[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (2024)

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (1)

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (2)

A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars
By: CaptainX

Thread Preview

Overview and Mode Description
How to Play
Useful Strategies
Leveling and Experience
Cosmetic Shop and Loot Chests
Maps, Achievements, and Quests

Bedwars Overview & Mode Description

Bedwars was originally one of the first Prototype Lobby games. It was officially released (v1.0) on June 29th, 2017. Since this time Bedwars has had its own leaderboards, (cosmetic) shop, and lobby. Bedwars is a game with 4 modes: Solo, Doubles, 3v3v3v3, and 4v4v4v4. Each mode varies from one another. For starters, Solo and Doubles have similar maps in island separation and ore spawning rates, but different amounts of people. In Solo you play by yourself on a map for 8 total players and in Doubles you play on a team of tw0 on a map for 16 total players. 3v3v3v3 and 4v4v4v4 are slightly different in terms of map size. These modes are on a much larger map with four teams of 3 or four teams of 4. The island separation is much larger than that of Solo or Doubles. Later in the thread I will discuss how to play and what the best strategies are to win in each gamemode.

How to Play Bedwars
Bedwars is a game of offense and defense. The objective is to defend your team's bed and attempt to break other teams' beds. The bed of each team allows that team to die and respawn as many times as they want. Once a team's bed is broken if they die again they are permanently dead for that game. To win the game a decent amount of times (without luck) you will have to do some protecting and some attacking, so balance wisely!

There are special ores that spawn from generators that will aid in your efforts. The four ores/minerals in Bedwars are iron, gold, diamonds, and emeralds. These minerals can be used in an in-game shop (the two villagers at your base). Iron and gold are the most common of these resources and will spawn at each teams' base. Diamonds spawn on individual side islands that are often fighting grounds. Emeralds spawn in the middle island that is significantly larger than all the others. Emeralds are the most rare of the minerals and so they spawn slowly compared to the other ores. Throughout the game the spawning rate of the diamonds and emeralds will speed up. To increase the spawning rate of your base's generator of iron and gold you will need to purchase and upgrade with diamonds at the store. This brings me to my next point of what each resource buys. I have made a complete list of what each ore can purchase.

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (3)


[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (4)

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (5)


[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (6)

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (7)


[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (8)

Note: This is very complex system to express into a table. And so the slashes between numbers are how much it costs for the next level of the team upgrades. There are also 2 categories for Solo/Doubles and 3v3v3v/4v4v4v4.

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (9)


[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (10)

Here is a timeline showing the timeline of the game from start to finish.

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (11)

Note: Diamond and Emerald tier 3 continue for the rest of the game at that rate, which is why they have no end. Also, sudden death and bed destruction do not end since dragons continue to fly around until the end of the game and because the beds remain broken.

Shoutout to @Indigan for the help on this one [Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (12)

Useful Strategies
There are a plethora of strategies and ways to play Bedwars on Hypixel, but I will be listing some of the main ones from what I have seen and used. I can say that all of these strategies do work and mixing some of these strategies together forms even more beneficial strategies. You have to find your "happy medium" and the strategy that fits your play style and that you are the most comfortable with.

The Rushers
This is a strategy where a player or team rushes immediately for the middle to get emeralds. This strategy is the most risky because it leaves you bed unguarded, but it can also be the most rewarding. Often times a team or player will defend the middle until they have the amount of emeralds they need. Usually, these emeralds are put toward an obsidian bed defense or to diamond armor. This strategy is for a well-experienced player and someone who is good at pvp.

The Defenders

This is a strategy where a player or group of players stay behind at their base to defend. This strategy is often the safest, but could lead to later problems if proper minerals aren't gained. These players often build extravagant bases that offer a lot of protection for the bed. This strategy (most of the time) will prolong that team's time in the game.

The Diamond Farmers
This is a strategy where a player or team basically milks the diamond generator(s) like they are cows. They upgrade for their team to give them an upper edge, whether it's in pvp or in their personal generator. Most of the time these players build up their forges to spawn emeralds and so they have to rarely leave their base.

The Attackers
This is a strategy to immediately eliminate other players or teams. These attackers go directly to their opponents base and break their beds (or attempt to). This is another risky, but potentially rewarding strategy. These attackers will wait for you to leave your base or will kill you and in that respawning period break your bed. These players often have pickaxes, axes, tnt, swords, and other attacking materials.

Useful Bed-Defense Strategies
To give you base the ultimate protection you need to have a good defense. Most times players start off defending the bed with wood planks, endstone, sandstone, and wool (in order from best to worst). Later in the game though you will want to be secured by an obsidian defense just in case someone sneaks in or tries to blow up your protection shell. In your defense you will usually want to include both wood and a block that requires a pickaxe. This makes the attackers have to be prepared to get to your bed. To slow down the process of them penetrating your base I suggest putting water around your "bed shell" and upgrading mining fatigue. If you have the iron you should also place an iron golem, which will make it difficult for attacks to dig through when being swung at. Make sure that the golem can not be shot from far away though because then it is just wasted iron. Another good team upgrade for your base would be "It's a trap!". This is because it not only slows and blinds the enemy, but it also alerts all your team members that someone is in your base. Oh, and one last thing about the bed shell. You should build it up rather largely, so tnt will not break through in just one hit. This will also confuse players to where your bed actually is.

Useful Bed-Breaking Strategies
If you are going to start an attack make sure you know your enemy. You will want to know if they had a lot of emeralds for example because then you might need a diamond pickaxe for obsidian. Bed-Breaking missions always work better with a team (team modes ONLY). You can have one player distract and sort of lure and tease the players out of their base while you have your teammate drop some TNT on their bed shell. This brings me to my next point of breaking the bed shell. TNT will break any block except obsidian, so this is useful to have. You will want to place the TNT on the bed shell's thinnest part. This is why often times attacks are coordinated from above the base. When attacking always carry at least a stone pickaxe in the case that you know they don't have obsidian, but might have endstone. The best time to attack a bed is when the team is away. You have to be careful though because they might come running back if you set off the "It's a trap!". If you know a team does have obsidian I highly recommend having your maniac miner upgraded to hurry up that obsidian breaking!

Note: There are different strategies for each gamemode based on island separation and the amount of team members.

Leveling and Experience
Leveling and experience is something you always see players wondering about. How do I get it? What does leveling up do? What's the best way to level up? Well, Bedwars levels are in the form of stars where each level is a star. You earn experience for these levels through playing games, winning games, playing with teamates, and completing quests. Every time you level up you earn a loot chest, which is a chest that grants you 3 cosmetic items from the shop. I will discuss what these cosmetics are in the next section. For a full guide on stars, leveling, and experience you can click HERE .

Cosmetic Shop and Loot Chests
Bedwars does not have a shop of upgrades and instead has a shop full of cosmetics! Some cosmetics require a purchased rank though. To get to the cosmetic shop right click the shop keeper in the lobby or the emerald in your hand. As previously mentioned, you earn these cosmetic rewards after opening loot chests, which are awarded every time you level up, but can also be bought HERE . If you receive a duplicate cosmetic you are awarded coins instead. Currently, there are 9 types of cosmetics: projectile trails, victory dances, final kill effects, sprays, island toppers, death cries, shopkeeper skins, kill messages, and glyphs. I have provided a list of what each cosmetic is in addition to which cosmetics are currently available.

  • Projectile Trails: Add particles trails to your projectiles
  • Final Kill Effects: Adds a special effect that takes place when you Final Kill another player
  • Victory Dances: Special dances that happen when you or your team win a game
  • Death Cries: Play a custom noise when you die
  • Sprays: Spray a custom-image onto the walls of the map
  • Glyphs: Spawn a custom image Glyph above your head
  • Island Toppers: Adds a custom built Topper to your starting island
  • Shopkeeper Skins: Customise the skin of your shopkeeper
  • Kill Messages: Change all your kill messages to custom ones

Note: This is a direct quote from the Bedwars full release thread located here: https://hypixel.net/threads/bed-wars-v1-0-is-live-play-the-full-release-now.1193624/

Note: All common cosmetics cost 5,000 coins, all rare cosmetics cost 10,000 coins, all epic cosmetics cost 25,000 coins, and all legendary cosmetics cost 100,000 coins. The cosmetics however do not have to be paid for if you find them in a loot chest.

Projectile Trails
Slime Projectile Trail | COMMON
Ender Projectile Trail | COMMON
Lava Projectile Trail | COMMON
Potion Projectile Trail | COMMON
Water Projectile Trail | COMMON
Black Smoke Projectile Trail | COMMON
White Smoke Projectile Trail | COMMON
Notes Projectile Trail | RARE
Blue Dust Projectile Trail | RARE
Red Dust Projectile Trail | RARE
Purple Dust Projectile Trail | RARE
Fire Projectile Trail | EPIC
Magic Projectile Trail | EPIC
Green Star Projectile Trail | EPIC
Angry Villager Projectile Trail | EPIC
Firework Projectile Trail | EPIC
Hearts Projectile Trail | LEGENDARY
Rainbow Projectile Trail | LEGENDARY
Random Projectile Trail | LEGENDARY

Victory Dances
Anvil Rain Victory Dance | COMMON
Fireworks Victory Dance | COMMON
Meteor Shower Victory Dance | RARE
Guardians Victory Dance | RARE
Special Fireworks Victory Dance | EPIC
Wither Rider Victory Dance | EPIC
Dragon Rider Victory Dance | LEGENDARY

Final Kill Effects
Squid Final Kill Effect | COMMON
Firework Final Kill Effect | COMMON
Lightning Final Kill Effect | COMMON
TnT Final Kill Effect | COMMON
Heart Aura Final Kill Effect | RARE
Head Rocket Final Kill Effect | RARE
Burning Shoes Final Kill Effect| RARE
Cookie Fountain Final Kill Effect | RARE
Campfire Final Kill Effect | RARE
Blood Explosion Final Kill Effect | EPIC
Rekt Final Kill Effect | EPIC
Pinata Final Kill Effect | EPIC
XP Orb Final Kill Effect | EPIC
Smiley Final Kill Effect | EPIC
Final Smash Final Kill Effect | LEGENDARY
Lit Final Kill Effect | LEGENDARY
Tornado Final Kill Effect | LEGENDARY

Hypixel Logo Spray | COMMON
Creeper Spray | COMMON
Thanks Spray | COMMON
Diamond Spray | COMMON
Invisibility Potion Spray | COMMON
Bed Shield Spray | RARE
GG WP Spray | RARE
Sorry Spray | RARE
Enderman Spray | RARE
Golem Riding Spray | RARE
Leaping Potion Spray | RARE
Bed Breaker Spray | EPIC
I Love You Spray | EPIC
Bye Bye Spray | EPIC
TNT Drop Spray | EPIC
Carried Spray | LEGENDARY
Dragon Slayer Spray | LEGENDARY
Loot Chest Spray | LEGENDARY

Island Toppers
Note Island Topper | COMMON
Sheep Island Topper | COMMON
Slime Island Topper | COMMON
TnT Island Topper | COMMON
Flame Island Topper | COMMON
Heart Island Topper | COMMON
Sword Island Topper | RARE
Bomb Island Topper | RARE
Gong Island Topper | RARE
Smiley Island Topper | RARE
Rubix Cube Island Topper | RARE
Brick House Island Topper | RARE
Rainbow Island Topper | EPIC
Sun Glasses Island Topper | EPIC
Treasure Chest Island Topper | EPIC
Fish Bowl Island Topper| EPIC
Sloth Island Topper | EPIC
Monocle Island Topper | EPIC
Chicken Island Topper | LEGENDARY
Top Hat Island Topper | LEGENDARY
Whale Island Topper | LEGENDARY
Fancy Helmet Island Topper | LEGENDARY

Death Cries
Bazinga Death Cry | COMMON
Deflated Death Cry | COMMON
Enderman Death Cry | COMMON
Dinosour Death Cry | COMMON
Robot Mouse Death Cry | COMMON
Pig Death Cry | COMMON
Grumpy Villager Death Cry | COMMON
Sad Puppy Death Cry | COMMON
Monster Burp Death Cry | COMMON
Fireball Death Cry | COMMON
Dry Bones Death Cry | COMMON
Ding Death Cry | RARE
Splash Death Cry | RARE
Bat Death Cry | RARE
Plop Death Cry | RARE
Aww Death Cry | EPIC
Energy Death Cry | EPIC
Grumble Death Cry | EPIC

Shopkeeper Skins
Blacksmith Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Zombie Pigman Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Zombie Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Villager Zombie Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Wither Skeleton Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Blaze Shopkeeper Skin| COMMON
Bed Salesman Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Holiday Bartender Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Magic Vendor Shopkeeper Skin | COMMON
Creeper Shopkeeper Skin | RARE
Witch Shopkeeper Skin | RARE
Bed Researcher Shopkeeper Skin | RARE
King Of Beds Shopkeeper Skin | RARE
Animated Evil Eye Shopkeeper Skin | EPIC
Animated Astronaut Shopkeeper Skin | EPIC
Animated Ender Pulse Shopkeeper Skin | EPIC

Kill Messages

Western | COMMON
Love | RARE
Pirate | EPIC

Iron Glyph | COMMON
Gold Glyph | COMMON
Diamond Glyph | COMMON
Emerald Glyph | COMMON
Thumbs Down Glyph | COMMON
Thumbs Up Glyph | COMMON
Hi Glyph | COMMON
Storm Glyph | COMMON
Sword Glyph | COMMON
Yes Glyph | COMMON
Burn Glyph | COMMON
Daisy Glyph | COMMON
No Glyph | COMMON
Bronze Shield Glyph | COMMON
Silver Shield Glyph | COMMON
Gold Shield Glyph | COMMON
Star Glyph | COMMON
Bed Glyph | RARE
GG Glyph | RARE
Smiley Face Glyph | RARE
Spectrum Glyph | RARE
Lol Glyph | RARE
TNT Glyph | RARE
Heart Glyph | EPIC
Angry Face Glyph | EPIC
Creeper Scream Glyph | EPIC
Skull Glyph | EPIC
Shock Face Glyph| EPIC
Winky Face Glyph| EPIC
Scream Face Glyph | EPIC
Cry Face Glyph | LEGENDARY
No 1 Glyph | LEGENDARY
Chicken Glyph | LEGENDARY
Rainbow Glyph| LEGENDARY

Maps, Achievements, and Quests
A full list that includes pictures of each map and for each gamemode is located: HERE . Quests are daily or weekly goals that you can find at the Quest Master that help players to earn experience and coins! If you are an MVP+ you can automatically select these quests, but if you're not you will manually have to do it each day. Currently, there are a total of 6 quests. Completing achievements earns you achievement points. There are a bunch of one-time achievements and also tiered achievements.

Daily: First Win Of The Day: Win a game of Bed Wars
Daily: One More Game!: Play 2 games of Bed Wars
Weekly: Bed Removal Co.: Destroy 25 beds in Bed Wars

Defensive: Defend your base against 5 attackers in a single game
Support: Collect 10 diamonds in a single game
Offensive: Destroy 2 beds in a single game

One-Time Achievements
Key: AP = Achievement Points

I don't need a bed | Survive 10 minutes without a bed |10 AP
Pointless Challenge | Win a game without killing an enemy with a sword | 5 AP
Emerald Hoarder | Collect at least 25 emeralds in a game | 10 AP
Great lord of fire | Have 10 fireballs in your inventory in the same time | 5 AP
First Blood | Be the first player to kill an enemy | 5 AP
Iron Punch | Get a kill with an iron golem | 5 AP
The Sniper | Kill a player from at least 40 blocks away | 5 AP
Team Player | Place an emerald in your team chest | 5 AP
Builder | Place over 200 blocks in a game | 5 AP
Diamond Hoarder | Collect at least 50 diamonds in a game | 10 AP
Shear Luck | Kill a player with shears | 5 AP
Super Looter | Obtain at least 20 gold ingots from enemies in a game | 10 AP
Alchemist | Buy 10 potions in a game | 5 AP
Dragon Slayer | Kill an Ender Dragon | 10 AP
Getting the job done | Destroy half of the beds in one game | 15 AP
Geared Up- | Purchase the diamond sword and armor | 5 AP
Survivor | Win a game without dying | 10 AP
Strategist | Purchase the Reinforced Armor IV team upgrade | 10 AP
Already Over | Win a game within 10 minutes | 10 AP
Merciless | Final kill 5 enemies in one game | 5 AP
Golem's rose | Kill 5 enemy golems in a game | 10 AP
You can't trap me | Destroy a bed within 10 seconds of activating the enemy trap | 5 AP
The Ultimate Defense | Place 8 obsidian blocks around your bed | 5 AP
Speedy Bridger | Be the first player to obtain an Emerald from the middle island | 5 AP

Tiered Achievements
Victory Dancer I | Win 25 games | 5 AP
Victory Dancer II | Win 75 games | 10 AP
Victory Dancer III | Win 200 games | 15 AP
Victory Dancer IV | Win 500 games | 20 AP
Victory Dancer V | Win 1000 games | 25 AP

Road To Prestige I | Reach 5 Bed Wars Level | 5 AP
Road To Prestige II | Reach 25 Bed Wars Level | 10 AP
Road To Prestige III | Reach 50 Bed Wars Level | 15 AP
Road To Prestige IV| Reach 75 Bed Wars Level | 20 AP
Road To Prestige V | Reach 100 Bed Wars Level | 25 AP

Bed Removal I | Destroy 10 beds | 5 AP
Bed Removal II | Destroy 25 beds | 10 AP
Bed Removal III | Destroy 100 beds | 15 AP
Bed Removal IV | Destroy 250 beds | 20 AP
Bed Removal V | Destroy 500 beds | 25 AP

Crate Looter I | Open 10 Loot Chests | 5 AP
Crate Looter II | Open 25 Loot Chests | 10 AP
Crate Looter III | Open 100 Loot Chests | 15 AP
Crate Looter IV | Open 250 Loot Chests | 20 AP
Crate Looter V | Open 500 Loot Chests | 25 AP

Note: All achievement completions can be viewed here: https://plancke.io/hypixel/player/achievements/YOURNAMEHERE


That's all folks! This has been a comprehensive guide on Bedwars. I hope you found this helpful and informative and I hope I improved your Bedwars knowledge by reading it [Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (13). I will make sure to update this thread as Bedwars grows more popular and receives more updates. Until next time! ^.^

A guide by CaptainX

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars ⚔ (14)

[Guide] A Comprehensive Guide to Bedwars  ⚔ (2024)


What is the best strategy in BedWars Roblox? ›

Rushing: The most common and best strategy in BedWars is rushing. After the match begins, farm some iron bars from your generator and buy wool blocks. Then, rush to the enemy's base and destroy their bed as soon as possible.

What is the easiest mode in Bedwars? ›

This is obvious, solo is the easiest, double is the hard.

How to get better at BedWars Roblox 2024? ›

The first step to improving at Bedwars is to get the basics down pat. Understand the game's objective: protect your bed while trying to destroy your opponents'. Gathering resources like iron, gold, and diamonds will help you buy better gear and fortify your defense.

How many hours does it take to get 1000 stars in Bedwars? ›

So in order to get 1000 stars (w/o quests) you would need to play about 2425 hours. Taking quests into account: Assuming they play an average of 4 hours a day every day and complete the weekly quest: In one week they would play 28 hours, which gives a base of 56,000 xp.

What is the hardest block to break in roblox Bedwars? ›

Obsidian is the second hardest block to break, coral blocks being the hardest.

Is roblox Bedwars appropriate? ›

Bed Wars has very mild fantasy violence and is rated PEGI 7, suitable for ages 7 and up.

How much XP does 30v30 give in Roblox BedWars? ›

30v30 is a gamemode in BedWars. The generators are much faster, with diamond generators generating every 20 seconds and emerald generators generating every 30 seconds. When winning a round, the player is awarded 100 XP in the Battle Pass, just like in Duels.

Is Bedwars anti cheat good? ›

Anti-Cheat, referred to in the kill feed at SWORD, is a countermeasure designed to prevent exploitation. While not perfect, it prevents games from being completely ruined. It is constantly being updated to combat new exploits. Anti-Cheat only acts up when it detects suspicious activities and...

What is the glitch in Bedwars roblox? ›

In BedWars, a glitch can range from an item not functioning properly, to a kit's ability not working, to anti-cheat triggering randomly.

How to fight good in BedWars roblox? ›

You need timing, good reactions, and game sense. To do this, you need to hit a person when they are on the air, or jump and hit when they are on the ground, and repeat. Other than that, depend on CPS and the movement of both of you.

What are the cheats in Bedwars? ›

Custom Match Commands List
/luckyairdropDrops a Lucky Block Airdrop.
/hugeluckyblockDrop Huge Lucky Blocks.
/spawn [item] [amount]Gives the player an item.
/i [item] [amount]Shorter version of /spawn, same functionality.
36 more rows

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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