A High-Protein Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Improve Health (2024)

Protein is an important macronutrient for good health.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025, adult males should get at least 56 grams (g) of protein and adult females at least 46 g daily.

However, some research suggests that eating more than this amount may help you lose body weight and fat while retaining or even building muscle mass.

Keep reading to learn more about protein’s role in weight loss and how to eat a high protein diet.

Why is protein important?

Protein is one of the three macronutrients, along with carbs and fat. It plays a key role in the formation, maintenance, and structure of your organs and tissues.

Protein has many important bodily functions, such as:

  • muscle, bone, and skin repair and maintenance
  • antibody and enzyme production
  • molecule transportation and storage
  • hormone regulation

Protein is made up of a chain that contains 20 smaller units called amino acids. Of these, nine are considered essential amino acids. They must be consumed in food because your body can’t make them.

Protein’s effects on weight loss

Increasing your protein intake may help promote weight loss in many different ways.

Appetite and fullness

Protein increases the production of hormones like PYY and GLP-1, both of which help you feel full and satisfied. A 2020 review also found that protein reduces levels of ghrelin, known as the “hunger hormone.”

These effects of a high protein intake could lead to a natural reduction in food intake.

Metabolic rate

A 2018 review found that higher protein intake may boost your basal (BMR) and resting (RMM) metabolic rates. This can help you burn more calories for several hours after eating, as well as during your sleep.

Protein may also increase how much energy your body uses to absorb, metabolize, and store food. This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). The TEF for protein is 20–30%, meaning that 20–30% of the calories found in protein are used simply to digest it. Meanwhile, the TEF for carbs and fat is 5–10% and 0–3%, respectively.

Body composition

Protein’s ability to suppress appetite, promote fullness, and increase your metabolism can help you lose weight.

A 2020 review found that increasing protein intake promotes weight and fat loss while retaining muscle mass. The authors also note that high protein intake has long-term weight loss benefits and could help prevent weight regain.

Typically, when you reduce your calorie intake, your metabolism slows down. This is partly due to muscle loss. However, a higher protein intake can help protect against muscle loss and keep your metabolic rate up.

Other beneficial effects of protein

In addition to its effects on weight management, protein may also help:

How much protein should you eat every day?

The amount of protein you need every day depends on several factors, such as your age and sex. The exact amount is also somewhat controversial.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of protein is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight (g/kg/bw), or 0.36 g per pound of body weight (g/lbs/bw).

However, the authors of a 2019 review suggest that this number is often misinterpreted as the ideal number. It’s only the minimum amount of protein required to prevent nutrient deficiencies and muscle loss in most healthy individuals.

Research suggests that eating more protein than the RDA may promote weight loss and overall health. For example:

  • A 2017 study found that participants who ate a high protein diet of 1.34 g/kg/bw (0.6 g/lbs/bw) for more than 75% of the 6-month duration experienced significantly more weight loss than the group who followed the RDA requirements.
  • A 2016 review found that eating up to 2 g/kg/bw (0.9 g/lbs/bw) may help promote strength and prevent muscle degeneration.
  • A 2015 study found that females ages 65 years and older require 1.3 g/kg/bw (0.6 g/lbs/bw) of protein to help prevent age-related muscle loss.
  • A 2015 review found that eating up to 1.6 g/kg/bw (0.7 g/lbs/bw) per day can help promote weight loss, reduce body fat, and maintain muscle mass.

Consuming protein beyond 2 g/kg/bw (0.9 g/lbs/bw) may not provide additional benefits. A 2013 study found that participants who consumed 1.6 g/kg/bw (0.7 g/lbs/bw) lost slightly more fat and had similar gains in muscle compared to the group that consumed 2.4 g/kg/bw (1.1 g/lbs/bw).

A high protein diet for weight loss and overall health should provide about 1.2–2 g/kg/bw, or 0.6–0.9 g/lbs/bw.

So, if you weigh 68 kg (150 lbs), this provides 82–136 g of protein daily.

Speak with a healthcare professional or registered dietician if you want to lose weight and are unsure about how many calories and grams of protein you should be eating. They can develop a nutrition plan that’s right for you.

Sample high protein meal plan

Here’s a sample menu that provides about 100 g of protein per day. You can adjust the portions to meet your needs.


  • Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 slice whole grain toast with 1 tablespoon almond butter, and 1 pear.
  • Lunch: Fresh avocado and cottage cheese salad and an orange.
  • Dinner: 6 ounces (oz) (170 g) steak, sweet potato and grilled zucchini.


  • Breakfast: Smoothie made with 1 scoop protein powder, 1 cup coconut milk, and strawberries.
  • Lunch: 4 oz (114 g) canned salmon, mixed greens, olive oil and vinegar, and an apple.
  • Dinner: 4 oz (114 g) grilled chicken with quinoa and Brussels sprouts.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal and 1 cup plain Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup chopped pecans.
  • Lunch: 4 oz (114 g) chicken mixed with 1 avocado, red bell pepper, and peach.
  • Dinner: Turkey pumpkin chili and brown rice.


  • Breakfast: Omelet made with 3 eggs, 1 oz cheese, chili peppers, black olives and salsa, and an orange.
  • Lunch: Leftover turkey pumpkin chili and brown rice.
  • Dinner: 4 oz (114 g) halibut, lentils, and broccoli.


  • Breakfast: 1 cup cottage cheese with 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, diced apples, and cinnamon.
  • Lunch: 4 oz (114 g) canned salmon mixed with healthy mayo on sprouted grain bread, and carrot sticks.
  • Dinner: Chicken meatballs with marinara sauce, spaghetti squash, and raspberries.


  • Breakfast: Frittata made with 3 eggs, 1 oz cheese, and 1/2 cup diced potatoes.
  • Lunch: Leftover chicken meatballs with marinara sauce and spaghetti squash with an apple.
  • Dinner: Fajitas with 3 oz (85 g) shrimp, grilled onions, bell peppers, guacamole, and 1/2 cup black beans on a corn tortilla.


  • Breakfast: Protein pumpkin pancakes topped with 1/4 cup chopped pecans.
  • Lunch: 1 cup plain Greek yogurt mixed with 1/4 cup chopped mixed nuts and pineapple.
  • Dinner: 6 oz (170 g) grilled salmon, with potatoes and sautéed spinach.

Some high protein snacks can also help you boost your protein intake and promote weight loss.

How to follow a high protein diet

A high protein diet can be customized according to your food preferences and health-related goals. For instance, you can follow a:

  • low carb, high protein diet to help manage your blood sugar levels
  • dairy-free, high protein diet if you’re lactose intolerant
  • plant-based, high protein diet if you’re vegetarian or vegan

Here are a few basic guidelines to help you follow a high protein diet:

  • use a food diary app or website to help you establish, track, and maintain your protein values and goals
  • eat protein at breakfast
  • include a combination of animal and plant proteins in your diet
  • choose high-quality protein sources, rather than processed meats
  • consume well-balanced meals

What are the risks of eating a high protein diet?

High protein diets are generally safe and healthy for most people.

For example, a 2019 review found that contrary to popular belief, high protein intake above the RDA doesn’t cause kidney problems in people with normal kidney function.

That said, you may need to eat a low protein diet to preserve kidney function if you’ve received a diagnosis of moderate to advanced kidney disease.

A 2022 review also found that nondairy animal protein, total meat and meat products, and processed meat were linked with a higher risk of kidney stones. However, dairy protein was associated with a lower risk of kidney stones.

Speak with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian about how much protein you should consume each day if you have kidney disease.

What do you eat in a high protein diet?

It’s important to consider a wide range of protein sources. This may include animal and plant-based foods, including:

  • soy
  • eggs
  • dairy
  • meat
  • fish
  • poultry
  • beans
  • legumes
  • grains
  • nuts

Can you lose weight by eating high protein foods?

Eating high protein foods could help you lose weight because protein may keep you satiated for longer and boost your metabolism.

What foods are highest in protein?

Some foods that are high in protein include:

  • poultry, such as chicken and turkey breast
  • egg whites
  • seafood, such as shrimp, tuna, and halibut


Protein is an important nutrient.

A higher protein intake is linked to beneficial effects on appetite, weight, body composition, aging, and overall health.

To reap maximum benefits from a high protein diet, spread your protein intake throughout the day, choose high-quality sources, and balance your intake with healthy fats and carbs.

A High-Protein Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Improve Health (2024)


A High-Protein Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Improve Health? ›

The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends incorporating lean meats, poultry, eggs, seafood, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds and soy products into your diet. The fats that come along with those various kinds of protein can have a significant effect on body weight

body weight
Average adult human weight varies by continent, from about 60 kg (130 lb) in Asia and Africa to about 80 kg (180 lb) in North America, with men on average weighing more than women.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Human_body_weight
and the health of the gut microbiome.

Can you lose weight on a high-protein diet? ›

Protein plays a key role in supporting weight management and overall health. A high protein intake boosts metabolism, reduces appetite, and affects several weight-regulating hormones. Protein can help you lose weight and belly fat, and it works via several different mechanisms.

How to lose belly fat on high-protein diet? ›

In addition to eating more of the healthy belly foods that have been shown to help lose belly fat—like artichokes, green tea, avocado and chickpeas—these high-protein foods can help too. Eggs: A quality protein source, eggs are a quick, easy and healthy choice that can help you lose belly fat.

What is an example of a diet high in protein? ›

Foods that are particularly high in protein include: Lean meats such as chicken, turkey, beef, and pork are excellent sources of high-quality protein as well as important nutrients like iron and zinc.

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat? ›

Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:
  • foods with soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • foods with protein like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
  • fatty fish like tuna and salmon.
  • foods with probiotics like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
  • green tea.

What did Kelly Clarkson take to lose weight? ›

But the star has gotten some backlash after revealing during a recent episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show that she used a weight loss medication after her guest, Whoopi Goldberg, raved about taking the injectable weight loss drug Mounjaro.

What to drink to lose belly fat in 2 weeks? ›

  • Mar 29, 2023. Detox drinks and juices to lose belly fat. ...
  • Beetroot juice. Whole beets are low in calories and high in fibre, which can support regularity, slow stomach emptying, and prolong satiety to support weight management. ...
  • Carrot juice. ...
  • Celery juice. ...
  • Cinnamon water. ...
  • Fennel water. ...
  • Ginger water. ...
  • Green vegetable juice.
Mar 29, 2023

Which protein is best for women's weight loss? ›

Whey is a great option for protein for women, as it is a complete protein. There are nine essential amino acids, which are required to form essential proteins in the body - and whey contains all of them.

What is the best protein for losing belly fat? ›

Choose protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in saturated fat and calories, such as:
  • Lean meats.
  • Seafood.
  • Beans.
  • Soy.
  • Low-fat dairy.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts and seeds.

How to start a high-protein diet? ›

Here are 15 easy ways to help you get more protein in your diet.
  1. Eat your protein first. ...
  2. Snack on cheese. ...
  3. Replace cereal with eggs. ...
  4. Top your food with chopped almonds. ...
  5. Choose Greek yogurt. ...
  6. Have a protein shake for breakfast. ...
  7. Include a high protein food with every meal. ...
  8. Choose leaner, slightly larger cuts of meat.
Dec 14, 2023

Is peanut butter high in protein? ›

They're rich in protein and healthy fat, and they're calorie-dense. Two tablespoons, or 32 grams, of peanut butter gives you 7.2 grams of protein. Peanut butter also contains: fiber.

Which fruit has the highest protein? ›

Guava, avocado, jackfruit, passionfruit, blackberries, apricots, pomegranate arils, kiwis, and cherries are among the highest protein fruits you can eat and may help you reach your daily protein needs.

What are high protein breakfasts for weight loss? ›

Adding more protein to your diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Research shows eating at least 20 grams of protein at breakfast can really help. Meal options include scrambled eggs, greek yogurt, and tofu. Protein is a key nutrient for weight loss.

How much protein should I eat in a day to lose weight? ›

If you're trying to lose weight, shoot for 68-82 grams of protein per day. Matt says to split your daily protein intake between your three daily meals. “Your body does a way better job at metabolizing protein when it's consumed 15-30 grams at a time.

What happens if you eat only protein for a week? ›

Protein adds a metabolic burden on your body, especially on the kidneys. A high protein intake for a long time can cause digestive, kidney, and bone disorders. People with a very active lifestyle can tolerate higher amounts of protein than those with a sedentary lifestyle.

Can you lose weight with too much protein? ›

Following a high-protein diet often means eating very few carbs, which isn't sustainable for most of us in the long run. This can lead to food cravings and less energy to get your morning workout in and can make you regain the weight you worked so hard to lose.

How much weight can you lose in a week on Ideal Protein? ›

Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost during the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly.

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