Single Course Offerings (2024)

A Bridge to a WGU Degree Your Way

Are you looking for a personalized path to kickstart your journey toward a WGU bachelor's degree?

WGU single courses provide you the option to start your degree program in a more flexible way, customized to your needs. You can select a single course from a variety of options that align with your interests and academic goals. You complete your chosen course in 2-3 months for just $99 while getting access to one-on-one coaching, unlimited 24/7 tutoring, progress tracking, and much more—with absolutely no hidden fees.

Your course counts for credit toward one of our many bachelor’s degree programs—you can also begin your degree program once you complete your course.

Upon completion of your selected course(s) and enrollment into a six-month term for a WGU degree program, the course cost will be reimbursed back to you (total equal to $99 for one course or $198 for two single courses).


$99 per course*

Most WGU single courses are $99 and take 2 months to complete. Students can take 1-2 courses that are reimbursable upon moving to a WGU degree program. Invest in yourself and start on the path to a bright future today.


Earn Credit

Every WGU course counts for degree credit once completed. You can get a jump-start on your education with a personalized recommendation for the best course for your path.


8,000+ Students

Over 8,000 students have accelerated their progress toward a WGU bachelor's degree by starting with a single course or course bundle. The next graduate could be you!

*WGU single courses retail at $750-$1,000. We offer up to two of these courses to eligible students at a discounted rate to show our commitment to investing inour students'future. Additionally, courses that contain 3rd party certificates may have an additional charge. Somecoursestake longer than 2 months to complete.Terms and conditions apply

Available Courses

Select the single course that applies to your intended WGU degree program.

American Politics and the U.S. Constitution

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Considering a deeper dive into the world of academia? This course isn’t just about understanding the heart of American politics—it's a foundational stepping stone towards a WGU bachelor’s degree. For those testing the waters of online learning, it offers the perfect environment: approachable, engaging, and backed by WGU's top-tier support services. We ensure you're not just another student—you're a valued learner, supported and guided every step of your journey.

Dive into the core of America's political system. This course breaks down the complex dance between politics and the Constitution. With our guidance, you'll not only become informed but also ready to actively engage in our nation's discussions.

Applied Algebra

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Applied Algebra prepares you to leverage algebra’s problem-solving capabilities as you strategize and triumph over challenges in your academic, professional, and personal life. Embrace flexibility with WGU’s online learning as you tailor courses to your everyday schedule, tap into diverse student resources, and complete the course in 2 months.

Are you ready to explore an incredible tool as you bring new understanding to the world around you? Enroll today and enrich your future.

CompTIA IT Fundamentals

Cost: $199
Term Length: 3 months

The world is experiencing a technological boom and we need individuals who are excited about exploring the digital realm and the boundless opportunities it holds. Whether you’re a tech guru or someone simply wanting to be tech-savvy, the CompTIA IT Fundamentals course provides the foundation you need to navigate the world of information technology with confidence.

You will cover the basics, by diving into the nuances of operating systems and grasping the essence of network connectivity. It goes even further than that—you’ll explore the terrain of software applications, ensuring you’re well-versed in their functionality and equipped with the know-how of secure web browsing and cyber security essentials.

English Composition I

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

In English Composition I, you're going to write, but this course is much more than that. It's your entryway into various WGU bachelor's degree programs, and it's crafted to fit into your life as an adult. With this course, you're not just improving your writing. You're gaining tools to express your thoughts clearly, tell your own stories, deeply understand what you read, and confidently stand by your opinions. These are skills that you’ll use in your daily life, at home, in your community, and at your workplace.

Introduction to Biology

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Welcome to the Introduction to Biology course, your gateway to unraveling the fascinating mysteries of the world around us. Dive into the essence of existence as you explore the foundational theories of life from biological research.

In this course, you will learn about yourself and all the other living organisms you share the world with as you study fundamental concepts and principles of the study of life. This journey illuminates the interconnectivity between living entities and their environments while giving you a better understanding of your role within it all.

Ethics in Technology

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

In today's digital age, the line between right and wrong can blur fast. Enter Ethics in Technology – your guide to navigating the complex web of tech decisions.

This isn’t your regular tech class. It’s a deep dive into making informed, ethical choices amidst the pixels and codes. Protect your information, ensure fairness, and understand the unseen biases that might drive our tech behaviors. We'll unravel the ways to make technology work in everyone’s favor, ensuring safety and respect.

Fundamentals of Information Security

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Technology is advancing by the minute, clearing a path to exciting and promising opportunities. But with every new development comes the threat of devastating cyberattacks. Organizations across the globe need highly skilled professionals to become a shield against cyber threats as they keep networks, data, and valuable assets secure. Are you ready to take on that in-demand role?

Dive into the Fundamentals of Information Security course and take your first step toward a degree in the College of IT at WGU. In this immersive course, you will discover the basics of combating cyber threats and position yourself for academic progression and career advancement. This course isn’t just a steppingstone – it's the foundation for a stable future in a growing industry.

Fundamentals of Spreadsheets and Data Presentations

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Information is critical. But if it is unorganized and hard to understand, no one will find it useful! On the other hand, if data is presented in an appealing and logical way, it can be golden.

With Fundamentals of Spreadsheets and Data Presentations, you will learn the skills to make columns and charts seem anything but boring. You will explore basic spreadsheet functions, as well as innovative tools and tricks. The knowledge you gain can benefit you in almost any career path, enabling you to share your findings with customers, leaders, and colleagues.

Fundamentals of Success in Business

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Like beauty, “success” is in the eye of the beholder: It can be interpreted in a variety of ways, particularly in a world as vast as business. But what does it take to actually be successful in business? And what factors influence whether it’s realized?

These are just a few of the questions you’ll explore in Fundamentals of Success in Business. Over two months, you’ll discover not only what skills successful leaders share in common with one another, but also common ethical issues that organizations face, and how those issues can wind up affecting business outcomes. Additionally, the course examines leadership and communication styles, defines emotional intelligence and its principles, explains the Competing Values Framework, and much more. By the course’s conclusion, you’ll have a better appreciation of what it takes to be successful in business —and in life.

Introduction to Psychology

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

How often do you think about the intricacies of the human psyche? Are you curious about all the things that make us “tick”? And do you ever marvel at the complex relationship between your thoughts and the influence from the world around you? The mind is a powerful thing worth contemplating and understanding – it's as fascinating as it is puzzling. Are you ready to get started?

The Introduction to Psychology course places you at the intersection of mind and behavior, creating a gateway to comprehending the captivating science of the psyche. As you advance through the course, you will explore a wide range of psychological theories, traverse the complexities of behavior, and see how the science of psychology is applied in our society.

Introduction to Sociology

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Have you ever stopped to think about the groups your part of? Think of your family, your community, or a charity you support. How do these groups change what you think and do? And how do your actions affect them?

This is what sociology helps us understand. This course is a good start for those looking at a WGU bachelor's degree later on. It also gives you a taste of what online learning feels like, and you'll have a team to support you all the way.

Introduction to Statistics

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Ever hear the word "statistics" and picture a bunch of tricky charts and head-spinning numbers? But guess what? Statistics is like a puzzle, and with the right tools, it becomes a fun one!

In Introduction to Statistics, we're not just crunching numbers. We're exploring the stories they tell. Ever notice how some things seem to happen again and again? That's what statistics helps us see – patterns and how different pieces fit together. You'll dig into the idea of chance (that's probability) and figure out how likely certain things are to happen.

Program for Academic and Career Advancement (PACA)

Cost: $99
Term Length: 3 months

Unlock your potential with thePACA: Introduction to Communications & Reflective Development, a course designed with your growth in mind. This course is about adopting a Thriving Mindset—understanding what drives you, pushing your boundaries, and navigating the challenges that come with personal growth.

Having a Thriving Mindset means you'll face life eager to learn, equipped to adapt, and with the skills to manage emotions. In PACA, you'll delve deep into your motivations and see how they shape your aspirations. You'll work on strengthening your self-belief and understanding the emotions guiding your actions. These insights will benefit you in the classroom, at work, and in personal relationships.

By the end of the course, you'll have both a stronger sense of self and practical skills. From mastering the calming power of mindfulness to developing empathy, you'll be better equipped to handle challenges.


Cost: $99
Term Length: 3 months

Math is everywhere, from the tips we leave at restaurants to the complex algorithms behind space missions. Precalculus prepares you for these realities, offering essential skills for both daily tasks and computer science pursuits.

This course dives into math concepts vital for advanced studies and real-world applications. It's not just about numbers; it's about preparing you for the challenges you face in your personal and professional life.

Project Management

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

From ideation to creation, project managers help guide and shape the processes behind some of the most emblematic products around. These experts are integral members of teams across many different industries. And now you can set your sights on a similar future.

Welcome to the WGU Project Management course, your entryway into the fundamental concepts behind guiding ideas to life. This immersive course introduces you to essential skills and insights that prepare you to steer organizations along the journey from conceptualization to actualization. This course is the starting point where you will build the foundation for a promising future in a respected and valuable role.

Scripting and Programming Foundations

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

The connected bike you ride. The sedan you drive. The gaming console you play. Machines provide tremendous convenience and enjoyment to everyday life. But were it not for scripting and programming, the machines we regularly use would be effectively useless.

In Scripting and Programming – Foundations, you’ll explore the fundamental principles of these all-important IT processes. Over two months, students will delve into key concepts and topics like pseudocode, algorithms, object-oriented languages, asymmetric tests, hierarchical hypothesis and more. Upon completion, the skills you glean from the course will supply you with the core competencies you’ll come to rely on throughout your career.

U.S. History

Cost: $99
Term Length: 2 months

Are you a history buff? Do you love hearing stories of those who came before us? Or when you think of history, do you imagine a random collection of boring dates and events?

In U.S. History, we don't just talk about dates. We relive the stories of people who made America. Dive into the journeys of founders, warriors, and dreamers. Discover the hurdles they jumped, the battles they fought, and the dreams they chased.

You'll see that history isn't just about what happened. It's about why it happened. People's feelings, hopes, and mistakes have always played big roles. By understanding their stories, you'll get a clearer picture of today. You'll recognize patterns and see how sometimes, history has a way of coming back around. With this knowledge, maybe you can help shape a brighter future.

How Personalized Starts Work

More Choice in Your Educational Path

When you apply to WGU, your background and experience will be considered to provide you with recommended paths based on helping you graduate with your degree. These paths are designed based on thousands of graduates and their successful journeys. The decision is yours; you get to choose the path that works best for you.Your dedicated enrollment counselor is here to walk you through these recommendations and help you decide on your personalized path.

Learn About Your Starting Options

Apply to WGU and share your background and experience.

Explore educational pathways and get a personalized recommendation from an Enrollment Counselor

Choose the path that aligns with your goals and preferences. Once you've applied to a WGU degree, you can register for a single course here.

Throughout your journey, benefit from the support of your dedicated WGU success coach, mentor, and faculty.

Why Start With a Bridge to Your Degree?

Engage in 100% online coursework accessible 24/7, making education fit seamlessly into your life.

Develop skills or fulfill required courses, accelerating your journey to graduation.

Receive one-on-one coaching, exam support, and detailed progress tracking every step of the way.

*Courses are not eligible for federal financial aid, however, once you enter a degree program at WGU you can apply and qualify for traditional federal financial aid.

Single Course Offerings (2024)


What is the meaning of course offerings? ›

Course offerings represent the delivery method for the learning activities that learners complete to achieve the course objectives. They can include instructor-led training in person (ILT) or online (VILT), self-paced training, or a combination of these delivery methods.

What is a single course? ›

Single courses are college-level classes you can take independently without enrolling in a full program.

What is the course offering? ›

Course offerings are set of subjects offered by the Faculty Office in a specific semester or trimester. Courses are usually offered based on a program of study, and the list of course offerings per term usually includes a note indicating which cohort or batch should take which courses.

What does one course mean in college? ›

A course is a series of classes. These classes are all in one area of study. Therefore, when choosing a major, you will take courses geared towards that major. Courses are assigned credits. Colleges dictate how many credits you need to take to graduate.

What is an example of a course offering? ›

Course Offering means each new offering of a specific Course. For example, a Course may be offered in September, January, and the following September, with each start referred to as a Course Offering.

What is the difference between a course and a course offering? ›

Course Offering represents a specific instance of a Course that's offered during a specific Term. A Course like Introduction to Statistics is often offered on a recurring basis, such as every fall semester.

What is an example of one course? ›

A course may include multiple dishes including side dishes or only one, and often includes items with some variety of flavors. For instance, a hamburger served with French fries would be considered a single course and might constitute the entire meal.

What is a single subject example? ›

Generally, in single subject research we count the number of times something occurs in a given time period and see if it occurs more or less often in that time period after implementing an intervention. For example, we might measure how many baskets someone makes while shooting for 2 minutes.

What is single course integration? ›

A single-course integration involves a teacher finding a way to incorporate the learning from another subject area into their own class. Example: You are a math teacher who decides to collaborate with a language arts teacher on how to support one another's learning outcomes.

What is a learning offering? ›

A course contains one or more offerings, which in turn contain one or more activities. Each offering covers the same learning, just using a different method, time, or place. You only need to complete one offering to complete the course.

What should a course include? ›

At a minimum, the syllabus should contain the following: course title, time, and location; prerequisites; required texts and other materials; course topics; major assignments and exams; course policies on grading, academic integrity, attendance, and late work; and contact information for instructor and assistants to ...

What does "do a course" mean? ›

Meaning of do a course in English

to do a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, often in order to take an exam or obtain a qualification: At present I am doing a course at the local college. Lucy is taking a beauty and holistic therapy course.

What is the meaning of one course? ›

a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification: on a course They're going away on a training course next week.

How many hours is one course in college? ›

California Code of Regulations, title 5 §55002.5(a)

“(a) One credit hour of community college work (one unit of credit) shall require a minimum of 48 semester hours of total student work or 33 quarter hours of total student work which may include inside and/or outside-of-class hours.”

Can you take only one class in college? ›

Applying for a single course is an easier process than applying for a degree program – with one important caveat: students who need just one class or want to complete a degree program elsewhere need to plan their strategy before they apply.

What do course offerings imply about university preferences? ›

Course offerings determine the variety of alternatives available in different fields, and greater variety makes fields more attractive. As such, course offerings directly affect student specialization decisions.

What does offering mean in college? ›

“Offering” typically means the college or professor is having the class. “Doing" or “taking" is when a student registers for a class. 1.

What is the meaning of academic offerings? ›

Academic offering means an extension course, independent study, or other course which is offered for academic credit or audit by an accredited institution of higher education.

What does offering tuition mean? ›

the charge or fee for instruction, as at a private school or a college or university: The college will raise its tuition again next year. teaching or instruction, as of pupils: a school offering private tuition in languages.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.