Substitutes for Cornstarch (2024)

Cornstarch, also known as cornflour, is a fine, powdery substance that is derived from the endosperm of corn kernels. It’s naturally gluten free and isn’t quite like normal flour, but is regularly used in cooking. But if you can’t eat cornstarch or don’t have it in your pantry, what substitutes can you use? We’ll look at the best alternatives here – but before that, let’s find out how we use cornstarch or cornflour in the kitche.

How is cornstarch typically used in cooking and baking?

Substitutes for Cornstarch (1)

Cornstarch has a neutral flavor and is prized for its ability to thicken liquids without imparting any taste of its own. Becasse of that, it’s used in the kitchen when you need to thicken sauces or similar.

It can be a valuable ingredient in gluten-free baking as well, where it helps mimic the structure that gluten would provide in traditional recipes.

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Substitutes for Cornstarch (2)

In culinary applications, cornstarch is often used to thicken:

  • Gravies
  • Sauces
  • Soups
  • Desserts like puddings and pie fillings.

When mixed with a cold liquid and then added to a hot mixture, cornstarch forms a smooth, glossy, and translucent thickening that helps give dishes the desired consistency. You just have to be sure to mix the liquid and cornstarch gradually and thoroughly at first, otherwise it can go clumpy!

Apart from its thickening properties, cornstarch can also be used in certain baking recipes to provide a softer texture to baked goods like cookies and cakes.

Substitutes for Cornstarch

What if you find yourself without cornstarch or need a cornstarch substitute due to dietary restrictions or allergies? We’ve got you covered with these top substitutes for cornstarch:

Wheat Flour

Flour is one of the most common substitutes for cornstarch in cooking and baking. All-purpose flour, in particular, can be used as a thickening agent in sauces and gravies.

Substitutes for Cornstarch (3)

Pros and Cons of Using Wheat Flour as Cornstarch substitute


  1. Wheat flour is readily available and easy to find almost everywhere.
  2. It’s budget friendly.
  3. It has a similar taste to cornstarch, since it’s neutral in taste.


  1. It contains gluten which is not suitable for those with gluten-free diets.
  2. It requires more heat and cooking time to each its full thickening potential compared to cornstarch.
  3. It slightly affects the texture if not cooked properly and becomes too “floury”
  4. For sauces and gravies, flour can make it cloudy and less glossy than cornstarch.

How much wheat flour do you need when substituting cornstarch?

To substitute for cornstarch, you can typically use a 1:1 ratio. For instance, if a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, you’ll need 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour.

Rice Flour

Rice flour is another excellent substitute for cornstarch. Made from finely ground rice, this flour is widely used in Asian and gluten-free cooking. It has a neutral flavor and can be used as a thickening agent in various recipes.

Substitutes for Cornstarch (4)

Pros and Cons of Using Rice flour as Cornstarch substitute


  1. Rice flour is an excellent gluten-free substitute for cornstarch.
  2. Rice flour can produce a clear and translucent texture when used as a thickening agent, making it suitable for clear sauces and gravies.
  3. Rice flour has a mild, neutral flavor that won’t significantly alter the taste of your dishes, allowing it to work well in a wide range of recipes.


  1. If not properly mixed or added, rice flour can form lumps or clumps.
  2. Rice flour is a suitable substitute for many recipes, but it may not be the best choice for recipes that require a glossy finish or a specific texture that cornstarch can provide.
  3. Rice flour may require longer cooking times and higher temperatures to reach its full thickening potential compared when to cornstarch.
  4. Rice flour can result in a slightly different texture compared to cornstarch. It may be slightly grittier or produce a different mouthfeel in some dishes.

How much rice flour do you need when substituting cornstarch?

To substitute cornstarch with rice flour, you can typically use a 1:1 ratio. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, replace it with 1 tablespoon of rice flour.

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Substitutes for Cornstarch (5)

Potato Starch

Potato starch is yet another alternative to cornstarch. It is made from the starch extracted from potatoes and has a neutral flavor, making it versatile in various dishes.

Substitutes for Cornstarch (6)

Pros and Cons of Using Potato Starch as Cornstarch substitute


  1. Potato starch is an excellent gluten-free substitute for cornstarch.
  2. Potato starch is known for its strong thickening abilities. It can provide a similar consistency to cornstarch when used in recipes requiring thickening, such as sauces, soups, and gravies.
  3. Potato starch has a mild, neutral flavor, which means it won’t significantly affect the taste of your dishes.
  4. Potato starch can result in a smooth and glossy texture, making it a great choice for applications where you want a clear and attractive appearance.
  5. Potato starch maintains its thickening properties even at higher temperatures, making it suitable for both cooking and baking.


  1. Potato starch can be more expensive compared to some other thickening agents and flours, which might impact your budget.
  2. Depending on your location, potato starch might not be as readily available as cornstarch or other common thickening agents.
  3. Potato starch can clump if not properly mixed with cold liquid before adding it to hot mixtures. To avoid this, create a slurry by mixing it with a cold liquid first.
  4. In some recipes, potato starch may produce a slightly different texture compared to cornstarch. It might result in a thicker, more viscous consistency, which may not be suitable for all applications.
  5. Potato starch is generally not recommended for certain desserts where you want a smooth, translucent finish, as it can be more opaque when used as a thickening agent.

How much potato starch do you need when substituting cornstarch?

To substitute for cornstarch with potato starch, you can typically use a 1:1 ratio. If a recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, use 1 tablespoon of potato starch instead.

Arrowroot Starch

Arrowroot starch is another excellent option for those seeking a cornstarch replacement. It’s a gluten-free, grain-free starch extracted from the roots of the arrowroot plant.

Substitutes for Cornstarch (7)

Pros and Cons of Using Arrowroot Starch as Cornstarch substitute


  1. Arrowroot starch is an excellent gluten-free substitute for cornstarch.
  2. Arrowroot starch is known for its strong thickening abilities, similar to cornstarch.
  3. Arrowroot starch has a neutral flavor, which means it won’t significantly alter the taste of your dishes.
  4. Arrowroot starch can produce a clear and translucent texture, making it ideal for recipes where a glossy, see-through finish is desired, such as fruit pie fillings and clear soups.
  5. Arrowroot starch maintains its thickening properties even at high temperatures, making it suitable for both stovetop cooking and baking.


  1. Arrowroot starch can be more expensive compared to some other thickening agents and flours, which might impact your budget.
  2. Depending on your location, arrowroot starch might not be as readily available as cornstarch or other common thickening agents.
  3. Arrowroot starch can create a slightly different texture in some recipes compared to cornstarch. It may result in a smoother, silkier consistency, which may or may not be suitable for all applications.
  4. Arrowroot starch has a shorter shelf life compared to cornstarch and can clump or become less effective if not stored properly in a cool, dry place.
  5. Unlike cornstarch, arrowroot starch should be mixed with a cold liquid before adding it to hot mixtures to prevent clumping.

How much arrowroot starch do you need when substituting cornstarch?

To use arrowroot starch as a cornstarch substitute, you can typically use a 1:1.5 ratio if your recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, you can use 1.5 tablespoons of arrowroot starch.

Tapioca Starch

Tapioca starch is derived from the cassava root and is another gluten-free option to consider. It is often used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Substitutes for Cornstarch (8)

Pros and Cons of Using Tapioca Starch as Cornstarch substitute


  1. Tapioca starch is an excellent gluten-free substitute for cornstarch.
  2. Tapioca starch is known for its excellent thickening abilities, similar to cornstarch.
  3. Tapioca starch has a neutral flavor, which means it won’t significantly alter the taste of your dishes.
  4. Tapioca starch can produce a clear and translucent texture, making it ideal for recipes where a glossy, see-through finish is desired, such as fruit pie fillings and clear soups.
  5. Tapioca starch maintains its thickening properties even at high temperatures, making it suitable for both stovetop cooking and baking.


  1. Tapioca starch can be more expensive compared to some other thickening agents and flours, which might impact your budget.
  2. Depending on your location, tapioca starch might not be as readily available as cornstarch or other common thickening agents.
  3. Tapioca starch can create a slightly different texture in some recipes compared to cornstarch. It may result in a smoother, silkier consistency, which may or may not be suitable for all applications.
  4. Like arrowroot starch, tapioca starch should be mixed with a cold liquid before adding it to hot mixtures to prevent clumping.
  5. Tapioca starch can absorb moisture and clump if not stored properly in a cool, dry place.

How much tapioca starch do you need when substituting cornstarch

To substitute for cornstarch with tapioca starch, you can typically use a 1:1 ratio. If your recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of cornstarch, use 2 teaspoons of tapioca starch.

Water Chestnut Flour

Water chestnut flour is a unique and less commonly known substitute for cornstarch. It is derived from water chestnuts, a type of aquatic vegetable.

Substitutes for Cornstarch (9)

Pros and Cons of Using Water Chestnut as Cornstarch substitute


  1. Water chestnut starch is an excellent gluten-free substitute for cornstarch.
  2. Water chestnut starch has effective thickening abilities, similar to cornstarch.
  3. Water chestnut starch generally has a neutral color, allowing it to blend seamlessly with the other ingredients in your recipes.
  4. Water chestnut starch imparts a slightly nutty flavor to your dishes, which can add a unique and appealing taste to your recipes, particularly in Asian cuisine.
  5. It can create a clear and smooth texture in sauces and gravies, making it suitable for dishes where a glossy finish is desired.


  1. Water chestnut starch may not be as readily available as cornstarch or other common thickeners in all locations, which can make it less convenient to find.
  2. Water chestnut starch may result in a slightly different texture compared to cornstarch in some recipes. It may produce a thicker or more viscous consistency.
  3. Water chestnut starch may not be as versatile as some other starches or flours, and its nutty flavor may not work well in all types of dishes.
  4. Like other starches, water chestnut starch should be mixed with a cold liquid before adding it to hot mixtures to prevent clumping.

How much water chestnut starch do you need when substituting cornstarch

To substitute cornstarch with water chestnut flour, you can generally use a 1:1 ratio. If your recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of cornstarch, use 2 teaspoons of water chestnut flour.


When you find yourself in a situation where cornstarch is unavailable or not suitable for your dietary needs, there are plenty of effective substitutes to choose from. Whether you opt for flour, arrowroot starch, potato starch, or tapioca starch, these substitutes for cornstarch or cornflour can help you achieve the desired texture and consistency in your dishes. Experiment with these cornstarch substitutes and discover which one works best for your specific dish. With the right substitute on hand, you can confidently tackle any recipe, even when cornstarch is nowhere to be found.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cornstarch

Which cornstarch substitute is gluten-free?

Rice flour, potato starch, arrowroot starch, tapioca flour and water chestnut flour are all gluten free substitutes for cornstarch.

How can I avoid lumps when using substitutes for cornstarch in recipes?

To prevent lumps, mix the substitute with a small amount of cold liquid to form a smooth paste before adding it to your hot mixture. This helps evenly distribute the thickener and prevents clumps from forming.

Which cornstarch substitute is best for gluten-free baking?

For gluten-free baking, options like rice flour, tapioca starch, and potato starch work well. They can help achieve the desired texture and structure in gluten-free recipes.

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Substitutes for Cornstarch (2024)


Substitutes for Cornstarch? ›

Arrowroot is similar to cornstarch in that it needs to reach a fairly high temperature to thicken, making it a decent swap for cornstarch. It turns clear when cooked, with a neutral flavor. According to McGee, it creates a less stringy end result than the other tuber and root starches below.

What can I use if I don't have cornstarch? ›

6 Cornstarch Substitutes for All Your Cooking and Baking Needs
  • Potato Starch. Potato starch is the cornstarch substitute favorite of associate food editor Kendra Vaculin. ...
  • Rice Flour. ...
  • All-Purpose Flour. ...
  • Tapioca Flour. ...
  • Arrowroot Powder. ...
  • Xanthan Gum.
Jun 13, 2022

How can I thicken something without cornstarch or flour? ›

6 Ways to Thicken Sauce Without Cornstarch
  1. Reduce the sauce. Simmering your sauce over low heat will cause the water in the sauce to evaporate and the sauce to naturally thicken. ...
  2. Add egg yolks. ...
  3. Prepare a roux. ...
  4. Make a beurre manié. ...
  5. Add pureed vegetables. ...
  6. Use another thickening agent.
Jan 18, 2022

What ingredients below can be an alternative for cornstarch? ›

Cornstarch Substitutes
  • Flour. If you've been wondering: "Can I substitute flour for cornstarch?" The answer is yes! ...
  • Rice Flour. A common ingredient in Asian cuisines, this flour, made from finely ground rice, is a favorite substitution for regular flour as a gluten-free option. ...
  • Xanthan Gum. ...
  • Ground Flaxseed. ...
  • Glucomannan.
Jun 9, 2024

What has the same consistency as cornstarch? ›

Arrowroot is similar to cornstarch in that it needs to reach a fairly high temperature to thicken, making it a decent swap for cornstarch. It turns clear when cooked, with a neutral flavor. According to McGee, it creates a less stringy end result than the other tuber and root starches below.

Is baking soda a good substitute for cornstarch? ›

Baking soda cannot substitute cornstarch. Baking soda is a leavening agent whereas cornstarch is a thickener. These two ingredients may look similar, but they have very different purposes in cooking and cannot be used interchangeably.

What is a natural thickener? ›

The starches most commonly used as thickeners are extracted from grains such as corn, wheat, or rice and root vegetables such as potato, cassava, and arrowroot.

Which is a substitute for 2 tablespoon of cornstarch for thickening? ›

Most cooks recommend substituting 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 2 tablespoons of tapioca flour. Tapioca is a processed starch flour made from the root vegetable cassava. You should substitute around 2 tablespoons of tapioca flour for each tablespoon of cornstarch.

Can I mix flour and water instead of cornstarch? ›

You'll need 2 tablespoons of flour for every 1 tablespoon of cornstarch in a recipe. Be sure to add the flour as directed — either by cooking it with other liquid, as for a pie filling, or by making a slurry of flour and water to add towards the end of cooking, like with soups or gravies.

What is a good substitute for cornstarch in pudding? ›

Cornstarch often teams up with egg yolks to thicken a custard or pudding. Swapping in all-purpose or rice flour is your best bet here, since tapioca, potato starch, and arrowroot powder can be finicky with respect to cooking and holding.

What can I use instead of cornstarch in keto recipes? ›

Almond flour or almond meal can give you the same texture and consistency as cornstarch, without the high carb count or any adverse health effects. Almond flour contains beneficial vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

What can I use instead of corn flour or starch? ›

Rice flour is one of the most readily available cornflour substitutes, and brown rice flour brings a boost of nutrients to any recipe. Like oat flour, brown rice flour is very absorbent and sticky. Raw rice flour has a finer texture than cornflour and a heavier, denser feel when cooked.

What if I don't have cornstarch? ›

“If I don't have cornstarch, the next best option is potato starch. It doesn't alter the flavor while yielding a similar texture.” Wang suggests erring on the side of using a little bit less potato starch compared to cornstarch (potato starch weighs about 35% more than cornstarch) when using it for sauces and stews.

What is a paleo substitute for cornstarch? ›

Instead of cornstarch, use arrowroot flour or tapioca flour. We found that arrowroot flour works well to thicken sauces and gravies and helps to lighten the texture of baked goods. Tapioca flour works well in coatings, such as velveting chicken for stir-fries.

How to thicken pie filling without cornstarch? ›

Very often flour or cornstarch is used, but in certain instances tapioca, arrowroot and potato starch can also help achieve the desired consistency. Tapioca starch is preferable for products that will be frozen because it will not break down when thawed. We like tapioca in blueberry, cherry or peach pies.

Can I substitute flour for cornstarch for frying? ›

All-Purpose Flour

Although it won't produce the same glossy shine as cornstarch, it'll get the job done in a pinch. All-purpose flour contains about half the thickening power of cornstarch, so for every tablespoon of cornstarch required, you'll need to substitute two tablespoons of all-purpose flour.

Can I use self-raising flour instead of cornstarch? ›

Self rising flour is all purpose flour with baking powder and salt added. If your recipe includes baking powder you leave it out. If your recipe doesn't include baking powder using self rising flour will change the texture of the cookies. If the recipe asks for cornstarch you still add it.

Is there baking powder without corn starch? ›

For someone who can't have corn, they'll need a baking powder that has either potato starch, arrowroot, or tapioca starch. Whilst there are a couple of brands on the market that can serve the corn free community, as many learned during the pandemic, supplies are limited.

Is baking powder the same as cornstarch? ›

Cornstarch is a component of baking powder, but the difference between the two is significant. Cornstarch itself is simply a thickening agent that absorbs moisture, not a leavening agent. The presence of cornstarch in baking powder is solely to keep the baking powder inactive until it interacts with liquid.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.