Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (2024)

  1. 2022-07-14,11:11 PM#1

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right?

    For people like me where a beast form model has issues and I cant see all armor having a humanoid form I is even more important, but then restricting it to out of combat use only when it is unique enough feels like an un necessary limitation that will one

    1. Put off players who don't do monster races (which are a fair few and also unnecessary since you have a human form)
    2. Further needlessly limit such a key featured race that already has some major restrictions, like being only open to one class.

    Can someone please explain why blizzard has initially chosen that visage form cannot be used in combat, and rather than allowing it with having dragon breath abilities auto shift you to your dragon form for the ability's duration?

    Evoker gameplay has dragon abilities that if they force a temporary transformation to Dragon form, will ensure enough of a dragon feel to your character even if playing combat in visage form. And to me seems a good compromise that can open this up and even excite quite a few more people.

    So why needlessly impose another restriction that will further reduce the appeal of your main feature of your new expansion has to others?

    I dont have much interest in thr new race without this at the very least, and Eco*ker dracthyr is half the attraction of the expansion . Those visage forms look really nice, but I am not feeling being forced into Dracthy form in combat, it is not enough to carry the new race class, and seems pointless to ,imit when it will appeal to me and others like me a lot more without such a limit

  2. 2022-07-14,11:20 PM#2

    from some streams i have watched it looks like they can cast some spells in humanoid form but a good portion of them still are in dragon form

    also you get faster health regen in visage form and those around you will as well in groups

    Last edited by LordHanmint1788; 2022-07-14 at 11:22 PM.
  3. 2022-07-15,04:04 AM#3

    Hopefully they let them stay in visage form with how dumb they look. That and transmog is a thing
  4. 2022-07-15,04:34 AM#4

    ModeratorDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (29)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (30)
    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (31)
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    I think it would be interesting if you could opt to stay in visage form for some spells and abilities, but others that kind of require the natural draconic form force-shift you into Dracthyr mode - like those that involve breath weapons, flight, and so on. Basic spellcasting could be done in either form, though. Some people who've seen Alpha footage in action contend that that's exactly how it currently works, too.

    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  5. 2022-07-15,06:27 AM#5

    The UndyingDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (38)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (39)
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    Soul of Azeroth

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (40) Originally Posted by MaceDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (41)

    For people like me where a beast form model has issues and I cant see all armor having a humanoid form I is even more important, but then restricting it to out of combat use only when it is unique enough feels like an un necessary limitation that will one

    1. Put off players who don't do monster races (which are a fair few and also unnecessary since you have a human form)
    2. Further needlessly limit such a key featured race that already has some major restrictions, like being only open to one class.

    Can someone please explain why blizzard has initially chosen that visage form cannot be used in combat, and rather than allowing it with having dragon breath abilities auto shift you to your dragon form for the ability's duration?

    From what we’ve seen, you can use Visage form in combat to some extent, but obviously the Evoker is the dragon class, so you’re going to be mostly playing as a dragon in dragon form. Allowing you to stay in visage form kind of defeats the purpose of the class.- - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (42) Originally Posted by AucaldDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (43)

    I think it would be interesting if you could opt to stay in visage form for some spells and abilities, but others that kind of require the natural draconic form force-shift you into Dracthyr mode - like those that involve breath weapons, flight, and so on. Basic spellcasting could be done in either form, though. Some people who've seen Alpha footage in action contend that that's exactly how it currently works, too.

    Yep, that’s exactly how it works.
  6. 2022-07-15,06:30 AM#6

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (52) Originally Posted by AucaldDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (53)

    I think it would be interesting if you could opt to stay in visage form for some spells and abilities, but others that kind of require the natural draconic form force-shift you into Dracthyr mode - like those that involve breath weapons, flight, and so on. Basic spellcasting could be done in either form, though. Some people who've seen Alpha footage in action contend that that's exactly how it currently works, too.

    I hope it doesn't... I mean I can understand the immersion argument in this case but I really don't want another beast form that can't be mogged and personally looks unappealing to me.
  7. 2022-07-15,09:08 AM#7

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (62) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (63)

    From what we’ve seen, you can use Visage form in combat to some extent, but obviously the Evoker is the dragon class, so you’re going to be mostly playing as a dragon in dragon form. Allowing you to stay in visage form kind of defeats the purpose of the class.

    - - - Updated - - -

    A dragon also has a humanoid form, so it’s part of the identity.

    I can accept certain abilities will auto change you into dragon form for their duration. I even think that is god as you will see your Sargon form often. Just not all the time.

    I’d much prefer to mostly be in visage form and see my dragon form for the powerful abilities. In time, I may get to like my dragon form more. But currently, visage form is what I like about it

  8. 2022-07-15,09:10 AM#8

    The Unstoppable ForceDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (70)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (71)
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    Sep 2013
    Stuff that requires you to roar and such switches you to Dragon form, kind of obvious. Some basic spells - do not.

    You can't bloody deep breath if you don't have a maw or wings, can you now?

  9. 2022-07-15,09:20 AM#9

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (80) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (81)

    Yep, that’s exactly how it works.

    Really? That makes a lot more sense and May have just sold the expansion for me. Provide this at least Carrie’s on to release.

    I wouldn’t oppose more visage form, like some dragon abilities having visage versions, even some Cool effect like a shadow version of your dragon form flashing in and out.

    However I do agree that at least the one transformation to dragon form should happen at least once per combat, even if you can opt out of it later remaining in visage form

    - - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (82) Originally Posted by CelementDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (83)

    I hope it doesn't... I mean I can understand the immersion argument in this case but I really don't want another beast form that can't be mogged and personally looks unappealing to me.

    This is what makes being able to fight in visage form imperative. But I can accept some abilities auto transforming you, but only for their duration, you auto switch back to visage once they are done channeling.
  10. 2022-07-15,09:20 AM#10

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (92) Originally Posted by MaceDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (93)

    Can someone please explain why blizzard has initially chosen that visage form cannot be used in combat, and rather than allowing it with having dragon breath abilities auto shift you to your dragon form for the ability's duration?

    I mean it's setup the same way Worgen's are and people have been fine with that.

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (94)Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (95)

  11. 2022-07-15,09:25 AM#11

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (104) Originally Posted by GaidaxDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (105)

    Stuff that requires you to roar and such switches you to Dragon form, kind of obvious. Some basic spells - do not.

    You can't bloody deep breath if you don't have a maw or wings, can you now?

    Looks in the alpha videos like this is exactly how it works, and I can't imagine anything more than that except maybe automatically swapping out of the Dracthyr form once the skill is done, like how Eye Beam works.
  12. 2022-07-15,09:34 AM#12

    Since they use the human model for female it almost doesn't matter for me. That have some really horrible animations which I just can't watch, especially the running. So I still hope they will include race selection for the visage form. I don't even care for those new visual settings, just let me select a blood elf, gnome or night elf. Or male human. Or tauren.
  13. 2022-07-15,09:39 AM#13

    From what I've seen, you can fight in visage form - only certain spells will turn you back into a Dracthyr, but after combat you return to your visage form. If I'm wrong about this, feel free to correct me.
  14. 2022-07-15,09:46 AM#14

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (129) Originally Posted by LucetiaDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (130)

    I mean it's setup the same way Worgen's are and people have been fine with that.

    Worgen get to wear transmogs tho.

    And don't have a unique class locked behind them. If people don't want to play Worgen they can simply play Human.

    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  15. 2022-07-15,12:01 PM#15

    The UndyingDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (137)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (138)
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    Soul of Azeroth

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (139) Originally Posted by Shara IshvaldaDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (140)

    From what I've seen, you can fight in visage form - only certain spells will turn you back into a Dracthyr, but after combat you return to your visage form. If I'm wrong about this, feel free to correct me.

    Ive seen vids where what you’re describing happens, and I’ve seen vids where the person is in dragon form the entire time. I need to look up the cooldown for the form switch racial, but it seems that Blizzard is making the visage form way more prominent than the Worgen human form.

    There’s even a passive where if you’re in visage form, your passive health regen increases. I also think that buff passes on to your party as well.

  16. 2022-07-15,12:07 PM#16

    BrewmasterDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (147)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (148)
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    Nov 2011

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (149) Originally Posted by TerizDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (150)

    Ive seen vids where what you’re describing happens, and I’ve seen vids where the person is in dragon form the entire time. I need to look up the cooldown for the form switch racial, but it seems that Blizzard is making the visage form way more prominent than the Worgen human form.

    There’s even a passive where if you’re in visage form, your passive health regen increases. I also think that buff passes on to your party as well.

    It's a 2% every 2 seconds regen on the entire party. It's negligible with a healer or with food if you want to be a Dracthyr all the time, but it's a nice incentive to also have the toggle to revert out-of-combat.
  17. 2022-07-15,01:56 PM#17

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (159) Originally Posted by Segus1992Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (160)

    Looks in the alpha videos like this is exactly how it works, and I can't imagine anything more than that except maybe automatically swapping out of the Dracthyr form once the skill is done, like how Eye Beam works.

    Like I beam is what I imagined. However do you not transform back to Visage form automatically once the ability is done currently?

    If not, are you able to switch back to visage form while combat is still on?

  18. 2022-07-15,02:09 PM#18

    BrewmasterDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (167)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (168)
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    Nov 2011

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (169) Originally Posted by MaceDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (170)

    Like I beam is what I imagined. However do you not transform back to Visage form automatically once the ability is done currently?

    If not, are you able to switch back to visage form while combat is still on?

    From what I saw, looks like once an ability kicks you into dragon form, you're in dragon form until combat ends, the button greys out.
  19. 2022-07-15,02:43 PM#19

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (179) Originally Posted by CathfaernDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (180)

    Since they use the human model for female it almost doesn't matter for me. That have some really horrible animations which I just can't watch, especially the running. So I still hope they will include race selection for the visage form. I don't even care for those new visual settings, just let me select a blood elf, gnome or night elf. Or male human. Or tauren.

    Not sure if they’d add more racial options for visage form. It is essentially an allied race afterall. But if they do, dragons do use night elf, human, high elf, gnome. They would prob add Vulpera and Tauren. But I doubt it would happen.

    What I am certain will happen is Dracthyr will get more class options but at the end of 10.x , I expect mage (blue), priest (red), Druid (green), shaman (black), pala (bronze) rogue, Hunter, warrior.

    I also expect the following races might be able to become Evokers but that is less likely.
    Orcs(Green only), Humans, all Elves, all Draenei and all Trolls, Worgen and Highmountain Tauren - it will be magically adept races with larger sizes which is why the smaller ones don’t.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (181) Originally Posted by VelurenDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (182)

    It's a 2% every 2 seconds regen on the entire party. It's negligible with a healer or with food if you want to be a Dracthyr all the time, but it's a nice incentive to also have the toggle to revert out-of-combat.

    Indeed it is and clever. Good call I think- - - Updated - - -

    Ah. The regen is out of combat only

  20. 2022-07-15,03:07 PM#20

    The UndyingDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (189)

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (190)
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    Apr 2010
    Soul of Azeroth

    Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (191) Originally Posted by MaceDracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now right? (192)

    Not sure if they’d add more racial options for visage form. It is essentially an allied race afterall. But if they do, dragons do use night elf, human, high elf, gnome. They would prob add Vulpera and Tauren. But I doubt it would happen.

    What I am certain will happen is Dracthyr will get more class options but at the end of 10.x , I expect mage (blue), priest (red), Druid (green), shaman (black), pala (bronze) rogue, Hunter, warrior.

    I also expect the following races might be able to become Evokers but that is less likely.
    Orcs(Green only), Humans, all Elves, all Draenei and all Trolls, Worgen and Highmountain Tauren - it will be magically adept races with larger sizes which is why the smaller ones don’t.

    Yeah, I don't see that happening. Dracthyr racials are integrated into the Evoker talent trees, and it wouldn't make sense for other races to be Evokers unless they're giving draconic bodies with wings, tails, talons, etc. At most, I could see Blizzard adding more races to the visage form, but even that is unlikely to happen.

    As for Dracthyr being other classes, again, I don't see that happening. It would be odd for Dracthyr to be a class no other race can be, and a lot of classes simply won't work with the Dracthyr's body.

    Frankly we're better off exactly where we're at now. If people don't like it, they should just roll another race/class.

Dracthyr visage form in combat, surely a must now  right? (2024)


How do you unlock visage form? ›

Once you reach Stormwind/Orgrimmar, you will then be given a quest to tour the city. Upon completion of that quest, this spell becomes available from Wrathion/Ebyssian.

Can you fight in visage? ›

In Visage, you are defenseless; no weapons could save you from the dreadful entities stalking you from the next corner, the next door, or underneath your feet.

Can you play Dracthyr in human form? ›

You can be the human form whenever you want out of combat. In combat you change to the dragon. It unlocks in Stormwind before going to the Dragon Isles.

What classes can Dracthyr be in TWW? ›

They are unique in that they can only select the new Evoker class. Originally starting at level 58, dracthyr start at level 10 since The War Within, and have their own starting zone, the Forbidden Reach.

What is the visage form in WoW? ›

Your Visage emanates magic, significantly increasing out-of-combat health regeneration for your party. Switch between your Dracthyr and Visage forms. Your Visage emanates magic, significantly increasing out-of-combat health regeneration for your party.

Can Dracthyr only be Evokers? ›

Dracthyr can be either Alliance or Horde. Players must have at least one character who is level 50 on their account to roll up a Dracthyr Evoker. You are limited to one (1) Evoker character per realm. If you want both an Alliance and Horde Evoker, you will need to roll them up on separate servers.

Can you be killed in Visage? ›

Being caught by these ghosts and demons means instant death, so players must carefully maneuver through the house to avoid them. The lower Dwayne's sanity, the more severe each paranormal event becomes, up to the point that a ghost or demon will appear and attack the player.

Is Visage good or bad? ›

Visage is close to being of the best horror games of recent years, but it's held back by some annoying aspects. The inventory controls are awkward, there were still a few bugs that prevented me from interacting with the environment, and the chapters are far too uneven, with the third being particularly bad.

What is the hardest chapter in Visage? ›

I found Lucy to be the hardest because of the lights. Doloris I found to be much easier. I had not trouble keeping my sanity up in that chapter. Some of the hall way runs on Rakan were tough, but not that bad.

Can you stay in Dracthyr form? ›

You may be able to jump back and forth between different forms, but it turns out that your Dracthyr dungeon experience will likely be limited to Evoker, as Blizzard's Pat Dawson told PCGamesN that there are no solid plans to introduce a warrior Dracthyr to the game.

How many Dracthyr can you have? ›

Everybody gets to make a Dracthyr the first time, but if you want to make a second one eventually, you'll need to have a level 50 (on another race/class), and you can only create one per realm.

Are Dracthyr getting more classes? ›

There will be more classes for Dracthyr soon. Mage and Warrior are confirmed. The Dracthyr race in WoW will soon have access to new classes, specifically Mage and Warrior.

What to avoid during the 2ww? ›

7 things to avoid during the two-week wait (and what to do instead)
  • Don't sit around waiting. The two-week wait is not an easy period to deal with emotionally. ...
  • Don't ignore your partner. ...
  • Don't dwell in stress. ...
  • Avoid negative self-talk. ...
  • Don't test too early. ...
  • Avoid symptom spotting. ...
  • Don't drink coffee or alcohol.
Jul 13, 2022

How tall are Dracthyr in feet? ›

They are 7-8 feet tall, the tallest race in Azeroth.

What is the dragon race called? ›

The dracthyr are a fictional race of anthropomorphic dragons in the Warcraft franchise.

How does visage start? ›

Waking up at a bloody, empty room, he hears a voicemail from neighbor Rose, who has not seen him out of his house in three weeks. He tries opening the front door, but it is locked. Paranormal events begin occurring throughout the house, and Dwayne begins searching for a way out.

How do you unlock the safe in visage? ›

After completing all three chapters, you'll find a safe key in the bathroom sink where you picked up Lucy's jaw after finishing chapter 1. Leave the bathroom and turn left twice and open the door to the study room. The safe is on your left.

How do you open a visage mirror? ›

To break each mirror and solve its associated puzzle, you'll need to find and equip the sledgehammer, which can be found in the garage. Follow the sound of the car alarm to the garage door and then use the Garage key from your inventory to open the Garage door and retrieve the sledgehammer from inside the car.

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.