Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (2024)

Table of Contents
What Are the Benefits of the Perfect Plate? How to Utilize Perfect Plate Meal Plans Sample Perfect Plates Plate #1 Plate #2 Plate #3 Plate #4 Plate #5 Plate #6 Plate #7 Plate #8 (Vegan) Plate #9 Plate #10 Plate #11 Plate #12 Plate #13 Plate #14 Plate #15 Plate #16 Plate #17 Plate #18 Plate #19 Plate #20 How Often Should I Use Perfect Plates? Meet SuperFuel. The Delicious Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy-Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods (Designed For Busy Men) 10 More Tips for Perfect Plate Planning Use Variety When Planning Menus Choose Foods Your Family Loves Use Smaller Plates for Weight Loss Meet Burn RX. The Safe & Effective Metabolism Booster To Help You See Faster Results& Feel More Energized Keep the Fridge Stocked with Nutritious Foods Flavor Foods with Oil and Seasonings Grill, Bake, Roast, or Sauté Foods Meet SuperFuel Vegan. The Super Delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods Meet SuperFuel Vegan. The Super Delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods Create Perfect Plates When Dining Out Have Cheat Days Now and Then Choose Drinks Wisely Make Meal Planning Fun for Your Family The Immune Booster Guys 40+ Are Using To Kill Viruses & Feel Younger… Getting Started with the Perfect Plate! Erin Coleman, B.S. - Nutritional Science, R.D., L.D. Here’s How Busy Fathers Over 40 Are Finally Burning Stubborn Belly Fat & Getting Healthy Without Restrictive Diets or Time-Consuming Workouts FAQs

If you haven't yet heard about the perfect plate method, now's the time to get started!

This exceptional healthy eating strategy can improve your diet without the hassle of measuring food or counting calories.

The perfect plate method helps you get or stay on track with a healthy lifestyle, offering a variety of nutritional benefits for you and your family!

The perfect plate method is a meal planning strategy that helps you plan meals that are:

  • The right number of calories (about 500 calories per plate)
  • Well-balanced, containing a variety of healthy foods
  • Non-restrictive
  • Sustainable long term
  • Delicious
  • Satiating
  • Nutritious

Using the perfect plate involves filling up your plate with the right amount of each food group to maximize your health and wellness in a simple way!

Learn more about the perfect plate!

What Are the Benefits of the Perfect Plate?

The many benefits you can expect when using the perfect plate method designed by the Fit Father Project include:

  • Healthy weight management
  • Reduced chronic disease risks
  • Nutritious eating
  • More energy
  • Fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients
  • Less body fat
  • Easier muscle building
  • Ease of use
  • Improved overall health and wellness
  • Leaner physique
  • Weight gain prevention

The perfect plate method helps you feel satisfied with the right number of calories, so you don't feel hungry, deprived, or too full.

Get the program 50,891 guys over 40 are using to get results like these


How to Utilize Perfect Plate Meal Plans

To utilize the Fit Father Project's perfect plate method for nutritious meal planning, use the following guidelines:

  • Fill half of each plate of food with vegetables, particularly lower-calorie non-starchy vegetables
  • Fill one-fourth of each plate of food with nutritious, protein-rich foods
  • Fill one-fourth of your plate with fiber-rich carbohydrates and/or heart-healthy fats
  • Add three servings of dairy foods or calcium-rich alternatives
  • Eat fruit 1-3 times per day

List of Non-Starchy Vegetables

Examples of non-starchy vegetables include lettuce, spinach, kale, other leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, onions, green beans, Brussels sprouts, okra, and other non-starchy veggies.

List of Healthy Protein Foods

Sample nutritious protein foods include chicken, turkey, very lean ground turkey, duck, grass-fed lean beef, buffalo, lean pork, fish, shrimp, scallops, crab, other types of seafood, eggs, tofu, seitan, veggie burgers, and other plant-based meat substitutes.

Avoid fried meats, breaded meats, and highly processed meats like ham, salami, hot dogs, sausage, regular bacon, and fatty ground meats.

List of Fiber-Rich Carbohydrates

Examples of fiber-rich carbs include sweet potatoes, yams, corn, peas, lentils, pinto beans, black beans, other types of legumes, quinoa, whole-grain pasta, oatmeal, whole-grain cereals, brown rice, wild rice, whole-grain bread, and other whole grains.

Avoid white rice, white bread, baked goods, other refined grains, sweet treats, and sugar-sweetened drinks (soda, lemonade, sweet tea, etc.).

List of Nutritious Fats

Heart-healthy fats to add to perfect plates include avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, walnut oil, other plant-based oils, fatty fish, fish oil, nuts, seeds, nut butters, and olives.

Steer clear of animal fats (fatty cuts of red meat, etc.) whenever possible, as much of the fat in them is saturated and can increase your risk of high cholesterol when eaten in excess.

List of Calcium-Rich Dairy Foods or Equivalents

Examples of dairy foods and calcium-rich equivalents include milk, plant milk, plant-based yogurt, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, reduced-fat cheese, and plain kefir.

Read nutrition labels to make sure you don't choose products that are loaded with added sugar, such as sugar-sweetened kefirs and yogurts.

List of Nutrient-Dense Fruits

All fresh fruits are nutritious. Pick blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, peaches, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, watermelon, grapes, kiwi fruit, fresh cherries, other fresh fruits, or 100% fruit juice.

Avoid canned fruits or juice drinks that contain syrup or other forms of added sugar.

Here’s A Free Weight Loss Meal Plan For Busy Men 40+

Discover exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to lose belly fat & feel energized 24/7 without hard dieting...

Download this Free Meal Plan here. Join over 400,000 other guys 40+ using this meal plan to lose weight»

Sample Perfect Plates

Now that you're ready to create your own perfect plate, consider some of the following sample perfect plates to get started!

Plate #1

  • 1/2 plate of sautéed asparagus
  • 1/4 plate of grilled chicken breast
  • 1/4 plate of baked or roasted sweet potatoes
  • Optional fat*: oil-based dressing, avocados, or olives

Plate #2

  • 1/2 plate of fresh bell peppers
  • 1/4 plate of cooked grass-fed beef
  • 1/4 plate of cooked quinoa
  • Optional fat*: avocado slices, shredded cheese, or oil-based dressing with seasonings

Plate #3

  • 1/2 plate of salad greens
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain bread
  • 1/4 plate of sliced chicken or turkey
  • Optional fat*: oil-based dressing or smashed avocados

Plate #4

  • 1/2 plate of steamed broccoli and carrots
  • 1/4 plate of grilled salmon
  • 1/4 plate of brown rice
  • Optional fat*: oil-based dressing or sliced avocados

Plate #5

  • 1/2 plate of salad greens
  • 1/4 plate of canned light tuna
  • 1/4 plate of white beans
  • Optional fat*: avocados, olives, or oil-based dressing

Plate #6

  • 1/2 plate of sautéed bell peppers mixed with onions and mushrooms
  • 1/4 plate of scrambled eggs plus optional noncured turkey bacon
  • 1/4 plate of potatoes roasted in olive oil
  • Optional fat*: feta cheese or sliced avocados

Plate #7

  • 1/2 plate of green beans
  • 1/4 plate of very lean pulled pork
  • 1/4 plate of a whole-grain hamburger bun
  • Optional fat*: slivered almonds

Plate #8 (Vegan)

  • 1/2 plate of sautéed zucchini in olive oil
  • 1/4 plate of grilled or sauteed tofu
  • 1/4 plate of cooked wild rice

Plate #9

  • 1/2 plate of tomatoes with cucumbers
  • 1/4 plate of canned light tuna mixed with avocado-oil mayonnaise or smashed avocados
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain bread

Plate #10

  • 3/4 plate of a veggie omelet made with eggs, bell peppers, mushrooms, or other veggies
  • 1/4 plate of oatmeal
  • Optional fat*: olives or avocado slices

Plate #11

  • 1/2 plate of steamed broccoli
  • 1/4 plate of stir-fried chicken, very lean beef, or shrimp
  • 1/4 plate of brown rice

Plate #12

  • 1/2 plate of roasted Brussels sprouts
  • 1/4 plate of very lean turkey burger or veggie burger
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain hamburger bun or lettuce wrap
  • Optional fat*: sliced avocados

Plate #13

  • 1/2 plate of leafy greens, tomatoes, and cucumbers
  • 1/4 plate of grilled shrimp or salmon
  • 1/4 plate of cooked quinoa
  • Optional fat*: oil-based salad dressing

Plate #14

  • 1/2 plate of bell peppers, shredded lettuce, and diced tomatoes
  • 1/4 plate of taco-seasoned very lean ground turkey
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain tortilla
  • Optional fat*: sliced avocados or shredded cheese

Plate #15

  • 1/2 plate of sauteed asparagus, bell peppers, or mushrooms
  • 1/4 plate of cooked eggs
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain toast or a whole-grain English muffin
  • Optional fat*: smashed avocados

Plate #16

  • 1/2 plate of leafy greens
  • 1/4 plate of seasoned bison
  • 1/4 plate of peas, dried beans, or corn
  • Optional fat*: oil-based salad dressing

Plate #17

  • 1/2 plate of steamed cauliflower with broccoli
  • 1/4 plate of grilled chicken
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain pasta
  • Optional fat*: pesto sauce made with olive oil

Plate #18

  • 1/2 plate of fresh carrots, celery, or other sliced vegetables
  • 1/4 plate of canned or rotisserie chicken
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain bread or a bagel
  • Optional fat*: sliced avocados or avocado-oil mayonnaise

Plate #19

  • 1/2 plate of leafy greens
  • 1/4 plate of hard-boiled eggs
  • 1/4 plate of whole-grain couscous
  • Optional fat*: oil-based salad dressing

Plate #20

  • 1/2 plate of cooked okra
  • 1/4 plate of baked cod
  • 1/4 plate of potatoes roasted in olive oil

*Optional: replace some or all of your starch with nutritious fats to reduce carbs.

See the programs38,000 guys over 40 are using to get results like these


How Often Should I Use Perfect Plates?

When trying to maintain exceptional health and wellness, or improve your current eating habits, use the perfect plate method whenever you can.

Even when dining out, order your meals to work with perfect plate guidelines when possible.

A simple meal/snack plan to try when developing nutritious menus for yourself and your family include:


  • 1/2 plate of non-starchy veggies
  • 1/4 plate of protein foods
  • 1/4 plate of fiber-rich starches and/or healthy fats


  • Dairy food, fruit, and optional fat


  • 1/2 plate of non-starchy veggies
  • 1/4 plate of protein foods
  • 1/4 plate of fiber-rich starches and/or healthy fats


  • Dairy food, fruit, and optional fat


  • 1/2 plate of non-starchy veggies
  • 1/4 plate of protein foods
  • 1/4 plate of fiber-rich starches and/or healthy fats

Snack (optional)

  • Dairy food, fruit, and optional fat

You don't have to stick with this exact meal plan, but you can use it as a guide or make changes as needed to fit your needs, lifestyle, and food preferences.

Consider making a protein shake made with protein powder, milk or plant milk, ice, optional fruit, and optional nut butter as a snack or meal replacement!

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (9)

Meet SuperFuel. The Delicious Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy-Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods (Designed For Busy Men)

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (11)

As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating. That’s why we created SuperFuel… the delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake for busy guys 40+ to give your body the protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, and muscle building.

Click here to learn more about SuperFuel: the delicious “secret weapon” guys are using to feel energized 24/7 and finally stay consistent with healthy eating »

10 More Tips for Perfect Plate Planning

Additional tips that can help you plan the perfect plate and stay healthy include:

Use Variety When Planning Menus

Change the contents of perfect plates often to avoid boredom and nutrient deficiencies.

Swap out veggies, carbs, and protein foods on a regular basis to maintain variety in your menus.

Choose a variety of colors each week when shopping for fruits and vegetables to maximize vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting antioxidants in your meal plan!

Choose Foods Your Family Loves

Every family is different, so what works for one isn't necessarily best for another.

Take your family's food preferences into consideration when planning perfect plates, so you can all fully enjoy the benefits of exceptional nutrition!

Use Smaller Plates for Weight Loss

If weight loss is your goal, simply choose smaller plates at mealtime!

Doing so ensures your body gets the nutrients needed to keep energy levels high, without overindulging in calories and feeling too full.

Simply eat when you feel hungry (every few hours or so), as you can eat smaller meals frequently throughout the day during weight loss.

Meet Burn RX. The Safe & Effective Metabolism Booster To Help You See Faster Results& Feel More Energized

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (15)

Burn RX is for guys who are working on losing weight and want to see faster and easier results from their eating & exercise efforts. It helps your body burn more fat before, during, and after your workouts, which will improve your body composition while boosting your energy + metabolism.

Keep the Fridge Stocked with Nutritious Foods

Keep a fresh supply of nutritious foods in your fridge at all times to ensure all of your meals have the potential to become perfect plates.

If you don't have time to grocery shop, consider trying healthy meal delivery services or have pre-selected groceries delivered right to your doorstep!

Flavor Foods with Oil and Seasonings

Make sure perfect plates taste delicious by cooking foods in olive oil (or other plant-based oils).

Use herbs and other seasonings instead of animal fats or condiments sweetened with added sugar.

If you need to limit your sodium intake because of high blood pressure or other heart disease risk factors, use your salt shaker as little as possible.

Grill, Bake, Roast, or Sauté Foods

Grilling, baking, roasting, and sautéing foods with olive oil are some of the healthiest ways to prepare perfect plates!

The Fit Father Project offers a variety of nutritious recipes to choose from when you sign up for the program!

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (17)

Meet SuperFuel Vegan. The Super Delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods

Meet SuperFuel Vegan.
The Super Delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein Shake Packed With 40+ Energy Boosting Vitamins & Superfoods

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (19)

As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating… especially if you’re following a more plant-based diet. That’s why we built SuperFuel Vegan… the

delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake

to give you the premium 100% plant-based protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, & musclebuilding.

As a busy guy, it’s challenging to stay consistent with healthy eating… especially if you’re following a more plant-based diet. That’s why we built SuperFuel Vegan… the

delicious “all-in-one” nutrition shake

to give you the premium 100% plant-based protein + key nutrients you need for more energy, fat burning, & musclebuilding.

Click here to learn more about SuperFuel Vegan the delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein with 40+ powerful superfoods »

Click here to learn more about SuperFuel Vegan the delicious 100% Plant-Based Protein with 40+ powerful superfoods »

Create Perfect Plates When Dining Out

If you're dining out at a restaurant, you can still order foods in a way that creates a perfect plate!

Order extra protein foods and veggies or ask for a side salad (with oil-based dressing on the side).

Order grilled or baked chicken, fish, seafood, or very lean beef, as well as cooked broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, green beans, or other non-starchy veggies with each meal.

Have Cheat Days Now and Then

Even the most competitive athletes allow themselves a cheat day from time to time.

Don't stress if you veer off track with perfect plate planning every now and then.

It's simply a guide for you to use for most of your meals.

Do what you can to eat healthy, but don't get discouraged after a cheat day.

Simply get back on track the next day!

Choose Drinks Wisely

While drinks aren't part of perfect plates, they are just as important!

Drink water, milk, 100% juice, vegetable juice, coffee, tea, or even homemade protein shakes in place of soda, other sugar-sweetened drinks, and alcoholic drinks whenever possible.

Make Meal Planning Fun for Your Family

Recruit friends and family to join you when planning and preparing menus using perfect plates.

Doing so can make the experience fun and you can set a good example for your kids!

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (21)

The Immune Booster Guys 40+ Are Using To Kill Viruses & Feel Younger…

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (23)

As men age, our immune systems get weaker.
It’s a fact. After 40, you become more vulnerable to viruses, cancers, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Average guys just let this all happen. But now, with Immune Booster RX,

you can take the power back


Click here to learn about Immune Booster RX, the science-based immune booster for guys 40+ »

Getting Started with the Perfect Plate!

Using the perfect plate has never been easier!

When joining the Fit Father Project, you have access to the full FFP recipe book with over 50 different perfect plate options and exact recipes to follow step by step.

Doing so helps you achieve health and fitness goals long-term!

Other benefits associated with the Fit Father Project include custom meal plans, health coaching support from medical experts, muscle-building and fat-burning workouts, recipes, weekly newsletters, social support from other fit dads, and much more!

In addition to using the perfect plate method to plan your menus, try a FFP free meal plan and workout to get started with a healthier lifestyle today!

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (25)

Erin Coleman, B.S. - Nutritional Science, R.D., L.D.

Writer, The Fit Father Project

Erin Coleman is a registered and licensed dietitian with over 15 years of freelance writing experience.

She graduated with her Bachelor of Science degree in nutritional science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and completed her dietetic internship at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Prior to beginning her career in medical content writing, Erin worked as Health Educator for the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Internal Medicine.

Her published work appears on hundreds of health and fitness websites, and she’s currently working on publishing her first book! Erin is a wife, and a Mom to two beautiful children.

Here’s How Busy Fathers Over 40 Are Finally Burning Stubborn Belly Fat & Getting Healthy Without Restrictive Diets or Time-Consuming Workouts

This proven "Fit Father Program" has helped 38,000 busy men 40+ lose weight, rebuild muscle, and finally keep the weight off.

If you're frustrated with stubborn belly fat, failed diets, and time-consuming workouts, this is the answer you’ve been looking for…

Join 38,000 guys in over 108 countries that are using Fit Father Project to lose weight. You get everything you need to succeed – including:

  • The Fit Father Meal Plan – with simple & delicious recipes
  • Safe & Effective Workouts Program – only 90 min/week
  • VIP Accountability Coaching – our Fit Father Team will personally walk you to success, step-by-step.


*Please know that weight loss results and health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making health decisions. This is not medical advice – simply very well-researched info on the perfect plate.

Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health (2024)


Perfect Plate: The Right Portions for Superior Health? ›

The Plate Method can help with weight loss and balanced eating. It is easy to use. Most meals can include a good amount of vegetables. They also have protein and a high-fiber carbohydrate.

Does the plate method work for weight loss? ›

The Plate Method can help with weight loss and balanced eating. It is easy to use. Most meals can include a good amount of vegetables. They also have protein and a high-fiber carbohydrate.

How to build the perfect plate? ›

Remember that proportions do matter. Most people eat their food on a nine-inch plate. If you need help balancing your nutrients, try dividing your plate into sections. Half of your plate should be non-starchy vegetables; a quarter of your plate should be lean protein and the other quarter should be whole grains.

What are the portions of a healthy plate? ›

Make most of your meal vegetables and fruits – ½ of your plate. Aim for color and variety, and remember that potatoes don't count as vegetables on the Healthy Eating Plate because of their negative impact on blood sugar. Go for whole grains – ¼ of your plate.

What is the plate model for healthy eating? ›

We can use the plate model to see if our meal is balanced. Ideally, our meals should be made up of half (50%) fruit and vegetables, quarter (25%) grains and cereals, and quarter (25%) lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legumes/beans.

How should I portion my plate for weight loss? ›

2. Use a plate as a portion guide
  1. 1/2 for vegetables.
  2. 1/4 for protein.
  3. 1/4 for carbohydrates.
Dec 1, 2023

What color plate helps you lose weight? ›

However, grey, black, brown, and purple are considered as an appetite suppressant. By having food in plates of these colours, the chances of overeating decreases. The blue colour is considered the best among all. Science suggests that eating in the dark blue plate can help you control the.

Do portion plates help you lose weight? ›

Research has shown that people almost always eat more food when offered larger portions. So portion control is important when you're trying to lose weight and keep it off. A portion is the amount of food you put on your plate.

What should MyPlate look like to lose weight? ›

While there are many versions of the “healthy plate” method, most recommend making at least half your plate fruits and vegetables. For weight loss, focus on making half your plate non-starchy vegetables. Non-starchy vegetables are lower in calories and carbohydrates compared to starchy vegetables and fruit.

What two vegetables don't count as part of your vegetable portion of your plate? ›

Potatoes, yams and plantain don't count towards your 5-a-day. For more information about potatoes see our portion guide for potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy foods.

How do you portion a healthy plate? ›

To help get the balance of foods right for children each day, think 5-4-3-2:
  1. five or more portions of fruit and vegetables.
  2. four portions of carbohydrates.
  3. three portions of dairy or plant-based alternatives.
  4. two portions of protein.
Mar 26, 2024

What should your breakfast plate look like? ›

You want to build a healthy meal from the 5 food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, lean proteins and nonfat or low fat dairy. You don't need to have all 5 groups on your plate at each meal, but you should focus on getting in as many as possible, especially fruits and veggies.

What is the perfect plate for health? ›

As shown below, the Plate Model recommends dividing your plate into three sections: one-half for vegetables, one-quarter for carbohydrates, and another quarter for protein.

How do you plan a meal on a healthy plate? ›

Use My Healthy Plate for Balanced, Healthy Meals

Make your plate healthy and balanced in three steps: Fill half your plate with fruit and veggies. Fill a quarter with wholegrains. Fill a quarter with meat and other lean proteins.

Can you lose weight using MyPlate? ›

You can use it to learn how much you need to eat each day from the five food groups, and to find out your limits for calories from added sugars and saturated fats. Your MyPlate Plan is not a quick weight loss program. It's a way to eat for health and well-being.

Does a vibration plate help with weight loss? ›

Some research does show that whole-body vibration may help improve muscle strength and that it may help with weight loss when you also cut back on calories. Whole-body vibration may also have a role beyond sports and fitness.

Does the small plate diet work? ›

Does using smaller plates really help you to eat less? It turns out the illusion works, but not when you need it most, new research has found. It's difficult to fool a hungry brain.

What are the benefits of the plate method? ›

This eating plan allows you to avoid extremely restrictive diets, counting calories, measuring foods, and stressing about what to include on your plate. The guideline is flexible, allowing you to maintain healthy eating habits when you aren't at home.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.