You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 1, 2024

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Know your values


Align your values with the organization


Answer with examples


Demonstrate your values


Here’s what else to consider

You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values?" How do you answer this question without sounding vague, generic, or dishonest? Your values are the principles that guide your decisions and actions, and they reflect what matters most to you. They also influence how you fit into the culture and vision of the organization you want to work for. In this article, we'll show you how to identify, articulate, and demonstrate your values in a way that impresses the interviewer and helps you stand out from other candidates.

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You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (1)

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  • Nombeh Ngeh Security Officer ( 5 yrs experience )

    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (3) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (4) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (5) 21

  • Cristobal Thompson Coach y Mentor Ejecutivo I Marca Personal

    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (7) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (8) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (9) 15

  • Efrat Binia Talmi 🌐 **Personal Scientists Coach. Mentor and Change Agent…

    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (11) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (12) 7

You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (13) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (14) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (15)

1 Know your values

Before you go to the interview, spend some time reflecting on your values and how they relate to your career goals and aspirations. You can use various methods to discover your values, such as writing a personal mission statement, taking a values assessment test, or brainstorming a list of words that resonate with you. Try to narrow down your values to three to five core ones that you can explain clearly and confidently. Avoid choosing values that are too vague, such as "honesty" or "integrity", or too specific, such as "travel" or "money". Instead, opt for values that are meaningful, relevant, and distinctive, such as "creativity", "collaboration", or "impact".

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  • Cristobal Thompson Coach y Mentor Ejecutivo I Marca Personal
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    Es importante tener en nuestra mente de bien claro cuales son nuestros valores para contestar con seguridad esta pregunta. Y para cada valor tener un ejemplo especifico para validarlos.



    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (24) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (25) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (26) 15

  • Efrat Binia Talmi 🌐 **Personal Scientists Coach. Mentor and Change Agent for Scientists and Academic Researchers** 🌐
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    I would recommend when you are ask about your values:* Start with defining what value means to you. (so you will be on the same page with the interviewer and gain time if you are not ready in advance, with your answer).* Imagine value as a red line, a boundary that no amount can buy, a limit that you hold no matter what someone offers you to drop it. Now think of "Redline" which is relevant to the work territory like Harmony, Ambitiousness, Team Playing, Decisiveness, Persistence, Flexibility, Integrity, etc. (and not values that are relevant uniquely to your personal life such as Love, Estheticness, Fun, etc.)* Give examples of how those values are expressed in your daily work routine.Good Luck


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (35) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (36) 7

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    my values include integrity, accountability, continuous learning, collaboration, and empathy. I believe in honesty and ethical conduct, taking responsibility for my actions, striving for personal and professional growth, working effectively with others, and understanding and respecting diverse perspective


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (45) 5

  • Dr. Seema Dutt Principal at DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL
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    Tailoring your response to the job and company is key. Choose 2-3 values that align with the company's priorities and the role's requirements. Show, don't tell, by sharing specific experiences. For instance, if the company values collaboration, mention a project where you successfully worked with a team to achieve results. Keep it concise to respect the interviewer's time, aiming for a minute or two. This approach effectively communicates your values and strengths in a targeted manner.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (54) 4

  • Gil G. Hernández Talent Acquisition Manager at U-Hi
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    When responding to the question "What are your values?" in a job interview, it's essential to provide a thoughtful and sincere answer that reflects your personal principles and how they align with the company's culture and objectives. Here's some tips:- Reflect on your values- Research the company- Be Authentic- Provide examples- Keep it concise Also, remember to stay positive, and avoid discussing values that could be perceived negatively or may not be relevant to the job.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (63) 3

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2 Align your values with the organization

Once you have identified your values, do some research on the organization you are applying to and find out what their values are. You can look at their website, social media, annual reports, or news articles to get a sense of their mission, vision, and culture. Then, compare your values with theirs and see how they match or complement each other. For example, if one of your values is "innovation" and the organization values "excellence", you can show how you pursue new ideas and solutions that enhance the quality of your work. If there is a gap or a conflict between your values and theirs, you may want to reconsider if this is the right place for you.

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  • Nombeh Ngeh Security Officer ( 5 yrs experience )
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    My core values align closely with those of your organization. I highly value innovation, which matches your commitment to continuous improvement and embracing new ideas. Collaboration is key for me, and I appreciate your emphasis on teamwork and diverse perspectives. Lastly, integrity is fundamental to how I work, and I respect your organization's strong ethical standards and commitment to transparency. By bringing these values into my role, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to your team and support your mission effectively.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (72) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (73) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (74) 18

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    I prioritize integrity to uphold its reputation and build trust with colleagues and clients. I believe in being accountable for my work, contributing to the organization's success. Continuous learning enables me to adapt to evolving needs and innovate within the company's framework. Collaboration fosters a supportive environment, enhancing productivity and achieving common goals. Empathy ensures understanding of both colleagues and clients, leading to more effective communication and problem-solving.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (83) 5

  • Suraya Nasser Senior Full-Stack Developer at CMA CGM
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    If your values do not align with the organization you are joining, my recommendation is to run away! You will not be comfortable working for them nor will they be happy working with you. This is why integrity is one of my core values, if what I do does not align with what I think and believe in I run away.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (92) 1

  • Amlinia D'souza E Athayde Corporate Trainer @ IFZA | Learning and Development Expert
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    Emphasize how your values align with the values of the organization and how you believe they will contribute to your success in the role. Demonstrate your understanding of the company's culture and how you'll be able to thrive and make a positive impact within that environment.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (101) 1

  • Eliziane Reis Soeiro Diretora de consultoria de negócios | Colunista e embaixadora na revista Mulheres que Brilham | Customer Success, CRM
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    A transparência é o principal caminho para o sucesso da comunicação, princípios e valores. Seja honesto consigo mesmo, e com a empresa, deixe claro o que você tolera e o que não tolera, feito isso as expectativas de ambos serão alinhadas.



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3 Answer with examples

When the interviewer asks you about your values, don't just list them or recite them from memory. Instead, answer with specific examples that illustrate how you live by your values and how they have helped you achieve your goals or overcome challenges. For example, if one of your values is "learning", you can share how you constantly seek feedback, take courses, or read books to improve your skills and knowledge. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your examples and make them concise and compelling. Show the interviewer how your values have shaped your behavior and outcomes, and how they can benefit the organization.

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  • Nombeh Ngeh Security Officer ( 5 yrs experience )
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    My values center around integrity, empathy, and continuous learning. For example, I believe in treating others with respect and compassion, so I always strive to listen actively and consider different perspectives. Additionally, I prioritize honesty and transparency in all my interactions, whether it's delivering feedback or communicating with colleagues. Finally, I'm committed to personal and professional growth, constantly seeking opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge to better contribute to the team and organization.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (118) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (119) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (120) 21

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    Integrity: I prioritize honesty and ethical behavior in all interactions, ensuring alignment with the organization's values.Accountability: I take ownership of my responsibilities and actions, ensuring timely delivery and transparency in communication.Continuous Learning: I actively seek opportunities to grow and adapt, enhancing my skills to contribute effectively to the organization's goals.Collaboration: I thrive in team environments, fostering open communication and leveraging diverse perspectives to achieve shared objectives.Empathy: I prioritize understanding and supporting colleagues and clients, creating a positive and inclusive work environment.I


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (129) 5

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    Continuous learning is one of my values and i seek for this quality in any organization I’m to work or seeking to coach their employees. It’s the only pathway for growth, innovation and success. I wouldn’t want to be a part of a system that growth isn’t possible, so I communicate this value while applying for a position and during interviews.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (138) 3

  • Fernando Campanholli, MSc, CEA Investment Specialist | Advisor | Consultant | Investments | CEA | Asset and Succession Management | Financial Teacher and Educator | Mentor | PAAP Member T6 Eu Me Banco
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    Um valor/ cultura do Itaú é "somos movidos por resultados". O que isso te remete? Como você atinge um resultado?Trás a tona: disciplina, comprometimento, resiliência, consistência, entre outros. O que você fez em outra instituição que coincide com este valor? Ex.: "Eu, juntamente com minha equipe, iniciei um projeto para melhorar o atendimento e com isso melhoramos nosso market share em 7% indo de 22% para 29%".O entrevistador poderá verificar: disciplina, gestão, foco em melhoria, resultado, etc.



4 Demonstrate your values

Finally, don't just tell the interviewer about your values, show them. Throughout the interview, demonstrate your values through your attitude, communication, and actions. For example, if one of your values is "respect", show it by being courteous, attentive, and respectful to everyone you meet, from the receptionist to the CEO. If one of your values is "teamwork", show it by acknowledging the contributions of others, asking questions, and expressing interest in the organization's projects and goals. By demonstrating your values, you can build rapport, credibility, and trust with the interviewer and leave a positive impression.

You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values?" This is your opportunity to showcase your personality, passion, and potential. By knowing, aligning, answering, and demonstrating your values, you can ace this question and stand out from the crowd.

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    Here’s an example, I value integrity, empathy, and continuous growth. I demonstrate integrity by always acting ethically and transparently. My empathy drives me to understand and support others' perspectives. Additionally, I prioritize continuous growth by seeking out new challenges and learning opportunities. These values guide my actions and decisions, ensuring that I contribute positively to any team or organization I'm a part of.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (155) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (156) 7

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    During a project, I noticed a discrepancy that could potentially affect the project's outcome. Despite the temptation to overlook it, I chose to address it immediately, maintaining transparency and upholding integrity. I took ownership of resolving the issue, collaborating with team members to find a solution and implementing necessary changes. Throughout the process, I remained empathetic to the concerns of others involved, ensuring that everyone felt heard and supported. This experience showcased my commitment to integrity, accountability, collaboration, and empathy, all essential values that align with the organization's culture.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (165) 4

  • María Antonieta Petricca Silvestri #Educación,#Literatura #Arte #Redacción
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    Si me entrevistan y me piden demostrar mis valores debo demostrar con hechos como la creatividad que tengo puedo ponerla al servicio de la empresa . Si soy colaboradora y puedo trabajar en equipo o sola debo demostrar con ellos como lo he hecho en otra empresa y como quiero hacerla en esta .



    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (174) 1

  • Eliziane Reis Soeiro Diretora de consultoria de negócios | Colunista e embaixadora na revista Mulheres que Brilham | Customer Success, CRM
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    Na minha trajetória, sempre fiz questão de me preparar para as entrevistas, utilizando ferramentas que pudessem me ajudar a me comunicar, sobre os meus princípios e valores.Se a entrevista era presencial, eu montava uma pasta com um breve resumo, através de imagens e textos curtos. Além de me ajudar a não esquecer dos principais objetivos que precisavam ser falados no momento da entrevista, pois é muito comum ficar nervoso neste momento, e sempre sair com aquela sensação de que poderia ter falado algo a mais.Engana-se quem acha, que somente a empresa deve ter bem claro o quadro exposto com a missão, visão e valores, monte o seu portifólio e e apresente no dia da entrevista.



5 Here’s what else to consider

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    One thing I also do during interview is to ask the interviewers to describe the organization’s leadership style and the future of the organization for me. While they speak, I’m seeking to understand if they are ready for the long haul through ethical considerations and practicing sustainable goals. I know I’m an asset to any organization, so it’s important I’m convinced if they deserve my time, commitment and partnership.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (191) 6

  • Nombeh Ngeh Security Officer ( 5 yrs experience )
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    My values center around integrity, continuous growth, empathy, and collaboration. I believe in approaching challenges with honesty, striving for personal and professional development, understanding others' perspectives, and working together to achieve common goals.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (200) You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (201) 5

  • Ed Wallach CEO at Kura Biotech • Stanford • Endeavor • YPO


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    If you really want to get the job, you should always answer: "This are my values [blank] . But if you don't like them, I have others"Sorry for putting a joke on such a serious subject. When Ciceron was teaching Julius Caesars on his communication habilites, asked him what was the most important element on a strong public speech.Caesar failed the test, mentioning structure and preparation. Ciceron's answer was humour.


    You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (210) 2

  • Fernando Campanholli, MSc, CEA Investment Specialist | Advisor | Consultant | Investments | CEA | Asset and Succession Management | Financial Teacher and Educator | Mentor | PAAP Member T6 Eu Me Banco
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    Além de estudar sobre a empresa para expor a harmonia entre o seu valor e o dela, saiba que "pensar fora da caixa" também é visto, ou seja, se você possui uma solução e/ou ideia diferente, não tenha medo de expor, pois pode fazer a diferença.


  • Alejandro Matarrese Technical Director / Principal / Enterprise Architect / Human Being
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    Since applying for a company with values completely oppose to yours will be crazy, I sincerely suggest looking the company's values first (and be sure these are aligned with yours, and not the other way around). It's the most honest way to give real examples, and above all, to understand you're applying to a place where you can be comfortable. Trying to "come up with a right answer" on the spot it's easy when sharing the same values (you'll end up speaking by experience, and not just using your imagination).


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You're in a job interview and the interviewer asks "What are your values? (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.