Walkthrough - Innocent Witches (2024)


  • 1 First Act. Where it all began...
    • 1.1 Chapter 1. First Arrival
    • 1.2 Chapter 2. And so it begins...
    • 1.3 Chapter 3. The Prefect's problems
      • 1.3.1 Shape up
      • 1.3.2 House-elf delivery service
      • 1.3.3 Extremely diligent student
      • 1.3.4 Get on good terms with prefects
      • 1.3.5 Misplaced packages
    • 1.4 Chapter 4. The Prefects Concilium
      • 1.4.1 Find a way to exit the office
      • 1.4.2 Get on good terms with the prefects
      • 1.4.3 Break the VOIS protection charms
      • 1.4.4 Abandoned toilet's mystery
      • 1.4.5 Luna's ordinary day
    • 1.5 Chapter 5. Reveal What's Hidden
      • 1.5.1 Reveal What's Hidden
      • 1.5.2 Back to the future
      • 1.5.3 A man and his drake
      • 1.5.4 A man and his drake part 2
    • 1.6 Chapter 6. Blackmail and Subterfuge
      • 1.6.1 Blackmail and Subterfuge
      • 1.6.2 Mysterious fan
      • 1.6.3 Size doesn't matter
  • 2 Second Act. Labyrinths of the past
    • 2.1 Prologue
      • 2.1.1 Calm Before the Storm
    • 2.2 Chapter 1. A look from the inside
    • 2.3 Chapter 1. Mind Games (old version)
      • 2.3.1 Confront Snape
      • 2.3.2 Confront Minerva
      • 2.3.3 Fix the Elder Wand
      • 2.3.4 Fashion Riot
      • 2.3.5 Helena's memento
      • 2.3.6 Where is my Waifu?
      • 2.3.7 Inappropriate behaviour
      • 2.3.8 Betting with Snape
      • 2.3.9 Mermaid's treasure
      • 2.3.10 Finding the "victim"
      • 2.3.11 Something to stupefy with!
      • 2.3.12 Putting the plan in motion
      • 2.3.13 Sex education
      • 2.3.14 It's Halloween Time. Prologue
      • 2.3.15 It's Halloween Time
      • 2.3.16 Forbidden pleasure
    • 2.4 Chapter 2. Hidden in darkness... (old version)
      • 2.4.1 Malfoy's ultimatum
      • 2.4.2 Colin Creevey and his shady activities
      • 2.4.3 Unforgettable night
      • 2.4.4 Aftermath
      • 2.4.5 Giant's bane
      • 2.4.6 Fixing the elder Wand, Part 2
      • 2.4.7 Forbidden Pleasure
      • 2.4.8 Right tools for the job
      • 2.4.9 Forbidden Pleasure
      • 2.4.10 St. Valentine's Day
      • 2.4.11 It's Christmas Time!
      • 2.4.12 It's Christmas time! Part 2

This walkthrough provides step-by-step instruction for the fastest passage of the main plot. Have fun!

Chapter 1. First Arrival

  • Click on Xandria and choose option "Distract Xandria"
  • Click on the clothes lying on the floor
  • Click on the pensieve
  • Pick up the broom sticking out of the rock
  • Click on the sign “Hogsmeade”
  • Click on the castle behind the lake
  • Go to the front entrance
  • In the the dialogue with Hagrid choose any option 2 times and then choose "i found something you might be interested in" on the 3rd time
  • Click on the gates
  • Drag the owl from inventory on the noticeboard
  • Click on the owl and choose option "work!"
  • Click on the gates again and in the dialogue with Nola choose any option
  • Click on the noticeboard and take 4 papers
  • Open the map, visit all 4 faculties and choose any options in the dialogues.
  • Click on Hogwarts and go to headmaster's office at the top of the biggest tower
  • Choose any options in the dialogue with Dumbledore
  • Click on Hogwarts and go to the office again
  • Choose any options in the dialogue with Minerva
  • Click on the pensieve

Chapter 2. And so it begins...

  • Click on Petrius
  • Click on the desk and try to write any decree
  • Click on the bookshelf -> Shelf with documents -> Letter addressed to Dumbledore
  • Choose any options in the the dialogue with Snape
  • Summon Minerva and read appeared letter
  • Wait for Minerva's visit and choose any options in the dialogue with her
  • Click on the cupboard and choose "search"
  • Drag the canvas and the basket from the cupboard to the inventory
  • Click on the fireplace to light it and drag the canvas and basket from inventory on it
  • Choose any options in the dialogue with Sally
  • In the dialogue with Minerva choose "i'm not really feeling too well" -> "Minerva, listen" -> "Very well"
  • Click on the main corridor on the map
  • Click on the doors of the class 609
  • Choose any options in the dialogue with girls
  • Drag the alcohol from the cupboard to the inventory
  • Close the curtains, drag the bottles on the desk and choose any options in the dialogues
  • Drag the ethanol from inventory on the desk and choose any spells in the duel with Snape
  • Choose any options in the dialogue with Sorting Hat

Chapter 3. The Prefect's problems

Shape up

  • Summon Snape and talk
  • Click on the desk and train all 4 stats to level 1
  • Take "wizard's health" from the cupboard
  • Drag the statue from the cupboard to the inventory
  • Drag the statue on the desk and solve the puzzle
  • Choose any options in the dialogues with the girls and Snape

House-elf delivery service

  • Advance "shape up" to the dialogue with Dobby and wait for the magazine to arrive
  • Summon Dobby, ask what he brought you and choose any girl
  • Wait for the magazine and girl's textbook to arrive
  • Close the curtains and drag adult magazine on the desk

Extremely diligent student

  • Drag "happy hunks" on the desk to tear out a centrefold
  • Drag girl's textbook on the desk to combine it with "happy hunks" centrefold
  • Summon Dobby and ask to return the textbook
  • Advance "house-elf delivery service"
  • Wait for girl's visit

Get on good terms with prefects

  • Read the papers of all 4 girls by clicking on the desk
  • Summon Snape, invite to drink and discuss the papers and alternative exit
  • Drag the nuts from inventory on the phoenix
  • Close the curtains and drag the photo on the desk
  • Throw floo powder into lit fireplace
  • Wait for night and drag the pills on bedroom door
  • Summon Helena and ask about reference photo
  • Summon Helena again and tell her you're ready
  • Wait for all 4 girls' visits and talk to them
  • Summon all 4 girls and discuss papers, house support and meetings
  • Discuss prefects' problems with Sally
  • Read the papers of all 4 girls and VOIS codex on the bookshelf
  • Read all the papers for the last time
  • Ask the Hat about all 4 girls
  • Summon all 4 girls and discuss the papers

Misplaced packages

  • Click on all the boxes on the floor
  • Put the underwear into the cupboard
  • Summon Minerva to ask to remove the boxes
  • Wait for a visitor

Chapter 4. The Prefects Concilium

Find a way to exit the office

  • Raise all the stats to 6
  • Try to leave the office and get rid of Nola by any means

Get on good terms with the prefects

  • Summon all the prefects and ask about their problems
  • Discuss the situation with Sally
  • Sumon Minerva. Ask what she knows and apologise for embarassing her in front of the students
  • Wait for the night, send Sally to find the girls in the castle and wait for his return
  • Fly out of the window with the broom at night
  • Go to the abandoned wing and try to get into Filch's office
  • Click on the box with the cat food and give a can to the cat
  • Talk to Filch two times about the broom
  • Get back to the abandoned wing on the next day and find the hooligans
  • Get out of the toilet and take the new broom from Filch
  • Fly out of the window with the new broom at 22:00
  • Choose the faculty (the girl from this faculty won't be presented in act 2)
  • Discuss the situation with Sally
  • Fly to the prefects' bathroom on the next night
  • Discuss the situation with Sally again
  • Summon the girl from previously chosen faculty
  • Discuss the situation with Sally once again
  • Summon Minerva and ask her about visiting the dorms
  • Wait for Minerva's visit on the next morning. Go to any faculty and take a swimsuit from the rope
  • Summon the elf and ask him to bring the other swimsuits
  • Wait for the elf to return and get the new swimsuits from the Hat
  • Summon the elf again and ask him to bring the swimsuits back
  • Fly to the prefects' bathroom at 22:00
  • Summon Snape and ask him for help
  • Click on the desk and write a decree
  • Summon Snape and give him the decree
  • Summon all the prefects and tell them about their new duties

Break the VOIS protection charms

  • Summon Helena and ask about the charms
  • Go to bedroom during day and solve the puzzle
  • Drag the elder wand on the desk to break the charms
  • Summon your waifu (the girl chosen in the previous chapter) and test the charms

Abandoned toilet's mystery

  • Wiat for events to unfold
  • Go to the main corridor on the weekday at 10:00 and talk to students
  • Go the classroom 609 during lessons and talk to Flitwick
  • Go the the toilet in abandoned wing and talk to Myrtle

Luna's ordinary day

  • Go to the front entrance and chech the papers on the njoticeboard
  • Collect Luna's stuff:
    • T-shirt on the window at the front entrance
    • Book at the main corridor under Gwennog Johns' portrait
    • Sneakers at the classroom 609
    • Bra on the fence near the lake
    • Panties on the flower at the entrance to the Gryffindor faculty
  • Summon Luna and return the stuff

Chapter 5. Reveal What's Hidden

Reveal What's Hidden

  • Summon 4 girls and discuss the incident with Creevey
  • Go to the front entrance and grab the Boni Bonka catalogue from the noticeboard
  • Summon the elf and give him the catalogue
  • Buy the flowers from the catalogue and wait for the delivery
  • If your waifu is Daphne, wait for a letter from her
  • If your waifu is not Daphne, write a letter to your waifu to invite her on a date
  • Talk about the received information with Sally
  • Summon Snape to discuss the situation and wait for his response letter
  • If your Waifu is Luna, go to the potions classroom and take the seaweed
  • Use the seaweed on the office table and then summon Luna to discuss the seaweed
  • If your waifu is not Luna, summon your waifu for a personal meeting
  • Go to Hagrid's hut and buy the "Sexecution" catalogue
  • Give the catalogue to the elf and buy a tail from the catalogue
  • Wait for the package to arrive and summon Minerva

Back to the future

  • Summon Helena to ask about the diadem
  • Go to the abandoned wing and talk to the Moaning Myrthle
  • Ask Sally to talk with the other portraits
  • Summon Helena and discuss the situation
  • Talk to Sally
  • Go to the secondary corridor during classes and choose "Juicy melons"

A man and his drake

  • Take the seeds from the cupboard
  • Click on the pot in bedroom
  • Summon Hermione and ask about plants
  • Summon Bobby and buy soil
  • Wait for soil to arrive
  • Take a bottle from the cupboard and drag it on the desk to fill it
  • Drag the soil on the pot in bedroom and add seeds
  • Drag the bottle on the pot to water the plant
  • Wait 3 days and water it once more
  • Summon snape and ask about the potion
  • Wait for the potion to arrive and use it on the plant

A man and his drake part 2

  • Raise intellect to maximum
  • Go to the slytherin tower and cast a spell on Alexa
  • Plant a young mandrake into the pot and water it each second day
  • Wait for Luna's visit and plant an adult mandrake into the pot
  • Click on the madrake

Everything is possible if you got enough nerve

  • Buy catcher's mitt from Filch
  • Wait for Ginny's visit and offer assistance
  • Close the window, summon Ginny officially, release the snitch and catch it
  • Summon Ginny unofficially and choose "let me hear it" >
  • Summon Minerva unofficially 3 nights in a row to convince her to help you with Ginny
  • Go to gryffindor dorm and take Ginny's diary from the bear on the bed
  • Try to read the diary
  • Discuss the charms with Snape, Amelia or Helena
  • Summon Ginny unofficially and use legilimency to get diary code
  • Enter a code into the diary and read it
  • Go to gryffindor dorm and put the diary back into the bear
  • Summon Ginny unofficially and talk with her
  • Order "Flying Flaun" from Boni Bonka and send it to Ginny unofficially
  • Wait for Ginny's visit and talk with her
  • Summon Ginny unofficially and wait for her visit on wednesday
  • Go to main corridor and show the catcher's mitt to the portrait of Gwenog Jones
  • Send the catcher's mitt to Ginny unofficially and wait for her visit
  • Summon her 4 more times for the scene under the table, and each time take off more clothes
  • Summon her for the 5th time and turn on the "influence" ability to convince her to undress completely

Chapter 6. Blackmail and Subterfuge

Blackmail and Subterfuge

  • Discuss the plan with Sally
  • Go to Hagrid's hut and choose "try to talk with Creevey"
  • Go to the slytherin tower and talk to Creevey
  • Talk to Sally
  • Summon Snape and wait for his response letter
  • Go to the potions classroom and make important choice
  • Tell Sally about the plan
  • Wait for Hermione's visit

Agree with the plan

I won't do this

  • Go to the potions classroom and give the curl to Snape
  • Wait for Snape's visit
  • Use the first potion at 14:00 and go to Hagrid's hut
  • Go to the abandoned wing and talk to Creevey
  • Drink the second polyjuice potion
  • Go to Hagrid's hut
  • Read the letter from ministry

Mysterious fan

  • Raise any stat to 3
  • Click on vampire on the window at 22:00
  • Wait for the note to appear under the door
  • Summon snape and talk about alternative exit
  • use apparition potion at 22:00 and go to the lake

Size doesn't matter

  • Click on the cage in the bedroom
  • Discuss the cage with Sally
  • Summon Luna and ask about pixies
  • Summon Snape and talk about alternative exit to get apparition potion
  • Use apparition potion at night and go to the front entrance
  • Drag the cage from inventory on pixies
  • Put the cage in its pace in the bedroom
  • Click on the cage to take a closer look at pixies
  • Wait 3 days and check pixies again
  • Summon Dobby and buy a sedative for pixies
  • Wait for the package to arrive
  • Drag the sadeative on the cage
  • Check pixies one more time


Calm Before the Storm

  • Summon Snape or Minerva for an evening visit
  • Summon all 4 girls and discuss their findings
  • Summon Helena and choose "look for the girl around Hogwarts"
  • Go to the front entrance on weekend or weekday during break and talk to the girl
  • Wait for Snape's visit
  • Wait for a package to arrive and open it

Chapter 1. A look from the inside

  • Go to Snape's potion classroom and discuss the plan

Just give me the recipe

I'll prove my skills

  • Go to the lake and collect the leeches
  • Go to Hagrid's hut and collect lacewings
  • Go to the forbidden forrest, grab knotgrass, a horn of a bicorn and talk to a stranger girl choosing any options
  • Go to the secondary corridor and talk to Andromeda's portrait
  • Wait for 21:00, go to the potions classroom and brew the polyjuice potion:
    • 1. Add fluxweed
    • 2. Add knotgrass
    • 3. Wave wand 2 times
    • 4. Turn the fire off for 360 seconds
    • 5. Add leeches
    • 6. Add lacewing tincture
    • 7. Stir clockwise 3 times
    • 8. Set fire to medium for 30 seconds
    • 9. Wave the wand once
    • 10. Add boomslang hide
    • 11. Add bicorn's horn powder
    • 12. Stir counterclockwise once
    • 13. Set the fire to high for 20 seconds
    • 14. Wave the wand once
    • 15. Turn the fire off for 138 seconds
    • 16. Stir clockwise 3 times
    • 17. Add waifu's hair
    • 18. Wave the wand once





  • Go back to the office, drink the polyjuice potion and make a detour to the bedroom
  • After arriving to Gryffindor dorms, choose the correct answers in the dialogue with parvati:
    • Actually, I shouldn't be telling you this
    • Madame Pince gave me access to the restricted section
    • I was so engrossed that I didn't notice the time had passed
    • And when I realized I'd been gone a long time, I got scared
    • So I hurried back right away so no one would start to worry
  • Choose "Pull yourself together" during Flitwick's lesson
  • Write down all the entries into the diary in any order
  • After returning to the bedroom click on any interactive elements to find the diary
  • Choose "rub the nub" and go to the next lesson
  • Write down all the entries into the diary again
  • Choose any prefect to go with
  • After returning to headmaster's office, choose the right path through the castle to not get caught:
    • Library -> Potions classroom corridor -> Gryffindor dorms
  • On the next morning, agree with the girls during an argument
  • Click on any element in the bedroom to find a strange feather, and then click on 2 more elements
  • During the next Flitwick's lesson, write down all the entries into the diary once again
  • In the next Helena's lesson choose to respond to the note and go talk to the portraits
  • After talking to the portraits go to the library
  • On the next evening visit of headmaster's office choose the right path again:
    • "Potions classroom corridor -> library -> Great hall -> Gryffindor dorms"
  • During the next Minerva's lesson, write down all the entries into the diary again
  • After breakfast in the great hall choose to go to class
  • During the divination class choose to tell about the map and then visit Myrtle
  • In the library click on a purple book on the bookshelf and read about gray rounded feather
  • After date with Ron choose any girl to visit
  • In headmaster's office choose any options in the dialogue with the elf-maid, and then choose the right path once again:
    • "Great hall -> Corridor by classroom 609 -> Potions classroom corridor -> Gryffindor dorms"
  • During the next Flitwick's lesson, write down all the entries into the diary again
  • After dinner in the great hall choose to warn others by sending a note

Chapter 1. Mind Games (old version)

Confront Snape

  • Summon Snape and talk
  • Ask Sally what he thinks about Snape
  • Try to go to potions classroom in the secondary corridor
  • Talk to Sally
  • Go to abandoned wing and buy a boot from Filch
  • Drag the boot on Marcus at 22:00
  • Go to the secondary corridor and talk to Andromeda
  • Talk to her again on the next day
  • Talk to her for the last time at 13:00 on workday
  • Return to main corridor and wait for events to unfold
  • Go to the potions classroom and click on the cupboard
  • Swap labels on the bottles. Wiggenweld potion: any order. Frog poison: {3 5 4 6 7 8}
  • Summon Snape on the next day and ask for help
  • Wait for his return and drink a potion.

Confront Minerva

  • Summon Minerva and discuss the latest events
  • Ask Sally what he thinks about Minerva
  • Go to any faculty dorm and check the bathroom
  • Go to the library and talk to Irma to get the book
  • Drag the book on the library desk to read it
  • Summon Minerva, talk, and choose any faculty
  • Go to the chosen faculty on the next workday at 11:00
  • Inspect Minerva's clothes on the bed in any order and leave the bedroom.

Fix the Elder Wand

  • Ask Sally what he thinks about the wand
  • Click on the bookshelf -> "Mustering Magic to Repair All That's Broken"
  • Drag the wand on the desk
  • Go to the library and talk to Irma
  • Click on the bookshelves and choose "try to go through all the shelves" 3 times
  • Drag the wand on the office bed to hide it.

Fashion Riot

  • Wait for events to unfold
  • Summon all 3 commissars and discuss school unifom
  • Search the bookshelf in the office
  • Go to the office bedroom and click on the papers under the bed
  • Summon Hermione\Daphne and discuss new uniform
  • Wait for studying hours on workday and go to the class to talk to Flitwick
  • Go back to the office, click on the desk and write a letter to the tailor
  • Wait for the package from him and invite girls for fitting
  • Summon Hermione\Daphne on the next day and ask for uniform report

Helena's memento

  • Discuss the situation with Sally
  • Summon Minerva and ask about Helena's items
  • Talk to Filch in abandoned wing
  • Go to the library and talk to Irma: "ask about the books" -> "ask about her favourite book" -> "make the book fly away"
  • Click on Irma's desk
  • Give Irma's feather to Filch
  • Drag Helena's portrait on Sally.

Where is my Waifu?

  • Ask Sally for help and choose any lesson to spy on
  • Take the wand from the bed
  • Go to the classroom 609 during next break
  • Talk to all 3 portraits and drag the wand on any of them
  • Ask sally to spy on any lesson again
  • Summon Snape, ask for help and pay him
  • Wait for his visit on the next day
  • Drag Snape's items on Sally: "potion" -> "brush" -> "bucket" -> "brush" -> "potion" -> "brush"
  • Ask Sally to spy on any lesson for the last time.

Inappropriate behaviour

  • Wait for letter and events to unfold
  • Visit both school corridors on workday 14:00 and talk to all the students there
  • Wait for break and go to the class to talk to Larry
  • Go to the front entrance to find a couple in love
  • Go back to the class and talk to Larry again
  • On the next day, visit the class one more time and talk to Larry for the last time
  • Go back to the office, click on the desk and write a letter to the couple
  • Wait for Luna's visit and talk (if she is waifu, this step will not be taken)
  • Wait for 22:00 and go to the front entrance by using apparition potion

Betting with Snape

  • Talk to Sally (if you haven't done it before for "Finding the "victim")
  • Summon Snape and discuss potions
  • Summon Minerva and talk
  • Discuss the plan with Sally
  • Go to the front entrance and click on the students on the bench 3 times
  • take the journal from the bench
  • Drag the journal on the desk to read it
  • Summon Snape and offer a challenge
  • Summon Snape and make him "blowj*b" co*cktail.

Mermaid's treasure

  • Click on the carriage on the map to get to the lake location
  • Click on the bubbles in the water 3 times
  • Click on the mermaid
  • I am not from here > naturalist > ask for shells > that's why i want these shells > i want the shells > lie > make a deal > go back on a deal
  • Summon Snape and show him what you have
  • Summon Minerva on workday and show her what you have
  • On the following workdays, call Minerva 4 more times and discuss experiments

Finding the "victim"

  • Talk to Sally (if you haven't done it before for "Betting with Snape")
  • Go to main corridor and click on each prefect 3 times
  • Summon Minerva and discuss students
  • Summon chosen girl and discuss the exam
  • Wait for girl's visit and help her to pass the Exam
  • Wait for girl's visit one more time.

Something to stupefy with!

  • Discuss Snape's potion with Sally
  • Talk to Irma in the library
  • Summon Hermione and ask for the book (if she is waifu, take the book from her bedroom nightstand)
  • Drag the book on the desk to read it
  • Go to forbidden forest and talk to stranger
  • Go to the potions classroom during break and make stupefying potion:
    • Set fire to high for 10 seconds
    • Add Sneezewort flowers
    • Add Lovage
    • Set fire to low for 10 seconds
    • Add scurvy grass flowers
    • Stir once, clockwise

Putting the plan in motion

  • Discuss the plan with Sally
  • Go to the potions class room during break and take the ingredients from the cupboard
  • Summon girl (chosen with Minerva). Celebrate passed exam and add the potion to her drink.
  • Go to the potions classroom and make 2nd stage of polyjuice potion
  • Recipe:
    • Add polyjuice potion base
    • Add boomslang hide
    • Add bicorn powder
    • Set fire to medium for 20 seconds
    • 1 wand wave
    • Turn fire off for 138 seconds
    • Add lacewing tincture
    • Stir counterclockwise 3 times
    • Add girl's curl
    • 1 wand wave
  • Go back to the office and drag the potion on Marcus
  • talk to any 2 girls in any 3 faculties.

Sex education

  • Summon Susan and talk about her aunt Amelia. if Susan is waifu, talk to Amelia directly
  • If Susan is waifu - Summon Snape and discuss the gift for Amelia
  • Wait for package to arrive
  • Click on the desk and write a letter to Amelia
  • Wait for the letter to arrive to Amelia, and dicuss new lessons with her
  • Discuss new lessons with Minerva and Helena
  • Summon Helena and discuss the lessons one more time
  • Ask Sally to spy on Helena's lesson on the nearest workday 11:00
  • Summon Helena and discuss homework
  • Wait 4 days and ask Sally to spy again
  • Summon all 3 commissars and check their homework
  • Wait 4 days again and ask Sally to spy for the last time
  • Click on the desk and write a report to ministry

It's Halloween Time. Prologue

  • Summon Snape and discuss halloween
  • In the dialogue with Sally choose "never"
  • Summon the elf and ask about the letter
  • Click on the desk and write a letter for the elf-maid
  • Summon the elf, ask him to deliver the letter and wait for his return
  • Go to Hagrid and ask him about the elves
  • Click on the desk and write one more letter
  • Once again summon the elf, ask him to deliver the letter and wait for his return
  • Go to any 3 faculty towers and click on the pumpkins on the floor
  • Drag and drop the pumpkin from inventory on the desk

It's Halloween Time



  • Wait for Susan's visit and talk to her
  • Go tho the main corridor and talk to Violetta
  • Summon susan and explain the plan

Forbidden pleasure

Susan is fine

Susan is missing

  • Advance "find a victim" and get an artifact from Minerva
  • Discuss the artifact with the hat
  • Summon Helena and ask what she knows
  • Go to abandoned wing and talk to Filch
  • Visit Hagrid and ask about azkaban
  • Go to the front entrance and check Mundungus' paper on the noticeboard
  • Wait for 22:00 and use apparition potion to go to the meeting at the front entrance
  • Put an amulet on to check authenticity
  • Advance "sex education"
  • Summon Susan and ask about artifact
  • Wait for the amulet to recharge and talk to Hermione/Luna
  • Wait for recharge again and talk to Daphne/Hermione
  • Summon Susan and demand confession

Chapter 2. Hidden in darkness... (old version)

Malfoy's ultimatum

  • Raise all the stats to 25
  • Summon Snape and talk about Malfoy
  • Talk to Sally about the photo
  • Summon Helena and ask for another photo
  • Go to Hagrid's hut and talk to Hagrid
  • Sit down at the table and write a novel
  • Give the novel to Hagrid
  • Go to library and try to find something for Hagrid on the shelves
  • Talk to Irma to write proper novel
  • Go to Hagrid and give him the novel

Colin Creevey and his shady activities

  • Summon any prefect to talk about Colin
  • Go to abandoned wing and talk to Colin
  • Talk to Sally
  • Ask Minerva, Snape, any prefect, and any portrait about Colin
  • Summon Hermione or Luna and ask about Parvati
  • Summon Bobby and buy a dress
  • Send the dress to Parvati and wait for her visit
  • Summon Colin and talk
  • Wait for Parvati's visit
  • Summon Colin
  • Go to abandoned wing on the next day and give Colin the camera

Unforgettable night

  • Wait for events to unfold
  • Enter the code 401 to the lock
  • Go to the office and take the wand from the desk
  • Go to the bedroom, get dressed and untie the house elf
  • Summon Snape and talk about recent events
  • Wait for Snape's visit and disciss the situation
  • Summon Snape and talk with hagrid
  • Summon Snape again and talk with Arachnella in forbidden forest
  • Wait a letter with a list of potion ingredients
  • Summon Minerva to ask for help
  • Go to forbidden forest and talk to a stranger to get the misletoe berries
  • Go to the lake and follow Minerva's advice
  • Go to the potions classroom and take the ingredients from the desk
  • Click on the cauldron and brew the potion:
    • Set the fire on maximum for 20 seconds
    • Add Amortentia
    • Wave the wand 3 times
    • Add Misletoe berries
    • Set the fire on low for 10 seconds
    • Rotate counterclockwise 4 times
    • Turn the fire off for 600 seconds
    • Add mermaid tears
    • Rotate clockwise 1 time
    • Set the fire on medium for 60 seconds
    • Add the blood
    • 1 wand wave
  • Choose your waifu:





  • Summon 3 prefects and discuss recent events
  • Go to all 4 dorms and interact with any 3 things in each of them
  • Visit slytherim dorm at 19:00
  • Summon Luna and ask about tentacles
  • Go to the front entrance at night and click on the noticeboard and the gates
  • Summon Daphne and ask if she feels better
  • Summon Susan and try to take the chocker away
  • Drinks for Susan:
    • Something hot! Burning juice right down my throat! - Dragon's Blood Brew
    • Something daring. Make my soul beg for mercy. Like obscene slaps coming from your office - Witch Slap
    • Something obscene. Viscous passion lubricating my throat and down into my chest - Merlin's Milk
    • Something wild, like a stallion on the prairie! Vicious as a stormy night! - Witch Gone Wild
    • Something mind-blowing. An unexpected lighting splitting the calm sky, thousands of fireworks ravaging me! - Blogger Bomber
  • Go to forbidden forest and give the items to Arachnella
  • Visit front entrance at night to deal with Fletcher
  • Wait for Amelia to talk about accusations


  • Click on all students in both corridors on workday during break
  • Go to the classroom to talk to Flitwick
  • Click on Fletcher's paper on the noticeboard at the front entrance
  • Go to the front entrance at night to talk with Fletcher

Giant's bane

  • Go to Hagrid's hut and click on the photos on the wall
  • Summon Minerva and ask for help
  • Summon any prefect for practise
  • Go to Hagrid's hut and take the photos from the wall

Fixing the elder Wand, Part 2

  • Try to use apparition potion at night and fail
  • Go to Filch and ask about one more portal
  • Block Filch's door with a box
  • Summon Hermione\Luna and dicuss the plan
  • Click on the desk 4 times and write a letter
  • Go to library and talk to Irma
  • Click on the desk and write a letter to Filch
  • Summon the prefect to put the plan in motion
  • Click on all the bookshelves
  • Click on green book on the right desk
  • Click on the door to restricted section and on Irma's desk

Forbidden Pleasure

  • Ask Hat about strange artifact
  • Talk to Helena about the artifact
  • Summon the girl for Helena

Right tools for the job

  • Talk to Sally about Hagrid
  • Go to abandoned wing and talk to Filch
  • Use apparition potion at 22:00 and go to the front entrance to meet Harry
  • Summon Ginny to ask about marauder's map
  • Drag the map 2 times on the desk

Forbidden Pleasure

  • Ask Hat about strange artifact
  • Talk to Helena about the artifact
  • Summon the girl for Helena

St. Valentine's Day

  • Wait for a letter from Minerva and read it
  • Click on the desk and write a letter to Hermione
  • Wait for Hermione's visit
  • Choose any dialogue options in any order

It's Christmas Time!

  • Summon Snape and talk about christmas
  • Summon Hagrid and go to abandoned wing
  • In dialogue with Hagrid choose "Ho Ho Ho"
  • Summon 4 girls and give them the gifts
  • Summon them again and ask what they think about gifts

It's Christmas time! Part 2





  • Talk to Sally about Hermione
  • Summon Hermione and ask about Hagrid's stories
  • Summon Hermione again and choose any options in the dialogue
  • Summon Hermione for the last time for the training session*

Retrieved from ""

Walkthrough - Innocent Witches (2024)


How to unlock all memories in Innocent Witches? ›

If you have a patron's version, you need to use a different code, which can be found here https://www.teamsadcrab.com/innocent-witches-patreon. After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, which will allow you to unlock the memories/achievements.

How do you get the time turner in innocent witches? ›

Time turner can be found at the main entrance at night in chapter 4 or later. Spawns at random location point. It looks like a tiny white shimmery star. Click on it to pick up the turner.

What charm is unique per caster in Innocent Witches? ›

What charm is unique per caster? - Expecto Patronum. What charm does the Hand of Glory cast? - Lumos; Sleeping. What curses are unforgivable or forbidden? - Crucio; Imperio; Avada Kedavra; Cruciatus; Curse; Killing Curse.

What drops the witches broom? ›

The Witch's Broom is dropped by the Mourning Wood in Expert Mode with a 1/20 (5%) – 1/5 (20%) chance depending on the current wave.

How do you get rid of witches broom? ›

If the aesthetic appearance of your shrubs or trees is a concern, the first thing to do is to prune off the affected portions. Depending on the cause of a witches' broom, removing affected branches, twigs, buds, or leaves may be all you need to do.

How do you get the witch queen? ›

How to Access The Witch Queen. The Witch Queen is a paid expansion for Destiny 2. The cost for the Standard Edition is $39.99, which includes access to The Witch Queen Campaign, a new Raid, and Exotic Weapons and Armor.

How do you get the black witch set? ›

Go back to the gutter, light all the torches and kill the invader that appears near the end of the level. He will drop the black witch set.

How do you get the old witch's ring? ›

It is a gift that you can start with. It can also be obtained by trading the Sunlight Maggot to Snuggly the crow. It has no purpose other than to talk to Quelaag's sister whom you meet after the boss fight with Quelaag.

What is the most useful spell in Harry Potter? ›

Proving itself to be one of the greatest assets to Harry Potter and his friends as they go about their misadventures, the "Alohom*ora" spell was one of the most used incantations throughout the film series.

What is Neville's signature spell? ›

From his passion for the field to his ability to help Harry during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, it is fitting that his favorite spell is Herbivicus, a spell intended to make plants grow faster.

What is Dumbledore's signature spell? ›

What Is Dumbledore signature spell? There were two; Apparation and Invisibility. Dumbledore must have used these particular skills thousands of time in his lifetime for any number of purposes. His vast gathering of knowledge probably came as a result of his skill in appearing and disappearing at will and unseen.

How long does witches broom last? ›

Witches' brooms tend to be more visible in the winter in tree canopies as deciduous trees and shrubs lose their leaves. The broom growths may last for many years and in some cases can dominate the crown of the tree.

What causes a witches broom? ›

Witches' brooms can be a symptom of fungal or viral infection. The fungi Taphrina cerasi and Taphrina weisneri cause witches' broom of cherry. The powdery mildew fungus, Sphaerotheca lanestris, may cause witches' brooms on live oak, willow oak, and ninebark.

How do you cancel the witch broom? ›

Fly to the the skies like the witch and glide your way down. You can cancel it early by pressing your shoot button, fall damage is removed. The Witch Broom is a Mythic Power in Fortnite: Battle Royale.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.