Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (2024)

Mae Brussell well knew the horrifying effects of the CIA’s mind control program MK-ULTRA. Her son Marvin became a target because Mae was on the verge of publicly exposing the truth behind the JFK assassination and had to be stopped. Her friend Louise James was taken down because of what she knew about the Manson Family and the Watergate burglars. The similarity of their symptoms was described on the Worldwatchers programdated October 27, 1978.

Now the symptoms that Louise got in 1972 were physically identical to what my son had in 1967 while I was in New Orleans with Jim Garrison. He had what was supposed to be a heart attack at nineteen years old. Louise had a heart attack. She was older than Marvin. I guess she was about forty-five, and Marvin was nineteen, but they had similar symptoms. Their memory was gone, they became rigid, catatonic, wasted away, almost starved to death, had similar symptoms. She became a hermit, he became a hermit, they were cut off from their friends. Two people, different in age, but one had a mother to help him, whereas the other had no one.

Marvin Goodwin was interviewed on Dialogue Conspiracy, August 9, 1976:

MAE: I’ve talked about mind control and behavior modification quite a bit on different programs on KRLB and public lectures, because it’s the number one problem in the country. The proliferation of weapons by the Pentagon is just terrible, but much more dangerous is the taking away of our privacy and the right to our own mind. It is for me the most insidious thing. People who are interested in stopping pollution or recycling bottles or glasses – a lot of ecology – don’t really study or fight or work hard enough on the mind control evidence.

Los Angeles Times this week had a long article about Allen Dulles and the CIA-developed truth drugs used by narcs.The Los Angeles Times says that the drugs were tested at the state medical facility in Vacaville and at the U.S. drug treatment center in Frankfort, Kentucky. Now it’s interesting that both theSan Francisco Chronicle and San Francisco Examiner left out the name Vacaville, even though the CIA documents clearly state it was Vacaville. The use of programming on Donald DeFreeze to set up that SLA was at Vacaville.

Allen Dulles, according to documents as early as 1953, had a comprehensive program to test methods of controlling human behavior through drugs, radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, harassment substances such as tear gas, hypnotism, hypno-narco analysis which is the testing of drugs and hypnotism, and ultrasonics which is loud noises. The program was MK-ULTRA.

The CIA bought $240,000 worth of LSD, ordered by Allen Dulles, enough to turn on 100 million American citizens, one half of our population. Another article which interested me was a New York Times article August 7, by Joseph Treaster, “Report on Army Drug Test Tell of Efforts of Concealment.” This is the story of the Army taking people[like Harold Blauer], unsuspecting persons and giving them – patients – a drug which passed itself off as LSD, which was “not for the benefit of the patient, but an attempt to create an exaggerated mental state of schizophrenia.” Now when you create schizophrenia, then you have an excuse for Thorazine and Prolixin. You create the drugs to cure the schizophrenia, and then you turn political prisoners, old people, young people, hippies, protesters, and political people into literal zombies. And the prison systems, if you read recently, have given them heavy doses of these medications. They can’t defend their own rights.

I talked on KRLB about a member of my family, my son, getting this LSD. I knew right from the beginning that he had this kind of LSD. (I was criticized once for referring to it as LSD. I am not saying that all LSD causes you to be schizophrenic. What I am saying is that the government created specific drugs to cause schizophrenia. They are even releasing documents of these under the Freedom of Information Act now, as well as all these other methods of control.)

So I have Marvin here. I want you to meet my son Marvin Goodwin. We’re going to talk about his schizophrenia that the Central Intelligence Agency gave to him in 1967 and let him share with you, because when you read a New York Times article or Los Angeles Times, it’s still a piece of paper. Maybe you know someone who has had these same experiences. So he’s going to be on the show with me to talk about what we went through – his experience with LSD. Where’ll we start, Marvin?

MARVIN: I am not exactly sure. We decided to name the people involved in the –

MAE: Well, let’s put it this way. We can name the people that gave you the LSD. They lived on the Monterey Peninsula and I’ll protect them and us by saying maybe they didn’t know it was a poison. One was a writer, like E. Howard Hunt. You can name him.

MARVIN: Sure, Peter Gilman is his name.

MAE: Peter Gilman. He wrote the book Diamond Head.

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (1)

Peter Gilman in 1959

Peter Gilman was born in 1927 in New York City and trained as a Navy pilot during World War Two. He went to UCLA and became a reporter for the Monterey Herald. Then he moved to Hawaii to work for the Honolulu Advertiser. His one and only novel is about politics in Hawaii, and it reached the No.1 spot on the Best Seller List of the New York Times.In 1959Columbia Pictures bought the rights to his book for the exorbitant sum of $100,000 and produced a 1962 movie starring Charlton Heston. Gilman went to Paris where he joined other expatriate American writers such as William Styron, Jack Kerouac, James Jones, and James Baldwin.

According to Mae Brussell, “Gilman had been a newspaper man, a writer, he wrote the book Diamond Head. He was in Vietnam during the war. He was with the admirals over in Honolulu. He had been to parties with Jackie Kennedy at the time. Peter had a home down at the Highlands. He had property all over Carmel. Our piano tuner rents the house that Peter Gilman owns in Carmel, and he always says to me ‘I know you think Pete’s a spy, but he’s not, just because he picks up the phone and talks to Aristotle Onassis. It’s just somewhat of a personal call.’ He lets out that little story about Pete’s links to Onassis at the time of the assassination attempts and riots in France. He [Gilman] was there [in Paris] when de Gaulle was under fire by the same group exposed as the Permindex team that later killed John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.”

MAE: His wife is Carolyn Gilman, who moved to town and took over the books of the Peace and Freedom Party and had a store down at the wharf – the Calliope.

Carolyn Jane Henry was born in 1939 in Davenport, Iowa. According to city directories, she was living in Carmel, where she was employed by the Fleet Numerical Weather Facility located at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey from 1962 to 1964. The following year she became an elementary school teacher at Thomas O. Larkin School. She married Peter in October 1966.

MAE:Peter came on interested in my research. It was around 1967, before I went to New Orleans to see Jim Garrison.

MARVIN: His entry into the house was in order to help you write a book, which never got written, but some funny things happened that summer.

MAE: Yeah, he was going to help me write a book.

A news article in the Monterey Herald appeared on July 20, 1967 saying that on the previous day Mae Brussell spoke at a Peninsula Jaycee meeting. She said that America was controlled by conspirators in both the government and the public news media. To prove her point, she said that the federal government was withholding information on the JFK assassination, and the press was suppressing news on the Garrison investigation in New Orleans. She then stated that she was writing a book on the assassination. Peter Gilman probably learned about Mae’s proposed book at either the Jaycee meeting or from reading the newspaper article.

MARVIN: Right.

MAE: You met him through – at the house he came.

MARVIN: Yeah, right, he invited me to live at his house in the Highlands with him and his wife.

MAE: Marvin was earning about $150 a week at the time. You might as well tell the whole story.

MARVIN: I was nineteen years old and going to U.C. Santa Cruz. I was in my second year. I was holding down a songwriting job with Bobby Darin’s company in Los Angeles and spending the summer in Carmel between my freshman and sophom*ore years in college. Peter came into the house, as I said, and invited me to live with him and his wife. I took him up on it and decided to go live with them, and I guess that was the beginning of what we’re going to get into.

MAE:At the time also Marvin was going to group therapy with Eric Berne and seeing Eric Berne once a week – a group thing – and spending the summer here in Carmel. He moved down to the Highlands. Peter said he was going to give you some acid.

MARVIN: I’ll tell you exactly what happened. I won’t say anything that I don’t recollect absolutely. Towards the end of my stay at his house, which was a six week stay [from the first of August to mid-September], I was talking with him about acid. It was like Summer of Love in ’67. He said that he tried it and that he wouldn’t turn anyone on to it for the first time, but there was some in the house.

MAE:What did Carolyn tell you was going to happen?

MARVIN: So the next six weeks I did know that there was some in the house. I had never tried it. A lot of people were trying it. The reports of bad trips were not that common in those days.

MAE: When she gave you that – it comes in a quarter piece, or something like that – what did she tell you was going to happen?

MARVIN: A few things which I think are pertinent to the entire story. For one thing: she came to me once in private and it’s like her conscious [mind]cracked. She was saying to me, “You don’t know the man. He’ll hurt you. He hurts people. Look out for him, you know, dangerous to you.” I thought she was a little hysterical about it. I thought she was upset over a marital squabble. She wouldn’t qualify anything that she was saying, and I didn’t take it seriously. Toward the end of the six weeks, like a week before I was going back to Santa Cruz to start the sophom*ore year, I just decided that I would try it.

MAE: There were people at the house, but they weren’t given the same. You’re the only person.

Two of Mae’s friends were at the house, probably to keep an eye on things while she was in New Orleans. One was Vic Stiegel, a visitor from Los Angeles. The other was Jean Durkens, who worked with the Diggers in San Francisco at the time of the Haight-Ashbury movement. She was the first person who tipped off Mae that agents provocateur disguised as hippies were giving the Diggers an altered form of LSD with powerful mind-destroying chemicals.

MARVIN: Another interesting thing is that, to the best of my recollection, they gotten it from somebody in Big Sur, and I believe–

MAE: Don’t mention that name.

MARVIN: Okay, I won’t mention the name.

MAE: Another writer.

MARVIN: Another writer.

MAE:E. Howard Hunt writer.

Probably Charles Winans, an agent provocateur disguised as a hippie. He was the illustrator not the writer as Mae originally believed of the anti-hippie tract Children of Change.

In February1976, six months prior to this interview, Melvin Belli and two other lawyers were hired by Winans to initiate a $450 million libel suit against Paul Krassner andRolling Stone magazine. Krassner had written a piece claiming that Winans was an agent provocateur “orchestrating the scenario of violence and witchcraft in meetings with Tex Watson.” Since Mae was expected to be a witness for the defense, she probably thought putting Winans’s name on the air would lead to legal complications.

MARVIN: Right, right, occasionally I had seen the man in a bar down there. They said they weren’t sure whether or not it was LSD that they were giving me, but they kind of thought it was.

Mae Brussell described what happened next on her program October 27, 1978:

“Well, Pete and Carolyn met Marvin when these other friends were there. They gave him what was supposed to be acid.

Vic said, ‘Wait, wait, what are you giving him?’

‘Oh, it’s just acid. He’ll just have a trip.’

Vic said, ‘Well, I am not going back to Los Angeles if you do this.’

She said, ‘No, we’ll take him to Big Sur. He’ll be all right.’

So Jean went back to San Francisco, and Vic went to LA, and then that began what was a nightmare for ten years, a literal nightmare.”

MARVIN: I’ll tell you exactly what happened. I took it – I ingested the pill. Carolyn brought me flowers and an apple. Peter brought me a book of art masterpieces, and I was supposed to see these as something more beautiful than I had seen them in the past. Ididn’t really see any difference. I was a little psyched out, and I noticed that I was kind of tense. I wasn’t hallucinating. The apple tasted like an apple, which was delicious; the flowers were pretty, of course; and great art in the home is going to be great art. I went for a drive with Carolyn. A funny thing happened on the drive. I wasn’t on a bum trip, but as we were driving, I started having what I later learned to recognize as a psychotic symptom. Something was really dreadfully wrong. I wasn’t losing my mind. We stopped at the house of some friends of mine, and I had an entirely different perception of these people. It wasn’t a hallucination. It wasn’t beautiful. I wasn’t panicking. Maybe I was just very, very psyched out and very tense over thinking about having taken it.So we finally got back to the house where I ingested it [the house of the “E. Howard Hunt writer” living in Big Sur]. After a few hours, I couldn’t tell if I was on a trip. So they kind of assumed that my trip was coming to an end.

MAE:I know that this happened to Marvin when I was in New Orleans. I had introduced myself to Jim Garrison, who arrested Clay Shaw. I had gone down for that trial and Clay Shaw had been in the CIA as well as David Ferrie. I was away from the situation.When I came home from New Orleans, my luggage was kept there [in Dallas, Texas] and they said there was a bomb on the plane.

MARVIN: I’ll tell you exactly what happened. I went back to the house at the Highlands, not knowing anything had gone wrong on your trip to New Orleans. Peter was sitting out in the front yard. When I got up there, he said something happened in New Orleans. I was freaked out, because I didn’t even want to guess in my mind what might have happened in New Orleans. I said “What happened?” He said, “I don’t want to tell you. I won’t tell you. I can’t tell you. Go home, just go home.” Well, when I got home and found you there, I must have heaved the biggest sigh of relief in my entire life.

Mae arrived back at her house in Carmel, distressed by someone following her at the San Francisco Airport and then following her home. She was also dizzy and traumatized by what happened at the Dallas airport. On a bibliography sheet October 27, 1978 she wrote: “Two Dallas police officers came into the plane and escorted me out, to a separate room, by myself, apart from all other passengers.” They also confiscated all her research material. An FBI memo from the Director of the FBI to the SAC in Dallas dated September 18, 1967 said:

On 9/15/67 at 6:45 p.m., a reservation agent at Delta Airlines, Dallas, received a call that a bomb was on board Delta Airlines, Flight 827. Flight 827 originated at Atlanta and was enroute to San Francisco via Dallas. A search of the aircraft failed to locate any bomb.

Mrs. May Magnin Brussell who was boarding this flight for San Francisco made comments at Love Field, Dallas. She had conducted research on the Kennedy assassination and had been in conference with DA Jim Garrison, New Orleans, for three days. San Francisco determined that Mrs. Brussell in the past had expressed great alarm over the fact that the United States is becoming fascist. She is the daughter of Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin of Los Angeles. It has been reported Mrs. Brussell has “left-wing” leanings and is not in good favor with her father. She supports Mark Lane’s book “Rush to Judgment” and takes the view Lee Harvey Oswald was not a communist. She pictures America as controlled by conspirators in the Government, which view she has stated publicly. She is writing a book on the assassination and claims the Government is withholding information on the assassination and the press is suppressing news on the investigation being conducted by New Orleans DA James Garrison. Mrs. Brussell is described as an author and a playwright, and due to her thinking, which she has expressed publicly, Dallas and San Francisco are to incorporate information into letterhead memoranda suitable for dissemination to the Department and U.S. Secret Service.

In a letter to Harold Weisberg she wrote:

Here is how it really happened. I got on the plane in New Orleans for San Francisco. I didn’t know the flight went through Dallas when I bought my ticket. We stopped in Dallas for about 30 minutes, so I don’t believe I even got off the plane. After everybody was on the plane, seat belts attached, they announced on the speaker “don’t be nervous. Take your time. We received a call there is a bomb on this plane. Get off as quickly as possible.”

As we were getting off the plane, just before going down the steps, two Dallas Police officials came to me, took me by the arm, and led me into a small room, to the right, away from the other 100 people who were mingling around. I was kept in that room. Two cops sat there, one at the door, one against the wall. My luggage consisted of one bag of clothing, and another bag with about twelve spiral notebooks, charts of the “DALLAS FAMILY TREE,” with information about George DeMohrenschildt, Ruth Paine, Marina Oswald, selection of the motorcade route, and placement of Oswald in the Depository. They went through everybody’s cameras, luggage, praline nuts, pictures, packages. The plane was emptied on the field, meals were thrown out, new food brought on. THEN I WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE ROOM WHERE SIX OF SEVEN MEN identified themselves as CIA, FBI, etc.

I opened my suitcase in front of them, being the last person out of the room, the others having entered on the plane.

In those days, I was STUPID.

I went on the plane, leaving the notebooks behind. The suitcase with the clothing was in San Francisco. The suitcase with the notebooks never arrived. I was told it would be returned by special plane, hand delivered, in a few days. THEY WANTED TO COME DIRECTLY TO THE HOUSE. I TOLD THE SCUM BASTARDS NOT TO CONTAMINATE MY HOME, I WOULD MEET THEM AT MONTEREY AIRPORT. FIVE DAYS LATER, A MAN WITH A “VIP” TAG, DELIVERED THE SUITCASE BACK TO ME, obviously copied in Dallas.

On her program October 27, 1978, she said:

When I came home from New Orleans, I was traumatized. I was dizzy, and a doctor friend of ours, who is at the University of California, who’s also a lawyer, Jim Nielson, a close friend, says “Oh, the reason you’re dizzy is because they probably gave you some radiation in Dallas.”

MAE: But he wouldn’t tell you.

MARVIN: No, he wouldn’t just tell me, “Mae’s okay, et cetera, like, go home and you’ll hear what happened in New Orleans.”Iwas like saying, “Mae all right?” He wouldn’t respond to any of that, and I had to drive fifteen miles with that on my mind and it was horrible.

MAE: Then he took a powder [meaning “he left town in a hurry”].

Carolyn Gilman apparently also left town, because her name does not show up in Carmel directories after 1967. She divorced Peter in November 1967. In her last years, she moved to Hawaii, where she died in December 1999 at the age of 60.Peter Gilman went to Vietnam, where he might have served some intelligence function during the war. Hebecame a trainer of polo ponies in Argentina and also lived in Mexico, where he made a living as an artist and commercial fisherman. In his last years he lived in Hawaii. He died in September 1999 at the age of 73.

MARVIN: I don’t know what the secretiveness was about on his part.I did a lot of thinking about this so-called trip that I had during the week before school. The week after I got back to school, I started having the weirdest feelings in my body. My muscles became very tense. It felt like my legs were made of wood. My mind was okay, until my mind could no longer cope with this strange physical sensation that I was feeling. I had always been a very healthy, vibrant person, physically, intellectually, mentally, creatively, in good health, and all of a sudden, my body was doing something very strange. I guess I started worrying about it and that’s what led to, what, I guess a week later, was called a nervous breakdown. I was having horrible gas pains in my chest.

MAE: Afterwards, when you were in the hospital you remembered taking something different than LSD. What happened was that after you took it, you went back up to Santa Cruz and then threw your car key away, remember? And you called and said you were having a massive heart attack.

MARVIN: Something like that, yeah.

MAE: You became catatonic.

MARVIN: My mind and my body didn’t go at the same time. First my body started having these strange reactions. Then all of a sudden, there was that one night when I went down to sleep and I woke up with incredible pain. I think some of my first words after I went up the stairs and told you about it was “I’ve been poisoned.”

MAE: Then you became a paranoid schizophrenic.

MARVIN: I started my career as a schizophrenic. After you are labeled schizophrenic, people just don’t believe what you say, they only categorize you.

MAE: After you came back to the house, Marvin’s father [Dr. Marvin Goodwin, Sr.], a doctor in Los Angeles, said “I can get the best medical care.” By then you thought you were having a heart attack. Your mind was completely gone. They put him in a mental hospital in Westwood. I couldn’t see him. I called Eric Berne, and Berne called the doctors down there. They said he has acute schizophrenia. He’s in a room with some man who used to be in a concentration camp. You wanted to commit suicide, you wanted to die. You were screaming and yelling. They said you were “suicidal.” I said, “Well, that’s ridiculous.”In this particular way Dr. Olson jumped out of a window in New York City on this kind of testing program – thousands of people that the CIA threw away the records of them.

Dr. Frank Olson was allegedly “suicidal” after he was given LSD in an after-dinner co*cktail by the CIA in 1953. Shortly afterwards, hejumped, or was pushed, out of a window on the ninth floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City.

Then out came the Beverly Hills doctors who said you were acute schizophrenic and we couldn’t visit you. They locked Marvin up at Mt. Sinai Hospital and then made arrangements to send him to Chestnut Lodge back in Maryland, which turned out to be a CIA hospital.

MARVIN: Well my contract burned out with Bobby Darin. I was no longer on the payroll. I was a political prisoner and chemically castrated on Thorazine and Stelazine.

MAE: Then came the Thorazine and then came the Stelazine. Dr. Berne claimed it was impossible that he was paranoid schizophrenic. The group thing was a very open and free relationship, and he said that there was some kind of poisoning induced.

MARVIN: I have a lot of respect for Eric Berne’s opinion. Though I had my hang-ups like everybody else, you have to agree with me that up until the age of nineteen, the end of that summer, the ingestion of that pill, and then the two weeks after that, I was a perfectly healthy, functioning total human being who was really, really doing well in the world, according to my own standards at the time.

MAE: You then had a series of getting well, going somnambular, and then getting well again. So you had this particular poison, and it takes years to wear off. It’s a thing that stays in your system.Itputs you on the defensive in social things, becauseyou become afraid that other people are going to reappear and offer you food or drinks and repeat what happened to you before.It’s like those men that were at the American Legion in Philadelphia. They had this poisoning. Twenty-seven have died now or more and 125 were sick. The poison in their bodies may relapse or stay with them for a long, long time.

More than 2000 American Legionnaires convened at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia from July 21 through 24, 1976. A day or two later,about 150 attendees complained oftiredness, chest pains, lung congestion, and fever.By July 30, five of them died from heart attacks. By mid-August, a total of twenty-seven died, all but one of whom were men. None of the hotel staff, numbering hundreds of employees, were affected. Death certificates of most victims listed viral pneumonia accompanied by heart or kidney failure. Health officials focused on Friday, July 23, as the only day when the outbreak occurred – specifically an honorary breakfast meeting for the “Go-Getters.” This was the only event where the wives were not in attendance. (A “go-getter” is someone who persuaded 25 or more people to join the Legion during the past year.) The mysterious illness was later given the name “Legionnaires Disease.” On another program Mae Brussell speculated that some chemical or biological agent was deliberately inserted into the air conditioning ducts.

MARVIN: I can only look back and see that pill as the only thing different that I had done in my life that might have caused the reaction I suffered two weeks later.

MAE: The thing about this experimentation on LSD – and we’re not talking about normal LSD. We’re talking about the kind the government made, by their own admission, inducing schizophrenia.

MARVIN: There’s something I want to add. The healing process from a mental or emotional breakdown is often like a healing-cracking, healing-cracking thing. As it was with me, it was very hard. It took me about four years to finally get my head out of it completely, because at least from my experience with the drug Thorazine and Stelazine, I couldn’t have a sex life until I’d been off the drug for six months. So when I finally got the psychiatrist to stop the drug, it took me six months to be able to feel physically good again and to be potent in that sense.

MAE: Can you imagine how many people they have given these medications to? Richard Helms was the head of the CIA, and before he left to be the Ambassador to Iran, he destroyed all records of whom he had given this LSD – the poison one – that induced schizophrenia. So how many people are going around thinking they have mental diseases or they’re failures in society or they can’t go back to working at normal jobs or be creative in certain things at a university. You happened to have had a lot of good medical care. Even though your father is a doctor, he spent thirty or forty thousand dollars just stabilizing situations that other families can’t afford. We happened to be fortunate in that he’s a pediatrician in Los Angeles, and he invested this money on your behalf. How many people in this country, young people with new ideas dropped out, were creative like you, or whose parents were into researching conspiracies? People like Madame Nhu who said that the CIA killed her husband in South Vietnam. Right after that her daughter was killed in a car crash out by the Sorbonne. How many children are poisoned?

MARVIN: There’s one thing that just crossed my mind. At the time that I cracked up for the first time, I really felt like there was some kind of future in my life. To be employed by Darin was really important to me, because, had it not been for him, the public would not have known about people like Tim Hardin, or Roger McGinness, who worked for Bobby two years prior to the time he started the Byrds – a big group. Bobby was instrumental in finding people and bringing them into public attention. He did that for more people than most people are aware of. Finally, after almost ten years I am getting my life, my career back on the tracks, getting back into the commercial mainstream. Ican start here and continue without having to fear the cracking process again after the healing that I’ve done. I think I stand a better chance this time of making it all the way through and getting out of it.

MAE: And also not letting people put things into drinks, unsuspecting like. They did it before. People say to me in the research, “Has your life ever been threatened? Have you ever been in danger?” But I don’t think listeners realize, or maybe they do, how it affects family life, how it affects your children. For direct experiences we’ve had all kinds of things in our family. But I did want to share this with the listening audience because when I read in the New York Times just this week (and Dialogue Conspiracy is a format of weekly news) a report now that just came out, this Army report, that says that they’ve administered these drugs to create an exaggerated mental state of schizophrenia – not to cure a schizophrenia but to create it. Then what happens is that, after these large drug companies (which support Richard Nixon and John Mitchell, who was the attorney for drug companies) create schizophrenia, they create the control. The drug companies make the drug (like they make the swine vaccine). How many people walking around at large are suffering?

MARVIN: I had a feeling that in my experiences in hospitals that I was continually surrounded by victims. Very few people who were in there were just plain victims. Most were circ*mstantially like little pawns in those places – some of them incredibly gifted – and broken for no reason. They did no harm. When you think about the government giving poisons to people, you got to remember that cancer starts with one cell. That’s all they have to do in a human being to totally crack them.

MAE: They take away their minds and begin these heavy doses. They walk around hospitals like zombies. There were many young people when you were in there whose lives were just crushed.

MARVIN: If the doors of the mental hospitals were open and you find out the exact circ*mstances that brought each person there, this listening audience would be outraged. Political prisoners in every single room, doped up.

MAE: And the excuse for producing those drugs was the government-induced schizophrenia by their own admission. There’s a lawsuit now in New York by a woman whose father died, Mr. Blauer. Three of the doctors who simulated his schizophrenia said that he should have had some kind of test [for heart disease but he wasn’t tested]. They started injecting him with these fatal experiments of schizophrenia. He died from a very painful arteriosclerosis.

MARVIN:lt’s funny, if the people in the hospital say something to the effect that they’ve been poisoned or that someone else is responsible for their imprisonment –

MAE: Then they say they are paranoic.

MARVIN: Then they up the dosage so they’re crazier, but you can’t say anything that you know is controversial, which is not freedom of speech.

MAE: Again that’s paranoia.

MARVIN: Freedom of speech is punished, and it’s happening right behind the doors of every single mental hospital in this country including behind the doors of Carmel Community Hospital.

MAE: I remember when you went in there and after having a relapse they gave you an injection of Prolixin for a two week dose with no past history. It’s the last thing you should have had.We’re out of time.This is Dialogue Conspiracy. We could keep going but the tape’s run out and we do send them away and out of state. So take it easy and we’ll see you next week. Thanks Marvin, for telling about it. It’s a hard thing to talk about.

More details were heard on Worldwatchers, October 27, 1978:

I came home from New Orleans and was at the house when Marvin went to Santa Cruz. He had his own car and drove it there. It seems that it was five or ten days before I heard from him. He didn’t contact me, and I didn’t know where he was. I thought he was doing fine and getting his classes together. It was his fall semester. They were getting ready to start, and I didn’t think anything about it. Then he called my husband and myself. He had been totally crazy and had gone out of his head. Bill [her second husband, Allen William Brussell] went up to get him, and he couldn’t find the key to his car. It was thrown away. He was practically out of his mind. He was catatonic. We brought him home and put him in the bed between us. He was stiff with a simulated heart attack.

My first husband [Dr. Marvin Goodwin, Sr.] is a pediatrician and always took care of the medical needs of the family – the two boys and the three girls. So he said, “We’ll get Marvin down here. I can get the best doctors, blah, blah, blah.” I didn’t know in 1967 what the CIA was doing, and I didn’t know that he had ingested anything until a few weeks later when I talked to Vic and Jean who were at the house.

So Marvin was flown down and put into a hospital in Los Angeles. That began a chain reaction of doctors whose names I won’t mention on the tape, but someday I really want to sue. They began a plan right away to send him to Chestnut Lodge in Maryland, which (later when I began investigating it) was a CIA hospital. It is named in the book, the story of Judith Beck Stein, who writes about her ordeal, of how she was politically active in Chicago before the Kennedy assassination. She was given some champagne, and a drug had been inserted through the cork. She went crazy and was put in this CIA hospital at Chestnut Lodge. She hinted that Artie Bremer [the man who shot Governor George Wallace] was trained or programmed there, that assassins were trained or programmed there. I called her, and [she said] it’s run by admirals.

Judith Beck Stein was the wife of the owner of Beck Oil Company and a strong supporter of President Kennedy’s domestic and foreign policies. So influential was she that she probably would have gotten a position in the White House. Things changed for the worst, however, when her husband came home early with two bottles of champagne. He had received them as a gift, he said, and wanted to share them with her. Her sister and brother-in-law also showed up for a surprise visit. After drinking two glasses of champagne, Judith’s head began to spin and she collapsed. She woke up to find herself in the psychiatricunit of a hospitalin Chicago. From there she was carted off to Chestnut Lodge. She wrote: “I had been waylaid and kidnapped by my own relatives.”

Dr. Eric Berne [who livedin Carmel] had known Marvin. Marvin was in group therapy with him at the time. Eric Berne wrote the book Games People Play. He called down there, the doctors [in Los Angeles], and he said “No, he’s not schizophrenic. He has exactly the symptoms that would appear in someone given LSD.”When a doctor is called in, he gives a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, but it’s not. “We [the ones who gave him the LSD] won’t tell him that he [the patient] ingested LSD plus any of these various chemicals inserted into it.” There are hearings today on what happens when you take this poison. I have the names [of these chemicals] which came out during the Senator Church Committee Hearings.

So Eric Berne called and told the doctors that Marvin was not anything like a paranoid schizophrenic. Marvin was outgoing. He was the extrovert in the family. Of all my children he had a lot of talent, and he had things really under control and together. He had gone to a private school in Arizona, Verde Valley, for two years there (David went four years) – not a hint or a diagnosis of insanity or malfunction or schizophrenia symptoms. He was working as a normal person – studying, graduating, went on to the University of California, and working for Bobby Darin.

Marv went to Eric Berne, particularly after[the publication of] Games People Play, because he was having trouble relating to long-time friends and associates. He thought that if he went into this, he’d understand better his relationships with other people, and he was working this out with Berne.

So this process [of attempting to transfer him to Chestnut Lodge] began with putting him in Mount Sinai Hospital where they locked him up. Luckily, he had a dime and he called me and told me they were shipping him away. I am convinced that he would be dead or would have had a lobotomy by now. He called me. Again as luck would have it, that one dime did it. I think of Molly Brown [the main character in the Broadway musical The Unsinkable Molly Brown]. Sometimes I think I should just put these things into a book.

He had a dime and called and said, “They’re shipping me back there.”

I got an attorney, Gerry Baron, and we went down to Los Angeles. The court records said the attorney [handling the legal matters in Marvin’s case] was my husband’s brother. He said that he didn’t know the parents of Marvin Goodwin! He knew the father and that I was the legal guardian (we were divorced). He denied knowing where I was, even though he was married to my first cousin! He was the attorney who was shipping Marvin to Chestnut Lodge – he and Dr. Marmor. I will tell you his name, Dr. [Judd] Marmor [director of the division of psychiatry] at Mt. Sinai Hospital.

I called Marmor, and I said, “Have you ever sent any patient there before?”

He didn’t have any.

I said, “How do you know about Chestnut Lodge? Why are you sending Marvin?”

Gerry Baron flew to Los Angeles to fight the [Public] Guardian, Mr. [Baldo] Kristovitch, down there. They took Marvin’s money and savings [over $30,000] and were going to ship him to Chestnut Lodge. He was later removed from office because he was corrupt and a thief.

Kristovitch was fired by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on September 28, 1971.

Eric Berne knew Marvin before all this came on and could give the exact symptoms [of poisoned LSD]. Right after that [after voicing opposition to the proposed transfer of Marvin to Chestnut Lodge], Eric Berne, the writer, was walking along Carmel Beach, when he died of a heart attack.

Berne passed out from a heart attack on June 28, 1970. He was listed in good condition at Monterey Hospital on July 2 but failed to respond to further treatments and died on July 15, 1970.

His close friend, who was my attorney, Gerry Baron, in the case, gave the eulogy for Eric Berne. It was a simple ceremony, and he read the services. A week later Gerry Baron died.So I lost the only two people that could ever stand by me. I was fighting my husband at the time, and he thought Marvin should go to Chestnut Lodge. In fact, that was a big wedge in our marriage, because Bill thought that, “Let them do whatever they want with him. He’s crazy.” I said, “No, he’s been poisoned,” and the girls turned against Bill and there was a lot of conflict over this. So Berne was dead, and Gerry Baron was dead.

That was the same summer that [my son] David had the car accident after having dinner with Lee [a man from Brazil] who teaches at the Defense Language School. DLI was the only location ever attended by Reinhard Gehlen,headof Hitler’s intelligence, Eastern Division. He flew to the Pentagon, flew out here to Monterey to the DLI, where there is a nest of White Russians and Nazi agents and then flew back to Germany where he had a villa protecting him from war crimes. When David had the car accident, he was thrown out of the car, and that was after having dinner with Lee.

David survived unhurt, but Mae’s daughter Bonnie was killed several months later in a car wreck that occurred on December 15, 1970. Bonnie and her sister Barbara were among six students in a Volkswagen van driven by their dance teacher Sharon Elliott. They were on State Highway One coming home from a concert at Cabrillo College in Aptos. It was nighttime, and the highway was slick from heavy rain. A car driven by John Zvone (a high school principal in Watsonville who had just recently been charged and booked for immoral conduct with a teenage boy) suddenly turned in front of Elliott’s van, causing a rear-end collision. Killed were Miss Elliott, Celia Neill, and Bonnie Brussell. Four other students were severely injured, including Barbara who almost died. John Zvone was paralyzed from the chest down. The only one who walked away with “minor injuries” was Zvone’s passenger, Steve Garcia, a soldier from Fort Ord. Garcia immediately went AWOL and went to Utah. The Army made no effort to bring him back. Zvone was charged with three counts of manslaughter. These were later dismissed because of the severity of his injuries. Bruce Roberts, the man who gave Mae Brussell the Gemstone File in 1972, told her that the accident was set up by New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello.

Another controversial truth teller who lost a beloved daughter was the aforementioned Madame Nhu. Soon after declaring that the CIA killed her husband (President Ngo DInh Diem of South Vietnam), her daughter, Ngo Dinh Le Thui, traveling on a highway in France, lost control of her car and collided successively into two oncoming trucks. A news report said, “Police could give no explanation for the accident.” She died at the hospital on April 12, 1967.

Shirley Martin, an Oklahoma housewife, often made trips to Dallas and turned up important leads regarding the assassination of President Kennedy. All that ended after her 22-year-old daughter got into a car wreck on September 12, 1967. Victoria Martin was a passenger riding in the front seat of a Volkswagen Beetle driven by her friend, Candace Sue Simmons. It suddenly collided head on into another car and then ricocheted into the path of a pickup truck. Candace died the following day, and Victoria died on September 16. Notably, itwas on September 15, one day earlier, that Marvin began his journey into schizophrenia.

The mid-September tragedies suffered by the families of Martin and Brussell occurred during the same week thatLifemagazine ran a smear piece accusing District Attorney Jim Garrison of allowing organized crime to flourish in his parish and using money provided by a close friend of Carlos Marcello to go on a trip to Las Vegas. The timing of these hammer blows suggests desperation among the high cabal.

They might have read with dismay a fascinating interview of Garrison forPlayboymagazine that had just reached the newsstands. The CIA, he declared, planned and directed the assassination of JFK using anti-Castro Cubans.

CIA spy Peter Gilman got a first-hand look at Mae Brussell’s manuscript and could see that she was linking the Reinhard Gehlen-White Russian network in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area to the CIA-Mafia milieu in New Orleans. These connections were among the pieces of evidence that led Brussell to the conclusion that the United States was becoming fascist.

FBI agents tailing Shirley Martin could hardly contain their alarm when making reports on her activities, such as tracking down Dealey Plaza witnesses, tape-recording interviews, and finding new leads.

Perhaps suspecting that her daughter was murdered, Martin permanently discontinued her quest to find out what happened in Dallas. Garrison, on the other hand, kept going and succeeded in bringing Clay Shaw to trial for conspiring to kill JFK. The trial ended with an acquittal on March 1, 1969. Brussell, undaunted by family woes, began a long-running news program calledDialogue Conspiracyon radio station KRLB in Carmel in June 1971.

The LSD given to Marvin was similar to the one given to Harold Blauer by doctors of the New York State Psychiatric Hospital under the direction of the Army Chemical Corps as part of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. Blauer was a professional tennis player who was suffering from depression. While in the hospital he was given four injections of LSD. The doctors did not tell him that the purpose of the experiment was to create “an exaggerated state of schizophrenia.” The fourth injection gave him a violent reaction of tremors. He tried to sit up but flopped back down again, repeatedly. On January 8, 1953 he was scheduled to return to his family the next day, but the doctors wanted to give him one more injection. Although medical records said he was “very apprehensive,” he finally yielded to “considerable persuasion.” Even so, he never signed a consent form. Two and a half hours after the fifth injection he died from heart failure.

The drug that induces “an exaggerated state of schizophrenia” was in the possession of a man in Big Sur who gave it to Peter Gilman to pass on to Marvin. Anyone having access to this extremely dangerous hallucinogen might very well have been a trusted agent within the intelligence community. This clue narrows down the possibilities regarding his identity.

Some interesting details about Charles Winans come from Paul Hart:

After working with Air Force (not Naval) Intelligence (ISR unit) as a Cryptological linguistic and signal communications officer, Winans was reassigned to a secret “behavior modification” research program for Air Force intelligence. Cryptologic linguists for the Air Force trained at two locations – Lackland AFB in San Antonio and the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. That’s why Winans was in Monterey. It was never called the Naval Language Institute. That was really Mae Brussell’s only mistake.

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (2)

The next clue is Big Sur. Winans’s sojourn there was mentioned on Dialogue Conspiracy, October 13, 1971:

He is now at the Navy Postgraduate School; he’s Navy. He had to be Navy intelligence. How did he get into the Navy Postgraduate School if his under-graduate school was being a hippie on Big Sur road, walking back and forth on the highway?

As pointed out earlier Winans was not in the Navy, but in the Air Force.

A third clue is that the man in Big Sur was a “writer” in the same manner as E. Howard Hunt, meaning he produced written material approved by the CIA or military intelligence. Speaking about Winans, Mae said:

He wrote a book for Henry Kaiser called Children of Change. (I’m repeating for somebody who hasn’t heard the show.) A non-hippie from Texas, he lived here for about one or two years, walking down the coast, going the music scene. And he wrote, just prior to the Sharon Tate murders, that, “the hippies would have made it” (this is what Henry Kaiser published) “would have made it if, number one: they had a sense of humor. And number two: they weren’t so violent.”

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (3)

Front Cover

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (4)

Back Cover

Contrary to the above claims, the hippies were a peace-loving folk who had a lot of humor as could be seen by the funny messages on the buttons they wore. The purpose behind Children of Changewas to make the hippies appear menacing and blood-thirsty, capable of committing the horrendous crimes that would soon shock the world. Actually the violence was coming from motorcycle gangs such as Hell’s Angels and Satan’s Slaves.

Sponsoring the book was big-time industrialist Henry Kaiser. He built the Liberty ships during World War Two and in 1945 became the founder of a managed medical care consortium called Kaiser Permanente. Kaiser was later identified with CIA mind control research programs at various places such as Tulane University. Although he hiredWinans to produce Children of Change, he did not expect him to be the author.That dubious honor went to Don Fabun.Accordingto the Contratexts website:

The artist that illustrated the cover art for Fabun’s “Children of Change” is Charles Francis Winans. Charles was always an erudite long-haired, bearded spear point probing at “the Establishment.” Charles was the “done that, been there” creative consultant and guide for Don’s little book in 1969.

In addition to working on Kaiser’s book, Winans was busy doing the artwork for anunderground magazine. It was, according to Brussell, “a conduit for CIA funds for medical research in mind control, intelligence money for electrode implants, and for LSD experiments, according to documents I got from the Pentagon.”

The fourth clue is that the man in Big Sur had access to dangerous, mind-bending drugs. Paul Krassner touches on this subject in “My Trip with Squeaky Fromme“:

I’d been tracking down the path of Charles Winans, an individual in Navy intelligence who had posed as a hippie artist, orchestrating the scenario of violence and witchcraft in meetings with Tex Watson, who then fulfilled the prophecy of this agent provocateur with all that shooting and stabbing. Manson had merely instructed his ladies to go and do whatever Tex told them.

Krassner also spoke with Manson Family murderer Susan Atkins at the California Institute for Women.

When I asked about Charles Winans, Susan Atkins replied, “Oh, yeah, Tex took me to sleep with him. And he gave us dope.”

Charles Winans lived in Big Sur, was a spy for Air Force Intelligence, worked on CIA-sponsored publications, and was the one who supplied the drugs to the Manson Family. He might also have been among the phony hippies dispensing bad drugs to the Diggers during the Summer of Love in San Francisco. From Dialogue Conspiracy October 13, 1971:

I had a friend I met who worked at the Diggers [Jean Durkins], and they were being handed bad acid by disguised agent provocateurs, to burn their bellies out and rob their minds.

Robbery of Watson’s mind occurred after he went “up north” to see the “Candy Man.”

Charlie had sent us up north to see a man called the Candy Man and going to bring back some candy. So we went up north and Charlie wasn’t with us then, you know. Like he had told us to go up there and see about the candy and so a couple of guys and I and some of the girls went up north in a school bus. When we got back down from north, this is when I called Dave [Neale] . . . and I told him that I was just losing myself.

Below is Neale’s version of the same phone call.

He was almost frightened over the phone and asked me if there was room for him to come stay, he was afraid of the girls and also of Manson. . . . He said he was frightened; he was frightened of what Manson and what the girls were doing and he felt that he was going insane. Could he come stay with me?

Shortly after this conversation, Neale went into the Army. Seven months later, when he was on furlough, Neale saw his friend again. He was shocked by how much his friend had changed.

. . . physically, he had lost a great deal of weight. He was smoking cigarettes, which I had never seen him do and he had a stare, absence of emotion almost. . . .he had completely lost his identity from the Charles that I knew. It wasn’t the same person.

Tex never said who the Candy Man was, but he was probably the same one “orchestrating the scenario of violence and witchcraft in meetings with Tex Watson.”

The meetings took place in a two-story house in Carmel on the south side of Carmel Valley Road. Fifteen feet from the house was a bungalow occupied by Louise James, a prominent member of the Peace and Freedom Party. James was a candidate in 1968 running for the office of state assemblywoman representing Monterey County.Her other activities includedworking with the Black Panthers, helping form the womens’ movement, and publishingan alternative newspaper on the Monterey Peninsula called The Nose.She probably knew Carolyn Gilman who took over the books of the Peace and Freedom Party and had a store on the Monterey Wharf.

As a leading member of the PFP, James might have been a person of interest to the CIA. On December7, 1967,Joseph Goodwin,Assistant to the CIA Director,officially approveda domestic surveillance operation called Project Resistance. Undercover informants recruited from state and local police, campus police, the FBI, the Air Force, the Army, and the Navy spied on anti-war protest activitiesall across the United States. In California alone, they collected andindexed the namesof more than 50,000 PFP members. Assigning an agent to live next door to a high-ranking member of the Party might have been one way to achieve the objectives of the Project.

The house and bungalow, favorite subjects for photographers and painters, once belonged to a dairy farmer named Will Hatton, who lived around the turn of the century.

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (5)

After the farm was sold off and divided up into lots, a man in military intelligence bought the dwellings (still retaining their barn-red color) and converted them into rentals. Behind the property was a hill, and on the crest of the hill was a cluster of homes, among which was one belonging to Mae Brussell. Louise could easily visit her friend (and vice versa) via a footpath that led up the hill through a narrow tract of oak trees.

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (6)

Locations of homes: 1. James; 2. Winans; 3. Campisi; 4. Brussell

A short distance east of the rentals wasthe home of an interesting character, a retired Army officer named Orlando Campisi, whom Brussell strongly suspected was a plant from military intelligence. He had a flagpole on which he hoisted a large American flag every morning. He loved to work in his garden and watch the comings and goings of people in the neighborhood both night and day. His neighbors called him the “Sentinel.” He moved to this spot in 1965 within one or two days after the Brussell family moved into their house. Perhaps the ulterior motive behind Campisi’s entry into the neighborhood was to keep an eye on an emerging critic of the Warren Commission.

One day in November 1967, the family living next door to Louise (a military family with whom she was on very friendly terms) suddenly, unexpectedly, and without so much as a fare-thee-well, packed up their belongings and moved away. After their departure, two vehicles, a van and a truck, painted dark green and having the identification of an Army base, pulled into the driveway. Stepping out of the van was a hippie couple, Charles and Caroline Winans, and their four hippie kids. Louise watched them as they moved their furniture and thingsoff the truck and into the house. Among their possessions were guns, scopes, andknives – strange accessories for peace-loving hippies!

At the time (one day, one family moved out so fast, and the other one moved in so quickly with the Army helping them) Louise and I were very concerned about this, and we watched them. We were observing them, just because we were active politically. . . . Wewere exposing the system. I was in New Orleans there with Jim, and I was working hard on the Kennedy assassination. I was involved calling the police department and exposing the Robert Kennedy assassination in Los Angeles, which took place in 1968 – about one year later. She was in the forefront of the anti-war movement, which was constantly bugged and taped at meetings, and I went to them with her.

Louise was very political, and she wanted to see and observe the operations over at the Winans house. So in a sense we were playing spy, because we thought the Winans were too close to us. We thought that, for things that they did immediately – their outward appearance [as hippies] versus how they came in [two Army vehicles] – that they were agents or agent provocateurs.

We were watching them very closely.We were watching the use of doubles in the house, of late-night meetings, of sources of income that were unexplained, the separation of a husband and wife with low-key visibility (similar to Lee and Marin Oswald), mail drops, guests, trips in the dark of the night, and the kind of people going in and out of the house.

But we both were having contact with the Winans – she, living within fifteen feet away, and I, socializing with them, making a point to know them and actually liking them. Their children and our children played together. In fact we were so close, I drove them to the hospital when they had their last baby, Carlotta. I got to know them quite well, and Diane [Mae’s youngest daughter] was friendly with their daughter Michelle. We always called her “spy baby.”

Early 1969, a strange man accompanied by strange women came to the house next door. It would not be until December that James would learn their names and see their pictures in the newspaper.

Shortly after Winans finished working on the Children of Change, five people in Sharon Tate’s home and two people at the LaBiancas’ were massacred on August 9 and 10. Several months later, on December 1, 1969 the names of the killers were revealed ata press conferenceby Los Angeles Police Chief Ed Davis.They wereCharles Watson, Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten,and Linda Kasabian. Their ring leader was Charles Manson.The news media portrayed these people as frenzied hippies running amok, a prophecy foretold in Winans’s little book.The truth is that the Manson gang was a false flag operation created by military intelligence operatives to generate terror in Hollywood suburbs and to put the blame on the hippies.

Louise James read articles covering the Manson Family and examined the pictures. She recognized some of the Manson women but specifically remembered Charles Watson at the house next door.

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (7)

Charles “Tex” Watson

Sometime around November or December 1969, the Winans family movedto Pacific Grove, a town on the Monterey Peninsula. Charles changed out of his hippie disguise, cut his hair, put on a pair of shoes, and started going to the Monterey Language School, or the Naval Postgraduate School, or both. The distance between schools is only two and a half miles.

Louisemoved out of her bungalow (either before or after the Winans family moved away) to a place on Schulte Road in Carmel, where shecontinued to be a political dynamo. She organized PFP activities, participated in demonstrations against the war, andopened the GI coffeehouse in Seaside to help soldiers get politicized and informed about the war in Vietnam. In 1970 she became a co-chairmanof the Party’s Central Committee representing the central part of California. Whenever she had an audience, she would lambast the CIA, the FBI, and the California prison system. In July 1972 she teamed up with Mae to write an article exposing the connection between Watergate and the JFK assassination called “Why was Martha Mitchell Kidnapped?”

When the men were arrested at Watergate Hotel, June 17, 1972, Louise told me that she recognized James McCord from a time when she lived in New Mexico and was an artist. She recognized the Watergate defendants.

Didany of the Watergate burglars spend time on the Monterey Peninsula? Was one of them E. Howard Hunt, head of the Domestic Operations Division that coordinated Project Resistance activities? Did they have any contact with a key agent from Air Forceintelligence living in Carmel Valley? These tantalizing questions suggest that James knew the secrets linking the Manson and Watergate conspiracies. If so, then it becomes understandable why the conspirators would want to eliminate her.

I went up in the summer of 1972 [third weekend in July] to San Francisco for a meeting of the Peace and Freedom Party withLouise James, my neighbor and friend. Just after this particular meeting she went totally crazy.

We were working on it [the Martha Mitchell article], and all of a sudden Louise got what is called a heart attack. At the time, living in her home was a young woman who came out here from Brandeis University to Carmel, California. Her father is a psychiatrist in Pasadena, California. She moved into Louise’s house to help with the womens’ movement, orThe Nose.Louise had blamed this person – I won’t name her on the air – as putting some substance in her water. Louise remembers, it says [reading from a letter?], “something was put in my water,” because she only drank bottled water that she got at the store. She was a health food freak and very healthy, clean, and particular. This person moved into her house, and then the house began to fall apart, and Louise had what they called a heart attack, violently sick.

Louise flipped out chemically some way, because all of her memory and political activity ended, just as drastically as you turn a light off in a room, and it’s over. You turn the oven off and walk out of the kitchen.

She has been out of circulation, stopped all political work, demonstrations, activities, and letters and became really just like a vegetable mentally. She became like a zombie.Louise’s mind went, she was half starved, she was taken away.The state took custody of her. Her belongings were taken from her, most of them removed.

It reminds me of the bookOperation Mind Control (by Walter Bowart).On the back of the book, it says, “For over twenty-five years the CIA has developed a technology of terror.” Its purpose is “to devise operational techniques to disturb the memory. Its purpose is to devise techniques to discredit people through embarrassed behavior. Its purpose is to alter sex patterns or to create an emotional dependence.” Louise has her memory disturbed; she is discredited because of her behavior; she has emotional dependence; and has to be the ward of the state.

She now lives in Salinas. The only person she would see after her mental transition was a man whom she accused of being an agent on this Peninsula, a CIA agent [Charles Winans?]. She accused him publicly and everywhere. That man came around all the time to see her, and that was the only person she trusted after she had the breakdown. And the old friends couldn’t get around with her. There was a sudden overnight change. Louise is in Salinas, as I say, has a conservator. She lives like you see these pictures ofThe Borgia Stick (a TV movie that shows how people who know the secrets of a conspiracy are lobotomized and put into retirement homes).She lives quietly, does some artwork and sewing. She does no political work at all.

But I believe that Louise James is a classic example of what is described in the bookOperation Mind Control.Because of what she saw in regards to these various conspiracies and because of her very heavy political involvement, she was neutralized with a substance put into her water and food, which reduced her to a literal zombie so that she can’t remember anything or see anybody involved in the case anymore.

The case she was referring to was the aforementioned libel suit brought by Charles WInans against Paul Krassner and Rolling Stone. Mae had this to say about it on her show April 16, 1978.

In 1975 Rolling Stone published a story by Paul Krassner called “My Trip with Squeaky Fromme, Just One of Charlie’s Girls.” He was researching the Charles Manson Family when he stumbled across the name of Charles Winans. This is what the New West article said. He stumbled across the name of Charlie Winans. Krassner wrote that Winans works in “Naval intelligence,” and that he was “an agent provocateur, who had posed as a hippie artist” and who “orchestrated the scenario of violence and witchcraft” that led to the killings in Los Angeles at Sharon Tate’s home and the killing of Mr. and Mrs. LaBianca. The article says Krassner had four sources of information: 1) noted conspiracy theorist Mae Brussell; 2) Louise James, Winans’s next-door neighbor; 3) California author Stan Ross, who told Krassner he saw Winans’s name as an informant on a police record; and 4) Sue Atkins of the Manson Family. New West says that Krassner now admits that Stan Ross may have misunderstood and gave him wrong information by mistake. Sue Atkins denied knowing Charles Winans. Louise James, according to New West, can’t substantiate any information, and that of course leaves Mae Brussell as really the primary witness in a $450 million lawsuit.

She also said:

I really welcome meeting Melvin Belli (hired by Winans to be his lawyer) in court. I met him at a lecture and asked him questions about Jack Ruby, because I know Belli worked for the CIA. I am very anxious to meet him head on in court. It will be an interesting trial. I think it will be up in San Francisco around June, if it isn’t settled out of court.

An update on the case was heard on Worldwatchers, October 27, 1978:

One of the good things about the Winans trial in San Francisco is that a trial transcript is going to bring out many of the things that did happen to me by Charles Winans and what happened to my family and there will be court records entered into the court. I do not know if this is happening in any other court case, so far, in this country. At least I am not aware of it. I know the drugging of Dr. Olson by the CIA with the acid they gave him was settled out of court. Many of these cases are not allowed to go to court.

I can find no further mention of the trial. Apparently, it was settled out of court.

Mae Brussell paid an enormous price in exposing the perpetrators of political skullduggery and assassinations: Marvin, Louise, Bonnie, Barbara, Eric Berne, Gerry Baron. There is no doubt that a person with less courage and fortitude would have been crushed by these misfortunes. Maebore her griefs stoically and pressed on, recognizing the necessity of doing all she can to stop the fascists from taking over the country.

I will close with the following excerpt from an interview of Brussell in the winter 1978 issue of Conspiracy Digest:

One thing is certain about all these matters. The laws of nature are such that certain truths are going to come out. It is only a matter of time.

There is no den in the wide world to hide a rogue. Commit a crime. You cannot recall the spoken word, you cannot wipe out the foot track, you cannot draw up the ladder as to leave no inlet or clue. SOME DAMNING CIRc*msTANCE ALWAYS TRANSPIRES. The laws and substances of nature become penalties to the thief.

Ralph W. Emerson

My positive philosophy is very simple. I believe there is in each of us a potential for peace and harmony. A few power-mad perverts dictate orders that must be challenged. They are going against the laws of nature.

There are ways to counteract the evil being purposely planned. Study history. Separate fears and prejudices from facts. Recognize facts from propaganda. Invest energy in fighting for what you believe in. Analyze harder where we are going and what you are doing about it. What do you really believe in? How much do we care?

A family and society that does not care for its infants with love and affection will create and does produce mad bombers. The source of this peace and harmony is within the family unit, not with Government agents or law enforcement. Without love in the home there will never be quiet in the community, cities, or around the world.

Mae Brussell vs. CIA Spies in Carmel (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.