How to Identify Good Sourdough Bread (2024)

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    When it comes to breads, #SourdoughBread is the real star right now. Everybody wants a piece of it! If you’re not baking sourdough bread, you’re buying it, hash-tagging it or talking about it. Sourdough bread has ‘risen’ to prominence because of its nutritional value. Theobroma’s very own wheat sourdough loaf is a treat to eat. Crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside, our sourdough loaf is the gold standard of high-quality sourdough bread. If you’re a sourdough fan, or keen on becoming one, you must know how to identify good-quality sourdough bread. And that’s because there are a lot of low-quality breads in the market. Inferior breads lack the nutritional value high-quality breads offer. Read on to find out the obvious and not-so-obvious markers of good-quality sourdough bread.

    Here are some of the tastiest types of croissant fillings you can try out:

    Commercial sourdough bread

    Unfortunately, most commercially available sourdough loaves are not of the best quality. Since there are no regulations on ingredients, commercial bakeries often take the liberty of adding unhealthy ingredients like oil and yeast in a bid to bake more bread by minimising the time taken for proofing (allowing the dough to rest and rise before baking).
    All good things take time and the process used to make high-quality sourdough bread is a time-consuming one. There are a few key components that are needed to bake the perfect sourdough bread. These are fresh flour, water, salt, and a natural starter (leaven or levain).
    Real sourdough bread is made without the use of commercial yeast or any other commercially available leavening agent. Leavening agents make bread rise when it is baked. The leavening agent or preferment used in real sourdough bread is a natural starter. This natural starter is nothing but a pre-fermented mixture of flour, water, and salt.
    The natural starter is fed into a fresh mixture of flour, water, and salt and is then kneaded to perfection. At Theobroma, this is the process we follow to make our wheat sourdough loaf. If you wish to know how to identify a good sourdough bread, look at the packaging label to see whether the manufacturer has used a natural starter or not.

    Importance of the ‘au naturel’ starter

    The natural starter used to make sourdough bread is allowed to ferment in the bread dough so that wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria present in the atmosphere can multiply within it. Think of this yeast and bacteria as Fairy Godmothers, who weave their magic on the bread and convert gluten into acids and sugars that give the bread it’s signature tangy taste.
    The acids in the sourdough mixture also keep the bread free of harmful microbes, making the bread safer and healthier for consumption. Yeast, on the other hand, is responsible for giving sourdough bread its fluffy and bubbly texture.

    3 pointers to identify authentic sourdough bread

    According to renowned microbiologist Marco Gobbetti, there are 3 main factors that can be used in the identification of good sourdough bread. For one, you should buy bread that is replete with wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria, a.k.a. The Fairy Godmothers. Secondly, there should be approximately 100 lactic acid bacteria cells for every yeast cell present in the sourdough mixture. (If this ratio is off, it tells you that the manufacturer has used commercial yeast). Thirdly, there should be four-parts acetic acid and one-part lactic acid in the bread.

    Layman’s guide to spotting fake sourdough bread

    If you find Gobbetti’s 3 pointers too cumbersome to follow, here are six factors that will help you easily differentiate between real sourdough bread and the so-called ‘sourfaux’ (fake sourdough) bread.

    Simple ingredients

    Simplicity is a virtue, and a marker of good sourdough bread. The bread should only have Flour, Water, Salt, and Starter (also referred to as Culture on some labels). While the first three are the basic ingredients, the Starter or Culture should be the natural starter used to leaven (raise) the dough. Apart from a natural starter, at Theobroma, we use whole wheat flour to boost the nutritional value and fiber content of our sourdough loaves.

    No commercial yeast

    Real sourdough bread will never contain commercial yeast since it suppresses the natural fermentation process of flour. This eliminates the important health benefits of sourdough bread like easy digestion.

    No sweetener

    Since commercial yeast is not used in real sourdough bread, it does not require sweeteners that are generally used to activate commercial yeast. If the ingredients list of the bread contains sweeteners, it may not be real sourdough bread.

    Short expiry period

    One of the easiest pointers on how to identify a real sourdough bread is the short expiry period. If the bread you purchase has a shelf life of a few weeks or even months, it is not real sourdough bread.

    Crisp crust

    Real sourdough bread is also characterised by a crisp crust that gives off a slightly smoky and roasted aroma. Moreover, the crust of real sourdough bread is usually thin and airy and makes a distinctive crackling sound when the bread is broken in half. The inside of the bread should be bubbly and chewy and the bread should have a slightly tangy taste.

    Other distinguishable factors

    Real sourdough bread does not contain additives like oil, milk, corn, and dough conditioners. It is made with whole grains and is generally more expensive than regular bread.

    Based on these pointers, identification of good sourdough bread should now become easier. Real sourdough bread is a prebiotic, and therefore aids digestion as well as your immunity. At Theobroma, we only offer authentic, artisanal sourdough bread. Shop for our wheat sourdough loaf online to eat healthy and also keep your social media game on point!

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    How to Identify Good Sourdough Bread (2024)


    How to Identify Good Sourdough Bread? ›

    The inside of the bread should be bubbly and chewy and the bread should have a slightly tangy taste. Real sourdough bread does not contain additives like oil, milk, corn, and dough conditioners. It is made with whole grains and is generally more expensive than regular bread.

    How to pick a good sourdough bread? ›

    Here's what I look for in an ideal sourdough bread: Tart, tangy crust. Ideally it's actually crunchy, but that's not always possible with store bought sourdough. So, I settled for crust that's a little tough and chewy, in a good way. I also want a nice, open texture in the bread itself.

    What does good sourdough look like? ›

    Great sourdough bread should have an uneven crumb. This will present as a random assortment of big and small holes when you cut into the bread. A network of irregular holes is a surefire sign you've cut into a proper loaf of sourdough.

    Should sourdough bread be hard or soft? ›

    While many people love the crunchy, chewy texture of sourdough crust, there are many people out there who enjoy a softer, thinner or more delicate crust, especially if you like to toast your sourdough bread.

    What is the poke test for sourdough bread? ›

    Gently press your finger into the dough on the top. If the dough springs back quickly, it's underproofed. If it springs back very slowly, it's properly proofed and ready to bake. Finally, if it never springs back, the dough is overproofed.

    What texture should sourdough bread be? ›

    Sourdough crumb should be even, meaning there won't be any areas that are super tight or with giant tunnels. The crumb should be light and fluffy - not wet and gummy. The holes inside the sourdough may seem shiny. This is a sign that the gluten is very well developed.

    How do you judge good sourdough bread? ›

    One of the easiest pointers on how to identify a real sourdough bread is the short expiry period. If the bread you purchase has a shelf life of a few weeks or even months, it is not real sourdough bread. Real sourdough bread is also characterised by a crisp crust that gives off a slightly smoky and roasted aroma.

    Is Panera sourdough real sourdough? ›

    Panera's sourdough loaf is a far cry from classic

    The Panera website lists the full ingredients of its "Classic Sourdough Loaf," and they're a far cry from true sourdough's minimal lineup of flour, water, salt, and live culture. In addition to wheat and malted barley flour, the sourdough starter contains folic acid.

    What should a good sourdough taste like? ›

    Sourdough breads can range from having very mild sour tastes to very assertive sour tastes. Different people prefer different tastes, and different breads call for different levels of sourness.

    How can you tell if store bought sourdough is real? ›

    Always read the label.

    Genuine sourdough bread is NOT made using additives, baker's yeast (usually listed simply as yeast) or chemical raising agents (eg baking powder). If there isn't a label (or you just fancy a chat) then... Ask the baker / salesperson for a copy of the ingredients list.

    How long should I bake my sourdough bread? ›

    Bake the bread until it's crusty and golden, about 35 to 40 minutes. Remove the loaves from the oven and cool on a rack before slicing.

    How to make sourdough bread lighter and fluffier? ›

    Sourdough bread can be really light if you know how to play with your ratios. When I want a really fluffy, light loaf with a thin crust I work 300g starter to each kilogram of flour and 500g water (less or more depending on the kind of bread I'm making). A teaspoon of sugar helps.

    What is the perfect sourdough consistency? ›

    When starting to build your starter you can leave it a bit thinner but once you start making bread you will want it THICK, You want your sourdough starter to be the consistency of thick pancake batter. if it's too thin add a scoop of flour. If it is too thick add water to find the right consistency.

    How do you know if sourdough bread has gone bad? ›

    Visible mold and bad smells can be a sign that your sourdough bread is past its prime, but so can bad taste. If your sourdough bread has an off taste to it, it's likely best to throw it out.

    How should a good sourdough bread taste? ›

    I love making some loaves with a tangy flavor and others with a more mild, mellow and even non-existent sour flavor. Sourdough really is a method of leavening…not just “sour bread.”

    Does sourdough bread go bad in the fridge? ›

    To maximize the shelf life, keep in original packaging or linen based bread bag and store at room temperature. How long does sourdough bread last in the fridge? Sourdough bread should ideally not be refrigerated, as the bread will dry out and become stale faster than at room temperature.

    How do you know when sourdough bread is done without a thermometer? ›

    Use your senses: Sound

    Give it a few quick knocks on the bottom of the loaf with your knuckles; if it sounds hollow, that tells you it's fully baked.

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