Innocent Witches Walkthrough (2024)

6 September, 2023Miguel SanchoGuides0

Innocent Witches Walkthrough (1)

Last Updated on 6 September, 2023

Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Best choices and locations to unlock all the events and complete all the quest and sidequests of the game


  • 1 Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Prologue
  • 2 Innocent Witches Walkthrough – First Act
    • 2.1 Chapter 1 Summer
    • 2.2 Chapter 2 The Girls
    • 2.3 Chapter 3 The Statue
    • 2.4 Chapter 4 The Prefect’s Problems
    • 2.5 Chapter 5 A New Leaf
  • 3 Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Second Act
    • 3.1 Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Second Act Chapter 1 And so it Begins
    • 3.2 Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Second Act Chapter 2 And so it continues

Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Prologue

  • Xandria > Distract Xandria
  • Clothes (lying on the floor)
  • Pensieve
  • Broom (rock)
  • Sign “Hogsmeade”
  • Castle behind the lake
  • Front entrance
  • Hagrid dialogue: choose any twice > i found something you might be interested in
  • Gates
  • Drag the owl from inventory on the noticeboard
  • Owl > work!
  • Gates > Nol’s dialogue > any option
  • Carriage (Map)
  • Sign “Hogsmeade” > go to Hogsmeade
  • Hogwarts > headmaster’s office (biggest tower)
  • Dumbledore’s dialogue > any options
  • Hogwarts > office again
  • Minerva’s dialogue > any options
  • Pensieve

Innocent Witches Walkthrough – First Act

Chapter 1 Summer

  • Desk > write any decree
  • Bookshelf > Shelf with documents > Letter addressed to Dumbledore
  • Snape dialogue’s > any options
  • Summon Minerva unofficially > dialogue: any options
  • Cupboard > search
  • Drag the canvas from the cupboard to the inventory
  • Desk > Buckingham’s Bottled Brews
  • Clock > gift box badge > continue
  • Bag (lower right corner)
  • Lit the fireplace and drag the canvas and alcohol from inventory on it
  • Sally’s dialogue > Any options

Chapter 2 The Girls

  • Minerva’s dialogue > Any options
  • Main corridor (map)
  • Class 609 doors
  • Girls’s dialogue > Any options
  • Drag the alcohol from the cupboard to the inventory
  • Drink all 4 bottles and ethanol > Dialogues > Any option
  • Snape’s duel > Any spells
  • Sorting Hat’s dialogue > Any options

Chapter 3 The Statue

  • Desk > train 4 stats to level 1
  • Drag the statue from the cupboard to the inventory
  • Place the statue on the desk > solve the puzzle
  • Girls’s dialogue > Any options
  • Meet Snape at night (skip time)
  • Snape’s dialogue > Any options

Chapter 4 The Prefect’s Problems

  • Choose Waifu > desk > read papers
  • Leave the office (fail)
  • Summon Snape unofficially > discuss prefect’s papers, companionship and alternative exit
  • Close the curtains > drag the photo from inventory on the desk to meet Helena
  • Drag the apparition potion from inventory on the window
  • Front entrance
  • Remove the paper from the noticeboard
  • Get waifu’s address:

Hermione Daphne Luna Susan:

  • Give nuts to phoenix
  • Wait for Hermione’s visit > click on her > interrupt
  • Summon waifu officially > discuss house support, personal papers and prefects’ meeting
  • Sally: Discuss school problem
  • Desk > read waifu’s papers
  • 10am: bookshelf > IMVOIS codex
  • Read waifu’s papers again
  • Summon waifu officially > discuss personal papers > Summon Snape unofficially > discuss new position > Summon waifu officially > discuss personal papers
  • After a few days she will visit you > your choices
  • Monday: get the salary
  • Drag the broom on the window
  • Abandoned wing
  • Filch’s door > angry cat > box with cat food > Drag the can from inventory on the cat
  • Filch’s door > ask him to fix your broom > Wait until you get the repaired broom
  • Sally: talk about place of prefects’ meeting > choose the plan

Act from the shadows:

  • 22:00 > give a task to Sally
  • Summon Waifu officially > prefect’s meetings
  • Sally: issues of meetings
  • Summon Helena unofficially > ask her to spy
  • After 2 days ¡summon Helena > spying report
  • Sally: problems of meetings
  • Summon Minerva unofficially > apologize > invite her to drink > ask about prefects’ meetings
  • Summon Minerva officially > accompany to waifu’s dorm
  • Robe (hanging between bed and mirror)
  • 22:00 fly to the bathroom (broom)
  • Sally: solution to the meetings
  • Take girls’ favorite swimsuits (dorms) asking Minerva for accompany
  • Give x4 swimsuits to sorting hat
  • Sorting hat > help > ask for a swimsuit
  • Copy of Hermione’s swimsuit for other 3 girls
  • Place the new versions on their dorms (ropes)
  • After a few days the girls will visit you (wait for that)
  • Summon Luna, Susan and Daphne on monday, wednesday or friday > ask them to show the swimsuit
  • Summon them on sunday > ask again
  • Sally: crisis of the meetings
  • Summon Snape unofficially: new rules > another round x5 times > try convincing him again
  • Summon any girl officially > talk with her
  • After a few days the girls will visit you (wait for that)
  • Pensieve

Chapter 5 A New Leaf

From here on the Innocent Witches Walkthrough is divided into main and secondary quests

Make Commissars work:

  • Raise stats to max
  • Open stats tab > buy “influence” ability
  • Summon the girls officially > talk with them
  • Saturday: and summon them unofficially > Ask Hermione to spy on abandoned wing
  • Workday 10:00: go to main corridor
  • Click on all girls
  • Saturday > summon them unofficially
  • Summon Snape unofficially > commissars > Summon the girls unofficially > their duties > Summon Snape unofficially > commissars again
  • Write a letter to the council > wait for response
  • Summon Snape unofficially > ministry and alternative exit (apparition potion)
  • Use apparition potion at 22:00 > front entrance
  • Catalogue (noticeboard)
  • Summon Hermione officially > what she found (abandoned wing)
  • Drag black brews magazine on the desk
  • Sally: tough choice..

Check the Cheat for Hermione’s minigame

Dear Diary (Light Path)

  • Weekend: Ravenclaw dorm > talk with Flitwick’s portrait
  • Summon Minerva unofficially > money and diaries
  • Advance“Baker’s delight”minigame or “everything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve” sidequest
  • Go 4 dorms > find prefects’ diaries
  • Sally: diaries
  • Summon x4 girls officially > tampering with clothing to get the diaries (jinxes for Luna)
  • Read x4 diaries
  • Summon all 4 girls officially > invite them to seat and relax to use legilimency
  • Decrypt x4 diaries
  • Summon all 4 girls officially > invite them to drink (but Close the window and lit the fireplace before)

Trick a commissar into breaking IMVOIS (Dark Path)

  • Summon Hermione officially > “influence” ability > talk about Ron > Wait for events to unfold
  • Summon Susan officially > “influence” ability > ask her for a favor > Susan will visit you after a week > then Wait for letter from the council
  • Also Summon Snape unofficially > situation
  • Summon Minerva unofficially > money > accept >Minerva officially > assistance
  • Summon Snape unofficially > play drinking game > bet about ministry
  • Wait for a letter form the council amd forexpelled girl to return

Find a way to break INVOIS

  • Bedroom > Puzzle
  • Drag the elder wand on the desk

Look into Helena Ravenclaw:

  • Discuss Helena with Amelia, Snape and Minerva
  • Wait for Amelia’s package
  • Read Amelia’s book twice (drag it on the desk)
  • Main corridor > Merlin’s portrait > give him Daphne’s photo
  • After a day > Talk to Merlin again
  • After another day > Talk to Merlin again
  • Secondary corridor > talk to Andromeda twice
  • Sally: about Andromeda > wait for her to return and talk about Andromeda again
  • Andromeda > Talk and take the diadem
  • Summon Helena unofficially > deal
  • Wear the diadem
  • Sally: about diadem
  • After a day: talk with him about it again
  • Summon Hermione officially > assistance
  • After a day: summon her again > ask about results
  • Wear the diadem

Mermaid’s Treasure:

  • Carriage (map) > lake location
  • Bubbles in the water > click x3
  • Mermaid > I am not from here > naturalist
  • Mermaid > ask for shells > that’s why i want these shells > i want the shells > lie > make a deal > go back on a deal
  • Summon Snape unofficially > show him
  • Workday: Summon Minerva officially > show her
  • Following workdays > call Minerva officially x4 times > experiments

Apple of Discord:

  • Summon any girl officially > show the swimsuit
  • Take the swimsuit for Daphne from the hat (Hermione’s version)
  • Place the swimsuit on the rope in slytherin dorm (Take all others away)
  • Summon Daphne officially > show the swimsuit
  • Summon all 4 girls for several days in a row, and ask them to show the swimsuit
    • Monday – Daphne’s model
    • Wednesday – Luna’s model
    • Friday – Susan’s model
    • Sunday – Hermione’s model
    • Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday – default school model
  • Summon all 4 girls > ask them to show the swimsuit
  • Sally: take new undies
  • Slytherin dorm > Salazar’s portrait > nightstand (huntress catalogue)
  • Order both undies for x girls (Huntress catalogue)
  • Summon all 4 girls twice > give them undies

Everything is possible if you got enough nerve:

  • Buy catcher’s mitt (Filch)
  • Ginny’s visit > offer assistance
  • Close the window > summon Ginny officially > release the snitch > catch it
  • Summon Ginny unofficially > let me hear it
  • Summon Minerva unofficially 3 nights in a row to convince her
  • Gryffindor dorm > take Ginny’s diary (bear on the bed)
  • Read the diary
  • Snape, Amelia or Helena: Discuss the charms
  • Summon Ginny unofficially > legilimency (diary code)
  • Read the diary (with the code)
  • Gryffindor dorm > put the diary back
  • Summon Ginny unofficially > talk
  • Order Flying Flaun (Boni Bonka) > send it to Ginny unofficially
  • Ginny’s visit > talk
  • Summon Ginny unofficially > She will visit you on wednesday
  • Main corridor > show the catcher’s mitt to the portrait of Gwenog Jones
  • Send the catcher’s mitt to Ginny unofficially (wait for her)
  • Summon Ginny x4 times (mnre clothes each time)
  • Summon Ginny again >influence ability > completely

Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Second Act

The second act of Innocent Witches Walkthrough is divided into main and sub quests from the beginning

Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Second Act Chapter 1 And so it Begins

Fix the Elder wand:

  • Summon Hermione officially > book > Wait x1 day
  • Bookshelf > Mustering Magic to Repair All That’s Broken


  • Sally: class activities
  • Cass 609 at 10:00, 14:00 or 18:00
  • Wait for lessons time (you can check the calendar)
  • Sally: class activities > eavesdrop on any lesson

New Skills and Private tutoring:

  • Raise stats to max
  • Buy 1st level of “ervor & all 3 levels of manipulation
  • Summon Minerva unofficially > tutoring > Summon Hermione officially > tutoring
  • Summon Hermione officially > 1st lesson
  • Hermione’ will visit you next week
  • Summon Susan and Daphne officially > 1st lesson
  • Summon Daphne officially >2nd & 3rd lesson
  • Hermione’ will visit you next week > apology
  • Thursday: summon Luna > tutoring
  • Summon Luna officially > influence ability > her dreams
  • Luna’s visit > help her pass the exam
  • After a few days she will visit you
  • Sally: other ideas, how to conduct the duties & what’s inside their heads
  • Raise stats to max
  • Door lock: the code is scratched on the desk
  • Summon x4 girls officially > what they forgot
  • Main corridor x4 times next workdays at 10am > conduct the duties
  • Summon Luna officially > reward
  • Summon Luna x4 times > completely & start stage 3
  • Amelia: Tutoring support
  • Susan will visit you, wait for that
  • Summon Susan officially > your idea
  • Summon Susan x9 times, but on weekend > complete her tutoring
  • Get se*ecution catalogue progressing in size matters quest
  • x4 happy hunks magazines (Se*ecution catalogue)
  • Boni Bonka: Order journal of science, from witch to woman, bewitched baking & beautiful beasts magazines in
  • Sally: other magazines
  • x4 happy hunks magazines on the desk (4 centerfolds)
  • x4 magazines from Boni Bonka on the desk > combine with the centerfolds
  • Summon x4 girls officially > give them new magazines
  • Complete stage 3: Order both d***** from Se*ecution and summon Luna twice

Ligt & Dark Path:

  • Summon Daphne officially > fervor minigame (level 2 fervor ability)
  • Buy 2nd level of fervor ability
  • Summon Daphne officially > fervor minigame (level 3 fervor ability)
  • Buy 3nd level of fervor ability
  • Summon Daphne officially > complete in fervor minigame > Summon Daphne officially > click About your progress…> Submit (always)
  • Summon Daphne officially > talk
  • Boni Bonka: Buy perfume Fleur de Oplus > Send it to Daphne officially > wait for her visit

Size Matters:

How to unlock this quest: Complete Susan’s tutoring

  • Sally: Susan’s skirt
  • Summon Susan officially > skirt
  • Amelia > inspections
  • Abandoned wing > Filch > clothes
  • Sally > ideas
  • Monday 21:00: Abandoned wing
  • Summon Snape unofficially > alternative exit (apparition potion)
  • Wednesday 22:00 > apparition potion > front entrance > Hagrid
  • Abandoned wing > pay Filch
  • Summon Hagrid unofficially > same place same time > Buy new catalogue > talk about skirts
  • Wait for new “se*ecution” catalogue
  • After 7 days Hagrid will get new skirts > Take them
  • Summon x4 girls > give them skirts
  • Sally: skirts
  • Summon Hagrid unofficially > Meet him > skirts
  • Summon your waifu officially > help to make a photo for Hagrid > Give it to Hagrid
  • After 7 days Hagrid will get new skirts > Take them
  • Summon x4 girls > give them skirts

It’s Christmas time:

How to unlock this quest: Meet Hagrid wednesday 22:00 in Size Matters quest and wait for Minerva’s visit

  • Summon Snape officially > talk
  • Summon Hagrid officially > abandoned wing at 21:00 > Ho Ho Ho
  • Give them the gifts (Summon x 4 girls officially) > Summon them again and ask what they think


  • Summon Helena unofficially > diadem
  • Sally: about Helena
  • Sally: Diadem
  • Abandoned wing > Filch
  • Sally: how it went
  • Summon Snape unofficially > help with Filch
  • (requires 2000 galleons) Abandoned wing > offer Filch the biggest amount
  • Sally: waste of money
  • Summon Helena unofficially > deal > Summon Luna officially > bedroom > Summon Helena unofficially > what she was > Summon Minerva unofficially > assistance with Helena > Summon Minerva unofficially again > other night > Summon Minerva officially > help
  • Ravenclaw dorm (weekend) > Flitwick’s portrait
  • Sally: what you can do
  • Abandoned wing > Filch
  • Summon Snape unofficially > can get you
  • Boni Bonka: buy the perfume Fleur de Oplus > place it on the table to disassemble it and get the atomizer
  • Summon Snape unofficially > give him the atomizer
  • After a week summon Snape > potion
  • Abandoned wing

Shower Peeking sidequest:

  • Complete Size matters quest
  • Hagrid: potions
  • Summon Snape unofficially > getting around at night to get invisibility potion
  • workday 10:00 to 13:00: Peek on each girl in shower twice with the invisibility potion

Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Second Act Chapter 2 And so it continues

Private tutoring:

  • Sally: group tutoring
  • Summon Hermione officially > group tutoring
  • Wait for visitor (next week)
  • Summon Daphne and Susan > repeat until you reach the final

It’s Christmas Time:

  • Summon Snape unofficially > what he knows > Summon Hagrid officially > A bandoned wing at 21:00 > Ho Ho Ho
  • Summon x4 girls officially > gifts > Summon them again > they think about gifts

Xandria’s Tyranny:

  • Sally: Xandria
  • Bookshelf > school charter
  • Azkaban (pensieve\opening save interface & bookmark at lower right corner)
  • Xandria & click on the pensieve
  • Summon Hermione officially > help > She will visit you with the book
  • Bookshelf > Azkaban charter > after x1 day read it again
  • Azkaban > Xandria > keep visiting her until specific numbers & go for more
  • Read charter twice: numbers are 15 27 32 33 41 42
  • Xandria: go for more > repeat until you unlock the scene

The book of runes

  • Summon Hermione officially > you’re on time as always > she will visit you aftera few days
  • Summon Hermione officially > let’s continue studying the runes> she will visit you aftera few days
  • Repeat the last step (summon, studying & visit)


  • Invite waifu on a date: Future plans > talk about family
  • Invite waifu on a date again: about life in a castle > about school rules

We hope you enjoyed our Innocent Witches Walkthrough – Other Walkthrough:

  • Behind the Dune
  • TheIntoxicating Flavor
  • Seducing the Devil
  • Amity Park
  • Chasing Sunsets
  • Motherless
  • Portals of Phereon
  • Wands and Witches > here
  • Through Spacetime
  • Oath of Loyalty
  • Heroes University H Test Answers
  • Paprika trainer ATM Code
  • School Game
  • Undercover Love
  • MOS Last Summer
  • Pact With a Witch
  • Corrupted World

Related posts:

  1. Helltaker Examtaker Puzzle Solutions
  2. Sally Face Walkthrough Episode 1
  • Walkthrough
Innocent Witches Walkthrough (2)

About Miguel Sancho6677 Articles

Helping gamers with walkthroughs, guides, cheats & console commands and codes lists since 2005

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Innocent Witches Walkthrough (2024)


How to unlock all memories in Innocent Witches? ›

If you have a patron's version, you need to use a different code, which can be found here After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, which will allow you to unlock the memories/achievements.

How to summon Helena in Innocent Witches? ›

  1. Wait until 22:00 and give a task to Sally >
  2. Summon Waifu officially and ask about prefect's meetings >
  3. Discuss the issues of meetings with Sally >
  4. Summon Helena unofficially and ask her to spy >
  5. Wait 2 days and summon Helena again to ask about spying report >
  6. Discuss the problems of meetings with Sally >

How do you get the time turner in innocent witches? ›

Time turner can be found at the main entrance at night in chapter 4 or later. Spawns at random location point. It looks like a tiny white shimmery star. Click on it to pick up the turner.

What charm is unique per caster? ›

Expecto patronum - Conjures a spirit guardian of caster's positive emotions to defend against dark creatures. The guardian takes the form of an animal, unique to each person who casts it.

How to unlock Ginny's diary? ›

Summon her unofficially. A cloud of thoughts will appear above her. this cloud will display various faded objects, and only one will be bright and colored. This colored object is the key to the diary.

What drops the witches broom? ›

The Witch's Broom is a mount summon which is dropped from the Mourning Wood boss in Expert Mode.

Is there a cure for witches broom? ›

Witches' broom is most common on blueberries in northern Minnesota planted near fir trees. Since blueberry plants can't be cured of this disease, dig up and dispose of infected plants.

How do you get the witch queen? ›

How to Access The Witch Queen. The Witch Queen is a paid expansion for Destiny 2. The cost for the Standard Edition is $39.99, which includes access to The Witch Queen Campaign, a new Raid, and Exotic Weapons and Armor.

How do you get the old witch's ring? ›

It is a gift that you can start with. It can also be obtained by trading the Sunlight Maggot to Snuggly the crow. It has no purpose other than to talk to Quelaag's sister whom you meet after the boss fight with Quelaag.

How do you get the black witch set? ›

Go back to the gutter, light all the torches and kill the invader that appears near the end of the level. He will drop the black witch set.

How long does witches broom last? ›

Witches' brooms tend to be more visible in the winter in tree canopies as deciduous trees and shrubs lose their leaves. The broom growths may last for many years and in some cases can dominate the crown of the tree.

What causes a witches broom? ›

Witches' brooms can be a symptom of fungal or viral infection. The fungi Taphrina cerasi and Taphrina weisneri cause witches' broom of cherry. The powdery mildew fungus, Sphaerotheca lanestris, may cause witches' brooms on live oak, willow oak, and ninebark.

How do you cancel the witch broom? ›

Fly to the the skies like the witch and glide your way down. You can cancel it early by pressing your shoot button, fall damage is removed. The Witch Broom is a Mythic Power in Fortnite: Battle Royale.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.