Chang Gang (2024)

CG return to Los Santos after Five Years

Dec 15th 2023 - The Art of Cocoa Butter: The Story Behind Chang Gang's Absence

During the height of the Sanguine War, Chang Gang led by Mr. Kebun attempted to aid the Sanguine Freedom Fighters in any way they could, whether by ambushing and attacking the aircraft carriers holding the artillery and sending people to ambush those on the aircraft carrier, or transporting essential supplies, necessary equipment and in some instances extra fighters through the treacherous seas from Los Santos to Sanguine Island.

However, despite all efforts to aid the fighters, it was all for naught as the forces of the Los Santos Government and allies crushed the Sanguine Island fighters. The aftermath of the war proved to be very bad news for members of Chang Gang as they now became the primary targets and focus of the UPD and the LS Government when the details of their involvement came to light. With nothing else left for CG to handle in Los Santos, the decision was made for CG to flee Los Santos toward Guatemala, where they would trek through rough and dangerous terrain to find refuge at the cocoa plantations of Bobby Brown, where his world-famous cocoa butter is produced and shipped from. While the majority of the members of Chang Gang fled Los Santos, only Pigeon stayed behind to maintain continuity within the Los Santos leadership.

CG spent the next few years helping with the operations of Bobby’s cocoa butter manufacturing and also defending the plantations from rebels and enemy farmers attempting to ruin operations.

However, nearly 5 years after they arrived in Guatemala, things turned sour for the operations as batches of Bobby Brown's cocoa butter began to produce some horrific side effects, such as deformities in users of the cocoa butter. The worldwide outrage over the issues with the cocoa butter, which included drooping skin and loss of feeling in muscles, forced the Guatemalan authorities to act and set loose multiple forces to shut down the entire operation. Realizing that they were in danger, they set out to try and attempt to save the farm, getting into day-long gunfights with the Guatemalan authorities. The call was made to flee Guatemala and return to Los Santos, however, upon some members’ return, it was discovered that the City of Los Santos fell into disrepair, and with it, Chang Gang lost everything, from their assets to their business to their homes, everything was seized and the city in ruin.

Mr. Kebun set out to lead and rebuild Chang Gang, reclaiming its top status once again in the city of Los Santos.

The first ever chop job in the City

Dec 29th 2024 - CG complete boost/chop job and link up with X and Marty

Two hours after Ramee left a meeting with X, with both scratching their heads on how to make money doing crime in the city, Big D showed up on his bike and went into the subway next to Snr Buns. Ramee followed him, escorted him and rode his bike down the tunnels. They spotted two former HOA members standing next to a new local: the Chop Guy, who sells an immobilizer kit for $5,000. Ramee ran to the bank to get the $5,000 and called up Mr. K. They queued up for a job and went to a house in Vinewood, where Ramee used the device to intercept the car signal from its keyfob inside, and they proceeded to steal it and take it to a secure location to chop it down into parts. After checking a few spots to try and sell these parts, they called up X and Marty for sewer access. They linked up and went into the sewers to meet the Fence NPC, where he accepted the parts for cash rolls.

CG buy a house on the cul-de-sac

Jan 3rd 2024 - CG buy a house on the cul-de-sac

"Alright, buckle up fatty, we gotta go down to Grove"-Mr. K to Garrett after the purchase, picking him up at The Apartments

Mr. K decided everyone should pool up money for a house. After two days of driving between Grove Street and the Forum, he got pressed by a Balla while looking at a Grove Street house where the Leanbois used to reside. After that disrespect, K decided to buy a house directly on an adjoining cul-de-sac instead of on Grove Street itself, with the intention of eventually getting the Ballas to buy it back.

After gathering up money from Ramee, Taco, Chodie, Carmella, Paris, Vinny, Garrett, Bobby, and (unintentionally on their part) by Sal and Peanut, plus a $10,000 loan from Tessa and $6,000 loan from Officer Maple, Mr. K purchased 'South Side Grove Street 12' right on the Ballas’ cul-de-sac for $180,200. It is a one-floor house in good condition, with a basem*nt.

"Feels weird being back, not gonna lie, feels weird, this is a better vibe, but definitely feels weird. It feels a little bit more like home then it did before, I can tell you that much" - Chodie after returning to the cul-de-sac

Chang Gang (1)

CG get a big bench and crypto farm set up

Jan 6th 2024 - CG get a big bench and crypto farm set up

Yuno gave Mr. K the Lester unlock, which had a cryto farm and blueprints. He called up every CG member and associate awake (Gomer, Paris, Bobby, Garrett, Big D and Chodie) and drained them of every penny. It still wasn’t enough to buy the “Big Bench”, which cost $50,000 and was needed to use the blueprints, so he told Garrett to call up Big C and asked him to pay for his next house investment early, which was $25,000. Mr. K used that money for the bench, and once it was secured, they realized they needed 750 circuit boards to use the blueprints on it. Mr. K offered the whole city a price of $7 per board when the normal cost was $5, while also running his most hated job, Sanitation. After staying up for the longest time he has ever had in the city, every part was secured and all of CG gathered in the basem*nt with the assembled PC and GPU/CPU that was built with the Bench.

They also needed wood to build the bench, which was provided by Union man Willow who was about to go to sleep. He stayed up for Mr. K to fulfill the order as CG were one of their first customers.

Chang Gang (2)

CG play Paddycake waiting for the gpu to finish on the bench

Scuffle with the Lumber Union

Jan 18th 2024 - Scuffle with Lumber Union

Kelly robbed Carmella in front of the CG house. Carmella gave him a chance to give her money back, he doubled down. Ramee and Peanut found Kelly and 2 others and downed the 2 others which were part of the Lumber guys. Jack and Co eventually go meet with CG to talk and give the sh*t back, but Kelly is completely unapologetic and Carmella decides to ask for more so she asks for 5k. They refuse, so they ambushed on Carmella’s command “f*ck with the queen” (they agreed before the meeting this was Carmella’s to handle and it was her call) with Mr.K shooting from a rooftop.Then Ramee represented Jack in the hospital during questioning. Mr.K gave Jack some advice on how to go about conflict in the city.

Vinny vs Mary becomes CG vs the Guild/Mosley’s

Jan 29th 2024 - Vinny vs Mary turns into CG vs the Guild/Mosley’s

Mary Mushkin and the Guild hired Hydra, to kidnap Joseph Arrowhead and bring him to her. They cut off his pinky after killing him. After a few weeks, Vinny got a few calls from Yaeger, threatening him, upon which Vinny goaded him. After Mr. K woke up, Vinny called to speak with him as soon as possible. At the meeting, Vinny explained the situation, where Mary and the Guild were targeting Popular and Arrowhead regularly to cause problems for their shop. Mr. K agreed to help Vinny for a hefty payment of $20,000 to teach Mary a lesson, so they got started, Mr. K and Ramee hid outside Mosleys repair shop to surveil it. They eventually resorted to burning down Mary's home. They sent the picture to Irwin Dundee, who posted it to Twatter, telling all of them, "Dundee did this." While watching the house, Mr. K and Ramee spotted Yaeger and tried to hold him up. When Mr. K did so, he was ambushed by five others in Yaeger’s group and downed. They planted the gun on him. When the cops arrived on scene, they checked him for gunshot residue, and came back negative. They then proceeded to frisk him, and found the gun. He was then taken to MRPD, and while they turned him loose for some time, Captains Leonardo Slacks and Brooke Ruth, and Mr. Karen and Ramee met outside and had a few arguments over conduct. After leaving MRPD, Mr. K got the gang together, and told them that he was out for blood for The Guild and Mary Mushkin, and they should target them whenever they saw them.

He was later arrested and put to a bench trial. He was sentenced to some months in prison at Bolingbroke Penitentiary, but was able to bargain for an enclave from the city, which he dubbed ‘K-town’. He set up a Prison Bus Blockade to prevent all entry from PD. He eventually opened it up to host Maximilian Thoroughbred and Siobhan Fitzpatrick’s wedding on January 30, 2024, presided over by Alan Crane. After the wedding, he was chased while driving a bus by Leo Slacks, and was eventually caught after getting blocked by other buses driven by PD, hence ending the first ever vehicle PD chase inside the prison.

Febuary 1st 2024 - K's Vengeance continues

Mr K woke up, and was immediately on the warpath again; After doing his daily chores of collecting rent; K eventually got a call from Vinny, that he was talking to a cop about a report against people attacking Popular; Vinny told K that Slacks was at popular (no one else heard), to which K hung up, and immediately headed to the repair shop fully disguised. After smashing Slacks' car when he arrived, he walked up to the Popular office and intimidated everyone there; no one recognized him (Vinny did not acknowledge that he knew who it was), he then "left"

Instead of leaving, K jumped into Slacks' trunk secretly, he stayed hidden for a number of minutes until Slacks was alone and parked; He jumped out and shot him in the head 4 times, then ran away. Slacks was taken to teh hospital, where he was repaired; he had a face full of bandages, and was walking with a Cane. The police found Dundee's blood on scene (likely from a prior event); but have no evidence of Mr Ks involvement.

After meeting up with Ramee; they proceed to mess around with Den and Cornwood, who are the only 2 patrolling officers; after some chases, they attempt to set them up at the Wind Turbine field, Den and Cornwood did not take the bait; and instead stayed in the city. Eventually, Cornwood got annoyed that they were the only patrolling officers; he went off-duty, and proceeded to run into Juno outside of MRPD. Cornwood spoke his thoughts about how PD is failing, who should be the COP (turner), there should be 1 captain (slacks), and Ruth should be immediately fired; he particularly mentioned that PD is in shambles, and is on the verge of total collapse; Juno was less than pleased, and was slamming her steering wheel.

Mr K and Ramee end up meeting up with X and Benji, and they proceed to form a plan to have 2 cops come up north, and shoot and rob them. They eventually succeeded; having 2 cops come up North, one being Frost (who is on Mr Ks list). Benji was being bait at the scene, after a few moments, X runs up to try and stab the cops; after failing, K stands up and shoots both cops down instantly; X and Benji rob them and they successfully escape. The police found Benji's DNA on scene, as well as the bullet casings, but no other DNA linking others to the crime.

At one point, Ramee and K find themselves outside City Hall speaking to Juno; After again reiterating a lot of what Cornwood spoke to her about earlier, Juno was extremely mad, she was going to immediately go talk to the Mayor (max); as well as Nekoda and other council members about finding a way to hold PD accountable and attempt to fix the problem occuring.

Ramee, and K, meet up with X again, as well as Cornwood; they have a full blown ERP session to lighten the mood and enjoy the rest of the evening before bed.

During the week, Richard stalked Yeager and was downed multiple times, Ramee and Yeagar shanked each other at the hospital, Ramee knocked out Yeager at Legion square park, and multiple Mosley employees were killed.

Febuary 5th 2024 - The War comes to and End

After a week of hiding and back and forth, Yeager got tired of it and offered Mr.K anything to end it. Mr.K asked for 50k towards a Buffalo STX, to which Yeager was hesitant and made a counter offer of 30k. Mr.K remained firm on 50k however, and Yaeger relented by using all his 30k and getting the rest from Mary. Right after this deal was agreed to, Ramee ran over Yeager one last time as he was unaware of the situation, and Mr.K rolled up to take him to the hospital.

Laundromat USB Tensions

Feb 20th 2024 - Laundromat USB Tensions

CG and X hit a lot of laundromats and were preparing to combine them after getting the final green one. While CG are asleep, Martin and X had an argument about the green dongle. It escalated and X decided to steal USBs that martin had in his safe (only left dupes). X left with the USBs and got on the phone to strike a deal with OTT. Meanwhile Martin moved the rest of the USBs to the OB house. X and OTT made a deal on the phone and X tried to go back to talk to Marty. Marty had X get in his car and shot him in the head and took all the USBs.

  • to be written*

CG do a laundromat with X and get a blue dongle, hence leaving them with only green and purple left to get.

Mr. K calls Lang about CGs USBs, Lang denies having the USBs. K presses about Martin's involvement and Lang tells him that Martin has not hit the Laundromat with him once. Lang drops off Mary's order, and then meets to pick up Vinny's mats at Legion Square bank. Right before closing his eyes, Mr. K calls and presses again about the USBs, and Lang tells him that JP has been stirring. Lang refers K back to Martin.

CG then do a laundromat job with the Manor and get a green dongle.

Marty then wakes up and has a call with Mr.K. He agrees to give up the purple dongle but only to X.

Marty talks with Ramee, tells him everything. Ramee tells Mr.K, and Mr.K calls and threatens to severe Lang's head and put it on Yuno's table bedside in a call with him right after. Then he goes to sleep.

X and Larry argue over why X keeps bringing in Larry into this beef he has with Marty.The next day, X and Marty have a standoff at the block. X calls in CG to shoot him as he doesnt want to do it personally. X gives Ramee an order to shoot, Marty tells them all to suck his dick, and Ramee shoots him and Larry. Mr.K asks Ramee if X is his leader or if he is, basically warning him not to overstep his authority. Taco also calls Ramee and orders him to apologize for shooting Larry for no reason.

After an hour, Marty agrees to give X his stuff back, and CG submit all the dongles.

X realizes Yuno wasnt lying to him about the Pony stuff.

A group of Mr.K, Ramee, Peanut, Taco and X then proceed to go a wild goose chase trying to figure out what to do with the pony. They call up Tessa who explains MLP lore to them. Leo Slacks also runs into them at purple dinosaur.

Scuffle with the Company

Feb 20th 2024 - Scuffle with the Company

Anto took a peak into a sani truck and robbed a few mats. Dragon came up to him and bonked him, while Roger Dot completely pocket wiped him. Anto told the boys and they found Dragon hiding in the Sani yard, kidnapped him and took him to the hills to be eaten by a mountain lion. Dragon told Benji.Later on, Benji and Ray confronted Hazel and Chris at the hospital and beat them down. While running from them, Hazel told Ramee on the radio that they were being chased and he pulled up at the hospital and domed Benji and Ray while they were robbing Hazel and Chris.Ramee later came back to the scene and heard Ray snitching to Leo Slacks. Slacks let Ramee go as he did not have enough RS or PC to detain him.The next day OTT and Mickey both came to the block to resolve things but were not successful as they had no info and were pressed hard by CG and X.On Day 3, Benji was confronted by Peanut at the Jewelry spot, and claimed he never snitched himself and had no control over other people in his crew. Mr.K agreed the dust was settled as they were shot and did not retaliate, and they went their separate ways.A while later, CG robbed Dragon doing sanitation as Benji watched on, unable to do anything about it. Then CG robbed Dragon again as they had not gotten all the loot the first time. A cop showed up but did not chase, with Benji again watching in despair.

Scuffle with Hydra Gang

Feb 27-28th 2024 - Scuffle with Hydra Gang

CG robbed Chaz doing G6 one day, where he never mentioned his name or gang. They robbed him again doing G6 another day, where he called out Ramee, and the rest of CG had dipped already. Another instance he almost got robbed doing sanitation but was let go due to Malakai being there. On this 4th instance, while getting robbed by Ramee, he said 'Is this your daily hydra robbery or what Ramee' and got shot for it.The next day Hydra decided they needed to teach CG a lesson and decided to go after Zaceed and Chris. They were robbed multiple times. Anto also beat down Sergio infront of his house and and then lost Flippy in a chase proceeding right afterwards.Novah then woke up with Peanut. Peanut called Flippy and said he wont back down. Right before the end of tsunami, Alan, MigL, Arnie and 2 other Hydra members rushed the block. Novah spotted them instantly, and Chris 1v3d them with a Wrench, while Novah got shot down. Peanut robbed Alan of his Gun right before storm as he died after hitting a pole and ejecting after picking up a dead Miguel and trying to escape.

After the wave Peanut calls Flippy and tells him that he has Alan's gun. He proposes they have a ceasefire until Flippy talks to K and Ramees and Flippy agrees. After the phonecall Flippy comes upto Alan and asks what happened. Alan gives a recap and tries to make jokes about the situation and Flippy is not happy about it. It comes out that they went to fight with not one but two guns on them. Flippy says he doesn't know uf he's more upset that they took two guns to the fight or that they actually lost with two on them. He tries to explain that the guns are valued differently then they were 5 years earlier and the two people that contribute the least had the guns and lost one of them. He says that everything they did for the last 12 hours was for nothing and they look like clowns now so he's going to sleep.

Later on when K is filled in on everything he calls Flippy. He asks for clarification if Chas is actually Hydra or just grinds for them. Flippy says he's been Hydra for a long ass time. K says they can solve it now, he says they will stop robbing Chas and in return Flippy crafts for them. Flippy says that this doesn't feel like a two-way street. Ramee runs up and tells K that Flippy must not know why Chas got shot, K asks if that's the case and Flippy says he does know. K says that it's a two-way street because CG will pull up if Chas needs help because he's getting robbed and Flippy will craft for them. Flippy says that the only people that are robbing Chas are CG. K insists that that will probably change in the future because of the cash exchange heist. Flippy says that he doesn't need CGs help for that and all he wants is for them to stop robbing his boys. K agrees and the call ends. Mr.K keeps the gun. Carmella still has to pay back her 20k loan to Flippy.

Flippy called Ramee later and they cleared things up as well. While on the call Ramee crashed and died. Flippy later called him when he got out of the hospital.The next day Flippy jokingly asked Peanut for the gun back, and also told Paris he'd sell her a lockpick for the Gun.

CG Assassinate a Judge at Mayor Dab's Wedding

Feb 29th 2024 - CG Assassinate a Judge

Mr. K meets Judge Jackson (the judge who ruled on Mr. K's PD gun possession appeal) at Dab and Sioban's wedding.He decides to kill Jackson after arguing with him about the ruling.CG spends an hour scouting out the party at the beach resort and trying to find an opening to kill Jackson and his date Council woman Cantor despite a heavy police presence and Jackson having a personal police bodyguard.A drunk Carmella draws many of the cops away. Chris jumps in front of Jackson's police escort as they leave the party.This leaves Jackson and Cantor alone and free for Mr. K to kill them.

Scuffle with the Manor

Mar 7th 2024 - CG rob 10F Terry

Ramee, JP and Taco pulled up to the hospital and spotted Terry Linkston in his 10F. Seeing Terry, Ramee started joking around with Terry, who he calls 10F Terry, and in doing so took 1500 jewellry parts out of his car before putting them back. However, when Ramee went into the hospital, he radioed Jean Paul and Taco telling them that Terry had jewellry in his car and to take it if they wanted to. Not really knowing who Terry was, Taco stole the jewels in front of Terry and put them into his own car before eventually driving away with JP. Terry thinking it was originally a joke asked for them back but once Taco and JP refused he realised he had been robbed. Terry then proceeded to follow the car to the Pawnshop where Taco and JP again refused to give the jewels back. Eventually Terry followed them to a gas station and again asked for the jewels back. Annoyed by Terry's persistence, Taco held Terry up with a gun and stole his car. Taco later returned the car to Grove Street undamaged.

As Terry realized he was not getting his jewels back, he started to call some other members of CG in hopes of sorting out the issue. He first called Ramee, who pretended that he had no involvement in the incident and asserted repeatedly that it was nothing to do with him, and that Terry should sort it out with JP and Taco. Terry then decided to call Mr. K, who was at this point running K-Town in Prison. On the phone, Mr K. came across disinterested in finding a resolution but said he would call Terry back once he had looked into it. Mr. K never ended up reaching out and at this point, Terry and the Manor came to the conclusion that CG did not respect them at all and and that they could not keep ignoring the robberies and disrespect they were showing them. After hearing about the incident, Sparky Kane decided that the Manor would go after Taco. The original plan was to catch Taco on his own, not harm him, but rob him for whatever he had on him, hopefully a gun.

On March 10th, after seeing that Taco had been selling lockpicks the past couple days, Matt, Ste, James, Terry, Kenny and Ricky devised a plan in which Matt would meet Taco to buy a lockpick, and then they would all swoop in and rob him. Unfortunately, due to miscommunication, the initial attempt to rob Taco failed as Matt's deal for the lockpick was completed before the others had time to set up. However, during the deal, Matt had heard that Taco and the group he was with were headed to the meat processing facility as they had just been hunting. The Manor therefore decided to lay an ambush for the group as they came out the facility. Ste and James were positioned on the highway above with the guns, and the rest swarmed in to hold CG up as they left the facility. Unfortunately, as Terry tried to hold up Taco, Vinny pulled out his gun. Ste and James seeing this shot Vinny down and as a result all hell broke loose. In the chaos, Ste shot Peanut and Terry hit Taco with a wrench. As Terry was moving Taco to rob him, Hazel then came up behind them and knocked him and Kenny out, after which Ste and James shot her down. Zolo, who hid as soon as the ambush started, then came back and hit Ricky, before again being shot down by STE. After escaping from the cops, with the majority of the bodies the Manor robbed 3 guns from Peanut, Taco and Vinny.

After everyone had received treatment at the Hospital, Vinny, Taco, Zaceed and Peanut had a meeting with Terry, Ste, James and Matt to talk about the situation and how to resolve it. In the meeting, Taco said that during the initial robbery he had no idea who Terry was, but revealed that it was Ramee that had told him to rob him, so he did. After some back and forth, Vinny and Taco offered to end it there and then by returning Terry's jewels in trade for getting the guns back. Unsure about what to do and another retaliation, the Manor refused the terms and said they would not return anything until Mr. K and Sparky had met the next day to talk about it.

K got told about the CG and Manor conflict and he ran into Matt at the Fleeca bank and held him up. SK arrived at the bank and asked to have a talk later but K wanted it then and there. Vinny walked into the bank, which gave SK the chance to hold him up and gain leverage. K agreed to let Matt go and have a talk later, if Vinny is let go, so both sides walked away.

A group meeting between Chang Gang and the Manor was held in the centre of Grove Street. After a lengthy back and forth between Mr K. and Sparky, Sparky made it clear that he would not be returning the guns as he was unable to trust the word of CG following the spate of robberies and other incidents. Angered by this, Mr K stabbed Sparky and the other 10 Chang Gang members present managed to take down the 6 Manor members (Sparky Kane, Terry Linkston, Matthew Antov, James Malding, Gigi Costello, and Ricky Lafleur). On the orders of Mr K., the downed Manor members were loaded into the back of their vehicles and taken to the Oil Fields. Mr K. then informed Sparky and the others that they were in possession of 4 PD Glocks and were intending to plant them on their bodies if they did not now come to a compromise. Having spoken to Solomon Walker earlier on in the day, Sparky knew the legislation was worded in a way that would almost certainly lead to successful charges of upwards of 100k and a raid of their main property, which was in Sparky's name. After consulting with the others, he realised that this plant would also result in them losing the 3 guns they stole anyway, as they were carelessly stashed in some of their apartments. Strong-armed by Mr K., Sparky eventually agreed to return the 3 firearms in trade for the original jewels stolen from Terry as well as assurances from Mr. K himself that none of CG would rob members of the Manor or continue the conflict, and that they would look to strengthen their relationships. Mr K. also offered reduced rates on Magazines, Ammo and Lockpicks, whether for the intents of purchase or re-sale.

Scuffle with the Saints

Mar 13th 2024 - Scuffle with the Saints

CG have robbed Saints few times, with Anto and Zaceed oceandumping one of them as well. Few days ago, Saints tried to hold up Chris King and Ramee, but Ramee shot them down. Saints started talking to cops, and Ramee noticed it so he kidnapped them again.

Today, Saints decided to take their chance at CG and chased them, but no action took place. Ramee and Peanut recognised Saints following, so they got ready, in case stuff popped off. CG were rolling around Saints block, so Evan asked K about it and he said there was no issue with them.

Sometime later, Taco pointed his gun and told a car to pull over, and it turned out to be Saints. Saints shot and killed Zolo and CG killed Jacob Cass, and they parted ways. Evan, DJ, Joshua and Gavin ran into Peanut, Taco, Zolo and April. Saints killed Peanut and Zolo, and Taco killed Gavin, but ran out of ammo. Cops arrived at the scene and chased Saints, leading to DJ, Joshua and Gavin getting caught and losing 1 gun.

Taco informed K about the shootout and he wanted to roll out. K, Ramee, Taco, Peanut, Ming and Zolo started hunting and found Evan and Jacob outside Azteca Block, and killed them. Ramee then took Evan and dropped him in trash.

The next day, Anto stabbed DJ Cooper and stole weed bags off of him.

Tensions with Lang Buddha

Mar 18th 2024 - Tensions with Lang Buddha

On the 9th of March, Lang protects Santana while Chris King is at the yard. Lang makes fun of his blue hair, calls him Ninja. Chris calls Lang Mr. Miyagi, and drives off. Lang wants to rob Chris, but Santana tells him that Luci and others have robbed him before.

March 18th-

Lang and Luci spot Larry outside Aunties house, they pulled up. Larry, Jamal, Chris King and a few other people were at the house, Lang talked sh*t to Chris, Chris talked sh*t back, Lang said he's gonna shoot him, left to get a gun, came back and shot him.

Ramee arrived before Lang and pressed Lang for shooting Chris, not understanding that there was context missing. Lang survived a swing, but Luci went down in the scuffle. Lang left in Kaz's car, but bled out by the MP house, where Harry eventually arrived and picked them up. Harry waits with Lang and Luci to call doctors they know, but nobody seems to be awake. Lang doesn't want to rush to the hospital incase CG or the cops are there, especially since he's GSR positive.

They finally go to the hospital, get patched up, and head back to the MP house. Lang says he would never let a person like Chris King talk sh*t to him without him doing something about it.

K calls and asks for Lang's story, Lang gives the minor details and repeats the fact that he didn't know Chris King was with CG, but he wouldn't back down from a 'no-balls'. Lang tells the boys again, before heading to bed.

The next day, K calls Lang to meet, Lang calls up Harry, Luci, and Arush for the meeting. Lang and Harry head over to the meeting with K at the Cypress spot.

K asks Lang about what happened, saying that Chris wouldn't have been shot if CG was there - the same goes for his group. Lang argues that CG shoots everyone in Lang's crew, K pops the trunk and threatens a kidnapped sanitation worker (Ash), and threatens that Harry might lose a knee cap. Lang says that he'll shoot Chris again, he has no issue with it. K turns the conversation towards material prices, asking Lang if he would consider lowering the price. Lang doesn't think anyone will work sanitation anymore if they lower the buying price, K takes the sock out of Ash's mouth and she confirms what Lang is saying.

K gets a full break down of sanitation, K asks Lang to team up so they can lower the price. Lang says that his workers aren't around as much after being robbed everyday, and the other jobs in the city pay more now. K asks Harry what he wanted to talk about the other day, but Harry says it's unrelated so he wants to do it another time. K asks Lang if they're moving guns and extendos, but Lang tells him Tony lost one they got from Polish gang. K circles the meeting back around to respect and materials, and offers enforcement on the price if they drop it.

Lang and K shake hands, K hands off Ash, and everyone leaves.

Later in the day, K calls back with a complete plan to hit other jobs to drive people back to sanitation, which should help lower the price back down. Lang says he'll talk to his people.

March 27th-

CG kidnap Luci, Vito, Tommy, and Alfredo while they are doing sanitation and take them to the airport docks.

March 28th-

Lang and Mr.K go at it on twatter, after Taco tweeted buying 6 for and Lang bumped it with 7 per.

March 29th-

Mr.K and Lang go at it again on twatter, with K trolling Lang saying he got a sanitation business approvedd, lang saying imitation is a form of flattery, and K responding with "I am the blueprint".

April 1st-

Ramee and Mr.K run into Lang and Luciano in their black van infront of Legion Square Bank. They proceed to taunt him by clutching their ballsack and making slapping sounds.

April 10th-

Mr.K threatens Lang after he threatens Kermy for selling materials for $4 per.

April 24th-

Martin radios in that he was robbed by Peanut at the Mirror Park gas station, Martin follows them and gives comms that Peanut's car got stuck heading into the canals. Lang and Tony head over, but Lang waits for more back up. Martin aggresses with his vehicle, but they shoot at his car. Lang hops out of his car and tries to find an angle, but stumbles after getting shot and goes down. Tony hides with Lang behind the car for cover, and shoots at someone, losing the fight and going down. Peanut and CG rob Lang and Tony of their guns and money, Luciano arrives and takes out two people, but goes down in the car. Martin intervenes and bumps the CG vehicles. Cops chase CG as Vito arrives and confirms that Lang and Tony are down. The cops GSR test Lang, Tony and Martin who are downed, as well as the other CG members that are there. They deal with local scuff, so they move to a triage in the casino parking lot. The cops finally take everyone to the hospital to recover. Officer Shiesty takes Lang's statement: He was shot and robbed by Peanut and his hench-people, they stole his legal gun, 11k in cash, and magazines. Lang wants to press charges on every single person involved. Martin arrives and adds to the statement providing Peanut's legal name and stating that he was 'mistaken for the mayor'. The officers let them leave, Martin confirms that he lost the original 21k for the money run. Mary shows up after the police leave and find Luci in the car, Clark circles back and they hand Luci off for Clarke to take him to the hospital. Lang heads over to talk to the cops about his gun, but a suspect in one of the cars interrupts them and sh*t talks Lang. Luci and Clark arrive, but they enter the hospital. Lang waits for them outside, Yuno drives by, K and Ramee hold up Lang and tell him to get in Zaceed's car. Saleem is with CG, but Luciano shoots Ramee. Luci and Clark shoot at CG, Lang runs back to the police screaming for help. Flash gets killed and Zaceed kills Luciano. Arush arrives and Lang tells him to take out CG. Zaceed chases and shoots down Luci, Clark gets shot down by the police. Peanut walks out of the hospital, Lang notices and points out that he's not cuffed, Lang thanks Saleem for helping him. Lang asks Slacks to handle the Peanut situation, and Slacks gets distracted by CG kidnapping Martin. Slacks doesn't stop them from driving off.

Lang leaves after being disappointed in the police, but calls Luci and Arush to check in. Arush picked Luci up after he got shot down, and is going to drop him off somewhere safe before coming back to get Lang. Lang runs into Larry who is coming out of the hospital, Larry threatens Saleem as he's being held up. Saleem stabs Larry outside the hospital.Ramee then kidnaps Marty, and K questions him about hacking CG before Maze Bank and twatting "sit". Marty denies the twat and says that he won't hack CG anymore. Ramee takes Marty's phone and sends some texts to other OB members.

May 15th -

Arush calls to let Lang know that he's going to hit the pushers on La Puerta (CG's turf) because he believes Peanut robbed the pushers. They pop by the prison to pick up Apple. Luci confirms that Tommy heard Peanut, they're not sure why CG is involved, but it seems like two different fights. They stop by the house to get Apple a gun, Gigi calls to inform Lang that Arush was getting picked up by CG from being down in Cypress. Bubbles tells Clark over the phone that Loco is at the hospital, not Arush. They think Gigi may have been confused. The boys pull up to Cypress and attempt to bait plan CG, Lang and others find overlooking positions, Apple stays on the road below. They wait for a very long time, but Lang sees a convoy of cops roll by, so he brings Luci over to 'have a meeting' so they don't look sus.

CG pulls up and the shooting begins, but Lang was talking to the voices and missed it. Lang, Luci, Vito, and Zeek regroup in the construction site, Lang tries to tell them to scatter. Lang sees someone on a roof and shoots them down, he heads to the corner of the site and calls Gigi for a pick up. She pulls up, Lang jumps down and into her car and they drive off. The cops watch Lang get into Gigi's car and chase after them, but Lang pulls over to get keys and swap seats. Conan recognizes 'Frank' from the shop earlier, but Lang flees.

May 16th -

Lang arrives at Frank's to take over a shift, Clark tries to leave. Lang is upset with Marlo and tries to fire him, but CG pulls up and takes Lang hostage. Ramee forces Lang into the trunk, they drive to the airport as Lang pings Luci and calls the cops from his phone. They use Lang as a hostage as they get to the airport roof, the cops begin shooting as Ramee goes down. Lang wants to know who the masked and voice changed person is (Suarez). Lang and Ramee chat basketball while they're waiting. Lang presses the masked person to see who he is, but 'The Terminator' shoots him.

Lang is on the ground for a long time while they chat about basketball, Lang makes fun of Vinny and tries to get the other members of CG to reveal the hidden person's identity. CG shoots down a few cops, but eventually the cops push and take everyone out. Lang and all the other downed people get escorted to the triage outside the airport building, some of the cops welcome Lang back (because he's been down so many times today).

CG hit Maze Bank

Apr 6th 2024 - CG hit Maze Bank

Chang Gang's First Attempt at a Maze Bank Robbery

Squad:K, Ramee, Taco, Chris, Peanut, Zolo, and Jean Paul (X)

CG attempted to hit the Maze Bank today, after exploring the area around the bank they found a door with a keypad on it, generators in the canal entrance and the well known opening vent. They decided to send the RC car down the vent in reverse in the hopes of finding a code for the door, as no one has been able to figure out how to drive the RC car forward. The RC car got stuck in the vents and was unable to move. The boys decided to go explore the generators in the canal entrance which they were able to disable with a rather simple chopping hack. This unlocked a door that allowed to hit a electrical box which had a new hack that K got closest to solving with a 18/24. After failing this hack 3 times an alarm was triggered and the police were notified.

Attempt #3 of Maze Bank

About and hour prior to the Maze bank contract being purchasable CG started getting ready setting up boats and getting a car. They arrived at the bank with the getaway plan in place and got to work. When they arrived, X found out that with an electric car, you were able to drive the RC car forward, after voicing that it worked for him they checked the roof, but the vent would not open.

They started at the back door, they scanned the G6 PNY card and got a lock to open the back door, after 1 fail, K opened the door; inside the garage they found an inner door that also required a PNY card, but they did not have a 3rd, or could they find a 3rd by calling people. After searching around, they found the vault area, they are unable to open any of the gated doors, but they know where it is located. After being unable to find a card, and them hearing an alarm, they decide to rush to the sewer entrance to see if they can enter from there.

Ramee and X one shot both the generators at the door and they went inside, there they found that they were unable to hit the thermite hack. The 1 hour limit was over, after going up the ladder, they see a server hack which they assume is the next step, after searching around they find the other PNY door that they found in the other entrance. After learning that the heist is done they start to come up with ideas, Ramee thinking that if they have enough PNY cards, they will be able to sneak through the locked doors through those hacks and not have to go through the generator room in the sewers.

Attempt #4 of Maze Bank

Mr K woke up and saw that the Maze Bank heist was available, but they did not have enough BTC to hit it; after a few calls, and The Manor coming in clutch, they got enough btc and purchased the heist. After setting up for about 1 hour they started. They started with hitting the doors with the G6 PNY cards, after unfortunately failing once they got the first door, they then barely failed the inside garage door. They then learned that cops have arrived on scene and they need a hostage.

Mr K successfully completes the Thermite and both Ramee and Mr K get into the server room, they try to hit the server but they need a code. When searching for codes, Vinny went to the roof to see if the vent was open, to which it was not; perhaps they need to hit thermite and it opens for 10 seconds? They tried the multiple codes that they had available, but none of them work... the working theory is that they need to get into the security room which will have the code they need.

Mr K then went down the ladder, but set off the laser and the alarm went off. Peanut leaves before hitting the thermite to get a hostage and returns with 2 hostages for the bank, after some pressing from the cops they bring the hostages inside the bank doors. Ramee and Mr K escape through the boat in the canals, being chased by the cops, after beaching the boat, Ramee gets chased on foot to get picked up by Vinny on a bike. Mr K was not chased and was able to evade the cops. Vinny escaped rather easily, and after exchange of hostages Taco and Peanut were able to escape pursuit.

Attempt #5 of Maze Bank

During the day, Ramee and other CG members came in clutch and got 4+ PNY cards. After successfully hacking the 2 PNY doors, the boys arrive at the security room; here you are able to look at all the cameras in the Maze Bank (to see the door codes to open them via PC hack at the server); after learning they can see the codes, Mr K and Ramee head to the sewers to get to the Laptop hack, Mr K after failing the Thermite twice, clutched up the 3rd attempt, Ramee went up to the server room. Mr K went back toward the vault area, after telling Ramee the first code, he begins his first hack (seen below). A number of shapes pop up, they need to remember the shapes in each sequence and colors then input them in order, 4 successful inputs opens the door (only the door with the code). After successfully opening the first door, Mr K after some discussion with Taco and Tuggz, finds a thermite hack to take down lazers in the vault room. After getting into the 2 side rooms (without lazers blocking), they get around 60k.

With 30 minutes left to finish the heist, they open the last door, Mr K starts to hack the lazers inside the vault room, he needs to correctly match 28 instead of 24 earlier. This proves to be very difficult, and failed 5 times. With 20 minutes to go in the heist, they are in a rush to get to thermite; Peanut comes in clutch and gets 4 thermite from Future. Peanut rushes back to the bank, Mr K clutches the Thermite hack in 1 try, but they notice that there is an even bigger vault door in the back, there are 3 big bars above the door, 1 is green, 2 are red. Ramee thinks that you will be able to fingerprint the scanners by the door, as well as scramble stuff in the security room.

Mr K does the thermite again, after one fail he successfully does it, they use the fingerprint scanners on the 2 fingerprint readers; They need 4 codes per fingerprint scanner. You get the code from the security room, you are able to descramble a system to receive codes (tuggz, taco and ramee think this) When ramee goes back upstairs the server has locked down and they are unable to continue the heist. After discussing, They have 2 options moving forward; The security room cameras are able to give Ramee (laptop hack) a code for the last door; when the security people look at the camera, they see a scrambled code, once ramee completes the laptop hack the code descrambles. They need to enter 2, 4 digit codes into the fingerprint scanners to successfully enter the hack. They need to do this in coordination because there are lazers that turn back on at the fingerprint scanners. (Laptop Hack x2; and Vault, Money trays and Gold bars inside the last vault) The boys then escape with all the marked cash they could get; around 100k in Marked Bills.

Attempt #6 of Maze Bank

They get prepared outside the bank and get hostages, once everyone arrives, K calls Taco to start the heist; Mr K quickly hacks the tech spot to get the codes for the PNY cards; Ramee after failing twice to get warmed up ace's the 2 PNY card doors. Ramee and K head down to the sewers. Mr K starts the thermite, after failing once to get warmed up, he just gets the 2nd thermite, Ramee heads up to the server room, Mr K turns around and heads back to the main bank to go downstairs In the meantime, Peanut is with the 2 hostages, Vinny and Tuggz go to the security room, as they dont want to screenshot, they pre-write the codes to each door on a notepad in game. Once Ramee is at the server and ready he starts opening the doors, Ramee is on fire today, he has 1 shotted every hack since the 2 PNY card fails. While Ramee is hacking the doors, Mr K tries to do one of the 2 thermite hacks that are necessary, he just barely fails at 27/28. They open the doors and begin to get the loot from the side rooms. Vinny starts ferrying the loot upstairs while Tuggz and Ramee open doors, and Taco and K start to think about the plan of attack.... 16 minutes in, 44 minutes to go.

Tuggz had to go to sleep and wake back up due to scuff. During this, they were planning, K is gonna hit the thermite, Vinny and Tuggz will both watch the door; once he completes after 2 fails, they see the SAME code on the door; they tell this to Ramee. Ramee tries the laptop hack, it is a harder version of the original door hack (3 symbols instead of 2 per line) (See picture below). After Ramee fails the first try, Mr K wants to test the theory if there are different door codes, he tries the thermite again, after failing 3 times, he hits the thermite and Ramee gets the door code to hack; he barely failed the hack, they have to try again... After a few try's on the Thermite, the bank alarm goes off. Ramee escapes to the boat and finds 4 cops sitting there; Meta wise, the cops started going into the tunnels and set of the lazers and caused the boys to fail after 44 minutes. They escape with all the loot, similar numbers to the last time.

Attempt #9 and #10 of Maze Bank

After a quick fail for attempt #9 on the PNY card doors; they begin attempt 10. Crew: Mr K, Ramee, Peanut, Zaceed, Zolo, Arya Downstairs: K, Zaceed, Arya, Laptop: Ramee Sewer door: Peanut (believed to be the 3rd hack they are missing Camera's: Zolo Arya wakes up and they get ready to hit the heist... Mr K wants Arya to do the RC car, so they make sure she is able to use it... after some complication she is easily able to control it. Mr K goes to Tech Support to unlock the vent, and Arya begins her hacks... she gets both the easy pincracker hacks for the door codes... Ramee quickly aces the first PNY door, he fails the first hack on the 2nd door, but Aces the 2nd hack. Mr K, Peanut, and Ramee all head to the generator area,

while Zolo and Arya bring the van inside and get to the cameras. Ramee and Peanut both quickly do the generator hack, Mr K goes inside and gets ready for thermite... HE IS ON FIRE! he ACES that 24 thermite and Ramee goes upstairs; Zolo calls him to start giving codes and unlock the doors while Mr K heads back to the main bank and heads downstairs to begin the lower part of the heist... while Ramee is quickly hacking through the doors, Arya, Zaceed and K begin to collect the money in the side vaults. Approx: 15 minutes in; 45 minutes to go.... Now they test there theory of the door Peanut is at, opens when K hits thermite.

Mr K after a few fails, successfully hits the thermite, Arya and Zaceed go to hit the pincracker; BOTH succeed on their first try; Ramee unfortunately fails the laptop hack.... The important part, the door in the sewers DID NOT open for Peanut, he came back inside the bank and headed for Ramee for a second theory; they are going to look for a vent like the roof that opens once the Thermite is hit; They see 2 vents on either side of the vault room, they think that those will be one of the hacks; but they need to find the entrance.

2nd attempt, after 1 fail, K successfully hits the hack; The next idea for the 3rd hack area did not open, they look upstairs near the teller desk... K starts his 3rd try, while Peanut is waiting in the lobby area to see if the door opens, the door does not open, but Ramee thinks he spotted something at the desk near the G6 turn in NPC; Peanut heads back downstairs for Ks 4th time doing the thermite... They find that the Computer at the G6 worker when Mr K hits the thermite, you can bypass the vault security via that computer. Everyone gets geared up, they know all the hacks and how to get into the vault; they continue to try.... 38 minutes down.... 22 minutes left...

When they try the next hack, the bank alarm starts going off; They are unsure about how the lasers went off; Mr K went outside and saw a cop running around, he thinks it was the cops; Ramee didnt see a PD boat directly outside of the sewer entrance, after searching around, Ramee steals the PD boat; everyone escapes in cars/vans and they deposit the money in the house.... They are extremely disappointed that the alarm went off, but have no idea why... They have the entire heist figured out.

Attempt #14 of Maze Bank

Mr K, Ramee, Zolo, Zaceed, Arya, Tuggz.

After the usual hacking into the bank, they quickly get to the basem*nt and open all the doors; After thermiting the downstairs 28 thermite, Arya, Zaceed, Ramee all 1 shot there hacks, Tuggz hits the computer and the vault opens. In a rush for time, as they think that the gold bar doors are timed before they cannot be opened.... Tuggz finds a hack for the Teller door in the main lobby of Maze Bank.... After Zaceed opens the door, they find 3 computers they have to hack (must hack all 3 of them); Ramee quickly does 2, Zaceed tries to do the last one and ACES the hack. THE CODES HAVE STOPPED!

Zolo tells Ramee the code to the gold bar door.... after a successful hack the doors open! Mr K quickly gets the gold bars, and a 9090 GPU blueprint. While everyone is looting, Mr K and Ramee have the idea of leaving the bank early with the BP and the Gold Bars. They are going to stash the loot and return to help the other 4 to escape cops. Cops arrive shortly after Mr K and Ramee leave; The cops say they will not pursue, they do not believe them, so are being safe.... Zaceed calls Mr K and says that he also escaped with gold bars.

The CG group collected 15+ gold bars of different weights, plus all the cash in the bank (approx 150k), as well as the 9090 GPU BP.

Mr.K called Bruce to let him know the news, and Bruce gave him a Speech of congratulations in return.

CG war with Cypress/Lang Gang/Oldbois

May 15th 2024 - CG war with Cypress/Lang Gang/Oldbois

May 14th -

Arush calls to let Lang know that he's going to hit the pushers on La Puerta (CG's turf) because he believes Peanut robbed the pushers. They pop by the prison to pick up Apple. Luci confirms that Tommy heard Peanut, they're not sure why CG is involved, but it seems like two different fights. They stop by the house to get Apple a gun, Gigi calls to inform Lang that Arush was getting picked up by CG from being down in Cypress. Bubbles tells Clark over the phone that Loco is at the hospital, not Arush. They think Gigi may have been confused. The boys pull up to Cypress and attempt to bait plan CG, Lang and others find overlooking positions, Apple stays on the road below. They wait for a very long time, but Lang sees a convoy of cops roll by, so he brings Luci over to 'have a meeting' so they don't look suspicous.

CG pulls up and the shooting begins, but Lang was talking to the voices and missed it, he almost kills Mr.K. Lang, Luci, Vito, and Zeek regroup in the construction site, Lang tries to tell them to scatter. Lang sees someone on a roof and shoots them down, he heads to the corner of the site and calls Gigi for a pick up. She pulls up, Lang jumps down and into her car and they drive off. The cops watch Lang get into Gigi's car and chase after them, but Lang pulls over to get keys and swap seats. Conan recognizes 'Frank' from the shop earlier, but Lang flees.

May 15th -

Lang arrives at Frank's to take over a shift, Clark tries to leave. Lang is upset with Marlo and tries to fire him, but CG pulls up and takes Lang hostage. Ramee forces Lang into the trunk, they drive to the airport as Lang pings Luci and calls the cops from his phone. They use Lang as a hostage as they get to the airport roof, the cops begin shooting as Ramee goes down. Lang wants to know who the masked and voice changed person is (Suarez). Lang and Ramee chat basketball while they're waiting. Lang presses the masked person to see who he is, but 'The Terminator' shoots him.

Lang is on the ground for a long time while they chat about basketball, Lang makes fun of Vinny and tries to get the other members of CG to reveal the hidden person's identity. CG shoots down a few cops, but eventually the cops push and take everyone out. Lang and all the other downed people get escorted to the triage outside the airport building, some of the cops welcome Lang back (because he's been down so many times today).

May 16th -

Lang puts down a new weapon rack, scuffs out, and comes back to the group heading to Cypress to protect Ilya from CG. Lang gets a radio and bitches out Arush for rushing. Lang regroups with everyone and circles around Cypress for a bit, Arush goes down and claims he was shot by a Tesla and confused it for Clark and Apple. Ilya doesn't have a gun, so he hops off radio, Martin joins. Lang gets Arush to the hospital to get patched up, he buys bandages and communicates with the boys while they wait. They get Sakura off the radio and call in Loco as a 6th. Martin picks up Loco, they need fuel and battery recharge, so they go to Vinewood.

Loco waves around his gun in the car, the cops pull up and press Clark and Apple for the local calling in the gun. Lang tells them to Karen they're way out of it. The cops turn to Martin and Loco who are nearby, but they eventually get into a chase. Lang and Arush go to pick up a lockpick and Lang grabs a boat. Lang picks up Loco and Martin and escapes the cops, heading over to Clark and Apple at Chumash, but decides to double back and meet Arush at the docks for the car. Martin heads to Mosley's to get his car, they convoy with him to help. Martin's car is at the old redline garage, so they pick it up. Lang compliments Martin's car (it's really nice and a cool colour). They run into CG at Taco Bomb, across the street of Snr Buns. Clark and Apple get pinned down, Martin get's taken out, Lang takes down someone and Loco finds Bobby Brown and takes him to Rockford Plaza to rob. The cops arrive, Lang tries to spin back for Clark and Apple, but they are down. Peanut gets arrested.

May 17th -

Tanner tells Lang about CG convoying around the hospital. While dealing with a large rush of customers, Liya returns and tells them to close the gate, but Lang get's shot down. A few of the workers get shot and trapped behind the counter as CG airs out the food court. John takes Lang to the car and Nekoda let's him take Lang to the hospital. Lang gives his statement to the cops that arrive at the hospital. Lang and Luciano press Chris King as he's leaving the hospital.Peanut and Ramee do most of the damage, Ramee goes down to Locco at the end.Mr.K shoots Larry outside the hospital and dumps him and sneaky off a bridge.

Teddy calls to get 60k, but Lang wants to hand off 250k. Teddy agrees to meet at the MP house, Lang and Liya wait there for him. Lang calls Luci and Ilya to help guard them, just incase. Lang hands off the money and tells Teddy to get out of there asap. Luci notes that Lang paid Teddy in the notes downstairs. Lang, Liya, and Luci load into the car, and mere seconds pass before the CG convoy pulls up and shoots them all down. Ramee pulls Lang over the bush next door and robs him, the cops arrive and don't find Lang for a while.

Tanner helps patch everyone up and they get taken to the hospital. Lang and Luciano give their statements, Lang asks for the gun that was kept for more than 30 days, the cops will look into it. Lang heads back outside, and talks sh*t to CG who is waiting for K who went down in a car accident. Lang 911s that CG is outside, he asks why the cops aren't chasing them, but they say they'll 'look into it'.

CG shoot down a couple more cypress pushers, and another one of Marty's crew near the casino.

Luci wants to try and end things with CG, Lang doesn't care to try. Lang tells Luci that he can try to do it, but Luci thinks he isn't respect like Lang is. Lang tells him that he should try anyways, because they are equally leaders. They argue about it, Lang tells Luci to try right now. Harry goes to get K's number, but he doesn't have it. Luci tells Lang about Leon finding CG's warehouse. Lang doesn't care, Luci argues about being shut down every time he has information, but Lang stresses if they're trying to end things or shoot them still. Luci gets K's number from Pigeon and calls, K doesn't want to talk to anyone but Lang. Lang presses Luci to be more assertive, Luci calls back and says that he's a leader and can communicate on behalf of all the people at Cypress.

K calls back with demands: Ramee wants a free meal for his YouTube channel, Peanut wants to work at Frank's, even as a mascot, to stop hacking CG, and to stop snitching to the cops. Luci tells him he'll speak to his people and decide. Luci repeats the terms to Lang and Harry. They want to be hopeful, they don't think it'll work out though. Luci calls back and offers the counter offer, Lang doesn't want to wait around to settle things, so he heads to bed.

CG Assassinate the Council

May 21st 2024 - CG Assassinate the Council

CG got word, that there will be a council meeting today (Tuesday May 21st); K forms a plan, where he wants to raid the council and shoot all the council members and anyone else in the room because they as a group believe they have done a terrible job... They see an announcement, that the Sheriff will be announced first, instead of going outside city hall to watch the announcement, 4 of CG stay upstairs, hidden in an office watching the live stream thanks to Ursula.

After some issues, the Sheriff announcements goes up North, all of CG stay down at city hall so they can get the jump on the meeting. The Council and everyone arrives, once the meeting gets started. They slowly sneak up.... Dab had opened the door to let the Clowns inside. 4 CG burst in, "MEETING IS ADJOURNED" and everyone starts shooting.... 4 of the council members were shot down, a number of civilians.... They rush to try and leave City Hall, but cops are already on scene, they decide to hold out in the top hallway upstairs near the meeting room.

Getting upstairs again, they run into a number of civilians moving bodies, they quickly shoot them as well and prepare for the hold out. Cops try to push with 4 - 5 people, a few end up down, and 1 ends up alive on the left corner out of view of the shooters. Cops knowing that there were some council members that are in critical condition, start to push, a large number of cops go down, some hitting ramee, he stumbles and goes down as well. The rest of CG are slowly picked off as there are just too many cop numbers.... All of CG go down, they are expecting themselves to get terrorism charges; K finds out that Dab (the Mayor), was coming down to PD and trying to force them to push charges on CG.... K makes sure that Dab knows, that he has all the evidence he needs to take him down with him, including the gun he gave Mr K and info on hits that Dab paid K to do.

Taken to the cells; CG start chatting with PD, they are bound to be waiting a bit due to the seriousness of this crime, 5 of the boys were sent up on holds, while Mr K was held behind to be interogated by Slacks. In the middle of the interogation, Slacks is informed that TJ (The Treasurer) was permanently killed, he tells Mr K that 1 charge is being upgraded to Murder. After Mr K does a good job with Slacks, and giving him no usable info to use for his fairytale story he was making up. Mr K was also sent for a hold.

ADMC, who were friends with TJ (he was a member), are very angry that CG killed him, they start pressing Pigeon and other members of CG; they are likely going to go to War with CG (the remaining people outside of jail) to get even for killing one of there members. Meanwhile, the main boys are all in prison on HUT charges, Murder and Terrorism, with a laundry list of attempted murders.

Charges: Mr K- HUT 131k fine 27x attempted murder of gov, 1 murder of gov, terrorism. Zolo-HUT 27x attempted murder of gov, 1x murder of gov, terrorism Ramee-HUT 27x attempted murder of gov, 1x murder of gov, terrorism Peanut-HUT 27x attempted murder of gov, 1x murder of gov, terrorism Taco-HUT 27x attempted murder of gov, 1x murder of gov, terrorism Vinny-HUT 27x attempted murder of gov, 1x murder of gov, terrorism

CG pull off a Prison Break

May 23rd 2024 - CG pull off a Prison Break

Carmine organised to take CG out of prison on work release, despite Bobby heavily opposed to the idea. After setting up multiple challenges for them in prison. CG organised a breakout. Hydra/BBMC teamed up to create an extraction team. Dab happened to drive past the prison bus on the highway and called it in so they were stopped in the open which threatened to ruin the ambush plan as PD ordered Carmine to return them to the prison, however the extraction team sprung to action and went in and started shooting. The bus flipped while offroad in the grass and Richard unshackled the boys except Ramee who had made a run for it. He eventually linked up with Richard and was also unshackled which removes the tracker too.

Max went absolutely psycho and ordered all the PD on a man hunt to find the fugitives, putting a 250k bounty on each of them and also raising PD to maximum pay until they are captured. Carmine was arrested and the entire DOC was fired. While the boys were out on the run, the man hunt was in full force with the PD patrolling the city in teams of 6 and on high alert to take any means necessary to capture them. The city was essentially in full on Marshall Law and Max forced the PD to deputise Siobhan, Crane and himself so they could join the hunt.

Dundee was in a heli following the PD around and calling out their location, this caused the PD to crowd source Air-1 using their increased pay rate. Once Air-1 was acquired, Dundee recruited Lovesick to pilot Crim-1 and Suarez as a shooter to try and take down Air-1 from the sky. This was ultimately unsuccessful as Crim-1 was blown up by PD while refueling, Lovesick went down but Suarez and Dundee got out.

CG Court Case for Council Meeting Massacre

May 28th 2024 - CG Court Case for Council Meeting Massacre

None of Chang Gang testified leading to being found guilty on both charges (murder and terrorism). Sentence of 5 days in jail, 3 with time served for Taco? K Ramee Nut, 2 with time served for Vinny and Zolo. Around 350k+ in fines for all. Immediately after ruling K runs out first gets out, Vinny also gets out, Ramee gets cuffed,Peanut and Zolo give up themselves. After all this the city goes into full end of war type battle crims v cops with 20 or so people getting downed.

Court's verdict - Defendants found guilty of all charges Punishment: 5 years prison 5 year parole Zolo and Vinny to serve 2 more years (3 years served) Rest of defendants (Mr K, Ramee, Peanut) need to serve 3 more years (2 years served) All defendants receive fines of ~ $350,000+

Most of the boys hang out in jail for a bit, but decide to go to sleep after a while as it was getting late. Zolo, Vinny and Taco hand themselves in the coming days. Taco got doubled fined and got hit with 500k worth of them. His fines were later lowered after their Lawyer intervened and talked to Decker.

CG rob the Art Asylum

June 12th 2024 - CG rob the Art Asylum

Chang Gang's First Attempt at Art Asylum Robbery

Crew: Mr K, Vinny, Ramee, Zolo, Zaceed, Peanut

After waking up and doing there usual thing, the boys find that the new Art Gallery Heist is coming off cooldown, K tells Ramee to go to the computer and purchase the heist, as they have 2 hours to prepare anyway. They Gather a crew together, and begin trying to hit the heist.

Mr K calls Bobby to get ready to start the heist on the computer, Vinny, Ramee, K, and Zaceed go and try to figure out a direction to the heist. They think there will either be something with the wire connections, one of the doors on the side, or starting in the sewer. After Vinny takes Ramee to the hospital to get him up, K calls Bobby to start the heist... Immediately they notice that there is a noise level meter, they need to talk quietly, and walk slowly to make sure they dont set off any alarms. After searching inside and around the building, they find a door with a keypad to hack. K talks to the boys, and calls Ramee to the door to try and open it... He tries the hack, it is the PNY card hack from Maze Bank, after failing, the Alarm level goes up slighty, looking like a natural fail mechanic for the entire heist... After 2 tries, Ramee aces the hack, they enter a small room with printers and computer, and 2 doors with keypad hacks, after chatting with Ramee for a bit, Ramee does the hack where they find another hallway with a few numberpads doors... Ramee aces another Memory keypad, and they enter a security rooms with Camera's etc. There are 13 total camera's they can look at, all over the Gallery, they learn they can open the garage, there are lower rooms, vaults, auction house, elevators, stairs etc. After searching through the camera's, they are able to hack the noise sensors within the rooms, K tries to hack one, where its a variation to the Roof Running hack, you need to make all the colors the same color instead of maek them disappear... It seems that the Alert level slowly goes down.After playing with the Camera's and K trying to disable some noise sensors, they start searching elsewhere. Ramee and K head to the sewers to check if there are other things they can access... Zaceed is there and they try to take out the generator, it is the same hack as the sewers/wifi. Zaceed/Ramee, after getting tazed a few times, disable the generator. They find a grate at the bottom, that is openable, but they need to figure out how to open it.... after searching around, they try a few ideas to no luck... eventually the Alert level spikes once, then a second time to set off the alarm. They continue to search around a few times, Ramee finds a door and they start escaping. Cops are pretty quick on scene... Ramee goees and talks to them and starts to delay for everyone to escape. Ramee and K start driving away in a big truck, the cops end up blowing up and they escape for a bit, until the cops get back on them. After a chase and a few switches and solo escapes.

Attempt #2 of Art Asylum

Crew: Mr K, Ramee, Vinny, Peanut, Zolo, Arya

After getting set up, Mr K calls the crew at the computer to start the heist. Ramee gets started on the door, After 2 tries, Ramee aces the hack and opens the first door to access the Gallery. Ramee quickly heads into the hallway, after asking Arya to keep an eye for any doors to hack, he hacks the Camera room door, 1 shotting it. Peanut, Zolo, and Arya, stay upstairs in the gallery; while Ramee, K, and Vinny head down into the sewers. When Vinny heads down into the sewers, he sees a masked up person heading down there. After a quick interaction, he finds out it was OB/Larry crew, he notices that 2 of the scuba tanks were missing. Larry quickly calls Vinny apologizing, they return shortly later to bring the scuba tanks back. While Mr K comes back from a headpop, Peanut, Zolo, and Arya work on hacking things via the camera's, They were able to successfully hacking some of the camera hacks, they are not sure what they do yet. Ramee finally arrives in the sewers, where he hacks the generator hack (wifi), after successfully doing the hack, K returns and heads down into the sewers. After heading through the door and checking (in the sewers), Vinny has the idea to check the Water treatment plant, after breaking a leg, he wobbles his way over there.... The valves that they saw yesterday, appeared once again, and he calls the boys (Common Vinny W ). Ramee heads over and finds out they need to hack Thermite, calling Mr K. After finding out they dont have to be careful about noise level when outside of the bank, K heads over and tries the Thermite... it is much more difficult, needing 30 points, with a timer of around 25 seconds. This is extremely difficult, after a few tries, K does the hack, but the water level goes down. So he tries to hack it a few times, but they are unable to get the water level to go higher than normal. After searching around the heist, and trying some hacks, the alarm goes off after 1 hour and they are forced to retreat.

Attempt #3 of Art Asylum

Crew: Mr K, Ramee, Zaceed, Zolo, Tuggz, Peanut

After starting the heist, Ramee begins the G6 Door hacks, after a few fails, he completes both hacks and opens the doors to the camera room. K and Ramee then head outside to head to the water treatment plant to begin the very difficult thermite hack, they are going to try and hit them both at the same time. Zaceed also radios that he has successfully hacked the generator in the sewers and gained access to the sewer drain. While Ramee and K try to complete the thermite hacks, Peanut and Zolo are inside at the computer, they are trying to hack various things and look for things inside the Gallery area. Peanut is able to easily do the color hacks, to turn off something they do not know yet (possibly a spotlight?) He was able to target a Noise scanner, but it was the wifi hack, which he is unable to do. After a few tries, K aces his hack, the water levels didnt change; after doing the other hack, they notice it hasnt changed again, so Zaceed and K start trying to hit it together.... After they try for a while, but unable to complete the hacks together. Tuggz asks someone to bring him a torch so he can try to do the grate hack.... Zaceed heads over, while K keeps trying the Thermite. After K and Zaceed try a few more times, the boys run out of thermite, and head back to the heist. They have confirmed that they need to hit both the thermite together, Zaceed now knows a better strategy for completing the thermite, leaving hope for next time. Heading back to the Art Gallery, they meet up with Tuggz to explore more.

Attempt #4 of Art Asylum

Crew: K, Ramee, Vinny, Tuggz, Zolo, Arya After a hiccup when starting the heist, they begin... Ramee quickly 1 shots both the g6 doors, Vinny and Tuggz head to the sewers, and K and Ramee head over to water treatment to try and hit the thermite. After failing Thermite a bunch of times, they run out and the heist is over for this try.

Attempt #5 of Art Asylum

Crew: K, Ramee, Vinny, Zolo, Arya, Chris

After starting the heist, Ramee quickly hits both the G6 Doors. Zolo and Chris head inside to the camera room. Vinny gets pulled over by the cops that are teaching on his way back to the Art Gallery. Ramee then heads into the sewers and does the Generator hack to let them into the sewer grate room. Mr K and Ramee head over to the water treatment plant to start trying the thermite. After the cops eventually let Vinny go, he heads back to the bank while the impound the stolen car. After a few tries, they both complete the hack at the same time... Vinny heads into the grate area and tries to do the Grate hack to see what it is... the good news is that Vinny didn't die, and he was able to see the hack... Ramee and K head over, and peak over his shoulder to see the hack. Vinny tries the hack a few times, he is actually half decent at a hack, after 4 or 5 tries, he explodes.... Ramee and K try the hack a few times, but did not explode yet.... they Call Arya.... K and Ramee both end up dieing, Arya arranges for K and Vinny to be taken to the hospital, while others continue to do the hacks. The Fish hack is not extremely difficult, but after a number of tries, it seemed that they were exploding after 1 fail... You are supposed to click the correct side of the middle fishy... see below for an image. After getting Smoked by Fishies Ramee and Arya both have a pretty good understanding of the hack and are confident they can do it... Vinny though not doing it entirely properly, will likely learn to do this hack. After a 10 - 12 tries, K is able to hack the grate, he heads further into the tunnel... to see another grate to hit... he gets to 29/30 but then fails and blows up, letting Arya to come and 1 shot it.They take K to the hospital, while the rest start waiting for him... both grates are open now, Ramee heads forward and finds another generator hack. Ramee finds out that they need to loser the water level back down, so after getting K up at the hospital, they head over to the water treatment facility once again, after 1 hack, the alarm goes off at the bank.

Attempt #6 of Art Asylum

Crew: K, Ramee, Arya, Peanut, Zolo, Paris

After the usual opening, Mr K and Ramee head to the water treatment plant, they only fail a few times before raising the water level.... Arya goes WARYA mode, she quickly does both the grate gold fish hacks to get them to the point they were yesterday. Mr K and Ramee both 1 shot there thermite to lower the water level back down and head into the sewers to meet up with Arya. After Ramee opens the generator, Mr K heads upstairs into the Gallery... he tells Peanut that this is likely where they gonna need the camera's, after some chatting, they start hacking the camera's and leading K across the room. Mr K comes across an auction house room, where he finds an "elevator unlock" button, and an elevator in the room next door. He presses the button to find that the elevator opened. After exploring some more, they find another door, Ramee gets called into the heist and lead across the room to K, they find that its a Fingerprint scanner hack, this allows them to enter an office with a safe and a decryption computer. They quickly hit the safe and learn that the decryption computer is similar to Maze Bank Laptop hack. Mr K continues to explore and he finds a 2nd fingerprint hack door, this one has 5 numbers and althought K was close, he admits he is to forgetful to do the hack consistently.... This tells them they need Arya. After getting through the door, they try to open the Vault door, but the alarm goes off.

Attempt #7 of Art Asylum

Crew: K, Ramee, Arya, Zolo, Bobby, Ellie

K and Ramee get the crew together, and make sure everyone joins the group, they head over to the bank and prepare to start the heist. They start the heist, Ramee quickly does the 2 g6 doors and they head over to the thermite. Arya and Bobby have some trouble doing the Generator hack, so they call Ellie down, who quickly 1 shots the hack. Ramee and K quickly start there Thermite, they ace the hacks and raise hte water level. Arya 1 shots the first grate, and then quickly does the second grate. Ramee and K 1 shot the Thermite once again to lower the water back down. and head back to the bank.... Zolo and Ellie are on the camera's, Zolo is explaining what to do while everyone heads to there spots for the rest of the heist. Ramee and K head through the tunnel with Arya and head upstairs into the Gallery. Zolo and Bobby do the hacks on the cameras to move them along to the elevator room and the Curator's office. Ramee tries the Fingerprint scanner hack, but they need Mother Arya, so they get her and complete the hack, they head into the office. They clear the office and go ahead and unlock the safe and get ready for the laptop hack. After opening everything up, they look around for something new that they will have to do to get into the vault room. Ramee hits the laptop, Arya does the fingerprint hack, while people are set up in different spots to check for buttons to press... After doing the hacks, K notices that there are 2 computers that he can decrypt again, they are the colored squares, the same as the lights/noise sensors. They head back into position to hit it one more time... Bam, they all aces their hacks and the vault opens, the light turns on, everyone goes to grab what duffle bags that they have and fills them up with all the money, goes into the van/car trunks. CG complete the heist.Loot: 342k and 2 Art Pieces. Art Pieces price has not been found.

CG vs ADMC War

June 2024 - ADMC snitches?

June 20th -

CG find out Ziggy is snitching to the PD, and that the ADMC attacked Ursula.Chang Gang sends their quiet member Richard Woytkiw into the Yard to secretly plant a spy camera. The ADMC catch him, take his phone and ID, and Shang slices him up. In retaliation, CG kidnaps and shoots down Benny exiting the hospital. Then they chase and shoot down four ADMC by the City Vault. Sean negotiates with Mr. K to trade Richard's phone for Benny's but the deal is not finalized.

June 21th -

CG rob two ADMC members, run their pockets, read their phones, and beat them down.

June 23th -

Simmering tensions between CG and the ADMC over TJ's murder erupt into war when Shang is kidnapped by Mr. K, interrogated in the Vagos torture room, then shot by a firing squad and thrown off the same cliff Barry pushed Ursula off of five days prior. Barry rallies the club and goes hunting in Vespucci for CG. This ends in a major shootout in CG's La Puerta turf against nine CG members and their associates. The ADMC take down seven of them before being overcome. Ellie takes out the final ADMC member.

June 24th -

Day two of the ADMC vs. CG war involves a lengthy shootout in the gray carpark outside Snr. Buns. Ed takes first blood by shooting Ramee down, but Mr. K and Zolo successfully make the final push on Barry and Ed. Barry loses his big toe.

June 25th -

CG robs Remedy and shoots down Ivy while they are laying low working Grime. When cops arrive on the scene, Remedy points out which car is shooting at them and tells the cops to chase after it. When HC finds out what she has done, they immediately call a Reaper vote and remove her as a prospect. The club shoot her at the Catfish View pier, filming it as proof they take care of snitches.Day three of the ADMC vs. CG war begins with a shootout in Lower Pillbox, where Patched member Jessi Adler guns down a three-man squad led by Ramee, with Nana wrenching Zolo. Later in Murrieta Heights a street fight breaks out when ADMC stops to fix a vehicle. Shang shoots down Mr. K and Ramee and the club picks off the rest, including Paris Argo. Barry declares they have avenged "TJ's honor" and the loss of his big toe. CG makes a late night push on the Aztecas block, but retreats after they see they are outnumbered.Later while hunting for CG, ADMC run across BBMC at LSIA, who open fire on them. ADMC wipe the BBMC squad, leaving them for police to find.

June 26th -

Day four of the ADMC vs. CG war has Ramee vowing vengeance against his "kryptonite" Jessi and forming a squad to hunt her. A shootout breaks out at Colorful Garage, with Finn and Jessi shooting down two of CG's squad before a police chase with Air-1 ensues. The club is discovered by CG while reconvening, and Ramee shoots everyone down but Jessi. To seek his thwarted revenge, Ramee sends his car into the prison and finally shoots her six times in the head in the cafeteria kitchen. While Jessi is in ICU, the club attempts to arrange a marriage between Jessi and Ramee to unite the houses.

June 27th -

Day five of the ADMC v. CG war involves a stealth campaign by CG to take out Ed and Kelly while they are doing a $67,000 money run in Paleto. Kelly headshots and downs Ramee before they are overwhelmed by CG's squad. Ed loses his gall bladder.

June 28th -

Day six of the ADMC v. CG war starts with a street fight in front of Snr. Buns again, this time in the lower car park. Jessi takes out her arch-nemesis Ramee, while Shang shoots down Franny and Barry domes Mr. K. In the middle of the fight, the Saints approach the scene and get winged by a bullet. They start popping off shots and down Lil Cap before retreating. The BBMC roll up and attempt to rescue Ramee, but retreat when the police arrive. As ADMC is retrieving bodies, the lone CG member up starts shooting, causing the cops to shoot back. In the chaos Kelly is downed. Cora rescues Barry before escaping with the rest of the club and one new Glockatron. Barry suggests to Ramee he go on a date with Jessi as an end term for the war. Negotiations fail.

June 29th -

A skirmish with CG ends in Jessi shooting down Hazel Luna and her associate Justin DeMarco at the ADMC block in front of cops. Shang takes Hazel to the hospital, but DeMarco, a known snitch, is left lying on the train tracks for the cops to retrieve.

July 3, 2024 - War Ends

July 1st -

The second week of the ADMC v. CG war dawns with Mr. K solo'ing ADMC block and taking out Shang and two other unarmed ADMC members. A second skirmish breaks out while resupplying, with Finn downing Chris King and Carmella Corset after Chris shoots Shang and Kelly in their car. Shang forms a war party to begin hunting, and a cat and mouse game across the city ends in the Jewelry District when CG and ADMC run into each other. Lil Cap manages to shoot down Curtis Swoleroid before the squad is downed.

July 2nd -

CG releases a diss track against ADMC and plays it at their block. They shoot down two unarmed ADMC members pushing weed. Benny later retaliates with Prospect Eddie Baker by robbing and downing Carmella and Paris, who keep using TJ's name in vain in Twatter posts.

July 3rd -

Lil Cap produces his own diss track with Jessi and sends it to CG.Mr. K calls and proposes an end to the war: help CG storm the courthouse following the failed impeachment proceedings against the mayor. Shang accepts the terms, saying the government failed TJ following his death and Max had the audacity to ask for a transplant of TJ's heart. After occupying the courthouse with over 50 other criminals, they convoy to MRPD and Kael Soze negotiates a truce with the Department of Justice.

Judgement Day

July 3rd 2024 - Judgement Day

Mr.K decided to put the final nail in the coffin on the current Council and organized a takeover of City Hall after hearing that the impeachment case of Max and Siobhan was dismissed with prejudice and that the judge who ruled on it retired shortly afterwards. Mr.K recruited 90-100 people to the cause from various gangs in the city etc. This was also acted as the end of the CG-ADMC War.

They met at Sandy Shores Airfield before hand, K made a rousing speech to rally the troops, they made their way down to City Hall, where they easily took over the building, shot some cops while there and held it down for a little. After a little bit the troops moved to MRPD where all of PD were stationed in, they swarmed the building and took out PD bar a few who were left standing. Later K was asked to attend a meeting that was being organized by Soze of judges, lawyers etc to basically discuss changes to the Constitution, laws and how the city will move forward. State will be split into two counties. Los Santos and Blaine County where mayors will be voted on for both etc. Counties will be able to enact certain laws within their jurisdiction but the Constitution will be State wide. Current council is essentially done and over and there will be no council for the next 2 weeks until the Constitution is fully fleshed out by DOJ and elections can begin. Nino is going to run for Los Santos County Mayor.

These were the outcomes of the meeting:

2 Mayors, one for the city, the other for Blaine County (up north) Each Mayor is allowed to choose if they want a Cabinet, or do it alone, they will be very flexible with this New system to bring people in power to justice: Citizens will be able to "report" people for an evaluation, this will go for ANYONE in the city; Depending on the person, the evaluator will change. Ex. Judges will have a 3rd party evaluator. This will be done via petitions, other people can sign the petition to give it attention. Police will have separate jurisdictions, where SOPs will be different (or similar); If a Police chase goes into the other PDs Jurisdiction, the SOPs of that PD force will then be followed in whatever scenario the PD is in. Created laws will be unable to go against the constitution; This had happened in the past, and there was no system to bring these laws into question, or punish the people creating them. With the new reporting system, this will be more possible, as well as more DOJ oversight into what laws are created, and actively address them.

CG Squabble with the Saints

July 11th 2024 - CG Squabble with the Saints

Curtis was driving in Saints territory and shot at the leader. He got shot at the hospital later. A fight ensued with 5 CG and Saints on their turf.

Curtis was later hunted after being picked up from prison. Tensions died down after.

Tensions with BBMC

July 24th 2024 - Tensions with BBMC

Marcell was patrolling Vespucci territory and was pressed by Claire from the BBMC. Curtis talked with Kaiba and he was wish washy about the sitution. CG got in a meeting at the CG House and got Al Saab to call Claire and threaten her. The situation fizzled out afterwards.

Chang Gang go Corporate

July 2024

Mr.K decided that every member must be taxed 20% to fund the Gang. This led to performance reviews/meetings being held on a bi-weekly basis.

Chang Gang (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.