Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (2024)

Many sweet and savory pie recipes require pre-baking or "blind baking" a crust. No one really knows where the term got its name, but "blind" baking a crust means baking it without a filling.

Why Blind Bake a Crust?

Some pie and tart recipes have fillings that are not cooked at all, and need to be put into a fully cooked pie shell.

Some recipes like quiches recommend partially cooked pie shells because the baking time wouldn't be long enough to fully cook the dough otherwise.

Pre-baking a crust can ensure that your pie or tart crust will be fully baked and browned, and not soggy.

Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (1)

Pre-Baking a Store-Bought Crust

Are you using a homemade pie crust? Or a store bought frozen crust? Most store-bought frozen crusts have much less dough in them than a typical homemade crust, so they'll brown much faster than a homemade crust.

If you are pre-baking a store-bought frozen packaged crust, I recommend following the directions on the package for how to pre-bake that particular crust. Most instructions will have you defrost the crust, prick the bottom of the crust all over with the tines of a fork, and bake at 375°F to 450°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

Pre-baking a homemade crust is an entirely different matter, as homemade crusts can have twice as much dough and a higher proportion of fat than store-bought crusts.

How to Blind Bake a Homemade Crust

The most challenging issue you encounter when pre-baking a homemade crust is slumping sides. Homemade crusts especially have a high fat content. The fat melts when heated in the oven, and unless there is a filling to prop up the sides of the pie crust, it can slump.

Another issue is billowing air pockets in the center. If you don't blind bake with weights, or poke holes into the bottom of the crust, the bottom of the crust can puff up.

For years I pre-baked crusts the way most people did, about 15 minutes at a high baking temperature using foil or parchment and pie weights, then removing the pie weights and foil, poking the bottom of the crust with the tines of a fork, and continuing to bake for 20 minutes, uncovered.

Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (2)

This method works, but I've always found it a bit fussy. And even when you poke the bottom of the crust all over with little holes, sometimes you still get air pockets bubbling up at the bottom.

Discovering a Better Method

I have recently starting using a method I learned from Stella Parks at Serious Eats that consistently gives good results, even with hard-to-blind-bake crusts such as my no-fail sour cream pie crust.

Stella advocates lining a frozen crust with foil, filling with pie weights, and then baking at an even 350°F temperature for the entirety of the baking time. No removing of the pie weights mid way, no poking the bottom with a fork.

It works! The pressure of the pie weights keeps the bottom of the crust from billowing up, and the sides from slumping too much.

Sugar, Rice, or Beans for Pie Weights

Another thing that Stella recommends is using sugar for pie weights instead of beans or other weights. Why sugar? Because of its small granular size, sugar distributes the weight more evenly against the sides of the crust.

Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (3)

You might think the sugar would melt, but it's not in the oven long enough to reach its melting point. You can actually re-use the sugar in baking. In fact, cooking the sugar this way lightly caramelizes it, giving it more flavor.

You can also easily use uncooked rice or dry beans. I've extensively tested all three; they all work. I have found that sugar does give consistently better results, and helps keep the sides in place better.

Tips for Blind Baking Success

  • Use a dough that will pre-bake well. A dough that has a ratio of 1 cup of flour to 4 ounces of fat (1 stick of butter) is a high fat ratio dough and is more likely to slump when pre-baked. A dough that has a ratio of 1 1/4 cups of flour to 4 ounces of fat will have better structure and will slump less. (See our All-Butter Crust recipe.)
  • Roll out your dough a little bit wider than usual, so you can crimp the edges in the pie dish a little taller than usual. If the edges are taller or wider to begin with, they'll have more room to shrink.
  • Freeze the un-cooked pie crust for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour, before blind-baking. If the crust is frozen when it goes into the hot oven, the outside edges will have more of a chance to set before the fat melts.
  • Line the crust with heavy duty foil. Heavy duty foil is less likely to tear than regular foil when you are forming it in the crust or when you are removing it and the pie weights. I've used parchment, but it doesn't mold to the edges of the the crust the way foil can.
  • Use sugar for pie weights. Dry beans and rice also work, but sugar works even better, especially if you are using a dough that is higher in fat content like my favorite no-fail sour cream pie crust.
  • Fill the weights to the top, they'll hold pressure agains the sides of the pie better.

Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (4)

Reuse Your Baked Sugar

If you use sugar as a pie weight, you'll be left with about 4 cups of lightly caramelized sugar granules which you can (and should!) easily reuse. Let the sugar cool to room temperature, run it through a food processor to break up any lumps, then store it in a cool, dry place like any other granulated sugar. Use it to make sugar cookies!

Pie Dough by Hand

Many of our pie recipes call for mixing the ingredients in a food processor. Good news! If you don't have a food processor, try our handmade pie crust recipe (no special equipment needed).

How to Make Pie Dough by HandGET THE RECIPE:

From the Editors Of Simply Recipes

How to Blind Bake a Pie Crust

Prep Time5 mins

Cook Time60 mins

Total Time65 mins

Yield1 pie crust

If you know you are making a crust that will be pre-baked, form the edges of the dough higher than usual, above the edge of the pie pan.


  • 1 frozenhomemade pie crust


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F:

    Make sure you are starting with a frozen pie crust, not defrosted. Your pie crust should been in the freezer for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour.

  2. Line the inside of the frozen pie crust with foil:

    Use heavy duty aluminum foil, pressing the foil against the sides and bottom of the crust, allowing the foil to extend by a couple of inches on two opposing sides.

    Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (5)

    Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (6)

    Stick-free heavy duty foil works well for this, to help keep the crust from sticking to the foil when you remove it. You may need two sheets of foil to get full coverage.

  3. Fill the pie crust with pie weights:

    Fill the pie crust to the top with pie weights. You can use ceramic weights, dry beans, rice, or white sugar. Sugar works well because of its small granule size; it distributes the weight more evenly against the crust. (Baking the sugar this way also lightly caramelizes it, making it even more flavorful if you want to use it later for baking recipes.)

    Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (7)

    Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (8)

  4. Bake:

    For a pie that you will cook further, like a quiche, bake the crust until it's dry and just beginning to brown, but still pale in color, about 20-30 minutes if you are using pie weights or beans and 45-50 minutes if you are using sugar.

    For a pie that will need no further baking, like a chocolate cream pie, bake the crust until it's evenly browned and crisp-looking, 30-45 minutes if you used pie weights or beans and 60-75 minutes if you used sugar.

  5. Remove from oven:

    Remove the pie shell from the oven. Using the excess foil on 2 sides of the pie shell, lift out the pie weights from the pie shell. Let the pie weights cool. Store them for future use.

    Did you love the recipe? Give us some stars and leave a comment below!

    Simple Tip!

    When baking a pie with your pre-baked pie crust, I recommend protecting the rim from getting over-baked with aluminum foil or a pie rim protector.

  • Pie Crusts
Blind Baking a Pie Crust Might Sound Scary―It's Anything But (2024)


How long should I blind bake a pie crust? ›

Line with the parchment paper and fill with pie weights or dried beans, filling right to the bottom of the crimps. Place the pie tin on a baking sheet, and place in the oven. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until the edges are slightly golden brown. Remove from the oven, remove the parchment paper and beans.

What temperature do you blind bake pastry at? ›

Line the base and sides of an uncooked pastry case with non-stick baking paper. Fill with rice, dried beans, or metal or ceramic baking weights. (This stops the pastry base rising during cooking.) Place on a baking tray and cook in an oven preheated to 220C for 8-10 minutes.

Can I use aluminum foil to blind bake? ›

You can blind bake like a pro by keeping a few tips in mind. Line the unbaked pie crust with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Use pie weights, dried beans, or clean coins to weigh down the lined crust so the bottom doesn't puff and the sides don't slouch while it bakes.

What pie do you not blind bake? ›

First let's talk about when you don't need to blind bake your shell, and that's pretty much whenever you're making a traditional fruit pie, one with either a top crust or a crumb topping.

Should I egg wash my pie crust before blind baking? ›

An egg wash is not necessary when blind baking, though if you want to add some shine to the edges of the pie, you can brush the crust with egg wash after removing the pie weights and before returning the pie to the oven to finish baking.

Do you grease a pie dish before blind baking? ›


Add the dough straight to your tin. There is no need to grease the tin before you line it with pastry – the high butter content in the pastry will naturally stop it from sticking.

How do you blind bake pastry without it shrinking? ›

When blind baking, line the pastry with baking paper and fill to the brim with baking beans/uncooked rice, which will support the sides of the pastry and help prevent shrinkage. Start shortcrust off at 190°C/170°C fan/gas 5 to quickly set the pastry. If the oven temperature is too low, the pastry will shrink.

Why does my pastry shrink when I blind bake it? ›

The pastry will also shrink back if your oven is too cool during baking. Once again, this will happen if the water evaporates out of the pastry before the heat can set it in shape. This will result in the all-too-common side collapses for blind baked tarts.

How to blind bake without weights? ›

Can I blind bake a pie crust without weights? If you don't have pie weights, you could use something similar like pennies, dry beans, dry rice, or even sugar.

Can you use pennies to blind bake? ›

You're all ready to blind-bake a pie crust when you realize you don't have any pie weights. The simple save: Line the crust with foil, top with 25 pennies and bake. The weight from the pennies will prevent the dough from bubbling while the metal in the coins conducts heat for a perfect crust.

Can you reuse sugar after blind baking? ›

You might think the sugar would melt, but it's not in the oven long enough to reach its melting point. You can actually re-use the sugar in baking. In fact, cooking the sugar this way lightly caramelizes it, giving it more flavor. You can also easily use uncooked rice or dry beans.

What temperature do you blind bake pie crust? ›

High heat encourages the pie dough to shrink and puff, reducing its capacity for filling, distorting the decorative border, and creating air pockets all over the bottom and sides of the crust. I vastly prefer blind-baking for an hour at 350°F (175°C), with pie weights in place the entire time.

Should you poke holes in the bottom of pie crust? ›

With docking, the holes allow steam to escape, so the crust should stay flat against the baking dish when it isn't held down by pie weights or a filling. Otherwise the crust can puff up, not only impacting appearance but also leaving you with less space for whatever filling you have planned.

Should you bake the bottom pie crust first? ›

You do not need to pre-bake a pie crust for an apple pie or any baked fruit pie really, but we do freeze the dough to help it stay put. Pre-baking the pie crust is only required when making a custard pie OR when making a fresh fruit pie.

Why did my pie crust shrink when I blind baked it? ›

A too-high baking temperature can also cause the gluten in the dough to tighten up, causing the crust to shrink. Blind bake pie dough at a low temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Should you pre-bake apple pie crust? ›

How do you make apple pie so the bottom crust isn't soggy? You don't have to pre-bake the bottom pie crust for this pie. There's simply no need to take this extra step because the apple pie bakes for a really long time in the oven. If your pies have soggy crusts, you may not be baking them long enough.

Can you blind bake the bottom crust of a double crust pie? ›

Whenever I make a double crust pie I start out using all of the same techniques I used for a single crust pie. I even partially bake (blind bake) the bottom crust until it is almost done, but not completely. (See last week's tutorial for this information.)

Why is it important to use parchment paper or foil when blind baking? ›

The high conductivity of aluminum foil helped to efficiently transmit the oven's heat to the shell as it baked, but it also trapped steam on its underside and resulted in slightly spotty browning. Parchment paper fared best; its more permeable structure allowed the shell to breathe—and then brown—as it baked.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.