Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (2024)

Home / Treatment / Nutrition / 20 Foods to Promote Lung Health and 5 to Avoid

Table Of Contents

  1. Lung-Healthy Food Types
  2. Foods to Promote Lung Health
  3. Food Types to Avoid if You Have Lung Disease
  4. Lung-Damaging Foods to Avoid
  5. Related Pages

Lung-Healthy Food Types

While exposure to asbestos or hereditary asthma might not be avoidable, you have the power over what foods you eat. Shying away from unhealthy and fried foods can help you maintain your overall health while easing symptoms of lung disease.

While high-calorie foods might not be recommended for most people, those with cancer should try to maintain their weight. Focus on getting plenty of protein along with healthy fats and carbs.

  1. Healthy Fats

    Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats don’t contain cholesterol and usually come from plant sources. These healthy fats can help manage blood pressure, reduce inflammation and improve your overall health, which can help you breathe easier.

  2. Proteins

    Proteins help keep your body strong and can help your body produce immune system cells. You’ll want to eat a good source of protein at least twice per day to help strengthen your respiratory cells and make you stronger.


    • Lean meats
    • Eggs
    • Beans
  3. Complex Carbs

    Complex carbohydrates are high in fiber, which can help regulate the digestive system and blood sugar levels. You’ll want to limit simple carbohydrates such as table sugar and candy, which can cause obesity and hypertension. Instead, opt for complex carbs such as those found in some produce and whole-grain bread and pasta, which can help provide fiber and energy.


    • Whole-grain bread
    • Pasta
    • Fresh produce
  4. Fresh Produce

    Fresh fruits and vegetables include minerals, vitamins and fiber that help keep your body healthy and in shape. However, some produce is better for your lung health than others. Opt for berries, pineapples and grapes over apples, apricots and peaches, which can cause bloating.


    • Low-FODMAP fruits, including:

      • Berries
      • Pineapples
      • Grapes
    • Non-starchy vegetables, including:
      • Broccoli
      • Peas
      • Tomatoes
  5. Potassium

    Potassium can help reduce water retention, regulate blood pressure and improve digestion, so it’s important to have a healthy level of it to maintain good lung function. The most common source of potassium is bananas, but it’s also found in other produce items.


    • Bananas
    • Leafy greens
    • Tomatoes
    • Beets

Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (2)

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Foods to Promote Lung Health

Foods that promote lung health are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. These foods help reduce inflammation, protect lung tissue, and improve respiratory function.

If you have mesothelioma, I recommend increasing your intake of produce because it’s vital to building a healthy body. Research indicates that plant-based foods loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals, such as fruits and vegetables, can help fight cancer.

Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (3)

Tejal Parekh, board certified specialist in oncology nutrition and a licensed dietitian

Consuming berries, nuts, fatty fish, garlic and turmeric can also support lung health because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The following foods have also been shown to have a positive impact on lung health.

  1. Apples

    Due to the presence of the antioxidant quercetin, apples have been proven to reduce lung decline and even reduce lung damage caused by smoking. Those who eat five or more apples per week were also at a reduced risk of developing COPD.

  2. Beets

    Beetroot and beet greens have been shown to benefit lung function, relax blood pressure and optimize oxygen intake, all of which can help someone struggling to breathe. Beets are also packed with vitamins and nutrients that promote lung health, like magnesium and potassium.

  3. Pumpkin

    Pumpkins are rich in carotenoids, which are associated with higher lung function. Carotenoids also contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which promote overall health and comfort.

  4. Tomatoes

    Tomatoes are one of the richest vegetable sources of lycopene, a carotenoid that has been associated with improved lung function. Consuming tomatoes and tomato products has also been linked to reduced lung decline and airway inflammation.

  5. Leafy Greens

    Leafy greens such as bok choy, spinach and kale are a rich source of carotenoids, iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins. These nutrients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help reduce lung inflammation and promote overall health.

Food Types to Avoid if You Have Lung Disease

Certain foods and diets don’t help people with lung conditions like mesothelioma. Certain foods don’t provide enough nutrients or calories, or they promote unwanted side effects.

For example, some foods promote fluid retention, stomach issues or conflict with certain medications. Avoiding these foods can help keep lung disease symptoms at bay.

  1. Salty Foods

    Sodium causes fluid retention, which can lead to shortness of breath in patients who have lung disease. And while the salt shaker is the most obvious source of sodium, the bulk of sodium intake is actually already in the food. To reduce sodium intake, cut back on salty seasonings and check the labels on the foods you buy to confirm they don’t contain more than 300 milligrams of salt per serving.

    To reduce salt intake: Opt for herbs and spices to season food and check food labels before purchasing.

  2. Dairy Products

    As the body digests dairy products, a breakdown of milk digestion called casomorphin increases the amount of phlegm and mucus produced by the body. This can increase coughing, which can cause wheezing and pain in COPD patients.

    To reduce dairy intake: Trade lactose for milk alternatives such as almond, oat or soy milk.

  3. Processed Meats

    Cured meats and cold cuts contain nitrates, which companies often add to these products for color and to help extend shelf life. These nitrates, however, have been found to lead to an increase in COPD-related hospital readmissions.

    To reduce processed meat intake: Avoid deli meat or look for a “no nitrates added” label on the product.

  4. Soda

    Drinking soda can be harmful to those with lung disease in several ways. First, soda contains carbon dioxide to make it carbonated, which can cause gas and bloating that makes it harder to breathe. In addition, the high sugar content can increase inflammation and lead to weight gain, both of which can exacerbate COPD symptoms.

    To reduce soda intake: Try switching soda out with other noncarbonated, flavored beverages like tea, flavored water or natural juice.

  5. Fried Foods

    Fried foods such as french fries and onion rings contain unhealthy fats that can cause bloating and discomfort by pushing on the diaphragm. In addition to lung discomfort caused by bloating, fried foods over time can lead to higher cholesterol and weight gain. For people living with lung disease, these things can worsen symptoms.

    To reduce fried food intake: Avoid fast-food chains and drive-thru meals.

Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (5)

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Lung-Damaging Foods to Avoid

Lung-damaging foods can include processed meats, sugary drinks and trans fats. These can increase inflammation and oxidative stress, which harms lung function. Excessive salt and fried foods may worsen respiratory conditions by promoting fluid retention and inflammation.

Specific foods to eat or avoid will really depend on your individual side effects. For example, if you are experiencing a sore throat, I recommend avoiding spicy and acidic foods such as orange juice or hot sauces as these can further irritate your throat.

Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (6)

Tejal Parekh, board certified specialist in oncology nutrition and a licensed dietitian

The following foods have been proven to negatively impact lung function. Limiting alcohol is also advised because it can impair immune responses and lung health.

  1. White Bread

    Simple carbohydrates such as white bread should be avoided, as it takes more work for the lungs to metabolize them. Switching out these simple carbs for whole-grain, complex carbohydrates can improve lung health.

  2. Potato Chips

    Potato chips are filled with salt and saturated fat, two things that are detrimental to lung health. Trans and saturated fats harm your cardiovascular health and can raise blood pressure. The salt in chips can also increase water retention, making it harder to breathe.

  3. Chocolate

    First and foremost, chocolate contains caffeine, which can interfere with medication or increase heart rate. Chocolate is also high in sugar and low in nutrients, making it a generally bad choice for someone with lung disease.

  4. Beer

    In general, alcohol can increase inflammation in the lungs. For those with poor lung health, beer is a bad choice specifically because it’s also carbonated and can cause bloating, which puts extra pressure on the lungs and can make it harder to breathe.

  5. Cold Cuts

    The nitrates in processed cold cuts have been linked to lung decline and worsening COPD symptoms. Lean meats like salmon and chicken are a better choice for those who want to eat meat.

Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (7)

Lung disease and discomfort are hard to live with. Keeping your body healthy through diet and nutrition is another way you can improve your overall health and make cancer treatment easier. To talk about a diet plan while navigating treatment,find a doctor who is right for you.

Top 20 Foods for Lung Health I Best & Worst Foods for Your Lungs (2024)


What foods heal lungs? ›

Consuming berries, nuts, fatty fish, garlic and turmeric can also support lung health because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The following foods have also been shown to have a positive impact on lung health.

What drink helps lungs? ›

  • Green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins, which may have anti-inflammatory and protective effects on lung tissue.
  • Turmeric Milk. ...
  • Warm water with lemon. ...
  • Honey and warm water. ...
  • Pineapple juice. ...
  • Beetroot juice. ...
  • Garlic-infused water.
Oct 5, 2023

Are eggs good for the lungs? ›

Eat a good source of protein at least twice a day to help maintain strong respiratory muscles. Good choices include milk, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, poultry, nuts and dried beans or peas. To lose weight: Choose low-fat sources of protein such as lean meats and low-fat dairy products.

Are bananas good for the lungs? ›

Bananas: Bananas contain potassium and fiber. They are good for lung health, and the American Lung Association recommends that you eat at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily. Tomatoes: For high levels of lycoprotein, tomatoes are your richest veggie source. Lycoprotein is a carotenoid linked to improved lung function.

What heals damaged lungs? ›

Treatments Used By Pulmonologists To Treat Damaged Lungs
  • Pulmonary hygiene. Various techniques are used to remove fluid and mucus buildup.
  • Airway ablation. This is a procedure to help open blocked air passages. ...
  • Medication. ...
  • Advances in treatment.
May 1, 2021

What can I drink to reduce shortness of breath? ›

Some people may find that drinking black coffee eases breathlessness. A possible reason for this is that caffeine intake may relax airway muscles. An old review from 2010 reported that caffeine's effects slightly improve the way the airway functions in people with asthma.

Does lemon water cleanse the lungs? ›

Lemon is high in vitamin C and turpin comprises of vitamin A, both are antioxidant. This helps to better your lung health. On the other hand, garlic serves as a natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent. You can have this drink once or twice a days to boost your lung health.

How can I make my lungs strong again? ›

But there are things you can do to keep your lungs healthy and even increase your capacity.
  1. Stop Smoking (and avoid secondhand smoke). ...
  2. Exercise regularly. ...
  3. Maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated. ...
  4. Get annual check-ups. ...
  5. Stay up to date with vaccinations. ...
  6. Avoid outdoor air pollution exposure. ...
  7. Improve indoor air quality.

What not to eat when you have lung problems? ›

7 Foods That Are Bad For Lung Health
  • Eight Typical Signs of Poor Lung Health. ...
  • Avoid These Seven Foods To Improve Your Lung Health. ...
  • Salty Foods. ...
  • Soda and Other Sugary Drinks and Foods. ...
  • Fried Foods Can Worsen Lung Health. ...
  • Processed Meats. ...
  • Dairy Products May Harm Lung Health. ...
  • Foods That Contain Sulfites.
Jul 24, 2023

What vitamin is good for lung health? ›

Vitamin A helps prevent respiratory diseases

Specifically, vitamin A can restore and enhance the regeneration of the lung mucosa, maintain the function of mucous membrane cells that protect the lungs from pathogens in the air. Therefore, patients with lung problems should supplement with foods rich in vitamin A.

Is oatmeal good for your lungs? ›

Foods that are rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids — such as broiled salmon or oatmeal sprinkled with flax seeds and walnuts — are not only delicious: They may also help those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to breathe easier.

Is chicken good for the lungs? ›

One of the easiest ways to improve your lungs is to eat more chicken and fish. These are two good sources of protein, but be sure to limit them if you have trouble breathing. Chicken is great for the lungs, but if it makes you bloated, you might want to skip it altogether. Likewise, avoid eating fried food and poultry.

What is the lungs favorite food? ›

Coffee, dark leafy greens, fatty fish, peppers, tomatoes, olive oil, oysters, blueberries, and pumpkin are just some examples of foods and drinks that have been shown to benefit lung function. Try incorporating a few of the foods and beverages listed above into your diet to help support the health of your lungs.

What drink is good for the lungs? ›

Good: Coffee

Research points to a connection between regular coffee and healthier lungs. This could be due to the caffeine, which is anti-inflammatory, and polyphenols, which are antioxidant and also anti-inflammatory.

Is drinking coffee good for the lungs? ›

Caffeine also helps lower respiratory muscle fatigue and can temporarily improve lung function. These are all good things for patients with asthma. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that healthy adults may safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day.

How can I reverse my lung disease naturally? ›

Besides seeking medical care, the following home remedies may be helpful in managing COPD and its symptoms.
  1. Avoiding smoking and vaping. ...
  2. Staying active. ...
  3. Maintaining a moderate weight. ...
  4. Managing stress. ...
  5. Trying breathing exercises. ...
  6. Taking supplements. ...
  7. Using essential oils. ...
  8. Look into herbal remedies.

What foods cause lung inflammation? ›

You may not associate food with your lungs, but it can affect how well they function. For instance, if you have asthma or lung cancer, your doctor may tell you to avoid salty, processed foods and red meats. These foods can exacerbate symptoms such as bloating, shortness of breath, and inflammation.

What foods increase oxygen levels? ›

In addition, foods like lemon, beetroot, avocado, spinach, carrot, beans, organ meat and turmeric are also helpful. These foods are high in iron, nitrate, vitamin and mineral content which play a significant role in increasing oxygen supply throughout your body.

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.