Bog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (2024)

Shrubs of the Adirondacks: Bog Rosemary's small terminal clusters of bell-shaped, nodding flowers appear in May and early June in the Adirondack region. This shrub is one of several leathery-leafed plants growing in swampy or boggy habitats. Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia) on theBoreal Life Trail(8 June 2019).

Identification | Uses | Wildlife Value | Distribution | Habitat | References

Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia) is a small, native evergreen shrub with blue-gray foliage which produces small pinkish flowers in spring. It grows in bogs in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York.

Bog Rosemary is a member of the Heath family. The common name of this plant reflects the fact that its leaves are similar to those of common garden Rosemary, although the two plants are totally unrelated. This plant is also known as Wild Rosemary.

Bog Rosemary was given its Latin name by Linnaeus, who compared it with the goddess Andromeda; Andromeda was chained to a rock in the sea, while the Bog Rosemary is fixed to the middle of wetlands.

Identification of Bog Rosemary

Shrubs of the Adirondacks: The narrow, blue-green leaves of the Bog Rosemary are curled inward. Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia) in bud on theBoreal Life Trail(17 May 2014).

Bog Rosemary is one of several leathery-leafed plants growing in swampy or boggy habitats. It grows up to two feet tall.

Bog Rosemary's slender, dark green evergreen leaves are 2 inches long and about a quarter of an inch wide. The leaf marginsThe structure of the leaf's edge. are smoothBog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (3)Smooth leaf edges do not have any teeth., meaning that the edge of the leaves do not have teeth. The leaves are alternateBog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (4)Alternate: An arrangement of leaves (or buds) on a stem (or twig) in which the leaves emerge from the stem one at a time. This often makes the leaves appear to alternate on the stem.; that is, the leaves merge from the stem one at a time. The leaves roll inwards. The underside of the leaves is whitened by tiny hairs.

The plant has small terminal clusters of bell-shaped, nodding flowers, which appear in mid-spring. In the Adirondack region, Bog Rosemary usually starts to bud in mid- or late-May, and flowers in late May to early June. Each flower is about a quarter of an inch long. The flowers are usually pale pink, but can also be white.

The fruit of Bog Rosemary is a dry, rounded capsule. In the Adirondack region, the fruit has begun development by early July. The fruit is a round, pink segmented capsule with five segments containing many seeds. The remains of the pistilBog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (5)The female part of the flower made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. persists at the top of each capsule. As the fruit matures, it turns brown and eventually splits, releasing the seeds.

One key to identifying Bog Rosemary and differentiating it from other leathery-leafed plants growing in swampy or boggy habitats is the leaf arrangement.

  • Sheep LaurelandBog Laurelboth have opposite leavesBog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (6)Opposite Leaves: Leaves occurring in pairs at a node, with one leaf on either side of the stem., in contrast to Bog Rosemary, which has alternate leavesBog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (7)Alternate: An arrangement of leaves (or buds) on a stem (or twig) in which the leaves emerge from the stem one at a time. This often makes the leaves appear to alternate on the stem..
  • Like Bog Rosemary, LeatherleafandLabrador Teahave alternate leaves. However, the leaf margins of the Leatherleaf are not inrolled, and the undersides of the leaves have yellow, waxy deposits. Labrador Tea has much wider leaves with rusty to whitish undersides and hairy twigs.

Shrubs of the Adirondacks: The fruits of Bog Rosemary appear as small, rounded pink capsules, each with five sections. Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia) on theBoreal Life Trail(7 July 2018).

Bog Rosemary flowers are also a useful identification key, since they are distinct from those of other evergreen shrubs which flourish in bogs.

  • Bog Rosemary flowers are bell-shaped, like those of Leatherleaf, but are arrayed on the plant in a completely different way. The white Leatherleaf bells appear on axils of the current year's leaves, forming a one-side racemeBog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (9)Raceme: A flower cluster with the separate flowers attached by short equal stalks at equal distances along a central stem. , while the pinkish Bog Rosemary flowers appear in clusters at the end of the branch.
  • Bog Laurel flowers also appear to be on the end of the branch. However, the flowers are a much darker rose-purple and are not in the shape of a bell.
  • Sheep Laurel flowers appear in lateral clusters grouped near the previous year's leaves; that is, the leaves appear farther down on the branch, with new leaf growth above.

Uses of Bog Rosemary

Although some Native American Indian tribes reportedly used the fresh or dried leaves of Bog Rosemary for a tea, all parts of the plant are said to be toxic in large quantities. No parts of it should be eaten. Symptoms of poisoning include watering of the mouth, eyes, and nose; loss of energy; slow pulse; vomiting; low blood pressure; lack of coordination; convulsion; and progressive paralysis.

Wildlife Value of Bog Rosemary

Bog Rosemary has limited importance to wildlife. The plant contains a poisonous substance and has been known to kill domestic sheep that attempt to browse on it. However, the bog communities where Bog Rosemary flourishes are extremely important to some bird species, including the Palm Warbler and Lincoln's Sparrow.

Distribution of Bog Rosemary

Bog Rosemary is found in the northeastern regions of the US. This species occurs from Greenland westward through all of the Canadian provinces to Alaska and south to Washington and Idaho. It occurs south along the north Atlantic coast to New Jersey and west to Illinois and Minnesota

Bog Rosemary occurs in most New York State counties. It has been reported in all of the counties in the Adirondack Park Blue Line, with the exception of Saratoga County.

Habitat of Bog Rosemary

Shrubs of the Adirondacks: Bog Rosemary grows in poorly drained soils in bogs, fens, and other peatlands. It is usually found near small, scrubby specimens of Black Spruce and Tamarack. Barnum Bog from the Boreal Life Trailat the Paul Smith's College VIC (18 July 2013).

Bog Rosemary is a wetland species which usually occurs in poorly drained soils. It classified as an "obligate wetland" plant, which means that it almost always occurs in wetlands. It typically is found on sites with wet peat moss.

In the Adirondacks, Bog Rosemary is found in several ecological communities, including:

Look for Bog Rosemary along trails that go through acidic bogs:

  • This shrub typically grows near small, scrubby specimens of Black Spruce and Tamarack.
  • Bog Rosemary grows alongside other bog-dwelling evergreen shrubs, includingLabrador Tea,Bog Laurel, andSheep Laurel.
  • Wildflowers that flourish in this habitat includeCottongrass, Pitcher Plant,Grass Pink,Rose Pogonia,Buckbean, andMarsh Cinquefoil.
  • Birds found in this habitat include the Palm Warbler, Lincoln's Sparrow, and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.

The most convenient place to observe Bog Rosemary is along the Boreal Life Trail boardwalk across Barnum Bog.


Michael Kudish. Adirondack Upland Flora: An Ecological Perspective (Saranac, New York: The Chauncy Press, 1992), pp. 141-142.

New York Flora Association. New York Flora Atlas. Bog-rosemary. Andromeda polifolia L. var. latifolia Aiton. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

United States Department of Agriculture. The Plants Database. Andromeda polifolia L. Bog Rosemary. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

United States Department of Agriculture. Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). Species Reviews. Andromeda polifolia. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

Flora of NorthAmerica. Andromeda polifolia Linnaeus var. latifolia Aiton. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.Native Plant Database. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

Northern Forest Atlas. Images.Bog Rosemary. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

Jerry Jenkins. Woody Plants of the Northern Forest. A Digital Atlas. (The Northern Forest Atlas Project, April 2020), p. 178. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

New York State. Adirondack Park Agency. Preliminary List of Species Native Within the Adirondack Park Listed Alphabetically by Scientific Name and Sorted by Habit. Volume 1. Updated 10.23.2006, p. 9. Retrieved 26 January 2017.

New York Natural Heritage Program. 2021. Online Conservation Guide for Dwarf Shrub Bog. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

New York Natural Heritage Program. 2021. Online Conservation Guide for Inland Poor Fen. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

New York Natural Heritage Program. 2021. Online Conservation Guide for Medium Fen. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

New York Natural Heritage Program. 2021. Online Conservation Guide for Patterned Peatland. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

iNaturalist. Wild Rosemary. Andromeda polifolia. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

iNaturalist. Adirondack Park Observations. Wild Rosemary. Andromeda polifolia. Retrieved 13 November 2021.

University of Michigan. Native American Ethnobotany. A Database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples, Derived from Plants. Andromeda polifolia L. Bog Rosemary. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

NatureServe Explorer.Online Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved 29 March 2015.

Plants for a Future.Database. Retrieved 29 March 2015.

University of Wisconsin.Flora of Wisconsin. Retrieved 29 March 2015.

University of Wisconsin.Shrubs of Wisconsin. Retrieved 29 March 2015.

Connecticut Wildflowers.Wildflower Guide. Retrieved 29 March 2015.

John Eastman. The Book of Swamp and Bog: Trees, Shrubs, and Wildflowers of Eastern Freshwater Wetlands (Stackpole Books, 1995), pp. 25-27.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Birds of North America.Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Subscription web site. Retrieved 14 March 2017.

Allen J. Combes. Dictionary of Plant Names (Timber Press, 1994), p. 11.

Minnesota Wildflowers.Database. Retrieved 29 March 2015.

Native Plant Trust.Andromeda polifolia. Retrieved 23 December 2019.

Birds of the Boreal Life Trail. Barnum Bog Birds.VIC Birding Trail Guide(June 2015).

Doug Ladd.North Woods Wildflowers(Falcon Publishing, 2001), p. 73.

Lawrence Newcomb.Newcomb's Wildflower Guide (Little Brown and Company, 1977), pp. 292-293.

Meiyin Wu and Dennis Kalma.Wetland Plants of the Adirondacks. Ferns, Woody Plants, and Graminoids (Trafford Publishing, 2010), pp. 39, 61, 62.

Charles W. Johnson.Bogs of the Northeast(Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1985), p. 29.

Donald D. Cox.ANaturalist's Guide to Wetland Plants. An Ecology for Eastern North America(Syracuse University Press, 2002), pp. 83-84, 90.

John Eastman.The Book of Swamp and Bog. Trees, Shrubs, and Wildflowers of Eastern Freshwater Wetlands(Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1995), pp. 25-26.

David M. Brandenburg.Field Guide to Wildflowers of North America(New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., 2010), p. 215.

George A. Petrides.A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs(Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1958, 1972), pp. 288, 364-365.

Janet Lyons and Sandra Jordon.Walking the Wetlands. A Hiker's Guide to Common Plants and Animals of Marshes, Bogs, and Swamps(New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1989), pp. 91-92.

Ronald B. Davis. Bogs & Fens. A Guide to the Peatland Plants of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (University Press of New England, 2016), 114-115.

Shrubs of the Adirondack Park

Bog Rosemary | Andromeda polifolia (2024)


Can you eat bog rosemary? ›

Uses of Bog Rosemary

No parts of it should be eaten. Symptoms of poisoning include watering of the mouth, eyes, and nose; loss of energy; slow pulse; vomiting; low blood pressure; lack of coordination; convulsion; and progressive paralysis.

Does bog rosemary smell like rosemary? ›

Bog Rosemary (Andromeda glaucophylla) is named after its striking resemblance to the unrelated culinary herb Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Compared to its look-a-like Bog Rosemary has almost no smell and is found in true bogs and coniferous bogs.

Do bees like bog rosemary? ›

* Bog Rosemary is pollinated by bees and small flies. * The yellow-necked caterpillar (Datana ministra) sometimes feeds on the leaves. * A poisonous compound in the leaves protects Bog Rosemary from being browsed upon by most animals.

What are the characteristics of bog rosemary? ›

Bog rosemary grows 30 to 60 cm (1 to 2 feet) tall and has a creeping rootstock. The narrow green leaves are about 3 cm (1.2 inches) long and resemble those of true rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus), which is unrelated. The small pinkish white flowers are urn-shaped and grow in small terminal clusters.

Does bog rosemary like sun or shade? ›

Growing from 8 inches to 3 feet in height and, in its native state, typically found in bogs. The shrub does not have many branches, but many shrubs will grow together to form a clump. The plant prefers a well-drained, moisture-retentive, lime-free, humus-rich soil and shade.

Is bog rosemary safe for dogs? ›

Toxicity to pets

Japonica, Bog Rosemary and Pieris species contain grayanotoxins (formally called andromedotoxin). Like the Rhododendrons (same family), ingestion of these plants cause a disruption in sodium channels affecting the cardiac and skeletal muscle.

What animals are attracted to rosemary? ›

The small flowers of rosemary can be blue, violet, purple, pink, or white, depending on the variety. They are fragrant and attract bees, butterflies, and some birds, which the plant depends on for pollination. In temperate climates the plant flowers in spring and summer, but in warmer areas it can bloom year round.

What pests are attracted to rosemary? ›

  • Aphids.
  • Leafhoppers.
  • Spider mites.
  • Spittlebugs.
  • Thrips.
  • Whiteflies.

Can bees make honey from poisonous plants? ›

The metabolism of bees and humans is sufficiently different that bees can safely collect nectars from plants that contain compounds toxic to humans. The honey produced by bees from these toxic nectars can be poisonous if consumed by humans.

What is the difference between Labrador tea and Bog Rosemary? ›

Several features differentiate Labrador Tea from Bog Rosemary. Bog Rosemary's bell-shaped pink flowers are very different from Labrador Tea's clusters of white flowers. In addition, although both plants have alternate leaves, Labrador Tea leaves are bright green on top, while Bog Rosemary leaves have a blue-gray cast.

What rosemary is not edible? ›

While all rosemary cultivars are edible, each produces its own unique oil. Some are higher in camphor, with fragrance similar to pine, making them less palatable, but perfectly fine for landscaping with.

What is the wild plant that looks like rosemary? ›

Conradina canescens (Beach Rosemary, Conradina, False Rosemary, Wild Rosemary) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox.

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