil, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: chicken salad with olive oil, a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: burgers (no bun) fried in butter, vegetables, salsa


  • Breakfast: bacon, eggs, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: leftover burgers from the night before
  • Dinner: baked salmon with vegetables


  • Breakfast: leftover salmon and vegetables from the night before
  • Lunch: sandwich in a lettuce leaf, with meat and fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: ground beef stir-fry with vegetables, berries


  • Breakfast: eggs, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: leftover stir-fry from the night before, a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: fried pork, vegetables


  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables fried in olive oil, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: chicken salad with olive oil, a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: steak, vegetables, sweet potatoes


  • Breakfast: bacon, eggs, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: leftover steak and vegetables from the night before
  • Dinner: baked tilapia, vegetables, avocado


  • Breakfast: leftover salmon and vegetables from the night before
  • Lunch: sandwich in a lettuce leaf, with meat and fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: grilled chicken wings, vegetables, salsa

You can make a variety of delicious meals using paleo-friendly foods. Above is a sample menu of what 1 week on the paleo diet might look like.

Simple paleo snacks

If you get hungry between meals, there are plenty of paleo snacks that are simple and easily portable:

  • Toasted almonds or mixed nuts
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, including baby carrots, celery sticks, and sliced apples
  • Dairy-free chia pudding

Paleo snacks are easy to prepare and take with you on the go. A few ideas include fruit, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, or baby carrots.

Simple paleo shopping list

There is an incredible variety of foods you can eat on the paleo diet.

This simple shopping list should give you an idea of how to get started:

  • Meat: beef, lamb, pork, etc.
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey, etc.
  • Fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, etc.
  • Eggs
  • Fresh vegetables: greens, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, etc.
  • Frozen vegetables: broccoli, spinach, various vegetable mixes, etc.
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, pears, oranges, avocado
  • Berries: strawberries, blueberries, etc.
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts
  • Almond butter
  • Olive oil
  • Olives
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Condiments: sea salt, pepper, turmeric, garlic, parsley, etc.

To get started on the paleo diet, use the shopping list above to stock your pantry and fridge with delicious, paleo-friendly foods

How to make restaurant meals paleo

It is fairly easy to make most restaurant meals paleo-friendly.

Here are some simple guidelines:

  1. Order a meat- or fish-based main dish.
  2. Get extra vegetables instead of bread or rice.
  3. Ask for your food to be cooked in olive oil or avocado oil.

Eating out while following the paleo diet doesn’t have to be hard. Simply select a meat or fish dish on the menu and swap in some extra veggies.

The bottom line

The paleo diet is modeled after what hunter-gatherers are believed to have followed. While there is no one way to follow the paleo diet, the basic idea is to avoid processed foods and focus instead on healthy, whole foods.

You can also base your diet on paleo foods, adding a few modern healthy foods like grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains.

To start the paleo diet, check out the sample menu and shopping list above and stock your kitchen and pantry with these healthy, paleo-friendly foods.

The Paleo Diet — A Beginner's Guide + Meal Plan (2024)


The Paleo Diet — A Beginner's Guide + Meal Plan? ›

The biggest categories of food to avoid are dairy, grains, legumes, and processed foods. We did not evolve eating these foods, and so our bodies are less healthy when we eat them today. You'll also want to shy away from added sugar and salt as well as these surprisingly non-Paleo foods.

What is not allowed on a paleo diet? ›

The biggest categories of food to avoid are dairy, grains, legumes, and processed foods. We did not evolve eating these foods, and so our bodies are less healthy when we eat them today. You'll also want to shy away from added sugar and salt as well as these surprisingly non-Paleo foods.

How much weight can you lose on paleo diet in 30 days? ›

For some, Paleo Diet results 30 days later include shedding up to 25 pounds.

What is the easiest way to do the Paleo diet? ›

While there is no one way to follow the paleo diet, the basic idea is to avoid processed foods and focus instead on healthy, whole foods. You can also base your diet on paleo foods, adding a few modern healthy foods like grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains.

Can you eat cheese on paleo? ›

Foods to avoid on the Paleo diet:

Dairy products, such as cheese, milk, and yogurt. Legumes, such as beans, peanuts, and soy. Potatoes (except sweet potatoes)

Can you eat rice on paleo? ›

Strict paleo dieters exclude all grains from their diets — including rice — primarily due to their high phytate content. Although it's technically prohibited, many people still consume small amounts of white rice while following a paleo diet because it's lower in phytates, compared with other types.

Are bananas ok on paleo? ›

Many paleo followers wonder if bananas are paleo because of their higher sugar content. They are considered paleo. One medium banana has 113 calories, 2 grams of fiber and 26 grams of carbohydrates. Bananas are an unprocessed, whole food with a good source of potassium.

Can you eat peanut butter on paleo? ›

Peanuts are technically legumes, which are not paleo compliant, and that means peanut butter is off limits for paleo eaters. All other nuts and seeds are fair game, so if nuts and seeds are the only ingredients, snack away!

Can you eat eggs on paleo? ›

A modern paleo diet includes fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds. These are foods that in the past people could get by hunting and gathering. It doesn't include foods that became more common when small-scale farming began about 10,000 years ago.

Can you lose belly fat on paleo diet? ›

Studies have shown that the paleo diet is effective at reducing belly fat. In one study, 10 healthy women followed a paleo diet for five weeks. On average, they experienced a 3-inch (8-cm) reduction in waist circumference, which is an indicator of belly fat, and around a 10-pound (4.6-kg) weight loss overall ( 23 ).

How to speed up weight loss on paleo? ›

A Simple Approach to Successful Weight Loss when eating Paleo
  1. Nothing processed.
  2. Lean protein + healthy fats.
  3. Go low carb.
  4. Hydrate.
  5. Stay active.
  6. Make a meal plan and stick to it.
  7. Don't forget the snacks.
  8. Avoid eating at restaurants.
Oct 7, 2022

How long before you see results from a paleo diet? ›

How long does it take to see results from the paleo lifestyle? There's no universal answer to this question. If you start eating a very healthy paleo lifestyle, you'll likely see quick weight loss in the first week or two - this may be mostly water weight, and your losses could slow after this initial period.

What are the three drawbacks of the paleo diet? ›

Negative Effects and Disadvantages of the Paleo Diet

It can get expensive. You don't eat any grains or dairy that can be good for health and energy. This diet can be difficult for vegetarians, especially since it excludes beans.

What foods are not allowed on paleo? ›

Foods and Drinks to Avoid on the Paleo Diet
  • Pasta (including whole-wheat and gluten-free)
  • Bread.
  • Rice.
  • Oats.
  • Quinoa.
  • Beans, lentils, and peanuts.
  • Dairy.
  • Refined vegetable oils.
Oct 3, 2022

Is coffee paleo? ›

Technically, no. Removing the caffeine from the plant is usually done through chemical processing that we consider too far from a natural, mechanical process. Our Paleolithic ancestors would not have had the ability to remove caffeine from coffee beans.

What are the weaknesses of the Paleo diet? ›

Eliminating entire food groups can mean essential nutrients and vitamins are not included in the diet. People in the West often obtain their calcium from milk, cheese and yoghurt and those following the paleo diet are at risk of inadequate calcium consumption and therefore low bone and tooth density.

Which three of the following are disadvantages of the paleo diet? ›

Here are some drawbacks to eating Paleo:
  • It can get expensive.
  • You don't eat any grains or dairy that can be good for health and energy.
  • This diet can be difficult for vegetarians, especially since it excludes beans.
  • Most athletes need between 3 to 6 grams of carbs per pound of their body weight, per day.
Apr 2, 2016

What is the disadvantage of a paleo type diet for modern humans? ›

Disadvantages of the Paleo Diet:
  • Decrease in essential vitamins and nutrients intake, as paleo diet eliminates certain food groups from your diet. ...
  • Decreased intake of fibre due to eliminating whole grains affects your gut health negatively and can cause other hidden health issues.
May 17, 2023

What are 5 interesting facts you need to know about the Paleo diet? ›

20 Things You Didn't Know about Paleo
  • Most Hunter–Gatherers Did Not Eat a “Low-Carb” Diet.
  • Sugar Isn't “Toxic”
  • Many of the Packaged “Paleo Friendly” Foods Are Full of Modern Additives—and Some of Them Are Not so Friendly to Your Health.
  • Eating a Paleo-Style Diet Doesn't Have to Be Expensive.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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