Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World | Odysseys Unlimited (2024)

We're all familiar with the traditions surrounding Valentine's Day in America a dozen roses, a box of chocolates, a sappy store-bought card (or a handwritten one, if you've got a way with words). But in other parts of the world, many cultures have their own unique twists on Valentine's Day traditions. Carved wooden spoons? Public weddings? Lucky pigs? Read on to find out more.


The passion of the Argentinians can't be contained by just a single day, so they set aside a week in July as "Sweetness Week," when lovers and friends exchange candies, kisses, and good cheer.


Brazil does not celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14, as it falls too close to the weeklong Carnival celebration. However, June 12 is "Dia dos enamorados" ("Lovers' day"), where couples exchange gifts, cards, and candy. On this day, some single women perform rituals (simpatias) to get in the good graces of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of marriage whose day is June 13.


Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World | Odysseys Unlimited (1)

Bulgarians have designated February 14 as "San Trifon Zarezan," or "winemakers' day," so of course they celebrate by sharing a few glasses of local wine.


Chileans let their inner romantics out on February 14, and for a week or so on either side, as they decorate shops, malls, and streets with balloons and flowers. The typical gifts of flowers, chocolates, and cards are given, but Chileans are not afraid of bigger gestures as well, including gifts of jewelry and surprise travel plans.


China's Valentine's-adjacent holiday is the Qixi Festival, celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh month of China's lunar calendar. This tradition is based on an ancient Chinese story about a forbidden love affair between a celestial weaver and a mortal man. On this day, Chinese couples exchange gifts and go on dates, while some women practice weaving and carving intricate designs on melon skins to bring good health from Zhinu, the weaver in the story.


In these South and Central American countries, Valentine's Day is called the Day of Love and Friendship, and is much less romantic. Friends give anonymous gifts, and Guatemala City residents partake in a parade for senior citizens while wearing bright colors and traditional Maya garb.

Czech Republic

Valentine's Day in the Czech Republic has gained popularity recently. They celebrate the holiday on May 1, when many young couples make a pilgrimage to the statue of Karol Hynek Macha (above), a famous Czech poet. This statue in Prague stands near a grove of cherry trees, under which the lovers kiss for good luck.


These two Scandinavian countries put a twist on the holiday, as friends and lovers exchange all manner of "lover's cards." Some give handmade cards with pressed white flowers, called snowdrops; others offer more traditional cards; and some men give a gaekkebrev, an anonymous "joke letter" containing a funny poem or rhyme written on intricately cut paper. If the recipient guesses the sender, she earns an Easter egg from the sender later in the year.


Valentine's Day traditions vary across the different regions of England, but one common occurrence is the singing of special songs by children, for which they are rewarded with candy, fruit, or money. Many English people bake valentine buns with plums, raisins, or caraway seeds, which hearkens back to a celebration of a good harvest.

Finlandand Estonia

More platonic love is on display here, as Finland and Estonia celebrate Friends Day on February 14. People give cards to loved ones, friends, and neighbors, and the day is a popular engagement date.


France is a lover's paradise, and couples flock here for Valentine's Day every year. French couples exchange letters and cards on the day, a tradition which was actually started in France in the 15th century, when the imprisoned Duke of Orleans wrote a poem to his lover and called her "my valentine."


The Ghanaians know the way to our heart: chocolate! February 14 is National Chocolate Day, an initiative introduced by the government in 2007 to shed light on the fact that Ghana is one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. Ghana holds concerts and performances, and restaurants offer special chocolate-themed menus, for the special day.


In Germany, the symbol for luck (as well as lust) is an odd one: the pig! Lovers exchange flowers, chocolates, and all manner of pig-shaped gifts, including statues and stuffed toys. Heart-shaped ginger cookies with love messages written in icing are also popular.


Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World | Odysseys Unlimited (3)

The Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, where St. Valentine's relics reside. Source

Many Irish folks in search of true love make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Valentine in Dublin, which allegedly houses relics of Rome's original Saint Valentine, who was martyred for performing secret weddings for soldiers.


Israelis don't celebrate Valentine's Day in February, but do recognize the ancient Jewish Tu B'av ceremony in the summer. This tradition is about rebirth and new beginnings, and lovers exchange flowers and heart-shaped gifts to renew their love.


Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World | Odysseys Unlimited (4)

Italy's famed Baci Perugina. Source

Another passionate nation, Italy couldn't pass up a chance to honor the universal emotion of love. Couples on Valentine's Day give each other gifts like the baciperugina, a small box of hazelnut-filled chocolate kisses (baci means "kisses" in Italian). Each candy has a small love note inside written in five different languages. An older tradition states that the first man that a single woman spots on Valentine's Day will become her husband within the year.


The Japanese associate February 14 with one thing: chocolate. Some estimates suggest that Japanese chocolatiers make half of their yearly income from Valentine's Day sales. Women give their male friends and coworkers giri-choco, an obligatory gift of chocolate, while they reserve gifts of honmei-choco ("true-feeling chocolate") for those they care more about. Men return the favor on March 14 ("White Day"), with gifts of white chocolate and other, more valuable pieces.


Mexicans don't distinguish between romantic and platonic love - Feburary 14 for them is the Day of Love and Friendship, where people exchange flowers, stuffed animals, balloons, and cards.


Folks in the Philippines take this in completely the other direction, as the government sponsors mass Valentine's Day marriage ceremonies for dozens (or hundreds) of couples at a time!


Romanians celebrate Valentine's Day 10 days later, as a combination of the celebration of love and of the coming spring. Young couples pick wildflowers and wash their faces in snow to prepare for spring, and many lovers pick this day to pop the question.


In Slovenia, St. Valentine is one of the patron saints of spring, good health, and beekeepers. It's traditionally known as the first day of spring, when work commences in the fields and vineyards. Recently, couples have begun to recognize the day as a day of love, though those are usually reserved for March 12 (St. Gregory's Day) or February 22 (St. Vincent's Day).

South Africa

South Africans celebrate with flowers and gifts, and some women pin the name of their love interest on the sleeve of their shirt, which ensures that secret admirers don’t remain secret for long! This hearkens back to the ancient Roman sacrificial festival of Lupercalia, held on February 15, where women wishing to become pregnant would hope to touch the sacrificial animal’s hide for good luck.

South Korea

South Koreans enjoy the Western traditions of flowers and gifts, while also partaking in the Japanese custom where women give men chocolates and men return the favor a month later on White Day. For single folks, April 14 brings "Black Day," when singles convene to commiserate over a noodle dish called jajangmyeon, which is topped with a black sauce.


Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World | Odysseys Unlimited (5)

On October 9, most of Spain celebrates the feast of St. Dionysus with parades and festivals. Men also create macadoras, small marzipan figurines, that they give to their female companions as a sign of love.


Twice a year, Taiwan goes crazy for flowers. On February 14, and then again on July 7, men give elaborate bouquets to their loved ones, with the color and number of flowers representing an important message. The most important? The bouquet of 108 roses, which means, "Will you marry me?"


Thailand's adventurous lovers often take risks on Valentine's Day, with skydiving, bunjee jumping, and underwater weddings becoming common traditions!


The Welsh get a jump on the rest of the world for Valentine's Day, instead celebrating St. Dwynwen's Day on January 25. He's the patron saint of lovers, and men traditionally give their significant others hand-carved wooden spoons, which hearken back to the time when love-sick Welsh sailors carved designs into their spoons to give to their lovers upon returning home.

So there you have it! If you thought Valentine's Day was just about giving out candies, cards, and hugs in the middle of February, think again! It's a wide world out there, and we're happy to help broaden your understanding of it, either here on the blog or on one of our 47 small-group tours.

Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World | Odysseys Unlimited (2024)


How many countries is Valentine's day celebrated in? ›

Valentine's Day in 30 Countries Around the World.

Do people celebrate Valentine's day all over the world? ›

Before his death, he is said to have written her a letter and signed it “From your Valentine.” Regardless of its origins, Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world.

Are there any countries where celebrating Valentine's day is prohibited? ›

Saudi Arabia: Due to religious and cultural reasons, public celebration of Valentine's Day is prohibited. Pakistan: Although some individuals may privately celebrate, it's not widely observed due to cultural and religious sensitivities.

Do different countries celebrate Valentine's day differently? ›

How do other countries celebrate Valentine's Day? Gifting materials is a common sight during Valentine's day in India. Few other nations like couples in Bulgaria celebrate their love with a glass of local wine while in Wales they exchange special handcrafted wooden spoons.

What the Bible Says About Valentines day? ›

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Which country spends the most on Valentine's day? ›

Spending an average of roughly 100 euros each in 2021, lovebirds in Hong Kong were the highest Valentine's Day spenders. Average romantic gift expenditures were also high in places, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States.

What is the dark history of Valentine's day? ›

One Valentine was a priest in third-century Rome who defied Emperor Claudius II after the ruler outlawed marriage for young men. St. Valentine would perform marriages in secret for young lovers, ultimately leading to his death.

Who invented Valentine's day? ›

At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine's Day, and since then, February 14th has been a day of celebration—though it was generally more religious than romantic.

How does Japan celebrate Valentine's day? ›

Valentine's Day in Japan is celebrated by women giving gifts of chocolate to the men in their lives. Romantic partners or interests receive special chocolates known as honmei-choco, while male friends and colleagues or classmates receive obligatory giri-choco.

Can Muslims celebrate Valentine's day? ›

Islam promotes a romantic and affectionate relationship between husband and wife, with mutual respect and care for one another. Muslims can express their love and affection towards their spouse at any time of the year, and there is no specific day set aside for celebrating Valentine's Day in Islam.

Did Saudi Arabia ban Valentine's day? ›

Saudi Arabia is finally normalizing Valentine's Day this year as the Islamic religious police chose not to enforce a years-long ban on celebrations. This year no public injunctions against Valentine's Day items were reported, Bloomberg said, after a ban on selling red items was introduced by police in 2008.

Who is known as the mother of Valentine? ›

Esther Howland, Mount Holyoke class of 1847, is known as the “mother of the American valentine.” At a time when most women didn't have the opportunity to be employed, let alone lead, Howland founded her card-making business and pioneered an entire industry.

How does Russia celebrate Valentine's day? ›

How Valentine's Day In Russia Is Celebrated? In all over Russia, flower giving is one of the most common and sweetest ways of greeting happy valentine's day in Russian. Furthermore, giving flowers is considered the most romantic gesture in any of the occasion in Russia.

Is it Valentine's day all over the world? ›

Valentine's Day: The Most Romantic and Colourful Traditions from All Over the World. Valentine's Day may call for soppy cards, red roses and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates in England, but the day of love is celebrated in myriad other ways around the world, from the romantic and reverential to the colourful and crazy.

What country celebrates 12 Valentine's day? ›

The Dia dos Namorados is celebrated on June 12 because of its proximity to Saint Anthony's Day on June 13. This Saint is very known in Brazil as they believe he blessed young couples with a prosperous marriage.

Do they celebrate Valentine's day in Europe? ›

Some celebrate Valentine's Day similar to American traditions. Several European cultures have added their own activities to their day of love. The six countries listed below each have an interesting way to spend Valentine's Day. Wales: Welsh people celebrate love on January 25th.

What country has a holiday on the 14th of every month? ›

Valentine's Day in Korea is a bit different from Valentine's Day elsewhere in world. In fact, Valentine's Day is one of 12 "love days" celebrated on the 14th of every month in Korea.

Do they celebrate Valentine's day in Italy? ›

Taking place on February 14, Valentine's Day celebrates the Queen of Roman gods and goddesses – Juno, the Goddess of Women and Marriage. In Italy, Valentine's Day is known as La Festa Degli Innamorati.

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