What Are Lectins in Food? | Pros and Cons of Plant Proteins (2024)

If you’ve been following my program for a while, you are most likely familiar with dangerous lectins. They’re a key factor in a Gundry approved diet. But even with all this talk of lectins, like which foods have them and which foods are safe from them, you may wonderwhat are lectins, not knowing what they actually are, or why they’re dangerous to your health.


Looking for the healthiest foods possible? You’ve probably done a lot of online research. There are the standard health foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. But it turns out that not all these “health” foods are as good for you as they seem.

Why? Because some of them contain lectins.

Here’s a look at why each lectin you consume can ultimately damage your health, and what you should look out for if you’re interested in following a lectin-free diet.


What are lectins in food good for? Not a whole lot – unless you’re a plant.A lectin is a plant’s form of self-defense. It helps to discourage predators from eating that particular plant in the future.1

But lectins in food can poison animals and humans. One of the most powerful plant toxins, ricin, is a lectin that helps protect the castor bean plant. In fact, it’s so powerful that it has been known to seriously harm animals and humans. In some instances, ricin has even been used as a biological weapon.2

What Are Lectins in Food? | Pros and Cons of Plant Proteins (1)Thankfully, the vast majority of lectins aren’t nearly as toxic as ricin. But they can still do a great deal of harm to the human body.


You might think that since lectin is a plant protein, it’d be good for you. But a lectin is a specific type of plant protein that is actually bad for you. It binds itself to sugar molecules wherever it can find them in your body. Whether these molecules are in your blood, digestive system, or nerves doesn’t really matter. When lectins in food latch on to these molecules, they act much like barnacles do when they attach themselves to a boat.

Turns out, if you ingest too many lectins or plant proteins, they can penetrate the cells which line your intestines.

These cells form a barrier, helping to keep harmful microbes, and other pathogens, from entering your gastrointestinal tract. When this barrier is broken, immune system problems can result. In some cases, people can experience symptoms similar to food poisoning.3

Now, lectins in food can lead to other digestive problems as well. In fact, one of the side effects of ingesting too many lectins is known as lectin poisoning. You might be wondering, “What are lectins in food, and why should I stay away from them?” Well, for one thing, lectin poisoning can lead to severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.4


It’s not enough to know the answer to the question, “What are lectins?” It’s just as important to know how to avoid them. Here are some examples of foods that contain lectins:


What Are Lectins in Food? | Pros and Cons of Plant Proteins (2)While lentils and peas also have a lot of lectins, beans have more than nearly every other food. For instance, kidney beans are notorious for having high lectin content. And if you eat undercooked kidney beans, you could be at a high risk for severe digestive problems.

The culprit is a specific type of lectin known asphytohaemagglutinin. If you have to eat legumes, make sure they are pressure cooked. Pressure cooking can help inactivate the damaging lectins.6


Grains are a staple of many diets. But they are chock full of potentially damaging lectins. Wheat germ, for example, contains a lectin known as agglutinin.7If possible, try to cut down on your grain intake.

  • MILK

You might ask, “What are lectins doing in milk?” Even though milk obviously doesn’t come from a plant, the cows producing it eat plants. The milk from many cows contains a protein very close in structure to the casein A1 lectin.Research showswhen your body converts casein A1 into beta-casomorphin (another kind of protein), pancreatic damage can result.8


What Are Lectins in Food? | Pros and Cons of Plant Proteins (3)Unfortunately, many vegetables and fruits are filled with lectins. The lectins in fruits are mainly found in their peels and seeds. So when you eat fruit, discard all of the seeds and peels. And make sure you only eat fruit when it’s in season.

As far as vegetables are concerned, the main culprits are so-called “nightshade” vegetables. These includetomatoes and potatoes.9Again, most of the lectins in these vegetables are found in the peels and seeds. Why are they known as “nightshade” vegetables? The answer is uncertain. One theory is they usually grow at night and are typically found in shaded areas.


Plenty of great-tasting foods are not justlow in lectins, they’re actually lectin-free. Here are a few:

AvocadosYou might think of the avocado as a vegetable, but it’s actually a fruit. However you label it, you can feel 100 percent comfortable eating it – as long as you make sure it’s ripe. Not only are avocados lectin-free, but they’re also packed with antioxidants. Avocados are also high in good fats and fiber.10

Broccoli –Not all vegetables have lectins. Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are also lectin-free. Asparagus, celery, garlic, and onion are a few others.

Olive oil –Olive oil is filled with minerals and vitamins that are crucial to your health. These include calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Olive oil has also been shown to help boost the immune system.11


Now you know the answer to the question “What are lectins in food?” More importantly, you know why you need to avoid them.

By avoiding lectins in foods you eat, you can help avoid issues like a digestive upset. Just make sure you speak with your doctor first before you make any sudden, substantial changes to your diet.

  1. Audra Fuller on March 7, 2019 at 10:59 pm

    Still curious about why green beans are out of the picture if I want to eat at my healthiest. I don’t eat string beans…only the short fat green beans (I get an intestinal ache with string beans).


  2. Patricia on March 31, 2019 at 8:31 am

    HI Dr. Gundry – I have suffered from weight loss and gut/bowel issues for upwards of 3 years, diagnosis — leaky gut. A couple of months ago I decided to eliminate lectin foods after another severe gastrointestinal episode (usually following a meal of beans, legumes, or bean sprouts). Things started to improve so I bought the Plant Paradox, completed the cleanse and am now beginning Week 3 of Phase 2 (no more gut wrenching late night episodes!!).I adhere to the list of Yes foods, with an issue of finding organic vegetables and pasteurized chicken in Canada (I can find grass fed beef and of course frozen wild fish). The part that I am confused with is that I continue to suffer from heartburn after most meals, and diarrhea-like stools almost daily. I take DGL, slippery elm, marshmallow root which sometimes helps with the heartburn. Am I expecting results too soon? Should I return to the cleanse? Paradoxically Confused:(


    • Eugenia Song on September 13, 2020 at 3:04 am

      I’d try apple cider vinegar. It helps to acidify your stomach (less acidic stomach is one if the main causes of heartburn). Just make sure your ACV is organic and well fermented with mother. Hope this helps!


      • Chicken Little on March 28, 2021 at 9:07 am

        As a former biochemistry major, it has always puzzled me how ACV, organic or otherwise (with a pH of 2.5-3.0) can possibly acidify stomach acid (with a normal pH of 1.5, which is 10+x more acid.) Even if your stomach lacks sufficient acidity, it is hard to see how such a mild acid as ACV (or anything else you could safely swallow) could restore it.

        ACV may have other benefits (lower insulin, add probiotics, increase acetate) but it won’t help your stomach acid. Meanwhile low stomach acid is a potentially serious problem affecting protein digestion and absorption, among other things. And acid reflux is a risk factor for esophageal cancer. Both deserve to be properly addressed sooner than later.


  3. Stephanie Swanson on April 11, 2019 at 8:13 am

    I’m on your diet phase 1 and wondering if I can have coffee with coconut cream and monk jack fruit as a sweetener?


  4. Mary H. on April 17, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    My husband has finally agreed to try to be 100% with me on my lectin free eating, but he really wants to know what kind of alcohol he can have. He is not a fan of red wine and is willing to try the ‘hard’ liquors, but wants to know which is best…? Gin, whiskey or scotch whiskey. I read that whiskey was okay, but didn’t know about gin. BTW, I am doing great eating lectin free and I feel better each day! My inflammation has decreased dramatically and I am working on getting off of ibuprofen for the arthritis pain. I’ve lost 24 pounds in nearly 7 months and I can say eating lectin free is truly sustainable. Thanks Dr. G.!


  5. Christa Pappas on September 21, 2019 at 10:36 am

    Hi there, I am into my 3rd week of the diet as presented in the “Quick & Easy” book, which I bought prior to the cookbook. (I may do a restart and follow those parameters, which seem to be a bit more stringent.) So far I’m in love with the diet, it’s easier than anticipated, I’ve lost at least 25# although the initial bit was water weight. (I’ve been fasting regularly with the diet plan) The brain fog, fibromyalgia, and arthritic pain have all receded dramatically. My question is Aloe Vera pulp high in lectins? I have “George’s aloe vera” juice to soothe my stomach. Any insight would be appreciated as I have not seen Aloe addressed anywhere. Thank you.


    • Emilie Desmond on May 29, 2020 at 6:09 pm

      Hello Dr,
      I was wandering about the use of aloes’ vera gel and liquid chlorophyll made from alpapha . I am in canada, starting phase one and feeling alive again. Got your books, but it is mentioned nowhere. Last question, as mentioned earlier on another post from a canadien follower, we don’t find pastured poultry here, even the organic butcher stared at me as if I was an alien when I asked him about that option . Thank you for your answer. I don’t want to spoil the benefits of the diet but consuming ingredients that would trigger the bad guys overgrouth. Thank you for your great job and amazing insight.


  6. Maria Jönsson on March 8, 2020 at 1:56 pm

    Hi, I have read two of your books and have also done the phase 1 and 2 of the plant paradox program. I have moved on to eat more fat as in a keto diet with IF as well and I feel great. But suddenly I read about sirt food and it was also about longevity. My question is why haven’t you mention sirt in your books?


  7. Jacquelyn on March 28, 2020 at 8:04 am

    The fight goes on. 4 almost 5yrs of gut problems. I have it on the run and I find your Lectin has been a God sent. it helps with diarrhea perfect. a good bowel move and right after the diarrhea comes. When I use your Lectin 2 cap before a healthy meal I can eat just about everything. I really watch my diet and i drink a amino acid drink and i have strength again.
    But how can I get my colon to completely heal??? 5yrs is enough ???


  8. Kimberly E. Gamble on May 7, 2020 at 4:36 pm

    I recieved my bio complete 3 and E-balance the same day that I began my liquid Detox. I’m on day 4. After day seven I’m going into a 10 day raw food challenge. I ordered all 4 “The Plant Paradox” book, cookbooks and guide. I’m 42 and I have rheumatoid arthritis and Diverticulosis and I just want to get better. I stopped methotrexate 8 yrs ago because of the adverse reactions. I refuse to be on steroids so it’s time to “gut check” I learned years ago in my nutrition class in culinary school that I may have a leaky gut. I have several food allergies and I believe that I’m gluten sensitive as well.


  9. MARCO on July 11, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    To Patricia, I do believe marshmallow root helps the lining of our gut, so that may help getting it in the in its purest form. just a thought. and Dr. Gundry my name is Mark and I really believe everything you say, and believe me I work out regularly I’m definitely going to work on lectin free stuff working on it now actually. You’re awesome thanks


  10. Duane Bigler on December 22, 2020 at 6:03 pm

    Dr. Gundry:
    Does aloe vera juice contain electrons than fall into the ones you say to avoid?


  11. Patricia Garthe on February 18, 2021 at 6:15 pm

    Are sprouted broccoli or radish seeds free of lectins?


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What Are Lectins in Food? | Pros and Cons of Plant Proteins (2024)


What Are Lectins in Food? | Pros and Cons of Plant Proteins? ›

The binding ability of lectins has both pros and cons. While lectins support specific processes in the body through binding, they can also bind to nutrients and tissues, leading to deficiencies, damage, and dysregulation.

What are lectins in food? ›

Lectin is a type of protein that binds to carbohydrates. It's found in virtually all plant foods, but some contain much higher levels than others. Some of the most common high-lectin plant foods include: beans.

What are the pros cons of lectins? ›

Some research shows that they may have antimicrobial properties and could also aid in cancer prevention. However, consuming high amounts may irritate the digestive tract and contribute to inflammation and impaired nutrient absorption.

What is the problems with lectins in foods? ›

Certain types of lectin may bind with the walls of your digestive system which can lead to serious problems. Eating one particular lectin, phytohemagglutinin, can lead to severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some proponents of lectin-free diets claim that lectins can cause symptoms of auto-immune disorders.

Should I stop eating lectins? ›

And studies have shown that lectins break down when processed or cooked, so the risk of adverse health effects arising from lectin-rich foods that aren't raw is not cause for concern. In addition, most foods that contain lectins are recommended as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Are bananas full of lectins? ›

One of the predominant proteins in the pulp of ripe bananas (Musa acuminata L.) and plantains (Musa spp.) has been identified as a lectin.

What foods destroy lectins? ›

Soaking and boiling beans reduce their lectin content. Fermenting or sprouting grains and beans can also help reduce their lectin content. Try an elimination diet to see if you have a food sensitivity to some lectin-containing foods. To do this, remove one food at a time and check whether your symptoms improve.

Does coffee have lectins? ›

Lectin is a carbohydrate-binding protein that can be found in varying amounts in most plants, including beans, pulses, grains, fruits and vegetables (eg, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, berries, watermelon), nuts, coffee, chocolate, and some herbs and spices (eg, peppermint, marjoram, nutmeg).

Do lectins cause belly fat? ›

As lectins pass through the intestinal barrier, our immune system kicks in, tackling these “foreign” bodies and causing inflammation. This, says Gundry, causes you to pile on the pounds. Inflammation triggers the production of fat storing hormones, so your body can use it as fuel to fight the lectins.

Is oatmeal high in lectins? ›

Yes, oats contain harmful lectins, and most of the time, they are also contaminated with gluten. If, for some reason, you don't care about the other lectins in oats, make sure you get oats that are labeled gluten-free, especially if you are celiac. Remember, gluten is a type of lectin.

What fruits are high in lectins? ›

Lectins are found in a variety of foods including: Beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas. All grains – especially wheat, rice and corn and products made from these like bread and cake. Most types of fruit – especially goji berries, cherries and blackberries (seasonal fruit is thought to be lower in lectins).

Are eggs high in lectin? ›

Eggs are not full of lectins. Chickens raised on pasture and not fed grains or soy produce eggs that contain little to no lectins. How do lectins work? Lectins are proteins found in plants that can bind to carbohydrates.

Which food has the most lectins? ›

This causes irritation that can result in symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting. It can also prevent the gut from absorbing nutrients properly. The highest concentrations of lectins are found in healthy foods like legumes, grains, and nightshade vegetables.

Are blueberries high in lectins? ›

Lectin-free fruits include pomegranates, lemons, beets, blackberries, blueberries, apples, plums, sweet oranges, tangerines, and dates.

Are eggs full of lectins? ›

Animal Lectins: Animal lectins are found mostly in animal offerings, especially in those from animals fed with corn or soy. They exist in meat, dairy products, and eggs.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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