Taking the Test (2024)

Importance of Testing

What is the difference between anonymous and confidential HIV testing?

Anonymous testing means that nothing ties your test results to you. When you take an anonymous HIV test, such as the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test, it is your choice whether to share the results or not. Not all HIV test sites offer anonymous testing.

Confidential HIV testing means that you provide your name when you are tested. Your name and other identifying information are attached to your test results, and the test results will go in your medical record. They may be shared with people who have access to your medical records, such as your doctors and your insurance company. Otherwise, the results are protected by state and federal privacy laws, which prevent your test results from being released without your permission.

Before you Begin

I opened my test kit and there was no fluid in the test tube. What should I do?

If there was no fluid in the test tube when you opened the kit, the kit is defective. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please discard the test kit.

Please dispose of the test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please begin the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Taking the test

What should I do with the test materials after I've taken the test?

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. Leave the test stick in the test tube and dispose of the entire package. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Understanding Your Results

When I read my test result, there were no markings or colorings on the test stick at all. What does this mean?

If the test stick did not have any lines on it when you read your test result, then your test did not work. Therefore, do not consider the result you got as a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Under what circ*mstances should a person be tested for HIV?

How often you get an HIV test depends on your circ*mstances. If you have never been tested for HIV, you should be tested. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend being tested at least once a year if you do things that can transmit (spread) HIV infection.

These include:
* Injecting drugs or steroids with used injection equipment;
* Having sex for money or drugs;
* Having sex with an HIV infected person;
* Having more than 1 sex partner since your last HIV test; or
* Having a sex partner who has had other sex partners since your last HIV test.

If you've been tested for HIV and your result is negative, but you continue to do things that put you at risk you should get tested again in 3 months.

You're more likely to be infected with HIV if you;
* Have ever shared injection drug needles and syringes or "works";
* Have ever had sex without a condom with someone who has HIV;
* Have ever had a sexually transmitted disease (STD), such as chlamydia or gonorrhea;
* Received a blood transfusion or blood clotting factor between 1978 and 1985; or
* Have ever had sex with someone who has done any of these things.

What should I do if I (or my child, friend, or partner) accidentally drank the testing fluid from the test tube?

The ingredients in the test fluid are not toxic and pose no known health risk in the amount provided in the vial. If you or someone you know has swallowed some of the liquid and you are concerned, please contact your doctor.

If you would like additional information on the ingredients of the test fluid, please view the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test safety information. If you would like additional information on the ingredients of the test fluid, please refer to the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test safety information.

If you were unable to complete the test, please obtain a new test kit.

I mistakenly/accidentally removed the stick (or it fell out) from the vial early (before 20 minutes). Will my result be valid?

If you removed the test stick, or it fell out, at any point after you placed it in the test tube, the result of the test is not valid even if you immediately replaced the test stick. The test stick must remain in the test tube for at least 20 minutes as shown in the instructions. Therefore, do not consider your result an accurate indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions, including the diagrams, that are included in your testing material.

My test does not have a line at "C" but has a line at "T." What does this mean?

If your test has a line next to the letter "T," but no line next to the letter "C," this means that your test did not work. In order for a test to work, a line MUST appear by the area marked "C." Therefore, do not consider the result you got as a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

What are the different types of HIV tests that I might get at a doctor's office or clinic?

The most commonly used HIV antibody test is an enzyme immunoassay, or EIA. This type of test uses blood drawn from a vein to detect antibodies to HIV. Antibodies are chemicals produced by the body's immune (defense) system to fight infection. Some EIA tests use oral fluid or urine to detect HIV antibodies. If there are antibodies to HIV, it indicates that the person has HIV in his or her body.

Rapid HIV tests produce results in about 20 minutes. These tests are just as accurate as other antibody tests. They use blood from a vein or finger stick, or oral fluid to look for HIV.

All positive HIV test results must be confirmed with a follow-up test, such as the Western blot. The Western blot is a more specific test. It can tell the difference between HIV antibodies and other antibodies that might cause false positive results.

Another type of test is an RNA test. The RNA test detects the HIV virus directly. These tests can be used in screening the blood supply, and to find early infections (before antibodies can be detected).

Your doctor can help you figure out which type of test is best for you..

What happens if my pet accidentally drank the testing fluid from the test tube? What should I do?

The ingredients in the test fluid are not toxic in the amount provided in the vial and pose no known health risk. If your pet swallowed the liquid in the vial and you are concerned, please contact your veterinarian.

If you would like additional information on the ingredients of the test fluid, please view the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test safety information. If you would like additional information on the ingredients of the test fluid, please refer to the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test safety information.

If you were unable to complete the test, please obtain a new test kit.

I left the test stick in the vial longer than 40 minutes. Will the results be accurate?

If you read the test more than 40 minutes after the test stick was placed in the vial, the result of the test is not valid. Do not consider the result an indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place test stick in the test tube for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

How do I know if the test is working?

You will know the test is working if you see a line next to the letter "C" on the test stick. This will occur if you have followed the instructions carefully and you have waited at least 20 minutes after placing the test stick in the test tube.

If there is NO line by the letter "C" on the test stick, the test is defective. Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

If your test is did not work properly or you remain unsure, please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

How soon should I get tested if I think I have been exposed to HIV?

The OraQuick In-Home HIV Test can give you accurate results 3 months from exposure. Most people will develop antibodies to HIV within this period of time.

If you test within 3 months of possible exposure and the result is negative, you may want to repeat the test at least 3 months after the possible exposure.

Ninety-seven (97) percent of people develop antibodies within the first 3 months after infection. In rare cases, it can take up to 6 months.

If there is a need to test sooner, we can refer you to a healthcare professional in your area.

I'm pregnant and/or breastfeeding. Can I use the test?

It is safe to use the OraQuick In-Home HIV test if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding

What should I do if the fluid in the test tube is leaking?

You must have liquid in the vial to run the test and get an accurate result. If there is liquid, you may continue following the directions carefully. If you would like, we can also guide you step-by-step through the instructions and test process.

When you run the test, you can tell it is working if a line appears next to the letter "C" on the test stick.

If you see a line, your test results will be valid. If you do not see a line, the test is not working properly. If you do not see a line next to the letter "C," do not consider the result a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the opened test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Can you interpret my test results?

Once your results are ready, you must read your results between 20 and 40 minutes from the start time you wrote down (see Step 5 of the instruction booklet). This is called your "read time."

During your "read time" turn to Step 7b of the test instructions booklet. Look at the pictures labeled "Negative Test Result" and "Positive Result." Compare these pictures to your test stick.

Should pregnant women get tested for HIV?

It is important that pregnant women get tested for HIV so that HIV is not passed on to their babies. Currently, pregnant women can test with OraQuick In-Home HIV test, or see their healthcare providers for options and to get tested.

Can I use the OraQuick In-Home HIV test on my child?

The OraQuick In-Home HIV test is intended for use by individuals' ages 17 and older. It is not for use in children under 17 years of age. If your child is younger than 17 years of age, and you are concerned that your child has HIV, talk with your child's doctor. He or she can help determine if your child is infected.

How do I use the test?

The directions to use the test can be found in the main compartment of the test box. They are written in both English and Spanish. The directions are in a booklet form and have the words Testing Directions written on the top page.

If you are having difficulty reading or understanding the test instructions, or if you are having difficulty taking the test, you can ask a friend or family member to help you. Or, if you would like, we can also guide you step-by-step through the instructions and test process.

What can cause a false-negative result?

A false negative result can occur for the following reasons:

  • If you have had a risk event less than 3 months prior to taking the test
  • Incorrectly reading test result as negative
  • Not following the test directions carefully
  • If you wore dental products such as dentures or any other products that cover your gums while swiping your gums

External Resources
For additional information on many topics related to HIV, AIDS and sexual health, please refer to the following websites:


I already know I have HIV. Should I use this test to confirm my HIV status?

Do not use the OraQuick In-Home HIV test if you already know that you have tested positive for HIV.

Please talk with your doctor to develop a treatment plan that is right for you. If you don't have a doctor, we can provide you with available resources in your area.

Can the same OraQuick In-Home HIV Test be used more than once?

The OraQuick In-Home HIV test kit is intended to be used only once.

If you used or tampered with the test stick or test tube before starting your test, or if you used the test parts to take more than one test, your test results will not be accurate.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

How will I know if the test is NOT working?

You will know that your test is NOT working if the results on your test stick do not look like any of the example results found in the "Reading Your Results" section (Step 7b) of the test instructions booklet.

Your test is considered invalid if:

* There is NO line next to the letter "C" on the test stick;
* There are NO LINES anywhere on the test stick; or
* Your test stick remains pink after 20 minutes.

If your test did not work properly, or you remain unsure, please get a new test. If you do not see a line next to the letter "C," do not consider the result a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the opened test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

I am visually impaired. Are the instructions to the OraQuick In-Home HIV test available in Braille or in an audio format?

The OraQuick In-Home HIV test is a visually read test. If you are unable to perform and interpret the test yourself, you should visit your doctor or clinic to get tested.

Can I still use the test if I got blood or other body fluids on the test stick?

If you got a small amount of blood on the test stick from swabbing your gums, your result will still be accurate. Blood is not considered a foreign substance. Small amounts of blood will not interfere with the test performance or prevent you from obtaining an accurate test result.

However, if you used blood or any other body fluid (such as urine or sem*n) as a sample in place of oral fluid, you should not rely on this test for an accurate result of your HIV status.

When you run the test, you can tell it is working if you see a line next to the letter "C" on the test stick. If you see a line, your test results will be accurate. If you do not see a line next to the letter "C," the test is not working properly and you will need to get a new test.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

My OraQuick In-Home HIV test results were negative. Now what should I do?

If the result on your OraQuick In-Home HIV test is negative, you should be aware that an initial negative does not mean that you absolutely do not have HIV. You could be in what is called the "window period." The window period is when a person has been infected with HIV, but HIV tests cannot yet detect the infection. This is because it can take up to 3 months for a person's body to make enough antibodies (infection-fighting cells) to trigger a positive test result. So, if you engage in risky behavior, it is always a good idea to test regularly.

Be sure to read the booklet What your test results mean to You!, which is included with your test kit. Also, be sure to avoid behaviors that put you at risk for getting HIV. HIV is transmitted (spread) from person to person during activities where contact with infected blood, sem*n, or vagin*l fluids occur. By using a latex condom correctly every time you have sex, not using illegal injection drugs, and encouraging others to do the same, you will help stop the spread of HIV.

What is the best way to store the test kit until I am ready to use it?

Your test kit should be stored at a temperature from 36 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2 to 27 degrees Celsius. The test kit should be stored in a dry place, avoiding direct sunlight and any excessively hot or cold conditions

Will my test results be valid if I got a foreign substance on the test stick (food, water, other) or dropped it on the floor, sink, or other surface?

If any substance other than the samples from swiping your gums touches any of the test stick pad or test tube fluid as you are taking the test, your results will not be valid.

Substances that will render the result unreliable include: food, water and other liquids including alcoholic beverages.

If you accidentally dropped the test stick and it touched the sink, toilet, floor, table, countertop, or anything other than your gums, you should not rely on the test result.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage, no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

I'm preparing to take the OraQuick test and I'm not sure how to swab my gums correctly. Do I need to swab both sides of my gums or only one side?

When you take the OraQuick test, you must swab both the left and right side of your upper gums and the left and right side of your lower gums. Each gum must be swabbed only once. You must follow the test directions carefully to get an accurate result. If you are not sure you swabbed your gums correctly, check for a line next to the letter "C" on the test stick. If a line appears next to the letter "C" on the test stick, you will know your test is working and your results will be accurate. This will occur if you have followed the instructions carefully and you have waited at least 20 minutes after placing the test stick in the test tube. If you do not see a line next to the letter "C," the test is not working properly and you will need to get a new test.

What could cause false positives on an HIV test?

A false positive is when an HIV test shows that a person has HIV when they don't actually have it.

Conditions that can lead to a false positive HIV test are:

* Lyme disease,
* syphilis (SIF-uh-lus),
* lupus, and
* other conditions.

A positive HIV antibody test is always followed by a second confirmation test, usually the Western blot test. This second test usually confirms the presence or absence of HIV infection.

I ate/drank (brushed my teeth, gargled, put something in my mouth) before I swabbed my gums. Will my results be valid?

If you ate or drank anything MORE than (longer than) 30 minutes before you swabbed your gums, and if you correctly followed all the directions in the test instructions booklet, the results of your test will be accurate.

If you ate or drank anything LESS than 30 minutes before you swabbed your gums, you CANNOT rely on the test result and will need to repeat the test procedure with a new kit being careful to follow all handling and testing instructions carefully. Please read the instructions before you being to be sure that you understand how and when to take your sample. If you have any questions about how to administer the test, please don't hesitate to call us back prior to beginning.

If second test is needed:
Remember to dispose of your current test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You may dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. The sealable bag is provided to protect your privacy.

I'm not sure I swabbed my gums correctly. Will my test results be valid?

If you are not sure whether you swabbed your gums correctly, check for a line next to the letter "C" on the test stick.

If a line appears next to the letter "C" on the test stick, you will know your test is working and your results will be accurate. This will occur if you have followed the instructions carefully and you have waited at least 20 minutes after placing the test stick in the test tube.

If you do not see a line next to the letter "C," the test is not working properly and you will need to get a new test.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

My test was stored in a hot car for a period of time. Is it still okay to use it?

The OraQuick In-Home HIV test should be stored at a temperature of 36 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the test was stored for any extended period of time (3 hours or more) in an excessively hot (80 degrees Fahrenheit and above) or cold (36 degrees Fahrenheit or below) environment, the OraQuick In-Home HIV test should not be used.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage, no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

I forgot to swab, or I accidentally placed the test stick into the test tube liquid before I swabbed my gums. Will my test results be valid?

If the test stick came in contact with the test tube liquid at any time before you swabbed your gums, the test results will not be accurate. Therefore, do not consider your results as a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage, no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Can I still use my test kit if the expiration date on the box has passed?

You should not use a test kit if the current date is past the expiration date printed on the outside of the test kit box. Results from this test would not be considered an accurate indication of your HIV status.

Please get a new test kit and perform the test with the new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

I wear braces (or a retainer). Can I still use the OraQuick In-Home HIV test?

It is safe to use the OraQuick In-Home HIV test if you wear braces or a retainer.

I got a positive result on my test. What should I do?

If you got a positive test result, you will need a second test to confirm your test result. Please see your doctor or a local clinic to obtain a follow up test in a medical setting. A doctor, clinic or healthcare professional must confirm your OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test result.

Also, read the booklet What your results mean to You! that came with your OraQuick In-Home HIV Test. This booklet provides good information about what to do first, and information about taking care of your health.

It is important to avoid any activity that could expose someone else to your blood or body fluids until you know your HIV status for sure. HIV is transmitted (spread) from person to person during activities where contact with infected blood, sem*n, or vagin*l fluids occur. By using a latex condom correctly every time you have sex, not using illegal injection drugs, and encouraging others to do the same, you will help stop the spread of HIV. Using condoms can also help you avoid becoming infected with another sexually transmitted disease that may cause you additional health problems in the future.

How do I open and close the test kit or the test kit drawer?

Before you open the test kit, make sure that the word "OraQuick" is right side up and facing you.

The drawer where the test components are located will only open and close when the test kit lid is open.

I swabbed my gums, but did not immediately put the test stick into test tube. Will my results be accurate?

Once you swab your gums with the test stick, you have 30 minutes to place the test stick in the test tube. If you do this, and follow all the directions, your results should be accurate.

If you wait more than 30 minutes after you swab your gums to place the test stick in the test tube, the test results will not be accurate. Therefore, do not consider your results as a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

I did not use the test box to hold the device during run time. Is this okay?

In order for your test results to be accurate, you must follow all of the instructions carefully. As shown in Step 2 of the instruction booklet, you must first put the test tube in the area labeled "Test Tube Holder" on the upper portion of the test kit. Then, as shown in Step 5 of the instruction booklet, you should place the test stick in the test tube.

If you did not follow these instructions (that is, you did NOT use the test tube holder), your test results may not be accurate. Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

What should I do if the fluid from the test tube spilled?

You must have liquid in the vial to run the test and get an accurate result. If there is liquid, you may continue following the directions carefully. If you would like, we can also guide you step-by-step through the instructions and test process.

When you run the test, you can tell it is working if a line appears next to the letter "C" on the test stick. If you see a line, your test results will be valid. If you do not see a line, the test is not working properly. In order for a test to work, a line MUST appear by the area marked "C." Therefore, do not consider the result you got as a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

What do the letters "C" and "T" on the test stick mean?

The letter "C" on the test stick stands for "control." A line should appear next to the letter "C" if you have followed the instructions carefully and have waited 20 minutes after placing your test stick in the test tube. This line means that your test is working. If NO line appears next to the letter "C," it means your test is not working and you will need to get a new test.

The letter "T" on the test stick stands for "test." A line next to the letter "T," even if the line is faint, and a line next to the letter "C", means that you have a positive test result and you may have HIV. You will need a second test to confirm your test result. A "T' line, even if the line is faint, and no "C" line means the test is not working and you will need to get a new test.

If you have a preliminary positive result, you will need a second test to confirm your test result. Please visit your doctor or local clinicto obtain a follow up test in a medical setting. A doctor, clinic or healthcare professional must confirm your OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test result.

Should I still take the OraQuick test if my test kit was damaged, tampered with, or is missing materials?

If any of the materials in the OraQuick test kit are missing, damaged, or have evidence of being tampered with (for example, if any of the packets are open or damaged), you should not use the kit. Results from this test would not be considered an accurate indication of your HIV status. Please discard the test kit.

Please dispose of the test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Please begin the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

What should I do if I got some of the liquid from the test tube on my fingers?

You must have liquid in the vial to run the test and get an accurate result. If there is liquid, you may continue following the directions carefully. If you would like, we can also guide you step-by-step through the instructions and test process.

You can tell the test is working if a line appears next to the letter "C" on the test stick. If you see a line, your test results will be valid. If you do not see a line, the test is not working properly. In order for a test to work, a line MUST appear by the area marked "C." Therefore, do not consider the result you got as a valid indication of your HIV status.

Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage; no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Please repeat the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

What should I do if I (or my child, friend, or partner) accidentally ate the test stick device?

The ingredients in the test stick are not toxic and pose no known health risk in the amounts provided. If you or someone you know has eaten the test stick device and you are concerned, please contact your doctor.

What should I do if I got fluid from the test tube in my eye?

The ingredients in the test fluid are not toxic. If you got fluid from the test tube in your eye, flush your eye with water immediately.

I experienced an ill effect during or after taking the test. What should I do?

If you need immediate first aid or medical assistance, contact your doctor or visit the emergency room.

Where can I find the lot number for my test kit?

The lot number of your test kit can be found in 3 places:

* On the bottom of the outer box, next to the words "Lot/Lote";
* On the test tube package, next to the words "Lot/Lote"; and
* On the test stick package, next to the words "Lot/Lote.

I opened the test stick pouch but I am not ready to use it yet. What should I do?

Once you open the test stick pouch, you will need to perform the test within 30 minutes. Please leave the test stick in the pouch until you are ready to perform the test.

I have just taken the test. Do I need to document the results?

In the pull-out drawer of your test kit, there is a booklet entitled What your results mean to You! On page 10 of this booklet, there is a section entitled "Take along to your Doctor and Health Clinic," and on page 11 there are two areas where you can write notes or questions and resources. You might choose to use these areas to document your results.

There is a small pouch of absorbent material inside the package that contains the test stick. Should I do anything with it?

The small pouch inside the test stick package is designed to prevent moisture from affecting the test stick during storage. It is not to be used when performing the OraQuick test, and you may discard it in the regular trash.

Will the liquid in the test tube spill if I close the lid with the test tube in it?

If you close the lid with the test tube in it, there is a chance that the liquid in the test tube will spill.

To avoid any risk of spillage, after you have completed the test you can gently remove the test stick and the test tube from the test stand. Put the cap back on the test tube. Then, put all the contents of the test kit into the white bag located in the lower drawer and throw it away.

If you spill some liquid, you should not worry; this liquid is not toxic. If you got some on your fingers, wash your hands with soap and water.

Will antibiotics (or other non-HIV-related medications) influence my test result?

To date, there is no evidence that the use of antibiotics or medication (other than antiretrovirals) may affect the test results. Please proceed with performing the test as instructed.

If I wear dentures that cover my gums, can I still take the test?

If you have dentures that cover your gums, there are steps you should take prior to testing. You should:

1. Remove the dentures.
2. Wash any remaining paste off of the gums.
3. Wait 30 minutes.
4. Perform the test according to the instructions.

The cap on the test tube looks different than the one pictured in the instructions and packaging. Can I still use this test tube??

Yes. The cap does not have an impact on the test performance or results. As a reminder, be careful when opening the tube, there is liquid at the bottom of the tube.

Can I take the OraQuick In Home HIV Test if I have received a vaccine to prevent HIV or have taken medication to prevent getting HIV?

If you have taken part in a clinical trial for a HIV vaccine or have taken antiretroviral medicine to try to lower your chances of getting HIV, this test is not for you.

If you have taken the test, do not consider the result you got as a valid indication of your HIV status. Seek testing through a doctor and inform them of the vaccination or medicines that you have received.

My test has a line at the "C" and a very dark red line at "T." Why is this line so dark? What does it mean?

If your test result shows a line next to the letter "C" and any line next to the letter "T," you have a positive test result. This result indicates that there is apossibility that you could be infected with HIV. However, the intensity of the lines on the test stick does not correlate with the stage of the HIV disease or infection potential. So, a darker line next to the letter "T" does not mean that you are more positive. You will need a second test to confirm your test result. Your oral fluid results need to be confirmed with results obtained by serum (blood) testing with FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved tests. Please see your physician or a healthcare provider to obtain a follow up test in a medical setting. A doctor, clinic or healthcare professional must confirm your OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test result. Until your test result is confirmed, please take precautions to avoid any chance of spreading HIV. In particular, you should avoid all sexual activities until you know your HIV status.

My test has a line at "C" and a very faint line at "T." What does this mean?

Any line next to the letter "T" on the test stick, regardless of color or shade, means you have a positive test result. You will need a second test to confirm your test result. Please see your physician or a healthcare provider to obtain a follow up test in a medical setting. A doctor, clinic or healthcare professional must confirm your OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test result. Until your test result is confirmed, please take precautions to avoid any chance of spreading HIV. In particular, you should avoid all sexual activities until you know your HIV status.

I opened the test stick pack, but did not take the test until several hours later. Are my results valid?

You should not open the test stick pouch until you are ready to take the test. Once the pouch has been opened, the test needs to be performed within 30 minutes. Studies have shown that, if used within 30 minutes of opening, temperature and relative humidity will not affect the performance of the device If the pouch is open for longer than 30 minutes, it could affect the performance of the device, so you should not take the test. Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage, no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can. Please begin the OraQuick testing procedure with a new test kit and carefully follow all the handling and testing instructions. Please read the instructions before you begin the test and be sure that you understand how to take your sample, place it in the vial for no less than 20 minutes and no more than 40 minutes before you read the test.

My test result was a positive. Can someone get HIV by touching, licking, or other contact with the saliva on the test stick, or the test tube/liquid?

Scientists and medical experts agree that HIV does not survive well outside the body. This means that the risk of environmental transmission (spread) is remote. Therefore, if someone came into direct contact with your test stick, there is extremely little risk of transmitting HIV to them. Contact with saliva has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV. Because your test result is positive you will need a second test to confirm your HIV status. Please see your physician or a healthcare provider to obtain a follow up test in a medical setting. A doctor, clinic or healthcare professional must confirm your OraQuick® In-Home HIV Test. Until your result is confirmed, be sure to take precautions to avoid any chance of spreading HIV. In particular, you should avoid all sexual activities until you know your HIV status. Please dispose of the used test by closing the package and placing it in the disposal bag that is provided in the lower compartment of the test kit. You can dispose of the bag with your regular garbage no extra precautions are necessary. This bag will help protect your privacy so you can throw it away in any trash can.

Taking the Test (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.