What Is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet? Everything You Need to Know (2024)

Though often considered inflexible, the ketogenic diet has many different variations.

The standard keto diet is by far the most popular form, but there are several other ways to follow this low-carb, high-fat regime — including the cyclical ketogenic diet.

The cyclical keto diet involves rotating between a strict high-fat, low-carb ketogenic meal plan and higher carb intake.

This article explains the benefits, downsides and basic steps of the cyclical ketogenic diet.

What Is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet? Everything You Need to Know (1)Share on Pinterest

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, very low-carb diet.

When following a ketogenic diet, you normally restrict carbs to under 50 grams per day (1, 2).

When carb intake is drastically reduced, your body must burn fat for energy instead of glucose, or blood sugar, in a process known as ketosis.

While in ketosis, your body uses ketones — byproducts of fat breakdown produced by your liver — as an alternate energy source (3).

Though the cyclical ketogenic diet is a variation of the standard ketogenic diet, there are major differences between the two.

Cyclical ketogenic dieting involves adhering to a standard ketogenic diet protocol 5–6 days per week, followed by 1–2 days of higher carb consumption.

These higher-carb days are often referred to as “refeeding days,” as they’re meant to replenish your body’s depleted glucose reserves.

If you undertake a cyclical ketogenic diet, you switch out of ketosis during refeeding days in order to reap the benefits of carb consumption for a temporary period.

The cyclical ketogenic diet is popular among those seeking muscle growth and improved exercise performance.

Though research to support this claim is lacking, some people speculate that the cyclical diet is superior to the standard version for boosting strength and muscle.

Is it the same as carb cycling?

The cyclical ketogenic diet is often compared to carb cycling — but it’s not the same thing.

Carb cycling involves cutting carbs on certain days of the week while upping your intake on others. Typically, each week is divided between 4–6 days of lower carb intake and 1–3 days of higher intake.

While the method is the same, carb cycling doesn’t reduce overall carb intake drastically enough to reach ketosis.

Carb cycling is often used to promote weight loss, boost athletic performance and encourage muscle growth (4, 5, 6).


The cyclical keto diet involves modifying the standard keto diet with days of higher carb intake to bring your body in and out of ketosis.

There is no standard set of rules for a cyclical ketogenic diet.

However, anyone wanting to start it should follow a standard ketogenic diet 5–6 days per week, adding 1–2 days of higher carb intake.

Stick to a standard keto diet 5–6 days per week

During standard ketogenic days, it’s important to consume 20-50 grams of carbs per day.

During this phase of the cyclical keto diet, healthy fats should deliver approximately 65-90% of your total calorie intake.

Healthy fat options include:

  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Low-carb nuts and seeds
  • Nut butters
  • Fatty meats
  • MCT oil

Proteins should make up around 10–30% of your total calories, while carb intake is typically restricted to under 5% (7).

Be sure to follow the standard keto diet 5–6 days per week.

Increase carb consumption 1–2 days per week

The second phase of the cyclical keto diet involves choosing 1–2 days per week to “refeed” your glycogen stores.

During refeeding days, you should consume more carbs in order to break ketosis.

On refeeding days:

  • Carbs should comprise 60–70% of your total calories.
  • Protein should account for 15–20% of your total calories.
  • Fats should deliver just 5–10% of your total calories.

Though the goal of the refeeding phase is to increase the number of carbs, carb quality also matters.

Instead of relying on unhealthy sources like white bread and baked goods, you should get the majority of your carbs from healthy sources.

Some examples of nutritious, complex carbs include:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Butternut squash
  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Whole-wheat or brown-rice pasta
  • Beans and lentils

These carbs are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which fuel your body and keep blood sugar levels stabilized.

Avoid foods and beverages high in sugar — like candy, juice, soda and cake — as they’re devoid of nutrients and lead to blood sugar irregularity, which can cause increased hunger and irritability (8, 9).

Returning to ketosis quickly

After high-carb, refeeding days, you should consider intermittent fasting to return to ketosis more rapidly.

The most common intermittent fasting method involves fasting for 16 hours of the day.

High-intensity workouts on the days following refeeding are also advised in order to achieve ketosis while optimizing muscle growth.


In the cyclical keto diet, you follow a standard ketogenic diet most days of the week, then “refeed” with carbohydrate-rich foods a few days per week.

Research on the cyclical ketogenic diet is very limited. Still, it may provide advantages.

May aid muscle gain

Muscle-building — or anabolic — hormones like insulin are suppressed when following very low-carb diets like the keto diet (10, 11).

Insulin regulates muscle growth by allowing amino acids and glucose into your muscle cells, increasing protein synthesis and decreasing protein breakdown in muscle tissue (12).

Using the cyclical keto diet to strategically raise insulin levels on specific days could allow you to use the anabolic effects of insulin to promote muscle growth.

Keep in mind that there is not enough research on this diet to prove this method’s effectiveness.

May boost performance in athletes

Refeeding with carbohydrates may benefit elite athletes who are following very low-carb diets.

One study in 29 elite race-walkers found that the athletes benefited from periodic high-carb intake — though it did not specifically test the cyclical keto diet.

The study revealed that the walkers who received periodic high-carb feedings prior to training sessions experienced significant improvements in performance compared to those following a standard keto diet (13).

The researchers concluded that athletes who periodically consumed a lot of carbs saw an improvement in performance, while those following a strict keto diet did not.

Decreases keto-related side effects

The ketogenic diet is associated with unpleasant side effects collectively known as the keto flu.

Symptoms of the keto flu include nausea, fatigue, headaches, constipation, weakness, difficulty sleeping and irritability (14).

These symptoms emerge when your body struggles to adapt to using ketones as a primary fuel source.

Cycling in carbohydrates 1–2 days per week can decrease these symptoms.

Adds more fiber to your diet

Constipation is a common complaint among those first transitioning to a keto diet.

This is because some people struggle to obtain enough fiber when eating a high-fat, very low-carb diet.

Though it’s possible to consume enough fiber on a standard keto diet, transitioning to a cyclical ketogenic diet can make it much easier.

During refeeding days, high-fiber carbs, such as oats, sweet potatoes, beans and quinoa, are allowed.

Makes the keto diet easier to stick to

The keto diet is linked to various health benefits, such as weight loss, blood sugar control and a reduced risk of heart disease. Yet, it can be difficult to follow long term (15).

Because you must drastically reduce your carb intake to reach ketosis, many healthy — yet high-carb — foods are off limits.

Using the cyclical keto diet, you can eat carb-rich foods on refeeding days, which may make the diet more sustainable in the long run.

However, because there is currently little research on the cyclical keto diet, its long-term benefits are unknown.


Following a cyclical keto diet may decrease keto flu symptoms, make the standard keto diet more achievable, boost athletic performance, increase fiber intake and promote muscle growth.

Because research on the cyclical keto diet is limited, its side effects are largely unknown.

Until studies on the diet are completed, it’s impossible to determine its full effects.

Keep in mind that many people may eat too many calories on refeeding days, counteracting the weight loss benefits of the standard keto diet.

Also, it should be noted that transitioning from a standard to a cyclical keto diet may result in temporary weight gain — primarily due to excess water that is retained when consuming high-carb foods.

In fact, your body stores each gram of carbs in muscle with at least 3 grams of water (16).

For those looking to boost muscle mass or improve athletic performance, it’s unknown whether the cyclical keto diet is more effective than the standard one.

As research supports the standard keto diet for muscle growth and exercise performance in athletes, transitioning to a cyclical keto diet solely for those benefits may not be necessary (17, 18).


Though little is known about the potential side effects of the cyclical keto diet, it may be easy to consume too many calories on refeeding days.

A cyclical ketogenic diet involves adhering to a standard keto diet 5–6 days per week, followed by 1–2 days of higher carb intake.

While this method is claimed to reduce keto flu symptoms, boost athletic performance and promote muscle growth, research on its effectiveness and possible drawbacks is lacking.

No matter which type of keto diet you choose, it’s always important to choose healthy, nutrient-dense foods in order to reach your goals.

What Is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet? Everything You Need to Know (2024)


What is the cyclical keto method? ›

A cyclical ketogenic diet involves adhering to a standard keto diet 5–6 days per week, followed by 1–2 days of higher carb intake. While this method is claimed to reduce keto flu symptoms, boost athletic performance and promote muscle growth, research on its effectiveness and possible drawbacks is lacking.

How do you cycle a ketogenic diet? ›

Carb cycling on keto involves spending some days strictly adhering to keto eating habits, and other days intaking as many carbs as you like to bring the body back out of ketosis. Some people eat keto 5 days out of the week, and then take the weekends off.

What carbs are good for cyclical keto diet? ›

Foods like fruit, sweet potatoes, and whole grains — all considered complex carbs — rather than white bread and sweets will make it easier for the body to re-adapt to ketosis. Consider what time of day you're eating these carbs, too.

What is the SKD diet? ›

Standard ketogenic diet (SKD): This is a very low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet. It typically contains 70% fat, 20% protein, and only 10% carbs ( 9 ). Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD): This diet involves periods of higher carb refeeds, such as 5 ketogenic days followed by 2 high carb days.

What is the difference between targeted keto and cyclical keto? ›

On cyclical keto, you stay in ketosis 6 days a week, and once a week you have a carb refeed day where you eat about 100-150 grams of carbs. If you're doing intense workouts several times a week, you may be best off with a targeted keto diet. If your workout routine isn't quite as taxing, try a cyclical keto diet.

What is the cyclic eating method? ›

A cyclical diet is a way of eating that adapts to the different phases of the female cycle. It can help to stabilise hormones in a natural way and harmonise your hormonal balance as well as your mood and physical well-being with the right nutrients.

Is it OK to cycle in and out of ketosis? ›

Keto Cycling Benefits

Some proponents of keto cycling say that an on-again-off-again plan can help prevent the side effects of a full-on keto diet. Theoretically, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and other "keto flu" symptoms may be lessened if people aren't in ketosis for so many days at once.

Is it okay to go in and out of ketosis? ›

But for weight loss and general well-being in healthy adults, there's no need to be in ketosis all the time. People who typically do keto might benefit from short periods out of ketosis, and people who aren't fully on the keto train might benefit from switching to a fat-burning metabolism every now and again.

What is the key to carb cycling? ›

Carb Cycling Meal Tips
  1. Choose high-fiber fruits and vegetables.
  2. Opt for low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.
  3. Stock up on legumes, including beans, lentils, and peas.
  4. Eat lots of whole grains.
  5. Limit refined grains, added sugars, and highly processed foods.

What cancels out carbs on keto? ›

Keto Net Carb Diet. On the ketogenic diet, the "net carb" is the amount of carbs in a food minus the fiber and sugar alcohol. Fiber and sugar alcohol are subtracted because the body does not fully absorb them. The keto net carb diet limits daily carbohydrate consumption to 20-50 grams to induce ketosis.

Can you do 5 days on 2 days off keto? ›

While it's up to you whether you decide to take a break from the keto diet, many experienced individuals do keto cycling, also called the cyclical keto diet, in which they stay keto for 5-6 days followed by 1-2 days of higher carbs. Others stick to keto for 2 weeks or more, then take a 3-day break.

What is the least amount of carbs to stay in ketosis? ›

Most people will need to go under 50 grams per day to reach ketosis. Keep in mind that this doesn't leave you with many carb options — except vegetables and small amounts of berries. To calculate your net carbs, subtract fiber, sugar alcohols, and other nondigestible carbs from the total amount.

Are potatoes allowed on a SCD? ›

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) is a diet created by my late friend, Elaine Gottschall, whose views on gut health were well ahead of her time, and are detailed in her book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle. The SCD eliminates grains and other starchy foods containing complex carbohydrates such as potatoes.

Is rice allowed on a SCD diet? ›

You should not eat these foods when you follow a specific carbohydrate diet: Grains like barley, corn, oats, quinoa, rice and wheat. Grain products like bread, cereal and pasta. Candy, chocolates and other products made with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).

Is honey allowed on the SCD diet? ›

Honey is allowed. None except honey. No agave or stevia. No cane sugar (including raw, brown, white, or rapadura) or molasses.

What is the keto cycle program? ›

That's where keto cycling comes in: Touted as a less restrictive, more sustainable way to get the benefits of a ketogenic lifestyle, keto cycling involves following a ketogenic diet for a few days in a row, then taking a break and eating high (or at least average) levels of carbohydrates for a day.

Can you lose weight with keto cycling? ›

Keto cycling, explained

You'll lose weight during this process — initially mostly water weight — as your body depletes its remaining carbohydrate stores (known as glycogen) and makes this adaptation.

Does carb cycling really work? ›

Carb cycling may be a useful tool for those trying to optimize their diet, physical performance, and health. Some research supports the individual mechanisms behind carb cycling, although some evidence is mixed. More importantly, no direct research has investigated a long-term carb cycling diet in humans.

What are the three types of ketosis? ›

The three major types of ketosis are:
  • Starvation ketosis.
  • Alcoholic ketoacidosis.
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis.

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