Want Less Fishy Fish? The Answer Is Milk (2024)

No one likes overly fishy fish. The trouble is, unless you're cooking fish right after it was caught, it's likely to have been out of water for several hours—even overnight or longer. If it's been flash-frozen, that may not be a problem, but as fish lingers, even refrigerated, its aroma can become steadily more pronounced, even before it starts to go bad.

All of this is explained in greater detail in the recently published, very technical book from Cook's Illustrated, Cook's Science, so if you want to get down to the nitty gritty of the acids and bacteria in play that cause the odiferous reaction, check it out. What's more important, however, is that although fish and shellfish that's been sitting around for a little while may not be the most pleasingly fragrant, that doesn't necessarily mean it's gone bad. To determine if fish is still good to eat, trust your senses—there's a difference between a slight fishy smell and an acrid fish-gone-bad smell. Also, the flesh should be firm, not mushy, and should look and feel dewy as opposed to dried-out, or turning grey.

Once the fish is cooked and paired with a flavorful sauce, you might not even notice the smell anymore. But, if you want to make sure to get rid of the odor, Cook's Science does offer two easy solutions:

1. Before cooking, soak the fish in milk for 20 minutes

In this scenario, the protein in the milk binds with the compounds that cause that fishy odor, in essence extracting if from the fish. What's left behind is sweet-smelling, brighter flesh with clean flavor. (Just make sure you pour that milk down the drain. 'Cause ew.)

2. Squeeze lemon juice over the fish before cooking it.

Lemon juice will neutralize those odors, but it will also leave the fish with a citrusy flavor. But is that ever a bad thing?

Want Less Fishy Fish? The Answer Is Milk (2024)


Does milk make fish less fishy? ›

Next, soak the fish in milk for about 30 minutes. The milk will help to neutralize the strong fishy taste of the fish.

How long do you soak fish in milk to get rid of fishy taste? ›

Online research had recommended letting the fish soak submerged in milk for around 20 minutes, before rinsing and cooking in your preferred fashion.

Should I soak fish in milk before frying? ›

Before cooking, soak the fish in milk for 20 minutes

In this scenario, the protein in the milk binds with the compounds that cause that fishy odor, in essence extracting if from the fish. What's left behind is sweet-smelling, brighter flesh with clean flavor. (Just make sure you pour that milk down the drain.

How to make tuna fish taste less fishy? ›

Experienced chefs will add some vinegar when cooking tuna. The vinegar can make the protein in the fish react to produce amino acids, which can be more easily absorbed and utilized by the body. In addition, adding vinegar when cooking tuna can remove the fishy smell and make the tuna more delicious.

Do you rinse fish off after soaking in milk? ›

Well if you put the seafood in a bowl and add cold milk, cover it and let it sit in the fridge for about a half hour the smell goes away. Then just rinse it off, pat it dry and cook as you normally would. I have used this trick on haddock, cod, swordfish and shrimp.

What is the least smelly fish to cook? ›

A fresh anadromous or freshwater fish that is a non-bottom feeder is the best option for those looking to avoid a fish odor. Fish like Arctic char or tilapia are great options.

How to cook fish so it's not fishy? ›

Many cooks swear by employing citrus juices or vinegar in fish recipes to keep the kitchen pleasantly fragrant. Others recommend rubbing steaks and fillets with aromatics such as garlic and onions, or marinating them. Most of us endorse a liberal sprinkling of herbs and spices.

What is the best fish to eat that has the least fishy taste? ›

Tilapia – tilapia is arguably the mildest tasting fish there is. It's not fishy at all and has a mild sweetness. Tilapia is easy to prepare and goes well with a variety of different flavor profiles. Cod – cod has a mild flavor that's slightly sweet like tilapia.

What is the healthiest fish to eat? ›

7 Healthiest Fish to Eat, According to Experts
  1. Sardines. “Sardines are one of the healthiest fish to eat because they're very high in omega-3s,” says Gomer. ...
  2. Mackerel. Mackerel is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, says Sauceda. ...
  3. Anchovies. ...
  4. Salmon. ...
  5. Herring. ...
  6. Trout. ...
  7. Tuna.
Mar 28, 2024

Does milk remove fishy taste? ›

Use Milk. Thawing out fish fillets in milk is another great overnight hack! Again, this should be done in the refrigerator, not out on the counter, but the fat in milk helps further remove any “fishy” flavors and adds a milk sweetness to the flesh. Just make sure to use either whole or 2% milk.

What cancels out the smell of fish? ›

There are multiple fragrant essential oils that can cancel out fish smell, including lavender oil, citrus oil, and eucalyptus oil. Try putting a few drops of your favorite essential oil in a pot of boiling water to spread the desired fragrance throughout the kitchen.

How do you cook flounder so it doesn't taste fishy? ›

Season with salt and pepper. Whisk butter and wine together in a bowl; pour over flounder. Sprinkle each fillet with bread crumbs and then paprika. Bake in the preheated oven until flounder flakes easily with a fork, 25 to 30 minutes.

Does milk help fish smell? ›

Acids and milk are both great odor absorbents. They work similarly to baking soda only you can apply them directly to the fish.

Why do you simmer fish in milk? ›

Poaching your fish in milk will up your flavor, texture, and creaminess. You've most likely been poaching your fish in wine, butter, or oil. And these liquids work just fine.

How do you not smell fishy after eating fish? ›

Rinsing fish before cooking or using lemon during or after cooking will lessen the odor effect on you. Other foods also may cause an evident odor in the sweat and urine. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and asparagus can change the odor of urine and sweat, as can garlic, onions and some spices.

How to neutralize trimethylamine? ›

Dietary supplements such as activated charcoal and copper chlorophyllin can bind trimethylamine in the gut and hence reduce the amount available for absorption. The use of slightly acidic soaps and body lotions can convert trimethylamine on the skin into a less volatile form that can be removed by washing.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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