This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (2024)

KFC is one of the biggest fast-food fried chicken chains in the world. The company has over 25,000 locations across the globe in more than 145 countries. In a rapidly changing world, there's at least one thing that most of us can probably still agree on: Fried chicken is delicious. And there's no doubt that KFC has played a pivotal role in popularizing it.

But what is it that makes KFC so enticing, exactly? Whether it's sold by the bucket or between two buns, there's something undeniably alluring about KFC's fried chicken. Even just the peppery and herbaceous spice of its scent is enough to trigger a serious craving. Yet homemade attempts to accurately recreate KFC's distinctive je ne sais quoi often prove elusive.

As it turns out, there are a lot of reasons for that. Between some special equipment in the kitchen and KFC's secretive blend of 11 herbs and spices, there are a number of interesting forces at play that make its chicken so famously finger lickin' good.

Read more: The Ultimate Ranking Of The Best Fried Chicken Chains

It's Pressure Cooked

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (1)

KFC uses pressure fryers to cook the company's fried chicken. Considering that commercial pressure fryers cost thousands of dollars, it's safe to assume that most residential kitchens aren't equipped with this kind of expensive equipment. By cooking its chicken in pressure fryers, KFC ensures that its fried chicken is consistently crispy.

Pressure fryers are basically deep fryers and pressure cookers combined into a single machine. They are completely airtight, trapping all of the steam and pressure inside of the sealed fryer. Pressure fryers allow the exterior of the chicken to get extra crispy, yet at the same time, it also creates meat that's ultra juicy and succulent inside. Pressure fryers can also fry chicken extremely fast, which allows KFC to cook big batches to keep up with customer demand. If you've ever wondered how KFC makes its chicken so spectacularly tender and crispy, it has everything to do with the moisture retention and pressurized seal of the devices the chicken is fried inside of. The combination of blistering hot oil and high pressure softens the connective tissue within the chicken in a special way that makes it extra delicious.

The Chicken Is Hand-Breaded To Maximize Freshness

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (2)

Many fast food restaurants use food that's completely prepared off-site, but KFC takes the time to bread its fried chicken the old-fashioned way: by hand. Breading chicken by hand requires more time and effort, but the results are worth it. Simply put, when fried chicken is breaded in batches by hand at each location rather than mass-produced by machines in a factory elsewhere, it creates a fresher product for diners. If KFC fried chicken was pre-breaded and totally prepared off-site, it would have to be sealed in bags and then shipped around the world long before it was actually cooked. KFC's approach to hand-breading its chicken provides a fresher flavor.

One great example of this is KFC's chicken nuggets. While many other restaurants just pull them from a frozen bag, KFC actually hand-breads its chicken nuggets. The chicken nuggets are all-white meat and then rolled in the company's famous 11 herbs and spices.

KFC Uses A Special Signature Blend Of Herbs And Spices

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (3)

A big part of what makes KFC's chicken so tasty is its highly coveted blend of herbs and spices. The restaurant's chicken is savory and herbaceous with lingering notes of pepper. The flavoring is simple but it hits all the right notes. The popularity of KFC's fried chicken has left diners wondering about the company's recipe, but the precise ingredients and exact measurements seem nearly impossible to track down.

In 2016, The Chicago Tribune published what it suspected to be an old hand-written note that allegedly listed KFC's secret recipe. Among the ingredients include spices like garlic salt, black pepper, paprika, dried mustard, and celery salt. There have been many attempts by home cooks to replicate KFC's chicken based on this recipe and the results have been astonishingly successful. Though the company denies the accuracy of the allegedly leaked recipe, many say that the mix of spices tastes right on the money. At the end of the day, we aren't entirely sure of KFC's recipe of 11 herbs and spices, since the company has done a good job keeping it a secret. But there's no doubt that KFC's signature spice blend is one of the most crucial components of its famous fried chicken.

Sight And Scent Trigger Our Appetite

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (4)

Beyond the ingredients and equipment, there are also some powerful sensory experiences at play. There is a reason that fast food companies create such tempting pictures on the menu sincethe appearance of food often guides our appetite. Some research suggests that our brains are instinctively wired to be more attracted to vibrant food since it was easier for our ancestors to notice colorful fruits within darkened forests. In other words, the mere sight of food alone can be enough to summon hunger and pleasure.

The same can be said for the smell of food. Studies show that odor stimuli can increase appetite. Considering that KFC's fried chicken has such a distinctively pleasant scent, it's reasonable to presume that catching a whiff of it is enough to trigger our appetite without even seeing it. Believe it or not, the smell of KFC is such a crowd-pleaser that the company has even successfully marketed fried chicken-scented sunscreen and fried-chicken-scented fire logs. In fact, KFC's fire logs were so popular that the first batch completely sold out in only three hours.

The Chicken Is Placed On A Wire Rack After Frying To Keep It Crispy

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (5)

One of the ways that KFC keeps its chicken crispy is by letting the excess oil drain off onto a wire rack. This may seem like a somewhat trivial detail, but in reality, it makes all the difference. If fried chicken is placed directly onto a flat, solid surface after frying, the excess oil on the chicken will drip down and form into a pool, causing the bottom of the chicken to get mushy. To make matters worse, the steam from the chicken will also cause some squishiness, since there is no ventilation on the bottom. The solution? Drying freshly fried chicken on a wire rack.

A wire rack provides a surface for the fried chicken to rest on, but the wires also allow air to circulate underneath. The spaces between the wires provide some room for the steam to disperse, which prevents the bottom of the chicken from getting soggy. The wire rack also allows any excess oil to drip off of the chicken, instead of just collecting into a stagnant puddle that's in contact with the chicken. The wire rack's simple design works wonders in this process and is an indispensable tool for making excellent fried chicken.

Fried Chicken Balances Different Flavors

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (6)

When you think about it, fried chicken captures a lot of different flavors in a single meal. Typically flavored with common seasonings that include salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika, fried chicken has a savory flavor profile that delivers a wallop of umami. At the same time, KFC's fried chicken is often paired with different flavors that provide a tasty contrast to its inherent saltiness. Honey BBQ fried chicken, for example, delivers a slightly smoky yet sweet punch that complements the savoriness of KFC's fried chicken.

Because fried chicken dishes often provide so many various flavors, our taste buds tend to find it ultra-satisfying in a way that many other menu items can't quite compete with. Combine that with the fact that fried chicken also offers textural complexity — moving from crispy and crunchy in one bite to juicy and tender in the next — fried chicken hits the spot in numerous ways. As one of the biggest fast food chains on the scene, KFC has mastered the art of flavor balance, offering a wide range of fried chicken items over the years.

KFC Carefully Inspects Each Piece Of Chicken

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (7)

To help regulate quality, KFC takes the time to inspect all of its chicken from multiple angles. First, the chicken is purchased from American farms where it is USDA-inspected. The Food Safety and Inspection Service within the US Department of Agriculture has a number of inspection directives, including the evaluation of working conditions and the sanitation procedures of processing operations. Customers should be pleased to know that KFC's chicken is free of added hormones and steroids and raised without antibiotics.

Once the chicken is delivered to KFC's kitchens, the chicken is once again inspected by workers. Between the chicken being inspected at farms followed by each piece being inspected by workers at each of KFC's restaurants, it's safe to say that KFC's chicken undergoes a thorough inspection process. This ensures that the company is delivering a level of quality and consistency that customers can depend on. After the chicken has been inspected, only then do the cooks begin the process of cooking it for diners.

It's Seasoned With Flavor Enhancers

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (8)

According to the company's website, much of KFC's menu contains MSG (also known as monosodium glutamate). Based on the company's search bar that filters menu items to highlight food with specific allergens, MSG is in a surprising number of dishes. Some of these dishes include Original Recipe chicken, Spicy Crispy chicken, Kentucky Fried Nuggets, mashed potatoes, and Secret Recipe Fries — just to name a few.

Why does KFC feature MSG in so many menu items? The answer is simple. MSG is a major flavor enhancer. It's basically a concentrated form of salt that easily triggers salivation. MSG is often contained in a lot of fast food and processed foods. Even though MSG has come under fire for its alleged impact on health, MSG is generally recognized as safe according to the FDA. Because MSG deepens flavors, it makes KFC's fried chicken and many other menu items even more irresistible. The next time you're savoring a crispy piece of KFC's fried chicken, there's a good chance that MSG has a little something to do with it.

Dipping Sauces Intensify Its Taste

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (9)

There's no doubt that KFC's fried chicken is flavorful all on its own. At the same time, using some of the restaurant's dipping sauces can take it to the next level. KFC caters to various palates by offering diners a handful of different sauces to choose from.

Some of KFC's sauces include its signature KFC Sauce, which is tangy and sweet yet smoky and creamy. Other choices include Buffalo Ranch, Honey Mustard, Classic Ranch, and Honey BBQ. All of these sauces bring a unique flavor to the table that helps intensify the taste of the company's famous fried chicken. Customers who prefer their fried chicken with a sweeter sauce should opt for KFC Sauce, Honey BBQ, or Honey Mustard. Diners looking for a little heat can opt for the Buffalo Ranch, which combines a little cayenne pepper with the tanginess of ranch. Of course, customers who love the familiar taste of ranch dressing should satisfy their craving with KFC's Classic Ranch. By offering multiple dipping sauces for its fried chicken, KFC kicks up the flavor.

The Chicken Is Thoroughly Breaded

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (10)

Good fried chicken needs to be well-breaded. If there are any spots on the chicken that aren't coated in breading, that bare spot of raw chicken will be directly exposed to hot oil, cooking it faster and potentially drying it out. A big part of the joy of eating fried chicken is undoubtedly biting into the crispiness of a crunchy exterior — and that all starts with the breading.

Employees are trained to thoroughly combine KFC's flour and seasoning blend until it's evenly distributed. The chicken is then submerged into cold water, which gives KFC's breading some liquid to cling to. The chicken is then left to drip off excess water for a few seconds, and then it's tossed into the seasoned flour mix. Workers are taught to toss the chicken exactly seven times in the seasoning blend. This ensures that all sides of the chicken is coated in breading, which ends up making the chicken extra delicious after being fried to perfection.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.

This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good (2024)


This Is What Makes KFC's Fried Chicken So Good? ›

It's pressure cooked

What makes KFC chicken taste so good? ›

The exact recipe is a well-guarded secret, but a combination of flavors like paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and other herbs and spices are believed to be used. This unique blend creates a savory and aromatic profile that adds depth to the chicken's taste.

Why does KFC have the best chicken? ›

KFC's Original Recipe fried chicken is made with the chain's secret seasoning blend of 11 herbs and spices.

How does KFC get their chicken so crispy? ›

KFC deep fries its chicken for 15 minutes and then drains the oil off for another five minutes – 20 minutes in total. If you don't have a deep fryer, heat up plenty of oil in a large saucepan and do it that way.

What is the secret behind KFC? ›

Also, Winston Shelton, a former friend of Sanders, said that the secret recipe contains Tellicherry black pepper. It is well attested that Harland Sanders asked Bill Summers of Marion-Kay Spices in Brownstown, Indiana, US to recreate his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.

What makes KFC chicken special? ›

It's pressure cooked

By cooking its chicken in pressure fryers, KFC ensures that its fried chicken is consistently crispy. Pressure fryers are basically deep fryers and pressure cookers combined into a single machine. They are completely airtight, trapping all of the steam and pressure inside of the sealed fryer.

What is the most ordered item at KFC? ›

As of my last knowledge update in july 2023, the most popular menu item at KFC is typically their Original Recipe Fried Chicken.

Is Popeyes nicer than KFC? ›

Popeye's has virtually perfected every single aspect of its chicken sandwich, whether spicy or regular. And even though we greatly enjoyed KFC's spicy chicken sandwich, well ... it couldn't edge out the mind-blowingly flavorful spicy sandwich option from Popeye's.

What makes KFC chicken so tender? ›

Finally, the chicken is fried in "Pressure Fryers" which are industrial cooking equipment that no home cook could or should get their hands on. Essentially it rapidly fries and tenderises the meat, so that they can pump out heaps of fried chicken as fast and as tender as possible.

Do KFC boil chicken before frying? ›

First, KFC pre-boils its chicken before frying it. This helps to ensure that the chicken is cooked evenly and that there is no risk of it becoming dry or overcooked.

What is KFC chicken coating made of? ›

Copycat KFC Original Recipe Chicken EXACTLY how the Colonel makes it 🔥 Secret Herb & Spice Mix: - 2.5 cups of flour - 2 teaspoons of Salt - 3 teaspoons of Paprika - 2 teaspoons of Dried Mustard - 2 teaspoons of Garlic Powder - 1.5 teaspoons of Onion Powder - 1 teaspoon of Dried Thyme - 1 teaspoon of Dried Basil - 1 ...

What kind of oil does KFC use? ›

KFC products are fried in oil which may contain the following: Canola Oil and Hydrogenated Soybean Oil with TBHQ and Citric Acid Added To Protect Flavor, Dimethylpolysiloxane, an Antifoaming Agent Added. Like most restaurants, we prepare and serve products that may contain egg, milk, soy, wheat or other allergens.

Are KFC fries cooked in the same oil as the chicken? ›

This detail, along with potential cross-contamination issues, since the fries might be fried in the same oil as the chicken products, makes KFC fries unsuitable for a strict vegan diet.

What is so special about KFC? ›

We cook our chicken from scratch and our restaurants celebrate that story. We use natural, high-quality materials and have all the conveniences to make our guests feel welcome and comfortable.

Does KFC use egg in their breading? ›

Original Recipe® Chicken Fresh chicken. Breaded in: Wheat flour, Salt, Monosodium glutamate, Spices, Dehydrated garlic, Modified milk ingredients, Dried egg white (Egg white, Baker's yeast, Citric acid). Cooked in: Canola oil (Dimethylpolysiloxane (Antifoaming agent), TBHQ). Contains: Wheat, Milk, Egg.

What makes KFC chicken different from others? ›

KFC's original product is pressure-fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders' signature recipe of "11 herbs and spices". The constituents of the recipe are a trade secret.

Does KFC use good quality chicken? ›

We use 100 percent real chicken raised on U.S. farms. Our chicken is USDA inspected for quality before it can be delivered to our kitchens.

Why does KFC chicken smell so good? ›

“But the Colonel's blend of 11 herbs and spices also lights up a very sensitive area of the brain called the amygdala, where emotions are processed, so we crave it as a food source and also as a source of comfort, because it reminds us of family dinners and picnics filled with this lovely warm scent of spices and herbs ...

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.