The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (2024)

Have you ever considered that love may truly be written in the stars? It does make sense when you think about it—some star signs have personality traits that mesh quite beautifully with others and, conversely, some do not. In fact, some people hold the belief so firmly that certain dating apps have rolled out features that allows those looking for love to filter their options by zodiac sign.

If you're wondering how your zodiac sign may impact romantic compatibility and which signs are the least likely to have a harmonious marriage, we spoke with expert astrologer Suzie Kerr Wright to find out more.

Meet the Expert

Suzie Kerr Wright is a former astrologer, psychic medium, Reiki master/teacher, and certified life coach.

Marriage Secrets From Couples Who Have Been Together 25 Years or More

What to Know About Zodiac Sign Compatibility and Incompatability

First and foremost, Wright clarified that astrology is about much more than just your sun sign. "We have all the planets, all the signs in our birth charts, and the way they are configured are what makes us uniquely us," she explained. "Our sun sign is just the tip of the iceberg, we tend to gravitate to one sign or another, or avoid some because we just don't understand them, but does that mean we should avoid certain signs because a book told us to or because we had a bad experience with a specific zodiac sign? No."

This is where something called synastry—or relationship astrology—comes into play. If it turns out that, on paper (or in the stars), your partnership might not be the best, don't fret; often, love knows no bounds. In fact, Wright shared, "My husband and I are a perfect example of how a 'bad' combination can work. He's a Leo, I'm a Scorpio." Astrologically, the pair is an awful duo, but their relationship worked. Why? "Everything else in our charts, our Venus, Mars, Moon, Mercury are all in perfect harmony with each other," she added. For that reason, Wright suggests looking at this information as merely a guideline; don't, under any circ*mstances, "miss your chance at a meaningful relationship simply based on someone's sun sign."

The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs, According to Astrologers

The Worst Signs to Marry as an Aries (March 21–April 20)

Aries folks probably shouldn't get involved with a Pisces or a Cancer. Pisceans are highly sensitive, and the abrupt nature of an Aries could be a challenge for them. Cancers can also be highly offended by an Aries's straightforward manner. They may appreciate the honesty at first but later come to resent it. Cancers and Pisceans may also be attracted to the decisiveness of an Aries at first, but once they realize it's the Aries way or the highway, they will squirm out of the relationship quickly or get frustrated or bored and just move on to someone else. Aries wants to go, go, go while Cancer is content at home; they're tough matches.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (2)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Taurus (April 21–May 20)

Tauruses and Leos might have a hard time. Leos need a lot of attention, compliments, and ego bolstering. Tauruses will not give them the attention they seek, choosing to get attention in their own way. Leos also like to get their way, while Tauruses want to be the one in control of the relationship. This makes for similar energies, but they go about getting their way very differently. Also, Leos are far more sociable and outgoing, while Tauruses are more private—these two just won't get each other on any level. Though this could start with a whirlwind romance, as both know how to create super romantic dates, the earth can put out fire and that's what would happen here.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (3)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Scorpio is probably one of the worst matches for a Gemini. Scorpios are demanding, intense, and have high expectations in relationships—Gemini may be fascinated by them at first, but they will soon feel smothered and overwhelmed by a Scorpio's depth of emotions and needs for a connection that goes beyond Gemini's capability; Scorpio “owns” and desires, while Gemini skims the surface. Geminis love people, but most Scorpios move stealthily through the world and avoid small talk and unnecessary chatter. In this relationship, what you see is what you get. Scorpios will soon tune out and pull back, leaving Geminis looking for another partner who “gets them.”

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (4)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Aquarius is a super tough match for Cancers. They are both concerned about taking care of others and fairness, but when it comes to a relationship, Aquarians are just too flaky for Cancers, who need security and consistency in relationships. Aquarians need a lot of freedom, and it can cause suspicion in Cancers. Cancers would feel like they were always second in the relationship to anything—friends, work, the world—it doesn't matter. Cancer needs someone who will be there when they have a problem or need to talk, no matter how big or small. Aquarians have trouble understanding that even if a problem doesn't make sense or seem like a priority to them, it may be important to their partner. It's not the best gamble.

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Leo (July 23–August 22)

Leos would struggle in a relationship with Capricorns. Capricorns love tradition and routine. They work hard—many are workaholics—while Leos live on the edge. Leos are big-hearted but not much on planning. Capricorns would go crazy with all the strays (people and pets) Leos would bring into their home and feel as though they have no refuge, making them very unhappy. And an unhappy Cap is a wet blanket over Leo's fun. Even the energy of this sun-warmed fire sign, Leo, with the cooler, mellow earth sign Capricorn just doesn't feel right. The hot sun constantly beating down can scorch the earth quickly.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (6)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Do not pair a Virgo with a Sagittarius. Even the most flexible Virgo will become quickly frustrated with Sagittarius's lack of consciousness when it comes to tidiness, being on time, sticking to plans, and staying on task. These two are polar opposites. At first, Virgo may enjoy Sag's initial openness to their healthy lifestyle or artistic side (yes, many Virgos are super creative) but once the shiny newness has lost its luster, Sag takes off, leaving Virgo to clean up their mess. Literally and figuratively. Sex life? I don't know how they'd even get that far.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (7)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Libra (September 23–October 22)

Libras can get along with most signs, but their worst match would probably be Virgo. Libras are flighty and fickle, and that's one thing Virgos can't tolerate. It may look fun at first, but Libras waste a lot of time, and Virgo is about efficiency. Libras are constantly being pulled in different directions by others. And Virgo is way too critical for Libra. Their sex life could be lovely at first, very romantic and traditional, but even that will get boring for both after a while.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (8)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Many think that Scorpio's opposite, Taurus, would be a bad match, but it's Libras that drive Scorpios crazy for being noncommittal, indecisive, and flirtatious. Scorpios can flirt (in a mysterious kind of way) but can't tolerate their partners doing the same. Libra will at first be excited with Scorpio's willingness to do everything together, but after a short time, Scorpios will dig in and want more time alone and less time at social events. Romantically, Libra's airy lovemaking is not up to Scorpio's passionate, wreck-the-room sex. This is a match destined to end as quickly as it starts.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (9)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Capricorns would be difficult to deal with for the outgoing, adventurous Sagittarius. Sags love spontaneity and intellectual stimulation, debate, and leaving things unfinished, while Capricorns are more about the bottom line, keeping things orderly and calm. Sagittarius will feel like Saturn-ruled Capricorn isn't a good partner on their quest for fun and enlightenment. Sag will spend more time trying to change a serious Capricorn, but a Capricorn will just as soon cut their losses and find someone more compatible. If they do connect and try a relationship, it'll be Sag who is in charge of planning dates and initiating sex.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (10)

The Worst Sign to Marry as a a Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Social butterfly Gemini is a nightmare for rock-steady Capricorn. Gemini needs a lot of chatter and flits from one project to the next. This confounds Capricorns, who always finish what they start. There's too much chatter, too much shifting and changing which creates a lack of trust for Caps. Capricorns like to know what their next move is and definitely do not thrive on change like Geminis do. If a Cap is in the mood for a fling with no strings attached, this could work for a short period.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (11)

The Worst Sign to Marry as an Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Aquarians are baffled by Scorpios and can't begin to understand how they cannot see things their way. If these two can even spark a conversation that leads to any sort of relationship, it'll go down in flames. Aquarians demand their freedom and can become passive-aggressive when Scorpio tries to get them to settle down—staying out later, finding new friends, and not inviting their partner. Scorpio will settle into their sulky mood and get quiet. Aquarians won't bother to try to get them to open up, they'll just be off doing their own thing, which will anger Scorpio—this, obviously, isn't good.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (12)

The Worst Signs to Marry as a Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Geminis or Libras would be a tough combination for a Pisces. Water sign Pisces can go with the flow, so it seems as if either one of these sociable, happy signs would be a nice fit, but Pisces actually prefers peace and quiet and more privacy than a Gemini or Libra. There's also the problem of infidelity, which is common for Geminis and Libras, and unbearable to a watery Pisces. Neither one of these signs would know how to deal with the flood of emotions that can pour from a wounded, or even a happy, Pisces. In these pairings, Pisceans would feel terribly unsupported emotionally.

The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert (2024)


The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs for a Harmonious Marriage, According to an Expert? ›

Aquarius. With their free-spirited nature, Aquarius are the least likely sign to get married in the first place. Because they crave independence, they're most likely to cut ties.

What zodiac sign is least likely to get married? ›

Aquarius. With their free-spirited nature, Aquarius are the least likely sign to get married in the first place. Because they crave independence, they're most likely to cut ties.

Which zodiac sign is not compatible with each other? ›

Taurus and Sagittarius have "legendary astrology beef" Neptune says, and the two don't make a good match because Sagittarius takes too many risks. While Taurus and Leo both like to be comfortable (they are both fixed signs) Leo might be a little too extravagant for Taurus's liking.

Which zodiac sign is not interested in marriage? ›

Aquarius: The Free Spirit

As a sign that is ruled by Uranus, the planet of invention and defiance, Aquarians frequently find themselves drawn to alternative ways of living and may have difficulty meeting the typical expectations that are connected with marriage.

Which zodiac sign is a perfect match couple? ›

Perfect couples can be found across various zodiac signs, but some notable pairings include Aries and Gemini, Taurus and Cancer, Leo and Libra, and Scorpio and Pisces. However, remember that astrology is just an indicator and individual compatibility should be considered too.

Which zodiac sign does not fall in love easily? ›

Cancer sign has a hard time falling in love. This is because Cancer person is very sensitive and emotional being easily hurt by their love partner. Also Cancer person expects too much in love which is not received in relationship.

What zodiac sign is hard to get along with? ›

The article highlighted the challenges of getting along with certain zodiac signs. Aries, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius were noted for their intense personalities and traits that can create tension in relationships.

Which zodiac signs are meant to be together? ›

Each zodiac sign has distinct characteristics that can affect relationships. Aries and Leo make an ideal couple, while Taurus and Cancer have a strong bond. Gemini and Aquarius match well, and Cancer is compatible with Scorpio. Virgo and Scorpio have fun together, and Libra and Sagittarius are socially active.

Which zodiac sign is best for marriage? ›

The 7 Best Zodiac Pairs for Marriage
  • Leo and Sagittarius. You'd think that two fire signs might create a bit too much heat, but that's not the case for Leo and Sagitarrius. ...
  • Taurus and Cancer. Marquardt says that these two signs strongly value security and stability in their relationship. ...
  • Scorpio and Pisces.
Dec 17, 2023

What zodiac sign shouldn't you mess with? ›

Among those signs are Scorpio, known for their intense emotions and retaliatory nature, and Taurus, who can exhibit stubbornness when provoked. Additionally, Aries individuals may react impulsively, while Leos may respond with fiery determination if provoked.

Which zodiac sign is unsuccessful in love? ›

Astrologers identify unlucky zodiac signs in love, like Capricorn prioritizing career over romance, Aquarius valuing independence, and Pisces being idealistic. Gemini's dual nature and Sagittarius' fear of commitment also pose challenges.

Which zodiac sign is not loyal in love? ›

Sagittarius. Sagittarius are known to love their freedom and be adventurers in nature. They have new experiences in life, which also extends to their love life-- which makes them reluctant to settle down or feel confined in a committed relationship.

Which zodiac sign fall out of love easily? ›

Sagittarius: The Freedom-Seeker

Sagittarians crave spontaneity and exploration, and they may quickly lose interest in a relationship that feels stagnant or predictable.

Which zodiac sign true love? ›

Astrology offers insights into love attitudes. Pisces, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn value true love as transformative. Whether through horoscopes or relationships, these signs seek profound connections and lasting partnerships for a fulfilling life.

What zodiac sign stays married the longest? ›

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love. Naturally, they love the idea of love and marriage. "Out of all the Earth signs, Taurus is the most inclined to commit and stay in a long-term relationship," Montúfar says.

What zodiac sign is the perfect life partner? ›

Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces; Zodiac Signs considered as ideal life partners. Astrology and zodiac signs influence romantic relationships. Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces are ideal life partners known for loyalty and compatibility.

What zodiac prefers to be single? ›

Scorpio is the most single zodiac sign of them all. Scorpios love being with someone they can see some of themselves in, but if that's not the case, they would rather be alone. Scorpio loves diving into their own mind — especially when they like someone. They like to try and figure their significant other out.

Which zodiac sign marry late? ›

Capricorns are career focussed people. For them professional success and creating a secure future is very important. Marriage might take a backseat until their late 30s or early 40s, when they've achieved their goals and feel ready to share their success with a compatible partner.

Which zodiac signs get married the most? ›

Libras are the most likely to get married and have successful marriages. Aries tend to get married at a younger age compared to other zodiac signs. Pisces have the highest marriage success rate among water signs. Aquarians are the most likely to have an unconventional or non-traditional marriage.

Which zodiac sign is lucky in marriage life? ›

Certain zodiac signs excel in love. Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, and Leo attract romance. Libra's diplomacy, Pisces' intuition, Cancer's devotion, Taurus's reliability, and Leo's generosity and enthusiasm ensure enduring and passionate relationships.

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