How Essential Oils Can Actually Boost These Remarkable Benefits of Hot Baths (2024)

Adding essential oils to your bath is probably one of the best health decisions you can make…

How Essential Oils Can Actually Boost These Remarkable Benefits of Hot Baths (1)

Nothing is more comforting than slipping into a luxurious hot bath and feel the stress and tension of the day melt away - right? Essential oils for bath spa days can make the day even better.The mental health benefits of a relaxing hot bath are appreciated by tired and exhausted women everywhere. They can even make you feel happier…

But the perks of bathing extend way beyond just calming the mind. There are some real physical benefits too. In fact, science shows that warm baths can benefit everything from sore muscles, colds, flu and sleep, to blood pressure, hormones and the immune system.

But did you know that tossing some essential oils into the tub can take these benefits to the next level and improve your health and well-being even further? Essential oils are Mother Nature’s wonderful little helpers that can pretty much double-up on the powerfulbenefitsof a hot bath.We explore the types of essential oils for bath water you can use and the benefits of essential oils in bath below.


While bathing is a great way to indulge in a little self-care solitude, it can do so much more.

A relaxing soak in the tub is well known to reduce stress, but can also help you sleep better, ease painful muscles and joints, banish colds and flu and improve heart health. A hot bath can even help control your weight and send out a surge of the happiness hormone – always a good thing.

In fact, one study found that bathing is more beneficial to your physical and mental health than a shower. Experts suggest that the optimal bath lasts no longer than 20 minutes at a temperature of about 89F to 95F.

But what if you can double-up on the amazing health benefits of a hot bath?

Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years as a potent cure-all for many ailments and ills. All the healthy goodness of the plant is extracted from the leaves, flowers, bark and fruit, and bottled up as a highly concentrated essential oil. It takes many pounds of plant to make just one small bottle.

Every oil has its own unique aroma and health benefits, which is why oils are often combined so you get the best of many benefits. With more than 90 different essential oils, you’re practically assured of finding one or a blend to fix almost anything. And so, if you’re soaking in a hot tub to ease away sore muscles and joints, adding a few essential oils will help further relieve your pain. And they can also help with sleeping better, stress, blood pressure – and much more…

Can you put essential oils in a bath? Simply adding essential oils for baths to your tub can actually help boost all these remarkable benefits you can get from a hot bath…

For that reason, adding an essential oil for bathtub and spa dayscan actually help boost all these remarkable benefits you can get from a hot bath…

Thinking of adding essential oils to bath? Here are some benefits of essential oil for bath:

1. Hot Baths Ease Stress and Quieten the Mind

In the fast-paced world we live in, feelings of stress and anxiety have become so commonplace that they seem to be the new normal. While we all know that’s not good for our mental health, it can be tough to chill out and unwind when your mind is racing at a hundred miles an hour.

Bathing helps to slow down time and shrug off the worries of your day. A study found that immersing yourself in a quiet, comforting cocoon of warm water not only eases stress but allows both your mind and body to relax and refresh.

Best sleep essential oilsfora bath: Add in a soothing mix ofessential bath oilslike lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, or bergamot to slow down the mind and bring on the calm.

2. A Hot Bath Can Help You Sleep Better

Arguably the most important factor in guaranteeing a long and healthy life, a night of good quality sleep is nevertheless elusive to many of us. Beyond just helping your body and mind to unwind, it turns out that a warm bath also better prepares your body for sleep.

Soaking in warm water raises your body temperature. As cooler air hits your skin when you step out of your bath, your brain releases melatonin, known as the sleeping hormone. A cooler body temperature coupled with higher levels of melatonin help you sleep better. A study amongst insomniacs found a significant improvement in sleep continuity and a healthy increase in short wave sleep, with subjects reporting significantly “deeper” and more restful sleep after a hot bath.

Best sleep essential oils fora bath: Well-known as the Queen of Sleep, lavender essential oil can instantly improve the quality of your slumber. Toss a handful of lavender bath salts into your bath or mix and match a blend with other relaxing and sleep-inducing oils like chamomile, frankincense and vetiver.

Can’t Sleep? 20 Proven Ways To Help You Naturally Fall Asleep Easily - And Fast – Read More

3. Hot Baths Soothe Sore Muscle and Joint Pains

Over-worked muscles, minor aches and pains, and even creaky, stiff joints can be relieved with a nice hot bath. Heat gets your blood moving that helps sore, tight muscles to relax. It also helps lessen the stiffness of arthritis and back pain.

Studies also indicate that hot-water baths may be a great alternative for those who are sedentary or unable to exercise. While this is not an excuse to skip the gym if you’re healthy, hot baths could be helpful as a gentle top-up workout session too.

Best essential oils for pain relief in a bath: Try a mix of 3 or 4 anti-inflammatory and pain-soothing essential oils like chamomile, eucalyptus, sweet marjoram, basil, clary sage, ginger or rosemary. A handful of pure eucalyptus bath salts will also provide some quick pain relief.

In Pain? Here's How to Heal (Almost Anything) Using Cold and Heat Therapy – Read More

4. They Can Lower Blood Pressure and Make Your Heart Healthy

Dipping your body into hot water is a little like an exercise for your blood vessels and heart. A study has shown that passive heat therapy - such as soaking in a tub for 20 -30 minutes or so - can help lower your blood pressure and improve the blood flow to and from your heart – just like a mini workout.

Reducing your blood pressure helps reduce the likelihood of more serious heart conditions like a heart attack or stroke. And increased blood flow can even help relieve the pressure and pain of a headache.

Best essential oils for bath for high blood pressure: If you suffer from high blood pressure, try a mix of clary sage, lavender, marjoram, Melissa or ylang-ylang essential oils in your bath. Alternatively, boost your blood circulation with a blend of rosemary, cypress, eucalyptus, ginger, neroli, lemon or geranium essential oils.

5. Hot Baths Relieve Colds, Flu and Make Breathing Easier

Ever wondered why winter always brings more colds and flu? It’s because chillier weather has been found to suppress the immune response. In fact, studies have found that a higher body temperature helps certain immune cells work better - the main reason why you get a fever when you’ve got the flu.

So, increasing your body temperature with a hot bath can actually boost your body's ability to fight off cold and flu viruses. And if you're already sniffling from a stuffy nose or congested chest and throat, a steady flow of warm steam can open up clogged passageways and help you breathe easier.

Best essential oils for colds and flu relief in a bath: To relieve the stuffiness of colds, use a blend of cajuput, cloves, eucalyptus, niaouli or pine. And if you feel you’re coming down with the flu,use a mix of tea tree, lavender and lemon oils in your bath.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil: A Powerful Home Remedy You Need To Treat Colds, Coughs and Flu -Read More

6. Baths Can Soothe Dry and Irritated Skin

While baths that are too hot can make your skin more irritated, a lukewarm bath can be truly beneficial for your skin as long as you add some basic skin loving essential oils and apply moisturizing lotion immediately after you get out of the tub.

Just the water alone can penetrate and rehydrate the top layers of your skin but at the same time can also strip it of natural oils if you soak for too long. Adding in certain essential oils will help improve the skins’ surface moisture levels and hydrate and soothe dry skin.

If you have very sensitive skin, it’s best to follow the simple soak and seal method recommended by the National Eczema Association to ensure you properly protect the skin barrier.

Best essential oils for skin in a bath: A blend of a few skin-enhancing lavender, chamomile, rose, frankincense or sandalwood oils (best combined with jojoba or pomegranate carrier oils) will add hefty dose of moisturizing goodness into your skin. Finish off with a generous dollop of lavender body lotion to seal in all the goodness.

Why You Want To Start Using Lavender Essential Oil For Your Skin Hair - And Body – Read More

7. They Can Lift Your Mood, Make You Feel Happier and Beat Depression

Ever heard of the ‘happy hormone’? It turns out bathing in warm water can increase the levels of serotonin, the chemical produced by the brain that makes you feel happier - giving you a fabulous sense of well-being and a welcome mood boost. We could all do with a little more of that...

Switching to a cold bath can also balance out other stress-related hormones such as beta-endorphin and cortisol and so help relieve conditions like depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Best essential oils to boost your mood for in a bath: Opt for a blend of bergamot, rosemary, lavender, ylang ylang or rose oils that are all mentally uplifting and help increase serotonin levels.

11 Mood Boosting Essential Oils: ‘Cos You Don’t Want to Feel Down Any Longer – Read More

8. Hot Baths Burn Calories and Promote Weight Loss

No, regrettably bathing won’t replace good eating habits or your workout. But a small study has shown that the rise in body temperature in an hour-long hot bath burned up to 140 calories, roughly the same number you would burn off during a half-hour walk. But every little bit counts…

Another study showed that regular soaks in the hot tub helped control blood sugar and weight levels amongst diabetes patients. The more regularly they bathed, the more weight they lost - plus they clocked up improvements to their BMI, waist circumference and well as blood pressure.

Best weight loss essential oils for a bath: Mix 3 or 4 oils that support weight loss like bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, petitgrain, lemongrass, coriander or fennel to boost metabolism and help reduce belly fat.

Can’t Lose Weight? Some Unusual Reasons Why - And How Essential Oils Can Help – Read More


So how do you put essential oils into a bath? You turn on the taps, sprinkle in a few drops of essential oils, then lie back and relax, right? Not quite…

Firstly - oil and water don’t mix. It takes about 3 pounds of lavender flowers to make just 15ml of oil so they are also highly concentrated. So just tossing essential oils into your bath water not only means they don’t disperse correctly, but you also land up delivering a pure undiluted - and potentially irritating - blow to your skin.

Always Dilute Essential Oils With A Carrier Oil First

Essential oils should always be properly diluted in a carrier oil before adding them to your tub. Blend between 5 and 20 drops with one tablespoon of carrier oil. Grapeseed, jojoba, sweet almond or argan oils are all good choices, and also help by improving the overall condition of your skin.

Add The Essential Oils After You’ve Run Your Bath

Because a large part of the power of essential oils is in their aroma, wait until the last minute to stir them into your bath water so that the scent doesn’t evaporate before you even have a chance to hop into the tub. You want to get the most out of your aromatherapy bath.

Create a Relaxing Spa-Like Atmosphere

A bath-time ritual also doesn’t have to stop at just using essential oils. Creating a spa-like ambience in your bathroom can be the ultimate self-care experience. And it doesn’t take much. Light a few candles, grab a luxury spa mask to soothe your eyes and a spa booster rollto support your head, and prepare to be transported in blissful heaven.

Choose calming lavender spa accessories for your bath before bedtime, or refreshing eucalyptus to energize you in the morning.

Seal-In the Benefits with After-Bath Skin Care

Don’t forget to lock all the goodness into your skin with a generous amount of body lotion as soon as you hop out of the tub and have lightly toweled off. Body lotions and creams have rich ingredients that seal in all the moisture and those wonderful essential oil benefits into your skin.

A hot bath has always been a welcome self-care ritual to relax and chill out after a long day. But science has proven its health benefits extend way beyond that. Adding in the healing power of essential oils just takes those benefits one step further…

Browse our indulgence lavender collection range to find essential oils for bath and spa days!

How Essential Oils Can Actually Boost These Remarkable Benefits of Hot Baths (2024)


How Essential Oils Can Actually Boost These Remarkable Benefits of Hot Baths? ›

Baths Can Soothe Dry and Irritated Skin

Is it good to put essential oils in your bath? ›

If you want to get the benefits of essential oils, you can add them to your bathwater. But it's important to do so safely. Essential oils are very potent, and some can be irritating to your skin. Use a carrier oil.

What essential oils are good for a hot bath? ›

Eucalyptus, lavender, and lemon oils are three popular options. Be aware of any health issues or medications that could be a concern when using oils. Soaking in a warm bath is therapeutic on many levels. Hot baths can relieve sore muscles and joints.

Is there evidence of the benefits of essential oils? ›

Results of lab studies are promising — one at Johns Hopkins found that certain essential oils could kill a type of Lyme bacteria better than antibiotics — but results in human clinical trials are mixed. Some studies indicate that there's a benefit to using essential oils while others show no improvement in symptoms.

What are the benefits of adding oil to your bath water? ›

Promotes Relaxation

Oils like lavender and sandalwood are known for their relaxing, soothing scent. Using these oils before showering or bathing can help promote relaxation and calm the mind. Applying an oil before entering the shower or bath motivates a mindset of relaxation and self compassion.

What oils should you not use in a bath? ›

They might smell amazing but there are a number of essential oils that have no place in your tub. Lemongrass, peppermint, cinnamon and thyme are just some of the more skin-irritating essential oils to steer clear of.

Which oil is best for an oil bath? ›

Sesame oil has been used as an antiseptic since ancient times. It was even used by Cleopatra to treat her skin condition. Today, sesame oil is still used to prevent infections and promote healing. Sesame oil is one of the oldest oils used in an oil bath procedure.

Can I put essential oils in my hot tub? ›

Essential Oils In A Hot Tub

You can not put essential oils in your hot tub. Though, it's important to know that you can purchase aromatherapy products that are designed for hot tub use. The essential oils you see in health shops or the supermarket can clog the filters of your hot tub like the oil on your skin.

What essential oil is best for skin in bath? ›

"Even if you use a carrier oil, be extra cautious with oils known to irritate the skin and mucous-membranes," warns Teachey, who says to avoid cinnamon, clove, oregano, savory, spearmint, thyme (except linalool type), and wintergreen in the bath. Better skin-loving bets: Lavender, chamomile, and rose.

What essential oils are good for inflammation in the bath? ›

Best essential oils for pain relief in a bath: Try a mix of 3 or 4 anti-inflammatory and pain-soothing essential oils like chamomile, eucalyptus, sweet marjoram, basil, clary sage, ginger or rosemary. A handful of pure eucalyptus bath salts will also provide some quick pain relief.

Do essential oils actually have healing properties? ›

Currently, there is no evidence-backed research showing any illnesses that can be cured through the use of essential oils or the practice of aromatherapy. The results on the other possible benefits of essential oils as, for example, mood elevators or stress relievers, are more mixed.

What is the strongest essential oil for pain? ›

Which Essential Oils Are Best For Pain? One of Mother nature's most powerful painkillers, peppermint oil is frequently used for alleviating pain [1]. Closely related to peppermint, wintergreen oil boasts similar properties due to its methyl salicylate component.

What does the FDA say about essential oils? ›

Are Essential Oils FDA-Approved? The FDA does not regulate essential oils, just like it doesn't regulate herbs or supplements. That means that there is no FDA approval for any essential oil. It also means that there are no real regulations on the companies that produce essential oils.

Are essential oils safe in a bath? ›

Before using essential oils please note that under no circ*mstances are they to be taken internally or ingested. They are perfectly safe in your bath and can be put in neat, however, a few precautions have to be adhered to as the oils do not actually dissolve in water.

What we should not do after oil bath? ›

Pattabhi Jois recommends that a student takes oil bath every Saturday (on his or her day of rest or once per week) at the start of the morning. After oil bath, one should rest for the day and avoid the following: strong sun, cold water, yoga or heavy work of any kind.

What essential oils for relaxing a bath? ›

For a dreamy bath oil combination, try mixing ylang-ylang with lavender, rose, or sandalwood. With clary sage oil added to your bath, you'll instantly feel your layers of tension melt away. Try it after a stressful day at the office. Clary sage pairs well with orange, lavender, geranium, and sandalwood.

Can I drop essential oils in my bath? ›

They are perfectly safe in your bath and can be put in neat, however, a few precautions have to be adhered to as the oils do not actually dissolve in water. Use a maximum of 6 - 8 drops of essential oil in your bath.

Are bath oils good for you? ›

It allows for improved absorption so that your complexion can truly benefit from its hydrating properties. A luxurious soak in a warm bath is not only soothing to the mind, but opens up your pores to make them more accessible to your skincare products. On top of this, oils are some of the best cleansers out there.

Is it good to shower with essential oils? ›

The steam also helps the oils to evaporate, perfect for aromatherapy as well. An essential oil shower allows your body and mind to reap the benefits of the essential oils daily, without additional effort. Different essential oils have different properties, and you can blend them together for different effects.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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